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One Piece Movie 6: Omatsuri Danshaku to Himitsu no Shima (2005)

Posted: 02/05/24 23:43
by bunniefuu
If you are…

If you are…

The pirate of the pirates of the pirates…

then bring your partners
of confidence on this island.

The name of this island is…

the Omatsuri island?

Yes! The Omatsuri island.

But I never have
heard the name of this island.

Ca must be a trap.

What the Omatsuri island? They there
have fun the festival the every day?

Please, read what follows.

The Omatsuri island is only
place of plays of Large Line.

As its name indicates it, all them
days it is a jour de fête over there.

There are many good
sources and of beauty parlors.

Sources and beauty parlors.

It is what? Ca with the interesting air.

Beauties of the four corners of the world will spend one good moment with you during all the night.

Beauties? It is
really a superb island.

And then the dinner is
a Manchurian-Han feast.

A Manchurian-Han feast.

It is what? It is what
like kind of food?

I think that one is of agreement
to say that it is a trap.

A trap?

Be stupid for you.

You do not find that super? It there
no problem with the Omatsuri island has.

It is known that it is a good island only
by its name. I can guarantee it to you.

You are incredible. That
let us must be done, captain?

Hey, Luffy.

Is Luffy, what you me listenings?

Can Nami, you read again?

If you are the pirate
pirates of the pirates…

then bring your partners
of confidence on this island.

Ok, I made my decision.

We will go on the island of Omatsuri.

We are pirates after all!

















Hey. Y' does not have crowd on this island.

We are there.

Or… the festival is finished?

I am the navigatrice. Is what I have you
already take along to the bad place before?

Who is that which said that he wanted
to make a pause on this deserted island?

That would be appropriate for any person wishing
not to see anybody during these holidays.

Be to you really sh1tting.

What is what you said?

It is strange.

What thus?

I thought of having seen flowers
drawn on the chart.

But I do not see any flower.

One it is made have.

Let us go Y.

You did not hear something?

Ca comes from over there.

Sources and beauty parlors….

Beauties of the four corners of the world…

The Manchurian-Han feast.

Is it….

… a dream which becomes reality?

Come in my arms, beaut…

Who are you?

Look at. They have sheets
who one thorough on their heads.

It is similar by there.

Here too. What is what have there these guy?

Look at, a flower on its shoulder!



Brave pirates who
cross Grand Line!

It is me! It is me! It is me!

Close it!

Welcome on the Omatsuri island!

I am the Baron Omatsuri.

Baron Omatsuri?

Yes. I am the Master of this
island, and I would deal with you.

Go. Go.

Your long voyage has being
exhausting. Release and amuse.

Go. Go.

Amuse until satisfaction!

Go! Go! Go!

But before that, you must…

to undergo an infernal test!

Really hard?


Really hard…


It is really very strange.

Then… Then I to put a question…

And which is it?

It is known as on the invitation that there is
sources and beauty parlors…


And of the beauties of the four corners of the world
and of the sun rays colors ambers…

Colors ambers?

And the Man-Han feast…

The Man-Han feast
? Man-Han…

Glass fragments us.

Wait! Wait
one minute! Wait!

Is old man, it what this infernal test?

They is tricks like
to test your force, etc…

Until now all those which have
accepted this test are flees at the end.

Ca with the interesting air!

If you do not have confidence in your
partners, you should give up.

You insane of us. The test is accepted.


Luffy, you should think of it calmly.

Who y' has T it of good for
us to accept this test?

Put besides, us
sums not to oblige to accept.

It is true, Luffy. They is dangerous.

We are not obliged there but
I want to raise the challenge.

It is not the moment to laugh.
I said to you that it was a trap.

Good Ah?

He said that it was an infernal test.

It is true.

You do not know what it will occur!

They is good.


What is what it y' has?

How can you be if released?

Ca has little importance if it is one
trap or not, and for you too.


Because I believe in you all.

Captain, it is really nice!

Infernal! Infernal!

Show me what it is.


I take share there too.

This Baron interests me.


I believe that one does not have any more
of another choice to accept.

Ok. Let us go there and finish in.


Luffy, since it is your choice.
I would follow you until the end.

Ok. I take share there. I take share there.

Everyone takes part in it. Super.

Then be ready for this infernal test.

That is what

I will explain you
of what the test consists:

It is…

It is?

Catch the poisson rouge!

Catch the poisson rouge…

Rules for it
play are very simple.

The side which catches more
poissons rouges in three minutes gains.

Let me say to you that the scoop
tears very easily in water.

Let me present your competitors to you
; a man of which I am really very proud.

Show, Muchigoro!

[MUCHIGORO, hears us, you come here are our]

How is that? I am Muchigoro.

What is what he said?

He said that he was a fish.

It is not an eel?

Little to be a loach.

It is only one idiot.

Forgery. I am Muchigoro,

most remarkable of the men
of the Baron Omatsuri, Muchigoro.

It is an idiot.

Then, which among
you will be our adverse?

Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!


I insane to know itself if it is
Muchigoro or Sugigoro. Leave it to me.

I believed that you were super afraid
to die in this infernal test?

Just because that it is necessary to catch
poissons rouges, you seized again yourself.

Come, head of idiot.

I am Muchigoro.

You will regret having
to meet a type like me.

I am that which they call
the attrapor of poissons rouges.




Not possible?

NOT possible!

It is true.


Be impressive for you.

I am good, is not this step?

You are not praising you?

Please I says that you praise yourself.

I praise myself.

You praise yourself?

I praise myself.

Yes, I praise myself.

You really praised yourself!

Shit. You had me.

You see, I had said to you
that it was an idiot.

Muchigoro, does not leave it
to carry out you by the end of the nose.

I am afflicted, Baron.

Then let us start.

The competition

Start now!

What is what there is?


It is what that?

It is my animal of
company, Rosario Baby.

You saw them? Make fun of them
as far as you want it, Muchigoro.

They are that imbeciles!

Rosario is our good little baby.

Waits! What is what that wants to say?

What? I would not have said
catch the poisson rouge?

But it is too enormous. How
want catch yourself that??

Oh, is necessary just to put it in the seal.

Why not have said it earlier?

One it is made trap.

Ca becomes interesting.

Interesting, my bottom!

Hold. It is for you.

I let you make the remainder.

Waits, Mr. the famous one!

Ok! I will do it!


Nami miss, attention!


Rosario baby.

Nami-san, ace you considering my
valiant kick?

Zoro, it is for you.

For me…?

I cannot take it, y' has
more than one way of doing that…

It is against the rules to use
swords in “catch the poisson rouge”!

Salt stupid!

Salt gredin! You wanted to cross
my small Rosario of pieces!

To me says what I must do then.

I will test. Give me the scoop.


Its arm lengthens. It is…

He ate a fruit of the demon.

Is the scoop it torn?

Oh, torn.

It is impossible to capture also large
poisson rouge with a so small scoop.

You are right absolutely, Miss.

Muchigoro, watch theirs.

You must make like that to capture
small Rosario with the scoop.

It is méprisable of your share.

One can use that?

Who said that one had absolutely
to use such a small scoop?

Remember? I just said that
the scoop tore easily in water.

One… One it is still made have.

Still a minute.

The last minute.

Baby Rosario, one arrives.
Would be nice and come here.

Good work, Muchigoro!

Thank you for your
compliments, Baron Omatsuri.


Tss, you would have to say that one had the right
to use what one wanted since the beginning.

There. Come there.

Another fruit of the demon…

Rosario baby.

Oh not.

It comes by. Run!


Let me make.

More than 10 seconds.

End of the match! End of the match!

The team of the straw hat has
gained! The victory is with them!

Woo-Hoo, yeah, they is super!

Played well, Chopper!




I… I come to save you.

I… I believed that I was going to die.

Thank you, Luffy.

No the problem. Not
of problem. It is nothing.

Hey, I am that which saved you!

Sanji, Quandest-EC-that
you returned in water?

They cannot swim. You
to point out that, bands of idiots.

It does not matter, we have…



I am afflicted, Baron. I am
useless. I made you shame.

I did not think only one
will gain also easily.

It is not an infernal test.

Congratulations! Congratulations
! Congratulations!

Then it was that?

Wait! The competition
is not finished yet!

I thought that one
had just gained?

You still must
to gain the next test.

Do not believe that it was that.

How dare you
to make fun of my Muchigoro.

Wait! You in
had not spoken front!

You lost. Admit it.

Close! Not the sorrow to say some more.
I said that the competition continued.

What you has just said, old man?

You are a bad loser.

There is another test? Interesting.

It is done.

Luffy, Luffy. We are
come here to put back us.

We does not summon here to undergo
tests of the combatant, included/understood?

Listen. We go too
to gain the next test!


I would not exempt to you
also easily if you lose.


Nami, you too!


Is Hey, or what you go, Nami?

Considering you like this test so much
infernal, you can do it all alone.

I cannot allow myself
to do it with you.

Nami! I said, Nami!

With the fact, or sums us?

We are lost.

Did the place where one drop anchor…?

It is rather complicated…

It is not by?

Not, it is by here.

Wait! Calm!

Wait, one can one be well?

I do not know.

Then which is the interest
to have a chart?

It is what?

It would be said that somebody camped here.

To camp in this kind of island?

Y' has people who like that.


We must go straight.

It is true, one must find
a means of joining the coast.

It must y' have a way by.

Nami, should make us half turn.



I have known as close!

One leaves the drill.

Ca makes a long time that us
you wait, honest pirates.

Hey, it is the uncle Fleur.


You did not let to us rest…

… and now one cannot
to leave this island more.

It would be said that the only thing
who remains us to do it is…

… the infernal test!

Act 2.

Mesdames and Sirs, I go you
to explain what is the next test:

It is…

It is?

To launch the cerceaux one!

To launch the cerceaux one?

Each team will have to indicate four
people and then to drive an Outboard motor boat.

The team which will launch more
cerceaux on its adversary will gain.

Let me present four to you of
my companions of which I am very proud.

In first, the captain:Keroji.

The central attacker:Keroshot.

The repairer:Keroteek.

Young people and
only woman:Keroko.

What! They really go
to play? They have the so old air.

For us, you are
hens wet.

You have the notch to say that to us to us.

And how oses you us
to speak on this ton!

It is in anger. It
is immature and not has patience.

I am impatient. And then! I said,
why is what you to speak to us on this tone?

I am tired so much.
Then I to make a nap?

Forget the nap. You participles or not?

You are just a little younger
that me. Moreover you are arrogant.


Then, which among you
takes part in this match?

Me! Me! Me! Me! I arrive!

Remain at side. I would undertake them.

Since when Nami is
it so enthusiastic?

Nami takes part. Would have
I to take part in it too?

Robin-chan, why
pas le to make together?

You always vibrate
for the tricks like that.

I did not invite you.

I would not go even if you invited me.

Moron, remains here sitted
and looks in silence.

With quiest-EC-that you speak?

Does Y' have someone else?

Ok! Ok! Stop! Stop!


Look at behind. They are so slow.

Now, Nami.

Take that!


Not possible! They are too fast.

It is almost time
for us to attack.

They underestimate us.

It is true.

It is which these guy?

Yosh, we are in front
them. Prepare the cerceaux ones!

There is something
that I do not include/understand.


Why is what it is you and not
Nami-san on this boat, the epeist?

They almost time for us to attack.


Why isn't this step Nami-san…?

I want to also play
with the throw the cerceaux one.

Let do them. We will remain
here and we will release ourselves.

It is what?

What? What?

Who is!?

Or you are? Leave your hiding-place!

You are thus over there!


I said to you, to stop!

I said to stop you not running!


They stopped and
they start to react.

They start to react.

Loan to be att*cked!


I do not see anything any more in front of us.

Shit! I am hungry.


Ca will not be smoked out any more one
time that one will be beside them.

The old men should eat
puffs out of old man.

Why don't you test not this?

It is what that?


How you direction you now?

Remain and relaxed here you until
that the competition finishes.

Thank you.

You are really very attentive.

I have just lost my match, you can
thus to ask me what you want.

It is the rule on this island.

Good Ah? Then let us carry a toast.

I still work.
I cannot drink.

How that! You have just said that I
could ask you anything.

It is that… I think
that I do not have the choice.

Then let us carry a toast to it
rather special playing field.


But I am rather surprised
that it is a playing field.

There is nobody here separately us.


I will make a turn.

I return from continuation.

Where is what you were
until now?

You are really worthy to be followed.

I risked my life to return in this castle in order to make you a superb proposal.

Risked your life?

I am sorry not to be to me presented front. I am the captain of the crew of men with a moustache,

in short, the good man who began the revolution against the diabolic rules of the Baron Omatsuri.

You have a little snot
in lower part of your nose.

It is a moustache.

It is the symbol of the crew
pirates men with a moustache.

And I am not very nice with
those who are not my partners.

You see? A moustache!

What do you think about it? Super, not? Why
you in leashes you not too? A moustache.

It is what that? Ca would have
to be a moustache!

Which is your proposal?

Ah yes.

You have six companions with you.

I seen them with work.
They are very strong.

It is true.

They are really strong.

Of course.

This team work is it
better than I had never seen.

It is really that flagstone.

Then listening. Want
you to be my companions?

Please meet
the crew of the men with a moustache?

Is Hey, what you me listenings?

I repeat. Please meet
the crew of the moustachuuuuus….

Not! No v*olence, please!

We do not want to join you.
Why should I be your companion?

It is what everyone known as at the beginning,

but if you remainders a little longer
on this island, you will change opinion.

Let me give myself a small council:

Fact attention with the Baron Omatsuri.

It will break the spirit of your team.


Who are you?

You, which are you?



These men of the Baron Omatsuri! How
do they dare to treat us like that?

Accept your destiny! Drives! Dies!

Why not admit your
does defeat, salt human otter?

Dies! Dies! Dies!

I am not an otter!

What is what it y' has?
made you look fatter not like that!



You do not approach
more. Dad will gain.

I am sorry. I am sorry. It is
my fault. Forgive me please.

Who are you? I am not
not a man of the Baron Omatsuri.

Did not only say to me…
you are also a pirate?

What a coincidence! Everyone
in the family of the old man is pirate.

We, the “pirates of the salon de the”, made our small time in the world of the pirates.

It is my daughter and my son over there.

They are nice, is not this step?

They are good children.
They listen to me all the time.

One intended to say that there was a festival here
then we came to make camp-site.

In fact, all is false.

Who can catch one
also large poisson rouge?

And after…

One it east flees of course.

But the children think all
that I am really strong.

You had the reasonable air
then I wanted to speak you.

Can you leave you to me
to overcome in front of the children…?

It is for forgery.


Please. And I exchange some
would say you the secrecy of this island.


It is that. The secrecy.

It is for forgery. Ok, I go there.

Rabble, you would do better
to be well with me!

Forgive me please!


I go! I go!

Be super for you, Papa! Be really super for you!

Super! Super! Super! Super!

It is true! Dad is strongest!

Who know if it is true or not?
It would be said that all is false.

What is what you say? Is it
what could I lie on that?

Listen! You do not leave
to have so easily by this guy.

How oses you to call me “this guy” when I are beside you? it is really hard to hear!

You will stop with your
remarks? Old man.

What, old man? Call me Papa!


Who is the idiot?

Cool. They caught up with us.

It is what that?

It is time that one att*cks.
Hey, brings you closer!

Stop giving me orders. Not need
that you say to me, I know what I have to do.

You cannot go any more no share.


Avoid the balls!

Are Oh, to you on? Not on I can!

Didn' T I Tel. you to dodge??

Try to even avoid them you!!!

Be good for you.

Be really good for you.

An error!


That is it which

Moron! Look in front of you
and leads correctly!

Why dispatches
you not to finish some!?

I tried to do it at the moment!
But you do not manage to lead!

Not my fault, head
of sachet de the green

Head… Head of sachet de the green
?? assh*le! You… you question!

Question? About what you do speak?

Ca wants to say “is what you have something
to say on me, gilded hair? “Question!

Ouch! It is hot!
It is hot! It is hot!

It is hot but it is only
coal of first price.

Usopp, does something
quickly. Be to you with court of ideas?

This fire will still burn a little
time until it dies out…

What is what you say?
You return to me insane!

Good idea…

Good idea?

I test but I
really do not arrive at nothing.

Be useless for you!

Does one limp of first aid?

It is what? There is another of them.

This limps makes miracles
when there is an urgency.


I included/understood! Ca wants to say that it is
our chance to change the court of the play.

Does Y' have what inside?
Does Y' have what inside?

What good is can that be useful to us?

Must one make use of it like that?

Is this same thing with
interior of that?

That is… That is what
it is that? Waits!


Waits. Or is what you go, Usopp?

Not possible.

He flees. He flees.
He flees all alone.

Ca made of him an egocentric person.

It is really the foot!


Yes, of the flowers.

It is… I am not very on.

I never heard
to speak about flower on this island.

I am really drunk.
I have envi to sleep.

Does not say silly things. Test
to point out something to you.

Then… then…


There is a flower Lily camation

Of Lily? What is what it is?

It is at the most point of the island…

I am sorry.

Lily Camation…

Hey, you in front!

Do not flee!

You really make me
to lose patience this time.

Does not take too much
famous person. Head of scum.

It is a thing of which I
wanted to precisely speak.

Shit! How dare to be done
how if we were not!

You are afraid
now, is not this step?

You are really sh1tting.

Afflicted to have made you wait.


I am sorry.
boat is broken, Teek.

Pas la pains to excuse you.

Finished repair. Maximum energy.

Stop irritating me.

Ok, let us continue.


They still broke it.

No the problem.

Stop making us shit!

Ok. It is solved.

Let us start.

Two idiots over there.



Dispatch of their
to launch the cerceaux ones!

Oh yes…

Nami-san, sorry of
to have made you wait.

Fact me of going down!

You are…

Do not lower your guard. Old men
always take the others by surprise.

I am Keroji.

Interest has you to make
more attention, idiot.




And now which would have
to pay more attention?

Keroji, you made good job!

You are on the way. Release!

Release you from my way!

Why you…

That somebody does it, finish in!

Ridges attention so that you ridges.

You two…

I said to you to release from my way.

What is what you say?

You two, look in top!


One calls that the cry of
rabbit after the wolf dies.


It is what these tricks?

Oh, one it is made take.

It is not that. It is this type.

Stop discussing. Ca
disgust all those which sees you.

Me only I can deal with them.

He still praises himself. You two
did not can even beat me.

Y' has of them one which has release from my way…

How is what you say, stunned!

Quandest-EC-that you will stop
that? If that continuous like that…

Keroji is really strong.

He plays since years.

Ridges at least so that
I feel a little to tire.

This group of old man…


Yes, the Baron Omatsuri and these
men were pirates.

It is true? They were
really pirates.

I found that when I
am lost to me on the island.

A paradise as the island of Omatsuri does not exist
not in this world. It is a pirate island.

But… Why is what they
the other pirates gather?

They attract the pirates on the island for
to select the best pirate of the test.

And after will happen T it?

It is true… I knew well that
it was equivocal since one good moment.

You do not know any more??

It is my fault.

In short, we must inform
everyone quickly…



Look at well attentively in this opinion
of research. It is a little odd.


Or energy passed that
you had right front, kid?

Firm! Wait. I
will cross to you now.


A phantom…


All the enemy ones are
with ground. One gained.

Waits! You forgot somebody.


You had before taste of
the super attack of Usopp.

You all are really useless.

Nami, god thank you you are well.

Ouch, that hurt!

How ace you dared to escape to you
all alone and to give up me?

What is what you say? It is not it
what are you always accustomed to making?

Merdeux! You have interest of you
to remember what has just occurred.

Hein, which is what you have just said?

I said to you not to forget
what it has just occurred.

What it did it pass between you?

You lost and
you continue to laugh.

Fires of artifices are for
you to congratulate on your victory.

It is not only a moment of glory.


Look at well. There is only it
Baron who appears rather young.

Ah, it is true.

But what this master key T it?

It is… Ca must be…

You me requests if I saw some
was thing when I in the airs?

Yes, ace you seen flowers for example?



Now that you say it…

Or Chopper went?

Robin said that it
was going soon to return.

Do Hey, know you or is Chopper?

I not have not just said to you
what it was going to return soon?

Is Hey, or Chopper?

I do not come not…

Nobody asked you!

Hey Nami, still how long
you will be angry against me?

Fact something
quickly, captain.

It is like that since presently.

Why you beat? Do not be you not
supposed to be best partners?

Stop of you foutre us.

Forget that. I will offer one to you
to dine and everyone will be content.

A dinner?

What? What?

It is the opening hour of
restaurant outdoor teppanyaki.

It is super heat!

You make the artist?

He pours oil on surface.

It is ordinary. Not
what to make a dish of it.

It is really fast.

Very ordinary.

Ca with the delicious air!

Does not put itself on my way, rabble.


I will do something ten times
good than this pig could make.

I do not have ingredients for you here.

This kind of tricks… I
will seize the tien.

Go! Go!

My god, My god…

Or go Miss?

I will do one
ballade before dining.

It is the hour of dining now.

I would like to add
flowers on the table.

You do not like
flower on my shoulder?

Lily Camation.

What said?

The person with
fish spoke to me about it.

It is a special flower which one
find only on this island.

Played well, Sanji!

Ouah! Sanji, go, go, go!


Ouah, go, go, go!

And now…?

Y' T it has need to be so in anger?

What is what I did?

Good evening, Pu.

What is what does not go at his place?

Your bonnet is really
cool! Give it to me, Pu!

Give me your bonnet! Pu!

Why should I give it to you?

Conceal and gives it to me, Pu.

Not question.

Give it to me, been able.

But what is what you tell?

You regard me as insane?

Not, at all.

It is clear that you me
drafts like an idiot, whom been able!

You see, you still have just said “Pu”.

You still treat me like an idiot!

You still treat me like an idiot!

You pack a little.

It unforgivable, can.

How does ace you finish like that?

It unforgivable, can.

Juice. Add marine salt.

Ok, that will be finishes as soon as I would have
to add a little Tabasco sauce.

You Fund inside!

What is what you do?

It is the moment to turn over it.

Co… How?

It is a broad extra sauce
- Salad Cream season with lemon.

And then…

Fish sections
marinaded in the wine…

Years this is the one with the modem twist

Ca will finish cooking.

Not, it is impossible.

It is hot!

Robin-chan, you have just seen
my pause striking at the moment?

It is not even.

Nami, looks at. It is one
representation of my love.

It does not even look at!

I do not remain any more. Really…

Good appetite.

It is hot!

I cannot drink any more.
I have drunk for this morning.

Summers you saying to me that the fact
to see me makes you lose the appetite?

Of course that not. It is a real pleasure
of drinking with a beauty like you.

A beauty.

Beauty? As it is flattering…

Who it is the old man over there?

Is this king of the island?
Is what it is rich?

What is what you have just said?

How oses you to call it the old man?

I do not know only it risks
to arrive to you if you still repeat it.

It is largest, most extremely,
most courageous, and also gentleman.

It is the pride of all the men!

It is too…

Not, even these words cannot
to describe its perfection!

I admire this man and I have
decided to serve it all my life.

Do not be you not their companion
? What ridges you here?


Why…? It is not
not like that usually…

What it did it pass?

Nothing. I wanted just
to listen to your history, Muchi!

Is Muchi, it what that?

You are Muchigoro, then
one can call you Muchi.

I am Muchi.

Yes, Muchi.

Call me Muchi, please.

Hey, Zoro, awake
you. They is delicious.

What does it occur T? It is already
the hour of dining? I arrive.


Those which fell asleep do not have
pas la permission of going to dine.


Are Robin-chan, or tuuuu?

Which heading type.



Yes, it is that. Normalized.

We were also pirates.

We were known under the name
“pirates with the red arrows”.

Red arrows?

It was a heritage of pirates.

The baron was our captain.

The baron is too
qualified that Roger was it.

Who it is that?

It is shocking.

How as pirates have is done
never not to hear the name of Gold Roger?

You speak about Gold Roger?

You see, you heard some
to speak. Already met.

Ca would have been possible considering only it
was carried out years ago of that.

Carried out?

Did Roger die 20 years ago, not?

That is what you said
? It is impossible!

I met it recently.


Yes, right before this stormy night.

It was a horrible storm…

The night of the storm…

That is what you
tell, Muchi? Muchi?

You see, the only thing of
destroyed it is the boat.

That has to belong to the steward.

But it is strange. I thought
that it would be in trimmings.

I would let you look at, if you want.

The mysterious flower.

Lily Camation.

The flower of death
and of the rebirth.

Who is?

It is the flower which you seek.

It is a flower?

You ridges reference to
isn't a flower, this step?

Muchi, that it passed
the night of the storm?

Said me, Muchi!

Driven… chi…

Not, how that
can it be a flower?

Hey, captain. Do not remain
pas la nothing to be made.

Robin-chan disappeared.

What is what it arrived to him?

She said that she left
with the research of the flowers.


When was it?

Why what that is
takes as much time?


I do not know. It
should be in the corner.

Usopp also disappeared.

Chopper did not return either.

Something does not go.

I do not feel it well…

Stop saying anything.

That ace you makes?.


You waited and you did not do anything!

It is not any more of the kids. They
do not require that they are supervised.

Nobody had noticed
their disappearance?



Luffy, which do think you of making?

Makes a fast decision.


It is you who ace decided to come here.

Firm there. It is not the moment.

All that arrives…

… is of your fault, Luffy.



The dinner is finished!

The intensive drive is
about to begin again!

That everyone take its
positions. DJ, come by here.

Good evening, Pu.

I am DJ.

Take care of you, Pu.

Wait, or are Usopp and Robin-chan?

Or is Chopper?

I want to see them all
three at once.

Is what everyone
is unaware of me? It is that?

Have just been unaware of yourself me?

The bonnet!

… The bonnet?

This bonnet isn't it in Usopp?

Give again it to me, Pu.

What ace you makes in Usopp?

They must be some share on the island.

You should be
able to find them.

They is thus you who did that!

The calm one. With a little
of drive, you will have to arrive there.

One of fout to involve itself
? Give again us.

The drive passes before them.

Stop of you foutre of
us! It passes in first!

I said that one would have
to involve itself initially!

That will not help us.
I leave to their research.

Sanji, waits.

Who want to involve themselves now?


How can they leave
without involving itself? The insane ones.

There are no rules on this play.

My subordinate clauses go
you to drive out without slackening.

You are free and you can
to escape if you rely on you.

What let us have to be done?



We should start.

I go there all alone.

You do not leave?

Will the captain of the boat give up?

It is thus that your crew?

Let my crew leave!

In this case…

It does not matter or you go that
will not help you to dodge it!

Straw hat. Straw hat.


It is what this sound?

It is not the moment of
to leave to their research.

You will not be able to escape to you, Pu.

I have just said that you
could not escape to you.

Ca it is because you
have put to me in anger, Pu.

It was hot? That is what you believe
what have you just made, rabble!?



You have just cut out me?

But I did not die
and there is no blood.


Shit, but what is what you are?

I am?

What do you think about it??

What is what you are?

It is impossible!

What is what it is…?

Is DJ, what that goes?

I am sorry to have worried to you.

Why is what I did not die then
what have I just made me cut out by the pirate?

It is because you are strong.

It is impressive, Pu.

But compared with the others,
I am very weak.

You are really strong.

I see!

It is true.

It is right one of the members of
the crew of the straw hat, Pu.

I would have had it, Pu.

What does it have T there?

There is something
who disturbs my eyes?

But, it is normal, Pu.

I do not feel well. Is it
what did I do too many efforts?

Make a nap then.

You will be waked up when you
will awake again old man.

Yes, you will be very new.

Where are the different ones?

I do not see anything.

It is dark.

You awoke.

You are…

One finds oneself.

You are that with the snot!

What is what I do here?

I am sorry to have taken you along here.

To be able to escape
with the claws of the Baron,

I built many passages
undergrounds around the island.

You are lucky. You are
fallen very close to here.

You were att*cked by
Baron. Very Dangerous, huh?

Ah, one cannot remain here
longer. I must go there.


My crew awaits me.

I said to you to wait.


Do not think that it is
if easy to leave from here.

The tunnels are dependant
and it is very complex.

I am the only one with knowing how to leave.

I says quickly then!

Welcome in our secret base!

There were not visitors
here for a very long time.

You like the lait de chèvre?

Who would like to drink that?

You thought so that I have you
known as. To be my partner.


But the pirates men with a moustache recruit
constantly of novel members.

It is your crew?


'much has some which resemble you.

It is because one is partners.

While thinking of it, I saw only you.

And where are the different ones?
In various bases?

There remains nothing any more but me.

Now, my troop of pirates
it is me and only me.

It is as if that it had passed yesterday.

After my crew is abdicated,

they were eaten by the giant monster.

I believed that one my drawn top.

Ca makes fear!

All is well. Dad is.

I am hungry. I am hungry.

Afflicted you to make wait, Lily.

It is the hour to eat.

Digi. Digi.



Dad, assistance me!

Digi. Digi.


Profit in to flee.


The human stag.


I see, this guy thinks
the same thing as me.

It is the first time that
I present Lily to the devil.

Shit. Let me leave.

Let me leave.


I had said to you
you to escape, not?

What is what you ridges? Return here.

Dad, saves the stag. It is tone
isn't work, this step, Papa?

Show us at which point you are strong.


What is what does not go, Papa?

Why, Dad?

This man saved Digi.

Let me go there. Let me go there.

Salt coward!

Yes, a coward will be always a coward.

Go, continue to make noise.

I like to see the pirates
battrent themselves between them.

What does it have T there? Why is what
you ridges more noises?

Once, the baron said to me that it

Always put itself very in anger
when he saw pirates together.

That it wished in
to make chopped meat.

And that he wanted to make feel
the pain which it felt.

The pain which it does feel?

I do not know passed.

But the trick it is that it
hate to see plain pirates.

It does not support
to be the only survivor.

It is its true motivation.

Whereas must be done?


Baron, do not be so on you.

My crew soon will come to save me.

And you will receive a lesson!

Your crew will not come
never up to now.

Not possible. They will come.

They will not come!

Not, I believe in them.
They will come for me.

I say to you that not.

They will come! It is on.

I say to you that they will not come!!!






Everyone. Everyone.

All my crew.

They are all my companions.

Let me become puffs out it of Lily.

What does it have T there, straw hat?

Something does not go.

There are not any more time to rest.

Waits. Straw hat.

Thank you for your assistance.

Do not only leave! Straw hat!

Straw hat

Baron, who is what I make here?


Are Muchigoro, you awaked?

I have the impression to have dreamed…

I am afflicted, Mister.

Ok. They is good.

As long as you have your spirit
that does not pose any problem to me.

I always maintained the spirit.

Look at me.

You see that?

I see.

Not, I do not have yet finishes!

I know. Turn over to see the others.

Yes, Mister!

You are already, straw hat?

You came all alone
to die. Which moron.

The sound…

Let us go Y.


Let us go Y.

Let us go Y.

Straw hat!!!

Who are you??

Ossan, which do have you makes has Chopper?

You refer to
creature with horns?


Ossan, I will tell you two things.

The first, Chopper is a human stag.

And the second, I do not allow myself
not to make evil with my partner.

You do not allow me to make
evil with your partner?

There are six of them, is not this step?

It remains about it more than five in top.

What ace you says?

The remainder will finish inside
of Lily like the other.

Of what is what you speak?

And you still speak to me
to make them evil.

You do not allow me to make
evil with your partner?

It is unforgivable.



Arrow number 1. Or is
gone all your bravery?


And now, you are in the train
to lose another companion.



Who will be the next one?

Is Ah yes, or the cook?

Salt bastard!


Arrow number 2.


It remains about it more than three. They
all will die if you do not do anything!



Let me say one
thing. Pinocchio died.


What is what you will do? To beat you
against me with your last leg?


Another girl disappeared.

Na… Nami.

You can nothing any more make from now on.

And your last companion
have just disappeared.



Straw hat.

The epeist has just died.

You do not have any more any team-member from now on.

You are completely only now.


Ouaw, I have suddenly
full of energy, Pu.

Everyone accelerates.

[Sitted! More quickly! Upright!]

And my crew…

You feel the pain now?

You lost everyone
and it is done inescapable.

What is what you will do?

A life filled of disappointment
and without hope awaits you.

It is better for you of
to join your crew.

I will give you an example.

The captains whom I captured have choose
to die rather than to feel loneliness.

Ca would be a good choice for you too.

Because a man alone
cannot be a pirate.

Let me wonder
new. Does ace you make your choice?

It is to live or die?

I expected it, you
do not wish to only survive.

Then takes the road of death.

It is…


It is still you.

I would not let it die.


You targets is.

Here. By here.

Cursed it is!

How is it T?

It is seriously wounded.

Hey, straw hat.


Awake Straw hat!

Straw hat.

My crew… They
perished by my fault.

What is what you say? Or
all your bravery passed?

You must be strong. You are the captain
! You must be raised again.

Listen, straw hat.

Your crew did not die.

Apparently it can
to intend to call you.

Luffy, your crew calls you.

The human stag shouts your name.

Chopper is…

Over there. Voices
come from over there.

I do not understand anything!

But me I can.

There are also other voices.

Four people. Five people.

They shout “Luffy”. Luffy.


I am sorry but I
do not understand anything either.

But this girl says the name of anybody
that it forever met before.

It is incredible.

Do Digi, you hear that as well as?

It is because…


Or you masks you, straw hat!?

You cannot fight counter
arrows of the Baron in this state?

Leaves by the tunnels which I built.

I would protect you.

Am right my instructions.
Am the flowers.


You forgot this.

Do not believe anything of but known as the Baron.

Listen, you are not all alone!

I wanted to say this to you.

You still have a chance
to save your crew.

And you always have me me.

If you included/understood, go there! It does not remain
much of time. Dispatch!

Which strange installation?

He spoke y' seriously has a few seconds, and now, which is what he makes us?

It is ridiculous.

, You all close!

It is the greeting between the members
of the crew of the pirates men with a moustache.

How dare
to insult our traditions?

I found you!

You nothing but do escape.

What do you think about it?

Straw hat, jumps in
the hole which is on the right!

And then you go straight!

Played well, straw hat!

You want even more problems?

Finishes with the refuse.

Baron, salts bastard!
would not be so on you.

You have false if you believe that I go
to drop my crew in the shit.

I am… his crew!


It is not badly.

Straw hat, listens.

This man who clamp being tone
companion was a captain.

This man begged me
to have pity of him.

This man it is beaten
with pain and fear.

You always respect
as a companion?

Straw hat…

I said to you that I would not allow myself
not to make them evil!





Goes save the stag and the others.

I arrive everyone. Await me.

It did it!

The stag and others
found hope!

What does it occur T?

The voices come in addition.

Where is my crew?

Here. By here.


Straw hat.

These arrows mean the days
of loneliness after the storm.

I had much sorrow
after having lost my crew.

You include/understand would not be
is what so much little?

Straw hat…

All is finished.

Do not give up!

The stag and the others call you!

They say, Luffy, come to help us!

Then does not give up!

Luffy. Luffy. Captain…


Crew. My crew.

Give again to me my crew.

Give again to me my crew.

Luffy… Captain…

Yes, their energy returns slowly.

Digi, really heard their voices?

I do not understand anything me.

I heard all that you
ace called to the Stag today.

My hearing always was very developed.

I can hear all
nuances of sounds.

I claimed not to hear

because you always worked
hard to return to us happy.


But I think that you are the best.

It is obvious.

Dad is the best.




Go draws there, dad!



Ah, Lily.

How did that can finish like that?

In this case, Muchigoro, my crew…



Muchigoro, Froggie, Dj and others…

My brothers, do not leave!

Do not only leave me.

If you leave me, I…

I am sorry to have leave to you
also a long time all alone, Mister.


Thank you to be to you pointed out us, Pu.

I am so happy, Pu.


But, the storm did not have
nothing to see with our death.

Muchigoro, which is what you say? I…

It does not matter.

Even if you have a news
crew, that do not have engraves.

News? Crew?

Look at, like them.
The crew of the straw hat.

Straw hat.

I thought of being dead.

Straw hat!

You are always in life.

They is super.

They is super!

They is really super.

Is none you wounded?


Is this moment to think of the others?

It is a miracle which
you are survived that.

You enormously helped me.

Would not be if polished. I
should be that which says that.

There is also Ossan.


I do not have too much…

Where is my crew?

The stag.


Chopper is rather popular.

I do not know what it passed.
But I made a good nap.

Where sums us?

Look at, the survey of the sun.

How is what that shines!

It is Luffy?

Yes, it is him.

Luffy. Luffy?

Why is what you sleep here?

Luffy, I said, Luffy…