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Crayon Shin-chan: Arashi o Yobu! Ora to Uchu no Princess (2012)

Posted: 02/06/24 10:37
by bunniefuu
This is bad. This is terrible.

We, the people of this planet,
are in dire straights.

And it's not just us.

The Earth is also in trouble...

Hurry! We must hurry!

Quickly find the Princess.

We must guide her here!

The Princess of Legend!

♫Alright, come on!♫


♫Clap your hands!♫

♫Sing with us!♫

♫Living life is like♫

♫Mountain climbing♫

♫Up and over, up and over♫

♫No end in site you'll be finding♫

♫Going up is hard♫

♫Coming down is sad♫

♫Sweat and tears. Sweat and tears.♫

♫Life is such a drag♫

♫If you get depressed♫

♫You'll just be distressed♫

♫Instead just face your fears♫

♫Fortune will dry your tears♫

♫Onward, onward, onward!
Forever press onward!♫

♫Never let go of your dreams♫

♫Onward, onward, onward!
Forever press onward!♫

♫Because these mountains
are filled with hope!♫

Mmom! Mmmom! Mom!

What do you want, Shin-chan?

I want to eat some of that.

What do you mean, "that?"


Don't make me spell it out for you.

What? Why are you talking
to your mother like that?

What is it you want to eat?

THAT. The dirt.

The dirt?!

I think he wants DE-SSERT, honey.

Yeah, yeah! THAT!

Mine is left over from yesterday, right?

Oh, the custard!

Sure, you can have some. You ate
all your lunch like a good boy.


Oh, my little custard... where you lonely?

I was too busy. Sorry to keep
you waiting for so long!

Oh, the sweetness!

Shake, shake. Shake, shake, a-shake it.

Shake, shake. Shake, shake, a-shake it.

Shake, shake. Shake, shake, a-shake it.

Shake, shake. Shake, shake, a-shake it.

Shake, shake...

What the?!

No, no!


No way, this is all mine!

Mine. Mine!



You ate yours yesterday, now, didn't you?

Shin-chan, don't be selfish.

You can share a little with your sister.

No way!

This custard has been waiting for me...
...and me alone!

This is courageous custard!


You're the older one, right?
You don't need all of that.

Give Himawari some, too.
You can give her a bite.



Sis, you are hopeless! You know that?

OK. Open wide...

OK, that's enough.

Yummy. Yummy.

Mmmm. It is yummy.

More. More.

Mmmmm. This is so good....



Hey! Where's my... Where... Where...?

Uh, I can't breath!

Can't... breath...


Shinosuke! Did you give your sister some?

Hey! What are you doing?!

Lookie here!

Look what I have!

It's your little baby snacks!


Mine! Mine!

My snacks!



Mine! Mine!

You want this?



Shinosuke! What are you
doing to your sister!

Hey, that's mine!

Why are you taking your
sister's baby snacks?!

Is that how a big brother
is supposed to act?

But she took my stuff first!

That doesn't matter!

You're not having any more
sweets until you apologize!


But she.. My...


A big brother shouldn't
make their sister cry!

Big brother?!!

I don't want to be her
big brother any more!

I quit!

Hey, Nohara.

This has to be the place. This is it!

I can't believe we found it in time.

Getsu, thanks for showing me the way.

I can't believe that she was
living right here in my district.

I've been here ten years.

I never even dreamt of it.

I don't need a little sister!!!

I don't need Himawari!

Did he just say... Himawari, the princess?

Did you just say, "little sister?"

Hey. Who are you old dudes?

You're Princess Himawari's
older brother, right?

Older brother?

Yeah, I am. But...

But she's more of a royal
pain than a princess!

Well, I...

I actually came to take her off your hands.



Princess Himawari!

Would it be all right
if we took her with us?

No worries. Go right ahead. Take her away.

Is it the delivery service?

I haven't ordered anything...

Where is the Princess?

Ah! Here she is!


How cute!

She is the Princess of Legend!

Wait a minute. We have to do this right.

This could be another mistake.

OK, you can do it. Calm down. Calm down.

Excuse me but, who are you?

What do you want with
our daughter Himawari?

We have to do a finger analysis!
This is Kasukabe!



Is your baby a girl?

A girl?

Yeah, but I don't understand wh...

Is her name Himawari?


What on Earth do you two want?!


OK, and lastly...


'scuze me little gal.



It's true!

It is! The stars lined up!

When she was born, the constellation
spelled Japanese "hi" and "ma"...

This is Hi-ma...

This is Himawari... Princess of Legend!

Wait just a darn minute! What
do you want with Himawari?!

I'm warning you! I'll call the police!

You're her birth father, right?

Oh, I want to congratulate you!

Wha.. Why are are you crying?

You don't understand. Princess Himawari...

The person who chose this beautiful name...

Which one of you was it?

Yeah, that's right. It was me.
Oh, yeah. Uh huh.

Oh, my!

It was you?

Wow, you are quite the big brother!

Well, since you are the one
who gave her the name...

Can you sign here?

You want me to sign?

Oh, stop. You just embarrass me.

That's what I'm talkin' 'bout.

Yep. Here you go.


The contract is in effect.

Here's your copy.

What? What is this contract?

Give me that!

"I hereby give Earthling Himawari Nohara"

"as Princess of the stars."

"and give my permission
for you to take her."

What is this?

What is that supposed to mean?

I demand to know what is going on here!

OK, Getsu. Thanks for everything.
You were a big help.

If you come back, please send
lot's of free time my way.

I just don't have any strength left.

You bet, buddy!

OK, everybody. Let's take
you all to the celebration!


I wonder if Shin-chan is home?

He better be there because he promised he
would play "real wives" with me today.

Well, who's he gonna be?

Don't you know?

I'll have Shin-chan be...

An old man who is brokenhearted

By the loss his moon princess

And then does a hula dance

Until his body gives out.






What is this? Where are we?

Welcome, welcome!

Sit down and make yourselves comfortable.

We'll be there in under an hour.

Until then, maybe you'll enjoy this.

Where are we going to?

Who the hell are you?!

Oh, I almost completely forgot.

I'm absent-minded Minister
Uranusbeen of the planet Himawari.

I'll lead you to Planet Himawari!



What do you mean, "absent-minded
Minister?" This isn't funny!

You just scoop us up and take us against
our will with some weird power...

What do you intend to do with us?

Dad! Dad! Look! Look!

What do you want?!


Oh, no! Hima!

Oh, I forgot about this, too!

Let's put you in here little
darling, where you'll be safe.


Grab my foot.

Oh, it stinks!

Hey old dude. Are you an alien?

Well, sort of...

I'm a person of Planet Himawari.

Well I'm 5-year-old Shinosuke
Nohara of Planet Earth.

Yes, I'm aware. Nice to meet you.

Hey, what are you laughing at?

I'm crying!

I went through hard times, but here I am.

You know, I've been looking
for Princess Himawari...

All over the world!

"By the grace of the stars will

a princess be born in the land of Kasukabe"

That was the legend's only clue.

I looked up every place on
Earth named "Kasukabe."

Every single place.

It took years and years.

Too bad you didn't start with our place...

But at last I've found Princess Himawari.

And free time will be restored to both Himawari
Star and the Earth. Lot's of Free Time Matter!

We're saved!

Pee time?

Princess Himawari is the
hope of our solar system!

Thank you so much...

For signing the contract!

Well, I'm really nothing
but a humble boy...

And my little sister isn't good for much...

But I'm glad we could be
of some small service.


No one is every going to believe us.

No way at all.

Sure... In the middle of the day,

This UFO came down and...

Why didn't anyone else see it?

If we just sit here talking...

Someone else is going to get taken!

Don't say that! What if someone
from my house gets taken?!

We just have to do it.

We'll make our little Kasukabe Protection
Brigade into the Earth Protection Brigade!

Earth Protection Brigade, Go!

That jerk.

Does he think he's fooling us?

Yeah, this is probably just some
kind of amusement park ride.

Are they taking us somewhere?

We're probably just inside
some remodeled cargo van.

But there's no vibration, at all.

We'll arrive momentarily.

Dad, Mom, look! Look!

Planet Himawari

Honey, we aren't in Japan anymore!

Special effects... It's CG.

This is stupid. I'd guess...

We're probably in Kawasaki
or Yokohama by now.

Dad, Dad! UFOs!

But they are using 3D...

But it looks a little flat.

Please, right this way.



Hey-- wait!


Dad, Dad! Aliens!

It's a hologram.

Princess Himawari. Shinosuke-kun.

And everyone else. Welcome
to Planet Himawari.

Welcome everyone!

I think this is real.

Take a look here.

The hope of our solar
system: Himawari Princess.

She just landed!

Am I on TV?

Hey, beautiful! What kind of bowl do you
like your yakisoba in? Round? Square?

Shinosuke-kun, I presume. Glad to meet you.
- You know who I am?

Of course. You're the one who
bestowed the Princess her name.

I do not have bees on my toes.


You're the one who gave
Princess Himawari her name.

Great job, kid!

Whoot, whoot!

Well, it's not really that great a name...

Do you know what Himawari means?
It means to go around the sun.

That's a really powerful name!

I'll take your bags. Don't you have some?

We were abducted! We have no bags!


I think not.

There hasn't been a crime on this
planet for the last 300 years.

You think not? You think not?!

No crime?!


You took my family and there's no crime?

What are you thinking? What do you want?

What are you doing with us?!


Take us home!

Are we going already?


These people just don't get it, do they?

Absent-minded Minister... You did
explain things to them, right?

Oh, that. I didn't really
have time on Earth and...

I forgot.

No worries.

Our kind will explain it all to them there.


King... Boss... I don't care. As long
as someone explains what is going on.

OK, follow me. Don't be shy.

Don't be shy? He's forcing us to go!

Something smells good!

Let's jet!

We have arrived!

Sorry to keep you waiting.

King Who Likes Sunday
Napping is about to appear.

What is this napping?

Princess Himawari

Thank you for coming.

We have been waiting.

Welcome Nohara Family.

I am King Who Likes Sunday Napping.

It seems as if the Minister
has not told you much.

My apologies.

I've had enough of this.

Take us back to our house! Now!

Don't get your panties in a bundle.
We still have time.

I'll explain everything.

Hey, hey, Nappy King.

Do you roll these yourself every morning?

Stop it!


You're the one who gave
the Princess her name?

Oh, so you've heard.

I respect you.

Are you hungry?

Of course.

Ready the feast!


This looks good.

Power failure?

Princess Himawari and other guests...

Perfect nutrition.

The meal is perfectly
balanced for your health.

First, let me introduce my Ministers.

♪Princess Himawari welcome
here you've come so far♪

♪We give you a warm
welcome into our hearts♪

♪We live on Planet Himawari so you know♪

♪We're the best Ministers on the whole♪

♪We're the best Ministers on the whole♪

♪I'm the absent-minded
Minister Uranusbeen.♪

♪I'm the handsome Minister Mazumazu.♪

♪I'm the mover Minister Mookun.♪

♪I'm the snack Minister Makyun.♪

♪I'm the Gossip Minister Kinkin.♪

♪I'm the Sleep Minister Boinda.♪

♪We live on Planet Himawari so you know♪

♪We're the best Ministers on the whole♪

♪We live on Planet Himawari so you know♪

♪We love hima hima hima la la!♪

I don't get it.

Was that supposed to be an introduction?

Now, I'll explain everything.

This is our solar system.

This is your planet.


Here is our planet, on the
other side of the sun.

Your sister planet.

Planet Himawari.



Plain head Himawari?

We have lived here for many eons.


For short, Hima-jin.

He said Himawarians.

Believe it or not, there are
innumerable aliens in space.

The stars are connected,
and balance is maintained.

I've never heard of Planet Himawari.

Our planet is not visible
to Earth's telescopes.

It's in a different dimension.

A different dimension? We can't be friends.

Right now, our planets have a big problem.

Everyone, don't you think that lately
there has been unrest all around you?


Please, look.


Those are our neighbors!

What the? Is this some
kind of peeping Tom video?

Now that you mention it...

I guess maybe...

That's how it always is.

Even in your house haven't you
had more fighting than usual?

Yeah, Shinosuke was fighting
just today with Himawari.

There is only one explanation for it.

We are lacking in Free Time Matter.

Free Time Matter?

Pee Time?

"Hima" Matter.

Hima Matter is produced by the planet.

It helps the body and mind to relax.

Oh, Free Time is "Hima" in Japanese.

Exactly. "Hima" -- when
you have nothing to do.

Hima charges and replenishes.

Hima is time.

Hima is matter.

Hima is energy.

It's like mother's milk.

It is peace. It is life. It is love.

The solar system originally

Was filled with this Hima.

Do you get it?!

Shinosuke gets it.


It is a place of balance.

The Earth and Planet Himawawari
share Hima Matter with each other.

But Hima Matter has been disappearing.

Earthlings have nearly used it all up!

The Hima Matter we make isn't
enough to reach the earth.

So we sent our people To the
farthest reaches of your planet.

Always careful not to interfere.

But even this was not enough.

We were making a lot of Hima Matte.

But it was no use.

It just isn't enough!

So what happens if there
isn't enough Hima Matter?

Good, question boy.

Look. This is the Earth in two years.

Look at these wrinkles.

I'm looking so old.

Hey! Are you drinking at this hour?

Go to work!

I can't work!

You pull this crap and look!
Shinosuke turned into an idiot!

What did you say?!

A world without Hima Matter is utter chaos!

Die! Die!

You squashed my veggies, didn't you!

You permed haired idiot!

Your short hair is about
as long as your short....


Bring it!

You threw away my doll!

That thing was garbage anyway!

People build up stress as they work.

And little fights, lead to
even bigger ones. Even wars.

You got a problem, jack?

You're sideburns are driving me insane!


Our planet, tied to yours,
must suffer the same fate.

The Earth...

And Himawari...

Will both be destroyed!

Oh, my!


If the calculations of our
ancient astronomers are correct,

the extinction of mankind will happen
after 200 years and 202 seconds.

What a relief! I was scared you guys
were saying everyone is going to die.

That is what we were saying.


Extinction. Extinction!

What's so funny! That would be horrible!

We need to act. And fast.

Think of the children.

Yeah, think of the children!


Why are you laughing?! What should we do?

Is there a way we can help?

Well, there is one thing...

Just say it already!

Yeah, spit it out!

What are we going to do?!

Our ancestors have given us the answer,
handed down through generations.

♪If our sister planet is in trouble♪

♪Find the Princess on the double♪

Come on. Sing faster.

♪Listen to us, grand and

♪Our grandfathers said.♪

♪If our sister planet is in trouble♪

♪Find the Princess on the double♪

♪In the great land of Kasukabe♪

♪An older brother will bestow the name.♪

♪The stars will align
on the day of "Hi-Ma."♪

♪A Princess will be born.♪

When the stars align to make "Hi-Ma."

A child will be born in Kasukabe who will
bare the name of our planet, Himawari

By her very presence here, these
sister planets will regain balance.

Hima Matter will be restored.

Our solar system will be saved.

Word wars. Energy problems.

Social problems. Economic woes.

Everything will be fixed.

And that's not all...

Headaches. Tight shoulders.

Menstrual cramps. Knee pain.

Heart burn. Upset stomachs. Palpitations.
Getting winded.

Dizziness. All will be cured.

Sons who are shut up in their rooms

Will go out into the city.

Your sad daughters who hand
their heads in shame...

Will light up with laughter and joy.

Family discord. Bankruptcy. Dept problems.

All will be fixed!

All will be fixed!

♪If our sister planet is in trouble♪

♪Find the Princess on the double♪

♪If she comes all your
problems with be gone.♪

♪She'll fix whatever's been wrong.♪

What does that mean?

We've been looking for the Princess
of Legend for a long time.

We love Princess Himawari.

Well, it's great that you love her, but...

Hey, Nappy King.

What does that thing they were saying mean?

Well, actually the legend continues.

"If the Princess' heart is won."

"And the laid back wise man returns."

"And he is in harmony with the Princess."

"The bubble will burst, causing calamity."

"The moon will turn gold."

"And if in space a sunflower blooms."

"Before the wise man"

"The solar system will be bathed in Hima."

I have no idea what it means.

You have quite a Hima aura about
you, oh One Who Named Her.

Don't you know... who the
laid back wise man is?

I have no idea.

But I'm laid-back Shin-chan!

Oh, no! Honey, where is Himawari?

What? Isn't she here?

Where is she?



What is this?!

You think you can just put a
man's daughter up on stage?!

I'm so glad we had a girl!

Oh, I guess it's OK, then...

Your daughter looks so beautiful.

I thought this kind of dress
would look nice on her.

This is a little drab.

What is up with those clothes?

They told me to try it on.

Do you think they are just
trying to get us to buy?

It's our gift to you!

We are forever thankful to the Princess
and the one who bestowed her name.

Why thankful?

Just by being here, Princess
Himawari will save us all!

Earthlings and Himawarians
alike can rest assured.


I just knew Himawari would do great things.

Uhhh.... I guess so.

OK, time for photos!

Over here!

OK everyone, gather around Himawari.

It's like a theme park or something!

Well, I guess a photo won't hurt.


Blueberry, ho!


Himawari, look over there!

OK, say cheese!

I wonder if my good side was showing...

Now that you've explained things to
us, I guess things make more sense.

If we would have known from the start...

Yeah. We were surprised. If we've
been any help at all, we're happy.

Well, we should get going.

Yeah, probably.

So, you'll get the car ready
for us to go home, right?

Family time is over.



Your seats are over here.

Oh, no. I've got to hurry.

- Shinosuke!

There's Hima!

Over there!

People of Himawari.

Thank you for coming to this celebration.

The moment we've been waiting for is here.

The legend is about to become reality.

The One who will save our
sister planet from destruction.

I give you Princess Himawari!

A princess is born!

She's now a real princess!

It's Princess Himawari!

This is cool.


What have they done to my little girl?!

Be happy!

Princess Himawari will be with us forever!


What is he saying?!

What are you saying? We are going home!

I don't mind staying a little longer.

Princess Himawari, please let
us hear your beautiful voice.

Princess Himawari!

Oh, it's the pretty boy brigade!


Princess Himawari. Now more than ever we need
the power of that sacred name poured over us.


It's Hima!!


It is Hima!

Hima, hima!

What power!

This is the power of the ancients!

This is the real Hima Matter!

Princess Himawari will
save our sister planet!

Send some of that Hima
to our sister planet!

We wish Hima always to everyone.

Yes, I wish Hima for everyone.


Everyone is so happy because
of Princess Himawari!

Wow, it's Himawari wherever I look!

It's him!


That's our Himawari up there...

What is happening to her?

Princess Himawari!

Next up, shall we ask the people living deep
within the Moenee Mountains what they think?

Let's hear from the elder.

Elder, how did you find
Princess Himawari's parade?

Princess Himawari will bring
peace to our planets.

I feel so thankful.

I feel you there.

Everyone on the planet has
taken in the Princess.

That's it for this broadcaster, signing
off with the Himawari bird sign.

This must all be a dream.

If it was a dream, those
people wouldn't be here.

Oh One Who Named Her, do
you like this cottage?

Hmmm... Isn't there anything better on TV?

Oh, no! Isn't the "House
of Handsome Men" on today?

Hima will cry if she doesn't see it!

If it is for the Princess, she can
watch it on a special channel.


Even after the parade, Princess
Himawari is still full of energy!

She's enjoying her time with
the Handsome Men Brigade.

She's not even crying.

Our methods or raising kids are 300
years more advanced than Earth's.

The Handsome Men we've selected are hand picked.
Don't you worry about a thing!

Here are some tickets for tomorrow's meet and greet.
It is going to be packed!

Tickets?! I have to have tickets
to meet my daughter?! What the?!

At first we thought we could go home right away. Then you say
we have to stay forever. Now we can't meet our daughter.

This is total bull!

All of this was written in the contract...

We have the signature of the One
Who Named Her and everything.

What does that matter? Having
children sign stuff is not OK!

We're her parents!

That contract means nothing!


The "parent" of which you speak ends
at a certain point in a child's life.

After all, we all belong to the universe.


Everyone is born of the universe.

Isn't your parent the Earth, after all?

That's going too far.

Because one's name dictates how
much energy flows through,

The person who names the
child is a parent forever.

That is the love that wraps all
things and fills the universe.


If that's true, then Shin-chan
can just take the name back.

Hey, Shin-chan, isn't it messed up
that your sister is a Princess?

You want to go back him with us, right?

Not really.


What are you saying!

Well, I like being a loner...

I don't have to share my food...

Himawari seems happy enough
with the Handsome Men.

You have made a wise decision
for the solar system.

Well, I am an Earthling!

I'll say it clearly, Mr. Nohara.

From our perspective, the Earth is
still a ruthless, barbarian planet.

That's going too far!

So, you're saying that there's no problem?


It's exactly as you say.

Instead of thinking of yourselves, shouldn't
you be thinking of the good of the universe?

Well, with that, I bid you good Hima.

I wish you good Hima, too!

I, too, bid you farewell.

Those guys rock.

I don't think Earth people
know what we've been doing.

You can't even deflect that?


The alien invasion is
going to be much worse!

Does this exercise even have any meaning?

Hey, what are you doing?

I'm doing my job.

Inside these bubbles is Hima Matter. When
I release it, everyone feels better.

Feels better?

But... Since we found the Princess, lots
of Hima Matter is going to be coming.

We'll have peace through Hima energy.

Isn't that swell?

Sorry, I can't say more. It's
against the rules of the universe.

Here, this is for you.

I wonder if they'll call me home soon...

It does feel good.

Right this way, those of you who
are here to see the Princess.


Can we see Himawari?

If you've got tickets.

Wait a minute... they
were somewhere here...

Wake up! We're going to see Himawari!

Here they are!

Not right now.


Wait, wait, wait!

Get up!

One more is coming.

We're leaving.

Listen to me!

Shinosuke! Be a good boy!
- Are you listening to me!

It's a great morning, huh?

Wow, it's anus man.

My name is Uranusbeen.

What do you want?

Just seeing how you're doing.

From today onward, I'm in charge of your safety.
I'm the Minister of Protection now!

Like prophylactics?

Like a body guard.

In other words, we are
going to have lots of fun!

You've sure got a lot
of time on your hands.

I hope this pleases you.

This is the first public
open house of the Princess!

As the Sleep Minister, I am
happy putting Himawari...

As Sleep Minister, Himawari...
- I can't take my eyes away.

Princess Himawari is cute!

Boinda-chan has been on
here the whole time!

That's what you're looking at...

What? We're just together
with the regular people?

Yeah. Don't they care we're the parents?

Viewers of the Himawari Channel,
today is a day to remember!

Today marks the beginning of
Princess Himawari's service!

Here's the Gossip Minister to tell us...
- Himawari!

She's here!

Where is she?
- There!

Here she is!


It's mommy. Mommy's here!

Wow, the princess!

She's sure cute!

She is truly a princess!

This is it?!

Just one second?!

Here she comes again!


Did you see her?

No, it was too fast.

The Princess will fly by
one more time, everyone!

What, just once more?

What the hell is this "tour."


What... What are you doing?

It's time to say "hi" to the Princess!

No, don't. You'll die!

Momma's here!!!

Himawari! Himawari!

I bet you've missed us!

It's OK, sweetie!


- She seems kind of happy.

It's just like Shinosuke said.

Mr. Nohara, we don't like that.

Please, give Himawari back!

The Princess is now not only yours.

She's now everybody's princess.

That's it. I'm not messing around any more.


Mr. Nohara, we don't put up with that
kind of savagery on this planet.

If you try that again, I'll kick you off the
planet by my power as the Snack Minister.

Come back here!


I guess we should walk over that way.

This planet... sucks!

Well, what do you want to eat?

You'll get fatter.

Never mind me. What do you want?

Let's see...

Hey! These are Hima's snacks!

Oh, actually that’s a health food. We took
it to the Earth, and it became baby food.

Well, well! If it isn't the Absent-Minded
Minister and the One Who Named Her.

Try one of our cakes!


Thank you. She's an awkward one, huh?

Don't you mean she's a generous woman?

We're still so far away.

Are you guys OK?


What happened?


Want one?

Eat, eat. I picked them myself.

Thank you.

This is a big strawberry!

That's not a strawberry.

That's a STAR-berry.

Oh, a starberry.

Star. Star. Thanks!


This is sweet!


Where you guys there yesterday?

Did you see on TV?


Yeah, the Princess. She's cute, huh?

Where'd you guys come from?

The Earth...

What? You're from the Earth?!

Our sister planet!

That was a close one with
the low Hima Matter!

But it's OK now thanks to the Princess!


Well, we'll see you.

Those guys are nice, huh?
- Yeah

This is kind of relaxing.


I didn't make it in to work today.

I guess I should call the office, huh?

Himawari... She seemed fine without us.

They say that relationships
with daughters can change...

suddenly so distant. But
at such a young age?

Don't say that.

I hate to say it.

The sky is so clear... there is no crime...
For Himawari's future...

Don't you think this place is better
than Earth and all its problems?

Don't say such things.

Our daughter saving the
Earth and this Planet.

It's something to be proud of, huh?

But, why our kid?

Not me. I don't think so.

You guys!

We're taking these starberries to the palace.
You want a lift?

Here you go.

This is all mine?

Shake, shake. Shake, shake, a-...

This stuff is famous around here.
It's got a ton of nutrition!

Everyone likes what I like!


It's like a party in my mouth!

Shinosuke, you've got
good taste, good Hima!

But in the past, the Earth
had a lot of Hima, too.





In the past, the Earth and
Himawari shared Hima Matter.

But at some point, the Earth's Hima was
used up and we had to supply more and more.

Eventually, the Earth only took.

Yeah, so greedy!

We send Hima Matter from that delivery center
over there so the Earth doesn't run out!

Wow, the Earth is quite a mooch!

But when the Earth is
happy, our planet is happy.

We're sister planets, after all.

The baby snacks have arrived!

These were all special made
just for the Princess!


How about this one?

She won't eat. Maybe she doesn't like it.

I guess not. I wonder
what she'd like to eat?

Hima likes custard.


I guess I can share a little.

Wait, where are you going with that?

To Hima!


They won't let you see her.

She's the most important
person in the solar system!

Yeah, but I'm the One Who Named Her!

Who was it who is my protector?

It's me, but...

You say your a protector, but you aren't doing your job.
Maybe I'll have to fire you...

Now, now...

Shinosuke is probably worried about us.


They've got him because we left him alone!

I'll k*ll them!

Follow that thing!

What thing?


This is as fast as it goes!

Get to it!

Maybe it's nap time.

Minister Boinda has commanded a
going on a walk to calm her.

Shake, shake. Shake, shake, a-shake it!

What is the One Who Named Her doing?

The absent-minded Minister?

Protect the Princess!

Hey, Hima! I got something for you!


Shiro, good boy!

Shiro's the detox model!

You mean DELUXE model.

So sorry about that.

You really don't mind?

Not at all.

Thanks for helping.

Our pleasure.

Let's sneak in and find them.


Here you go!

Thank you.



He's fighting!

Outside the castle? Let's go!


Stop, stop!

Why are you after me?

He Who Named Her!

You can't be here!

I brought this for Hima!

Stop following me!

Here, Hima!

I brought you something!

Shake, shake. Shake, shake.


Uh, oh.


Look out, Himawarians!

What are you going to me?

We'll protect the Princess!

I wasn't being mean!


Stop, He Who Named Her!

Let me go! Let go of me!


What are you doing to my kid?!

Let go of him!

What the?!

I will "move" you!


Dad, Mom!


Stay back! I have plant power!

I thought they were going to take you, too!

I was just bringing something to Hima.

This is totally messed up!

You guys need some real help.

If you guys would just behave, you could
meet Himawari in 3 years at her public tour!


After 3 years?

That's the last straw!

You think we can wait 3 years?

Give Himawari back now!

Oh, no.

Sumo Stomp!

You're out!

It's OK, it's OK.

There, there.

It's just as history would have it.
They aren't welcome on our planet.

I sent them all back to Earth.

Ah, well.

Thank you.

I do understand their feeling.

But we have to think of our planet.

Hey, jerks! Give Himawari back!

Wait! Take us back!

Give her back!

Good morning!

Mr. Nohara?

I'm going to go to school.


Was that real?

You're safe!


A UFO got you, right?

Did you see aliens?


What were they like?

They look like humans, except
their ears are really droopy.


Shin-chan. What about your family.


How to get out of a contract?

You mean a "cooling off" period?

Yeah, yeah! Having a period.

I figured you'd know since you suck
at shopping and have periods a lot.

I've definitely bought some
beauty products that I never use.

During the "cooling off" period, you can change your mind.

But usually within 8 days. You have
to say it as soon as possible!

What exactly did your mom buy?



Mom, Dad... I'm home!

Hey, look at this.

For some reason, we get Himawari Channel.

That ocean is beautiful.

Hey, Shin-chan. They say we can
meet Himawari after she's retired.

Then we can all be together again.

When will that be?

After 30 years. I can't wait!

That's too late!

We have to have our
period within 8 days!

A period? What are
you talking about?

I just don't know
what we should do!

We tried to get help from
all kinds of people.

The police, the city
offices, the Prime Minister,

Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency and NASA...

No one will help us!



Shin-chan looked depressed.

Who can blame him?

Man, to have your sister
left behind in space...

I couldn't stand it.

There's no way to get there.

Kazama, you guys rented a yacht, right?

What if we rented a rocket?

Yeah, right.

That dude's ears...

They are drooping.

Maybe I'll just eat
some baby snacks...

These are... Hima's.

Hima, thank you.

Hima, it doesn't look like
I'll be seeing you...

It's all because I wrote my name.

Just this one piece of paper.

Isn't that crazy?

Shinosuke, you here?

Hey, Shinosuke.


What's up?

We found him, right under our noses...
An alien!

Over there.

He's on the top floor in the back.

He had a ball on top of his head!


That sounds like a man whose going places!

- He's coming out!

It's the guy from the other day!


You're a Himawarian, aren't you!


You came to our place!

And bad things happened!

What is this place?

What is all this bubble wrap?

v*olence isn't allowed! No v*olence!

Take us to Planet Himawari!

Just one round trip.

I can't.

Don't say that. It'll be easy.

The other day you took us even
though we didn't want to go!

I'm telling you I can't.

You liar! You're a Himawarian.

You can do it.

Even I haven't been back for 10 years!

We're working from here.

My job is accepting boxes of Hima
Matter and such, then sending it out.

I don't have a ship or anything.

I guess five years from now another
ship will come with our replacements...


And since the Princess was found, all the
ships that were here went home yesterday.

Even if I tried, getting
them here is involved.

It would be nearly
impossible to get them back.

It isn't surprising... It's something the
future of the solar system depends on.

There's no way?


But if the Princess is on Himawari, the
Hima here should replenish quickly.

I guess in 30 years they are planning
to open up travel between our planets.

You'll be able to freely visit then.

You'll have to wait.

Nothing but wait...

Hey, what's this hole?

No! No!

Get away from that!

Here, old dude.


This is a device for sending
stuff back and forth.

But it's dangerous. Sometimes
things just disappear on the way.

If a person were to enter, their
mind and body would get scrambled.

They would probably not
make it in one piece.


They'd be space bits.

This connects to where Hima is?!

Yes, but only something tough
like a cockroach could make it.

You'd never make it.


I'm flying...

I... I...

Who am I?...

Buri-buri Zaimon?

Action Mask Man?

Take this!


The ladies would love me like this!

Shin-chan! Shinosuke!

Oh, yeah! I'm 5-year-old Shinosuke Nohara.

I need to go to those women!


You're an older brother!

That's right.

I need to go to Himawari
so I can have a period!

Where's Himawari?!

Who are you?

Isn't this He Who Named Her?

Now I see what is going on here.

Shake, shake. Shake, shake, a-shake it!

Shake, shake. Shake, shake, a-shake it!

Shake, shake. Shake, shake, a-shake it!

Shake, shake. Shake, shake, a-shake it!

Shake, shake. Shake, shake, a-shake it!


King, I have some information for you.

He Who Named Her just showed
up at the delivery center.

What? That means he traveled from Earth.

That's right.

Holy... that Shinosuke!

She's impossible.


We're tired of this, too.

Shouldn't we rethink this whole thing?

you mean we should break up?

It's only 3 days since she came!

Are we good for only 3 days?

Don't put us down like that.

After all, we were chosen
to be Handsome Men!

Hold on a second!

But who is our leader?

Well, we should all...

Honestly, don't you think think the
Princess demands too much handsome?

We've all dropped a
few babies before.

I don't think this point will
be a problem for our careers.

I got it. So...

Boinda. What's wrong?

The King has issued a
special situation order.

The Princess is under attack.


Hey, you're the old sumo dude!

What? Sumo?

I'm the Moving Minister, Mookun!

Shinosuke, if you think you can pass,
you've got another think coming.

You're going to sumo wrestle with me?

What do you mean, sumo?


Looks like sumo to me.

Why don't you pick on
someone your own size?


Who's the one always picking
on little Himawari?

All right. Let's settle this man-to-man!


I'm OK. I'm OooooK....

I've got to get that
picture out of my mind.

Let me on!

Where you headed?

To Himawari!

Nothing is headed that way.

What? Don't say that. Just take me.

Sorry, can't do that, Shinosuke-kun.

Yesterday you didn't bother to go
see Himawari's debut, did you?

But stuff like that is boring.

Kids grow up in the blink of an eye.

Someone lazy like you can't see Himawari.

Looks like you can't get out this door.

You can fit through the other door. Why
don't you just give up and go home?

"Return Home Here. Thank You"

No thanks!

You're just going to get hurt.

Why don't you just give up and go home.




Shinosuke-kun has shown up.


Shinosuke, it is time
for a little interview.

Did you come to take Himawari?

I just came to see you!

But you just yelled, "To Himawari!"

Oh, that? That was nothing.

What do you mean by coming
to get Himawari now, anyhow?

Didn't you sign her over to us yourself?

No, that was my mom.

Liar! Liar!

Tell the truth!

Sometimes the wrong guy takes the rap!

You so glibly say it was all a mistake.

That was an unexpected event.

Are you saying you have no blame here?

This will help with further prevention.

He's running!
- Take some responsibility!

This will help with further prevention.

Is this outer space?

It feels nice.

I bet it would feel even
better to just... disappear.

I think I'm forgetting something...

Oh, yeah. I need to go pick
up Shinosuke from school.

But Shinosuke is getting to be a big boy.

Oh, yeah!

There's a sale!

I need to get 5 pairs
of pants for Shinosuke.

And there's a weekend special on meat,
I need to get about 1/2 a pound.

Hey Honey, can you watch Himawari?


If I just drift off, I'd never
have to go to work again...

Never have to pay off loans...

I don't care...

Honey, you day dreaming?

Here we go again. So annoying.

Who is that anyway?

Sleeping in? Watch Himawari for a...


I remember!

We have to help Himawari and Shinosuke!


What is this?

The name written on the plane that
goes the furthest will be her name.



I did it!

Mine wins!

"Himawari Nohara"


This is a good name you've picked.

Himawari is going to grow up so fast.
She'll be so pretty.


What'll I do?

Then she'll find that special someone.

I'll want to k*ll him when
she brings him to meet us.

But I'll just bite my tongue.

Please, sit down. Drink.

I'll listen as they break the news.

Dad. Mom.

Thank you for everything.
- Honey, what is today, anyhow?

And in the end, I'll
walk her down the isle.

A really good man is taking
you from me, Himawari!

But I'll never forgive the bad
men who took you. Never...

I'll never forgive you!


We did it!

We made it!

You guys are a real handful.

My job used to be easy, full of Hima.

Give me back my Hima!

Give it back!

Is that all you got?

Over here, babe!

We're the ones who want Hima back!

Don't mess with our family!

You're one messed up old man.

Misae, get in!

Can you fly this thing?

If I just put my mind to it...


Not good.


I'm the Minister of Sleep, Boinda.

My bosom has put the countless numbers
of babies of this planet to sleep.

I'm feeling a little sleepy myself.


Shinosuke. Leave Himawari here.

I want to raise Himawari for
your planet and our planet.

Protect her forever.

But that's what my mom
and dad want to do, too.


But you said you didn't want Himawari.

But I... I... I...

I get it. I take full responsibility.

What did you say?

Instead, I'm going to stay
in your bosom forever!



Don't be stupid.

What do you mean?

Look here.

Mom, Dad.

Listen here, bitch. You want to raise a family?
Then get your own.

First, find a good partner.

We're like, totally
towering over this woman.


Get moving.

Sure thing, boss.

Boinda-chan, Boinda-chan!

Don't worry, Shin-chan. I guy like
you will have no trouble finding it.

What is she talking about?

Just cuz your pretty with big
boobs doesn't mean your happy.

Is that what she meant?
- I think she's celebrating her win.

You got a problem?



It's getting dark.

What's that?




Hey, where's Himawari?

She's upstairs.

But you shouldn't go up there.

Are you going no matter what?

I want you to stop and
go back to the Earth.

For Planet Himawari and the Earth.

And for yourself.

I'm going to have a period
and take Himawari back home.

You're not going to stop me?

I'm not going to say anything else.

Hurry and go.


Old dude.

Here you are.
- Shin-chan!


You two finally decide to throw up?

You mean show up. What is this place?

This place brings balance to space.

It is a sacred room that keeps
our solar system in balance.

Welcome to the most sacred place
in Princess Himawari's palace.

Thanks for having us.

What have you come all the way here for?

You should know!

Give us Himawari!

I came to have a period!

Not that again.

Period? What?

Void our contract!

Oh, he means a "cooling off" period.

I'm afraid that's something I can't do.


Way up there...


Stay put, Himawari!

We're coming!


Leave it to your mother and I!

It's dangerous... wait below!

I'm going first!



Go back!

We have to balance!

You're risking yourselves by being here.

Who cares about risk?

I'd give anything for my kids.

As I told you, if Hima doesn't stay
here, our planets will both be ruined.

You don't care?

Honestly, your arguments
about the Earth and space...

They aren't to persuasive.

It looks like you Earthlings
just don't get it.

Our bad!

I don't even know what is going
to happen a year from now.

Let alone in a few hundred years!

So, that's it?

You're logic is flawed.

Right now, we don't want to be separated!

I don't care about your problems.
You can't split us up!

How do you think this balance will work
out if you just think of your own family?

Dad! Mom!

If you haven't been exercising,
you're going to be hating life later!

Now's not the time!

Doing let go. You're heavy!

You're heavier!

If you lean that way, the
air pressure changes.

If you move that way, the
humidity and tides change.

If you move that way, the
molten lava changes.



I'm dead.

Dad... Mom...

What are you doing, tickling me?

Take your hands off that now!

Sooner or later, the Hima from
Himawari is going to be all used up.

The Earth is going to have to
start making it's own Hima Matter.

Then you shouldn't need these models!

These aren't just models.

This room has the form of our solar system.

If you were to drop that globe, your
Earth would suffer the same fate.

Is that what you want?




Where are you going?

To Himawari!

And then what?

I'll figure it out when I get there.



I can't hold much longer.

No, don't give up!

You idiot! Your thumb! Your thumb!


Your crushing Kasukabe with your thumb!

Move it to the ocean or something!

Here? Here?

You're so picky!

It's OK. Nohara power!

Nohara power!

Nohara power!

Nohara power!

Nohara power!

What are those two doing?!

The Earth! Where is the King?

Look at He Who Named Her!

Up there!


I'll get you!

Himawari and Shiro, grab my legs!

Quickly! Quickly!

Your dog training still
needs a little work.




This is the center of the solar system,
where only the Star King is allowed.

Where is Hima?

I can't hear your questions.

I request that you leave.

I'm going to leave...
with Himawari and Shiro!

That's not possible.

It is possible!

I'm Himawari's older brother!

Who cares?

OK, I'll decide what to do.

I want to decide!

It's not fair if you decide!

Then you can decide!

Do you choose your sister
or the future of the Earth?

They are both important!

You can't choose both!

Which would you choose?

We need both the Earth and Himawari!

They are both important. Both of them!

The future of the solar
system is in your hands!

I decide my own future!

You decide your own future?

Who are you?

I'm me!

I don't know you. Who are you?

I'm Shinosuke!


Who are you?!

Shinosuke Nohara...


I'm Shinosuke!




I'm... I'm...

I'm an Earthling, Shinosuke Nohara!

That's a good answer.



Bring back He Who Named Her!

The balance will be destroyed!

I know.

But my hands are tied.

Princess Himawari can't stop the
destruction of our planets forever.

If that's true, I want to try believing.

I want to believe in his choice.

Hima, it's your brother!

Hima, let's go home.

I was lying when I said I didn't need you.

Sorry! Sorry!

Come to me!

Good girl. Over here!

Come on! Come on!

Come to me!

Keep going!

Just a little more!

I have you.



Don't cry!

I can't help it.

It's too soon for crying!



- Shinosuke!

Oh, no!

The planets are aligned!

Oh my!




Get out of here. All of you.

Get the Nohara family out of here, too.

Yes, sir!

Let's get down from here.

What is happening?

Let's get out of here!


Don't touch us!

The sun...

Our sun!

Hurry, King!


He's been left behind!

Feel my power!

"And he is in harmony with the Princess,
the bubble will burst, causing calamity."

This is the moon of which was spoken.

"And the laid back wise man returns."


What has happened?

Gossip Minister, prepare
a special broadcast.

As you wish...

What is going on?

We interrupt your regularly
scheduled program...

To bring you a special
announcement from the King.

People of Himawari, it is I, your king.
Are you full of Hima?

Just now, through Princess Himawari
and the Laid Back Wise Man,

The legendary restoration
of Hima has occurred.

This restoration was not
just to our sister planets.

But to every planet in the solar system.

Our planet was already in
a bubble of Hima Matter.

But the days of sharing Hima
with the Earth are over.

From this moment on, all of the
planets will basque in Hima.

We can live in peace and harmony.

You, me, everyone.

We all revolve around the same sun.

We are free to be leisurely!

Free to be leisurely?

Explain what is going on?!

Princess Himawari's presence
is no longer needed here.

You can return together.


The Nohara Family is going home!

No way! I don't want to!

Hurry and go!

Aren't you worried about Shin-chan?

You said we needed to stay
and protect the Earth!

Who was it that lost the


No, I don't want to!
- Hurry and go!

Old dude...



Shin-chan is nothing but bubbles!

That's impossible!

This is...

I see!

Princess Himawari has done it!

What did Himawari-chan do?

What happened?

Hima is spilling over!

Our people will miss Princess Himawari.

Please forgive us for everything.

If you ever need anything...

Please come to the Earth.

We're usually at home.

OK, thank you.

Did you have a period?

Yes, the "cooling off" period.

There never was a contract.

King, what have you done?

You ruined my Buri-buri Zaimon!


This was a masterpiece!


I'll make it up to you sometime.

I wish you Hima.

What do you mean, you'll make out with me?

Sometime... when?

When you're an adult.

I'll send you a present.

That's a long time from now!

It'll come faster than you know.

I wish you good Hima!

Almost there!

Thank you.

Look at all this stuff they gave us.

I feel kind of bad.

Yeah, me too.

You saved the solar system.

This is nothing.



You just said "brother!"

Hey, Dad! Mom! She just said brother!

Hima just called me brother!

Say it again!

Say it again!

♪Hey Kids! 1...2...3!♪

♪Lie a bit for me♪

♪4...5...6!♪ ♪Take a little risk!♪

♪Everything is fine!♪ ♪7...8...9♪

♪10...♪ ♪Let's go again!♪

♪A lie is OK.♪ ♪Dreams start out that way.♪

♪La la la la la. Oh Yeah.♪

♪Say lie lie lie lie. ♪ ♪Oh yeah.♪

♪La la la la la. Oh Yeah.♪

♪Say lie lie lie lie.♪

♪Like there's a giraffe in my garden.♪

♪Or yesterday I saw a UFO
when I was walkin'.♪

♪If someone makes fun of you
for saying those things.♪

♪Don't let it break your little wings!♪

♪Fantasies are part of
where the future starts.♪

♪These lies can't be dismissed.♪

♪You may be a giraffe scientist.♪

♪Or an astronaut if you so wish!♪

♪It's like that!♪

♪Hey kids! A...B...C!♪ ♪Be a little crazy.♪

♪D...E...F♪ ♪Maybe you'll be a chef.♪

♪G...H...I♪ ♪No joke, you can't deny.♪

♪It's true!♪

♪J...K...L♪ ♪It's never gonna fail.♪

♪M...N...O♪ ♪Anything is possible.♪

♪You can do anything.♪
♪Can you say "winning"?♪

♪Telling little lies.♪ ♪It's
how you reach the skies♪

♪La la la la la. Oh yeah.♪

♪Believe lieve lieve me. Oh yeah.♪

♪La la la la la. Oh yeah.♪

♪Hey kids! A...B...C! ♪
♪Be a little crazy.♪

♪D...E...F♪ ♪Maybe you'll be a chef.♪

♪G...H...I♪ ♪No joke, you can't deny.♪

♪It's true!♪

♪J...K...L♪ ♪It's never gonna fail.♪

♪M...N...O♪ ♪Anything is possible.♪

♪You can do anything.♪
♪Can you say "winning"?♪

♪Telling little lies.♪ ♪It's
how you reach the skies♪

♪La la la la la. Oh yeah.♪

♪Believe lieve lieve me. Oh yeah.♪

♪La la la la la. Oh yeah.♪

The End