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Inuyasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (2001)

Posted: 02/06/24 11:07
by bunniefuu
-What do you want?

-Lord Sesshomaru.

-We'll have your fang.

-My fang?

-That isn't the one.

That Fang carries with it
no aura of destruction.

Find me the other fang.

The only one powerful enough to
break the spell, the Tessaiga.

-Gramps, breakfast time.

Breakfast is ready, Gramps.

-Sota, look.

Look at all the flower buds.

Thousands and thousands
of flower buds.

-Hey, yeah.


-It's been 500 years since
this sacred tree last bloomed.

Sota, let me tell you about
the origin of this sacred tree.

-Kagome, your soup's
going to get cold.

-Yeah, yeah.

Mom, where's the sugar?

-Over by the window.

You sure you don't
need any help, dear?

-Nope, omelettes are one
thing I do know how to make.

-OK, just don't
overheat the frying pan.

-I know.

Ah, I forgot to put in some oil.

-You see, Sota, the
ancient sacred tree

would blossom without fail
every year at this time.

That is, until the evil half
demon was put under a spell

and fixed to the
trunk 500 years ago.

What do you think?

Learn anything today?

-So the flowers
bloom again because I

broke the spell on Inayasha?

Hurray for me.


-Looks delicious.

Beautifully done, dear.

-Not to bad, huh?

-You're terrific, sis.

-None for you.

-Don't be so stingy.


You're getting a real attitude.


-My name's Kagome Higurashi.

Until just recently, I was
your average ninth grader.

That is until I
discovered I could travel

the ancient [inaudible] Shrine.

-What is that?

-It's a poisonous insect from
the mainland called a scorpion,

I think.

-What's it doing here?

-Who cares about that?

If it has a jewel shard,
then I'm going after it.

-Be careful, Inuyasha.

I tried to warn him.

-Reckless as usual,
when will he learn?

-He won't.

Let's go.

-I'm coming too.

I'm just a kid.

Why do I have to go?

What the heck.

I'm going!

-The feudal era is full
of all kinds of demons,

and it was during this
period that Inuyasha

was bound to the sacred tree.

Oh, Inuyasha's father was
a demon and his mother

was human, making
him a half demon.

He's very rough
around the edges,

and he's got a huge ego
and a wicked temper.

And did I mention
how jealous he gets?

Totally hopeless.

Well, I guess he has a
few redeeming qualities.

Before we met, Inuyasha was
looking for the Shikon Jewel,

the Sacred Jewel
of the Four Souls.

Then, 50 years ago, Priestess
Kikyo put a spell on him

and fixed him to this tree.

They'd been very close until
something tore them apart,

but that's a whole other story.

The Sacred Jewel
of the Four Souls

could increase the
power of demons,

and it's all my
fault that it was

shattered into
hundreds of shards.

Anyway, that's
why Inuyasha and I

are collecting the jewel shards.

We have some dependable
friends who help us.

A young fox demon
named Shippo, who

uses his fox magic
whenever there's trouble.

And an amazingly talented
demon slayer named Sango.

And there's the
flirtatious Miroku,

who has a cursed wind
tunnel in his right hand.

-Sango, you're
not hurt, are you?

-Thanks so much Miroku,
you saved me from-- [slap]

Keep your hands to
yourself, pervert.

-You misunderstand.

I was just making sure
that your flawless body

wasn't harmed in any way.

-Not necessary, thank you.

KAGOME [VOICEOVER]: Then there's
Sango's faithful companion,

the two-tailed
demon cat, Kirara.

Oh, yes, there's one
other friend I forgot,

Myoga, the flea demon.

He's knowledgeable,
but he is a flea,

and fleas aren't
exactly the brave type.





Kagome, I've got something
to tell you and warn--

Kagome, where have you been?

Master Inuyasha is
already in battle.


-In other words, you sensed
danger and ran away as fast

as you could.

-Nonsense, I just
came to fetch you,

seeing as you so long to return.

-You're always the
first to disappear

when there's any
sign of trouble.


-Hey, are you alright?

-Just having an off day.

-Oh, I knew it.

You really are hopeless
when Kagome isn't around.



I'm back, you guys.




-Just what the hell
have you been doing?

-Making lunches.

Took longer than I thought.

-This isn't a picnic.

Typical woman, no
sense of priorities.

-I apologized already.

-Yeah, I heard it myself.


-Are you all right?

-I'm fine, thanks.

-Where's the sacred
jewel shard on the demon?

-Right there.

On it's tail.

At the top.

-All right.

Say hello to my Tessaiga.

-Way to go!


-Let me handle it from here.

Wind tunnel!

-We did it.


Oh, dear.

-Now what's your problem?

Hurry up and get
the jewel shard.

I'll do it.

-Look, here's the jewel shard.

-Astounding, once again, Kagome.

The demonic aura
has been purified.

-Excellent, they found it.





The time has come.

-We are prepared, Master.

-There, I made an extra
special lunch for us today.

-Hm, this is wonderful.

-A wonderful day, wonderful
friends and Kagome's


-Hm, I've never seen half
have this stuff before.

What's it supposed to be?

Is it edible?

-Would you give it a rest?

You haven't even tried it yet.

-Uh, Kagome?

How come this octopus
has only four legs?

-And it's faceless, no less.

-It's a wiener.

SANGO: This rice
ball is delicious.

-That's because Kagome put
such care into her cooking.

We must force ourselves
to eat every last morsel.


-It's been a long time since
we had anything decent.

-How's that omelette?

If my specialty, light
and fluffy, right?

-Pipe down and let me eat.

-Now, now.

Don't be so cruel, he's just
a little follow, remember?

-That worked out
nicely for you, Shippo.

-This faceless octopus is great.

-Hey, how do like that?

I'm only asking if
you like the taste.


I knew something was missing.

-Something missing?

What do you mean?

-You know what I mean.

Oh great, here it is.

Kagome, boil up some
water for me, would ya?

-Inuyasha, sit, boy.

Sit sit sit sit sit.

Thanks for nothing!

-I've heard her say sit
before, but never like that.

-Call it punishment for not
considering Kagome's feelings.



What's the matter, Kirara?

She's got a fever.

-It must be the toxin
from the scorpion.

-Let me see.

I'll suck out the poison.


Come back.

-Kirara's acting strange.

I don't like the looks of this.

I better follow them.

This thing's heavy.

How does she manage to
make it look so easy?

-They're sure
impatient, as usual.

-I couldn't agree more.

-I don't believe
the nerve that guy.

I'll never make him lunch again.

He'll regret this.


This would have been a
good day to stay in bed.



Excuse me.

-She belongs to you?

She's reacting to insect poison.

We just gave her an antidote.

-You're very kind.

Thanks so much.

-Not at all.

We're glad we're able to help.

-I too am very grateful, and
I have a suggestion for you

both to contemplate.

As a token of my gratitude
for helping our furry friend,

would you ladies kindly
consider bearing my children?

Forgive me.

It's hard to control myself
around such beauties.

-Who asked you?

-So ladies, did you
come from the continent?

-We did.

-Yes, how very observant.

-And yet, you seemed to
have mastered our language.

You speak it fluently.

-Indeed, we do.

After all, we can to
this land many years ago.

-Well over 200 years ago,
if the truth be told.


What are you doing?

What do you want with us?


Wait, that giant scorpion
from this morning.

-I was the one who summoned it.

-Everything is
exactly as we hoped.

-Meaning the whole
thing was a trap.


I'll save you.

-I was waiting for
you to use that power.

-You what?

-You cannot escape my
powers of duplication.



-That evil woman.

What did she do to me?

-At last, I have it
in my possession.

Wind tunnel.

Well, monk, any
thoughts before you die?

Someone has interfered.

-Our business here is done.

Let's go.




What's the matter?

Don't you recognize me anymore?


-We're taking the
two-tail with us.


-Kirara seems to be
under their spell.

I'll bet it's the
scorpion poison.

We must do something
to bring her back.

-Are ye two all right?

-So you fired that
arrow, Lady Kaede?

-I felt a restlessness
among the trees,

so I came to investigate.

-Well, you came in
the nick of time.

Thank you for your help.

-Are ye going to go
after those women?


-They headed west.

-Toward the Forest of No Return.

-Ye must use the utmost care.

Restlessness in
the trees signifies

that a disaster
is about to occur,

or that something
evil is already afoot.

In any case, huh?

Oh, I was talking
here, you know?

Ages senses impending danger.

Trouble looms not far ahead.

Is someone after Inuyasha?

-Oh brother, what am
I going to tell mom?

I had a tiny little accident.
ould you buy me a new bike?

She'll never go for it.

That's Kikyo.


This is stupid.

What am I hiding for?

I haven't done anything.


Inuyasha, where you going?

-To find that damn Kagome.

I'm going to give her
a piece in my mind.

I'll tell you that much.

-Yeah, right.

She's got you wrapped
around her finger.

-Those are Kikyo's
soul collectors.

-Something wrong,
Master Inuyasha?


-What'd you do that for?

My father taught me
to respect elders, not

treat them like, well, fleas.

-You two stay here.

Don't even think
about following me.

-No wait!

Where are you going?

What's his problem?

-It's the curse of the octopus.

The Sacred Tree.

This is where I
first met Inuyasha.

And it's where Kikyo
and Inuyasha parted.

They were so close.

They understood each other.

And Kikyo still loves Inuyasha.

-Guess I'd better get back.

What's this?


What was that?

What did I do that for?

Well, that's what I
get for being nosy.

The only reason

I'm here in the feudal
era is to gather

the shards of the sacred
jewel and restore it

to its original form.

Doesn't really
have to me though.

Kikyo could find the shards.

The real reason I come
here is-- Inuyasha.

-You cut yourself, clumsy.

To bad Myoga isn't around.

This would make his day.


-What's your problem?

-You wrecked that handkerchief,
and it was my favorite one.


Who cares?

It's just a piece of cloth.

Anyone else here
or are you alone?

-What do you mean?

-Just asking.

Forget about it.

-You came looking for
Kikyo, didn't you?

A-ha, so you did
follow Kikyo's scents.

-Will you shut up.

Just stop yakking
and let me do this.


You're good to go.

Come on.


No matter how far
apart they are,

they still think about
each other all the time.

There's no place for me here.

I know that, but I
can't stop myself.

-All those moths.

-There's millions of them.

Where'd the come from?

This is creepy.

-Kagome, hold your breath
or their poison powder

will make you blackout.

-How long do I have
to stay like this for?

-What do you think?

Until I get rid of
all these nasty bugs.

Iron river soul stealer.

There's so many of them.

OK, I'll get them all at once.

[evil laugh]

-Who's that?

-Inuyahsa, is it not?

-Depends who's asking and
what you want with me.

-My name is Menomaru.

Inuyasha, let my sword
be my introduction.

Good, the fang of destruction.

-What's that?

I don't know what
you're going on about.

You all right, Kogame?

-I can't hold it anymore.

-You idiot!

-Such a pity, using the w*apon
to protect a mere human.

I would use the sword
for a more noble cause,

now hand it over to me!

-I don't think so.

How the hell he'd
block my Tessaiga?

have to finish him off quick

or Kagome won't make it.

Iron Rebar.

It's getting blurry.



Can't move.

-How pathetic.

Are you losing
consciousness so soon?

Inuyasha, I shall run you
through with your fang

of destruction.

A barrier.

This is most disappointing.

It seems you are the only
one who can wield the sword.

Maybe I can use the girl though.

-What do you think
you're doing, Inuyasha?

We just finished
bandaging up your wounds.

What if you open them up again?

-These aren't anything serious.

Where did he get to?

-Who are you talking about?

-He said his name was Menomaru,
that disgusting demon.


Are you sure about that name?

-Where is Sango
and Miroku anyway?

They still haven't come back.

And no sign of
Kagome yet either.

-That bastard.

He must have taken
Kagome with him.

-What's that?

You mean Kagome didn't go back
to her world beyond the well?

-There's no way she'd go
home without running it

past me first.

-I don't believe my ears.

You're supposed to
be defending her.

Can't you even do that properly?

Ow, and after all I did for you.

-Why'd you bother?

These wounds aren't
really that bad.

-Master Inuyasha, are you
quite certain this demon called

himself Menomaru?

-Yeah, there's no
mistake about it.


You know him?

-He's the only son of
Hyoga, an infamous demon

from the continent.

-I don't like the
sounds of this.


army from the continent

began an attack.

Demons, led by Hyoga,
came here to snatch

the souls of those
k*lled in battle.

At that time, your father
ruled the regions of the West.

Hyoga and your father
battled ferociously,

cling forth thunder and winds
and causing a terrible v*olence


Using one of his fangs, your
father sealed Hyoga away,

and thus, I understand,
chased the foreign demons back

to the continent.

-Let me guess.

You weren't even there.

-Uh, well, I--

-In other words, you were
running from danger even

way back then.

-It was an act of
self preservation.

I really do it
because your father

and you were so reckless.

-I guess you wouldn't know
where this Hyoga was sealed away


-Fortunately, I can
help you with that.


-The tree of ages in
the forest of no return.

-The tree of ages?


You there?


Please, don't leave me behind.

-Lord Menomaru,
how did you fare?

-See for yourselves.

What will you do with the girl?

-Use her to lure Inuyasha here.

-Why bring him to our hideout?

-It seems the fang
of destruction

has a barrier around it.

-You mean?

-Only he can wield it.

But I cannot inherit my father's
legacy until the spell on this

fang is broken.

And the only way to accomplish
that is with the Tessaiga.

-I don't see how
a mere mortal will

be enough to lure him here.

-He'll come.

Dog demons seemed to
be fond of humans.

Inuyasha's father fell in
love with a mortal woman,

and Inuyasha with his
partially human blood

has also fallen in
love with a mortal.


Such eccentrics.



-Watch over the girl.

I have an idea about how to rid
ourselves of that half-demon.

-I understand, Master.

-What's the matter, Hari?

-This girl possesses unusually
strong spiritual powers.

Is she a priestess?


Look at the odd
way she's dressed.

-Here, use this.

-A sacred jewel shard?

-Are you certain, Master?

-One with great powers such
as mine has no need for it.

-What's going on?

-What's this?

She easily broke the roots.

-It seems that the
girl does indeed

possess spiritual powers.

-Who are you?

What do you want with me?

Where is Inuyasha?

-Don't worry, mortal, your
friend will be here short;y.

-What are you going
to do with me?


What did you do to Kirara?

Something's different about her.

-The two-tail belongs to us now.

-Turn Kirara back to normal.

-You're a feisty one.

-I'm serious.

-My friends, keep this
girl company, won't you?


-Sango's w*apon.

Miroku, Sango, you found me.


-Oh no, they've got Kagome
and Kirara imprisoned in here.

-I don't know what
you're thinking, you two,

but we're taking
our friends back!


-It seems she doesn't
want to return to you.


-I'll deal with you, monk.

-I told you I was serious.

Next shot you won't be so lucky.

-Little girl, you're bait,
so start acting like bait.

-Why don't you make me?

He's fast.


Get out of the way!


-You're going down.

-I thought you'd
never come, Inuyasha.


Is that so?

Well, I'm here to
take Kagome back.


-You're here.


-Kirara, no!

-She's still not herself.

-Quick, take cover, Kagome.


Not terribly impressive.

-Guess that's it for him.

What the-- Damn it.

What's going on?

-I am immortal.

-Master Inuyasha, Menomaru
absorbs demonic power

from Hyoga, who lies
dormant behind him.



That thing?

-The very same.

Hyoga's body perished long ago,
but his near limitless power

remains sealed inside.


Myoga, how unusual for you not
to flee in the face of danger.

-I would if I could.

Master Inuyasha, spare an
old man and untie me, please?

-I'll let you go right after
you tell me how to defeat him.

-Be reasonable.

-It's useless.

You cannot defeat me.

I am invincible.

-I don't care what kind of
demonic power you've got,

it ain't gonna stop me from
splashing you to pieces.

-How bold of you.

Let's see you try it.

-Something's not right.

-Please, be careful, Inuyasha.

-You asked for it.

-No, you must stop,
Master Inuyasha.

-Wind star!


This is the moment
I've waited for.

-I did it.

--[laughing] Finally, the
seal has been broken.

-Oh no.

-It's caving in.

-Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.




-Are you all right, Kagome?


What happened to Sango
and Miroku though?


-We're here.

-Everyone accounted for?

-So Inuyasha, thank you.


-My father, Hyoga, lost
to your father in battle

and was sealed away
at this very spot.

The fang your brother
Sesshomaru wields

did not have the power
to break the spell.

The fang that does
possess the power

is the one passed on
to you, the Tessaiga.


You used me to break the seal?

-Now that my family's
spell has been broken,

I can inherit generations
of my family's power!

-What's this?

-This is the beginning of the
Hyoga clan succession ceremony.

-What's gonna happen?

-Menomaru will possess
the power of his father

and become even more
ferocious demon.

[evil laughing]

-The new Lord Hyoga
has been born.

-Our new lord and master.

-It's all over for us.

Menomaru will absorb
his father's power

and become the new Hyoga.

No one could defeat him now.

-My father beat him, didn't he?

-Each generation absorbs the
power of the previous ones,

and thus increases in strength.

Menomaru, the new Hyoga,
is already much stronger

than the demon your
father defeated.

And in order to transform into
an even more powerful demon

then he already is, then he's--

-Who cares?


-Won't matter if I k*ll him.

-Have mercy on this old flea.

Please, untie me.



never allow myself

to be wounded by a
half-breed like you.

-Look at all the pretty colors.

-Don't die on me
yet, half demon.

You're spoiling all my fun.

I've made special
arrangements for your death.

-Your threats ain't
foolin' no one.

Your father was afraid of
mine, and you're afraid of me.

Come out and fight me.

-You can talk like a man,
but can you fight like one?

Think back for me, Myoga.

Can't you remember anything,
like his weakness or some way

to k*ll him?

Hurry and remember something,
if you want to live.

MENOMARU: You still don't
understand how strong I am.

This is in your honor.

Now, be gone from the
face of the earth.

Come forth, all kneel before me.

Bring your offerings.

I hunger for the souls
of all living creatures!

-What is it?

-Look at that.

Grandma, come quick.

-A swarm of moths.

-What's happening?

I'm scared.

-Oh, the Tree of Ages.

I don't understand.

What is happening?

-Something's coming this way.

-Look at that cloud?

Are those bugs?



-Are you all right, Priestess?

-I sense something sinister
is behind this turmoil.





-Rin, take cover.


-Lord Sesshomaru,
there's no need for you

to waste your energy.

Allow me to take care of them.

Behold the power of
the staff of two heads!

How brazen to think they
could conquer Lord Sesshomaru.

I can't see.

Get it off me!

It's stuck to my nose.

I can't see a thing.

-Excellent aim, Lord Sesshomaru.

-So it seems Hyoga
has been resurrected.

-The moths are
all gone, my lord.

No, don't leave me,
Lord Sesshomaru.

-Alas, the dismal fate of Jaken.

-Are you certain this
will work, Master Miroku?

-Hyoga is consuming the
souls of every living thing

he can get his hands on.

If you're not constantly
alert and strong,

you'll lose your soul
and become his prey.

-I don't care what he's doing.

He's just too strong.

I'm afraid you must
admit to yourselves

that this time your
hands are indeed tied.

-I'm going.

I can't leave Kirara
under their spell.

-I'm coming as well, Sango.

I can't stand idly
by while my wind

tunnel is used
for evil purposes.

-Heed me, you don't
stand a chance.

-We'll manage some
way or another.

-We'll find a way.

-Oh, well, if you insist,
I won't try to stop you.

I warn you though, you
won't have an easy time

climbing that huge Tree of Ages.


Please don't-- don't
make me go there, master.

-Come with us or be
sucked into my hand.

-All right, all right.

-Crooked monk.

-Don't transform in this
tiny space, you fool.

-Now I'm really
going to suck you up.

-This is just a little scratch.

-Master Inuyasha, we're
in great danger here.

Let us return to the west
and recoup our strength.

-Run away?


The Hyoga clan has spent
the last 200 years planning

to take revenge on you for
Menomaru's father being

sealed away.

In order to stand up to
them, we need some time

to plan our counterattack.

Master Inuyasha, you
must wait until you're

at least as powerful
as your father--

-No chance.

I can't stand sit around here.

-But, Master--

-I don't need your excuses.

I'm going back there.

-Don't do it, Master Inuyasha.


I've heard enough.

-What did you do that for?

-You're getting on my nerves.

Get out of here.

Can't you sense the danger?

Take off.

I'm going in alone.

-Forget it.

I will not allow this.

I will stop you
even if it kills me.

If you insist on going,
Master Inuyasha, then you

must do it over my dead body.

Such is the fate of a flea.

-Inuyasha, is your
persistence a human trait?

No matter.

I shall have some
amusement at your expense.

[whistling sound]

-What happened to you, Kagome?

-Water, please.


-My head is k*lling me.

I feel really sick.



What's happening?

I have no control over my body.

Run away, Kaede!


-Is that Kikyo?


Inuyasha, get away from me.


-You look kind of pale, Kagome.

Go back to Kaede's house
and get yourself some rest.

K-- Kagome?

I'm sorry, I couldn't
get to you sooner.

-Inuyasha, get away.



-She has to be under
someone's spell.

It has to be Menomaru.

please, get away form me!

-Snap out of it, Kagome.

-Die, Inuyasha.

-Hm, how long can you
keep running, Inuyasha?


What am I gonna do?

dare he do this to Kagome?

I won't let him
get away with this.

-Am I imagining it or is
that orb growing bigger?

-Each time he devours a
soul, he becomes bigger.

-That would make
him a growing boy.

-Very true.

I just hope he
doesn't grow too much.

-Kirara, I'll get you back.


This is just like
last time, huh, Kikyo?

No, wait.

She's not Kikyo, it's Kagome.

please, get away from me!



MENOMARU: Finish off Inuyasha.


-Die, Inuyasha.


-Damn, yet more interference.

-Here you are, my dear friends.

I wish you all the best.

-I'm impressed that Hachi
brought us this far considering

the strong demonic aura.



-Why are you stroking my hand?

-I'm afraid the end might
be drawing near for us.

-Don't speak of such nonsense.

-You challenge me knowing
you don't stand a chance.

Humans are such
strange creatures.


You're one to pass judgment.

-Inuyasha, get away, please.

I have no control over my body.

I can't stop.

Run before it's too late.

Before I--

-That's enough.

I don't want to hear it.

I'm sick of you and everyone
else telling me to run.

I'm not running.

Not without you.

I won't leave you behind.

-Wind tunnel!

-Wind tunnel!

-I'll take you on.

It'll be my pleasure.

-So more interference, how dull.

[whistling sound]

That sound again.

-Damn, those Moths are back.











Inuyasha, say something.

Open your eyes.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

-Ironic, isn't it?


The same situation,
the same spot.

You truly are my reincarnation,
walking the same path I did.

Now, take this and
return to your world.

-I won't.

-You must go.

You never belonged
here in these times.

You are an outsider.

A person who chanced
upon this world of ours.

-I can't leave Inuyasha.

-You must leave!

You're the one who injured him.

-Heed my words, Hyoga is using
the formidable Tree of Ages

in order to increase
his demon powers.

-Tree of Ages?

-That's correct.

This is also a Tree of the Ages.

-Sacred trees?

-The Tree of Ages lives
through different eras.

Hyoga's Tree of Ages, it steals
energy from various generations

and matures.

By now, other generations of
time have already frozen over.

-Your era has
likely been plunged

into a never ending winter.

-Oh, dear.

It's so cold all of a sudden.


The flowers, they only
just began to bloom.

-Roots are forming.

The wood of this
well is ancient.

-This wall was constructed out
of wood from the Tree of Ages.

It's vital life force lay
dormant all these years,

and is now being awakened
by the Tree of Ages.

If the well is covered
over, you will never

be able to pass through
to your own time.

You must return
to your own world

while you still have a chance.

-But, Inuyasha.

-Go home.

Back to your own era
where you belong.

You and Inuyasha live
at different times.

Go home!

You must never be
with Inuyasha again.

Nor I, for I am one of
the dead, and as such

I too don't belong here.

-That bothersome girl, she
has broken through my spell.

GRANDFATHER: Sota, run and
get me some more matches.

SOTA: Sure, I'll
be back, Gramps.

-Heed my prayers, oh
spirit of the skies.

Stop the snow from falling.

-Will the weather really go
back to normal if we pray?

-It will.

This is the sacred tree which
has protected our shrine.

Our prayers are
sure to be answered.

Now, Sota, pray.

BOTH: Oh, spirit of the skies,
stop the snow from falling.


-You've returned.


-Kagome, the sacred tree.



can't touch him any more.

My voice can't
reach him anymore.

I won't see Inuyasha ever again.



-What's wrong, Kagome?

-Very nice.

You're a handsome
one, young monk.

Makes me want to dig out
your heart and eat it.


Kirara, snap out of it!

-It's useless, she cannot
hear your voice anymore.

A human and a demon,
you were never

destined to
understand each other.

-You're Inuyasha's
older brother.

-The girl named Kagome,
you truly must loathe her.

Or are you merely
testing her powers?

-I loathe all things.

I despise every living
creature who's bound to time.

-Do as you see fit.

Though I warn you, I shall be
the one to destroy Inuyasha.

-Lord Sesshomaru,
are you certainly it

was a wise decision to
let that woman go free?

-Are you blind, Jaken?

That woman is already dead.

-Yeah, but how can that be?

She spoke as if she were living.

How can she be dead if
she's alive, my lord?

-Silence, Rin!

-I'm not asking
you, Master Jaken.


-You brazen child.

-Wait for me, Lord Sesshomaru.

-It's a lie.

Kagome saved me.

She'd never do such a thing.

-Kagome's eyes were dazed over
with evil, she was not herself.

-Perhaps she's under the
same spell as Kirara?

-I had a bad premonition.

We must hurry to
the sacred tree.

-You could at least
carry yourself there.

-Have ye no morals?

Be kind to the elderly
and the injured.

-She's right.

-Onward cow.

-I'm a horse.

-What is this?


-I'm so done.

-What on earth has happened?

-The well is covered up.

-Oh no.

The Tree of Ages has gone wild.

-What do you mean?

-That huge tree is
calling out to it.

This world will be swallowed
up if it's left unchecked.

-Master Inuyasha.

Master Inuyasha.

-Had enough of this, monk?

What do you say we
settle this battle.

We'll test your wind
tunnel against my own.

Who will be sucked
into the void first?

Wind tunnel!

-Oh spirits of the skies,
stop the snow from falling.

Stop the snow from falling.

-Kagome, I didn't
know you were back.

Welcome home.

SOTA: Mom, what
took you so long?

-I'm sorry, dear.

Oh my, you look frozen.

-Oh, Mom.

-Thanks for your
prayers, Father.

How's the sacred tree?

-Don't you worry.

I have the power
to correct this.

-I know.

Here, Sota, put this
over his shoulders.

-You hang in there, Gramps, K?

-Oh spirits of the skies,
stop the snow from falling.

-Thanks, Mom.

-Oh, it's probably a little
too late in this cold weather.

I'll bring a coat
out for you, dear.


-Hey, Mom, is this
tree that important?

-Yes, it is.

The sacred tree
holds all of our memories.

SOTA: It does?

-It remembers when
Kagome was born,

and when you were born, Sota.

When you both started
going to school,

and when you won first
place in the school race.

The times when you were sick
in bed with a high fever.

This tree has lived through
it all with us, happy times

and sad times.

It has always been
here to protect us.

tree has been there for me too.


This place means more
than anything to me.

-What's the matter?

The sacred tree
shard is glowing.

-Sacred jewel shard, as
in the Shikon jewel--

-I'm still connected
to their world.

I'm still connected.

I've never kept

the wind tunnel
exposed for this long.

I can't hold on for much longer.

-And now, monk, prepare to die.


[laughing] I win this battle.

Oh, what's this?

Lord Hyoga.

-Someday, that very
fate will befall me.

My own flesh and
bones will be sucked

into the void of my cursed hand.

-You refuse to
admit the obvious.

Demons are born
to be controlled,

and the best way is with power.

-Not true.

My relationship with Kirara
is nothing like that.

-Fool, still so
naive and stubborn.

You won't be missed.

-Kirara, I know this
isn't how you want to be.

-What's the matter with you?

Finish her off.


Kirara, stop it.


-The feline broke
through my spell.

-Kirara, I knew it.

I knew you wanted to come back.

-Kirara, I have no
use for you anymore.

-Kirara, the hiraikotsu.

Let's get her, Kirara.

We did it.

-I'm not that easy to k*ll.

Nice try, but-- ahhh!

Lord Hyoga, no.

Don't do this.

I can still serve you.

-Let's go, Kirara.

-I am almost there.

Only a few more souls and
I will at last be complete.

-So it seems Myoga was
right about Menomaru.



I'm glad you got Kirara back.

-How did you do?

-Well, I managed.

I overused my wind tunnel
a little bit though.

It feels like the demonic
aura has become much stronger.

Take Kirara and
make your escape.

I will use my wind tunnel
and take care of it.


-Are you all right?

-Curse you, Menomaru, but you
steal the souls of the dead.

-Fox Fire!

Oh no, my fox magic
isn't working.

What do you think we
should do now, Kaede?

-This tree is feeding
off sheer evil.

Only the secret powers
of Kikyo or Kagome

would be powerful enough
to stop it at this point.

-Master Inuyasha, say something.

It's the last demand
I'll make of you.

-Oh spirits of the skies,
stop the snow from falling.

-I drank too much.


I can feel him.

I can feel Inuyasha.


Is that you?

-Inuyasha, how are you?

Are you OK?

-Don't worry.

This is nothing.

I'm kind of surprised
you're not here.

-I came back.

Got scared, did ya?


I just-- I--


-Never mind.

You're right, maybe I ran away.

you'll never change, will ya?

-What do you mean stupid?


-Oh hey, you are here, Kagome.

So what have you
been worrying about.

-I just fell so helpless.

I even ended up
hurting you, Inuyasha.

And I thought you'd be
better off without me around.

-Would you stop
going on like that?

-Inuyasha, don't move.

You'll open your wounds.

-I need you with me, Kagome.

Haven't you realized that yet?

-Thank you.


Come on back, Kagome.


-Oh spirits of skies, stop
the snow from falling.


-Inuyasha, I can't get back.


-She's finally lost it.


What is it?

-The well is filled with roots.

I can't get back.

-Kagome, use the sacred
arrow [inaudible].

Use that to tear
apart the roots.

That's what Kaede said to do.

-But I don't have
anything like that here.

I do.

Gramps, give me one of those.

Got it.

Inuyasha, I'll be right there.

Let me borrow this.

-Cold, huh, Gramps?

-Stew would be nice for supper.

A nice hot stew.



-You forgot this.

-You do what you have to, OK?

-I don't think ye are
up to this, Inuyasha.

-Your wound's still not healed.

-Shut up.

My body's build a lot
tougher than yours.

Stay back unless you
want to get k*lled.

Please work!

-Here goes.

-What happened?

-I made it.



-Ye are all right.

-And Kaede too.

Your arm.

I'm sorry.

-Nothing to worry about.



-Did you have to make
such a noisy entrance?

-Pardon me?

You're the one who told
me to use an arrow.

-I never told you to blow us up.

-What more does he want?

She's back, isn't she?

Why is he picking a fight?

-No need for concern,
they're back to normal.

-Master Inuyasha,
Hyoga's absorbing

the soul of every living
creature in the world.

This is not the time
for petty arguments.

-I figured out that much.

Let's go, Kagome.


-What's that glow from?

-We'll find out soon,
now hang on tight.

-What was that expl*si*n?

-Curses, we're too late.


-You're not running away?

-I act when it's necessary.

-Seems I've
misjudged you, Myoga.

-Look at the size of him.

He's enormous.

-Size isn't everything, Kagome.

You can't scare us, moth man.

-Are you all right?

-Don't waste your time
worrying about me.

-So you're still
alive, half-demon?

-And kicking.

Now, it's my turn to thank you.

-The time has come.

-What are those demons?

Where did they come from?

-They are demons
from the continent.

The only way to defeat
them is to combine

the powers of the Tessaiga
and Kagome's arrow.

-My Tessaiga and Kagome's arrow?

-Good luck to you all.

You're running away yet again?

-My faithful demon servants,
devour every creature

in the world.

Feel the wrath of my Tessaiga.


-He did it.

-Nicely done!

-I'm not getting anywhere.

-There's way too many of them.

Here they come.

Stay away, you creeps.




-Sango and Miroku too.


-You're all OK.

Thank goodness.

-You're safe too.

-Don't just stand
there, help me.

-Wind tunnel!

Hurry and go.

I'll take care of them.

-Thanks Miroku and good luck.

-Please, do your best.

Should you not live through
this, I'll never forget you.

Don't jinx me before
I even get started.

-We're gonna win.

Ain't it obvious?

-You must be mad.

You still think a half-breed
like yourself can defeat me?

new Lord Hyoga?


I'll show you how it's done.


-Kagome, be careful.

-I'll be fine.

I'm with Inuyasha.

Are you all right?

-I've never seen
anything more pathetic.

A half-demon [inaudible]
with a mortal girl.


What's wrong with
us being together?

-Inuyasha, your kind is turning
into spineless weaklings

by those same
disgusting creatures.


His aura is so strong,
it's overpowering mine.

-Kagome, sh**t your arrow.

Just sh**t and aim for his body.

-All right.

I sure this tiny arrow
will work on him.

-There it is, the spot where
the swirling air collides.

Wind star!


I barely scratched the surface.

-How dare you challenge me.

Witness my awesome power.

-Kagome, run!

-His aura is so powerful.

-I don't believe this.

-We really got him
good and mad that time.

We could win, Kagome.

I'll use the backlash wave to
send his own energy right back

at him.


-Do you think that maybe
we're in way over our heads

this time?

-Yeah, shall we run for it?



-You've witnessed my power
and you still wish to defy me.

Come at me then.

-You got two legs and a
heartbeat, what's stopping you?

-Your mouth seems to be your
only w*apon, half-demon.

-Don't count on it.

I'm full of surprises.

-Inuyasha, his demonic
aura is centered

around the mark on his forehead.

-Do you think you can hit it?

-I'll try.

Come on, you've got to make it.

-That's the spot!

-You fool, do you really think
I'd fall for a second time?

-It's gonna miss.


Lousy wench.


-Oh no, Kagome!

-Are you all right?



-Can you go on?


Please take me to Inuyasha.

-All right.




-I've taking care of
his demonic minions.

-Yeah, and I got three of them.

-Good job.

KAGOME: Inuyasha!

-You idiot!

That was a little reckless.

-Yeah, well, I
knew you'd catch me

so I figured I'd
take the fast way.

INUYASHA: You're not a
piece of baggage, dummy.

-Sango, no need to be shy.


Fall into my arms.



-He's coming.

Kagome, aim for the mark again.

-His aura's too strong.

My arrow will never
make it that far.

-Will you stop
making excuses, just

be over confident like
usual and fire the arrow.

-Like you're one to talk.

-I'll use your arrow to
relay my backlash wave.

Just trust me and sh**t.

-Play time is over.

Prepare for your lives to end.

-Come on, what's taking ya?

Just sh**t!

-I'm going to.

How about having a
little faith in me too?


-You can do it.


-I'll show you!

You mocked us, but now you're
gonna feel our true power.

Backlash wave!


Curse you, half demon.

-We did it.

-How could a human
and a half demon

defeat the great Lord Hyoga?

-Is it over?

-Hurry everyone.

-The Tree of Ages is
beginning to collapse.

-The tree was tapped
into Hyoga's demon power

and grew to enormous

so it's only natural
that it return

to dust now that he's dead.

You're not hurt, are you?

-No, I'm fine.

But what about you?

I mean, that wound
to your chest.

-That's nothing,
hardly a scratch.

-Thank you, Inuyasha.

Never mind.


-Master Inuyasha.

-Myoga, you're back.

-That was brilliant,
and all because you

used the precise
tactic I prescribed.

You are amazing indeed.

-Ha, you ran away at the
most critical time again.

KAGOME: Wait, if he knows
how you defeated Hyoga--

SHIPPO: Were you
there the whole time?

MYOGA: Of course, I would never
abandon my Master Inuyasha.

INUYASHA: You always do.

KAGOME: Always.

INUYASHA: Forget it.


MYOGA: Not again.

Have you no mercy
on a poor flea?

[theme music]


-It's so pretty, like snow.


It was so weird before.

I could hear your voice
from within the sacred tree.

You seemed so close.

-I was right there.

You looked so exhausted.

I thought you were
going to collapse.

You almost had me worried.

-Hey, what do say I make
another special lunch?

-Sure, as long as you
put in that stuff I like.

You know, the yellow stuff.

-My yummy egg omelette?

-No, I don't think it was egg.

It was kind of crunchy.

-You mean the pickled radish?

-Yeah, that was the
only good thing.

-Inuyasha, sit boy!
