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Sennen Joyuu (Millennium Actress) (2001)

Posted: 02/06/24 11:13
by bunniefuu
Do you really have to go?

I made a promise...

no matter what,

that I would go to him.

You won't be able
to return.

Thank you.

Don't go. Please don't.

You are my one true...

[computerized voice]
Six, five,

four, three,

two, one.





[door opens]

That was a big one.

Hey, boss
are you okay?

- The equipment?
- It's all ready.

I'll be downstairs
in the van.

I'll be right there.

[tape rewinding]

[theme music playing]


[boat horn blows]

[crossing signals clanging]



So here we are

after Ginei Studios
has made the announcement,

that what remains
of its soundstages

will now officially
be closed.

This will be a tribute
to the star,

who sustained it through
most of its seven decades.

We are going
to make a documentary

to pay homage
to Chiyoko Fujiwara.

Why are you getting this shot
with me in it?

We should have done all
the footage for the documentary

a lot earlier,
don't you think?

And she could have been cool

and agreed to interview
earlier too, right?

She is no longer
just some performer.

Okay, well, maybe you
should have made this thing

Living out here by herself
in the sticks like this,

gosh, she's a weird old lady.

I'll k*ll you next time.


But, boss, honestly,

no matter how big the actress,

if they're over 70
aren't they, like, ancient?


That's it! That's it!

I don't know.
I wouldn't get your hopes up.

We have no idea what she even
looks like now, right?

She does not age!


So, uh...

Oh, madam!


[Tachibana] Does Miss Fujiwara
live on her own in this house?

Oh, yes, she sure has.
For quite a while now.

The garden is her friend.

It's where she spends
most of her time.

You know madam made
the herbal tea you're drinking.

[clock chiming]



You are very lucky.

I am really surprised she agreed
to give you an interview.

We had some difficulty finding
a proper address for her.

It truly is an honor.

Oh, no, you're just fine now.

You do have a special gift
for her?

Oh, uh, well...

Now I get it.

Oh, yes, for her to agree
to see people is a big deal.

What's a big deal, Mino?


[Mino] Oh, madam, we were talking
about the earthquake this morning.

It was such a big deal.

It certainly gave me a scare.

I really thought
that my time had finally come.

How do you do?
I'm Chiyoko Fujiwara.

This is a special
and momentous day.

We are so deeply honored
to be in your gracious presence.

There's no need
to be so formal.


It means "lotus."

Studio Lotus.

Oh, I love lotuses.

I know, that's why I wanted
to call our studio...


The ones out back
will flower very soon.

[water trickling]

Do you know what they symbolize?

Yes. They represent purity.

So now, Mr. Tachibana,

you, uh...

Oh, yes!

I almost forgot.

I had no address for you,

nor any place
to send it to,

so I have been
holding it for you.

I had completely forgotten
all about this.

Was it the key
to something important?

[Chiyoko] The key to open
the most important thing.

Thank you, Mr. Tachibana.

But how did you come
to have it in your possession?


well, it was many years ago,

and someone at
Ginei Studios found it.


I never thought that I would
hold it again in my hand.



An earthquake
to welcome you.

Well, I suppose we should
get started then, yes?


Oh, yes.

I wonder if my destiny
is linked to earthquakes.

Did you know that I was,
in fact,

born during a very big one?

The great Kanto earthquake.

My father was overjoyed
at my birth.

But then he died
in the earthquake.

It was as if I had been born
to take his place.

But thanks to the sweet shop
that my father left us...

my mother and I were able
to live well.

[crowd shouting and cheering]


When I was a child,

the world was a turbulent
and dangerous place.

Everything seemed
to be shifting to the right.

[train whistle blows]

But back then,

girls' magazines were
more important to me.

I looked at the photographs

and dreamt of handsome

So that must have been

about when talent scouts
discovered you?

Really, I don't know
what they saw

in a snub-nosed little girl
like me.

The managing director
of Ginei Studios at the time

saw me on my way to school.


Is there nothing
I can say, then?

There is not.

I'd really like to,

but my mother
has always said

that acting is just
a salacious profession.

Did she just
say "salacious"?

[managing director]
You should know

our new film
is set in Manchuria,

and will inspire
the brave soldiers

fighting for our country,

and encourage all
Japanese citizens.

And, of course,
young Chiyoko here

wants to serve her country,
don't you?


You may want her to,
Mr. Director,

but a shy girl like my daughter
could never be an actress.

Above all, it's imperative
that she get married

and run the family store.

Isn't that right?

What's more important,
our nation or a candy store?

Hmm! You want to talk
about serving the country?

Is it not a woman's duty
to protect the home

and raise the children?


[door closes]

[Chiyoko grunts]




Oh, uh...

What are we filming?

Miss Chiyoko.

Man, I kind of feel
like a stalker now.


[Chiyoko gasps]

I'm sorry.


I was in quite a hurry.

Something is going on.

Hey, you're kind of
in the shot.

- [man 1] He's not here!
- [man 2] Go that way!


[keys rattling]

Young lady, did a man
run by here?

He would have been carrying
a large, wrapped object.


He ran that way.



[keys rattling]


It takes guts to take a stranger
into your home like that.

So who is that guy, then?

May I see it?

It's just a sketch.

I plan to finish it
as soon as I get home.

In the place
where I grew up,

when winter comes, the whole
town is covered in white

as far as the eye
can see.

I'll set up my easel
in the middle of all that snow

and finish the painting
while I'm so cold it hurts.

In that vast white landscape,

it feels like you're in
some faraway world.

[wind gusting]

I'd really like
to go there.


And once we have peace again,

I will invite you there
to thank you

for saving my life
that day.

A full moon.

The full moon is tomorrow.

But I like this moon the most,

because after the full moon

the next night
the waning begins.

But here on the 14th night,

we have one more day
before it goes away.

We have one more
day of hope.

I have to leave now.

But you're still

My friends are off
fighting in Manchuria.

And my paintbrush
doesn't help very much.

Oh, this?

It's the key to opening
what is most important.

Opening what's most important?

Can you take a guess?

I don't know.

But please don't tell me.

It'll be my homework
for tomorrow.

Pinkie promise?

Come on,
just tell us.

There must be a man
that likes you, am I right?

Her first love.

[both giggling]


Oh, that is so sweet.

Even old people were
young once, weren't they?

[breathing heavily]



Hey, isn't that the key
you brought her?



He must still be around here!
Keep your eyes peeled!

Oh, young lady!

I'm glad you're all right.

They're saying there was
some kind of thief

that was hiding
in our storeroom.

He managed to get away
to the train station.

I am so glad
you were not hurt.

Nice work, old man.


[tires screech]


[horn honks]

[bell ringing]

[train whistle blows]


This is hard work.






I will go to you.

And I will find you!

[train whistle blows]

Now that is awfully dramatic,



I cried at this scene

when I was at
the cinema!

When did this
turn into a movie?

And that is when
I entered the world of cinema.

I see.

So, how did it begin?


Well, remember,

he said the managing
director's next film

was going to be set
in Manchuria.

[boat horn blowing]


That's it!

Thank you, Chiyoko.

I was certain that you
would agree to come.

Well, of course.

I want to serve
my country.

Right, Mother?


So, that's why you did it.

You went to Manchuria
because of the key.


I didn't really care that much
about making the movie.

- [giggles]
- [managing director] Chiyoko!

This is Chiyoko Fujiwara,

who will play
the lead character.

How do you do?

I am sure that you will

our biggest star,
Miss Eiko Shimao.

Hello, "Chieko" Fujiwara.

- [horn blows]
- [crowd cheers]


How intriguing.

What are you doing?



Please give it back!

My uncle found me a good
little actress to play with.

[door opens]

[Eiko] Hey, boy,
you sure work fast.

[door creaks closed]

So it's "Chizuko" Fujiwara?

It's Chiyoko.

[Eiko] This is Mr. Otaki,
the managing director's nephew.

He's going to be
a famous director one day.

He loves auditioning
our new actresses, don't you?

Sorry about giving you
a hard time.

It was given to me
for safekeeping.

If I see the man in Manchuria
who gave it to me,

I want to make sure
I return it to him.

We're not going there
for fun, you know.

Who is he, then,
this man with a key?

His name is...

You'll never be able
to find him like that.

I know that he paints.

- Paints what?
- He paints...

You don't even know that?

But I...

but I'm certain
that he is here in Manchuria.

So what?

I've never heard
of anyone like that.


Oh, this one!

But I know that he's
around here somewhere.

No, I don't need some amateur
like you hanging around here.

I will not let you
get rid of me that easily.

I have come all the way
across the sea

just to get here.

I just... I just...

Hey, director!

What is going on here?

This sure isn't in the script,
now is it?

Now, now.

Young Chiyoko,
when you're in character,

the lines you must have
for the scene

will just come up naturally
from within you.

- Okay.
- I told you already,

an amateur
can't play this role.

I just...

I just have to be able
to see him again.

That's good.

Let's get it on film!


Well done.


Very impressive.

Marvelous acting.

Man, what is with you?
Something wrong?

So, how's it going?

Any clues about the man
with the key?

You are so persistent.

If you're feeling lost,

why don't you try
a fortune-teller?

There's one nearby here

with quite a good



The person you are seeking
is now in the north?

He's a painter.
He's very tall.

Ah, and is this man
looking for a kind of key?

So you know something then?

If that's the man,
then I do.

You must tell me.
Where can I find him right now?

[train whistle blowing]

She just left the set?

How could she do that?

Don't you understand
what's happening?

Do you understand
what's happening, exactly?



Man, that guy is lucky
to have someone

chasing him
from so far away.


Oh, I wish I were him.

- [loud crash]
- [all scream]


Miss Chiyoko!
Miss Chiyoko!

- [man 1] What happened?
- Was it the Nationalists?

Maybe it's Communists.

[man 2]
Look! There!

It's a bandit attack!


Miss Fujiwara!
Miss Chiyoko!


- Hey, this is real--
- [g*nf*re]


Miss Chiyoko,
you must stay with me.

Miss Chiyoko!


You have to get out.

Hey, boss,
we got to go.






[all shouting]

Where did the bandits go?

What is the meaning of this?

How did we get here?

What happened
to Manchuria?

[gasps and yelps]


My lady, where is he?

- He's gone to the castle tower.
- [gasps]

Don't go, my lady! Please!

[Tachibana groaning]


[distant screaming]

My lord!

My lord!

Why did you not wait
for your consort, my lord?


Oh, my lord.

How often do you cry?

[both gasp]

Wait just a moment.



You must be a ghost, then,
who haunts this castle.

Call me what you will,
dear child.

I am the one who knows

everything there is
to know about you,

since long before you were
even born into this world.

Well, then what do you
want from me, ghost?

Explain to me right now, spirit,
what your purpose is here?

Here. Drink this.

What is not united
in this world

shall be forever united
in the realm of the dead.

My lord's soul
was taken by... you?

He's waiting for you

- [wind gusts]
- [gasps]

[woman cackles]

That is thousand-year tea.

From now on,

you shall burn in the flames
of eternal love!

You tricked me.

I have always despised you

much more than I can bare.

And I have always
loved you

much more than I can bare.

One day, you will see.


Aah! Oh, man.

Boss, watch out!

[man shouting]

[grunting and straining]

My lady, I am Genemon,
marshal of Nagato!

Since when?
Just now?

I will save
Your Ladyship,

even if I must lay down
my life for yours!

I will not abandon
the side of my lord.


Damn you, spirit.

[Tachibana] The lord
has been taken prisoner.

My lord?

You mean he is still alive?

My lady, you must return
to your land!

I have come to rescue
my lord.

- [horses whinnying]
- [men shouting]

I must find my lord.

What the hell...?

You will reach him.
My lord.



My lady!



My lady!

I'll never forget
your loyalty!

May fortune
be yours!


It's like it was only yesterday.

You don't mind
doing all of this?

Ah, no, I don't mind.

I'm quite happy for you to talk
about it any way you like.

Thank you.

So, yes, where was I,
exactly just now?

Breaking through
the enemy ranks.

Oh, this is where Nagato
gets wounded in battle.

That's right.

He was taken prisoner.

I wanted to help him
any way I could.

[horse neighs]

[horses whinnying]

- [man 1] What's happening?
- [man 2] It's an ambush!

- [men coughing]
- I can't see anything.

Where's it coming from?

It's me.
I've come to save you.

You, my dear,

will never get
the better of me!

I thought she was
some kind of princess.

[man grunts]

[body thuds]

[man yells]

Chiyoko, behind you!

Come on, now.
Finish her off.

Stop right there.


Who the hell are you?

You must be joking.


I do not even
have a name to give you.

So you've been following me
for some time now.

Cut him down! Now!

[all yell]

[swords clash]

- [bodies thud]
- [man groans]

I can be very persistent.

Yes, but why do you care
so much about me?

I really can't help it.

How does it differ
from your desire

to go and save that other man
you're after?


you know I love him.

Please stop your talking now.

Just leave this fight to me,
my dear.

Oh, no, please.

I don't need your gratitude.


I will die today
if I must

for the woman
that I truly love.

Maybe now's the time
I should get myself fired.


Come on,
all of you at once!

[horse whinnies]

Reinforcements are here!


You impudent girl.


Now where have you
got him?

They weren't nearly
as tough as they sounded.

Wait for me, Miss Chiyoko.

I am coming.

Well, by now his head
is probably on display

in the capital.

The capital?

You little child.

The show is ending
for you now.


He's in the capital.


- Let me go!
- No.

You will not
be leaving here.

I promise to return.

I just want
to see him again

and give him back
what rightfully belongs to him.

A fine story.

For what on earth does a man
who is about to be ex*cuted

need from someone like you
right now?

You poor fool.

Pursue him
for a thousand years

and a thousand miles.

You cannot escape
your destiny.

Neither you,
nor this woman.


What are you
staring at her for?

Take her away, now.

Stand up.

Let me go.
Please let me go.

I must go.
I promise I'll come back.

Please let me go!



We got here faster
than a b*llet train.



Where is Miss Chiyoko?

Your costume,

it's from the wrong era,
isn't it?


[breathing heavily]

Don't look at me like that.

I will not let you
bring shame on this house

simply because you forgot
everything I taught you.

Come to your senses.

How stupid,

upsetting Madam Eiko
like that.

It serves her right.

Chiyoko does not know
her place at all.

Being overly popular,
that's bad for a geisha.

[all laugh]

Listen up.

Make sure she does not
run away again.

Yes, ma'am.

Man, aren't we here
to be making a documentary

about her life
or something?

Yes, of course we are.
Here we go.

Seven Transformations:
the Legend of Chiyoko Fujiwara!

Wow. I swear,
old people are so weird.

Are you all right, Miss?

Oh, I'm just fine.

Well, now, then,
please leave this to me.

So... quickly, this way.


He is in the city now,
is he not, my dear?

- [gasps and whimpers]
- Knowing that,

I cannot possibly
keep you here.

I will never forget that you
have done this for me today.

Oh, from the day
you arrived,

I have wanted
to help you somehow,

in any way that I could
be of service.

I wanted to do
something for you,

even if that meant
I could only do a little.

And ever since then--

And ever since
that moment...

Miss Chiyoko.

Would you please
pull yourself together?


A prison break?

Seems some ronin have escaped.

Spread out!

[both grunt]


Yes, it's me.

You don't remember us meeting.

We met by chance
on a winter's day

that was just like it is
in this moment.

I have been looking for you
all this time.


I must return this.

Over there! Go check over there!

Don't let them get away!


This is your key!


We'll meet one day
as we promised.


Over there! Hurry!

[keys rattling]

You there,
did you see ronin,

a prisoner running this way,
just now?

Which way?

He ran off
down that way.

Woman, you look familiar.


You are hiding

Tell us.

I think you know
where he is.



Don't worry,
my young lady.

Just what I was
waiting for.

This is too darn much.

You're a damned anti-shogunate
ronin, aren't you?

Don't you realize
that you're a pawn

and that your time
has passed?


[inhales sharply]



Go now.

You can keep the horse.

And leave the rest of this
to me.


It's not that healthy
to push yourself so much.

Such kindness
to a worthless man.

I will never forget you,
my lady!



Where do you think you're going,
playing truant, girl?

Maybe a little tryst

with that young
people's rights activist?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

We have evidence.

He left you a nice
little something

back in the storeroom
of your home.

A memento.

He left something?
For me?

So you do know him.

That's enough for now.

You can tell us
the rest of it

down at the police station.

[door creaks open]

[door slams]

[locks click]

- [footsteps recede]
- [keys rattling]

[Eiko] You're a stubborn one
too, aren't you?

You really should just tell them
what they want to know.

I can't tell them
what I don't know.

But I wouldn't tell them
even if I knew.

There is no way
I will ever betray him.


Oh, what a stupid woman.

You may say that
to yourself now,

but I have learned that
people's feelings can change

at any given moment.

I'm not like that.

Every single day I love him
more dearly than the last.


They all are the same.

You didn't hear it
from me,

but Madam Eiko
once fell for a man

who stole all
of her earnings.

And then he went and ran off
with another woman.


I wish she'd share
some of her money with me.


What's that?

[door creaks open]

Now, what is it this time?

Miss Chiyoko!

I have come to save you!

Who are you?

Have you forgotten?

I am Gen,
the rickshaw man.

I have come,
as I promised.

I brought 3 billion yen
to buy your freedom!


Am I really free
to leave here now, sir?

As I told you, miss,

you are free.

We don't need you anymore.

We have the culprit.


[door creaks]




[Chiyoko panting]

Wait! Please!


Open the door! Please!

Open the door! Please!

I just want to see him!


Please! Open the door!


Open the door!

[panting and grunting]

Where to now?

[Chiyoko panting]

[air raid siren
wailing distantly]

Is this one
science fiction?



You are an ungrateful
little child.

But the...

the storehouse,
it's on fire!

You're such a foolish girl!

Do you think
you have the right

to just throw your life
away like that?


- Chiyoko!
- Chiyoko, come back, now!

come back here!

Come on, Chiyoko!


[airplanes flying overhead]

Come, right now.

- [explosions]
- Whoa!

[both scream]


[rubble sifting]




Is that...?

[breathing heavily]



Miss Chiyoko!
Miss Chiyoko!

Are you all right?

Miss Chiyoko.

Miss Chiyoko!
Miss Chiyoko!

[wheels squeaking]

You cannot escape.

You cannot escape!


[Tachibana] And we were really
very busy in the 1950s, weren't we?

Are you all right?

Are you--

You seemed unwell
for a moment there.

Oh, I'm fine.
If you listen to the doctors,

you'd think old people
were always ill.

I think we should continue
another day.

No. By tomorrow,
I won't be able to remember.

During the postwar years,

we all struggled
to survive.

We had no food,
no clothes.

What sustained us
was the desire

to make good films.

Back then, I was always so busy
with everything.

But I always believed
that someday...

we would meet again.

The world had
completely changed.

I had no clue
how to find him.

[camera shutters click]

But maybe there was a chance

that he would see
one of my films one day.

And we were really very busy
in the 1950s, weren't we?


What the...?


Now you know.

Oh! Were you working then
at Ginei Studios?

In Otaki's crew?

Yes, but in a very
junior position,

at least from
your perspective.

You should have
told me about that.

Well, no, I...

I never made it to director.

Not even to department head.

Mr. Otaki was always
telling me off.

I am Genya Tachibana.

It's a pleasure
to meet you.

Just work hard, huh?

Miss Eiko, this is
our new apprentice, Genya.

Madam, I've always loved
the dialogue

between you
and Miss Chiyoko Fujiwara.

I just helped that one
get started.

Genya, you idiot.

She cannot stand her.

Remember this:

audience and actress
are the same.

You must always flatter them
whenever possible.

I'll show you how
one day.

Yes, sir.


Silly me, I fell for it,
didn't I?

[seagulls squawking]

Chiyoko, sometimes
directing films

can be very similar
to painting a canvas.

A painter uses the colors
he likes best on his canvas.

I have finally come across
the most beautiful color.

And that color is you.


[Tachibana groans]

Did he use such
a pretentious line?

I should try that
next time.

- [faint clink]
- Huh?

I'm sorry.



[car horns honking]


- [gasps]
- Excuse me.

- [door slides open]
- [Chiyoko] I'm home.

I thought I told you that
I wanted you to turn them down.

You may say that now,

but you know very well

that you will not
stay this young forever.

A woman's happiness
comes from making a proper home.

But I have to...

All of the old
political prisoners

have long since
been set free.

You can't keep waiting for a man
who won't come back.

No! I'm going
to see him again.

You don't even know
if he's dead or alive.

I'm sure he's alive.

You won't be young

We promised each other
that we'd meet someday.

You are too old to have these
silly little-girl dreams.

[wheel squeaking]



[loud clap]

Chiyoko, what's wrong?

Oh, this is so tiring.

The old lady's
going to take a break.

Let's take a break!

[indistinct chattering]


The key is gone.

Oh, that's right.

This is the day.

Miss Eiko!

Hey, are you free now?

Oh, no,
not just yet.

And, Genya,
it's rough on the set.

The princess isn't happy.


Everyone, please
help me look.

That key is very dear to me.

What are you
standing there for?

Go and search for it,

- Yes, sir! Right away!
- Yes, sir! Right away!

What are we looking for?

- Chiyoko's precious key!
- Chiyoko's precious key!

Yes, sir!

So then it must be
Eiko Shimao who took it.

It's got to be.

No one knows for sure
what happened.

But we couldn't find
the key.

It can't just disappear!

It's here somewhere!

Miss Chiyoko, can we ask
what this key is for?

- [child 1] I want to know.
- [child 2] Me too.

[child 3]
Tell us, teacher.

[all giggling]

If you must know,

someone very dear gave it to me
for safekeeping a long time ago.

Do you mean
your boyfriend, teacher?

Her steady.

- I wonder what he's like.
- Yeah, what's he look like?

Is he handsome?

Oh, his face?

Yeah, what actor?

You haven't changed at all.

Same old goofball.


[chatter stops]

I can't remember.

Not even his face.


I loved him so much.

Now I can't even
remember his face.


[thunder rumbling]

I'm sorry.

Oh, not at all.

This tea has
a wonderful aroma.

It's herbal tea.

It's very good for you.

[inhales deeply]

Well, shall we move on then?

So, soon after the incident
with the key...

you then got married.

Yes. To Otaki.

[church bells tolling]

It was as if a gaping hole

had opened in my heart
when I lost that key.

And I was past the age
of dreaming.

[newscaster, on TV]
Yesterday, the 20th,

at 11:47 p.m.
local Japanese time,

a Saturn rocket carrying
seven American astronauts,

led by Captain Glenn,

were successfully launched
from NASA's Cape Canaveral.

With the whole world watching,

the rocket successfully
entered the orbit of the moon.






So, you found him out.

Eiko, what do you
mean by that?

Found out what?

A farce by a great director

to win a popular actress.

It was stupid of me
to play the role of the thief.

But then...

I have always held a grudge
wherever you are concerned.

That fortune-teller
in Manchuria,

such foolish deception.

- Huh?
- Huh?

What I did back then
was terrible.

I just-- I wanted so badly
to be rid of you.

So you knew his whereabouts?

How would I know
where he was?

However, there was
a certain person

who had discovered
my little trick.

Eiko, what on earth did I ever
do to you to deserve this?

I was jealous of you!

Of your never-ending youth,

and how chasing after just
one man kept you so vibrant.

And through all that,

I got to be
your older adversary.

I don't even
have the strength

to hate you any longer.


This is all in
the distant past, right?

- [door opens]
- [man] Excuse me.

Come back later.

We're busy.

The thing is,

there seems to be a visitor here
for Miss Chiyoko.

[footsteps approaching]


[all gasp]


You must be
Chiyoko Fujiwara.

What do you want
this time?

I am sorry.

You know who I am?

Go away!

I am not surprised
you detest me.

I was blind.

Just following authority

and committing many evil acts
before the w*r.

What I'm doing now

is trying to atone
for my sins.

I'll continue
on my journey now,

but a painter, a political
revolutionary you may know,

left this for you.


He said he wanted to say
some words of thanks to you.


I am truly sorry.




[man] "I regret that I was unable
to thank you for saving me.

I'd very much like
to see you again,

but the w*r makes
that impossible.

When the w*r is over
and real peace has come,

I will return home to Hokkaido
and finish my painting.

[car horns honking]

Someday I'd like to show you
the starry skies...

[panting] that place
we promised to meet."

Oh, this? It's the key to
opening what is most important.

Opening what's most important?

[train whistle blows]

It'll be my homework tomorrow.

Pinkie promise?


[man, over P.A.]
7:37, Snow and Sky Express,

is now ready for departure.

Will all remaining passengers
at this time

please go to Platform 12.

[train horn blaring]

[girl 1] Tell us.
You're in love, aren't you?

- First love.
- [both giggle]

The full moon is tomorrow.

But here on the 14th night,

we have one more day
before it goes away.

We have one more
day of hope.

[loud crash]

- Bandits? Not again!
- Idiot!


[man, over P.A.]
Attention, passengers.

This train is stopping
due to a rockslide

on the tracks.

Aah! Open the door!


[man] Okay, everyone,
there will be buses

down on the road below.

Please wait for train staff
to lead you down...


[old woman cackles]

You poor fool.

You shall burn in the flames
of eternal love.

He's in the capital.

I will return, my lord.



We'll meet one day
as we promised.

Let me go.


I'm sure he's alive.

I'm going to see him again.

Every single day I love him
more dearly than the last.

- [truck horn blares]
- [tires screech]

[brakes hiss]

You are in luck today,

Climb on.

This role suits you.
Way to go, boss.

Leave it to me.

Tonight, we roll on
to Hokkaido!


It's dangerous!
Keep your distance!

But he's waiting for me.

[breathing heavily]


[distant expl*si*n]


In that vast white landscape,

it feels like you're
in some faraway world.

Dr. Chiyoko! Please wait!


[Chiyoko] I'm going to return
this key to him.



Wait. Wait!

Please wait!

I'm begging you!
Please wait!

Please wait.


I'll come to you!

I'll go wherever it takes!

Wherever it takes!

Wherever it takes!
Wherever it takes!

Wherever it takes!

Do you really
have to go?

I made a promise...

no matter what,
that I would go to him.

You won't be able
to return!

- Miss Chiyoko!
- [Torakichi] You're dangerous!

Miss Chiyoko!

You're my...
my one choice!

[computerized voice]
Six, five,

four, three,

two, one.



- [man 1] It's a big one!
- [man 2] It's an earthquake.

[man 3]
Everyone, take cover.

[indistinct shouting]

Miss Chiyoko, look out!

Are you all right?

Look out!
Miss Chiyoko, run!

Are you all right?


[man] Are you all right?
Get that out of the way.

[all chatter]

Miss Chiyoko!


Miss Chiyoko?

- [man 1] She's here!
- [man 2] So is Genya!

Are you all right, miss?


Did you protect me
from the beam?


Well done, Genya.

[relieved chatter]

I have always despised you

and I have always loved you

much more than I can bare.


[man 1]
Miss Chiyoko?

[man 2]
Chiyoko, what's wrong?

[man 3]
Miss Chiyoko?

Genya, man, what on earth
did you do to her?

Huh? Nothing. I just...


[Chiyoko] How could I forget
the man who saved my life?

Not at all.

I do look completely
different now.

It's been 30 years.

I have lived a quiet life
since that day.

But why?

After fleeing
to Hokkaido,

you did eventually return
to the film industry.

After we had
the accident on set...

why did you suddenly decide
to completely disappear?

[thunder rumbles]

[both gasp]


I never thought
I'd see him again.


Though I'd resolved...

to always follow him

But why give up, then?

Right after the accident,

it dawned on me that I was
no longer the same young girl

that he would remember anymore.

I have always despised you,

much more than I can bare.

I didn't want him to see me

after I had aged.

[distant banging]


- [whimpers]
- Miss Chiyoko?

- [loud crash]
- Aah!


This is a big one.

Aah! Miss Chiyoko?

You're always there
to save me, aren't you?

Miss Chiyoko?

Miss Chiyoko!

[ambulance sirens wailing]

So, Chiyoko never met
the guy with the key again.

Did she, boss?

The old man, then.

That painter refused
to open his mouth at all,

right to the very end.

Even after I had tortured him
in every way possible.

And I... I k*lled him.

That means Chiyoko was...

chasing the shadow
of one who wasn't there.

[door opens]

[door closes]

I'm so sorry.

I pushed you a lot today
and asked too much.

Oh, no.

Today was a real
pleasure for me.

But now, now we must
bid farewell.

Oh, no, the doctor says
you'll be just fine!

I see you're no good
at lying.


Try not to be too sad.

I will finally be able
to go after him again

like I did before.



I have the key now,
thanks to you.

The key rekindled
the memories of him.

[sobs softly]

It's as if while
you listened to my story,

my younger self has come back
to life once again.

And you will...

you will find him again.

I promise you.

We will see.

Maybe it doesn't really matter,

[both gasp softly]

Because, after all...

[engine powering up]

Because, after all,

what I really love
is my pursuit of him.

[jet engines exploding]

[wind roaring]

[theme music playing]