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Detective Conan Movie 06: The Phantom of Baker Street (2002)

Posted: 02/06/24 11:42
by bunniefuu
Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Hiroki Sawada [10]
genius boy

Noah's Ark - exported

Goodbye my friend.

I wonder if I can fly
like Noah's Ark ?



The Phantom of Baker Street

I'm Kudou Shinichi,
the high school detective.

I went to an amusement park with my classmate, Ran Mouri...

...and I came across
a suspicious trade.

I was too busy looking at the transaction
and didn't notice someone was behind me.

The man forced me
to take poison.

When I woke up...

...I had shrunk.

If they were to find out that Kudou Shinichi was alive... life as well as others
will be in danger.

When I decided I was going to hide my identity at Dr. Agasa's Place...

Ran suddenly asked my name, and I quickly responded with Edogawa Conan.

I went to Ran's house, whose father is a detective... gather more
information on the men.

Are you guys ready ?

The only one who knows
who I really am...

...besides the doctor, is Haibara Ai.

She used to be
with the bad guys.

But she took the same kind of pill that was given me... escape the group,
and shrank herself.

My parents...
they're both still childish at heart.

My father is a well-known writer.

There's no mystery maniac who doesn't know Kudou Yuusaku's Night Baron series.

My mother, Kudou Yukiko is a legendary celebrity who retired at the age of 20.

Now she's just
an annoying lady.

They just consider me a distant relative for now.

I haven't seen them in a while.
I wonder how they're doing ?

I'm doing well.

Even though I'm small,
my knowledge is the same.

The super detective.

There is only one truth !

Two years later

Beika City Hall
Beika Prefecture, Tokyo.

Here at the Beika City Hall.

The new game sensation that Japanese game producers...

...and the Schindler Company teamed up to create is about to be premiered.

Mr. Schindler from the Schindler Company has just arrived.

Thomas Schindler [52]
I.T. guru

According to the information we have been given...

...a console called The Cocoon...

...allows the player to step into the cocoon shaped console...

...and play in a virtual world utilizing a voice recognition program...

...and conversing with the console's main computer.

It is a game made
with the latest technology.

The game has five stages, but nothing on the actual game has been released to the media.

This is a complete sneak preview where only the children will experience the actual game.

The fifty children who have been chosen will be the first to experience The Cocoon.

Geez. This is way too much security for a stupid video game release...

I heard they got rid of several spies from rival companies already.

They say that The Cocoon will change everything in the game world.

Wow !
What's that ?

I think that's The Cocoon.

I wanna play The Cocoon too.

We can't.

They invited us to the party, but we weren't chosen as players.

I'm kinda interested in the part where they said...

...that you get to experience a real life m*rder case through history.

Is that right ?

It's kinda like going on a time travelling experience.

It's just a game...

Oh yeah, you're not too good at video games are you ?

You're still struggling
on Final Quest.

You're not too good
with your fingers.

Shut up.

Party Hall

Wow ! Lots of people !
Lots of drinks !

Dad, there's people from high places so don't drink too much.

With expensive drinks, you don't get drunk badly.

That's not what we mean...

All you can eat buffet, right ?

Yes, I think so.

Lucky ! Lucky !

Lucky are those kids.

Judging by those badges, those kids must be the chosen ones.

The grandson of a
superior police officer...

...the grandson of a
successful entrepreneur...

...the son of a politician...

They are the second and third generation children...

...who hold the future of Japan on their shoulders.

I'm really excited.

It's just a gathering of kids who will follow in their parents' footsteps...

...and cruise through
life without any effort.

These types of people
make the world bad.

I don't understand what
you're saying at all.

Try to sound more
like a kid, would ya ?

A politician's child
becomes a politician...

...and an entrepreneur's son becomes an entrepreneur.

If we keep on going like this, Japan will never change...

They were saying a lot of stuff like that on the news yesterday !

How was that ?


Ran !

Sonoko !

Hi boys and girls...

Sonoko !
That badge...

Oh this ?

Sonoko, you got chosen too ?

Yes, because Suzuki Corporation donated some money.

How lucky.

I want one too.

You guys are
different from us.

Are you guys
even invited ?

Excuse me, but they
are formally invited.

Kikukawa Seiichiro [11]
son of a critic

Well, well, isn't she the Miss from Suzuki Corporation ?

Moroboshi Hideki [12]
grandson of a superior police commander

People's destinies are chosen, the moment they are born.

Emori Akira [11]
grandson of an entrepreneur

That's right, nice clothes
classify people too.

Takizawa Shinya [11]
son of a politician

Those who weren't chosen can just sit outside and watch.

Those kids really
piss me off.

Dad, teach them
a lesson or two !

Okay kids.
Don't underestimate life...

There might be little traps even though the coast looks clear.

You'll know what I'm talking about once you get older.

Like having
your wife run away.

I know about you.

People call you
"Kogorou of Sleep".

You got that name because your wife ran away while you were sleeping ?

You brats.

That's all wrong.

She ran away while he was in the bathroom, not when he was sleeping.

Isn't that right ?

Not a very good save.

Let's go play
a mini game.

And to think that those kids are going to follow in their parents footsteps.

Makes me worry about
the future of Japan.

I agree.

What are you doing ?

Give it back !

Kashimura Tadaaki [39]
\game producer

You're disrupting the others.

If you're going to play,
go outside.

Who the hell are you ?

I'm Kashimura,
the producer of Cocoon.

You were able to finish the game only because my grandfather gave you money.

Didn't your parents
teach you anything ?

Such as showing good manners towards older people.

He says it with
such superiority...

We're not lending you
any money anymore.

I don't think he
knows who we are.

If you mess with us like that, you're going to be fired.

Okay then, before that happens I'll kick you guys out.

Let's go.

He's such a cool man...

Unlike someone I know.

Kudou Yuusaku
Novel Writer

Shinichi should be here too.

It's been awhile,
don't you want to see him ?

Professor, our relationship
must be kept quiet.

I know.

Everyone, please turn your attention to the stage.

Mr. Yuusaku Kudou who helped make the game has just arrived from America.

We were finally
able to come back.

I was wondering where
you went for a month.

You were helping him huh ?

I was helping out with the final stages of development.

Where's Mom ?

She hasn't been back for a while, so she's having a party with her friends.

Here's a souvenir.

A game badge ?

I'm happy but...
I can't go myself.

I think you'll love it.

It's supposed to
be a secret but...

...a stage for the game is set in late 19th century London.

Dad really likes that world.

Like father like son.

What's going on ?
I can't see anything.

Excuse me.

Don't walk around
in the dark like that.

We will now introduce
you to The Cocoon.

This game let's you
experience the five senses.

Touch, smell, and even pain can be experienced just like in real life.

There is no worry of
actual physical damage.

Just looking at
it is boring.

Games are meant
to be played.

How about a quiz to
get rid of the boredom ?

Here he goes again.

The professor's quiz jokes.

Let's run...

Let's at least
listen to him.

It probably took him
awhile to think of it.

Mr. A of the company got addicted to playing Cocoon during work.

What did his boss do
when he saw that ?

he left him there.

Three. He let him rest.

Why ?

Because The Cocoon
looks like a cradle.


I'll go for number one.

That's wrong too.

Then it's two ?

Why ?

Ai, You know by now.
Please tell them.

I'm wearing light clothes, so i'll let Conan explain.

It's a request.

Cocoon means "Mayu"

Note: In Japanese, "Mayu" means Cocoon.

"Mayu" is made by "Kaiko"

Note: In Japanese, "Kaiko" means worm.

"Kaiko" is another word
for getting laid off.

I'm going to go
get a warm drink.

I'll go with you.

Me too.

Note: In Japanese "Samui" or "Cold" Is another word for "lame"

They are saying that Agasa's quiz jokes are LAME !

Maybe the air-conditioning is too much for the kids.

These are very
beautiful bronze statues.

I've heard they're
Mr. Schindler's favorites.

He must really like it if he brought it all the way over here.

Toshiyo Moroboshi
\Superior Police Commander.

Tetsunosuke Emori

He probably sees a little
of himself in these.

Oh no.

Hideki, stop playing
around with the ball.

Yes sir.

We got busted.

Oh well.

Apparently they're cheap.

Really ?

Who would put such
an expensive thing there ?

That's right.

I've been friends with Cocoon's Kashimura since college.

It's been a long time since I saw him, so I helped him out.

Thank you very much.

This was Shimizu
reporting from BMS.

Where is Mr. Kashimura ?

I would like to meet him.

Yes, I'll go find him.

Mr. Kudou, please give
me your autograph.

He looks well.

You too.

Kashimura Room

I must go back to
the ballroom soon...

So why don't you
hurry and tell me ?

How much are you planing to sell the DNA program that Hiroki made ?

I'm not trying to thr*aten you. I just want you to repent.

Hiroki found out about your Schindler family secret.

But the A.I. couldn't
be finished without Hiroki.

So you made Hiroki work hard to finish the program ?

Emotionally damaged, Hiroki thought that you would k*ll him after he completed the program.

That's why he leaked Noah's Ark, his other self, and jumped off the building.

Sometime later, the DNA program was sent to my computer.

It was sent from
Hiroki's Noah's Ark.

I heard his soul scream.

I will repent.

I'm going to tell the world and receive any punishment that is due.

But before that, can you show me the DNA program that Noah's Ark sent you ?


This is the phantom of London, which has leaped through time into this world.

My name is Noah's Ark.

Mr. Kudou would
like to see you sir.


Excuse me.

Sir what happened ?!

Sir !

Now what ?

Now, please enjoy
our special guest...

Okino Yoko's
special performance.

What ?!

She's here too ?

I got to grab
a front row seat !

Chiba, close all the exits.


Calling all reserve units.

There are a lot
of superiors here...

Yes, entrepreneurs, superior command officers, and others.

He's taken
the utmost care...

Ta Da !

Wow !

It's a golden Yaiba card !

It's super rare.

I want it !

I'll trade you
for that game badge.

But I want to
play the game.

You can play Cocoon anytime but this golden Yaiba card is super rare.

What should we do ?

Look Haibara,
we got them !

Here's one for you too.

Well, well.
You guys are good.

I guess I should try it.

Let me through.

Kashimura ?

Please show me the way.


Now, the moment
you've been waiting for.

Please come to the Cocoons.

I wonder where dad
and Conan went ?

Officer !

Oh Mouri,
you're here too ?

Yes. I saw the cruiser when I was sobering up at the balcony.

Isn't he the
Cocoon producer ?

One s*ab to the heart...

The w*apon's gone.

He wiped the blood away.

It's either really important, or they would know who he is if they left it there.

By the way, what is the producer doing in the basement ?

He said he couldn't concentrate so he stayed down here.

There's blood on R, T, and J.

There's something strange.

All the data on the
hard disk is corrupted.

Data ?

A rival company might
have destroyed it.

Because The Cocoon is already done.

How the hell did you get here ?

Isn't that a dying message
on the key board ?

There's blood on the keyboard as if he pressed it as he was dying.

R, T, and J.

JR is a train company.

And JT is tobacco.



Is it ?

Hey isn't that Conan ?

What ?

Why is Conan in that ?

Here you go.
You're worried about him right ?

As a guardian.


It's ok. I'm not
interested in it anyway.

All 50 members are aboard.

Brain Gear set.

Capsule closed.

Accessing hardware.

Lock code entered.

Reclining seats.

Seats locked.

Locked fade-in systems...

Power set done.

Game start.

It's gotta be here in this game, the key to unlocking the mystery to the k*lling.


I heard you knew
him for a while.

Any ideas on anyone who would have a grudge against him ?

Aren't you together with that kid with the glasses ?

Oh, Conan ?
He was here a little while ago...

He found a dying message on the keyboard and left.

Dying message ?


What ?

Can it be, Conan used my souvenir to get into the game ?

Lets go.

Yuusaku, wait !

What do the letters stand for ?

It stands for a character that appears in the game.

That's what Kashimura
and I called him.

Jack the Ripper.

Jack The Ripper ?


the k*ller actually existed.

He k*lled five women and placed London in a dark state.

The police force couldn't catch the psycho k*ller.

And the case
went into darkness.

Because of Kashimura's
dying message...

...Conan probably thought the answer to the culprit was in the game.

Mr. Schindler.

This is officer Megure
from the Police.

What are the
police doing here ?

I want you to stop the game.

Stop the game ?
What are you talking about ?

Mr. Schindler,
the systems are down.

What ?

I can't control it.

Excuse me for a moment.

Hey !

Ran, what are you
doing in there ?

My name is Noah's Ark...

My name is Noah's Ark.

You can't stop the game.

I control the simulation
game The Cocoon.

What is Noah's Ark ?

I think it's the A.I. that grows five years for one human year.


Two years ago Hiroki, the child that I raised as my own, completed the program.

So now it's the
same age as Hiroki.

Noah's Ark, what are you trying to do to those children ?

My goal is to reset Japan.

What ?


Ran !

Why are you here ?!

I was worried about you.


Hey !

You guys too ?

It took me awhile
to get here.

So you wanted
to play the game too ?


We're supposed to be asleep but it doesn't feel like it.

It's like a dream.

You can move
around freely.

It's the opposite.

Contrary to being free.

All your senses, sight, touch, hearing, smell, and even taste...

...are all controlled
by a computer.

Huh ?

Hey players, the game
is about to begin.

My name is Noah's Ark.
It's nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you !

Now, I will give you a demo of all five stages. Choose wisely.

Oh, just to warn you...

...this isn't
just a video game.

Your lives are
also on the line.

Our lives ?

If you die in this game, you cannot return to the real world.

But if one person makes it to the end, you guys win.

People, who have lost, will wake up, and return to the real world.

This is my world,
do you understand ?

What does that mean ?

When everyone loses, I'm going to send electricity through your brain and destroy it.

Thus it's a gamble for
the resetting of Japan.

What do you mean
by resetting Japan ?

You can't hear what's being said in the real world...

...but there's been
a question from an adult.

So I'll answer it.

Looking at you guys, a bad politician's son will only become a bad politician.

A doctor who only thinks about money, his son will also be the same.

To make Japan better, we have to challenge these connections.

Stop fooling around !

You don't have the right to play with people's lives.


Just like the adults didn't have the right to play around with Hiroki's life.

Now, the kid's are waiting, so let's start the game.

In the first stage is Vikings.

You guys are
going to be Vikings.

...and sail the seven seas,
challenging people.

The second one is
the Paris-Dacar Rally.

You're going to race with well-known racers around the world.

The third, is The Coliseum.

You're going to collect goods and fight people from around the world.

The forth one, Solomon's Treasure.

You're going to be treasure hunters and hunt for Solomon's treasure.

The fifth one.

Old Time London...

Here, you guys are going to experience a horrific suspense.

The year 1888, in London.

A real life criminal that was never caught, Jack the Ripper...

You will need to catch him with your own hands.

Seems like there's
something here.

A clue to the m*rder
of Mr. Kashimura.

Will we really die if everyone gets a game over ?

Why us ?
What did we do ?

I didn't want to be
born as my dad's child !

I don't think
I can stay alive.

Someone stay alive
and save me !

Everyone be brave !

You can't lose before
you even start the game.

That's right.

Only one person has
to get through to win...

Chose whichever stage you think you can live the longest.

Seems like we have to.

Moroboshi, which stage ?

Guess it can't be helped.

Solomon's Treasure

Paris-Dacar Rally

Old Time London

I'm with you guys ?

Don't drag behind.

That's my line.

Don't fight.

In every stage,
there's a helper character.

So make use of them.

With that, game start !

Let's go !

How is it,
Professor ?

There's definitely a lot of energy inside the cocoon.

Enough to destroy fifty kids.

That's enough.
I'm taking my son back.

Me too.


Get out of the way.

It's dangerous !
You have to stop them !

Are you alright ?

I won't let you interfere.

It was just a slight shock. Next time I won't hold back.

what's going on here ?

Mr. Schindler, why is the
A.I. program going berserk ?

That's because....

Let me explain.

The reason Hiroki went to America with his mother...

...was because there was a problem in the Japanese educational system.

Hiroki !

I said you could take a rest since your body is weak...

...but I didn't say you could play with your computer !

The educational system that takes away personality and character in children...

...just saw Hiroki as a strange child who liked playing with computers.

Not just the system...

But Japan as a whole doesn't emphasize character and personality.

Hiroki's idea to create A.I. came from his bitter experiences.

The idea of resetting or the remaking of Japan...

...but Hiroki died before he
could realize this dream.

Instead of Hiroki, his A.I., Noah's Ark had found an answer.

The second and third generation children, gathered at this game exhibition.

If society's idea that children should follow in their parents' footsteps is destroyed...

...then Japan would change.

How do you know so much ?

For the past year, the relationship between Kashimura and me...

...have been like
detective and client.

Detective ?

What did he
ask you to do ?

To reinvestigate
Hiroki's case.

Then are you saying that
it was homicide ?

In this case,
it was a su1c1de.

Kashimura wanted me to find what caused Hiroki to commit su1c1de.

What's the relationship between Kashimura and Hiroki.

Hiroki is Kashimura's son.

Isn't that right ?

Kashimura became very depressed after you let Hiroki die like that.

Conan's group is entering the Whitechapel district.

Were going in there ?

Lets go...

Hurry up and go.

What was that for.

It's because
you're too slow.

This is London ?

It's not romantic,
it's scary.

It looks polluted.

It smells bad too.

London's fog
isn't just water.

It's all mixed with the smoke from coal called smog.

There was smog
at this age too ?

Jack the Ripper !

Conan !

Wait !

I'm not letting you go !

Are you okay Conan ?

The Professor's inventions don't work in this world, huh ?

No. The antenna goes up on my glasses, but nothing happens.

Also the watch is
just a normal watch.

What are they saying ?

It sounds like English.

Please change
it to Japanese.

Yes sir.

Hey it changed
to Japanese !

It's just like
the real world...

Everything you see, hear, and even the coldness is all real.

The pain in the
foot was real too.

Please move !

Please move
out of the way !

Call officer Restoraid.

Yes !

Officer Restoraid ?

Professor, can you
get through to him ?

I can try.

Since you were involved in the making, you know what to do, right ?

Yes, as long as we connect to them, I can tell them what to do.

Good, then it's no problem to get through this stage.

But if Noah's Ark knows what we're going to do.

Doctor, I'm leaving
the rest to you.

I'm going to the crime scene.


How are you going to
find the m*rder*r ?

Guess we'll have
to wait till morning.

It's cold.

Here, wear this.

That's nice.

It's warm.

Here Haibara,
wear this.

Thank you.

No problem.

Here, wear this.

What about you ?

I'm fine. I'm already insulated.

Thank you.

Can you hear me Conan ?
It's Agasa.

Yes, I can hear you.

Listen carefully.

In that stage, if you get caught by the police or k*lled, you'll get a game over.

Right now you're in the
East End, Whitechapel district.

From there, until you find the helper character...

What happened ?

What happened Professor ?
I can't hear you !

Here, hold on !

Conan, hang on !

That was close.

You still don't
get it, do you ?

I control the game.

Don't try cheating.

But I'll let you listen to the voices in the other world.

Enjoy the sounds of
your children struggling.

What a horrid personality
this computer has.

We can't hear
the Professor anymore.

Seems like Noah's Ark
cut us off.

Then how are we going to find the helper character ?

Oh, about that, didn't the police say something about Officer Restoraid ?

Is it Restoraid
from that story ?

But that's only in a story.

This story has both
fiction and non-fiction.

Then the helper character is...

He should be somewhere here, Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

Really ?

If we have Sherlock Holmes on our side, this stage is easy !

This stage is a piece a cake.

Let's go to Baker Street.

That's good. As long as you meet up with Holmes...

But to get from Whitechapel to Baker Street is a little far.

Hey isn't that clock
kind of messed up.

Hey the hand went back !

It did it again !

From 50 to 49.

From 49 to 48.

That's it. It's the number of kids left in the game.

Two minutes back.

That means two people have gotten a game over.

Yasuhiro !

Two players down at Viking !



Two down at Coliseum.

Hurry up and die faster.

I'm done for if the kids find out who Jack the Ripper is !

Three more kids down !

There's been one more death in the back alley of Witter Street.

Two cases in one hour.
That makes four cases.

It's such a horrible world.

I'm scared...

We've come to a horrible time.

London in the late 1800's
is said to be the best.

However in real life, the differences between rich and poor were so great...

...that people's hearts became cold.

It was that kind of era.

I remember Shinichi telling me, if Sherlock Holmes was the light of his age...

...then Jack the Ripper
was his own shadow.

Then let's hurry
to the light.

We're almost
at Baker Street.

Beware of
Jack the Ripper.

He's waiting for
you in the light.

If you don't want to die,
what will you do ?

You need to get bloody too.

What does that mean ?

k*ll or be k*lled.

Bloody ?

Metal detectors
at the entrances.

How did he bring
in the w*apon ?

Apparently they're cheap.

Really ?

Who would put such
expensive things there ?

Baker Street

It's here, 221 B.

This is Sherlock Holmes' house ?

Yeah, he lives
here with Watson.

Who is calling
at this late hour ?

My name is Ran Mouri. I'd like to see Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

Mrs. Hudson

Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson are out on a business trip.

Business trip ?

They're at the Dartmoor.

Excuse me, but
what's the date today ?

September 30th.

September 30th...

That's it !

The case with the
Hound of Baskerville !

Yeah, it's exactly the time when they're not in London.

what's going on ?

Excuse me.

I would like to see the video taken before the crime.


Yes ?

What's wrong ?

Seems like we've been underestimating Noah's Ark.

Holmes and Watson are
not in Baker Street.

I knew it.

Some strange man with an accordion who was never programmed came out.

It's messed up.

What was the original story that you thought of ?

The player meets Sherlock Holmes and finds Jack the Ripper.

He turns out to be
a count that was sick.

I have a much more
interesting ending.

If the kids win, I'm going to send you to bulk trash.

Good luck Shinichi.

Didn't all of you help Mr. Holmes two weeks ago on that case ?

Please come in.

I'll give you some
warm milk tea.

She must think
we're someone else.

Oh yeah. She mistook us for the Baker Street Irregulars.

Who's that ?

Homeless kids that
Mr. Holmes hired.

They go into places that adults can't and gather information.

They're the upper classman of our Kids Detective Group.


Good, let them go in.

Wow !

It's just like in TV.

It's amazing.

Shinichi would be jealous.

editors note:
This is the 6th movie, and Ran STILL hasn't caught on yet!

He looks like Shinichi.

You look just like Mr. Holmes when he thinks about things.

Oh, he's
impersonating Holmes.

Please make yourselves at home while I make the tea.

Thank you very much.

Hey doesn't that
look like somebody.

Hey, he has hair but
he looks like Dr. Agasa.

They're Holmes and Dr. Watson.

Dad and Professor.
They're in the game.

We don't have
time to be playing.

But what are
you going to do ?

I bet four-eyes knows.

Since it's Holmes
you're talking about...

He probably has a whole
file on Jack the Ripper.

Let's all look for it.


I'll look over here.

It's fine looking for it
but it's all in English.

Initial investigation for crime.

Wow, am I a genius ?

I can read English.

Me too.

The players are programmed to be able to read English.

Then I wanna be
inside the game forever.

What are you
talking about ?

We'll get a
game over and die !

It's a joke !
A joke !

A dirty ball.

This is...

Hey, Emori !

This is a hundred year
old soccer ball !

Wow ! Cool !

I found it,
It think this is it.

The analysis of
Jack the Ripper.

The last entry was...
the 8th of September.

The second victim
is Honey Charlston.

A 41 year old female
who lives by herself.

The body was found in an open lot near St. Mary's Church in Whitechapel district.

The things that were left were two rings of different sizes.

Different size rings ?

Because of the fact
that Jack the Ripper...

...plunged London into darkness without a real reason...

I believe that he is somehow connected to Professor Moriarty.

Professor Moriarty ?

He's in the game too ?

Who's that ?

Don't go off
in your own world.

Holmes' archenemy.

He supposedly controlled the underworld in London...

...and has a great
influence in Europe.

He was the Napoleon of crime.

Moriarty pulls strings from the back, but never really comes out for himself.

How are we supposed
to get there ?

If he doesn't come out, we have to find someone that's connected to him.

Col. Sebastian Moran...

I see, his underling.

But we don't know
where he is either.

He's probably...

According to Holmes' notes, the Col. goes to the Trump Club downtown.

He's the second most dangerous man in London. Watch out.

Conan, you know a lot.

Oh, I had to listen to
Shinichi's lectures too.

Oh, I thought so.

But the fact that he lectured us to the point where he was annoying...

...helped us a
little this time.

You don't need
the "annoying"...

Wow, It's a real g*n !

Put it back Genta !

But we're going to go
see a scary dude right ?

Weapons you're not used to don't help. It just starts arguments.

Put it down !

You're scarier.

Let's go before
it's too late.

Hey, Moroboshi !

We have to
protect ourselves.

That's a lot of losses.

It's getting to that time for one of us to go down also.

Don't say such things.

Toru !

Emi !

Takuya !

Trump Club

Everyone wait here.

I'm gonna go around to the back and look inside.

Be careful.


I'll put two.

It's Col. Moran.

That monkey ?

How's it, Four-Eyes ?

Why are you guys here ?

I'm not going to let you
get all the credit.


Sorry, flush.

What ?!

I guess I'm lucky tonight.

Shit !

Moran's good at Poker.

It's all bullshit.

You know something ?

That monkey is telling him his opponent's cards.

Right hand for
hearts and spades.

Left hand for
clubs and diamonds.

He eats whatever the
number is of that color.

If it's three of spades, he takes three black ones in his right hand.

What a dirty guy.

Huh ? What's
with that seat ?

Why is that
thing there ?

That Moran is bullshit !

Hey kid you better
watch your mouth !

Do you have
any evidence ?

Of course I do.

Moran, you're friends
with that monkey, right ?

What ?!

If it's three of spades, he eats three black ones with his right hand.

If it's five of diamonds, he eats five red ones with his left hand.

Moran !
You cheater !

Hey, you fell for it.

What ?!

Do that later.

You know Moriarty,
where is he ?

Kid ! Where did
you hear that name ?

Stop !

Get the kids !

You kid !

Conan are you okay ?

One down !

This isn't good.
They're all dead.

Watch out Conan !

Kikukawa !

Hang on !

Dammit !

I'm paying you back the debt for when you helped me back there.

Hey !


Seiichiro !

Ayumi, are you okay?

Thank you, Mitsuhiko.


Seems like we're
both done Ayumi.

Conan, make sure
you don't lose.

Ayumi ! Mitsuhiko !

Dammit ! If I keep on going like this, everyone is going to die !


Sherlock Holmes !

Conan !
Watch out !

Genta !

game over.

Conan, you better
catch Jack the Ripper.

Play time's over.

I was going to catch you and ask you who you work for but...

I guess I don't have to.

Because this g*n
is Holmes'.

what am I supposed to do ?

The thing that guy is holding...
isn't that...

That's the wine
that was on the seat.

That's it !
That's why !

Who's first ?


If you sh**t me
the bottle will break.

What's that
supposed to mean ?

The empty seat
at the card table.

A special seat reserved with a glass and a bottle of wine.

Meaning someone special was supposed to sit there.

My theory on who was supposed to be there is Moriarty.

but you're wrong.

Then sh**t.

If you don't care about
the Professor's wine.


Prof. Moriarty says that he would like to meet all of you.

Professor Moriarty ?

He's waiting in the carriage.
Please come this way.

Please wait a second.

Are you going
against Prof. Moriarty ?

I have brought everybody.

Very well.

Now son,
give me that wine.


That scent...

You can fight
equally with Moran.

That's the reason you're
Holmes' assistant.

And, did you
want something ?

Are you Moriarty ?


Is that so ?
Are you testing us ?

What do you mean ?

Stop the acting.
You're not Moriarty.

What are you saying ?

The real Moriarty
is right here.

What ?

No way !

Whenever he spoke,
he was using ventriloquism...

You knew that much ?

How did you know ?

Earlier, Moran said
"PLEASE" wait.

That's right. Moran only uses the formal way of speaking when talking to Moriarty.


Is that it ?

One more thing.

I've heard that you are a very stylish person who uses herb-based colognes.

So you smelled it when
you gave him the wine.

Well done.

It feels just like
looking at a mini Holmes.

So, what do you
want with me ?

Didn't you send Jack the Ripper into London to turn the city into chaos ?

Yes, and no.

Jack the Ripper was a homeless child whom I picked up.

His mother left him
and he became homeless.

I saw talent in his eyes.

A talent as a criminal.

I taught him to be
a first class k*ller.

Why is he k*lling
innocent woman ?

Jack the Ripper became a k*ller that has gone beyond my control.

All those cases are
from him going berserk.

If you're trying to get rid of Jack the Ripper, I'll help you.

Help ?

Jack the Ripper
has gone berserk.

But he should still listen to me if I tell him to k*ll somebody.

You need to get
there before him.

How ?

I'm going to place a message for him tomorrow in the Sunday Times.

Who are you going
to tell him to k*ll ?

You'll see in the
newspaper tomorrow.

Are you going
to believe him ?

I'm going to gamble.

Good luck to you.

Watch out for the Reichenbach Falls three years from now.

What's Reichenbach ?

Three years from now, Professor Moriarty fights Holmes... Reichenbach Falls
in Switzerland.

They both end up falling and Holmes miraculously survives but Moriarty dies.

Why did I tell
him to be careful ?

I probably like him
as much as I do Holmes.

Come to think of it.

I like Moriarty too.

As a character in the book.

It was really exciting
when they met.

There's a line that Holmes says that I really like.

Do you know what it is ?

I don't know.


I wonder what he said.

We were on a date but Shinichi kept talking about Holmes so I didn't bother to listen.

Hey Conan.

What ?

Oh, It's nothing.

I'm such an idiot,
he wouldn't know.

Hey Four-Eyes,
I'm sorry.

It's our fault that four
people got "game over".

What's past is past.

The fact you guys are thinking this way, we are a step ahead.

Yeah, what matters
is what we do now.

Let's work hard
for everyone else.

Whitechapel District

This is the place where Honey Charlston, the second victim's body was found.

On the second Saturday of October, we will have the parent-child bazaar.

The second Saturday ?

The day that Honey
Charlston was k*lled...

September 8th, Saturday.

Sorry to keep
you waiting.

You're late.
Where did you go ?

I went on an adventure.

You're in a light mood.

Jack the Ripper strikes again. Now there are two victims...

Give me one !


Crap. I don't
have English money...

Here you go,

Oh, right.
This is convenient.

This is it !

Tonight, clean
the opera's stage.

From "M" to "J"

M to J ?

Moriarty to Jack the Ripper.

What's it mean
by clean the stage ?

What if it means
to k*ll the actors ?

Found it !

Opening night, the prima donna of opera at the Warsaw Throne room.

Irene Adler !

Moriarty, you're a
criminal after all.

Who's Irene Adler ?

She's the only woman
that Holmes loved.

He put her
as the target.

That means...

Everyone in the other
stages has lost.

Everyone's lives are
in the hands of us six.

The Opera

Hey !

Only authorized personnel
from this point on.

We're friends
of Irene Adler.

We wanted to congratulate her before the play.

Oh, you're
friends of hers ?

where is her room ?

It's down the hall with
the poster on the wall.

Here ?

What kind of
person is she ?

I'm excited.

A person that dad created and Holmes loved can only mean one thing.

Please come in.

Excuse us !

Shinichi's mother !

I knew it...

Excuse me.
I'm still single.

Let's make it clear.
I got divorced and now I'm single.

A bouquet from Mr. Holmes.

Thank you.

Where's Mr. Holmes ?

He was looking forward to seeing you tonight but...

...he had a case
so he couldn't come.

That's too bad.

Please cancel tonight's show.

What ?

Mr. Holmes' archenemy Moriarty, has sent an assassin after you.

Why would he k*ll me ?

To see the sadness of Holmes when he loses you.

I would like to
see that too.

How much would
Holmes be saddened ?

Then are you okay with becoming Jack the Ripper's fifth victim ?

You're supposed to save me aren't you, instead of Mr. Holmes.

She's got guts,
this woman.

I knew it.
Her attitude.

Die beautifully, Irene Adler.

Where is he hiding ?

What the ?

What happened ?

Watch out !

Emori !

Takizawa !

Emori, you...

Takizawa, you too...

game over.

How lame...

Thank you,
for saving me.

It's the first time
I've been thanked...

Feels pretty good.

Moroboshi, we're
leaving it up to you.

Don't worry about it.

Akira !

Shinya !

Now there's only four left, including Conan and Ran.

That's good
Jack the Ripper.

Turn the world into hell.

Hurry ! Hurry !
Through the backdoor !

Hurry Haibara.
That way !

Look out !

Haibara, are you okay ?

It's no good Kudou.

If we don't have a helper character, you're our Detective Holmes.

You have that
kind of strength.

Remember, Holmes
cannot be stumped.


Hurry. Run !

Go to the back !

Wait !

Stay with the
police officers.

Wait, I haven't
heard your name yet.

My name is Edogawa Conan.

The same as your father.

Conan ?

I won't let
you get away !

What's the situation ?

Conan has met
with Jack the Ripper.

They are chasing
him right now.

Charing Cross Station.

Charing Cross Station

Conan, you go first !

This is the worst situation.

What's there ?

Charing Cross Station,
last train out.

The most dangerous climax.

What ?

Jack the Ripper is disguised
as one of the passengers ?

Please gather all
passengers to one coach.


Mr. Operator...

Everybody please
raise both hands.

We need to check
if you have weapons.

Let me hear your theory.

I am now going to explain what was written in Mr. Holmes' file.

Jack the Ripper is disguised as a passenger here.

His second victim, Honey Charleston was married in Windsor.

But, she had a big dream of coming to London ten years ago...

...and left her
husband and son behind.

The two rings found at the crime scene are Honey's...

...however one doesn't fit any of Honey's fingers.

Mr. Holmes' theory is this.

These two rings are a sign of a mother and son relationship...

...between Honey
and Jack the Ripper.

And that small one
is Jack the Ripper's ?


Honey placed the ring on her son's finger when she left.

Then Jack the Ripper
k*lled his own mom ?


According to the files, on the 8th of September, the day Honey was k*lled...

...there was a bazaar at the Whitechapel District.

People sell things that they made with their children.

Jack the Ripper might
have known about that.

The file said that ?

That means that Jack the Ripper left those two rings...

...symbolizing that he wanted to be at the bazaar with her.

Yeah, that's what it means.

His motive for k*lling her, was revenge for leaving him behind.

What are you saying I did ?

Why is everyone blaming me ?

But the m*rder was one
of both love and hate.

It's sad...

The first victim was chosen randomly, as a red herring to confuse the police.

But there was number
three and number four.

Professor Moriarty's training made Jack into a psycho k*ller.

Even after k*lling his mother, he still k*lled women who looked like his mother.

Which one of
them is he ?

What do you think would happen if you wore the same size ring since you were a child ?

Probably, out of ten fingers, one of them would be thin.

Jack the Ripper is...You !

But she's a female.

The right ring
finger is thin !

Leave it to me !

No ! Ran !

Smoke b*mb !

Open the windows !

They're gone !

Hey !

Everyone is gone !
Why ?

Well, we should look
for Kashimura's m*rder*r.

You know who it is ?

The only problem is...
How did he get the w*apon ?

At the entrance of Beika City Hall, there are metal detectors.

The only possibility is that the w*apon was already here.

But where would something like that come from ?

The bronze statue
at the hall.

One is carrying
a short dagger.

There were a lot
of people at the hall.

If you took something like that, someone would notice.

He took it when
the lights went off.

The lights were already
preset on a time table.

But wouldn't someone notice if the dagger was gone ?

He replaced it
with a fake one.

Something that's made out of cardboard and wrapped with aluminum foil.

Then the dagger that the bronze statue is holding right now, is that the real dagger ?


We ran a fingerprint check and a laminar check on the dagger.

The blood type was the same as Mr. Kashimura's.

Fingerprints were
also found.

They were yours,
Mr. Schindler.

Of course.

Those bronze
statues are mine.

This tape holds the video of the party hall before the m*rder.

Fortunately there are many different security cameras, so I could tape from different angles.

Hideki's ball hit the bronze statue and knocked down the dagger.

He picked it up and put it back in the hand of the statue.

Oh !

If that dagger is the actual thing, Hideki's fingerprints should be found also.

But only Mr. Schindler's fingerprints were found.

I touched it after the child so mine is over lapped with his.

Mr. Kudou, I found it !

The fake sword made out of cardboard and aluminum foil was thrown away.

That is...

Just like Mr. Kudou said, Mr. Schindler and Moroboshi's prints are on it.

If there are other fingerprints on the dagger besides the child...

Then those must be the fingerprints belonging to the m*rder*r.

That's bull. I'm going to complain to the government.

Besides, I don't have
a motive to k*ll Kashimura.

He's not here.

The only place left up ahead is the engine room.

The engineer is not here.

Let's stop the train !


The brakes are shot.

We're accelerating.

Shouldn't we
find that girl ?

Ran, Where are you ?
Where did you go ?

Oh wait !

There they are !

Ran !

Don't come !

I'm connected to this
girl by this rope.

If I fall,
she falls.

So, how are
you going to fight ?

Damn !

The bronze dagger is supposedly passed down...

...from generation to generation in the Schindler family.

Isn't that right ?

Yes indeed,
it is.

Why did you use such a dagger as the w*apon ?

You had to use
that dagger.

Which means...

What do you want ?

Jack the Ripper.

What do I want ?

You k*lled your mother and took care of your grudge, what do you want now ?

To keep on living.

To pass down my evil blood onto the next generation on Noah's Ark.

Is this your motive
to k*ll Kashimura ?

Jack the Ripper's blood was passed down to modern day as if it was put on Noah's Ark.

Are you Jack the
Ripper's descendant ?

Jack the Ripper's...

Descendant ?

Hiroki probably figured it out with the DNA program.

If people found out the I.T. guru was a descendant of a criminal 100 years ago...

...that would be the end of him.

So to keep them quiet, you k*lled Hiroki and Kashimura.

It was when Hiroki came
to see my collection.

An Egyptian pharaoh
supposedly used this.

The next one is an ancient scroll with actual ancient writings.


What's this dagger ?

Well...That is supposedly serial k*ller Jack the Ripper's 100 year-old w*apon.

I don't know if
it's real or not.

Hiroki gathered as much data as he could for research.

When he found that Honey's DNA from the dagger matched with your DNA...

You became afraid that he would figure out that Jack the Ripper was Honey's son.

For him to figure out that you're Jack the Ripper's descendant was a matter of time.

I was scared, scared of the evil blood that runs through me.

Who cares about
your blood ?

Who cares about
what people think.

Why didn't you
try fighting it ?

Just like Conan
right now.

Thomas Schindler, I'm arresting you for the m*rder of Mr. Kashimura.

You can't catch me
if you keep running.

There's only ten minutes
until the last stop.

What's going to happen to this train without an engineer ?

It seems like you'll die before you get to the station.

Your end is here.

look out !

I got you,
brat !

Conan !

Let go of
Four-Eyes !

Moroboshi !

Are you okay ?

I'm fine.

Where should I
cut you first ?

What should I
do Shinichi ?

what would you do ?

There's a line that Holmes says that I really like.

Do you know
what it is ?

I don't know.


"If I could be sure of your death,
I would cheerfully accept my own".

Four-eyes !

Reichenbach Falls !
Conan !

You're not going to...

I'm sorry I couldn't
be with you.

No !
Ran !

Shit !

Shit !

I believe in you !

Ran !

let's stop the train !

Hey, we have to stop the train to survive or it doesn't count !

Stand up Four-Eyes !
We have 48 lives in our hands !

Are you going
to betray everyone ?

You idiot,
I don't want to give up.

But think about it,
the train is still accelerating.

At 100 miles an hour...

...there's only 5 minutes
until the last stop.

The only way to survive is to cut the link between the engine and passenger carriage.

With only the two of us, the thing wouldn't move.

I calculated that we
could do it with Ran.

That's why Noah's Ark
deleted all the people.

We can't get
through this one.

I don't think
I can do this Dad...

Hey !
Don't give up yet !

Live and revive Ran !


You guys aren't
bloody yet.

You guys are
still alive.

Are you guys going
to give up already ?

You already have
both hands on the truth.

Tangled to the white string called life, is a red string called m*rder.

Isn't it our job
to untangle the two ?

Holmes !

But he's in the Dartmoor.
Maybe it's a bug.

What does it mean ?

Jack the Ripper is dead so why do we have to be bloody ?

That's... it !

That's what it was !
Come !

Hey wait !
What does it mean ?

Never mind.
Just follow me !

Break all the kegs
with that axe !

Hurry !

When I give you
the signal, dive.


Now !

Their voices...

I can't hear
anything yet.

Oh great Conan !
Please revive Ran !

I see,
bloody huh ?

He meant to lessen
the shock with wine.

Thanks Holmes.
No, Dad.

Oh, you awake
Four-Eyes ?

Looks like you win.

You ?

I thought so.

I'm happy I believed in you.
Thank you.

You're welcome Noah's Ark.

Or should I say Hiroki ?

You borrowed Moroboshi's data and joined the game.

Since when did
you figure that out ?

You don't have to worry. They can't hear us now.

The first thing I thought strange was at Big Ben.

You noticed the hands
before it moved.

You did that because you tried to tell us the significance of Big Ben.

Next incident
was the soccer ball.

At that time, you called it a dirty ball and threw it back.

A soccer kid would definitely be interested in a 100-year-old soccer ball.

You put us in
a dangerous situation...

...but believed that we would team together and get through this.

The resetting of Japan doesn't mean the destruction of the second and third generation.

It means we don't have
to rely on our parents.

We had to win the game
on our own, right ?

But you couldn't
be the devil.

The fact that Holmes came out in the end was the evidence.

You brought out the helper character at the climax.

The reason I took Moroboshi's body and went into the game was because...

I wanted to play with
friends just once.

I was always working.

Sorry to put you through this, but it was really fun.

I'm jealous of the closeness between you and your father...

...even though
you're far apart.

Your dad avenged my dad.

Thank you.

Well, it's time
to say goodbye.

Your spirit will live through Noah's Ark forever, won't it.

If there's a computer like me around, adults will use me for something bad.

A.I. wasn't supposed
to be born yet.

Now, It's time for you
to go back to your world.

When they wake up, I want everyone to know this... is harder
than in a game.

I hope you will
meet your dad.

Kudou Shinichi.

Ran !

Looks like we did it.

I'm so happy
you're okay.

It was fun.

I tried hard.

I'm so proud of you.

thanks for reviving us.

We tried hard.

That was pretty fun.

I like the real
world better.

What happened ?

I knew you
could do it.

I never thought you'd
jump off with him.

It's because I remembered Shinichi's favorite Holmes quote.

Is it when Holmes and
Moriarty first meet ?

How do you know ?

Oh, uh, because
Shinichi told me.

It seems like Shinichi's annoying lectures helped us.

You don't need
the "annoying".

Ran !

Dad !

I'm so glad you're fine.

It took you long enough.

that was pretty fun.

Noah's Ark is
trying to destroy itself.

Rest in peace,

I wonder what happened today ?

May tomorrow end in peace also.

Whatever happens or doesn't happen.

The sky will keep on moving.

The moment I met you.

Every second was worth a lot.

My feeling is forever.

Even the days when I can't stop worrying.

I can't complain to anyone.

In the tangled strings...

We are connected.

I remember your warmth.

Your voice resonates.

My feeling is forever.

Get back the feeling that is drenched in darkness.

From the moment I met you...

I knew I wasn't alone.

I knew you were watching from somewhere.

Just knowing that keeps me alive.

My feeling is forever.

An everlasting feeling.

Original Story: Aoyama Gosho


In memory of the Giant Rat of Sumatra

I gotta practice so
I don't get teased.