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One Piece Movie 9: Episode of Chopper Plus - Fuyu ni Saku, Kiseki no Sakura (2007)

Posted: 02/06/24 12:17
by bunniefuu
Dalton: Baku: Chomp

Kureha: Noko: Shroom

Kureha: Hito: Human

Zoro: Santouryu: Three Sword Style

Zoro: Tatsumaki: Tornado, Dragon Twist

Usopp: Hissatsu Kayakoboshi: Sure-k*ll Smoke Star

Kurmarimo: Ereki Marimo: Static Moss Ball

Mushroo: Ran Hypha: Running Fungus Tendril

Usopp: Kaenboshi: Flame Star

Chopper: Kokutei Roseo: Cloven Roseo ***** Mövie *****

Franky: Coup De Burst

Sanji: Flanc sh**t

Sanji: sh**t

Zoro: Santouryu (Three Sword Style)

Zoro: Tatsumaki (Tornado/Dragon Twist)

Franky: Coup de Vent

Franky: Strong Right

Usopp: Hissatsu Kayakoboshi (Sure-k*ll Smoke Star)

Robin: Clutch

Kurmarimo: Ereki Marimo (Static Moss Ball)

Kuromarimo: Ereki Marimo

Sanji: Arme De L'air Gomu sh**t

Wapol: Baku Baku Shock

Wapol: Wapol House

Mushroo: Spin Drill

Mushroo: Shade Dance

Mushroo: Rot Sting

Luffy: Gomu Gomu no Gattling

Luffy: Gomu Gomu no b*llet

Mushroo: Spin Drill

Mushroo: Ran Hypha (Running Fungus Tendril){is it more than one? I don't have the vid loaded. if it is, make it 'Tendrils' instead}

Mushroo: Snow Spore

Usopp: Kaenboshi (Flame Star)

Luffy: Gear Second

Luffy: Gomu Gomu no Jet p*stol

Luffy: Gomu Gomu no

Mushroo: Cross Shade

Luffy: Jet Whip

Mushroo: Spin Drill

Luffy: Gomu Gomu no

Luffy: Jet Bazooka

Wapol: Mushroo Wapol Cannon

Chopper: Rumble

Chopper: Walk Point

Chopper: Jumping Point

Chopper: Arm Point

Chopper: Kokutei Roseo (Cloven Roseo){cloven is cleaner than split-hoof and means the same, so unless you've reason not to, I'd rather use this.}

Franky: Fresh Fire

Luffy: Gear Third


Luffy: GIGANT p*stol

Narrator: This is a battle during the search for One Piece,

Narrator: the one great treasure left behind by the legendary Pirate King, Gol D. Roger.

Narrator: Countless pirates have raised their flags and set sail for the Grand Line.

Narrator: This is the Great Pirate Era.

Narrator: From these intrepid crews have risen pirates with immense power,

Narrator: the most feared of whom are those with the supernatural powers...

Narrator: granted by eating a Devil Fruit:

Narrator: The Devil Fruit users.

Narrator: Among them is the boy who ate the Gomu Gomu fruit and aspires to be the next Pirate King: Monkey D. Luffy. {Gomu Gomu means Rubber Rubber}

Narrator: He is the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Narrator: An absolutely essential member of a crew like this is a doctor.

Narrator: At the moment, however, this ship does not have one.

Narrator: Why?

Narrator: Because this is the story of an encounter...

Zoro: Daily... training...

Zoro: This is the best way to become a great swordsman.

Zoro: Well then...

Luffy: Alright! Lemme try catching a Sea King or something with this!

Usopp: What?! Hey, Luffy, where'd you find that thing?!

Luffy: It was just lying over there.

Franky: Hey, hey, Captain!

Franky: I can make you whatever you want, if you just ask me.

Franky: I'm the shipwright after all.

Luffy: Franky!

Usopp: No, no matter how you look at it, you can't catch a Sea King...

Usopp: If you need to catch something, shouldn't you leave it to me, the great sn*per, Usopp-sama?

Zoro: Hey, you guys! Do you know what happened to my weights?

Zoro: Hey, those are mine, dammit!

Usopp: Oh, crap! Zoro's mad!

Franky: Straw Hat! Hurry up and throw it away!

Franky: Destroy the evidence!

Luffy: Good idea! Here, catch!

Franky: You're too slow!

Zoro: Give it back, dammit!

Robin: They sure are noisy.

Sanji: Nami-swan!

Sanji: Robin-chwan!

Sanji: Would you like to taste this afternoon's relaxing snack, petits fours?

Robin: Thank you.

Sanji: My pride as the ship's cook, as well as my heart and soul, went into making this.

Main: ,Please enjoy...

Sanji: Faint, blushing cheeks... wavering eyes...

Sanji: This is the look of a maiden in love!

Sanji: Who could those eyes be looking at? Could it be...

Sanji: me?!

Nami: The air has changed...

Nami: A huge gust of wind is coming.

Nami: Hurry, haul in the sails!

Nami: Shift our heading southward!

Nami: Franky! Prepare the cola barrels!

Nami: We'll blast away with a Burst!

Franky: Sure! Leave it to me!

Franky: Everyone ready?!

Crew: Yeah!

Franky: Let's go!

Luffy: The power of the Burst is as awesome as always!

Usopp: But what's going on?

Usopp: I'm not questioning Nami or anything, but still...

Usopp: Why'd we change our course all of a sudden?

Usopp: What is that?!

Sanji: A cyclone!

Usopp: It's right where our ship was headed a minute ago!

Sanji: If we'd stayed on course we'd have run straight into it!

Robin: They say that cyclones in the Grand Line are impossible to predict...

Robin: that they come without warning...

Robin: I'd expect no less from you, Nami.

Robin: Everyone, this is bad! Come quickly!

Robin: Nami-chan has a terrible fever!

Crew: What?! A fever? That's bad!

Sanji: Ith Nami-than going to be awlight?

Sanji: Ith thhe, Wobin-tan?

Luffy: She'll recover if she eats some meat! Meat! Meat!

Franky: You idiot! In times like this, you need some refreshing cola!

Sanji: Can't you two be a little more concerned?!

Robin: Be quiet!

Sanji: Sorry...

Robin: So high... Her temperature's degrees!

Luffy: Is that bad?

Sanji: Dunno... I've never been sick before.

Usopp: Me neither.

Usopp: What's going on, Robin?

Robin: Well, archeology is my specialty, not medicine...

Robin: But I know that this kind of temperature isn't normal.

Robin: We should get her to a doctor as soon as possible.

Sanji: A doctor? We don't have one on this ship.

Franky: Yeah, a ship doctor would be useful.

Robin: This could be a fatal disease!

Luffy: Nami's gonna die?!

Sanji: Nami-dan, pweade do't die!

Robin: Be quiet!

Luffy: Full speed toward the nearest doctor!

Luffy: We're gonna save Nami!

Luffy: One Piece The Movie

Luffy: Episode of Chopper +

Luffy: The Miraculous Cherry Blossoms, Blooming in Winter

Chopper: A pirate ship?

Man: Get lost, damn pirates!

Man: This ain't no place for you!

Man: Hurry up and get out of here!

Luffy: One of our crewmates is sick.

Sanji: We're looking for a doctor.

Sanji: Please tell us where we can find one.

Man: Think we'd fall for that?!

Man : You're just a bunch of dirty pirates!

Man : What do we care if you die or not?

Secondary,Dalton: What's going on here?

Secondary,Man: Dalton-san. Some pirates are here.

Luffy: Then can you bring the doctor here? Please!

Usopp: She's suffering from a serious illness! Please help her!

Man: Quit screwing around!

Franky: Why, you... Don't you dare...

Franky: Straw Hat!

Dalton: Hey! What if you'd k*lled him?! He was unarmed!

Man: Well, I just...

Luffy: I'm begging you.

Usopp: Luffy, you-!

Luffy: Please call a doctor.

Luffy: Please, help my friend!

Dalton: I'll take you to our village.

Dalton: Follow me.

Luffy: Thank you.

Usopp: This place sure is cold!

Robin: The climate on the Grand Line varies from island to island.

Robin: This must be a Winter Island.

Sanji: A Winter Island? So that's why there's so much snow.

Luffy: I love the white snow!

Dalton: We do have summers on this island, but the snow never melts.

Dalton: Living in a kingdom of snow is harsh,

Dalton: but we can't just leave our homeland.

Dalton: I might be a bit late in introducing myself, but my name is Dalton.

Dalton: I'm the island's protector.

Dalton: I apologize for the hostile welcome.

Robin: Don't worry about it.

Robin: We're pirates; we're used to it.

Dalton: But, you there. I'm sure I saw you get hit by that b*llet earlier...

Luffy: Oh, g*ns don't work on me.

Usopp: This guy ate the Gomu Gomu Fruit. He's a rubber-man.

Dalton: I see. You too have eaten a Devil Fruit.

Dalton: But despite the abilities you might gain by doing so,

Dalton: you must never let yourself become an actual Devil!

Robin: What?

Dalton: Oh, no. I wasn't referring to you people.

Dalton: This island had...

Usopp: Oh, a reindeer!

Luffy: A reindeer?!

Luffy: A raccoon dog?

Luffy: A mole?

Luffy: A cuckoo?

Usopp: Wrong!

Luffy: Oh, now that I look at it, that's gotta be a stuffed deer!

Usopp: Yeah, now that you mention it...

Luffy: If it were anything else, it'd be a monster!

Chopper: Monster?!

Usopp: It talked!

Usopp: I'm dead.

Dalton: That's the Hiking Bear. It's harmless.

Dalton: Just mind your manners.

Zoro: I'm freezing...

Zoro: I guess I'll go take a bath.

Dalton: This is our village, Bighorn.

Dalton: First, why don't you come to my house?

Man: Are you sure, Dalton-san? They're pirates, you know!

Dalton: They mean us no harm. They just happened to drift by here.

Dalton: We can trust them.

Man: Oh, okay.

Man: I'll leave it to you.

Dalton: Her temperature is degrees?!

Sanji: Yes... Please hurry and call a doctor!

Sanji: This village has one, right?!

Dalton: We've only got one doctor on this island. A witch.

Robin: Witch?

Dalton: You see the mountains outside the window, right?

Sanji: Yeah... Umm...

Luffy and Usopp: Hey!

Luffy: This is Hyper Snowman-san!

Usopp: This is the Snow Monster Shirora!

Both: Yeah, yeah, yay!

Sanji: I'm gonna kick the crap out of you two!

Usopp: What's wrong?

Both: It's the Hiking Bear!

Both: Deep bow.

Sanji: Hey.

Dalton: At the top of the highest mountain lies a castle.

Dalton: Right now, it's a castle without a king.

Sanji: A castle?

Dalton: The only doctor on this island, the one people call a witch,

Dalton: Doctor Kureha, lives there alone.

Sanji: What? Then please call her down here now!

Dalton: I'd like to, but we have no way to contact her.

Sanji: Huh?

Dalton: There used to be a ropeway to the castle, but it was taken down.

Sanji: Yet she still calls herself a doctor?!

Sanji: What kind of person is she?

Dalton: She's definitely skilled, but she is a rather eccentric old lady.

Dalton: She's close to one hundred forty years old.

Sanji: Really? Is she alright?

Robin: How do people around here deal with diseases and injuries?

Dalton: She comes down from the mountain every now and then.

Dalton: She looks for patients, treats them,

Dalton: and takes whatever she wants from their houses as payment.

Usopp: She doesn't sound like a very nice lady.

Luffy: Hey, hey. She's almost like a pirate.

Sanji: But how does that old lady get down from the mountain?

Dalton: This is just a rumor,

Dalton: but people say they've seen her silhouetted by the moon, flying down in a sleigh.

Dalton: That's why they call her a witch.

Usopp: A... A witch who flies through the sky?

Dalton: Other people claim they've seen her with a strange creature unlike anything they've seen before.

Usopp: The... The Abominable Snow Man?!

Usopp: I knew he existed... It's the Abominable Snow Man!

Secondary,Sanji: Damn it.

Sanji: It's bizarre for this island to have just one doctor.

Main: ,And an old lady at that!

Secondary,Usopp: She must be dangerous to be with the Abominable Snow Man.

Secondary,Usopp: Aah! I've got the "I-Shouldn't-Go-To-The-Mountain" sickness!

Usopp and Sanji: Hey! What are you doing?!

Luffy: Hey, Nami! Nami! Can you hear me?

Luffy: Oh, she's awake!

Luffy: We've gotta climb the mountain to get to the doctor, so we're climbing the mountain.

Sanji: Don't be so reckless! What're you gonna do with Nami-san?!

Luffy: It's fine. I'll carry her.

Usopp: No, that's gonna be too dangerous!

Luffy: Why? It's best to get her there as soon as possible, right?

Luffy: We don't know when that doctor will be coming down anyway...

Sanji: Nami-san's condition is too serious!

Sanji: Nami-san?

Usopp: Nami?

Nami: I'm counting on you!

Luffy: That's what I wanted to hear!

Luffy: Leave it to me!

Usopp: You guys are crazy.

Sanji: Right! I'll go too!

Robin: Then so will I.

Sanji: No, we've gotta hurry.

Main: ,It's better if just a few of us go.

Usopp: Right! Off you go, you two!

Usopp: I'll wait here with Robin!

Dalton: I won't stop you if you're serious about this,

Dalton: but you might run into a Lapahn herd on the way.

Dalton: They're brutal, flesh-eating rabbits.

Dalton: If you get att*cked by a herd of them, you won't survive it.

Luffy: Rabbits? That's no problem, right?

Sanji: Sure. I'll just kick 'em!

Luffy: Then let's get going! Before Nami dies!

Sanji: Don't say such ominous things, you damn bastard!

Dalton: Will they be alright?

Robin: As long as it's those two.

Usopp: I hope they can get Nami all the way there...

Dalton: There's no point standing out here and worrying.

Dalton: Please, come inside.

Usopp: Nah. I want to stay outside.

Robin: As do I.

Dalton: I see.

Dalton: In that case, I will keep you company.

Dalton: We had them once, you know.

Usopp: Huh?

Dalton: Doctors.

Dalton: There was a time when our country was renowned for its medical knowledge.

Dalton: But half a year ago, the country fell...

Dalton: because of a pirate attack.

Dalton: We were att*cked by Blackbeard and his crew.

Dalton: Against their terrifying power, the kingdom was crushed.

Robin: So that's why you were so hostile toward us.

Dalton: But many think it made the country a better place.

Usopp: There's no way that could be! How?!

Dalton: Because the kingdom was under tyranny!

Dalton: We were known as a country of advanced medical science,

Dalton: but only twenty doctors were allowed to stay in the country.

Dalton: The rest had been culled in the Doctor Hunt and banished from the country.

Robin: Why would they do that?

Dalton: To give the king complete control over the country's medical facilities!

Dalton: With no other doctors, the citizens were forced to plead the king for help.

Dalton: Holding every sick person in the kingdom hostage...

Dalton: It was criminal!

Dalton: The king's name was Wapol.

Dalton: He had eaten the Baku Baku Fruit and gained the power to devour anything.

Dalton: He was absolutely the worst kind of king!

Usopp: But that guy was k*lled by the pirates, wasn't he?

Usopp: In that case...

Dalton: Once Wapol realized the strength of the pirates,

Dalton: he took the doctors and was the first to flee the kingdom!

Dalton: He didn't even try to fight back.

Dalton: He simply abandoned the entire kingdom!

Usopp: How awful.

Robin: Then the "witch" who lives in that castle...

Dalton: Doctor Kureha is the only doctor who escaped the Doctor Hunt.

Chopper: Doctorine! Pirates have landed!

Chopper: They might come here, too...

Kureha: Indeed. There are definitely a lot of pirate ships down there.

Kureha: Seems like this is gonna be a busy day, Chopper.

Chopper: A lot?

Man: H-How can this be?!

Man: We've gotta warn the village!

Man : Right!

Man: Don't let them set foot on land!

Main: ,We've gotta stop them any way we can!

Franky: What?

Franky: Awesome!

Franky: I can't just sit around here!

Wapol: We've reached the Drum Kingdom, Bro-chan!

Mushroo: Covered in snow, as always!

Luffy: It's gotten colder...

Luffy: The wind picked up.

Sanji: Why're you barefoot anyway?

Sanji: It hurts just to look at you.

Luffy: This is just my stylus!

Sanji: What do you mean "stylus"? Don't you mean "style"?

Luffy: Doesn't really matter, does it?

Sanji: Yes it does! They mean completely different things.

Luffy: What's "stylus" then?

Sanji: You're the one who said it!

Sanji: Besides...

Sanji: this has been getting on my nerves for a while now!

Luffy: What was with that guy?

Franky: What was that ship? We're real lucky here!

Franky: I'm in super condition this week!

Zoro: Why'd I have to come along?

Franky: That's only because you fell asleep in here!

Franky: Besides, didn't you say you were gonna take a bath?

Zoro: I got lost.

Franky: On the ship?!

Zoro: I don't know how to find anything on that ship.

Franky: Why, you! You got a problem with my design?!

Zoro: What's going on?!

Franky: Are they picking a fight with us?!

Luffy: White bears?

Sanji: Nah, they're rabbits.

Sanji: But there sure are a lot of 'em...

Sanji: Listen up, Luffy. You mustn't attack these guys, no matter what!

Luffy: Why?

Sanji: The shock from your punches will hurt Nami-san too!

Sanji: If you do that, she really will die!

Luffy: I-I got it! I won't fight!

Luffy: It jumped at us!

Sanji: How'd it move so fast?!

Sanji: I can't kick properly in all this snow...

Luffy: What?

Luffy: They're all coming at once!

Sanji: Run into the forest!

Sanji: All these trees ought to slow 'em down!

Sanji: Or not...

Luffy: Why, you...!

Sanji: Stop!

Sanji: Moron! Just leave this to me!

Luffy: Sorry!

Sanji: We've gotta shake 'em off!

Main: ,If we try to fight all these guys, we'll be here all day!

Soldier: Why, you...!

Soldier: You bastard!

Franky: You guys! You have a long way to go before you can really give us a fight!

Man: A-Amazing...

Man : Who are these guys?

Zoro: Hey!

Zoro: You alright?

Man: P-Pretty much... You guys saved us...

Chess: Who are they?

Chess: They're causing quite a lot of trouble. Still, it's okay.

Chess: They're nothing compared to Wapol-sama.

Chess: Besides, we've got a powerful ally.

Chess: We've got Wapol-sama's older brother, Mushroo-sama.

Franky: This is quite an impressive ship.

Franky: I gotta fix it later.

Zoro: Hey. What're you doing?

Franky: I found a rather interesting vehicle here...

Zoro: What're those?

Zoro: How do you use them?

Mushroo: As always, you eat some pretty awful stuff.

Wapol: Don't say that, Bro-chan...

Mushroo: You damn maroon! I told you to call me "Big Brother"!

Wapol: Sorry, Bro-chan, but you know...

Mushroo: What?

Wapol: Even though I finally freed you and all,

Wapol: are we really gonna rebuild the kingdom?

Mushroo: Who the hell do you think I am?

Mushroo: There's nothing the great Mushroo-sama can't do!

Wapol: Just as I'd expect from you, Bro-chan!

Mushroo: Still, I gotta say, it's a shame that\NBlackbeard-guy left. I wanted to beat him myself.

Mushroo: I want to have a bit of fun for myself too...

Kuromarimo: Wapol-sama! This is awful!

Wapol: What's up?

Kuromarimo: Doctor Kureha has taken up residence in Drum Castle!

Wapol: What's that?!

Wapol: That ancient hag is living in my castle?!

Mushroo: In that case, how 'bout we sh**t her down to teach her a lesson?

Mushroo: Using these.

Kuromarimo: But the castle is too far away...

Wapol: Just as I'd expect from you, Bro-chan!

Wapol: That's perfect for striking a bit of fear into the citizens!

Wapol: Very well! Let's chomp on!

Kuromarimo: Yes, Sir!

Mushroo: You damn maroon!

Mushroo: I told you to call me "Big Brother"!

Wapol: After all this time?

Wapol: Sorry, Bro-chan!

Mushroo: As long as you get it, it's fine.

Man: It's terrible! Everybody! Run!

Man: He's... They've returned!

Man: They're coming here right now!

Man : Him?!

Man : You can't mean...?!

Man: It's Wapol! Everybody! Run away!

Dalton: Wapol?!

Luffy: They're not chasing us...

Sanji: No way...

Sanji: We've gotta get away, Luffy!

Luffy: G-Get away? Where to?

Sanji: Anywhere will do! Just somewhere far away!

Sanji: It's an avalanche!

Robin: Is this...?

Dalton: Everyone! We've got to get out of the village! Hurry!

Man: The village is gonna be buried!

Man: Hey! You two...

Man: Huh?

Sanji: Listen up, Luffy! Your first priority is Nami-san, your second priority is Nami-san!

Sanji: Third and fourth priority, Nami-san, fifth priority is also Nami-san!

Sanji: Protect her even if it kills you!

Main: ,Understood!

Luffy: But how?

Sanji: Over there!

Sanji: Get on top of that cliff! We gotta get as high as possible!

Luffy: Right!

Sanji: Here it comes!

Sanji: We made it!

Sanji: We're not high enough!

Luffy: That was close!

Sanji: We're safe...

Luffy: But if this keeps up, we'll end up at the bottom of the mountain!

Sanji: You're kidding! After getting all the way up here...

Luffy: Oh, crap! It's a boulder!

Luffy: We're gonna crash!

Sanji: No way!

Sanji: Ladies must be treated with delicate care.

Luffy: Sanji!

Luffy: Sanji!!!

Usopp: We're done for!

Robin: Over here!

Wapol: What a sight to behold!

Wapol: Right, let's march on!

Chess: Yes, Sir! All troops, advance!

Luffy: I'll definitely get you there!

Luffy: Don't die, you two!

Zoro: Damn... That was a little too close.

Franky: What kind of guy drives straight into an avalanche?!

Zoro: The coastline is in that direction, right?

Franky: What? We've been climbing higher into the mountains!

Zoro: None of this would have happened if you hadn't suggested we "take this for a little ride"!

Franky: That doesn't mean that you had to drive it so carelessly!

Franky: We've completely lost track of where we are!

Zoro: Whatever. Let's just look for the village that Luffy and the others went to.

Zoro: It'll be easy to get to the ship from there.

Franky: Guess you're right.

Robin: Looks like I was carried a fair distance.

Robin: Where am I?

Robin: Here...

Luffy: I can't...

Luffy: see the top.

Woman: Julie! Rosario! Where are you?!

Woman: Please, answer!

Doctor: How could he?!

Wapol: Delicious!

Wapol: The houses in this village taste absolutely fantastic!

Mushroo: Ah, this is boring!

Wapol: Oh! What's up, Bro-chan?

Mushroo: You damn maroon! I keep telling you to call me "Big Brother"!

Wapol: Sorry. I won't call you that any more.

Mushroo: This is such a letdown.

Mushroo: I thought that something more impressive would happen. We only buried one village!

Wapol: In that case, Bro-chan...

Wapol: How about we try using that?

Wapol: We'll take that device we were gonna use on Blackbeard and launch it at the citizens!

Doctor: Oh no! They're gonna use that on the citizens?!

Wapol: Just look at those hateful eyes.

Wapol: It'd be better to wipe out everyone who might defy me, the king of this country!

Mushroo: Not a bad idea at all.

Mushroo: Launching the b*mb I've been carrying in here might be pretty fun too.

Wapol: Right, Bro-chan?

Mushroo: But how're we gonna launch it?

Mushroo: We've only got one shot.

Mushroo: And I doubt those cannons will do the job...

Wapol: Well... Ah, I know!

Wapol: There's a huge cannon up in the castle.

Main: ,And while we're at it, the old hag is up there too. So it's perfect!

Mushroo: I got you.

Wapol: Right, men! We're gonna resume our advance on the castle!

Men: Yeah!

Doctor: Everyone, prepare yourselves!

Usopp: Man, you saved me!

Main: ,I'm so glad to be alive! Thanks, Robin.

Usopp: Still, am I imagining things, or is my face swollen?

Robin: It's frostbite.

Usopp: Really?

Robin: Yes.

Dalton: So, you're safe?

Usopp: Oh, Dalton.

Robin: I see you're safe too.

Dalton: You're...

Dalton: Oh, Usopp-kun.

Usopp: Hey, what's with the long pause?!

Girl: It's the village!

Children: Yay!

Boy: Mom!

Mother: Thank God!

Robin: What's going on?

Main: ,There sure are a lot of people gathered here...

Usopp: Hey, what's happening?

Man: The Twenty Doctors have appeared!

Usopp: Huh? Who're they?

Dalton: The doctors who surrendered to Wapol's authority.

Dalton: But what are they doing here?

Doctor: Please! We've come to tell you something important!

Man: Don't mess with us!

Man : That's right! No way we'd trust you guys!

Man : Just hurry back to that damn Wapol!

Doctor: We have no place to return to.

Doctor: We escaped from Wapol. We were prepared to die trying!

Doctor: We are doctors, after all!

Doctor: Even though we had to bow to his might,

Main: ,we only continued our work for the sake of the people!

Doctor : It was because a certain quack doctor told us to never give up.

Doctor : This foolish man told us... that all was not lost.

Doctor: Everyone, please listen calmly to what we're about to tell you.

Doctor: We have no time to waste.

Doctor: Wapol intends to launch Mushroo's Spore b*mb from the castle...

Main: ,and cover the entire island in poison gas!

Man: What?!

Man : Did you say Mushroo?!

Robin: Poison?!

Usopp: Oh, no! Luffy and the others are in trouble!

Usopp: Wait, so are we! We've gotta do something!

Man: We've no choice but to run! This island is done for!

Dalton: No! We're gonna stop them, one way or another!

Dalton: Even if it costs us our lives!

Man: Dalton-san...

Man : But we don't have any decent weapons...

Man : Besides, how are we gonna get to the castle?

Soldier: What are you doing here, Twenty Doctors?

Soldier: You betrayed us, didn't you?!

Robin: Can we climb the mountain with that?

Dalton: Yeah.

Soldier: Why, you...

Doctor: Please wait, you three!

Doctor: If you must go, then take this with you!

Doctor: I'm sure it'll be useful!

Dalton: What's that?

Doctor: It's an antidote.

Doctor: It's made from ingredients that are unavailable on this island, so there's only a small amount...

Doctor: but we'll give it to you.

Doctor: It's the result of our continued research and hard work.

Dalton: Right, I understand. Thank you.

Luffy: Doctor... Doctor... Doctor!

Luffy: Sanji!

Luffy: That was close!

Luffy: Hang in there... We're almost there!

Chess: Wapol-sama, is this really okay?

Chess: If you use the Spore b*mb{\fscx}-{\r}

Wapol: You don't get it, do you?

Wapol: Why do you think I went out of my way to save my brother?

Chess: Wasn't it to stop Blackbeard?

Wapol: Well, that too, but this country needs to be ruled by striking fear into the people.

Wapol: For that, my brother is the perfect choice.

Mushroo: Can't this damn hippo run any faster?!

Mushroo: That's it! Get going!

Mushroo: Go, go!

Wapol: I'm glad we have that stupid brother of mine...

Wapol: Thanks to him, everything will go just as I've planned.

Wapol: If I make everyone beg for the antidote, I can easily control the population.

Wapol: Whether they opposed me or supported me before.

Franky: What?! They're not here anymore?

Woman: That's right. Two of them left, carrying the sick one with them,

Woman: and then the other two left, just a little while ago.

Zoro: Where were they going?

Woman: Up there.

Zoro: The mountain?

Franky: Will they really be alright up there?

Franky: Hey.

Zoro: Yeah.

Woman: Oh, that's right! You two had better run away as soon as possible!

Woman: Something terrible is about to{\fscx}-{\r} Huh?

Luffy: Don't you die now!

Luffy: Hang on for just a little longer!

Luffy: What a beautiful... castle.

Luffy: D-Doctor...

Kureha: This guy's got frostbite all over.

Chopper: This one's covered in blood.

Chopper: Six broken ribs and a damaged spine...

Chopper: Mind if I treat him?

Kureha: Sure, do whatever you want, Chopper.

Kureha: Anyway, the worst case is this girl...

Kureha: She's on the verge of death.

Kureha: What?

Kureha: You got something to say?

Luffy: They're my friends...

Chopper: Friends?

Nami: What... is that?

Kureha: Ya happy?

Kureha: Your fever's starting to go down, girl.

Kureha: degrees... We're getting there...

Nami: Who are you?

Kureha: I'm a doctor. Name's Doctor Kureha.

Kureha: Call me Doctorine.

Nami: Doctor? Then, were you the one who...

Kureha: You wanna know the secret behind my youth?

Nami: No, I wasn't asking about that...

Kureha: I just treated you, 's all.

Kureha: It was that youngster who carried you all the way here.

Nami: Oh, how are the two of them doing?

Kureha: They're sleeping in the next room. They sure are a tough pair.

Nami: I see.

Kureha: You sleep too. You're not completely healed yet.

Nami: Thank you.

Main: ,But my fever's gone, so...

Kureha: Take a look.

Nami: What's this?

Kureha: This is the culprit. You were bitten by a Keschia bug.

Kureha: They call it the Five-Day Illness.

Kureha: Once its saliva enters your body,

Main: ,you're subjected to hellish suffering for five days.

Kureha: Judging by the rash,

Main: ,I'd say you were bitten about three days ago.

Kureha: Of course, after five days, you wouldn't have suffered any more.

Nami: Huh?

Kureha: If those five days had passed without treatment,

Kureha: you'd be dead.

Kureha: You understand now?

Main: ,If you do, then you should get back to sleep.

Kureha: At the very least, you have to stay here for two more days.

Nami: Um, can I ask you one more question?

Nami: How long does it take for a Log to set on this island?

Kureha: A Log?

Main: ,Oh, is that what you call it?

Kureha: Why do you want to know?

Nami: We weren't planning to come to this island,

Nami: so I'd rather not lose our way to the next one.

Kureha: I see. I'd guess it takes about a day.

Nami: What?! Then we've got to set sail at once!

Kureha: The only time I release a patient of mine...

Kureha: is when they've recovered, or when they die.

Kureha: I won't let you leave.

Nami: No way...

Luffy: Wait up, meat!

Sanji: Don't eat him yet, Luffy!

Sanji: I'll cook him up!

Chopper: Cut it out, humans!

Sanji: I said don't eat him!

Luffy: Wait up, you!

Nami: The deer from before, it's talking!

Kureha: What a surprise. They can move around already?

Kureha: They were just on the brink of death.

Nami: What is that? That walking stuffed animal thing?

Kureha: Oh, him? His name's Chopper.

Nami: Chopper?

Kureha: He's just a blue-nosed reindeer who ate the Hito Hito Fruit and gained human abilities.

Nami: A reindeer?

Kureha: He's a doctor, too.

Kureha: I've taught Chopper everything I know about medicine.

Luffy: Gotcha!

Sanji: Right!

Nami: You two, that's...

Luffy: Oh, Nami! You're all better, huh?

Sanji: What a relief, Nami-san!

Main: ,I'm just about to cook you some revitalizing food.

Chopper: I'm...

Chopper: not food!

Nami: He took human form!

Sanji: Hey... He's...

Luffy: A monster.

Sanji: He's a talking reindeer...

Luffy: And he was so small, then he turned huge...

Sanji: He's a monster.

Luffy: Awesome!

Kureha: Damn kids!

Main: ,You plannin' to make a mess of this entire room?!

Luffy and Sanji: Granny?

Kureha: I'm still a healthy -year-old!

Kureha: Die, ya damn brats!

Kureha: Wait! I ain't lettin' ya get away!

Luffy: Sanji! H-Hey, Sanji!

Sanji: Yeah?

Luffy: I've decided!

Sanji: On what?

Luffy: That reindeer is a cool guy!

Luffy: Let's have him join our crew!

Nami: Chopper.

Nami: Are you trying to hide... behind that wall?

Nami: Too slow. Besides, you're not really hidden at all.

Chopper: Shut up, pirate!

Main: ,Oh, and is your fever alright?

Nami: Huh? Yeah, it's pretty much gone.

Chopper: Still, you have to stay in bed.

Chopper: Doctorine's medicine works really well, so the fever goes down quickly,

Chopper: but the infection is still in your body.

Chopper: You have to take the antibiotics and relax, or...

Nami: Thank you.

Nami: You've been taking care of me, right?

Chopper: Shut up!

Chopper: I don't want gratitude from a stinking human, you jerk!

Chopper: Are you kidding me?!

Secondary,Nami: You really can't hide your emotions at all, huh?

Chopper: You people are pirates, right?

Nami: Yes.

Chopper: Real pirates?

Nami: Yes, we're real.

Chopper: You've been out on adventures and stuff?

Nami: Pretty much.

Chopper: Y-You're strong?

Nami: Are you interested in pirates?

Chopper: I'm not!

Chopper: I'm not, you idiot!

Nami: Alright, I get it. Sorry!

Nami: Still...

Nami: Then...

Nami: Wanna come with us?

Nami: To the sea! Won't you come with us?

Nami: If you became our ship's doctor, it'd help us now.

Nami: I'd like to get out of here before the Log changes direction...

Chopper: Don't be ridiculous! I'm a reindeer, you know!

Chopper: Think I can go with you humans?!

Nami: Because you're a reindeer?

Chopper: Besides, doesn't looking at me...

Chopper: scare you?

Chopper: I'm a reindeer, yet I'm standing on two legs...

Chopper: I can talk, too...

Nami: You want to scare me?

Chopper: and I've got a blue nose.

Luffy: So that's where you were, reindeer!

Luffy: Wait! Join our crew, monster!

Secondary,Sanji: Monster!

Nami: I wish they'd just calm down for a little while.

Kureha: You're not very grateful, are you, little girl?

Kureha: You planning to steal my reindeer while I'm not around?

Nami: Oh? I need permission to seduce the little guy?

Kureha: Ya don't say...

Kureha: Nah, ya don't need my permission.

Kureha: If ya wanna take him along, then go ahead.

Kureha: But it won't be easy to convince him.

Kureha: He has a wound in his heart.

Kureha: A grievous wound that even I can't heal.

Kureha: From the moment he was born into this world,

Main: ,his parents told him that he was a disgrace...

Nami: Huh?

Kureha: It was because of his blue nose.

Kureha: He always had to walk by himself at the very back of the herd.

Kureha: And he was just a newborn baby, too...

Kureha: Then, one day, he ate the Hito Hito Fruit and everyone treated him like a monster.

Kureha: The other reindeer drove him away by force.

Kureha: Still, he wanted friends,

Kureha: so he went down to the village in human form...

Man: W-What is that creature?!

Man : It creeps me out! It's gotta be the Abominable Snow Man!

Man : Get your g*ns! sh**t it down!

Man: It's working!

Man : Damn monster!

Man: sh**t! k*ll it!

Kureha: He didn't know what he'd done wrong.

Kureha: Nor did he know who was to blame.

Kureha: He simply wanted friends, yet they only called him a monster.

Kureha: He was neither a reindeer nor a human.

Kureha: He just lived on by himself like that.

Kureha: Can you heal his heart?

Kureha: There was one person, though.

Nami: Huh?

Kureha: He opened his heart to one man, long ago.

Kureha: His name was Doctor Hiluluk...

Kureha: The quack doctor who gave him the name "Chopper" and treated him like his own son.

Voice: Hey! He ran this way!

Voice : He's unbelievable, that Doctor Hiluluk!

Voice : Can you believe that guy?!

Main: ,Just barging into the patient's house and forcing him to take some weird injection!

Voice : We were gonna have the Twenty Doctors take a look at him, too!

Voice : Found him! He's over here!

Voice : Wait, Hiluluk!

Soldier: Capture him!

Kureha: Ya happy, young one?

Kureha: Ya gonna put me to sleep? How's that gonna help ya?

Main: ,That's a sedation g*n, ain't it?

Kureha: There's nothing scarier than an incompetent doctor.

Kureha: How many people are afraid of the common cold because of you callin' yourself a doctor?

Hiluluk: Hmph! I don't wanna hear that from some heartless doctor who barely looks at her patients,

Hiluluk: before snatching away their money...

Kureha: That's just my style.

Kureha: Oh, and did you hear?

Main: ,Apparently this country has no doctors left except you, me, and the Twenty Doctors.

Hiluluk: I won't be caught by the Doctor Hunt.

Hiluluk: Just watch, my medical research will save this country!

Kureha: Oh, really? Sure you don't actually mean that it'll destroy the country?

Soldier: There's someone on the bridge!

Soldier : Did the Abominable Snow Man from earlier come back?!

Soldier: sh**t it down right now!

Soldier: There's nobody here...

Soldier: Where'd it go? Find it!

Hiluluk: Who're you?

Hiluluk: Were you shot by a p*stol?

Hiluluk: If we don't stop your bleeding soon, you're gonna die.

Hiluluk: Don't look at me like that. It's alright, I'll help you.

Hiluluk: Still, what are you?

Main: ,You don't look human...

Hiluluk: Oh, I see. You're that Abominable Snow Man they were talking about.

Man: Monster!

Voice: sh**t! k*ll it!

Man: I got it!

Man : Not yet! It's still breathing!

Hiluluk: Damn bastard... Don't mess with me!

Hiluluk: Who the hell do you think I am?!

Hiluluk: Hey! Wait!

Hiluluk: I would...

Hiluluk: never sh**t you!

Hiluluk: My name is Doctor Hiluluk!

Hiluluk: I'm a doctor!

Hiluluk: Y-You can talk?!

Hiluluk: Why'd you stay silent for three whole days?

Chopper: I thought you'd hate me if I spoke.

Chopper: When I try to talk to people, they sh**t at me.

Hiluluk: So what if you can talk?!

Hiluluk: Don't brag about something like that!

Hiluluk: I can talk too, you know! A lot better than you, too!

Hiluluk: Run away, Chopper!

Chopper: Chopper?

Hiluluk: It's gonna explode!

Hiluluk: That was close! I failed again, huh?

Hiluluk: Hey, Chopper! Are you alright?

Chopper: Why are you calling me Chopper?

Hiluluk: Tony Tony Chopper.

Main: ,You're a reindeer, and those horns of yours look like they can chop down trees.

Hiluluk: It's a nice name, right?

Main: ,That's what I'm gonna call you.

Chopper: Chopper...

Hiluluk: Well then, I want to start the experiment again, but I suppose we gotta clean up first!

Hiluluk: Give me a hand, Chopper!

Chopper: Sure!

Hiluluk: Still, what can I say?

Hiluluk: You're an outcast, just like I am.

Hiluluk: But you shouldn't hate humans.

Hiluluk: This kingdom is sick.

Hiluluk: The hearts of the people are ailing.

Hiluluk: Society might claim that there's no such thing as a sick country,

Hiluluk: but they're wrong.

Hiluluk: Listen up, Chopper!

Hiluluk: There's a tale that goes like this...

Hiluluk: In a kingdom far off to the west, there was a great burglar!

Hiluluk: He was suffering from a terrible heart condition.

Hiluluk: He used his stolen money to be treated by the best doctors, but even so...

Hiluluk: not a single one could cure him.

Hiluluk: It was an incurable disease.

Hiluluk: The man believed that he would soon die and wandered off in turmoil...

Hiluluk: After a long while, he reached a mountain where he beheld a wondrous sight.

Hiluluk: What do you think he saw?

Hiluluk: Cherry blossoms!

Hiluluk: He saw an entire mountain of brilliant cherry blossoms.

Hiluluk: Three months later, he went to see the doctors, and they were shocked.

Hiluluk: This is what they told him:

Hiluluk: "You're completely healthy!"

Hiluluk: That's right! He'd been healed!

Hiluluk: He had recovered from an incurable disease!

Hiluluk: It was a miracle... No, that's not all!

Hiluluk: There's no doubt that it was a miracle,

Main: ,but seeing the cherry blossoms must have triggered a sort of change in the man's heart!

Hiluluk: This is an excellent medicine!

Hiluluk: It cured a supposedly incurable disease!

Hiluluk: Amazing, right?

Hiluluk: That means there's no such thing in this world as an incurable disease!

Hiluluk: I will save this kingdom as a doctor!

Hiluluk: That's why I've raised this skull against every disease there is!

Chopper: Skull?

Hiluluk: That's right!

Main: ,This is a symbol of conviction that defies the impossible!

Hiluluk: With this flag raised, I will fight like a pirate!

Chopper: Pirate?

Hiluluk: That's right! A pirate!

Hiluluk: Chopper, you should rest back in the house.

Hiluluk: You're still injured.

Hiluluk: It won't be my fault if your wounds reopen.

Chopper: They won't reopen!

Hiluluk: The wounds will decide for themselves whether they're gonna reopen or not.

Chopper: I'm alright!

Hiluluk: I'm not so sure...

Man: Dad!

Man: Get lost, quack!

Hiluluk: Damn, another failure! I thought for sure that lizard-eyes would work!

Hiluluk: I'll be taking these!

Man: Hiluluk stole my money!

Hiluluk: Don't be so greedy, damn snob!

Hiluluk: It's the soldiers!

Hiluluk: Chopper, we're gonna use a decoy strategy!

Chopper: What do you mean?

Hiluluk: There!

Hiluluk: Take care!

Chopper: Get real!

Hiluluk: I told you that you couldn't come with me!

Chopper: What kind of doctor would kick his own patient, you jerk?!

Chopper: I could've died!

Hiluluk: Go ahead and die, you damn blue-nosed freak!

Chopper: Don't insult my nose!

Hiluluk: Shut up!

Hiluluk: You were just going to die before anyway!

Chopper: What kind of doctor are you?!

Chopper: Doctor...

Chopper: That was the first time I've fought anyone.

Hiluluk: I suppose so. You'd need an opponent in order to fight someone.

Hiluluk: Then I guess it'll be your first time for this, too.

Hiluluk: A present... to make it up to you.

Hiluluk: What, you're gonna cry again, reindeer freak?

Chopper: No way I'd cry!

Hiluluk: It's unfair if you turn big!

Hiluluk: Take a look, Chopper! A magnificent sea!

Chopper: It's huge!

Hiluluk: That's right!

Main: ,This vast sea is filled with the pirates worthy of traversing it!

Hiluluk: You should go out to sea someday, too!

Hiluluk: If you go out to sea, you'll realize just how insignificant your own troubles are!

Chopper: Really?

Hiluluk: Yeah, it's true!

Hiluluk: Compared to the rest of the world, the island you were born on is as small as this!

Chopper: Really?!

Hiluluk: No, smaller! This one country is as small as this !

Chopper: Really?!

Hiluluk: Really!

Nami: What a wonderful story.

Kureha: I don't know about that...

Nami: Huh?

Hiluluk: It's taken a year, but your treatment is finally complete.

Chopper: Yeah. Thanks, Doctor!

Hiluluk: Then, stay well.

Hiluluk: Congratulations on your recovery.

Hiluluk: Your wounds have healed.

Main: ,I don't have to look out for you anymore.

Hiluluk: From now on, you should just go wherever you want.

Hiluluk: Now, get out! I've got research to do.

Chopper: Doctor!

Chopper: I definitely won't cause any more trouble, so let me in!

Chopper: I'll make you tea every day, and I'll take care of the cleaning, so please let me stay!

Chopper: I don't have any friends! I don't have anywhere to go!

Chopper: Doctor... Doctor!!!

Chopper: Look, Doctor! I'm hurt!

Chopper: Why, Doctor?

Hiluluk: Your wounds have healed!

Main: ,Get going! Go out to sea or something!

Hiluluk: Never come back here!

Hiluluk: Please forgive me, Chopper!

Hiluluk: I'm gonna die, aren't I?

Kureha: Yeah, you're gonna die.

Hiluluk: Is there nothing you can do to delay my death?

Kureha: You still have worldly regrets?

Kureha: Why don't you just accept the inevitable? It'd be easier for you.

Hiluluk: I still have work that needs to be done.

Hiluluk: I only need a little more time. I want to finish my thirty years of research.

Kureha: If ya wanna live that badly, why don'tcha go to that kingdom far off in the west?

Kureha: Just go see those so-called "miraculous cherry blossoms" that saved you back when you were a burglar.

Hiluluk: There's no need.

Hiluluk: I'm gonna make cherry blossoms bloom in this country.

Kureha: What a fool.

Main: ,This is a Winter Island, you know.

Kureha: There's no way you can make cherry blossoms bloom.

Hiluluk: They will bloom!

Main: ,The medicine I've developed at great cost to my life... will prove that things like that do exist in this world!

Hiluluk: Then I should be able to save every human living in this world!

Hiluluk: I want to do it here, in the land where I was born.

Hiluluk: I'm almost done!

Hiluluk: I just need a little more time.

Kureha: You just don't know when to give up.

Kureha: By the way, what's with that weird monster following you around?

Hiluluk: What? He followed me?

Kureha: Yeah. I think he was trying to hide over there.

Hiluluk: I'm the one and only friend he's ever met.

Hiluluk: If I were to die right before his very eyes,

Hiluluk: what do you think would happen to him?

Hiluluk: Do you want him to endure more despair?

Kureha: So you drove him away all of a sudden, after being with him for a full year?

Hiluluk: We're alike.

Hiluluk: That's why I'll be sure to tell him in the end,

Hiluluk: "There's nothing you can't do!"

Hiluluk: I'll tell him by making the cherry blossoms bloom!

Kureha: Listen up. I don't have a miracle cure; I can't heal you...

Kureha: But I can probably trick your body so that it stays alive for another ten days or so.

Kureha: But unfortunately for you...

Kureha: you'd have to pay me a fortune for it.

Hiluluk: Just hurry up and treat me!

Kureha: Think you're gonna trick me with this tranquilizer g*n?

Kureha: It's true, you two are just like each other.

Kureha: You're both so clumsy.

Kureha: Fine. I'll treat you.

Kureha: Then you can show me exactly what kind of change you're gonna bring this country as a doctor.

Dalton: What happened to the rest of the guards?

Doctor: Well, they were asked by the Twenty Doctors to look for a mushroom.

Dalton: A mushroom?

Soldier: Yeah. Apparently it's a mushroom that can cure any disease in the world.

Chopper: Mushroom?

Soldier: What's that?

Dalton: Is that...

Soldier: Yeah, it's the monster who was with the quack doctor.

Hiluluk: Get going! Go out to sea or something!

Hiluluk: Never come back here!

Hiluluk: Hey! Wait!

Hiluluk: I would never sh**t you!

Hiluluk: I've done something terrible, huh?

Hiluluk: Chopper...

Hiluluk: You should at least see my cherry blossoms!

Hiluluk: My final work!

Hiluluk: Damn you! I don't have any more time!

Hiluluk: Nothing is impossible to a man who flies the skull and crossbones!

Hiluluk: That's what I taught you, right, Chopper?

Chopper: There it is! Amiudake!

Chopper: That's it!

Chopper: But...

Chopper: How am I gonna get to it?

Hiluluk: It's been six days...

Hiluluk: Damn it all...

Hiluluk: Nothing's come close to the reaction I was hoping for!

Hiluluk: Chopper! You...

Hiluluk: What happened to your body?!

Chopper: Mushroom...

Hiluluk: That's an Amiudake, isn't it?!

Chopper: Please survive, Doctor...

Chopper: I wanna become a doctor...

Hiluluk: Did you...

Hiluluk: get that for me?

Chopper: Teach me how to become one...

Chopper: I'm a reindeer, but do you think I can do it?

Hiluluk: Of course you can, Chopper!

Hiluluk: You're so kind, after all!

Man: Hey! What's going on?!

Man: You're telling me every single one of the Twenty Doctors is sick?!

Man : Please! My kid has a fever!

Soldier: Don't complain to us! Even doctors get sick, you know!

Man: At least hand out some medicine!

Man : You're gonna ignore the patients?!

Soldier: Don't be a fool.

Man: Give us the Twenty Doctors!

Chopper: Is the Amiudake soup good?

Hiluluk: Awful!

Hiluluk: Medicine is supposed to taste bad! It's the proof that it's working!

Hiluluk: I can feel my strength coming back!

Hiluluk: Thank you, Chopper!

Chopper: Doctor...

Hiluluk: Listen up. I'm going out for a while, you should just stay here and sleep.

Hiluluk: You're in worse condition than I am right now, after all.

Chopper: Got it.

Hiluluk: Well, see you later. I'm off.

Chopper: Doctor was happy.

Chopper: I cured a sick person.

Hiluluk: Hey, Chopper.

Hiluluk: You're gonna make a fine doctor.

Hiluluk: I guarantee it!

Chopper: I'm gonna make a fine doctor!

Hiluluk: Did you hear, Kureha? The entire country is in an uproar.

Kureha: Yeah. That whole thing about the Twenty Doctors all being sick,

Kureha: and no one around to treat them, right?

Kureha: How ridiculous.

Kureha: Just ignore it, and it'll all calm down.

Kureha: So what did you come for today?

Hiluluk: Actually, I wanted to ask you a favor.

Kureha: What's this?

Hiluluk: That's...

Hiluluk: This is it!

Hiluluk: I've been waiting for this reaction!

Hiluluk: I waited for thirty years!

Hiluluk: I did it, Chopper! My research is a success!

Hiluluk: That's thirty years of my life.

Hiluluk: It's the research that I finally managed to complete!

Hiluluk: A miracle cure that can heal the ailing hearts of the people!

Kureha: So you've wasted thirty years of your life.

Kureha: Why are you giving this to me?

Hiluluk: It's not enough, and I'm out of time.

Hiluluk: I want you to make the cherry blossoms bloom in my place.

Kureha: Don't be ridiculous! Why would I do that?!

Hiluluk: And one more thing!

Hiluluk: Please teach medicine to Chopper!

Hiluluk: He wants to be a doctor!

Kureha: Get real!

Main: ,There's a limit to how insolent one can get!

Hiluluk: He'll definitely become a great doctor!

Hiluluk: He's a good guy, and he's got a kind heart!

Hiluluk: He risked his life to make medicine for me!

Hiluluk: I'm begging you!

Main: ,Pass your skills on to him and make him a doctor!

Kureha: You want me to take over your stupid research and that bizarre pet of yours?!

Kureha: So what if you're about to die?

Kureha: You should know I'm not about to start feeling sorry for you over that!

Kureha: Get out!

Hiluluk: Yeah, I know.

Hiluluk: We've known each other for a long time.

Hiluluk: I know perfectly well...

Hiluluk: that doctors are all nice people who save people's lives.

Hiluluk: Please take care of Chopper.

Hiluluk: My medical research will eventually save this country!

Kureha: You seemed so desperate... That isn't like you.

Kureha: For you to give up...

Hiluluk: I'm out of time.

Hiluluk: Did you hear, Kureha? The entire country is in an uproar.

Kureha: That idiot! Don't tell me...

Kureha: Where's Hiluluk?

Kureha: You don't have to run away. I already know about you.

Kureha: Where's Hiluluk?

Chopper: Doctor left a while ago.

Chopper: He got better, so he's probably headed to town...

Kureha: He got better?!

Kureha: There's no medicine that can cure that disease of his!

Kureha: You heard that back at my house too, right?!

Chopper: But...

Chopper: Look! He drank this, so he's alright now!

Kureha: Is that... Don't tell me that's Amiudake?!

Chopper: Yeah, it's a miracle cure!

Chopper: Doctor's going to teach me about medicine!

Hiluluk: He'll definitely become a great doctor!

Hiluluk: He's a good guy, and he's got a kind heart!

Kureha: You stupid reindeer!

Kureha: Listen, reindeer, that mushroom...

Kureha: It's a deadly poison!

Kureha: If you eat it, you won't even last half a day!

Chopper: That can't be true.

Chopper: I checked the books.

Hiluluk: This is a symbol of conviction that defies the impossible!

Hiluluk: That's why I've raised this skull against every disease there is!

Chopper: I mean...

Chopper: There was a skull drawn next to this mushroom!

Chopper: Doctor said it himself. He'd gotten better!

Chopper: There's no way he'd die... You're a liar!

Kureha: He was happy about the way you felt...

Kureha: But that skull...

Kureha: is a symbol of poison!

Chopper: That's a lie!

Kureha: It's not.

Kureha: There's no medicine in this world that can cure all diseases.

Kureha: That's why we've got doctors!

Kureha: Do you understand? Kindness alone isn't enough to save someone!

Kureha: If you want to save someone, you've got to acquire the proper knowledge and medical skill!

Kureha: You can't save anyone if you don't know how!

Hiluluk: Did you... get that for me?

Hiluluk: Thank you, Chopper!

Kureha: What a fool you are.

Hiluluk: Hey!

Soldier: Doctor Hiluluk!

Hiluluk: Now, prepare the ropeway! Take me to the castle!

Hiluluk: I don't have much time, so hurry!

Hiluluk: Every second counts. Hurry!

Kureha: Hiluluk will never come back here.

Kureha: He's decided to make the castle his grave.

Hiluluk: I'll continue trying to relieve people's suffering until I die!

Hiluluk: Because I'm a doctor!

Soldier: Wapol-sama! Hiluluk is coming!

Wapol: So he fell for the trap?

Wapol: What a hippo!

Dalton: That can't be... Why?!

Dalton: Why would he?!

Voice: There he is! It's Doctor Hiluluk!

Hiluluk: Take me to the patients!

Hiluluk: I've come to save the Twenty Doctors!

Hiluluk: Wh-

Hiluluk: What's going on here?!

Wapol: You hippo! This is a trap!

Wapol: As you can see, the Twenty Doctors are doing just fine!

Wapol: You just came here to die!

Wapol: You've eluded the Doctor Hunt for long enough!

Wapol: Defying the king is a horrible sin!

Wapol: I hereby sentence you to death! Guards, take aim!

Hiluluk: What?!

Hiluluk: What a relief... So nobody's sick?

Hiluluk: I really thought the country was in danger.

Hiluluk: But you were just deceiving me?

Wapol: If the country really was in danger, I wouldn't want help from someone like you, you damn hippo!

Wapol: sh**t the rebel!

Hiluluk: Drop it. You people can't k*ll me.

Wapol: What?

Hiluluk: When do you think people die?

Hiluluk: When they're shot through the heart with a p*stol?

Hiluluk: No...

Hiluluk: When they are struck by an incurable disease?

Hiluluk: No.

Hiluluk: When they drink soup made from a poisonous mushroom?

Hiluluk: No!

Hiluluk: People die...

Hiluluk: when they are forgotten.

Hiluluk: Even after I'm gone, my dream will come true.

Hiluluk: The ailing hearts of the people will definitely be cured.

Hiluluk: Why are you crying, Dalton-kun?

Dalton: Do you think that works for a kingdom as well?

Hiluluk: Sure, as long as someone inherits your will.

Hiluluk: A monster will be coming here soon.

Hiluluk: He's my son. Don't hurt him!

Hiluluk: Don't worry, Chopper.

Hiluluk: Your mushroom won't k*ll me.

Hiluluk: This has truly been a great life!

Kureha: So long, quack doctor.

Hiluluk: Thank you, Chopper.

Hiluluk: You're gonna make a fine...

Wapol: That hippo! He went and blew himself up!

Wapol: What a crazy guy!

Kuromarimo: Wapol-sama! It's a monster!

Wapol: k*ll it!

Dalton: Wait!

Man: Get him, Dalton-san!

Man: k*ll it!

Dalton: Leave this place!

Dalton: If you're mad because he laughed at Hiluluk's death, then I apologize!

Dalton: But if you don't have the strength to make them see reason, you'll just die in vain!

Dalton: Please don't...

Dalton: become another sacrifice for the country! I'm begging you!

Wapol: Why so courteous, Dalton?

Wapol: If you disobey the king's orders...

Dalton: Silence!

Dalton: You still don't get it?!

Dalton: The one and only person who tried to save this messed-up country just died!

Wapol: So what if that wannabe-doctor just k*lled himself?

Dalton: I've realized the path this country is on!

Dalton: The path to destruction!

Wapol: What?!

Dalton: No matter how far our medical research progresses...

Dalton: Even if we keep researching medicine forever...

Dalton: There is no medicine that can cure stupidity!

Wapol: You've said too much, you damned hippo!

Wapol: You know what happens if you make me angry!

Wapol: Don't you, Dalton?

Chopper: Please...

Chopper: make me a doctor!

Chopper: I'm gonna become the miracle cure!

Chopper: I'll become a doctor who can cure any disease!

Chopper: Because...

Chopper: Because there's...

Chopper: no disease in this world that can't be cured!

Chopper: Please... Please make me a doctor!

Kureha: Call me Doctorine.

Luffy: Hey! Reindeer!

Luffy: Not in here either, huh?

Luffy: Where'd that guy go?

Luffy: A pirate flag?

Chopper: Doctorine! Wapol has returned!

Kureha: I know. Like I said, today'll be a busy day.

Wapol: Well, we're here! This is the first step in rebuilding the Drum Kingdom!

Wapol: What happened to my servants?

Kuromarimo: The way up to the castle is tough to travel.

Kuromarimo: They probably couldn't keep up with us.

Kuromarimo: I'm sure they'll be here soon.

Chess: Wapol-sama! There's a weird flag flying on the roof of the castle!

Wapol: What is that? What happened to the Drum Kingdom's emblem?

Kureha: I burned that thing.

Wapol: So, you're here?! Doctor Kureha, the last survivor of the Doctor Hunt!

Wapol: You've got a lot of nerve, moving into my castle during my absence!

Kureha: Absence? You abandoned the kingdom and ran away!

Chess: What was that?!

Kureha: You see, I've made this castle into Hiluluk's grave.

Kureha: Get out of this country!

Kureha: The Drum Kingdom has fallen!

Wapol: That dumbass doctor's grave, you say?

Wapol: Don't make me laugh!

Wapol: Hey! Hurry up and dispose of this half-dead old hag!

Kuromarimo: Yes, Sir!

Chopper: Not happening!

Kuromarimo: Take this!

Chopper: Doctorine!

Sanji: Hey, hey, hey, Afroman!

Sanji: Launching your afro at a lady... What kind of soul brother are you?

Chess: Who the hell're you?!

Sanji: Just an ordinary pirate.

Sanji: What the... I can't get it off!

Sanji: What's with this afro? Static electricity?

Kuromarimo: Exactly. And there's more where that came from!

Sanji: Hey, reindeer! Don't just stand there and watch! Help me!

Chopper: Uh, alright!

Sanji: Ugh, this is gross.

Chopper: It's stuck to me!

Chopper: You can have it back.

Sanji: No, don't give it back, dammit!

Sanji: You could at least take one!

Chopper: No way!

Secondary,Kureha: What're you guys doing?

Chess: I should mention that those static moss balls are highly flammable!

Sanji: Oh, crap! He's gonna ignite the afros!

Chopper: We're gonna use a decoy strategy!

Sanji: Oh, I see, a decoy...

Sanji: Wait, I'm the decoy?!

Chess: Checkmate!

Chopper: Why, you!

Kureha: Chopper!

Chess: Wapol-sama!

Sanji: Dammit!

Luffy: Oh, Sanji! Did you find the reindeer?

Sanji: Luffy! Grab on to my leg from there!

Luffy: Leg? Right!

Luffy: Like this?

Sanji: Don't you let go now!

Luffy: I'll try adding some spin, too!

Sanji: Nasty, nasty...

Kureha: He's got an injured spine... what did he expect?

Chopper: Thank you. You people sure are incredible.

Luffy: Man, he's tough!

Chess: Wapol-sama, are you alright?

Mushroo: Those damn pirates have really done it now!

Luffy: Huh? There's some weird guy there...

Mushroo: Hey, Wapol. Should I lend you a hand?

Wapol: No... I can't rely on you all the time, Bro-chan.

Wapol: I'll k*ll those damn hippos!

Wapol: I'll show them the true power of the Baku Baku Fruit!

Chopper: He's up to something!

Kureha: Don't let your guard down.

Kureha: If those guys were that weak,

Kureha: the people would have stopped them from doing something ridiculous like getting rid of the doctors.

Kureha: Besides, that guy... Wapol's older brother Mushroo...

Kureha: He's got the power of the Noko Noko Fruit. He's dangerous.

Chopper: Noko Noko? A mushroom fruit?!

Dalton: Twenty years ago,

Dalton: when Mushroo was years old,

Dalton: the king had to leave the country for a World Peace conference...

Dalton: He detonated a b*mb from the castle, just like he's planning to do now,

Dalton: and k*lled a lot of people.

Dalton: He wanted to test his powers because he was bored.

Dalton: That was the only reason.

Dalton: When the king returned, he apologized to the people and had Mushroo banished from the kingdom.

Dalton: After that, Drum established itself as a country of advanced medical science.

Usopp: But how could one expl*si*n cause all that?

Dalton: Because of the Noko Noko Fruit. A horrible power.

Dalton: A Fatal b*mb.

Dalton: He's able to release the poison spores stored in his stomach once every years...

Robin: And he fired that?

Dalton: I suppose we were lucky...

Dalton: Even though the wind was strong, and the poison spread quickly, we were able to survive.

Dalton: But it's been twenty years since that day.

Dalton: If he uses his power now...

Dalton: the expl*si*n will probably be even bigger than the last one.

Dalton: But he does have one weakness.

Dalton: I asked the king where he had sent him.

Dalton: The king told me:

Dalton: "We couldn't allow him to cause trouble in another country,

Dalton: so I sent him to the Kingdom of Fire, where his power would be halved,

Dalton: and asked the king there to restrain him."

Usopp: The Kingdom of Fire?

Wapol: Everything I eat becomes part of my body.

Luffy and Mushroo: Awesome!

Wapol: First law of the Drum Kingdom:

Wapol: Anyone who defies the king's will dies.

Wapol: That law means everything to this country.

Wapol: After all, this country is my country.

Wapol: This castle is my castle!

Wapol: And then...

Wapol: you had to go and place that wannabe doctor's flag up there!

Wapol: It's defiling my castle!

Luffy: The pirate flag...

Luffy: Hey, reindeer. Is that flag...

Chopper: Doctor...

Wapol: Serves you right! What's wrong? You got a problem with that?

Chopper: What are you doing to the skull mark?!

Wapol: What's that supposed to mean?

Luffy: Hey! Hippo-face!

Luffy: You understand what it means to sh**t a flag, don't you?

Wapol: What?

Chopper: He's...

Wapol: Think I give a damn about such a stupid decoration?

Wapol: Didn't I tell you? This is my country!

Wapol: I'll sh**t that thing as many times as I want!

Chopper: Watch out! It's dangerous!

Luffy: Someone like you can't destroy this flag!

Luffy: The skull mark...

Luffy: is a symbol of conviction!

Kureha: That was a direct hit!

Wapol: You hippo!

Luffy: See? It's still whole.

Kuromarimo: Impossible! He's crazy!

Luffy: I dunno who you are, or whose pirate flag this is...

Luffy: But this is a flag that you pledge your life to!

Luffy: You don't raise it as decoration!

Luffy: It's not a flag that someone like you can just laugh at or destroy!!!

Chopper: So this is a pirate?

Chopper: Amazing!

Wapol: Chess! Eliminate these guys!

Chess: Yes, Sir!

Mushroo: Now, just wait a minute.

Mushroo: Wapol. Go ahead and get things ready.

Mushroo: I'm gonna have myself a bit of fun.

Sanji: Luffy!

Chopper: Are you alright, Straw Hat?!

Luffy: I'm fine. 'Cause I'm made of rubber.

Chopper: Rubber? What's that supposed to mean?

Sanji: To put it simply...

Sanji: He's a monster.

Kureha: Look out!

Chess: Go!

Kuromarimo: Get him!

Mushroo: Too bad.

Mushroo: You can't move!

Luffy: What's this?!

Mushroo: You guys...

Chopper: Those are...

Kureha: Poison spores.

Sanji: You're kidding!

Sanji: Luffy!

Wapol: Sheesh. As soon as we launch that b*mb, this'll all be over...

Nami: It sure is noisy here... What's going on?

Kureha: Chopper!

Mushroo: Too easy.

Mushroo: You're late, you damn maroons!

Soldier: Mushroo-sama, that's...

Mushroo: You know what it is?

Soldier: A monster who once scared the villagers.

Mushroo: We've got ourselves a pretty weird creature here.

Mushroo: I know how you feel. Seems you're the same as I am.

Mushroo: Nobody would accept you, and you had no choice but to live your life alone!

Mushroo: What? You still plannin' to fight?

Mushroo: What're you gonna do, all on your own?

Chopper: I'm a doctor. I've sworn on Doctor's flag...

Chopper: that I'd save the people... Save this country...

Chopper: Even though I don't have any friends...

Luffy: You do have friends!

Luffy: I'm your friend!

Chopper: You...

Mushroo: I'm impressed that you can still move after inhaling my poison.

Mushroo: It'd be easier for you to just fall over like these morons.

Soldier : Chess-sama!

Soldier : Even Kuromarimo-sama...

Mushroo: What're you goin' to do in that state?

Mushroo: I'm sure it takes everything you got just to stand up right now.

Mushroo: Guess there's no choice. I'll just put you out of your misery!

Chopper: Stop it!

Mushroo: Go to Hell!

Sanji: Robin-chwan!

Usopp: Don't ignore me!

Dalton: Wait!

Soldier: Dalton!

Soldier : Dalton-san...

Dalton: You still don't get it, do you?

Dalton: What do you think you should do for this country right now?

Dalton: There once was a man who only thought of what was best for the kingdom and then died, right here!

Dalton: You saw it too, right?!

Dalton: The time of oppression is over!

Dalton: We can't allow Wapol and the others to stay in this country!

Mushroo: Damn! How could he do that to me?!

Mushroo: Good thing the snow was there to save me.

Mushroo: You damn maroons!

Usopp: Alright!

Robin: Seems the antidote worked.

Chopper: Amazing!

Soldier : Great!

Soldier : Get him!

Usopp: W-What?

Sanji: Nami-san!

Chopper: That came from inside the castle...

Chopper: Damn! Wapol's gone!

Sanji: Nami-san!

Usopp: Nami, you alright?

Nami: Yes, I'm fine. I was just surprised.

Robin: Thank God! You've gotten better?

Chopper: Where is he?

Nami: That weird guy went up there...

Nami: He said something about a cannon.

Sanji: What's he planning to do?

Kureha: It can't be!

Mushroo: You've still got some poison left in you, right?!

Wapol: Bro-chan!

Franky: We're finally here!

Zoro: You sure they're here?

Franky: Beats me. Anyway, let's head toward that building.

Franky: Such a pretty castle. What's that damage up there?

Franky: I wanna fix it!

Zoro: What're you talking about?

Wapol: Behold! This is the miraculous combination of three great powers!

Usopp: Thought so!

Kureha: What're you gonna do with that thing?

Wapol: I'll tell you. I'm gonna cause a poison expl*si*n like the one twenty years ago...

Wapol: No, even stronger than that one! I'm launching a Fatal b*mb!

Chopper: A Fatal b*mb?!

Kureha: Drop the ridiculous act! If you do that{\fscx}-{\r}

Wapol: Yeah, that's right! I'll k*ll every single citizen and purify the country!

Sanji: What?!

Wapol: Don't act like the death of those people is such a huge deal.

Wapol: All that matters is that the country will be mine again!

Wapol: As long as we have our advanced medical system, sick people will always come here, so replacing the citizens will be easy!

Chopper: Stop it!

Wapol: Too late!

Wapol: Such insolence.

Zoro: So that's it, huh?!

Robin: It's released!

Franky: Yeah! Leave it to me!

Chopper: They did it!

Usopp: Right! Everything went according to my plan!

Sanji: As if.

Luffy: Someone like you, without any resolve...

Luffy: has no right to touch someone else's skull mark!

Luffy: Gomu Gomu no...

Secondary,Wapol: No, wait! I'll give you a title and medals!

Usopp: Oh, crap! Everyone, run!

Luffy: Gomu Gomu no...

Secondary,Wapol: Then, you can be the vice-king!

Chopper: Doctorine... The Drum Kingdom...

Kureha: This country was defeated by the skull and crossbones.

Luffy: Reindeer!

Luffy: Hey! Reindeer!

Luffy: Where'd you go?

Kureha: Don't be ridiculous!

Nami: Please! The Log will reset if we don't leave this island soon!

Kureha: No can do. You've gotta rest here for another two days.

Kureha: As a doctor, I simply can't let you leave.

Nami: Can't we work this out?

Kureha: What's this?

Robin: The antidote for the Fatal b*mb.

Robin: As a doctor, you couldn't just let someone take it away from here, am I right?

Kureha: Listen up, girl. There's a coat hanging in my room,

Kureha: and I fixed up that youngster's spine. He's lying in the next room.

Kureha: Don't you dare run away!

Nami: So she's telling me to take the coat and run away now?

Luffy: Hey! Reindeer!

Luffy: Let's be pirates together!

Chopper: So it's a full moon tonight...

Secondary,Luffy: Reindeer!

Luffy: Come out!

Chopper: I wonder what Doctor would say about this?

Luffy: Reindeer!

Secondary,Usopp: Hey, Luffy, just give up already.

Secondary,Usopp: No matter how much you yell or look for him, he's not coming.

Usopp: He doesn't want to be a pirate.

Luffy: That's wrong! I wanna take him along!

Usopp: That's just what you want!

Luffy: Reindeer!

Luffy: Oh, reindeer! Hey! Let's be pirates together!

Chopper: I can't.

Luffy: Sure you can! It'll be fun!

Usopp: You don't get it, do you?

Chopper: I'm... grateful to you guys.

Chopper: But I'm a reindeer.

Chopper: I've got horns and hooves...

Chopper: And a blue nose...

Kureha: Can you heal his heart?

Chopper: Sure, I do want to be a pirate, but...

Chopper: I can't join a crew of humans!

Chopper: I'm a monster!

Chopper: I can't join your crew!

Chopper: So I've just come to thank you...

Chopper: Thank you... for inviting me...

Chopper: I'm staying here, but...

Chopper: If you ever feel like it...

Chopper: then feel free to come visit us...

Luffy: Shut up!

Luffy: Let's go!!!

Kureha: Hey, could you give me a hand?

Kureha: I've got some hard work to do.

Kureha: We're gonna carry the cannons out from the armory.

Kureha: Don't just stand there. Hurry up!

Dalton: Oh, right...

Chopper: Doctorine!

Chopper: I need to talk to you.

Kureha: Chopper, where'd you go?

Kureha: Go help carry out the cannons.

Chopper: Listen, Doctorine! I'm gonna be a pirate!

Chopper: I'm gonna go out to sea with those guys and see the world!

Kureha: Don't be ridiculous!

Kureha: Who taught you how to be a doctor?

Kureha: Are you saying you're not grateful to me at all?!

Chopper: That's not true! I'm really grateful!

Chopper: I love this place, where I met you and Doctor!

Kureha: Then why don't you stay here?!

Kureha: Being a pirate ain't all fun and games, you know!

Kureha: You could end up dead at any moment!

Chopper: I don't mind!

Kureha: Don't be ridiculous! Who's ever heard of a reindeer sailing the seas?!

Chopper: Yeah, I'm a reindeer!

Chopper: But I'm a man, too!

Kureha: Good for you...

Kureha: but I'll never allow it!

Kureha: If you leave, it'll be over my dead body!

Chopper: Doctorine... Please understand...

Kureha: A crybaby like you, calling himself a man?!

Kureha: I won't let you just do whatever you want!

Kureha: I won't let you get away!

Luffy: What the?

Chopper: I'm sorry, Doctorine. But I want to see the world!

Kureha: What would someone like you do, if you did go to sea?!

Kureha: You gonna live in a fantasy world like Hiluluk did?!

Chopper: You're wrong! It wasn't just a fantasy!

Chopper: Doctor completed his research!

Chopper: Everyone, get in the sleigh! We're getting off this mountain!

Kureha: Wait!

Luffy: Hurry! Everyone, get on!

Woman: What's wrong?

Kid: Look!

Man: The witch's sleigh?

Luffy: That was great!

Usopp: There was a rope here?

Robin: I guess we couldn't see it because it's white.

Sanji: Where are we?

Franky: Finally awake, huh?

Zoro: You're annoying. Go back to sleep.

Sanji: What was that, damn you?!

Nami: Calm down! I'll fall off!

Hiluluk: This is it!

Hiluluk: I've been waiting for this reaction!

Hiluluk: I waited for thirty years!

Chopper: Doctor... It wasn't just a fantasy, was it?

Chopper: Your research was complete, right?

Chopper: Or was that just another lie?

Hiluluk: I did it, Chopper! My research is a success!

Chopper: Did you just say that because I'd be sad if you died without saying it?

Chopper: Nothing is impossible for a man who flies the skull and crossbones...

Chopper: Say it again, Doctor!

Kureha: A pet of mine ran away, that's all.

Kureha: I hate sentimental partings.

Kureha: We're gonna send him off in style!

Kureha: Ya ready, youngsters?!

Soldiers: Yes!

Kureha: Fire!

Luffy: Whazzat?

Sanji: Did the old lady snap?

Man: It's coming from the castle.

Man : No way! Did Wapol win?!

Man : Is he bombing us?!

Doctor: No, wait. This is...

Soldier: Doctor Kureha! We've launched them all!

Kureha: Light up!

Hiluluk: Listen, Kureha! This dust is the miracle cure that will heal the ailing hearts of the people!

Kureha: I decided to use it like this. Ya got a problem with that?

Chopper: Doctor...

Chopper: Doctorine...

Sanji: Amazing.

Franky: Yeah...

Nami: Beautiful.

Hiluluk: This is the result of my thirty years of research!

Kureha: You just can't comprehend the thought process of a fool.

Hiluluk: Listen, this red powder isn't just ordinary powder!

Hiluluk: Once this mixes with the white snow in the atmosphere,

Hiluluk: it will cause brilliant...

Hiluluk: pink snow to fall!

Kureha: Now, get lost, my stupid son!