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Negadon: The Monster from Mars (2005)

Posted: 02/06/24 12:52
by bunniefuu
By the year 2025, the population of the
Earth has risen to more than 10 billion.

All of Earth's natural
resources are nearly depleted.

The countries that have
developed space technology

are now adapting other planets
to be more Earth-like,

and sustain human life.

The largest immigration project
in human history has begun.

It is known as
The Mars Terraforming Project.

Mars Terraforming Project
First Stage Successful

South and North Poles hit

No one knows that
this project...

will have unexpected and severe
consequences for the people of Earth.

The Monster from Mars


Dai Shimizu

Akane Yumoto, Takuma Sasahara, Masafumi Kishi

Shingo Terasawa

Jun A wazu


Up next, some exciting news about
the Mars terraforming project.

Tomorrow afternoon, the heavy
transport spacecraft Izanami,

now on route from Mars,
with some unique cargo,

will arrive at Space Port 7
in Fuji City, Shizuoka.

The construction of the Izanami,
built to transport mineral

resources from Mars to Earth,

began in the year 2010.

It first launched in 2017, and has
been in operation ever since.

This will be its 8th
time returning to Earth.

This time the Izanami is carrying
some very special cargo,

a huge cocoon-like object found
at the ancient ruins on Mars.

The item will remain in quarantine pending
a full investigation by the IMDO.

Stay tuned for your local weather
forecast after the break.

The Defense Agency, Technical Research and Development
Institute 7th Research Center, Seiji Yoshizawa

I heard you rejected
the Force's offer.

Can you tell me why?

I see you for the first
time in ten years,

...and that's all you
want to talk about?

Professor, a lot has
changed in 10 years.

Thanks to terraforming, the demand for
heavy labor robots is rapidly rising,

and the Force has permitted us
to use them as weapons.

This is a golden opportunity for you
to make a comeback, isn't it?

I'm sorry, Seiji.

Please understand, I'm not
trying to be stubborn,

but science and technology...
I just don't care anymore.

Would you please leave now?

You've really changed.

You're not the same
brilliant man I worked with

as an assistant
at the Institute.

Commendation for the Advancement
of Technology Mr. Ryuichi Narasaki

You know... I don't think men should
give up on their dreams so easily.

Didn't you hear me, Yoshizawa?

I want you to leave now.

That's too bad.

Professor... Call me when you
change your mind.

Good bye.

After ten years, dreams fade,

then you give them up.

Emi, this robot is going
to change the whole world.

At first it will be used for the
construction of a space station on Mars,

but soon it will be used in engineering
and ocean development, too.

I'd like to create a future where robots
will work on land, sea, and in outer space.

This has been my dream
since I was your age.

Daddy, that reminds me,
did you read my letter?

Oh, sorry! I think I left
it in my coat pocket.



The power readings
are very unstable.

We'd better not push
it too hard then.

If something goes wrong,
it'll be a disaster.

Normal Operation

Internal Pressure Warning

Professor, we have a problem!


If I had never made
that curse-ed robot...

Why? Why couldn't it have
been me, instead of Emi?

July 7th


Hey! Look at this!

What's going on?

- Do something!
- How?

Oh, God!

We've just received word that
the spaceship Izanami,

carrying cargo from the planet Mars,
has crashed near District 25 in Tokyo.

We have no reports about the cause of the
crash or the extent of the damage just yet.

Oh, we have a live feed
from our Channel 12

traffic copter broadcasting
from the scene.

There appears to be
something in the smoke.

I think it may be the
wreckage of the Izanami.

Wait, it moved! Something
in there is moving!

What is that?

It's not wreckage! It seems
to be some sort of creature!

I can't believe it!

It appears to be floating upwards!

It's big! About the size of a

Huh?... Oh...

Oh God, its...

Wait! What is that?

What? What the hell?!

We Apologize for the inconvenience
Please Stand by

Avoid engaging the creature in densely
populated areas as much as possible.

You are free to use all weapons.


The target is heading east
along the Koshu highway.

Stop that thing in its tracks!

You got it. Target's in view.

The attack by the National Defense
Force seems to have had no effect.

The toll of the damage
is catastrophic.

I've never seen...

Our weapons can't defeat it.

For millions of years on Mars,

it must have been waiting
for someone foolish enough to disturb it.

The monster appears to be heading
toward a metropolitan area.

If the National Defense Force
can't halt its progress,

the monster will likely reach
Setagaya Ward by 9 A.M.,

and if it stays on
its current path,

will reach Chiyoda Ward
by approximately 11 A.M.

People living in District 25 of Tokyo,
near the initial area of impact,

should follow evacuation orders.

If you haven't evacuated
yet, please don't panic.

Follow the instructions of the
police and the Defense force...

Public transportation in
Tokyo has been suspended...

Man has always brought about
disaster by his own hand.

By the time you notice it,
it's too late.

Why can't mankind realize that?

Dear Daddy

I'm so sorry for
making you wait.

All Functions Operational

Let's go!

I can't believe what I'm seeing.

A giant robot has suddenly
appeared in downtown Tokyo.

What is this?

It seems the robot is
blocking the monster's path.

Where did it come from, and why?


The Miroku 2 prototype?

Incoming Call


- Who is it?
- It's me... Yoshizawa.

Professor, don't be a
fool, it's su1c1de.

Do you have any idea what
the heck you're doing?

It's a space monster
for goodness sake!

There is no way you
can stop that thing!

You mind your own business.

This is my w*r now.

You just get to a safe place
with your wife and children.




For these 10 long years, perhaps
it's you I've been waiting for.

Get up and show me
what you've got!


Why you...

All right, that does it!


some day you're
going to forget me,

but please, don't ever
forget your dream.

The First Space Speed

May my final gift to humanity
be sending you to oblivion!

I hope this will do...



Balloons were floating
in the deep blue sky.

A scene of red and white,
I remember like a dream.

Dad, I wanted to ride
the small ferris wheel with you.

Just like before,
I'd like to go out together again.

We've been through so many
different things, like in dreams.

Soon the rain will stop
and the sun will shine.

You don't have to
suffer anymore.