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Doraemon: Nobita's Dinosaur (2006)

Posted: 02/06/24 16:44
by bunniefuu
This is the story long before humans existed.

Occurred about million years ago.

In any case, a very ancient time in the days of chalk.

Dinosaurs still ruled the Earth

After that ...

Hey, Suneo, you're too old!

Right, Shizuka?

Let's take a look at the coolest objects.

I want to see it! I want to see it!

Wait a minute.

This introduction is very important.

By the way, this is the King of Dinosaurs.


This is a fossilized Tyrannosaurus nails.

Papa brought it from America.

Let me see that!

These objects live in the past?

Next turn! Let me see that!

Incredible. This, Shizuka.

Let me see, let me see, let me see ...

After a good look at him,

I feel that time seems to appear right in front of me.

Dinosaurs lived in dense forests Gunung small size ...

You're done, right? Let me see that! Quick!

Here, Nobita.

Time to save it.

Would be so bad if someone destroy it.

You really showed us extraordinary things.

Yeah, it was the first time I saw a dinosaur fossil.

It was outstanding.

You can come see it anytime.

What, what?

There's nothing cool about fossil claw.

Now I'm going to say.

Listen, I'm bound to find one and show you all.

Not only the claw,

I'll dig up dinosaur fossils completely!

Something definite.

I said something I should not anymore.

My bad habit relapse.


If that's the case,

I have tried to find a dinosaur fossil.

Fully complete.

No matter how tortuous path,

I will not give up!

What's this?

The things you can do and which do not,

think first before saying anything!


Help me find a complete fossil of a Tyrannosaurus.

B-but ... Tryrannosaurus never roam in Japan.

I'm begging you!

How to find a dinosaur fossil that does not even exist here?


Absolutely not, absolutely not, absolutely not.

In any case, I will tell you that itu own business.

You mouthed and arrogant.

You've never done anything well.

Enough already!

I could not back out of it.

I'll find it myself.

Where did you get that book?

Eh? How do you read this book?

Oh good.

Good of you to solve the problem on our own.

It's okay even if you do not succeed.

I'll be watching you with a warm and protect you.


What does it mean watching someone with a warm?

Warm gaze ...

The books say that the fossils appear in the layers of old rocks.

Old rock layer is usually on the side of a cliff.

Using intuition, I have hope in this place.

That's what I thought, but I've been digging since morning.

Am I wrong?


Get down from there!

Ouch ...

I wonder why all this dirt coming into my yard this morning.

I'm sorry.

But please do not be angry

I was thinking of quitting because of fatigue.

I can not let go easily.

Well, do you want some water?


Here you are.

Help me dig a garbage pit.


Wow, I came to dig something,

but now I'm helping someone burying something.

It's all because of Doraemon.

He did not want to provide help.


What is it?

A stone?

What is this strange rock?

Is this a chicken egg that became fossilized after buried?



Dinosaur eggs!

Good. I found it!

How does your work? Are you finished?

Yes, I'm done.

Oh, thank you.

This, there are some iced tea.

Om, can I have this stone?

I do not need a stone. You can pick it up.

Thank you.

Hey, stop, iced tea will ...

I'm sorry!

Suneo, Suneo, Suneo!

Come, come.

Eh? Huh?

Um, Suneo here?

Suneo now not at home.

Well, can you say this to him.

I have promised to objects shown to him.

It's incredible.

It is an egg, so this is an intact dinosaur!

You expect soon?

Will men or women?

I can not wait anymore.

Oh, Nobita, where you going? And where is your hat?

I Tyrannosaurus.

The exit.

What's this?

Dinosaur eggs.

How? Wonderful, is not it? I find it all yourself.

How do you know this is the dinosaur egg?

Probably just a rock.

Even if it is a fossil, it may just tambuhan earlier times.

Maybe it is the dirt of the mammoth.

Stop saying bad things like that.

But he was right.

I do not have a way to prove.

Jeez ...


Who put this here?

Fabric of time ...

Wait ...

I've used this before.

I can make things become new again by using this wrap.

If I change it back to million years ago,

I'll know what it is.

I was very nervous.

Come on.




Geez, sleep in the morning.

Suneo and others here.

I came.

It takes a little time.

But it was million years ago, so it should take a while.

Like I said ...

We've heard about it.

In which objects you promised?

It? Please wait a little longer.


I know it.

I knew this would happen.

What do you mean?

What happened?

It was like this.

I understand, it's not bad.

You guys, I'm ...

Enough! Enough! Nobita, we go home.


I'm not lying!

And, it's not a fossil or something like that

It is a living dinosaur!

If I'm lying, I'm going to eat spaghetti through my nose!

Do not forget what you said.


Eat spaghetti through your nose ...

I said something I should not anymore.


Not finished?


An egg!

I was right, this is egg.

Oh yeah, Doraemon!

So, you're here.

Of course.

See, this is a dinosaur egg!

Wonderful, is it?

I wonder.

Maybe the ancient snake eggs.

Or maybe the ancient bird eggs.

This is definitely a dinosaur.

Okay, I will incubate


What do you do in the morning in bed?

Do you feel sick?

No, I'm not sick.

Then, wake up!

It's hot!


Why are you like this?

Something happened.

Dad will not understand if you just said that.

Father wondered why some books missing father.

So, all here.

Are you interested in dinosaurs?


I see.

Father also.

When father was a child, father was obsessed with dinosaurs.

Father continued to dig in here and there,

but father never found anything.

Father meant to be scolded by parents.

You have to have a reason to be like this,

but do not give your mother too much trouble.

Dad did the same thing too.

I found a dinosaur egg.

It's move!

Just move a little!

There is hope!

Come on!

Doraemon, Doraemon.

Doraemon, I'm sorry to call you in the middle of the night.

But can you tie me?

I can not do it alone.

I can not be silent while sleeping, and the eggs were cold.

Thank You!

Doraemon, Doraemon!

Get off me! Quickly, quickly, the eggs hatch!

Come out, come out!

How is it, see it?

So, now do you believe me?

It is a kind of Plesiosaur called Futaba Suzuki.


They live in the era of limestone near the Sea of ??Japan.

Lime era?

Yes, at the same time as the Tyrannosaurus.

This seems to have made ??me a father.

It's me! I found you.

Good, good, you're small and cute.

Your name is ...


Show on Suneo now and surprise him.

You do not go?

No, if he saw this little animal,

he would laugh and say this is a kind of chameleon.

Why am I not ...

You take care of him? It?

Yes, until he was at least meters large.


Then I'll do a big announcement.

What shall we give him?

Um ...

I understand.

They are so easy to find when it rains.

Get out, worm.

Nobita, you practice?

Practicing what?

Eating spaghetti with your nose ...

Are you okay, Giant?

Just you wait!

I would put a towel here.

Ouch! It looks like the water is too hot.



Hot! Hot!



I've moved here.

Thankfully ...

Here, here ...

Come on, Piisuke, eat.

You're not going to eat it?

You do not like worms?

Let's eat!

What's wrong? You do not eat?

Not that.

I'm going to enjoy it in my room.

I'm sorry, Pisuke. You're hungry, right?

You should be able to eat it.

It is sashimi.

I love it.

Here, eat.

A little difficult to eat, right?


Do you like it?


Somewhat amused.

Eat more so that you can quickly ...

grow up.


I'm home.

You are not naughty, right?

You want to play ball with me, right?

It's confusing ... my homework load like a mountain.

Come on!


Come on!

This is your chance! Catch!



Pisuke, you're strong enough.

Too bad for him cooped up in a closet.

Let's get him streets.

Maybe it will make a stir.

Have a dinosaur as a pet, became famous in Japan.

No, not even the world!

If you do, Pisuke will be taken.

People will want to do research on him,

perhaps even k*ll him.

We may be famous in the world ...

But we know that this world is not the place Pisuke can live freely.

I'm definitely going to use the time machine.

And send you back to your world in a hundred million years ago.

But, before that happens ...

I had to let Suneo see what I have.

Today is very hot.

he water in the bucket was so fast warm.

How sad.


Are you really going to take him out? Is it okay?

Are you happy? Pisuke.

Back to kindergarten, I use this pool.

You want me to go too?

Well ... I can not swim ...


What a longing!

Suddenly I remembered things from kindergarten ...

Tell the truth.

Lately, the meat from the fridge had gone.

Do you hide your dog or cat again? Tell me.

I swear.

I really do not treat a dog or cat.

Clean up this until complete.


If I say I have kept the dinosaurs ...

Mother might be upset.

The baby looks healthy. Good for you.

Are women?


That sounds good.

What should I do now?

Dia tumbuh begitu besar...Aku tidak bisa menyembunyikan dia lebih lama lagi.

I think it's time ...

Yet. Let him grow up.

I had to let Suneo really surprised.


You know I'm just out of my footsteps?

Okay, okay, you're lonely, right?

I can only come here at night. Sorry about that.

Today I got a sausage for you.

Look, wait.

Alright! Let's play.





He must be lying. Indeed so.

You're lying again, right?

Such as Pinocchio,

Added length and long nose.

Until you can not breathe anymore!

Go ahead, laugh.

Tonight, I will show Pisuke to them all.

And give them a big surprise.

Pi ... Pisuke!


Sorry, as told to give the food to Piisuke.

But he did not eat at all.

Looks like he missed you.

Pi... Pisuke.

Where do you want to go?

Come back! If you get a fever again ...

Wait until you are healed!

Pisuke !

What's wrong?

Pisuke !

You're a fool!

Why did you come here? What if someone saw you?

I knew.

I also want to see you.

When cold cured, I'll play you again.

That's why, please wait until then.

Doraemon, you can bring it back to the park?

Come on.

Let's go.

Remember to eat well!

I could not wait any longer.

There really is a monster!

In the lake park?

That's right. Many people see it.

He has a very long neck, and looks very strong.

Okay. Here I was ready.

Really? Really? Really?

Absolutely not.

Animal biologists say that it is impossible.

This evening, a team of divers will investigate.

It was horrible.

What's this?


W-who are you?

Who am I, where am I,

You do not need to know.

Besides, I do not want to reason on this subject.

I will say this directly.

You have kept the Plesiosaur, right?

Plesiosaur? You mean Pisuke?

That's right.

I have never seen Plesiosaur so trusting human.

I want it. But, I do not just take it from you.

You want money? Tell me your price.

You want me to sell Pisuke to you?

That's right.

I refuse!

I will bring back Pisuke to the days of chalk.

Hey, do not be too cocky.

If I got serious, I can take it from you at any time.

I just do not want to use v*olence.

That's why I came to negotiate with you first.

Damn, another disturbing issue ...

I will not give you my Pisuke!

If I really want Piisuke happy life ...

There is only one path is used!

Doraemon! Reducers flashlight!

I'll distract them! While it happens ...

He's here!

Opportunity, opportunity, opportunity!

Let's go, to the Cretaceous.

How much time left?

We will take time.

I will take you to a great place.

Someone here!

What? Do not tell me someone enters this dimension ...

Don't tell me...

He's getting closer!

It's that guy!

His goal is Pisuke!


Wait! Nobita!




Can not go faster!?

This is the limit!

Looks like our opponents look rather fabulous.

Hmm! I will not let go!


Can we do it?

Maybe ...


Impossible! Impossible!


You're a fool!

Tch, fled to the area being monitored.

See you later!

Back to normal glide.


Why masked man want with Pisuke?

I do not know, but ...

If he comes to Pisuke again ...

Do not worry.

When we get to the Cretaceous, Pisuke not be found.

Well, we're here.


This is your world.

Right here ...

There lived here with happily.

If so, be careful.

Don't follow me!

Go back there!


What a naughty beast!

Let me go, Pisuke!

I told you not!

If you come here again, I'll hit you!


Come on, use your nose to eat it!

Mother has this special book!


Shut up!

This is great!

I actually have a dinosaur as a pet.

Are you still lying?

You cheeky!

How ridiculous they do?

They even do it to me ...

But, on this ...

I think Nobita bit serious about this.

Anyone can lie,

but later on they will forget forever, everything is fine.

You, too, Shizuka? Absolutely not!

I will show Piiisuke to everyone.

I think you should not do it.

You will want to see him again if you do.

It's not me who saw. But the others.

It's here.


How? So that is my Pisuke.

Wow ... But, what happens?

He's a little getting interference?



He's in trouble.

This is weird ...

Is this Erasausus?

Erasausus that lived in the North American continent.

North America?

Pisuke is Plesiosaur from Japan.

But why Erasaurus appeared in Japan?

This is very weird.

Not ... Not that.

I see.

Huh? What you mean.

We put Pisuke in America Cretaceous.

Eh? How can ...

I think about it now ... time machine ...


Let's go, fast.

Ah! Wait!

We must restore Pisuke to Japan.

But, the time machine ...


Do not be too hasty!


We too!

Go together.


When the masked man ...



No! Eww!

Let go! Get off me!

Can not do anything about it!

Giant, control yourself!




I'm fine.

That was nice.

During Doraemon good ...

if we can not find a time machine,

we will not be back.

P-P-P-Pteranodon !

It's real.

Doraemon, this place is ... ?

That's right. This is the Cretaceous.


There I left Pisuke.

Our footprints are still here!

Wow, unbelievable!


It's me! Nobita!


He didn't come.

not to do, he didn't come.

This is bad.

Are we in the wrong place?

Do not tell me he had be eaten.

How possible.

There! What is it?






Let me introduce to you all.

Don't be afraid.

This is my Piisuke.

I was truly amazed.

We were wrong!

Forgive the earlier.

That's all right. As long as everything is understood.

If so, nice to meet you.



Yo! Do you meet with Piisuke?


You're big enough.

Very funny.

Pisuke, you're fine.

All right, all right.

Now, let's take it to Japan.

Oh, about that ...

Rarely do we come to the Cretaceous.

So let's take a vacation and play.

We're going home tomorrow.

That's a great idea.

Not bad.

At night, we will camp next to a campfire.

Something like that.

I do not think it's good.

We still have homework to do.

If we can not permit to stay, we would get yelled at.

Homework, eh?

If I do not come home at six o'clock, Mama will ...

My mother also ...

Do not worry, because we had a time machine.

Let's go back a minute after we are gone,

No matter how many hours or years we spent here.

In fact we only went for one minute.

All right, let's do it.

Let us all swimming in the ocean with Pisuke Cretaceous.

If so, swimwear for everyone.

Modifiers Camera Apparel!

Mine was more funny.

Mine was more cool.

Mine was more manly.

I... can't draw very well...

Everyone lined up, I'm going to use it all at once.

Suneo, back off a little.

Oh, yeah.


Ok, cheese!

What is this?

Sorry, try again.

Ocean adventure!

Come on!

What about sunscreen?

It was already there.

The water is very clean!

Wow, really!

Doraemon, you too!

Wait for me!

So now ...

Let's race to see who is quicker to get there.

Giant, it's cheating.

Wait for me!

If ... If I did not have a float.


Yummy ...

Let us all up.


Me too.

Well, I also rose.

Not good.

Well, he still small.

Where is Nobita and Pisuke?

You've got guts, cheeky!

Don't run!

It's hot.

Giant, look over there.

It's huge!

It is Amolyte.

Is it edible?


Hey, this is not food!

I can not! This is not possible without a technician.

I do not care anymore!


Next it was my turn.


How do I say this ...

While this is good,

if there is a sense that others would be better.

There's nothing we can do.

We do not prepare for camping.

Right? Doraemon.

Camping is fun.

Very beauty.

Starry sky of a hundred million years ago ...

This is completely different from our era.

Yes, it's true.

An era without a man ... feeling a little scared.

If ... if we can not go home, what will we do?


It was impossible.


Everybody, listen up.

To be honest ... time machine ...

Wait a minute!

Shut up!

What is it?


Don't tell me...


Tyrannosaurus T-Rex!

Everyone over here!

Animals should be afraid of fire.

W-what do you think of this dinosaur fear?

He put out the fire with his saliva ...

Don't move, everyone!

Come back!

W-wait a minute.

It damaged.

Already damaged when masked men att*cked us.

At that time ...

D-don't tell...

Simply ...

We can not go home?

S-stop kidding!

How can that thing damaged?

Stop it! Stop it, all of them!

But, if only a broken time machine,

Can we use teleportasinya ability to restore us?

I think ...

But to do so, we must put the time machine back to where we came.

Which means, Japan.

No, I mean in today's Japan.

If we took him to Japan at this time that may be in the sea,

and took him to Tokyo to be,

Nobita's house, Nobita's room, Nobita's table, otherwise it will not work ...

We have to do it ...

That's impossible!

Wait! We got Propeller Bamboo!

if we use machine g*ns reducers and change so little time,

and then use the Propeller Bamboo to fly to Japan ...

Then we can also use the Door Where Just to go back to Japan.

You're a genius!

You really are my best friend.


We can not.

Anywhere doors do not have data from the Cretaceous.

Maximum speed Propeller Bamboo is miles per hour.

If we use it continuously for hours, the battery will run out.

Do you know how much kilometer from here to Japan?

You're trying to give us false hope!

About the battery ...

Can't we use it as a remote control car?

If we use it continuously, then the battery will run out.

But, if we use it intermittently, the battery would not last much longer?

I think the two things that are very similar.

Hmmm, if we do it ...

If we fly for hours per day, then rest for hours ...

It may be successful.

We can go back!


Wait a minute, everybody.

While Propeller Bamboo recharge, what should we do?

There is a vast ocean between Japan and America.

"Just ride on your back", you say ...

I think it's not possible.

Moron! Makes me happy for a few minutes ...

Oh yes!

In the past,

Japan and America have been connected by land to the north.

So ...

Although it will take longer time, if we go north,

We really could go back to Japan.


Is someone going to destroy this plan as well?

There is a chance this time!

Motors, start!

Let's go!

Finally we fly.

Your slow, Nobita!

Are you okay?

Don't move, Pisuke! You might fall.

Oh you want to see what lies beyond.

Oh, ouch.

Follow the shoreline and go north.

Go to North.

Go to North.

I'm sorry, Pisuke.

I must try harder time being.

I will try my best.

What is it?


The moonlight reflected by the water.

Ah, Pisuke! Rainbow!

There's a rainbow at night!


Let's go!


Come, Piisuke.

What's up, Nobita?

If you want to run, do it yourself!

Sorry... my feet...

Are you okay?

Are you up to the limit?

Doraemon, it?

Oh yeah! Hey! Wait!

Eh? Where did they go?


Momotaro Cap Cak!

Yes! Veliciraptor is now our friends!

Please take care of me.

Wow they are fast!

Let's go!

Save me!

I- It's dangerous!

Tonight, let's set up camp on the coast of the lake.

Thank you.

Wow, look!

Wow! Huge!

Diplodocus ... No, they are even greater.


Suneo! You're going to be eaten!


Do not worry, brontosaurus was a herbivore.

But, do not get trampled by them.

Don't say this place is...

their homes ...

T-Thank you.

I touched it.

That's it? I can do this!

Giant, you are wonderful!

I think Pisuke can not ride.

Let's sleep here.


Come, I take you back to your mother.

I want to know which one is your mother?

This place is getting dangerous! Run!

Come here, come here!

Little dino! Wait!


Oh no!

Wait! Don't go! You're going to be eaten!

Run! Hide! Pisuke!

Ah, Momotaro ...

D-don't come here...

See you!

Just in time.

Incredible! Let's go up.

Now, give greetings to all.


Hey! At least the first apology!


Hey! You have to eat well.

That's all right.


Propeller Bamboo conditions seem not so good these days.

Let's rest the day before.


You miss, Nobita.

Often times we stopped because you ...

All Propeller Bamboo is near its limit.

First, let's try and pass through this valley.

Everyone, try your best.

Just something to fly with us.

Hey, white stone.

Is it salt?


Hold on.

Oh, I'm fine.


Thank you.

Look, Nobita is at it's limit.


Don't say that!

All Propeller Bamboo is...

Oh, it's...


There are many.

Wait, do not tell ...

Is this a nest?

I hope that birds like Suzume.

Run! Full speed ahead!


No, even bigger!



Thank you, Nobita.

Use Momotaro Cap Cake ...


Get it!


We meet again, Nobita.

You really caught us up here.

I'm not going to give Pisuke to you.

Don't come out!

Oh no, I was rejected even before I opened my mouth.

though I saved you today.

I want at least a warm greeting.

Oh yes, thank you.

Hey, do not act stupid.

Of course.

Like what you said, our target is Pisuke.

I'll say it as many times as I want.

I've seen a lot of dinosaurs.

But this is the first one I saw that the dinosaurs are so very trusting human.

I get it! You're a dinosaur hunter.

No wonder you had a time machine.

You robotic weasel.

I'm not a weasel!

Hey, what is the dinosaur hunter?

They go back to prehistoric times and returned with a dinosaur quarry.

Or catch them alive for sale.

But today has been declared illegal.

Because what they do can change history.

Evolution of the earth ...

along with animals and species ...

Evolution of plants, along with the human ...

In this era,

we are still crawling insects, not mammals.

You know what will happen if we allow some species become extinct?

You and I probably do not exist anymore!

There are many dinosaurs in the world.

k*lling a few hundred would not be a problem.

Means what.

I'm not going to give Pisuke to you!

Do not jump to conclusions so quickly.

You're on this adventure ... it's pretty heavy, is not it?

Thisis a gift to you.

And then, like what I said before.

I can give you a lot of money.

And bring you back to Japan with our time machine.

Brings us back ...

to Japan?

Why not negotiate your own tonight.

Oh yeah, you want to stay in our base?

Our base is at the bottom of this lake.

Who will go?

Hmm, adjust to you.

I will be back here tomorrow morning.

Do you want to go back to your mother, or turned into fossils here?

Think carefully.

I really do not want to be here any longer.

I've had enough of this adventure.

If they so badly want Pisuke,

give it to them!

Then they will bring us back to Japan.

Is not it too cruel to Pisuke?

It's not like he's going to be eaten.

Being rich pet, stored in the pool ...

It was not bad at all!


Do you think Piisuke will be happy with the way it is?

We have gone so far to Pisuke, just to make it confined?

Not like that!

We have so far to go back to Japan!

It was too cruel!

Right? Giant?

Well! We're going to Japan!

All to bring back Pisuke!

Well! Everyone is the same!

No! Everything is completely different!

It's the same! Right? Doraemon?

What you say is true,

but I've got something to explain it all.

Propeller damage Bamboo constantly there has caused all so useless.

See? Now you have to go with me!

Only by agreeing to their demands!

Right? Giant. Propeller Bamboo is now useless

We can walk!

It was too much!

We will get there one day.

Impossible! We can not do things like that!

Well! We'll be there someday.

Stop arguing!

Giant, say something.

We can only give Pisuke to them now.


I ... thought we could walk. Back to Japan.


When I almost fell ...

You never let go of my hand.


Thank you!

What are you talking about?

Walking? No way!


Hold on!

Do you know? You will not get this far alone.

Everyone help you, as a friend!


Pisuke? Do not go too far.


I wonder what he saw that made ??him cry ...

That's the way to Japan.

Place of birth Pisuke.

It's our turn to help Piisuke.


Um ...



We will walk.

You crying?

I'm not crying!

Everyone. Thank you.

If we use rafts in the river, we will get to Japan.

But this land is the hunter region.

How can we avoid it?

No ... we will be caught no matter what we do.

Oh yeah.

Let's use this.

Oh yeah, ... use it ...

What can we do?

Enough! Like I said ...

This and that.

Oh, I see.

So, what happened to the dinosaurs?

Almost in our hands.

Only a few steps.

I think the host should come and see it for yourself.


If not for their cheeky ...

Hmph. If not solely because of your interference in the dimension of time ...

this is not going to be complicated.

That's right.

Government will be cautious.

Hmmm ... apparently unruly children seemed on the way.

How, sir? Looks like we're going to hunt humans today.

Looks like it will be fun.

Let's go.

Thank you for the compliment.


Looks like I'm a little tired of hunting dinosaurs.

This is the last warning!

If you do not give Pisuke to us, we'll sh**t!

Only juveniles who would like to use the toys to escape.

Well then, let's get started.

Okay, come on!

Hmph, I'm not aiming to k*ll.

Okay, get out!

I'll let you live.

Is anyone alive? In the first place there is no one here.


Others too! They are all puppets.

Please explain this to me.

Are you saying I was hunting toys?

No, I really am sorry.

I will soon find them.

Find them! Follow the signal from the car!

They can't go far.

I will definitely reciprocate this feeling.

This time you better make me happy.

Looks like that's it. I do not get a signal again.

Eh ? Itu saja ?

Turn it off!

This opponent is skilled hunter.

Looking for a car radio signal is nothing to them.

We have to be more and more to gain time.

Are they going to come back?

I have to think something before that happens...

Come quickly.

Signal is lost here.

They should be close! Find them!

I think our enemies have not found until now.

Okay, at full speed.

Forests are ...

This is not good.

I-I-I can not stop!

Ah! Giant!

I found them!

They're back!


They have been found!

b*ll*ts sticky!

Leave them to me!


I will not let you go!


No, no, no!

Oh no! Everyone, jump!

Come catch their first swim.

Everyone, stay together!

Alright! Do not let go!

Giant! Shizuka!



A-A-Anything so ...

Fetish traffic safety ...


We're saved!

Doraemon! You survived too!

Shizuka! Giant! Suneo!

We must save them!

Of course!

You can not go!

Do not make a sound. Their target is you.

Please wait here.

Lightweight ...

Small is worth the money.

If so, what should we do with these bad boys?

Hey! I think we can not go any further!

It was not good, our friends there!

We have to think of ways to get in!

Compared with before low tide. What can we do?



Get off me!

Hey! Release him!



Nobita, Robot weasel.

I'm not a weasel!

Where you take it all?

Your friends are here.

Nobita! Doraemon!


Before you get a touching meeting,

let's have some fun first.

A hungry T-Rex ...

I wonder what will happen to your friend.

Stop it!

That's dangerous!

Here I will talk with Nobita.

If you say ''yes'', the game will end.

If you say ''no'', well ...

I think your friends will become lunch for a T-Rex!

Hurry! Give Pisuke to us!


Where is Pisuke?

How long are you going to let your friends suffer?


Give him to me!



Don't give Pisuke!


Get it!

Wait! Here there are more delicious!

Come here and hit my ass!

Hit my ass?

Here is more tender meat!

Here too ...

Everyone! You will be eaten!

If you want to eat one, eat Giant!

You're a fool!

Now this is really a game.


Should I catch it?


Whatever happened to Pisuke I do not care.

I want to see how this game goes.



He is, don't tell me ...

One who eats cake Momotaro Cap ...

The T-Rex!


What is this ...

What happened?

Patrol Time?

They really break through the barrier waterfall?

Come on! Catch them all!


Don't let them go!


Get them!

It's over to you!


Come on!

Come on! T-Rex!

Follow the Time Patrol!

Wake up!


All of this dinosaur is mine!

Now it's okay.

That ball we can teleport out.

You can stay here and die!

Along with the dinosaurs!

You really are a coward!

I can start as many times as I want.

I had enough time passes dimension.

Transformed into fossils, you naughty boy!

There's no time!

Everybody, get into my pocket!

Help, Pisuke!

We did it!


I see.

{\pos(,)}[Dinosaur hunters, bad guys]

This dinosaur is now fine.

But I can not find the children.

They probably already gone.

I'm sorry, Shiro

Haiz, Time Patrol offered us a ride.

Well, it will not help much.

Tool've got my stuff all falls out.

We do not know when we'll get there.


Suneo, why do not you come back alone?

It's all right.

I will remain together until the end.

It's all friends, right?

Is it weird that I say this?

Ouch, pain, Giant!

You're a true friend.

There is no longer the land here.

Land and sea is slowly shifting.

Ride on your back?

With all of them?

You got bigger.


Give respect!

Oh, it's ...


Open time machine!

That's where my desk.

So that's where the Japanese.

We could go back!

Yes. That's right.

This place is ...

We're back in Japan.

Pisuke, we are finally here.

Now it's okay.

It seems they called him.

So, this is where he was born ...


We have seen a lot of things.

And learned many things.

We have improved a lot.

I also ...

I-I will also...

Try your best.

Please, take care of yourself.

Let's go.

Don't come here!

Let's go! fast!

Goodbye, Pisuke.

Take care of yourself.


Let's go!



Oh, what are you guys doing up there?

Just play, I guess.


See you tomorrow.


The night sky is certainly beautiful.

Pisuke, goodnight.


Fujiko F. Fujio


Dinosaurs ...


See you next year!