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Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin VI - Rise of the Red Comet (2018)

Posted: 02/07/24 14:04
by bunniefuu
The Origin VI

Universal Century 0079, January 3rd.

The Principality of Zeon,
a nation founded at Side 3,

the space colony cluster
furthest from Earth,

declared w*r on the
Earth Federation government,

demanding its independence.

If you always do
what your folks say,

you'll never grow up
and be your own man!

Don't you think so?

Let's go!

At Side 7, which had yet
to be touched by the w*r,

Amuro, who had been roped into helping Kai
uncover the Development Sector's secrets,

learned that his father Tem's job was
related to EFF m*llitary development.

Aprils in Japan are the best.
It's when the cherry blossoms bloom.

Cherry blossoms?

Go together?

In the opening salvo of
its w*r of independence,

the Principality of Zeon
att*cked Side 2, called Hatte,

which had maintained
its anti-Zeon stance.

It carried out Operation British,

in which it wiped out the populace
of Side 2's capital banchi

using GG gas, a chemical w*apon,
and dropped it on Earth.

Having split in three,

the colony rained down across the Earth,
but Zeon failed in its initial objective,

the destruction of EFF headquarters
at Jaburo.

Casval Rem Deikun is alive and well!

At around that same time,

Artesia, now known as Sayla, who was
in Side 5, also called Loum,

was rattled when Tachi told her that he
believed her brother Casval was still alive.

At Loum,

clashes between pro-Zeon and pro-Federation
factions escalated into full-blown riots.

Sayla chose to take up arms
and fight against attacking rioters.

Build some barricades!

Seal up the doors and windows!
We'll fight them!

Bunch of animals!

Let's get to it!

UC 0079, January 23rd.

A battle finally began
in the Loum area,

with the Tianem Fleet, the pride
of the EFF, and the Zeon fleet

led by Vice Admiral Dozle
slamming into each other head-on.

The Special as*ault Regiment
that had launched from A Baoa Qu,

Form up on me!

a mobile suit force led by Gaia, Ortega,
and Mash, rushed t the b*ttlefield.

I'm the one in charge of
the att*ck team, Ensign Dren.

Char, Sayla's older brother, now a
lieutenant junior grade in the Zeon forces,

went out ahead of that force
at the controls of his MS-O6S.

He became a flash of red light

and blazed towards the Loum area.

Rise of the Red Comet

Retvizan heavily damaged.
Kiel also damaged from enemy fire.

Zátopek, engines offline!

It's time to change formation!
Inform all ships!

Don't panic! Disperse and change
heading while returning fire!

This is do-or-die time!
Don't fall behind!

Sorry, but you're going to be
wiped out in our first engagement.

Zeon bastards...

Adm. Dozle's Valkyrie appears
to be changing formation.

- Four cruiser squadrons pushing in.
- Battle lines of both forces spreading out.

Enemy formation is
breaking down further.

Some of their ships are still sh**ting back.
Hit them with concentrated fire!

Iwo Jima hit!
Still returning fire!

Admiral Dozle! My ship is lost!
Good hunting, sir!

I won't forget your deaths, not ever!

Don't let the valiant struggle
of our rear guard be in vain!

Get us turned around!

Set target! The enemy's
main force! The Revil Fleet!

Flagship Valkyrie appears
to have changed course.

- Check again to confirm.
- Yes, sir.

Could it be a retreat maneuver?

We've won.

There is still a chance that
they might regroup.

Then we'll treat this as a pursuit battle.
Send out our fastest advance groups.

Yes, sir.

Everyone else, reestablish formation.

We'll hunt them down
with everything we have.

Each of our forces
has changed course.

They are beginning to change
to operation trajectory.

Tianem Fleet and Revil Fleet
have not altered course.

Changing course in the face of the enemy?
Is this part of the strategy?

You fool, Tianem... You've lost sight
of Dozle's fleet.


Garma, boy. Where we are right now
is about to become the front line.

Report from advance group:

Maintaining pursuit, but Dozle Fleet
has dropped off scopes!

It's what?

They say they will need to
conduct reconnaissance.


Minovsky particle density
climbing further.

It's like they're hiding in fog.

Do we report this to HQ?

Shall I establish a laser comm link?

We don't want the enemy to know
that we've lost sight of them.

The fleet will maintain current heading.
Also, prepare to send a coded message.

Yes, sir!

Where did they vanish to?

Mr. Ryu, the engagement zone
is dead ahead!

It's in an area ranging
from 10 klicks to 100 klicks.

I can't use radar, so please
handle the visual scan.

What, we're counting
on my eyeballs?

Minovsky particle density
is still high.

My eyesight is bad, even with glasses.

Hm, I think I might see something...

Don't think it's debris...

I have visual confirmation, too!

Multiple nozzle plumes!

Must be the backside of the friendly fleet.
It looks like they've arrived at the front line.

Hang on...

Is it me, or is something not right?

Yes, they're too close...
Their bearing, too!

- Vector analysis!
- On it, sir!

Let's see... Approaching from
our 2 o'clock...


- It's the enemy!
- This is Duckbill! Falcon, come in!

- We're right in the middle of the enemy!
- This is Duckbill!

Crap, I can't get through to Falcon!

Unidentified craft
has crossed our course.

What's the problem?

It's most likely an enemy recon craft!

What's it doing way out here?

This could present a problem.

No. We stick to the plan!

Hold your course!

Understood. Holding course.

The sh**ting's completely stopped.

All units! Load initial rounds!

Check that safeties are engaged!

So far, so good, I'd say!

No sign of anything?

I wonder what this is...

Let me have a look.

If it's debris, it sure doesn't
match what's behind it.

Those are... They're ships!

This is right wing! Bridge!

You're certain they're ships?

What does CIC's intel say?

Admiral to the bridge!

Keep working on confirmation.

- As you were.
- Yes, sir.

So, what is our status?

Sir. We are currently making for
the engagement zone,

and the fleet's acceleration
is holding steady.

There it is, the main Federation force!

Bow down before me, God!

Status of Tianem's Second Fleet?

Sir. After engaging the enemy,
our forces have the upper hand.

Also, CIC relayed a report from a recon
unit a few moments ago that said...

Damage to 5th battleship squadron!


I see fire!

- There's another flash!
- That's ship #2, the Forrestal!

Damage to superstructure!
Probable enemy att*ck!

But from where?!

The fire appears to be spreading
inside the ship!

Enemy bearing?

Four o'clock, according to
passive sensors.

Deploy cruiser squadron
towards 4 o'clock!

Bearing 2-0-7!

Encoded message from Tianem Fleet!
They've lost the Dozle Fleet!

They've what?!

Just before you arrived, Admiral,

there was a report from a recon craft
that claimed to have spotted enemy ships.

- Send out air defense squadron!
- Roger that.

- Prepare for anti-air battle!
- Flagship to air defense squadron...

Wing to bridge!

Direct call from lookout!

Ships spotted! Can't identify!

Shall I ping their IFF?

Also getting emergency messages
from consort ships!

What's that?!

Multiple ships, 12 o'clock!

IFF unknown. They are no!
friendly forces!

Target spotted!
Revil's main force!

All ahead, steady as she goes!

All ships, full combat speed!

All weapons, fire at will!

Turn to port!


Keep f*ring until you run dry!

We're gonna blow a hole
right through their ugly mugs

and put 'em down for good!

Port bow and midsection,
heavy damage!

Fires aren't going out!

CIC, please respond! CIC!

No response from CIC!
They must have been hit!

Give the order to turn around!

The enemy is coming around
for another pass!

Fleet, prepare to change course!

A rat will bite a cat
when cornered, huh?

We were bitten, all right.

Each squadron, form a column!
We still have the edge in numbers!

Port quarter hit!

Heavy damage to engine room!

- It's coming from below us!
- It's too fast!

These Zeons are fearsome...

- Fires, starboard side!
- Five o'clock! I see it!

One sh*t left!

Swap magazines
while we're coming around!

Damage report!

Are those... people?


They're mobile suits!

These are mobile suits?!

1-0-8, you are clear to launch!

Launch clearance confirmed!

Stream Leader to Stream Master,
launch all birds!

Stream Master to all units.

Eliminate enemy vessels
that have penetrated our fleet!

Stream Leader, acknowledged!

This is Duckbill,
requesting landing clearance!

This is Duckbill!
Falcon, come in!

We've already lost this many ships?

This is Falcon Control.

Falcon, this is Duckbill 3-0-6!
Request landing instructions!

Duckbill, unable to grant
landing clearance!

Say again?!

Launching our attackers
has priority right now!

Land on another ship!

- Portside hangar hit!
- Hey! Falcon Leader! This is Duckbill!

Falcon Leader, come in!

- Crap...
- Abandon ship! Abandon ship!

Enemy rockets closing in
from starboard, 4 o'clock!

Hard to port!

Third wave incoming!

There she is!

It's the Ananke!

Their flagship, huh?

So that's Revil's ship...

- We're gonna hit it!
- Yeah!

You're going after the bridge, Mash?

One more time!

Damage report!

Fire in the engine room!
They're having trouble putting it out!

We have three mobile suits on us!


Primary power holding steady!

Our engine has also been hit!
Prepare to transfer flag!

All hands, abandon ship immediately!

I repeat, all hands abandon
ship immediately!

I repeat, all hands abandon
ship immediately!
All hands, abandon ship at once!

Go get 'em, Mash!

Pipe down and watch this!

I'll finish them off!

Those are nice and small.
They're more challenging targets!

Hold your fire, take a closer look.

That's the admiral's flag.

Where... am I?

Oh... I'm in space.

I thought my number was up...

People die and become trash
at the drop of a hat.

More trash is coming to join me.

Hey, Four-eyes! Four-eyes!

Three rounds left, hm?
Can I take down two more?

He's fast...

A red mobile suit...

It's Lt. Char!

That jerk!

Is that Char?

That's triple normal speed...

The guy's a veritable red comet.

He took out a cruiser
with a single bazooka rocket?

How in the world
can I compete against that?

Lt. Char!

Chief Petty Officer Cozun.

I have a spare magazine, sir.
Shall I top you off?

You should focus on your own glory
instead of mine.

No, sir, I was merely--

You were one of
Lt. Ramba Ral's men, weren't you?

Y-Yes, sir...

Work hard enough to do the part of the
Lieutenant, who was unable to join us.


What a grand victory for our forces.
Please accept my sincere congratulations.

We have the Supreme Commander's
masterful leadership to thank.

I failed to recognize your brilliance.

I wasn't expecting to hear such
lavish praise coming from you.

This will secure us the
quick settlement we desired.

The peace talks are sure
to go in our favor.

What are you prattling on about? This was
but the first step on the road to victory.

We mustn't allow the fighting to end

until we achieve our ultimate triumph!

I had no idea that you still
harbored such thoughts, Brother.

Do you not know the expression
"Adapt to meet changing circumstances", Kycilia?

If I might ask you something?

What is it?

The Sovereign's ship, the Great Degwin,
is out by herself, exposed.

Father wished it so.
The troops are inspired,

and he is able to witness
our historic victory firsthand.

I expect he is most pleased.


if the Tianem Fleet were prepared
to sacrifice itself to att*ck,

would the Sovereign
be able to stop it?

A needless concern. The corrupt
bureaucrat soldiers of the Federation

do not possess the reckless
courage to attempt such a thing.

But if they did, hypothetically,
what would happen?

Need I answer that?


This concludes the summation of the
losses suffered by the enemy fleet.

Amazing! It's a complete victory!

Our forces are magnificent!

It is not over yet, Garma!

If the Federation were to send in their
Tianem Fleet, the one closest to the front,

the Zeon homeland would be
as good as defenseless.

If they adopt a "lose the battle
to win the w*r" strategy...

Tianem Fleet Flagship, Titan

Enemy ships, dead ahead.
We have them on optical sensors as well!

The large one is Gwazine-class. It is likely
the Great Degwin, the sovereign's flagship.

The enemy might have overcommitted
to the Dozle Fleet

to the point that they must
send out even their flagship.

If we can get past those,
we'll be on their doorstep.

If we strike at the Zeon homeland,
we might be able to force a surrender.

Admiral, our fleet has only
sustained light losses!

We can't.

We will not mount a charge.

Admiral, why not?

This battle has already
been decided.

But Admiral!

Our most pressing duty is to aid the fleeing
Revil Fleet by covering their retreat.

- All ships, come about!
- Yes, sir!

Attention, all ships!
Come about in turns!

- Prepare to come about!
- Laser comm link established!

- Confirm engine pressure!
- Course is clear!

We are not yet defeated... Not yet.

The Tianem Fleet has turned around
at a distance of 4,000 kilometers ahead!

We did it! A complete victory!

This means that we've
truly won now, right, Father?

Next time, I'll fight, too!
Order me to do anything!

I'm a soldier of the Principality, too!

Garma. You are still young.

Rather, still immature.

You do not understand
how horrible w*r truly is.

Take care to never act rashly.

Send the following order to Dozle!

Admiral Revil has surrendered, so he
is to be extended every courtesy!

There is a ship returning fire
at 10 o'clock!

Turn to port! All ahead, full speed!
Open fire!

Magellan-class at 0-3-8!

Continue f*ring!

Direct hit! Direct hit!

- Enemy battleship line collapsing!
- Minovsky particles still at combat density!

- Heavy damage to Magellan-class confirmed!
- Crew has begun to abandon ship!

It's nothing personal.

This is the fate of the vanquished.

Hold your fire!

A moment of silence for the many soldiers
of outer space who now breathe their last!


Sieg Zeon! Sieg Zeon!

Sieg Zeon! Sieg Zeon!

- Good job!
- Lord Degwin!

- Long live the Sovereign!
- Yahoo, we did it!

Long live Supreme Commander Gihren!

Gihren, a quick peace.
That is what our aim must be.

I believe the wisest course
is to use this victory

to force the Federation
to the negotiating table.

With all due respect...

We will continue to be victorious.
In our next engagement.

And the next... until the very end.

When we do negotiate, it will be
at a time of our choosing

when we deem it to be
most advantageous for us.

Other men said the very same thing
before their downfall!

Men like Napoleon and h*tler!

The follies of ancient history
can offer us no lessons!

We already live outside the
bounds of human experience

and are cultivating our own history!

To think that such words would
come from my own father,

Zeon Zum Deikun's closest comrade!

What did Deikun tell us?!

Did he not proudly declare that Spacenoids
would become a new species of humanity?!

That we would usher in the
next stage of human evolution?!

We have in our hands the perfect opportunity
with which to make Deikun's ideals a reality!

An opportunity like this
will never visit us again.

We must press on!

We shall never compromise!
Onwards! Ever onwards!


Yes, Father.

I am right here.

What do you think?
I am afraid of what I see in him.

You needn't worry, I shall help you.

Please do. No one can
stop him but you.

He has become a fiend.

Deikun's unfinished business has become
an evil spirit and possessed him.

He will destroy this country.
And our family.

Rest easy, Father.

Your Kycilia will always
be on your side.

Never! I don't want to be
assigned to staff HQ!

Look, I don't know what to tell you...

I want to be on the front lines!
Let me make a name for myself!

The thing is, this is what Father wants,
and it's what the top brass has decided.

It's out of my hands.

They can't say no to you, not now.

Aren't you the hero of Loum?!

Well, I guess...

I don't want to be outdone by Char.

I heard that the decoration he's getting
will come with a two-rank promotion,

which will make him
a lieutenant commander!

If that happens, I'll...

If that's all you're worried about,
I can make you the same rank!

I'm not doing anything to earn it!

I've only been watching
the battles from a safe distance.

There, there...

Getting promoted as a handout
is the last thing I need.

That's exactly why
no one takes me seriously...

They say my only accomplishment
was being born into the Zabi family.

All right. I'll talk to our
brother Gihren about it.

After that, it's up to him.

We 're coming to you from the venue for
the Battle of Loum victory celebration!

It is the newly-completed Principality
Government Building, Deikun Hall!

The decoration ceremony
has just ended,

and our brave soldiers
are now filing in!

Here is our fleet commander,
Vice Admiral Dozle!

The commanding presence he radiates
is almost palpable!

Great work!

Following behind him are the triumphant
Black Tri-Stars!

Lieutenant Gaia!

Lieutenant Junior Grade Mash!
Lieutenant Junior Grade Ortega!

And now the man who earned the
nom de guerre "Red Comet",

our ace of aces, Lieutenant JG Char!
Strike that!

The dashing cape of a field officer
is now fluttering on his shoulders!

Make that Lieutenant Commander
Char Aznable!

Wait! Don't!

With this glorious victory,
these warriors, our pride and joy,

have proven Deikun's
great teachings to be true!

That Spacenoids stand above all others!

But my fellow countrymen,
we mustn't relax our efforts.

Our fight has only just begun!

In point of fact, parts of Loum have yet
to surrender to our principality

and continue their futile resistance.

We must eliminate such rabble
and unite colony society as one

so that we will be victorious in
our final battle against the Federation!

We were the ones who
took Revil prisoner!

How come they're heaping
all the glory on him?!

Let it go, Ortega.

The Sovereign is watching.


I've taken the liberty of
following your exploits.

Garma, I see you've made
something of yourself, too.

I'm a major with
our elite airborne division.

My assignment came through today.

I'm happy for you!
That's a fitting post for you.

Unlike fleet warfare, securing territory
with ground units is difficult.

It's dirty, bloody work.

My rank might only be major,

but I'll have nearly a whole armored
regiment serving under me.

I intend to lead it and mop up
the remaining enemy forces in Loum.


You thought "Garma can't handle that"
to yourself just now, didn't you, Char?!

No, perish the thought.
It's just that it's a dangerous mission.

Such down and dirty work
isn't your cup of tea.

I'm surprised that Sovereign Degwin
and Admiral Dozle would--

They don't matter!
I'm my own man!

Don't underestimate me, Char.

Just like you...

Even I... won't stay that little boy
I was back then forever.

Keep neutralizing them!

Send these Federation lackeys packing!

Concentrate your fire
on enemy defensive positions!

Crush them! Crush them!

Don't let any of them surrender!

Temporary POW Facility

The Venus of Capua.

This statue is said to date to the
fourth century B.C. of the Earth calendar.

It's a fake.

The real one is a replica
that dates to the Roman era.

This one must be an imitation of that imitation,
made during the Renaissance.

This item is a standout among the
museum's collection. A Grecian urn!

The creatures depicted on it
are centaurs.

It was found in Vulci,
in southern Italy--

This one is also a fake.

A trinket made for tourists.
Even worse than a fake, one could say.

And this?

Ah... It was used in masked theatrical
performances of the Roman era.

This, too?

Er, yes, we believe that is the case...

These must have cost a small fortune.

Yes, a fair amount...

For all the grandiosity of the term
"Universal Century",

our history does not
stretch back even 100 years.

That is why we are looked down upon.

As a mere bunch of Johnny-come-latelies.

If you will excuse me,
I must be going!

Please take all the time you like
to view the exhibits.

You have made your feelings
abundantly clear, Sovereign.

We must bring this w*r,
the worst in human history, to an end.

Ever since Cain and Abel
in ancient times,

hostility and conflict between
humans have never ceased,

and man has yet to understand
his fellow man.

What a deplorable state of affairs.

Zeon Zum Deikun's intent
was to free us from that old curse.

Even if all things, space included,
are God's creation,

is it so wrong that it was we space
immigrants who found a hope that is

so many times more powerful
than the sense of freedom

that people once felt when they made
the crossing to the New World?

That is what Deikun was thinking when he
set forth his protocols for the new era.

We gathered under his banner
as his comrades.

We had no idea that his hope
for a new humanity

would lead to such disgusting hatred
and terrible devastation.

Admiral Revil, is there nothing
we can do to defuse this situation?

You and I, working together?

What indeed?

It may be possible for you,
but a prisoner like me?

I understand.

I understand.

I fully understand, Admiral Revil.

I am hardly the ideal man
to conduct such negotiations.

Is that because you hope,
rather, to inv*de Earth

and restore the fruits of our culture and civilization,
as well as our spiritual holy land?

You surmise correctly.

That makes you the right man
for the job.

The w*r must continue!

Make no mistake, Lt. Gen. M'Quve.

You will not be an emissary
to end the w*r.

You will be going thereto lead
the Earth Invasion Force.

This is not my idea alone. Supreme
Commander Gihren is of the same mind.

We will seize the Earth's
bounty and her lands!

Which is precisely why we mustn't send
someone who is immune to Earth's charms!

Would you mind terribly
if I asked two questions?

Be my guest.

As you are aware, w*r requires
that one has an opponent.

In the event that the Federation
has completely lost its will to fight,

where do you suggest
we aim our raised fist?

Go ahead and ask
your second question as well.

What assurances do I have?

My troops and I will be parachuting
into the enemy's very lap, as it were.

I do hate to be blunt, but I have no wish
to become a sacrificial pawn.

I'll begin by answering question #2.

I will assign Garma Zabi
to serve under you.

Garma, whom Sovereign Degwin
cherishes above all else.

What greater assurance could I offer
that our sovereign will never abandon you?

And now,

as for the answer
to your first question...

Regardless of the time or place, mankind
has a fundamental desire for w*r.

Whether that be foolish...

...or wise.

Plans are already in motion
to prolong the w*r.

Remember this one thing,
Lt. Gen. M'Quve.

You aren't like those other
mediocre commanders.

It's because you're a man of ability
that I am telling you this.

Supreme Commander Gihren...
I find him detestable.

What's so good about that bastard M'Quve
that he gets to represent Zeon?!

He didn't so much as break a sweat
at Loum or Hatte!

I hate that guy!

And at peace talks of all places!

See if I care if it blows up
in their faces!

I was worried that a talented officer
like you might go down there with him,

but I'm glad that you stayed behind.

Earth doesn't agree with me.
I'm a Spacenoid through and through.

He did approach me informally,
but I turned him down.

Don't get me wrong.

I'm not going to fight him over subordinates
because this isn't some children's squabble.

I didn't want
to let him have you

because there's a job that
I don't want anyone else to do.

Oh? And what sort of job
would that be, sir?

Development on a new Federation mobile
suit is being conducted in secret.

They call it "Operation V", apparently.

It's being carried out
somewhere off of Earth.

It was mobile suits that decided
the outcome of our recent battles.

But even if they've designated
Operation V a thr*at,

not everyone would understand
what that means.

And so, here are your orders:

Follow any and all signs,
overcome any resistance,

sniff out Operation V's base,
and then crush it.

Yes, sir.

You seem to understand
how important this mission is.

Which brings us to this!

Even if you are the great hero
of the Zeon Forces,

I don't expect you to carry out
such a crucial mission by yourself.

Look! That's your ship.

I named her myself.
The Falmer!

She's a Musai that surpasses
all other Musais!

She's my parting gift to you.

I even handpicked the
best of the best to crew her.

I also give you special authorization to do
whatever you deem necessary for the mission.

Do you have any questions?

I do not.

Lt. Cdr. Char, now setting out
on his mission!

This baby is quite a ship!

Coming from a run-down,
retrofitted Papua resupply ship,

this is almost so shiny it's blinding,
right, Captain Char?

You're the ship's captain, Lt. Dren.

Don't joke about stuff
like that, Lt. Cdr. Char!

I didn't mean it in jest.

No matter how good the ship, I have
no wish to be chained down by it.

Remember this, men!

I have never once wished to become
a fine sailor such as yourselves.

I am a warrior of the cosmos!

A knight who races at will across
the heavens faster than any ship!

Continue the tests, Captain.

In that case,

Lt. Dren will humbly assume
the post of acting captain!

We'll begin combat drills at once!

All hands, take your posts!

Anti-ship battle stations!

Listen up! Don't think
of this as a drill!

Act like everything is the real thing!

We'll make for the designated battle area!
Come about 90 degrees to port!

This is Oak Tree.
Calling Queen of the Night.

Commencing screening of Blue Bird.

Don't screw up.

Understood, ma'am.

If I may ask something, ma'am?

What is it?

This operation's name, Blue Bird,
what does it mean?

In the Cold w*r period of the old era,

it was the name of the first film jointly
produced by America and the USSR.

If you want to know more, ask M'Quve!

We're sorry to interrupt
your rest, Admiral.

I'm being moved?

What's going on?
I wasn't informed of any move.

Please hurry, sir.

Would it be all right
if I asked you something?

If I'm able to answer, yes.

Where am I being moved to?

Ah. I see.

Sir, please put these on.

I'm sorry, but we didn't have anything
but a field officer's uniform.

We will also use this transport
to breach the cargo terminal.

There is a launch berthed in the bay,
so please be ready to run.

Are you in charge of this operation?

What's your name?
Who do you serve under?

You're not at liberty to divulge that.
Is that it?

Run! Make a break
for the launch!


Hurry! Hurry!

An emergency is in progress inside.
This berth cannot be used at this time.

This berth cannot be used at this time.

This is Oak Tree.
Blue Bird is in the bird cage.

Will now make for rendezvous
point with Maeterlinck.

Understood. Well done.

I have lock on target ship.

Salamis-class, dead ahead.
Distance, 8210.

Mega particle cannon energy charge at 92%.

Anti-ship missiles, ready to launch.

Right, start with three missiles, rapid fire!

Once they're away, get a lock on the ship
with the mega particle cannon!

Hit it while it's between

Energy charge at 120%!

Tubes 1 through 3, ready to fire!

Distance, 8110.
Almost in--

What's the problem?!

Captain! Er, Acting Captain, sir!

There's something strange
about this target ship!

Its closing speed is too fast!
This Salamis... active!


Ship speed, 1.1 km/s!
It's almost within our f*ring range!

What do we do?

What indeed, Captain Dren?

Distance, 7900!
Speed has dropped off slightly!

They must have spotted us.

What?! This wasn't
part of the plan!

I thought they promised that there
would be no warships in this area!

Musai closing in!

Order them to stop.

We've found an enemy ship in a sector
where there should be none.

There are two ways to deal with it:
Capture it, or destroy it.

Don't you agree, Capt. Dren?

Y-You're right.

Attention, Federation vessel!
Stop your ship!

This is the Falmer,
carrying Lt. Cdr. Char Aznable!

Resistance is futile!
Stop your ship!

Did he say Char?

He destroyed five battleships
at Loum! They call him--

The Red Comet...

Why did we have to bump
into him of all people?

I repeat! Stop your ship!

Dren. Fire a warning sh*t.
A volley.

All turrets, prepare to fire!

Turret 1, aim starboard of the enemy ship!
Turrets 2 and 3, aim to its port side!

This is a warning! Got that?!
Don't hit them!

Turret 1, we have target acquisition!

Turrets 2 and 3, aiming...


Enemy ship has powered down its engine.

Good, that was skillfully done.

Dren, I'm going out in my Zaku.
Have Denim provide cover.

Pull up alongside them and wait.

What...! Wait! Lt. Cdr. Char!

So that's Zeon's
new mobile suit, the Zaku...

- I've never seen one before!
- A red Zaku...

The Red Comet...

You must surely be aware that we
are currently in a state of w*r.

By all rights, we should have
destroyed you without warning.

Why have you snuck into
the very heart of Zeon?

How? To what end?

There's just one of him!

I doubt it's for reconnaissance or sabotage.

We can take him!

Answer my question!

Failure to do so will only result in further
harm to your ship and her crew.

Pardon the presumptuousness
of my asking,

but are you Admiral Revil?

Yes, I'm Revil.

What will you do with that knowledge,
Zeon officer who is faithful to his duty?

I was unaware that you were
aboard this vessel, Admiral.

Please forgive me for so rudely
interrupting your voyage.

Safe travels to you, sir.

Lieutenant! Lt. Cdr. Char has
come out of the ship!

He has?

There's no reason for me
to get involved, then.

He seems to be returning
to his Zaku!

Enemy ship has powered up engine!

Lt. Commander!

Should we really turn a blind eye to an enemy
vessel that has violated our territory?

It's fine, Dren. That was a treasure ship
that was far too rich for my blood.

We came very close to ruining
a brilliant bit of political theater.

Cease-fire Negotiations Begin

M'Quve Granted Plenipotentiary Powers

Antarctic Treaty Concluded?

Sovereign and Supreme Commander
Confer Full Authority

Surrender Effectively Urged

We're here, Father!

Not too shabby, I suppose.

But not good enough to hire you for our
regular company flights, of course.

Thank you, but my top potential
employer pick is another company.

You mean Cameron?

That's a fine idea, too.
I have no objections there.

Please fasten your seat belt.
I'm taking us in to dock.

Hold up!

Sorry to bother you
while you're out and about,

but I need a minute
of your time, Amuro buddy.

We need to have a chat.
About your father.

Don't feed me more of that bull about him
being a Colony Public Corporation engineer!

He works for the m*llitary, right?
Just like I always suspected.

What's he doing in secret
that's so hush-hush?

He's trying to drag us into
the w*r too, isn't he?! Even us?!

Please get out of the way.


It's dangerous to stand
in the street like that!

Even if you are the
chief engineer's son,

I can't let you in.

Besides, some company bigwig
is here for a tour today.

My father asked me to come!

He wants me to fetch a bag with
memory chips in it from his lab!

Come on, kid...

You heard the man.

What the heck is a "Gundam"?!

Hello, you must be Amuro.

And you are?

William Kemp.

I work with your father.

So you really are a soldier...

You can tell me about
the Gundam, then?

How long have you known of
the Gundam's existence?

Did you hear about it
from Chief Ray?

What are you talking about?

Dad... Er, my father never said
anything about it to me.

How do you know about it, then?!

I'm asking the questions here!
What the heck is this "Gundam" thing?!

- Start upstairs. Work quickly.
- Hey! Who are you people?

Damn you! Stop, thieves!

Activating security mode!


I won't tell Chief Ray about
what happened today.

And you're not to divulge any of this
to anyone, either! Got that?!

This is your only warning, Amuro!

Well, that was a bust...

Amuro. I am ashamed.

Intruders got... the drop on me.


Scott City, International Joint Observatory Habitat

Ladies and gentlemen of the world,
this is Scott City, located in Antarctica.

Historic peace talks are about
to begin here in this place.

I see. That's good to hear.
Good work.

I'll put the whole team up
for special two-rank promotions.

Commander Judock reporting, sir!

The media arrangements
have been made?

Yes, sir! Most major stations on Earth,
including the colony sphere, have a live feed.

This will be a speech
for the history books!

Side 5, Loum

It will be difficult to
lose you right now,

but if you say you cannot remain here
while we are under Zeon control,

then that's that.

What do you say? I have a proposal
for your next job...

Would you be interested
in going to Side 7?

Side 7? Why there?

I know it's out in the middle of nowhere.
But it's free of Zeon influence.

This is Luna II. The Federation Forces
still have control of it for now.

That's it? That's Side 7?

One reason is that it's a development area
that's located opposite Zeon's Side 3,

so I doubt they would ever
want to bother with it.

However, there's a construction worker
population of about 30,000 there.

They're essentially a remote village
without a doctor at the moment.

Regardless of the current situation,
as a doctor, I can't turn a blind eye.

I'll go. I'll do it.

I'll go to Side 7!

In Scott City, where peace talks
are already underway,

delegates from both sides
are beginning to arrive.

Representing Zeon is Lt. Gen. M'Quve.

You'll be fine!

But it hurts!
Representing the Federation Forces
is Admiral Gopp.

It's okay, don't worry.

Mommy's right here, okay?

We've been awaiting
your arrival, Admiral Revil.

Hello, Wakkein.

It's good to see you still alive.

I'm sorry about Loum.

Please hurry, sir.
There's little time.

Hello, Elran!

I must say, I'm surprised! That was
quite the miracle you pulled off!

There's no getting one past you,
Adm. Gopp. Word travels fast.

Not at all! The whole
general staff knows about it.

What do you suppose
Revil will say?

I can guess.

I suppose our talks here
will all be a waste of time.

I wouldn't say that, sir. If we can sign
a wartime treaty, it will be worth it.

A ban on the use of nuclear weapons.
Biological. Chemical.

And of course the use of colonies
or asteroids as bombs.

In other words, "w*r all you like,
just be cleaner about it", eh?

We go live in fifteen seconds!

Ten seconds!

Five seconds! Four!


Ladies and gentlemen of the Earth Sphere,
I am Johann Ibrahim Revil.

As an admiral of the
Federation Space Force,

I led the relief operation
to our allied nation of Loum.

This ended in a resounding
defeat for us.

As commander, the fault lay in my
strategy and combat leadership.

Is this for real?

Why is he wearing
a field officer's uniform?

As you are aware,

I was injured and was held prisoner
in the Zeon homeland.

I am only able to speak to you today
from an allied base

because I was rescued by
the valiant soldiers of our forces.

We lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers,
as well as a great many warships.

I take full responsibility.

The fact that I was rescued by the forces
that I robbed of both glory and pride

is thanks to the grace of God.

Lt. Dren!

You should all listen to this.

It was a sign from God that I must

redeem the loss and disgrace of that defeat.

The curtain is about to rise
on a new act.

A second act,
in which there is no God.

If I should be entrusted
with that duty once again,

I would devote myself body and soul
to making up for that defeat!

I am aware that peace talks are being
held in Antarctica at this very moment.

Of course, I hope for peace as well.

However, a truce must not
be signed at this point in time!

This would not be an armistice!
It would be a surrender!

It would mean the people of Earth, with their
long history of culture and civilization,

yielding to tyranny and despotism!

Damn you, Revil...

Excuse me, sir.

The commanders of the
Earth Expeditionary Force

are assembled to receive
your blessing, Sovereign.

I'll be right there!

Well, Father... I'm off.

I've been promoted to colonel for my
distinguished service in the Loum mop-up.

I am taking command of the
North American Force, Western Sector.

Give it your all, Garma!
Silence all those ingrates!

I-I will!

Go crush every last one of
those w*r-loving Earthers!

It was a grand endeavor that only succeeded
because there existed a government

that embodied humanity's collective will
and knowledge, the Earth Federation!

that embodied humanity's collective will
and knowledge, the Earth Federation!

All this construction
for no reason I can see...

Zeon slaughtered billions
of innocent people

who were the backbone of
that grand enterprise!

And Gihren Zabi carried out the operation!

What right does he have to talk?!

What right does he have to talk?!

What made them resort t carrying out
the barbaric act of dropping a colony?

They are suffering, too.

An act such as this only proves that
they are already on their last legs.

An act such as this only proves that
they are already on their last legs.

Humanity hasn't taken this
as far as it can go yet.

Citizens of Earth, you must not
believe Degwin and Gihren!

Mirai Yashima
Serves on as*ault landing ship While Base.
Helm officer.

Their words are no more
than empty threats!

You must not stand for the
self-righteousness of the entire Zabi brood!

You must not stand for the
self-righteousness of the entire Zabi brood!

Take this!


You guys should come play
in the water too!

Mr. Kai, she asked us to join them.

What are you listening to?

When Degwin Sodo Zabi named himself sovereign

and seized power in Side 3, he gave a speech!

and seized power in Side 3, he gave a speech!

Is the w*r ending, then?

I want you to think back to his arrogant words!

You know... I don't think so.

Doesn't seem likely.

Kai Shiden
Serves on While Base,
fights in battle as Guncannon crew.


Amuro, wanna come play
in the water, too?

It feels great!

Fraw Bow
Serves on White Base, active in
medical team, mess hall team, child care.


Come join us in the water!

Sorry, I can't.
I have to go to practice.

- Aw, c'mon!
- Please! Pretty please!

Cut it out!

Hey, cut it out!

Hayato Kobayashi
Also serves aboard While Base.
Active as Guntank crew.

On the far side of that,

that's where the Gundam is...

Amuro Ray
Serves on While Base.
Climbs into new RX-78-02 Gundam,
active thereafter as its pilot.

Hey, now...

Let's see...

Hey, baby!

You seem kinda bored!

Care to join us for some fun?

Hm? What'cha listening to?
You look all worried!

Would you like to hear?

Pipe down and listen, though.
This is a very important speech.

We should not overestimate Zeon!

With its limited

human and material resources,

Zeon cannot continue
fighting for long!

Sayla Mass
Serves on White Base. Comms officer.
Later active as Core Fighter crew.
Real name, Artesia Som Deikun.

We must not
play into Zeon's hands!

We must continue to fight!

There are no soldiers in Zeon!

We are certain to be victorious!

Pegasus-class as*ault landing ship While Base

Atmospheric exit complete.

We have achieved orbit.

Accelerating and setting course
for Luna II.

She's a fine ship, isn't she, Mr. Bright?

Yes, sir.

This is a state of the art,
Minovsky Craft-equipped ship, all right.

That was quite an experience
for this reservist.

Now we just need to carry out
our mission, Mr. Bright.

Yes, sir!

Bright Noa
Takes receipt of the Gundam at Side 7.
Later leads ship as acting captain.

Where is Chief Tem Ray?

In his cabin, sir.

I'll show him to the bridge later.

At long last...

I thought the day would never come!

Amuro, your father has done it!

The Gundam is complete!

I haven't made life easy
for you, either, have I?

Will you be able to survive?