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Children Who Chase Lost Voices (2011)

Posted: 02/07/24 14:16
by bunniefuu


How are you?

Got it!

What a mysterious melody...

Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below

Production - CoMix Wave Films

Original Work/Screenplay - Shinkai Makoto

Music - Tenmon

Character Design / Animation Supervisor - Nishimura Takayo

Art - Tanji Takumi

Director - Shinkai Makoto

I haven’t been able to hear it again...

Good evening!

Good evening.

Thanks for watching over me.

I’ll bring you dinner later, ’kay?


You’re home early today!


Forgot to turn off the light.

Dad, I’m home.

How did you get in?

Quit it, Mimi!

Let’s give thanks...

That sure was a mysterious song.

You think I’ll be able to hear it again?

Goodnight, Mimi.

A light?

Maybe it was my imagination...

Next, Yazaki Yuu-san.

Keep up the good work.

I will!

Next, Watase Asuna-san.


Asuna-san has the best score
in the class once more.

She’s first again?

You’ve really been working hard.

That’s our class rep for ya!

She’s a studyin’ machine!

Now then, there’s a warning
I need to give you.

Lately there have been reports
from some students

about a creature near Obuchi
that looks like a bear.

It was near the railroad bridge...
My brother said he saw it.

Just in case, please go straight home.

Please go home with a friend
that lives near you.

Yes, ma’am!


Want to walk home together?

Oh... Sorry, I have to hurry back.

Thanks for asking, though.

Sure... Maybe another time?

Five kilos of rice, please.

Thank you, as always.

Oh, are you all right with that?

Just fine, thank you!

What lovely weather...

I can’t hear the birds...

W-What in the world...

Stay away!

Stand back.

It’ll be okay.


Its life is coming to an end.


I’m sorry for putting you
in such a scary situation.

This is the end, you see.

U-Um, wait a sec...

Trust me.

I’m sure I came here to meet you.

You’re awake, I see.


The danger has passed, so you
can return home safely now.

Um... You saved me, right?

Thank you!

It’d be best for you not to come
near this mountain any longer.


I know what I saw!

There were definitely people there.

Two kids, about this tall.



Over here.


Is Asuna-san absent?

I do hope she’s feeling all right...

Now, I think you all might have heard already,

but that bear appeared yesterday
on the Obuchi Bridge.

We know! A freight train hit it, right?

I heard the police are investigatin’.

But I heard it’s already dead.

Pardon my interruption...

It might still be near the routes you take
to school, so take extra special care.

Yes, ma’am!

Yuu-san, will you tell Asuna-san for me?


Also, the substitute teacher
that’ll be filling in for me

while I’m on leave will be coming tomorrow.

Is she pretty?

Sorry, but it’s a man.

A guy?

No, I’m definitely going.

It was the bridge right ahead, I heard...

How frightful...

I heard they already started
the trains up again, they did...

Well, there’s only one every two hours!

Heya, Asuna-chan!


Lovely sunny day, yes?

Yes... Well...

Oh, Sato-san...


Hey, did you hear? They say that bear
showed up on the Obuchi Bridge!

Dead end. Safety first

It’s here!

This is...

Tree saplings...

From the power of vita aqua?

It’s crystallizing...

Perhaps someone has come up to the surface.

Search the area!

I figured she would come.

Even though I warned her.


Actually, I was hoping she would come, too.

I thought I told you not to come.



Why, you traitor...

You were only supposed
to get along with me!

You no good two timer...


was my place to begin with.

I don’t want anyone telling me
not to come here.

I’m the same way.

I came here because I wanted to.

I’m Shun. It’s nice to meet you.

I’m... Asuna.

Your arm!

It’s bleeding... Is this from yesterday?

Oh, it’s fine.

But it’s my fault that you...

You should get it looked at
in the hospital later.

My mom works there.

It looks like you have everything here.

Yeah. But it’s the first time
this has ever come in handy.

I kinda wanted my own place, so
I brought things up piece by piece.

You know?

And this is the best place
for the tuning into the radio.


Okay, all finished!

Thank you.

Would you like to listen?

I use this crystal instead of a diode.

Depending on the weather and time of day,
you can get different signals.

Hey, that stone...

Got it!


It’s a music program, see?


Want some?

Thank you, I was hungry.

Before, just once, I tuned in to
a really mysterious melody...

It was a song different from
any music I’d ever known before.

Almost like it was the sound
of someone’s heart itself.

When I heard it, I was both sad
and happy at the same time,

and I was able to feel like
I was no longer alone...

It will stay with me, always...

I wish I could hear it once again.


You aren’t going to ask me anything, Asuna?

I’m sure you must have many questions.

Like what that bear thing was?


Yeah... But I’m okay for now.

There’s so much to ask...

I bet it’ll take a while,
so I’ll come back here tomorrow.

I came from a different land named Agartha.


A foreign country?


There was something I wanted to see,
and someone I had to meet.

But now I’ve accomplished everything I wanted.
I have no regrets.

So your wish came true?


You should go home before it gets dark.

Right... I’ll go home after
the cicadas stop chirping.


I’ll give you a blessing.

Close your eyes.


W-Was that a... k-k-k-kiss?


All I wish is for you to live.

That’s all I want...

U-Um, uh...

Sorry, see you tomorrow!

Tomorrow, then.

Whoa, what a shock...


So, it was she who heard my final song...

She called you Mimi, right?

Please, lead Asuna to a better place in my stead.

At this point, the fear is almost unbearable...

But at the same time, there’s
just as powerful happiness.

It’s like my hand can almost reach them...

I’m home, Asuna.

Welcome home! You must be tired
from the night shift.

Yeah... Oh, two lunches today?

Yeah, one’s for a friend!

Mom, you’ll eat breakfast, right?


Maybe we could eat it together?

What are you talking about?
You’ve eaten already, right?

I can still eat a bit more. Actually,
I’m still kind of hungry.

No. You have to make sure
you’re not late to school.

Asuna, why don’t we go out
to dinner somewhere tonight?

I have the day off, you see.


Then I’ll be home before six!


Today’s Saturday, right?
Where are you going?

To a friend’s place! See you later!

Hey, what happened to your scarf?

I lost it. I’ll buy another at the school store!

Have a nice day!

A friend, huh?

Are you sure about that?

Ah, I see. Yes, yes...

Anyway, I’ll ask tomorrow.

And I told him I’d come today...

Maybe it’s because of the rain?

I’m home.

Sorry, Mom... can you get me a towel?

My, look at you... you’re sopping wet!

You didn’t take an umbrella?

No... H-Hey, I can dry myself!


What is it?

The body of a boy with your scarf
wrapped around his arm

was found in the Shimonofuchi riverbed.

Asuna... That boy died.

That’s got to be someone else...

After all, it’s not like he fell or anything.


I’m fine. I’m sure it’s a mistake, don’t worry.

Since it’s raining, let’s do dinner
some other time.

I need to do my homework.


I’m fine, okay?



Dad’s not coming back anymore?

Is he, Mom?

To wish for something like that...
I’m sure he wouldn’t want that, yes...

Dad said that death was a part of life, after all.

Even so...


And in that way, his wife died.

Overcome with grief,

Izanagi decided to travel to the land of Yomi
far underneath the earth,

in order to bring his dead wife,
Izanami, back from the dead.

After traveling deep underneath the earth,

they finally reunited, and she said:

“I have already become a resident
of the land of the dead.”

“However, if the god of Yomi allows it,
I can return home with you.”

“But for that to happen,
there is one condition.”

“While I am talking with the god,
you must not look at my body.”

But Izanagi broke that promise.

He opened the gate to Yomi.

And therefore Izanagi’s wife
can no longer return with him.

That’s from the first verse
of the Kojiki Mythology.

Similar myths of people heading
below the earth to resurrect people

are found throughout the world.

The land of Yomi.

Underworld, Hades, Shambhala, Agartha...

They are called different names,

but they are all said to be worlds
underneath the earth.

People once believed that the land of Yomi
held the secret to death itself.

Everyone, it is time to go home from school.

Is there something about Asuna?

Those students still in the building,
please turn off the lights,

No, she just seems very serious, so I was
wondering what kind of student she was...

close the windows, and be mindful
of cars on your way home.

Yes... She’s well behaved,
and a very good girl.

[Mythology section]

But her father passed away when she was young,

and her mother seems to be
very busy with her nursing work.

I do wonder if she’s trying too hard
to be good, you know...

Is that so?

And they found that corpse of
the unidentified boy before, yes?

Asuna, aren’t you going home?

Yuu... I have something I’d like
to ask Morisaki-sensei.

I don’t really like him so much...

Today’s lesson was kinda scary...


I heard a rumor that his wife died...

Pardon me.


Seems like he went home already.


See you tomorrow.


Um, I’m sorry, but I had something
I wanted to ask you.

Wait here just a moment.

Do you drink coffee?

Yes! If you could put some milk in it...

Thank you.

Um, I’m sorry for barging in like this.

I asked Ikeda-sensei where you lived.

As you can see, I live by myself.

Make yourself at home.

Of course, I’ve just arrived here...
All I really have are books.

So, what is it?

U-Um, about class today...

You were listening very intently, yes?

You have someone you want to
bring back from the dead?

So, it was you who met the boy
that came from Agartha...

Look at this.

We call them “Quetzal Coatl”.

They are the gatekeepers that
guard the entrances to Agartha.

And what do you think of this one?

It looks similar to the one from before.

It’s a 3,000 year old statue
of a god from Sumeria.

Once, there were gods like this
all around the world,

guiding the path of the yet young humanity.

Those are the Quetzal Coatl.

Eventually humanity grew up, and the existence
of gods was no longer necessary.

The Quetzal Coatl, realizing
their role had now ended,

hid themselves under the earth as gatekeepers.

Along with a number of different clans.


A small number of humans went with
the Quetzal Coatl underneath the ground.

In other words, to the underworld, Agartha.

In Agartha remain the gods that disappeared,
and knowledge yet unknown,

and it is said to be a place
where wishes can be fulfilled.

Even resurrecting the dead!

Is Agartha real?

Who knows? Perhaps it is just a legend.

All I have been doing is researching
all the different theories.


You should head home. It’s getting dark.

Thank you.

I’m not sure I was much help...

No, you were... Um...

Sensei, I’m sure that Agartha really exists.

It’ll be night soon. Go straight home,
and don’t stray from the path.


Hey, wait... Mimi!

Wait, I said!

Mimi, where are you?

Shun-kun, Shun-kun!

I knew it!

Who are you?

Did he make contact with a Topsider?


He’s gone. Just forget everything that’s happened.

Arch Angel? I have to go!

A boy from Agartha?
Hand over the clavis.

Who are these people?

Damn it!

Don’t hit them.

We’ll let them lead us to it.

That jewel...

This clavis? I came to
the surface to get it back.

This way, they can’t get in.

Wait until morning and then go home.

The surface?

So Agartha really is underground?

You’ve even heard about that?

Shun-kun... Could you have
lost your memories?

Now see here...

In there.

Damn it! They’re coming in!

Hey, how far are we...

Hurry up and follow!
They’re coming after us!

Shun, is this cave...

I told you already! I’m not Shun!

I’m under no obligation to save you, you know.

Then what’s the deal? If you’re not Shun-kun,
then who are you?

Quiet. You stay here.


The gatekeeper.

The gatekeepers once guided humans long ago.

But because of the polluted atmosphere above,

most of them have lost their senses...

It’d be great if they remembered...


Stay there!

Are you okay?

It’s not over yet. Take the clavis.

I don’t want to k*ll the gatekeeper.

I have to put him to sleep!



If there’s a Quetzal Coatl,
then this must be the entrance!

Are you okay?

Let’s run...

This is a Pakicetus...
They were supposed to be extinct.

What is it?

An ancient whale from 50 million years ago.
k*ll it.

But we have to recover all the evidence...

As long as we get that clavis,
there won’t be any complaints.

Do it.


Come here with that clavis!

If you don’t, I’ll k*ll the boy.

Don’t do it.

I could just k*ll both of you.


I’ll save you when I see a chance.


Come, and don’t stop halfway.

Watch over the boy here.

Is that the gate?

Most likely.

Neither expl*sives nor drills will be
effective, like at the South Pole.

Touch the clavis to that light.

What’s the matter? Do it.

The Interstitial Sea...

Finally, it’s within my grasp...

Good work, men.

Commander, what are you...

I’ll be going alone from here.

Give the old men back at
Europa my best wishes.

Don’t move!


What’s the meaning of this?


Now that I’ve come this far,
I have no reason to be your enemy.

All I want to do is go to Agartha.

Agartha is falling into ruin.

Nothing Arch Angel hopes to find is there.

I do not seek the secret to eternal life
or the knowledge of the ancients.

All I want is to return my wife to the living.

Do as you wish, I don’t care.

My only mission was to retrieve the clavis.

What’s your name?


I’m Shin. Shun’s younger brother.

Shin? Then, Shun-kun is...

My brother is dead.

He knew that he couldn’t survive
on the surface for long,

yet he broke the rules and went anyway.

I’m leaving now.

You can open the exit even without a clavis.

I’m sorry about you getting involved, Asuna...


I’ve put you in a scary situation.

Morisaki-sensei, why?

Have you heard of the name Arch Angel?


It’s the only organization that
recognizes the existence of Agartha.

It wants the knowledge of the underworld
in order to lead humanity on the proper path.

I am a member, and have been searching for
the entrance to Agartha for ten years.

But, the people you were with...

Arch Angel is actually just
a group of empty headed Gnostics.

I have no interest in such things.

My only goal is resurrecting my wife.

I’m now going to head to Agartha,
and search for a way.

Sorry for putting you in such danger.

I knew it... It’s vita aqua.



I’m coming too!

Why? Do you want to bring
that dead boy back to life?


I don’t really know...


It may be a dangerous journey, and I don’t know
when we’ll be able to return.

I understand.


This is an ancient fluid known as vita aqua.

It is hardly buoyant at all, so if it fills your lungs,
you should be able to breathe.

Agartha is below.

Um, Sensei, wait...

It’s okay. You can breathe in the water.

This is to bring back someone precious...

Make your decision, Asuna!

We’ll be able to meet her soon...

Yes... I pray that this child’s life
will be a blessing...

Don’t worry. Just by being born,
life is already full of happiness.

That’s right...

I need to be born soon.



Are you awake?

That little guy popped out of your bag.

You brought it with you?


When did you...

You might not have the luxury
to take it with you the whole way.

With me?

Sensei, is this...

It looks like we can get through those stairs
on the other side. Let’s go.

Something is here.


This might be a gatekeeper, a Quetzal Coatl.

It’s looking at us.

I guess we’ll have to take it straight on.


Mimi, come here.



Asuna, let’s go.

That might be more useful than I thought.


Sensei, look!

Shakuna Vimana! The ark on which rides God itself!

It’s just as the literature said...



A clavis?

A fragment of one? But why do you have that?

It’s a crystal for a radio.
I was told it was a memento of my dad.

A memento?

Clavis is Latin for “key”.

It may end up being of help to us later.

Take good care of it.


Let’s head in the same direction as that ark.

Something should be there...
Something we are looking for.


There are traces of villages,
just as you thought!

Although no matter where we go,
they’re in ruins.

There might still be some vegetable fields.
I’ll go check.

Come here, Mimi!

Toward Finis Terra...
The Gate of Life and Death...

Sensei, look!

Looks like I’ve found tonight’s dinner...


Some potatoes might be poisonous,
so just in case...

I’ll remove the poison with water!

And also, your clothes...

Yours are pretty dirty too, you know.

I’ll wash them afterwards,
so please get changed.

Potatoes, yay!

These are good.

Thank goodness there was still
some salt left in the kitchen.

I’m surprised.

Is this journey fun for you?


Whenever I listened to the radio,

I felt like there was a far off
world I had to get to.

“This is not where I belong.
There is a place I’ve never seen before...”

Then I met a mysterious boy,
and chased him all the way here...

Ever since I came to Agartha,
my heart has been racing for some reason...

That’s why I’m sure that ahead of here, something...


Not being able to see the stars
at night makes me somewhat uneasy...

It makes you realize just
how solitary human existence is.

Shin Canaan Praeses.

As for the recovery of the clavis,
we laud your service.

But you have made a grave error.

A man and girl have come from
the surface with clavis in hand,

making pace toward the Gate of Life and Death.

What? But I have the clavis right here...

Theirs is a different fragment.

You stood there and foolishly allowed
those Topsiders entrance into Agartha...

This was a grave error.

But the task which I was given was only...

Out with such excuses! Don’t you understand?

Our days of prosperity are long past,
and we are living the long days of twilight.

Our wish now is to fade away into Astral,
the endpoint of life itself.

But every time a gate is opened,

Topsiders come and press in upon Agartha,

throwing our peaceful existence into turmoil...

We shan’t ever forget the suffering
we once endured, be it even for a moment.

Such a pity.

Facing the coming of age ceremony,
your eyes are as of yet not open.

Unable to peer into the vision of the Quetzal Coatl...

Unsuited to sense the breath of the clavis!

Your brother had natural gifts.

But his soul was weak, and his yearning
for the surface grew ever stronger.

Shin Canaan Preases, I give you a new task.


Seri! Aren’t you in the middle of a task?

Just a short break isn’t a problem.

Seri, about Shun...

I know.

It’s a shame.

No... Even if the illness was hastened,
I’m sure that Shun saw what he wanted to.

Shin... You have another task, yes?

Yes. I have to find the Topsiders
and confiscate their clavis.

But that’s...

It’s not like I was told I had to k*ll them.
But if I have to...

How awful, making you do such
a dangerous task all by yourself!

After our parents died,
the people of the village raised us.

I have to repay that debt.


Thank you very much...

Maybe we should make some soup?


What is it?

You seem to be getting along
all of a sudden.

Well, if it comes down to it,
we can use the cat for food.

I’m joking.


It’s like you’re my... dad.

Don’t be silly.

How rare for you to get a fever.

I thought it was my job
to fall ill all the time.

I’m sorry.

If you feel that way,
can you promise me something?


Even when I’m gone, promise me
you’ll keep on living a good life.

Lisa, my next mission will be over soon.

After I get back, let’s go back
to my country together.

If we do that, your illness will--

That’s not what I asked.

Listen... All people pass on sometime.

The only difference is whether
it comes sooner, or later.

And I’m just going a bit before you...

There’s no changing that.


Don’t say that.

You aren’t going to leave me,
and I am never going to leave your side.

I would never prepare for your absence...

For certain...

Lisa, are you there?

Um... Sensei, you seemed like
you were uncomfortable, so I...

Asuna... Did I say something?


A rainbow.

They’re heading to where the Izoku dwell.

I must hurry!

Got it!

I see...

So the scenery that I would see while
listening to the radio was part of Agartha...

Let’s go, Asuna. On a journey to know
what it means to say goodbye.

It’s okay, don’t cry. You’re all right.

Any luck?

What should we do?

What’s wrong?

They’re gone.

I see the clavis!

They can’t go out from the shadows!

Come here!

It’s okay, come here!



Please, you can do it!

Grab on!



You’re... Shin?

Looks like you got it right this time.

This is a nest of Izoku.

They will devour you and
your so-called defiled blood.

We’re getting out of here!

Shin! How did you know we were here?

Um, after we last met,
I chased after you into Agartha!

And that’s caused me a whole
lot of trouble, thank you!

What? I just wanted to see you again...

Don’t talk, just run!
They’re coming after you!

I am running!

Shin! Shin, they’re coming!

Asuna, jump!



You okay?

Let’s go!

Asuna, you have a fragment of a clavis, right?


You should hand it over to me.



I have to save him.

Hold it, little guy!


Hey, Asuna!


A horse?

He told you to give him the clavis?

It doesn’t seem like those things

were planning to give us a nice welcome.

And what’ll we do with her?

What is it?

Something’s over there?



You’re covered in sweat!



You’re safe, too?

Thank goodness. You’re conscious...

Ah, right... We were swept away...

Wait, I’ll get you water.


You’re from Arch Angel!

I know you have a clavis.
Leave it here and get out of Agartha!


How should I know?
This is what I’ve been tasked with!

Hand over the clavis!

Let’s go where she pointed.

There might be a village there.

I’m taking him with us.

Do as you wish.

There are people here!

The first living village.

Let’s go, but watch yourself.


It couldn’t be...

They’re Topsiders.


A bad omen...

I hope everything’s okay...

Everyone, stand back!

It’s the defiled child that was kidnapped.

The one who can no longer speak
after her mother passed away.


Dinah’s child, yes?

She sure has grown.

Thank you for bringing our village’s child back.

But you are Topsiders from the surface.

Our village of Amaurot cannot
accept Topsiders.

Please turn back.

U-Um, could you at least take
a look at this person?

Those clothes... He’s from Canaan?

He’s injured, and he has a fever.

Why is someone of Agartha
with those from the surface?

I cannot.



Manna, I’m so happy you’ve come back!

Please, forgive my village’s rudeness.

Not a word of thanks for saving
my granddaughter, eh?

Old Master!

Just for one eve... Must I suffer the dishonor
of not even doing that much?

This way.

Taking you through the village
would cause you to stand out too much.

His fever will break soon.

Although it will be a little while
before he is able to move again.

He’ll live, so there is no need for worry.

Thank goodness.

This is all thanks to you...

That was a wound from the Izoku, yes?


They hate both light and water...
They’re a cursed tribe.

But they are part of the structure that
maintains this world in its current state.

That is why they hate it so when
the two sides are mixed together.

Mixed together?

So, that child...

Manna’s father is a Topsider.

Things such as that happen not oft.

Get out of our village!

Get out!

I apologize, Miss...

But the coming of Topsiders is not
looked upon as a good omen to us.


In the past, kings and emperors from the surface

came to steal the wealth and wisdom
of Agartha for hundreds of years.

The kings needed Agartha’s
knowledge and treasure

to rule over the surface, you see.

And what they brought in return
were countless wars...

We were more glorious than
anywhere on the surface.

But our cities were all destroyed,
and our birth rate dwindled.

Now only a handful of villages remain.

And so we shut the gates with the clavises,

locking them to prevent anyone
from the surface from entering.

I’ll show you to my archive.

Will you help me prepare dinner there, Miss?


This way.



What next, Elder?

Would you cut up that bigroot for me?


You mean this?


A daikon...

Hey, Mimi!

I’ve never seen a Yadoriko get along
so well with a Topsider before.

Yadoriko? You mean a cat?

Animals in which reside God’s children.

Raised along with humans,
after they serve their purpose,

they become one with the Quetzal Coatl
and live on for eternity.


Isn’t it nice to be mistaken for such
a wonderful creature like that, Mimi?

Now then, would you give Manna
a bath before dinner is ready?

A bath?!

Baths sure are amazing...

Hey Manna, hold it!


How do you like this outfit?

I borrowed it from the Elder.

It doesn’t suit you.

Don't cry while you eat.

But it’s so good!

Elder, I wondered if you could
answer my question from earlier.

It is forbidden to bring back
the dead here in Agartha.

If it is forbidden, that means there is a way.

Life and death are just part of
the flow of something much bigger.

People must not be permitted
to interfere with that flow.


Whose permission must I ask?

Elder, we have made a long and
treacherous journey to come here.

All I want to know is where and how
one can reunite with lost loved ones.

That is all.

Grieving for the dead is proper,
but to pity them is fantasy.

You should not have involved such a
young girl in your delusional quest.

Asuna came here of her own free will!

Well, I...

All you do is sit here staring up at the gods,
locked up in this cellar for 2000 years!

Miss, I apologize, but can you look after the boy?



Those clothes...

don’t suit you at all.

That’s not a nice thing to say!

Why did you do it?

Why did you save me?

Because you saved me, too.

I was ordered to clean up
after my brother.



Don’t force yourself...

You can’t stay here.

Damn it...

I should have let the Izoku k*ll you,
then taken your clavis.

No, I should have k*lled
those Arch Angels on the surface.



I said leave!

We’ll leave early tomorrow.

Get right to sleep.

I’m sorry. I can’t shelter Topsiders for long.

I’ve said what I could to him.

Tonight, at least, sleep together with Manna.



Everyone set out on their journey
as a heartfelt cry for help.

If only somebody had been able to stop them...

Our time together made me feel like
my daughter had returned to me.


Manna, take care!

The boat should get you across the lake
in two days and one night.

From there, you will be near the place you seek.

You have my thanks for all that you’ve done.


Mimi, come here.

Hey, we’re going...


I think the little one has fulfilled its duty.

People cannot decide what the Yadoriko do, see.


I thought we’d always be together!



Asuna, you just have to accept it.

Elder, please...


Sensei, wait! I still...


Manna, take care of Mimi!

Mimi, listen to what Manna says, okay?



Do you remember what you said in class?

About the myth of Izanagi and Izanami?


I was curious about the end,
so I read the rest in the library.

What Izanagi saw at the bottom of the earth
was a frightful, rotten visage of his wife.

Even so, is it right to bring back
someone from the dead?

We’re close to the end of our journey.

You must decide yourself what you seek
at the Gate of Life and Death, Asuna.

A light? People?



Don’t worry, they shouldn’t be
able to reach us here.

The part it played in this world is over,
and it is time for it to pass on to the next.

Cry for it all you can.

For her sake, as well...

What’s that?

It will be here soon.

Quetzal Coatl! And a really ancient one, too...

And in that way, it becomes
part of an even larger life...

I wonder if Asuna thinks of it that way?

Even though something precious
to her has died...

Elder, perhaps it is because the world
of Agartha has learned too much

about how short and meaningless life
is in the present...

Isn’t that why it has begun
to fall into ruin?

You are being as naive as
that Topsider man.

They have longbarrels!

Are they going to stop them,
even if they have to k*ll them?

The same task you were given.

What will you do?

I don’t know.


I will repay my debt!

Everyone has gone.

It's over that ridge.

We must hurry before the Izoku come out.


Can you hear that?

The soldiers from Amaurot!


Hide! I’ll finish this quick.


They’re trying to k*ll us now!


I didn’t ask for you to butt in!

Don’t k*ll anyone.

You’ll just increase Agartha’s hatred.

The boy from Canaan?
Why do you defend the Topsiders?

They saved a girl from your village.

You owe them a debt of gratitude!

If we leave the Topsiders,
they will bring us ruin.

We cannot allow this root of evil.


I’ve paid my debt... Go now!


You’re not bad.

Please, allow me.

It’s the end of this world... Finis Terra.

The Gate of Life and Death is
at the bottom of this cliff.

Hurry... Don’t let his actions go to waste.

Lose as much weight as you can.

We’re climbing down to the bottom.


I can’t! Isn’t there some other way...

There’s no time for that.

When the sun sets, the Izoku will come out.

Let’s go.




Listen to me, please.

You crossed through the Interstitial Sea,
and came this deep into the world.

I know you will be able to get past this cliff.

Remember why you came to Agartha!

But... But, this place is...


...can’t do it.

Enough of this. You have lost
your place in Agartha.

I never had one to begin with!

I understand. I’ll go on alone.

Give me the clavis.
You carry this.

Go back up the river to the Elder’s.

When night falls, enter the water
to be safe from the Izoku.

Asuna, you have your own life to live.

I'm glad you came on this journey with me.

The clavis has disappeared
down into Finis Terra.

We can pursue it no further.

But there is no way for the Topsiders
to survive descending that cliff.

Boy, neither Agartha nor the surface

can provide you rest or peace any longer.

You have chosen to wander aimlessly
for all eternity.

Think on that, and repent.

I’m sorry for forcing you to gallop so far...
Can you stand?

Where should I go now?



Damn it!

The defiled...

k*ll... Devour...

Defiled... Devour...


I’ll give you a blessing.

Mom, what’s a blessing?

A blessing?

“I’ll give you a blessing.”

Did someone say that to you?


It’s like how happy I was
that you were born, Asuna.

I think that’s a blessing.


Want to walk home together?


I’m sorry about you getting involved, Asuna.

Why did you save me?

Just how solitary human existence is...

I will repay my debt!



Why have you come to Agartha?


It’s just because...

...I was so lonely.

No way...


I’ll see you soon.


The water is gone!

When did...



Wait here!

Devour the defiled...


I... have to live...


The dawn is breaking.

It’s good you’re safe, Asuna.


Thank you for saving me, Shin.

I never properly thanked you, have I?

My body just moved on its own.

I wasn’t thinking about
trying to save you.


The color of your eyes is
a little different than Shun’s.

Yeah. And my brother was taller,
and his hair was a slightly different color.

What are you, a kid?

So are you!

You really aren’t Shun, after all...

Are you still...



Don’t cry!


Shakuna Vimana!

It’s heading to the Gate of Life and Death.

That’s where Sensei is...

That Arch Angel guy made it?

Vimana is the ark that carries life itself!

Finis Terra!

I thought I’d gotten a lot farther away...

I must have gone around
in circles during the night.

Quetzal Coatl!

Asuna, this Quetzal Coatl is...

You know?

It’s probably come here to die.


This is...

A graveyard of Quetzal Coatl!

This is...

...the Gate of Life and Death?

A song?

Before they die, the Quetzal Coatl do this...

They sing a song containing
all of their memories.

This goes out, changing the form
of things everywhere...

Without us noticing it, the vibrations in the air
enter our bodies and intermix within us.

By doing this, they make sure
their memories exist for eternity,

somewhere within the world.

I’ve heard this song before.

It’s always stayed within me...


Shin, I have to go to Sensei.

I think he might be in trouble alone.

But, the cliff...

It says that it will take us there.

Shakuna Vimana!

This is Agartha’s... god.

State my wish?

I have never once forgotten these
past ten years, even for an instant.

I once truly tried to get past
your death, but it was no use.

I cannot find any meaning in
a world without you in it.

Lisa, return to my side!



These are... stars?

Shin, look!


Lisa, is that you?


You say to offer you a living vessel
in which to place her soul?



I didn’t want you to show up here.


Asuna, what’s the matter?

A soul of the dead is in Asuna’s body...

You damn Arch Angel!
Did you choose this?


Don’t give up your heart!

You won’t be able to come back!

Asuna, Asuna!

It’s cold...

Where are you?



So that girl alone wasn’t enough?



Dear, are you there?

Asuna, snap out of it!

Arch Angel, give Asuna back!

Your eye...

It’s too late, I’ve already paid the price.


I’m right here.


What is it? It looks like
you’ve grown a bit older...

I’m sorry, Lisa...

No, Asuna!

Asuna, come back!

That boy... I know him.

Asuna, come back!


Why is it that my heart...

Lisa, stay here.

I’ll be right back.




Please, stop this.

Lisa has done nothing wrong!

The living are more important!


You’re going, right, Asuna?

Yeah... Farewell.



I’m sorry, Dear.

I wasn’t able to protect you...

Lisa, no...

Don’t go...


I love you.

I loved you!

Find... happ... iness...

k*ll me.

k*ll me, please.

I heard a voice telling me to live,
embracing the loss.

You should have heard it too.

It’s the curse that we humans must bear.

But I think it’s also...

...a blessing.

♫ Hello, goodbye and hello ♫

I met you, and now I say goodbye

Hello, goodbye and hello

And hello to this world without you

Back then, I didn’t know what it really meant to say goodbye

My breaking heart was always searching for you

If I could have reached you,

there’s so much I’ve wanted to tell you

I vow, with all of my feelings,

to wish your smile would never fade from beside me

♪ Hello, goodbye and hello ♫

I met you, and now I say goodbye

♪ Hello, goodbye and hello ♫

And hello to this world without you

Asuna! Hurry and leave or you’ll be late!

It’s the graduation ceremony, after all!



I’m heading out!

♪ Kimi o suki ni natta toki kara hajimatteita kono tabi ♫
Ever since I fell in love with you, I’ve started this journey

♪ Hello, goodbye and hello ♫

♪ Kimi no koto o itsumo wasurenai yo ♫
I met you, and I’ll never forget you

♪ Hello, goodbye and hello ♫

♪ Soshite kono michi o aruite yukunda ♫
And I’ll keep walking along this path

♪ Nakushitakunai negai ♫
The wish I don’t want to lose

♪ ichiban tooi hoshi dato omotta yo ♫
I thought it was the most distant star

♪ Sora wa hirogaru asu no you ni ♫
Like the wide open sky of tomorrow,

♪ hatenai keredo te o nobashitai yo ♫
I want to stretch out my hand without end

♪ Hello, goodbye and hello ♫

♪ Kimi ni atte ima kimi to sayonara ♫
I met you, and now I say goodbye

♪ Hello, goodbye and hello ♫

♪ Soshite kimi no inai kono sekai ni Hello ♫
And hello to this world without you

♪ Hello, goodbye and hello ♫

♪ Kimi ni atte ima kimi to sayonara ♫
I met you, and now I say goodbye

♪ Hello, goodbye and hello ♫

♪ Soshite kimi no inai kono sekai ni Hello ♫
And hello to this world without you...