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A Letter to Momo (2011)

Posted: 02/07/24 15:18
by bunniefuu
The inland sea is just
how I remember it.

Here. In case you're thirsty.

It's beautiful out there,
don't you think?

Come to think of it,

the last time I was here
was just before you were born.

Did you know that?

Hey, I think that's Shio Island
right over there.

You see it? Momo, look.

If you look behind that
big island straight ahead,

you can see it peeking out.



It hasn't changed one bit.

It's old.

That's what makes it special.

- Ikuko.
- Auntie.

Long time no see.

I've been bad about
keeping in touch.

I'm so sorry.

You look great.
How are you doing?

Your uncle and I have been
taking it easy these days.

Oh, your furniture
arrived already,

but take your time unpacking.

Sorry for the trouble.

It was no trouble.

The movers did
all the heavy lifting.

I even had them
haul out some of our old junk.

Well, I'm still sorry I wasn't
around to help you out.

Thank you for letting us
stay here.

This is Momo.

Momo. Aren't you a
pretty young lady?

Just like your mother.


Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you as well.

Come in and make
yourself comfortable.

This is your new home now.

Of course. Thank you.

- Which one is ours?
- This one.

Uncle and Auntie live
in the other house.

What's the story with
that big new bridge?

It looks like it's going
to be enormous.

- Yup, it opens in September.
- That makes traveling easier.

I wonder if it's ultimately
a good thing.

It means more people
will pass through here.

I just hope they don't
mess up the island.

You have a point.

Oh, are you still having
those asthma att*cks?

Don't worry.
I have it under control.

You can smoke if you want.

Hey, Momo,
when your mom was a little girl,

she'd stay with us,
'cause the ocean air

was good for her asthma.

Bet you didn't know that.

You said you wanted
to work right away,

but what are you going to do
with your condo in Tokyo?

I already sold it.

I suppose I could've
rented it to someone,

but didn't want
the extra headache.

I see.

Yeah, best to keep
things simple.

Besides, it'll be a nice
change of pace

having the two of you around.

Everyone else here is boring.

Most of our neighbors on
the island are our age,

so we welcome
young people around here.

I'm flattered you consider
me a young person.

Of course.

We're much older than you,
if not any wiser.

You have mail.

Oh, oh, lkuko?

No way. Koichi?

It's been forever.

I heard you were coming back.

I'm glad I ran into you.
You look amazing.

Hey, I heard you started
your own business.

No. I gave that up
quite a while ago.

I didn't like being my own boss.

I'm much happier doing this.

That's Momo.


This mail here isn't mine.
It's next door's.

You keep mixing them up.

Oh, no. That means
I gave them your mail.

What was your business again?

He ran a delivery service.

OK, I'll get it right.
See you in a bit.

He hasn't changed at all.
So funny.

Is the clock broken?

Yeah, it just suddenly stopped
sometime this spring.

I took it to the shop,
but they couldn't fix it.

We were so used to
having it up there

that I guess we never got
around to taking it down.

Oh, Spring, huh?

If it bothers you,
you can get rid of it.

Momo dear,

would you help me carry

We have to go above.


The attic's practically
in the clouds.

Come on up.

Told you it was high.

I know. It's a disaster,
isn't it?

It's my own fault.

I don't like
to throw anything away.

Momo, grab that bag
and bring it over here.

Thank you very much.

Oh, you've got quite the eye.

Go ahead, open it.

Flip through it.

It's spooky but interesting.

It's a very old picture book.

Your great-uncle's father
collected them.

I have boxes of them
if you want to see some more.

That one you're reading
happens to be very rare.

If you like it, you can come up
here and read them

any time you want.

Glad I didn't have
to make two trips.

Careful going down.

It's so high, I feel like
the air's thinner up here.

What? Are you serious?

It shouldn't be a surprise.

I told you I'd be taking
nursing classes.

Yeah, I know, but

I thought it didn't start
until the 15th.

No, it's the 5th.

Wait that's tomorrow.
I almost missed my first day.

That would've been bad.

What am I supposed
to do all day all alone?

Well, there's all this

and since your old school
is letting you

submit assignments remotely,

you have homework to do.

That's not what I meant, Mom.

Go take a bath.

I'll find the shampoo
and bring it in to you, OK?



You know what? Forget it.

You're selfish,
and you're a liar.

I don't care if you come back.


I'm sorry. I don't understand.
What happened to the ship?

I see.

What about my husband?

He was aboard that ship.
Is he OK?

I understand. Thank you.



What were you going to write?

What was it?

OK, let's go.

And that's it,
last one on the list.

Mom, are there no
supermarkets here?

And no malls, either.

No way.

Just pick one already.
Hurry. Everyone's waiting.

It's a lot of stuff, but I think
the two of us can manage.

That boy over there
is about your age.

You should go and talk to him.

Mom, no.

Hey. You single?

So, Yota, does your
family grow citrus, too?


We just moved here.

Glad we were able to meet
someone Mama's age.

She doesn't know anybody yet.

Yota! Over here!

Yota, would you
mind introducing her

to the rest of your friends?

- Sure.
- Go on.


I'll see you around.
Come on, Umi.

Come visit anytime.

Thank you.

I made you some rice balls,

and there's also a few
puddings in the fridge.

Why can't I just go with you?

Are you kidding me?
You'd be bored out of your mind.

Besides, the phone guy's
supposed to come today,



See you tonight.

I think I'm going crazy.

OK. Let's hit the kitchen.

Would you let your mom know that

the installation charge
will appear

on next month's bill?

Or I suppose you could just
give her a call.

Well, have a great day.

It's already super awesome.

I left it open.

We should check out
what's in the fridge.

We're gonna have to wait
till Momo leaves.


You'll never believe it.

I only made, like,
four mistakes today.

Pretty cool, right?

Or not cool.



I'm just seeing things.
I must be.

Oh, no. Where am I?

What are you doing? You OK?

If you ever get lost again,
just head towards the sea.

This road circles
around the entire island.

Follow it,
and it'll take you home.

See something?

Your house is that way.
I live in that direction.

Do you wanna see straw boats?

No one's here.

My grandpa's making the boats.

He must've stepped out
or something.

See this?

This is what they look like
when they're finished.

It's pretty awesome, huh?

He makes them for
the Miyajima Festival.

They'd put them out to sea,
and then...


My grandpa's better
at explaining it.

That's cool.
I probably should get back.

I told my mom
I'd meet her at the ferry.

Thanks for your help.

I gotta go.

Hey, Momo, hold up.
Wanna go diving tomorrow?

I'm going with some friends.

where the heck were you?

I really could've used
your help just now.

Fine, I'll check it for you.

When did you become such
a scaredy-cat?

You left the door open.

Yeah. I was running for my life.
Just go check.

I'm going.

How hard is it to remember
to lock the door?


Do you want us to get robbed?

Hurry UP-

Sorry. I mean please?

Momo, what happened? Are you OK?

Something licked my leg.

Huh? I don't see anything.

It's there. It's right there.

There's nothing there.

That's why I ran out of
here so fast.

You don't have to make excuses.

Just lock the door behind
you next time.

What about the puddings?

You think I ate three
puddings by myself?

I'm not mad that you
ate all the puddings.

There's definitely
something weird here.

There isn't.

- Is too.
- Stop it.

I've had enough
of this nonsense.

What now?

Hey, can we go back to Tokyo?

There's nowhere to stay there.

We'll just find a new place.

You'll get used to it here,

Now hurry up and eat.

Spit it out.

It's just, that's not fair.

Leaving Tokyo and moving here,
that was your choice, not mine.

Of course the choice was mine,
and I did ask.

You said you didn't care.

I just think I should
get a say, is all.

Can we please just go
back to Tokyo already?

I'm going crazy here.

Eating three puddings in one day

is not a sign that
you're going crazy.

- I didn't eat them.
- Then who did?

Why don't you believe me?

Since Yota invited you,
I think you should go,

meet people, but if not,

start unpacking your things,
and do your homework,

and don't skip breakfast,

oh, and Auntie said
she'd make lunch for you.

OK, bye.

Hey, wait.

Oh, no. Lkuko just left.

Mame, you're supposed
to be watching her.

- Get going.
- But I'm hungry.

Come on. You'll find more
food in town than here.

Wait, where's Momo?

Her Highness is probably
still sleeping.

If I don't eat something
right now,

I'm gonna eat one of you.

Not if I eat you first.

I'm so hungry, after I eat you,
I'll eat myself.

Is that a new dance?

I hope not.

Bad joke.

This is Momo.
She's totally weird, but cool.

- Say hi.
- Heyo.

- Weird's awesome.
- Nice to meet you.

Finally, another girl
in the group.

This is great.
There were too many boys.

Oh, right.

Last one in's a rotten egg.

It may seem high,
but don't be scared.

Try not to think about it.
Just jump.


Tidal wave!

Death from above!

Water's great.

It's nothing. Just watch me.

Whatcha waiting for up there?

It's fun, promise.

Yeah. Do it.

Nice one.

You can do it.

- Bet you can't catch me.
- Come on. It's fun.

Is she coming?

Don't think!

- Got you.
- He totally got you.

Hey, hey, come on, guys.

Hey, stop, stop,
stop, stop, stop-

You guys are ganging up on me.

Take that.

Hey, where are you going?


This sucks.

If there's one thing I don't
miss about this place

it's the weather.

I find thunder and lightning
very, very frightening.

Plus, I just hate feeling like
I wet my pants.

You don't wear pants,

and your frog-like body

appears to be quite
water resistant.

Frogs are lame.

Plus, their talking
sounds like farts.


Wow, the sky really let it rip.

What I don't get is,

why do we have to fend
for ourselves down here?

I mean, seriously,
what's the point?

Punishment, remember?

They need to get over it.

Oops. I landed on Mama's lap.

Oh, no.

I think she sees us.

We're so screwed.

The orchard was ransacked again.

The police are useless,
as usual.

We need to
get rid of those wild boars.

Are you OK?

I brought you some lemon cake.
It's homemade.

Made from our own lemons.

That's my father's.

He liked that kind of stuff.

He said they were
originally gods,

guardians, but they were
turned into goblins

as punishment for
breaking the divine laws.

Is that true?

You know, my father said he'd
seen a few with his own eyes.

He used to tell me all about it
when I was a little kid.

I didn't believe him,
but it still gave me nightmares.

What's the matter?
Aren't you gonna eat it?

I will if you won't.

Uncle, I think I saw one.

Oh, and there's one more thing.

My father told me to never
ever tell a single soul about it

or something terrible
would happen.

Too late now.

It's just as well.

He was prone to making up
all kinds of stories.

So he was probably just
pulling my leg.

I mean, if you really take
a closer look at those images,

they don't actually look
that scary.

They just look weird,

almost funny if you ask me.

Why are you still here, Mame?

We told you to follow
lkuko to lmabari.

This oughta be good.

I chased a butterfly
and got hit by a car.

- I'm shocked.
- Butterfly.

That's him in the center,
your great-grandfather.

They're always there,
watching over us.

It's like they're staring
straight through me,

judging me,

I feel like I need to be
on my best behavior.

If, by some crazy chance,
I saw a goblin,

what should I do?

Don't show them any fear.

Otherwise, they'll
swallow your soul.

They're always hungry,
and they feed on souls,

fear, and anything else
that's lying around.

Stand your ground
and stare them down.

They'll run away.

My father said they're
actually cowards.

I wonder if it's true, though.

I don't wanna have
to stare down a goblin.

Oh, please, oh please,
don't let them show up again.

"I'm going to the orchard
to help out."

"I left you a few rice balls
for lunch."

"P.S. I'm expecting a package
this afternoon,"

"so stay home."

"Thank you."

Stay home?

Home alone again.

Your idea is never gonna work.

But it is the master plan.

The hamster-kitten was
a master plan, too, remember?

Do the plan.

Rice balls.


I know what you guys are,

and I'm not going to let
you swallow my soul.

You are dreaming.

Hey, what about
your master plan?

Oh, master plan.

We three are goblins
who were vanquished

by Lord Sugawara.

We had been sealed away

in that picture book
in the attic.

Since you freed us,

you are now forever
cursed with feeding us


Sandwiches? Wait.

I thought we were sent
from up above to get...

I am the one they call lwa.

The frog man is Kawa,

and the tiny little
snake monkey is Mame.

As you can see,
we're just regular guys.

So there's nothing
to worry about.

Stay away.

Hey, watch it.

Don't you know brooms
are dangerous?


No! Don't break it.

That's our travel pass.
It's super important.

If you break it,
we can't get back,

and we'll be stuck here
starving forever.

Why are you telling
her everything?

What's wrong with you?
Give it back to us.

No! Stop. Please.
Don't do it, I beg you, please.

Don't do it.

All right, all right, you win.

We will do anything
you tell us to.

OK. What would you
like us to do?

Anything you want,
you just name it.

I might have something.

How about I give
this magic wand to you?

That's my pen.

Just kidding.

Hang on, I have other stuff.

Magical fruit?

I'll tell you what I want.
I want you to leave my house.

That's impossible.

We surrender!

Abort mission.

OK, we'll leave now,
but we have one request first,

that you give our
travel pass back, pretty please?

OK. You can borrow it for now.


OK, OK. We're leaving now.
Just don't break it, please.

But it's uncanny how she knew
I'm so afraid of brooms.

For a second, I thought
she might be a witch,

but witches don't
wear jean shorts.

But that brat can see us,
so maybe she is a witch,

just a witch who's a brat?

Oh, wait. I think I know why.

When we dropped down
into this world,

we must've accidentally
touched Momo.

I'm fairly certain that's
the reason why she can see us.

Man, oh, man, do I miss
the old days.

When a human used to sass us,

we'd just kick 'em
in the buttocks.

Those were the days.

All right, enough moping.

A young maiden's heart
is fickle.

I'm sure she'll let us
back in the house now.

I'm sure she will.

Are you nuts?

Thank you.

You've been pushing
yourself so hard.

Maybe you should take
some time off.

Yeah, I know,

but focusing on work
keeps my mind occupied,

and I'm gonna have to
move on with my life

sooner or later.

So it might as well be
sooner than later.

Not to mention,

we can't keep being
a pain in your butt forever.

Oh, stop it now.
We enjoy having you around.

Kazuo was one of those
rare good men.

You must miss him.

Yeah. Working helps me
cope with it.

Like they say,
"Plow to reach heaven."

Guess it's true.

These terraced fields
are amazing.

We don't have enough
flat farm lands here.

So our ancestors
made those terraces.

Are you OK?

The tea went down
the wrong pipe.

I was afraid your asthma att*cks
were starting again.

No, thank God.

That was scary.

Maybe you should
switch to coffee.

Finally. Now I can
go to the bathroom.

It's occupied.

I'm so sorry.

What are you doing?
I told you to leave.

We can't.
We'll get in trouble if we do.

That's not my problem.

No way.

Itchy butt.

You know, if you break that,
we'll never be able to leave,

and you'll be stuck
with us forever.

You really are a monster.

Hey, let go, you mutant.

Here, eat.

So you're the thieves.



Fine! You win. You can stay,
but no more stealing.

Oh, man,

the house is haunted by goblins,

Mom's gone all the time,

and I still have to do
my homework.

They were telling the truth.

Momo, you upstairs?

Oh, you're back.

There you are.
I picked up some snacks for us.

Come and have some.

She can't even see it.


I'm gonna visit your dad later.

What're you talking about?
My dad died at sea.

Do you look more like
your father or mother?

I don't know. Look at
his photo on the family altar.

Why are you asking me
all this, anyway?

I have absolutely no idea.

Why did I ask that?

I tend to forget things.

OK. Coast is clear.


I left without saying
good-bye, and I'm sorry.

Oh, that's OK.

You didn't have to
come over just for that.

Hi, Momo.

Hi, Umi.

Hey, awesome.
You found my raincoat.

How did you know it was mine?

Your name's written on it.

Who are you?

Just ignore her.

Umi can get
a little weird sometimes.

Umi, stop being creepy.

Well, my work here is done.
I better go.

This is a reminder that there
is a General Assembly meeting

today at the community center

to discuss
the school preparations.

Hope to see you all there.

Great-Aunt and Uncle
will make you lunch later, OK?

Well, I'm off.


Why was it asking about Dad?

Well, one man's custard
is another man's pudding.

Yeah. Oh, by the way, something
got in my fields again.

What a mess.

- Wild boars?
- Yeah, most likely.

I just wanted some wieners.

Hey, are you getting
used to the island?

If you have any questions,

I know a delivery man
you could ask.


So, your mom's at school today?


Was there anything else?

Well, nothing
that I can think of.

- I'll see you around, then.
- Cheers.

- I'm going first.
- Hey, wait.

Not bad.

Move over.

Yota, I'm diving in head first.

- That's gross.
- You're gross. Hey...

You're welcome!

What an amazing dive.

Are you insane?
That wasn't a dive.

You pushed me.

You're lucky I didn't drown,
you freak.


Another excellent dive.

This isn't funny.

You promised me,
no more stealing.

If you're hungry,
catch some fish.

Fish makes me gassy.
Trust me, it's not pretty.

I'm going to the store.

Oh, you sneaky little scoundrel.

What? She offered.

Don't let him take
advantage of you, dear.

He's cheap.
Make sure he pays you.

OK, I will.


do you know if there's
a place on the island where

someone could eat if
they didn't have money?

- Are you still hungry?
- No, that's not what I meant.

I mean like something
that grows in the wild.

Your best bet would be
to go fishing.

They can't stand fish.

I mean, let's say they
didn't like fish.

There's probably wild
veggies in the mountains.

This food better be
worth all this hiking.

Please stop saying
the word "food."

It's driving me crazy.

I haven't had a meal
in three days.

You ate my breakfast.

Breakfast isn't a meal.

I can feel my stomach
eating itself.

Hey, wait up. Wait.
Can we ride on this thing?

Don't touch that.
We'll get in trouble.

What? "We'll get in trouble."

Listen up, sassy pants.

Big old stinky mouth here
used to be so strong,

he could swallow every person
in a village in one breath.

Like this. See?

He looked like a giant
vacuum cleaner.

He could just suck 'em up.

Sucked out your guts.
Good stuff.

Glory days, they pass you by.

So if you wanna
keep your guts, let's ride.

How long do we have
to ride this?

Man, this thing moves slow.
Are we there yet?

We're looking for wild plants,
so past the fields.

I'm working up a
pretty good appetite,

so these plants better be good.


You know what?
Your hair does look like a nest.

Who asked you?

- Do you see that?
- Wild boars, oh, yummy.

Come back. Wait.

I got two!

- They're really mad.
- You think?

- Keep running.
- Don't look back.



Wait up, you jerks.

They're rabid.

- Oh, no. Here they come.
- Hurry.

They're just babies.
You can have more.

I knew we'd get away.
They're no match for us.

You two were gonna
leave me there all alone.

I can't wait to gobble you up.

Yes, yes, I'm just drooling
thinking about it.

You can't. They're babies.
What's wrong with you?

No. Look.

They don't give up, do they?

You're gonna have
to let them go.

I'm eating the pig.

You have to.

OK. Time for me to be a hero.

Nice going.

Look out! Boars, twelve o'clock!

Kawa, use your special attack.

It's so bad.

That was awesome.

I think I'm gonna throw up.

Inhaled too much poison gas.

Gonna pass out.

They're back!

Kawa, hit 'em again. Hurry.

I'm outta gas.

I could actually go
for some fish now.

The boars must've eaten
all the wild vegetables.

I hate boars.

This sucks. We were so
close to having a feast.

Oh, wow.

You have to take a look at this.

It's the most
beautiful thing ever.

- You can't eat the view.
- You can't eat the view.

Well, that's busted.
Guess we're walking.

- What?
- What? We'll never make it.

I'm so weak now, I could have
a heart attack at any second.

Oh, there it goes.

Just leave us here
to waste away.

Well, I would, but I'm
kind of afraid of the dark.

It's too late. My vision's going.

- Help me.
- Hurting. Oh, the pain.

By divine grace,
we've been healed.

Yes. It's a miracle.

How long are you gonna
keep playing that card?

Oh, my back.

Mom, I'm home.

There you are.

You're back.

You got dirty.


That little witch.

She thinks just 'cause
she has our travel pass,

she can boss us around
like common slaves.

Well, we'd do the same
thing if we were her.

I bought you some snacks
with my allowance.

I'll buy some more later.
Just stay out of the fridge, OK?

Eat up.

You should've just fed us
in the first place.

It would've been a lot easier.

- Where were you?
- Bathroom.

Hey, Mom, did Dad love the sea?

You know what? I was thinking.

The island isn't that bad,
after all.

You know what occurred to me?

We've been doing this work
for a very long time now.

Tell me about it.

And to think, there's
a chance it won't ever end.

If only we hadn't
slacked off and maybe...

What's past is past.

Oh, yeah, don't forget,

we have to send our report
to the big guys upstairs.

We have to turn in a report?

We always turn in a report.

Our job is to report on how
Momo and lkuko are doing.

Hold on, I thought
we were here 'cause

we were vanquished by
Lord Sugar-Wuga or something

and then sealed in that
book for, like, infinity.

We just made that up
because we couldn't

tell Momo the truth, remember?

I've got it.

Mame will write the report
to help him remember

what our job description is, OK?

How brilliant.


Hey, Umi.

I have a secret.

We're going diving today.
It'll be just Yota and me.

You should come with us.
It's going to be fun.

See you there.

Momo, lunch is ready.


Sounds good.
I'll meet you in an hour.

Great. Meet you at the bridge.

I don't know
how to read or write.

- Man, I'm burning up.
- Yeah, it's real hot today.

Oh, before I forget,

have you noticed anything
out of the ordinary lately?

I've been getting reports
about young ladies' bags

and hats that've gone missing,

and the orchards and fields
are still being ransacked.

So do me a favor.
Keep your eyes peeled, will you?

Hey, Koichi, have you heard
a single word I just said?


I don't know why I bother.

Why am I going so slow?


He'll just assume
the heat got to him.


You in here?

Where are you?

"Dear Momo."

He was supposed to be
reporting on Momo, not to her.

This report seems light.



That's better.


Not to toot my own horn,

but this might be
my finest work yet.

I completed the report already.
Now it is time to dance.


What are you doing,

and why are you
dressed like that?

Make no noise.

This ritual requires
absolute silence.

You should dance with us.

No. I don't even know
what you're doing.

Momo will dance.

Are you deaf? I said no.

Please will you dance?

Absolutely not.

Pretty, pretty, pretty please?


- What's wrong with you?
- You're doing the dance wrong.


Like this. And this.

From the top.


So cool.

Where'd it disappear to?

It went, oh...

We sent it to Lord Sugawara,

yeah, you know,
the spirit we mentioned before.

He wants to know how
we're doing since

he's stuck up there
and can't see us.

We said we're running around,
having a grand time.

What a great cover.

You can send letters
to dead people?

- I guess we can.
- Really?

Don't listen to him.
He doesn't know.

I have a letter I want you
to send to my dad.

Wait here, OK?

Oh, boy, we're
in big trouble now.

A letter?

I left it right on my desk
in my bedroom. I know I did.

Your desk?

I have no idea where it
would be, no idea at all.

You sure?

What about you?
Have you seen it?

What do I do?

I don't think she's coming.
Should we go and get her?

Nah. Let's wait a bit longer.

It has to be around
here somewhere.

Where could it be?

Yota and Umi!

The typhoon will bring about
a heavy storm surge

as it travels north
along the coast.

By this evening, it is expected
to reach Fuchu

and the Shikoku Islands.

I guess I'm lucky
I don't have school today.

I might as well catch up
on some cleaning.

How about you?

Are you finished
with your homework yet?

You should probably
work on it tonight

since you can't go out.

Are you listening?



Momo, have you seen
my small hand mirror?

Can't you knock?

But your door was wide open.

About my mirror...

I don't know. Last I saw,
it was lying on your dresser.

That's odd.

I don't mean to brag
or anything,

but I get handsomer
every passing minute.

It's obviously my inner
beauty shining through.

Let me see.

Hello there, handsome.

Since the two of them
are stuck at home,

our job today
is infinitely easier.

I feel like a pretty girl.

This is better than nothing,

but we need protein,
or we'll never feel full.

I think they come back.

I'm hungry again.

That's it.

How many times have I told you?
Absolutely no stealing.

What are you doing with that?

Hold your horsies.

All I did was borrow it.
That's all.

What do you want with it?
That's not just any mirror.

My father gave that
to my mother as a present.

So you can't have it.

Give it back right now.

Calm down.

Stop it. You're overreacting.

Give it back, or else.

Momo, are you OK?

What is all this?

Did you hurt yourself?

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to,
but I broke your hand mirror.

This isn't about the mirror.

I want you to tell me
the truth now.

Have you been stealing?

I haven't. This isn't
what it looks like, I swear.

Then care to explain to me
how all of this got here?

But, Mom, I...

I'm waiting, Momo.


You wouldn't believe me
if I told you the truth.

Goblins live here.

They're always hungry,
and so they steal.

Momo, stop lying to me.

But I'm telling the truth.


I am not lying to you.

All right, then.
Then where are these goblins?

They're over there.

No, they're not.

Yes, they are.

They're not.

You can't see them.

Mom, you've changed.


You've been different
ever since Dad died.

Don't change the subject.

What do you care?
You're never home.

It's like you can't stand
to be around me.

Just leave me alone.

And what's worse is
that it's obvious

you forgot about Dad.

Where are you going?

We're not finished here,
young lady.

What happened to you yesterday?

We waited for you.

I'm sorry.

It's OK. I get it.

I couldn't dive
until I was eleven.

Don't feel bad.
You'll be able to do it.

The festival's almost here.

I don't know about you,
but I'm excited.

All our dads take
the straw boats out to sea.

It's actually pretty cool.

My dad, he's dead.

Cheer up, little human.

Yeah, I used to fight
with my mom all the time.

You're not helping.

Besides, the fight
was your fault.

You know...

right before my dad died,
we had a fight.

When my parents first met,
on one of their first dates,

my dad took my mom to go see
the Vienna Boys' Choir.

On their anniversary this year,

the Choir was
performing in Tokyo.

I told my mom about it.

I asked her to buy
three tickets to the show...

and then I asked my dad
to keep that day open for me.

I didn't tell him why,
because I...

I wanted it to be a surprise.

On that day,
he suddenly had to leave.

Hey, I'm sorry.

I'll be back next week.
We can hang out then.

It has to be tonight. Don't go.

This is very important research.

I have to, Momo.

There are too many
people counting on me.

Fine, then go.

Hey, forgive me?

Forgive me?

Please, please?

Forget it.

You're selfish,
and you're a liar.

I don't care if you come back.



I don't know why
I said those things to him.

I beg your forgiveness.

I didn't know how
important the letter was.

I sent it up there by mistake.
You have to believe me.

Wait. What do you mean,
you sent it?

UP Where?

I don't just mean the attic.

I'm talking about
"up there" up there.

Hey, Dad,
is that boat gonna be OK?



Have either of you seen Momo?

I saw her at the beach earlier,
but that was hours ago.

Thank you.

Hey, wait. I may have
said something to upset her.

Are you OK?
You shouldn't be out here.

We'll get you some help.

You might not believe this,
but a long time ago,

we used to be really bad dudes,

but then one day,

our boss became fed up
with our shenanigans.

He decided to take away
our handsome bodies

and with them,
all our awesome powers.

Now we're just errand boys
who take orders from above.

And cursed to always be hungry.

Sometimes it really sucks
to be immortal.

Why don't you ask
Lord Sugawara for help?

'Cause he doesn't exist.

What? He doesn't?

Do you not have a brain?

He's gotta be
playing dumb, right?

He's lucky he can forget.

Listen, Momo, the truth is,

after a person has died,
they can't go above right away.

It's like a waiting period,

and during that time,

the spirits of those who
have died just kind of

wander around the earth.

Then when they are transitioning

to that place up there,

they can't watch over
their loved ones.

So we do it for them.

That's our job as guardians,
and that's why we've come here,

but once your father gets there,

he can watch over you again,
and our job will be done, see?

Anyway, your father
should get there tomorrow.

Tomorrow can't come soon enough.

No offense, but you've been

one of our more difficult

We're expressly forbidden
to intervene in human's lives.

I'd say more, but we have
sworn to absolute secrecy.

It's very serious.

Hey, blabbermouth,
it's a little late for that.

So then my dad is...

Momo, is that you?

Thank goodness I found you.

Your mom's really sick.
Hurry up and hop on the back.

Come on.

What happened?

Oh, there you are.

I'm here.

Momo, I'm glad you're safe.

Are you all right?
I didn't mean to make you worry.

Did you call for help?

We tried, but there's only
one doctor in these parts.

The doctor in Mitsuko
had a house call.

'Cause of the storm, they're
stranded on another island.

You're soaking wet.
Why don't you change?

I'm fine.

Mitsuko's sister's calling
them right now.

Hopefully, she'll be
able to get through.

I'm afraid I don't have
good news.

Unfortunately, they can't launch
a boat or helicopter

until the storm dies down.

That's why I've always said

we need more than
one doctor in this area.

So what do we do now?

Well, we'd still need
a qualified medical professional

to administer oxygen
or give her a muscle relaxer.

The inhaler only does so much,

and she's not supposed
to use it that often.

Help her.


There, there. Try to relax.

It'll be OK.

The bridge.
What about the bridge?

Well, it's technically
completed, I guess,

but it's not open to the public,

and with the typhoon,
it's too risky, bad idea.

So what now?

We just sit around
and do nothing?

Don't worry.

The doctor will be here as
soon as the storm dies down.

But what if that takes too long?

All we can do is wait.

The best thing is to try
to keep your mother calm.

Poor thing. She's been
through so much lately.

It's too much for one to take,

and she's kept it
bottled inside.

It can't be good for her health.

I was wrong.
She hasn't forgotten.

My mom's having trouble

and needs a doctor right away.

I need your help
crossing the bridge.

That's impossible.

I told you that we are
forbidden to interfere

with the lives of humans.

I'm begging you.

No way. We're in enough
trouble already as it is.

You have any idea what
kind of punishment

they'd give us for that?

I didn't want to have to resort
to this.

Even if you break the pass,

I'm sorry, but we still
can't help you.

He's telling the truth.

And we'll be gone by
tomorrow, anyways.

So you might as well put
that away, OK?

You're nothing but
a bunch of cowards.

I'll do it myself.


Koichi, go after her.


Where are you going?

Wait. Momo.

The bike. Take the bike.

- Good idea.
- I'll run after her.

The keys.

I was only thinking of myself.

I never thought of what
she was going through.

You shouldn't be out here.
Let's go back.

You can't stop me.

Are you crazy?
It's too dangerous.

I don't care.
I have to help my mom.

What if you drown?
How's that going to help her?

Calm down.

Now let's go back.

No, I can't.

Right before my dad died,
I had a huge fight with him.

Today, I said some terrible
things to my mom.

So I have to go.

I have to save her
or die trying.


Come on. Can't you help her?


She's gonna do it with
or without you.

So you might as well help.

Well, what's it gonna be?


They're both just kids,
and yet they're so brave.

Why can't I?

I have to confess,
I care about your mom.

So let's save her!

Yota, wish us luck.

Yeah! Go, Momo! Don't give up!

What if we broke the rule?

The last guys who did
were cursed to eat

their own feet every
morning for eternity.

The punishments
are always food based.

Man, that sucks.

I don't wanna end up like that.

But if lkuko or Momo dies,

what do you think
they will do to us?

Good point. Well, if it's
of natural causes we're OK.

Anything else would mean we'd
failed our jobs as guardians

and we'd be forced to
eat our own heads.

In the worse case scenario,
if both of them die...

Wait a second.

If they die because of
something we failed to do...

You're right.

But if the reason we have
to break the rule

is because we're saving Momo,

then all we're really
guilty of is

carrying out our duties
as guardians, am I right?

And so we should be able
to escape any punishment.

You're a genius.

Hey wait, wait.

Your plan only works
if we succeed in helping her.

What powers do we have?

You can run super fast

and all I can do is
make smelly farts.

What good are farts in a storm?

But we have friends.


OK. Here we go.


Make sure you're
holding on tight!

Hold on!

- Are you OK?
- Let's keep going.

No use. It's stuck.

My mom.

Hey. Dad!

I need your help to save Mom!


Iwa. Kawa. Mame.
You came. You actually came.

Hang on.

We'll shield you from the storm
so you can go faster.

Here we come.

What just happened? The rain.

Now's our chance. Let's go.

This is bananas.

Snap out of it.

Alright, I'm on.

Hey. Wake up.


Riding a scooter can't be
that much different

than a dragon, right?

Here we go.

Not bad, huh?

I see the other island.

Hang on.
This is the final stretch.

Thank you.
Wait here 'till we get back.

I hate the rain. This sucks.
We'll be here waiting for you.

I've gotta run home
for a minute,

but I'll be right back.

Thank goodness.
You're still here.

Thank you.

My mom's going to be OK now,
and it's all thanks to you.

No need for thanks.

We were just doing
our jobs as guardians.

And saving our butts from
punishment at the same time.

Before you go,
I have a favor to ask.

I wrote a letter.

Could you deliver it
to my dad for me?

that's against the rules, too.

Hey, wait.
I can never remember the rules.

So maybe I can
deliver it for you?

I really envy this idiot

So long. I'm always gonna
wonder how your liver tastes.

And I'm always going to wonder

how that delivery guy tasted.

And I'm always...

What was I saying?

What's in those bags?

Don't. Let go.
It's just my recycling.

Never mind.

I don't know why I expected
anything different from you.

Off you go.

Well, then, thank you
for the generous parting gifts.

Is there maybe a chance
you'll come back to visit?

I don't think you'd like
that very much.

I mean, unless you want
a loved one to die.

Oh, right.


Dear Dad,

I'm doing well.

I wanted to apologize

for all the horrible things
I said to you.

I didn't mean them.
I hope you forgive me.

The goblins who were sent
here to watch me saved Mom.

So if you see them,
please thank them for me,

although, come to think of it,

they might look different now.

Mom and I miss you a lot,

but we'll do the best
that we can to make you proud.

Thank you for watching over us.

We'll try not to do anything
to make you worry.

Dad, you're the best.
I love you.


You know that letter you found?

Well, I think I know what
your dad wanted to write to you.


I have a feeling he wanted
to say that he was sorry.

You think so?

I know so.

Funny thing about your dad,

he could always write
an excellent research paper,

but if he had to write down
his feelings,

he'd have trouble
finding the words.

Maybe he was just too
sensitive to others' feelings.

Your dad would've liked this.

He really did love the ocean.

Momo, I'm sorry
for slapping you.

It was wrong of me,
and I should've...

It was my fault.

I was being insensitive.

Well, you've been through
so much lately.

I know, but I'm still sorry.

I guess I was wrong.

I thought I had to put on
a good face and look strong,

pretend to be happy
to help you cope,

but it just made both of us
feel more alone.

It's OK.

Let's make a deal.

I want us to be more open
and honest with each other, 'K?

Sure, but I'm moody
and a teenager.

What else is new?

One more thing.

Thank you, Momo.

Wow, that's so cool.

Go, Dad. Push hard.

Nice. That went far.

Hey, Momo.


What time is it?

That was so cool.
That was so much fun.

I know.

Well, shall we go?



I don't believe it.

Is there something
written on it?

"I'm already proud of you."

"Please take care
of your mother."

"I'll always watch over you."


Now it's gone.



I had a feeling,
just like him, too,

short and to the point.

Hey, Momo,

where's your weird friend?

He had to go back.

You still scared?

Come on. I just rode
through a k*ller storm.

Heads up.

Thank you.

Cool. Nice jump.

You did it. You really got guts.

Welcome to our little
private pond.

Just don't ever dive
head first, OK,

or your swimsuit will come off.

No, seriously.