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Tibetan Dog, The (2011)

Posted: 02/07/24 15:24
by bunniefuu
You're bold and powerful,
strong and vigorous;

you move like greased lightning,
galloping on the vast grassland.

You're the companion we never had;
you're the friend we always need.

You're Doogee.
You, are unforgettable.

The Tibetan Dog


It was the year when I was ten,

I left Xi'an, my hometown, for Tibet.

My mother passed away 2 months ago;

I turned to the guide GaWang...

to help me find my father...

who's been living alone
on the prairie for years.


Ah, ah!

Your father lives in the tent over there.

Hey, Wala. Is the householder in?

Tianjin, wait here.

I haven't seen my father since I was an infant...

that I couldn't even remember what he looked like.

Tianjin, this is your dad.

GaWang, thank you.

My pleasure. Here.

I bought it in town, as you told me.

Thank you; but I don't have
enough cash to pay you back...

Master told me not to take your money.

Well, thanks.
I'll go see Master in a couple of days.


Tianjin, see you.

Come on in.

Put on these clothes.

Yours are not suitable for living here.

You have to go with the customs
and forget about the city life.

Dad... dad?


Never mind.

I was meaning to ask why he was not there...

when my mother got sick.

My dad was a doctor;

maybe there was a chance that he could save her.

But I didn't have the guts to ask.


- So you are Tianjin?
- Yeah.

You're a big boy now.

- Do you recognize me?
- No.

I used to babysit you when you were a baby.

I'm SuoNaMu, remember?

Suo... SuoNaMu?

I'm here to welcome you.
We've got to celebrate, right?


why are you here bothering LaGeBa?
He's finally seen his son again.

It's okay.

LaGeBa, it's time for you to
keep your son company. He's just got here.

You've come just in time;
you can teach him how to herd sheep.

What? Well, then...

Tianjin, you're wearing your clothes
in the wrong way.

We Tibetan like to leave an arm uncovered
when it's hot.

Here we go.

It's not that difficult to herd sheep.

Keep them in your sight, that's all.

Does my father have to keep sheep
to make a living? Isn't he a doctor?

He doesn't earn his crust out of being a doctor,
you know. He never charges the poor.

He came here to be a saint
while he should've looked after my mom.

Your parents met...

when your father was studying medicine in the city.

They came here together
after your father finished his study.

You mother didn't adapt to
the local customs and the living condition;

therefore, she took you back
when you were a little baby.

They had no other choice;

we need your father here.

Sometimes it's hard for adults to choose
between family and work.

This is for me?

Mommy, it's your most precious thing, isn't it?

Sweetie, remember the song I used to play?

Would you play it for mommy, now?

I'll practice it every day
as long as mommy gets better.



Let's go to the Master's.
Get on the horse.

Oh no!

Come and see for yourself;
see this enchanted Charm Potion!

Don't make fools of us!

That Hair-growing Potion you sold me
isn't working at all.

You only have yourself to blame
for not following my instruction.

I told you only with the Tibetan Mastiff King's licking
on your head can the potion does its job.

Are you kidding me?
Who dare mess up with it?

You are such a coward,
that's why chicks are not into you.

What the hell are you talking about?

You want chicks? You buy the potion then.

Well... how much?

Five gold coins.

What? Five?

You don't want it?

You lost your chance.

Fine, fine. I'll have it.

Let's call it a day.
Sorry, we're closed.


It's kind of QiangBa to support our business all along.

There comes the douche bag!

That's the son of his, right?
He seems funny.

So, this is Tianjin?

Yes, he is.

Looks just like you.

Master, thank you for the medicine.

My pleasure.

How is MeiDuoLaMu doing as your apprentice?

She studies hard and helps a lot.
She's taking the day off today.

Learning to Combine the Chinese and Western
medical science is the reason I sent her to you.

Really? All by myself?

You have to practice herding sheep on your own.

But I...

Don't count on others for help.
Stand on your own feet.

Hey! Hey!

Come back here! Come back!

Oh my God... Wala, wait here.

Wala, what can I do?

Come on! Back to the flock!

Wala, what is it?

I can't move. Jesus!

Oh my God...

Thank you for saving me.

Dad, you know when I was...

I'm called out to a distant village.
Stay and watch the house tomorrow.

Whose dog is that?
You know him, Wala?

Well, even if you know, you can't talk.

- Bingo!
- Bingo!

You're the son of LaGeBa, Tianjin, right?
Came from the city?

Yeah. Why did you throw stones at me?

We wanna check out how different you are.


Hit him! Hit him!

Hit him!

That's all you got, huh?
Lame City Boy! Let's go.

Nuopu, what you waiting for!

Terrible food, annoying sheep and
offish father; I can't take it anymore.

Are you worrying about me?

Thank you. I'm alright.
I don't want you to consider me as a crybaby.

Where is the flock?

Where is the flock?

Anyone here?
It's the smell of blood...

What happened?

Where have they gone?

They are back! Problem solved.

Let go of it!

Let go!


Are you alright?

Some sheep are dead.

It's him that informed us about the wolves.
We're worried about you.

Once the Tibetan Mastiff King is here,
everything is under control.

The Tibetan dogs are really something.

Now you're talking. No wolf
can compare with the Tibetan dogs.

Look! That's the Tibetan Mastiff king.
The black one.

He conquered every single dog here.

Who is that?

It's him...

- You know him?
- Yeah.

I've never seen him before.

- There might be a fight.
- Why?

Each dog has his own territory.

The newcomer has to show what he's got.

No! Don't let them hurt him.

Why do they fight?
They are of the same kind.

Tianjin, look at the golden one.

He is challenging the Tibetan Mastiff King.

We shall stop them, right?

The king dog doesn't accept the challenge, does it?

He won't attack until he figure out
the actual strength of his enemy.


Nari! What are you doing!

Why does the golden one act weird?

He neither sees her as an opponent
nor wants to fight against her.

- They are dead.
- What?

Falling off from such a high cliff...

I'll go check them out.

Watch out!

Don't worry.

He likes that dog, doesn't he?

They have something in common;
they are newcomers.

SuoNaMu, we've bullied him.

You are alive.

Thank God.

They are alive!

Save them, please.

Got it! Go fetch the stretchers and ropes.

Don't be afraid. It'll be fine.

She's too heavy.

Maybe LaGeBa can help me out.

He's out, visiting a patient at home.

The dogs need him.

I'll go and get grandma's potion.

You don't have to.
Her potion won't work.

MeiDuoLaMu, you didn't go to the Master's?

I came back early.

She is MeiDuoLaMu, your father's apprentice.


So you know about medicine?
Please save them.

It seems they're in really bad condition.
I'll try my best.

Thank you.

So, you're Tianjin.

Tianjin, I'll get the sheep back.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Hand me the liquor.

It's on the shelf. Go!

Here you are.

Wala, quiet!



They fell off the cliff.

Will they survive? Please save them, dad.

It's necessary to sew up the wounds.
Did you check the pulse?

Yes. The pulse is unusually fast.

How about Nari?

She's in a better condition.

You take care of her;
I'm sewing up the wound.

Tianjin, help me. keep him still.




could you give me a minute?

Try this.

Grandma's medicine. It's panacea.

What's the formula?

It's a mixture of dirt, yak dung
and the juice squeezed from the grass.

Grandma's medicine has no scientific formula.

She says you have to
believe in it to make it work.

Why don't you give Tianjin the medicine yourself?
He will be glad that you do this.

No, no, no. You give it to him, please.
Thank you.

Is he better now?

Tonight is crucial. We have to
stay up overnight for observation.

Okay, I'll keep him company.

Hope he's strong enough to pull through.

He fell off the cliff without breaking a bone,
maybe he'll survive.

It's late. I'll see you out.

Tianjin is a sweet boy.

Sir, did you talk to him?

- He hates me.
- Why?

It was my fault.
I left my family, abandoned them.


Maybe it's for his own good.


It helps him become tougher.
He can lead an independent life here.

See you tomorrow, Sir.

See you.

Sir, you're holding on to your own view.

I don't agree with you.

People are emotional creatures.

Tianjin lost his mother;

he needs your love more than ever.

Why do you come here this late?
Something bad happened?

I got to talk to you.

About what?

I was on call today; when I arrived at the village,
I found the patient already dead.


It seems he was bitten to death, as well as
some sheep and dogs; by beast I assume.

Would it be wolf?

I've checked the body. Not wolf.

Then what would it be?

What's worse is that...

it didn't eat the sheep; just k*lled them.

If it were a wolf or a dog,
the sheep would be eaten for sure.

As if the beast enjoys the slaughter.

Totally devil act.

- Dad.
- Well...


go to bed. I'll look after him.

It's okay.

Fine. If he becomes wild, just wake me up.


How are you doing?


Don't move. You're wounded.

What shall I do...

Got it!

The flute belongs to my mom.

It can clam me down.
Maybe it also works for you.

Sleep well. I'm right here with you.

Good morning.


Did they take their medicine?


What's the tent for?

It's a temporary clinic Master lent us. With the dogs
inside, patients can't go in the original one.

They're awake.

Nari, behave yourself!

They're able to have something to eat now.

Why don't you eat it? It's meat.

It's too soon.

The Tibetan dogs only eat food
given by people they trust.

He sees us as strangers in a strange place; it's hard
for him to trust us 'cause cautiousness is in his blood.

You got to have meal to get better, you know?

I'm your friend. Trust me, please.

Tianjin, give him a little time.

You're gonna like it, trust me.

Sir, you're here...

Would you like to have a bite?

He's eating!

See? He's eating.

Let me check your hand.

- It's not that bad. Fetch me the liquor.
- Yes, Sir.

You should call yourself lucky.

If he intended to bite you,
your hand would definitely be bit off.

How about some buttered tea?

Yes, thanks.

Buttered tea?

Use the rod in this way to make sure
butter and tea are well combined.

Come on, try it.

Thank you.

- You don't get used to the taste, do you?
- No, I don't.

You know what,

we Tibetans have buttered tea every day.

Buttered tea makes people feel calm and relaxed.

When we're sad, say, we lost someone we love,

we just drink buttered tea, crying alone.
Then we feel better.


I wanna talk to my brother.

If you want my advice, "Don't".

He raised me; I can't leave him
without saying goodbye.

Besides, maybe he's in a good mood...

- ...for robbing a pretty penny today. I'll try.
- Fajie, don't be silly.

- Jialuo.
- What?

I wanna tell you something.

Go ahead.


You don't have to tell me
if you're feeling uncomfortable.

Bro, I wanna quit.

Being a robber is not what I wanted.
I want a normal quiet life.

I don't approve.

Why not?

You're my brother,
the only one I could fully trust.

You can depend on SaMuDuo.

It's different.
He's not my brother after all.

Anyway, I'm sick of living this way.

The monk and LaGeBa brainwashed you, huh?

No, that's not true.

Well, for a chick then?

You want chicks? I'll give you chicks.

But Luoqian is my one and only.

Tekuqiu's daughter?

She wants me to quit.

We've never att*cked people live on the prairie;
they have no reason to hate us.

We're robbers;
robbers are hateful!

Silly. Jialuo has never been in a good mood.

Bro, thank you for raising me.

Do you want me to get him back?

He'll be back, on his own.

Who says one can rely on the ties of blood?

Nari, knock it off! You should feel guilty
for triggering the fight.

Nari must hate him very much.

Well, anyway, he's tough and strong.

It won't be long before
he can stand up and walk again.


What is it, Wala?

Is it...

It's the Tibetan Mastiff king.

So, they're here to pick you up, right?

Is Nari leaving now?

Goodbye, Nari.

No way!

What's up?

Instead of hating him,
I think Nari likes him a lot.




Wow, he's able to walk!

He's helping you out.

You saved him; he's returning the favor.

I see.

You're Nuopu, right?

Did...did my grandma's medicine work?


Take it.

What's this?

Grandma Amala's medicine.
Nuopu says it can heal the dogs' wounds.

You can take it as your talisman.

Well, the medicine...

You know what, grandma is bragging about it
that your father's using her medicine.

You all hear about Tianjin-saves-a-dog story, huh?

What you've known is not the whole truth.
It was my medicine that saved the dogs.

This is basically panacea. It's on sale today;
it only costs you 1 gold coin.

Grandma always does that.


Anyway, you're good.


You tamed that dog.

The Tibetan Mastiff is born precautious;

but he's close to you, Tianjin...

You can call me Tianjin if you want.

He's opening up to you.
It's really rare for Tibetan dogs.

From now on, no one dare bully you.
Well, I'm sorry about the last time...

Never mind. It's fine.

I'm thinking about giving him a name.
What do you say?

Let me see.

He has golden hair...

Golden hair...

Doogee Yongzhi! How about that?

What does it mean?

It's the name of a magical golden stone
on Kunlun Mountain.

Doogee Yongzhi...

Doogee Yongzhi...

It's good.

Hey, Doogee Yongzhi!


He understands.

Seems he likes the name.

- Wonderful.
- Yeah.

- Doogee! Doogee!
- Doogee!

Is your elder brother a hunter?

Yes, he is.

And he used to be strong and powerful.

I can't imagine...

he lost his life like that. It's awful!

It must be the Demon.

The Demon?


buttered tea is ready; come and have a rest.



It's what I've been dreaming of...

living this sweet, quiet life, with you.

No more robbery; no more crime.

It's all because of you.

You brother is still mad at us.

Someday he will understand.

What is it?

Stay inside. Don't move.

Doogee! Doogee Yongzhi!

Nari, have you found him?

What happened?

I can't find Doogee. He's missing.


He's not recovered yet.
Where would he go?

Actually, Tianjin,

Doogee isn't a native dog,

- once he recovers...
- You mean he already left?

I'm not sure.
But I understand how you feel.

I could feel a very special connection with Doogee.

He's brave, not afraid of new environment.

In some sense...



Where have you been?

It's a hell lot of money.

We scared the shit out of that merchant.
The way he begged us not to k*ll him? Amusing.

Even if he begged, Jialuo k*lled him...

without hesitation.

Jialuo is ruthless, all the time.


are we going too far today?

We made our own rules, remember?
Take their things and leave them alive.

If you have a problem with what I did,
you may leave.

As what Fajie did, right?

Don't you dare say his name to me!

I... I...


Fajie... Fajie is...

- It's horrible.
- He's been tortured by some beast.

Judging from Fajie's body, he's k*lled yesterday.

Did you k*ll my brother?

k*ll him!


That dog belongs to LaGeBa.


The dog is a newcomer;
LaGeBa's son, Tianjin keeps him.

LaGeBa again.

LaGeBa, get out! Get out!

- Grandma, please don't.
- Leave me alone!

I'm working.

Get out! Right now!

What's wrong?

Your dad...

You told everyone not to
buy my medicine, didn't you?

You ruined my business;
more than that, you ruined my life!

Well, actually, grandma is rather rich.

You got to make compensation
for what you did.

It's not your fault to start your own business;

but to sell those so called medicine?

You might have made the patients' condition worse.

Don't fool me around. I'm not for selling medicine
but for giving a show to amuse them.

Then you don't have to complain
about your business, right?

It's none of your business.


Doogee, where have you been?

I'm worried about you, you know?

LaGeBa, hand over the dog.

He k*lled my younger brother.

It's impossible! Doogee won't hurt people.

Have you got any evidence?

He was caught right by my brother's body.

If it were true, I'll handle this.


No, I'm gonna do it myself!

Jialuo, wait. Did you see with your own eyes
the dog k*lled your brother?

Shut up!

You have no proof, right?

So you have no right to k*ll Doogee.
I'll protect him!

Grandma, go for it!

Hand over the dog, now!


SaMuDuo, let go of her!

Amala, k*lling you is just a small job.
Don't thr*aten us.

It's best for you to hand over the dog.

No, no!

Step aside!



I'm here to see what's going on
between Amala and LaGeBa.

I've heard about Amala's complaint.

That's not the point right now.
These bastards need a lesson.

There has been some indefinable death lately,
among human kind and animals.

The situation is becoming worse
but we have no evidence against the dog.

Who else would it be?

We have to look into it. Can you
leave the dog here before we get anything?


Jialuo, we had mercy for you for years.

You've never hurt us,
so we kind of neglected your crime.

But if you insist of taking the dog
and hurting people here, you'll see.

Sir, let's quit it.

I don't wanna be chased out of the prairie,
neither do them.

Please, for our sake.

What the hell!

SaMuDuo, you're quite a clever man
to do that. Thank you.

It's nothing. I'm just trying to help.

Thank you, Master.

LaGeBa, you have to listen
to others' opinions on the dog.

I won't let you take Doogee away!
He's mine!

Tianjin, if you keep Doogee...

You're so ruthless...

that you don't care about anyone!

You didn't care about mom,
not to mention Doogee!



You think we can protect Doogee from Jialuo?
He's coming back for sure.

That's true.

The only way left for us is to conduct a negotiation,
not to hide Doogee up.

I see. But I insist
keeping Doogee company. He's my dog.

Come on, Doogee.

LaGeBa, we have to go.

I'll be there in a minute.

Tianjin, I'm coming with you.

Have you heard?
They say LaGeBa's dog k*lled someone.

It seems we are in big trouble now.


Relax, Doogee.
You're safe under my protection.

As what you've heard of before,
there have been some mysterious death lately.

Jialuo's brother is found dead today.

He's k*lled by LaGeBa's dog, right?

We've got no evidence so far.

I saw that dog beside my brother's body.
That's the evidence!

That dog should get k*lled, immediately!

You've all seen Tianjin and Doogee
stay and play together;

Doogee never hurt Tianjin, right?

If Doogee m*rder*d people,
then why didn't he k*ll Tianjin?

That's because Tianjin saved him.

Even devil won't k*ll his savior.

Who else would do that? Tell us!

Villagers and animals get k*lled
since the dog is here, right?

- Yeah.
- That's true.

Who will be the next one that get k*lled?

Maybe you...

or your family.

I totally agree with Jialuo.

So do I. What if my kid gets k*lled...

- We have to get rid of that dog.
- Yeah.

Doogee's in trouble.

Are you tired?

Why are you here, Nuopu?

It's Nuopu.

Master sent me to give you this.


Yeah, maybe.

Well, what a small cup.

This liquor is rather strong.
You'll feel dizzy once you have it.


It feels nice. Awesome!

Set Doogee free and let him go.


Wrong keys.

They decide to k*ll Doogee.

It's done.


Run, now!

What about that guy?

Don't worry. He's taken some sleeping pills,
the only medicine made by grandma that works.

Please, listen to me. I've found
the m*rder*r's hair on the dead body.

The hair is black while Doogee's gold.

- So it's not Doogee.
- It should be Doogee.

Don't bullshit us!

You're making this up, for your son.

No, I'm not.


Doogee escaped!


I'll go find them now.

Find some villagers to help searching.

- Now!
- Yes, Master.

We have to find them before Jialuo does.

Master, what happened here?

Doogee, where are you going?

Well, I see.

I don't believe what they said.
Doogee didn't do that.

It's not Doogee. I know that.


On my way back, a hunter told me something.

It must be the Demon.

The Demon?

I've never seen anything like that before.
It's enormous, with black hair.

It's so horrible that you will be frightened
just by looking into his eyes.

It's nothing but Demon.

If Yunjin were here,
brother wouldn't get k*lled.

Who is Yunjin?

He's a dog raised by my brother.

Yunjin was out on the day my brother got k*lled.
When he came home,

he found my brother dead
then never came back.

So, Doogee is Yunjin?

I think so. Doogee always runs away to nowhere.
Maybe he's finding the m*rder*r all the time.

That explains why Doogee was on the crime scene
when Fajie was k*lled.

Would it be the scent that Demon left?
Maybe Doogee was tracing it.

Where the hell have they been?

Sir, look.

Where would they go in the middle of the night?

Follow the Tibetan Mastiff King.

I assume they're going to meet Doogee.

Yeah, just follow them.


God, it's freezing cold.

It's nearly daybreak.

Is this working? Following Wala?

Wala is sharp-nosed.
We can depend on him.

Don't tell me they go to that mountain over there.

If there's snowstorm...

Nuopu, wake up.

I can't take it.

Wake up! Come on!




Nuopu, wake up!

It's Jialuo!

Jialuo? Is anyone chasing you?

You're not coming for us?

If it were not for the dogs, you'd lose your lives.



Captain, the snowstorm has already stopped.


Where are you from?

We come from the village beyond the mountain.

You like it?

Yeah. The buttered tea is better than ever.

So, they mistook Doogee as the m*rder*r;
and you took Doogee out of there.

Doogee is definitely not the m*rder*r.
They were wrong about him.

Yeah, it was not him.

You believe us?

- Sure. We're chasing after the m*rder*r, the Demon.
- The Demon?

It swept over our whole village like a tornado.

It k*lled people as if it were having great fun.

Almost everyone was k*lled by the Demon.

It's a monster; it's devil.

We got to get it caught.

The one that att*cked your village
must be the Demon. We call it Luocha.

Go back to your father's.

Doogee will be vindicated once we get rid of Luocha.

When would it be?

It's just a matter of time to catch it.

Maybe today; maybe tomorrow.

We left you some stuff to eat.

Find him?

Doogee, what's wrong?


The Tibetan Mastiff King.

Doogee, Nari, run!

Come on. Don't start it.

Got ya.

Go to hell.

What's that noise?

It's pretty weird.


Damn! Don't lose them.

Captain? How come he's dead?




It''s the Demon.



Dad, help Doogee, please.

- I won't do it.
- Dad!

Listen to me. Doogee is fight for his dignity,
for the glory. He needs to fight alone.

We can't stop him.

What we have to do is to wait here,
having faith in him.

Step aside, monster!
I'll finish off Doogee all by myself.

Sir, we are not even close to beat that monster.

- Come on, let's get back.
- Shut up.

- Run! Run!
- Come on!


Nari, run!


- Doogee!
- Tianjin!




Doogee! Doogee!


Doogee! Open your eyes.


Tianjin, hurry up!








This is how the adventure ended;
yet Doogee is not dead.

See these teeny tiny cute puppies.

They look just like Doogee.

Those little ones are the extension of Doogee's life.
Doogee is still alive.

He inspired me with courage and braveness.

He taught me to be a man of strong will.

I carried on my dad's intention to be a doctor.

I live in Tibet for more than 50 years
to help those who live on the prairie.



Human treat dogs as their companions
while dogs take human as their friends.

It was Doogee that showed me
how incredibly precious the friendship is.