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Little Witch Academia (2013)

Posted: 02/09/24 10:15
by bunniefuu
Welcome to the show, ladies and gentleman!

Are you ready to journey into the world of magic?

Makmur Mikmur Mektoral!

Shiny Arc!

Never forget.

Believing is magic!

Little Witch Academia

Our campus is located on a ley line, initially argued for by Alfred Watkins.

These ley lines act as pipelines for our magical power.

They carry power to the Tower of Luna Nova and store it in the Sorcerer Stone.

The power stored in the Sorcerer Stone can then be—

Can then be utilized as the source of our power.

Akko! Akko!

"Those who use magic only for themselves will eventually be destroyed by magic."

Can anyone tell me who said that?

Miss Cavendish?

T.S. Daniels.

Wizardry Eudaemonics.


In order to properly use magic, you must first learn its history.

Understand, Miss Kagari?


Ow! That stings!

Stop crying. I'm almost done.

Does this really work?

Don't worry. Have faith in my special magic potions.

Wait, what happened to my nose?

You look like a real witch now.

Hey! You just used me as a lab rat again!

Relax, Pinocchio. It'll shrink in an hour.

I think.

Calm down. It's your fault for falling asleep in the first place.

No sane person could stay awake through such a snorefest!

You think so?

I find history of magic quite interesting.

I don't care about ancient times.

I'm not here to join the ranks of those smelly old witches!

I want to be a cool witch like Shiny Chariot!

Did you just say "Shiny Chariot"?

I haven't heard that name in a long time.


You know about Chariot?!

Isn't she like the coolest thing ever?!

Goodness gracious, you're so pathetic.

You dare step foot into this academy after being inspired by some clown?

Wh-What did you say?

FYI, no wizard fancies what she does.

You're into that kiddie stage magic?

You should be in like, Magical Kindergarten.

I'm sure you'll find kids like yourself there!

I'll wipe that stuck-up look off your face!

What, with your "stuck-up" nose?

Take good care of yourself.

Now, have a nice day.

Listen up!

This will be your first time flying on school grounds.

The point of today's lesson is to get comfortable being on a broom. Don't get excited and fly off.

Every year, some idiot always tries to show off.

Be warned that I'll be deducting points if you're going to be that idiot.

It's about time we got to ride brooms at school.

I haven't flown in a while. I'm so excited!

I'm gonna take off now.


Okay, next.

Once you get across, stay there!

Come on, you're next.

Just go!

Go up! Up! Up! Up! Uuu—

Stop! Stop! Stop!


What is she doing?

Stupid broom!

Listen to me!




You okay?

How pathetic.

Ow, it hurts.

That was quite the lift off.

I thought I was gonna die.

You want one of my potions?

No thanks!

I didn't know that was your first time on a broom.

You sure made a fool of yourself.

Well gee, thanks for telling me!

Don't let it get to you. We all know because we've been flying on brooms since we were kids.

You aren't from a wizard family though, so of course you don't know how to fly yet.

You should've just told her that you can't fly.


If I can't ride a broom with my eyes closed, I can't even dream of being like Chariot.

This again.

You really like her, don't you?

Of course I do!

She's pretty, cool, and really shiny!

Something's wrong with you if you're a witch who doesn't admire her!

Chariot isn't exactly reputable in the wizarding world.

She's responsible for spreading the wrong idea about witches.

She just casts completely nonsensical spells.

She's more of an illusionist than a witch.

She's a fake, a fraud, an act.

Even her outfit is a little scandalous.

Plus her incantations are seriously lame.

Are you okay?

I'm going to lose my magical power if I keep hitting my head.

But you never had any to begin with.

Yeah, yeah! Rub it in! I'm just a lowbrow witch!

Just leave me alone.

Sorry if we offended you, Akko.

We didn't mean to.

Yeah. You can like whoever you want, even if it's some fraud like Chariot.

Sucy! Don't say that!

No one understands Chariot.

Don't say what? Chariot's name? Or am I not supposed to call her a fraud?

She taught me all about the wonders of being a witch.

I mean you shouldn't be so blunt.

How do I make them understand what she really is?

Come on, I was just teasing her.


Today, we will have you put your skills to the test.

This tower is built on top of an ancient labyrinth.

Today's assignment will be to go down to the labyrinth,

find a treasure, and retrieve it.

The rarer your item, the higher you will score.

Furthermore, there are monsters roaming about the labyrinth, so do watch your step.

The further down you go, the rarer the treasures, but stronger the monsters as well.

It's like I'm playing a crappy dungeon crawler RPG.

But with monsters? I wonder if we'll be—


The labyrinth becomes difficult to navigate, and you may not be able to return on time.

Finally! It's my chance to shine!

You have three hours.

Use everything you've learned so far and surprise me.


Hurry up, guys!

Slow down!

If we don't hurry, Diana will get the better of us!

But it's dark and dangerous.

Hold on.

Come out, come out.

Now we can see where we're going.

You just took all the fun out of it.

There you are, monster!

Have a taste of my magic!

Think you can get away?!

Think again!


Our assignment isn't to grind mobs!

That wasn't even worth my time.

Hey Diana, why don't we like, head back soon?


We've already gotten like, a bunch of rare treasures!

Look! A mithril mail, a galvorn knife, and even like, a silmaril ring!

Those are all common drops.

No one would dare refer to those as rare treasures.

But this place is like, totally dangerous.

We don't think we can like, handle it anymore.

Witches are supposed to be feared.

How could you be afraid of this place?

Besides, my magic is invincible.

You have nothing to fear.


What's wrong?

A-A-A cow.

A cow?

Which way did you go?

Would you calm down?

Over there!


You're getting way too worked up over this!

Wait right there!

Just you wait until I get my hands on you!


A minotaur?

Now's my chance!


Become my blades and strike him down!

Are you okay, Akko?

That thing is crazy!

That's my cue.

Sucy, do you have a plan?

Excuse me, Mr. Cow.

Open wide.

Bon appetit.

I guess it was a little too strong.


Let's leave!

Looks like we can go down from here.

You want to keep going down?!

Let's stop!

It's way dangerous.

If you're scared, you're free to hang around with those blockheads for all I care.


Hold on!

We're like, coming!

Don't leave us behind!

We don't want to be stuck with these blockheads!

They didn't even thank us for saving their lives!

We're going down too!


"How"? Uhm, on brooms?

I didn't bring one.


Why didn't you bring one?

You can't even ride one anyway.

Sh-Shut up!

Let's chase after Diana!

With what?

We might not be able to get back in time though.

But we won't beat Diana if we stay up here!

Do you really think it's safe for us to be down here?

Th-The Iron Maiden?

The legendary t*rture machine that sucked the blood of hundreds of witches!

Do they think they can scare off a witch with such mockery?

There must be something very precious inside.

Let's see what you're hiding!

I got my hopes up for this?

It's just a lizard.


I got scared over nothing.

Oh, I'm totally scared, little lizard.

How precious. He's trying to intimidate us.

I'll put you in your place.

What's that? You want more?!

He's tougher than he looks.

Enough funny business!

So like, who's intimidating who now, huh?


Cease your spellcasting!

Wow, there's so much stuff in here!

But it doesn't look like a treasure room.

It's more like a room full of junk, or maybe just a garbage dump.

We should get back or we'll run out of time.

What should we do?

Not like we have much of a choice.

Let's find something here and bring it back.


Is that...

What's happening now?

A dragon?


What happened down there?

Nothing happened.

But you're a mess.

There are more pressing things at hand. For instance, where did that thing go?

That dragon?

It flew straight up.

Girls, lend me your brooms.

You two stay here.

I'll do something about that—

Wait. What's going on?

It appears that I broke the seal on that dragon.

As such, it is my responsibility to clean up after the mess.

Now, have a nice day.

She must think she's sooo amazing.

Oh, almost forgot!

Akko, what are you up to?

It was around here somewhere...

What are you looking for?

Found it!

Found what?

Did you find something worthwhile?

I-I found an amazing treasure!

Chariot's shiny rod!

Come again?

What's that?

What's going on?

Goodness, what is that?

Oh no!

Now's our chance! Blast him!


No! No! Stop!

Oh... I was too late.

This is an emergency evacuation!

Everyone get out of the building!

It got even bigger...



Something terrible has happened. The ancient dragon awoke from his slumber.

I'm going to hold him off for a bit. Why don't you help evacuate the other students?

Um, I...

Now who in the world broke his seal?

Stop! Stop!

Why didn't you just ride with me?

I'd be fine if I didn't have some older, crappy broom...{i think this is the closest i can get to implying firebolt w/o literally saying it?}

Professor! I found an amazing treasure!

The shiny rod!

It's the magic rod Shiny Chariot was using!

This has to be worth a ton of points!

W-We don't exactly have time for...

The Seven Stars?!

I thought they had lost their twinkle for good.{dumbledore's eyes}

Oh, I forgot about that dragon!

Okay, Akko.

I have an important task for you.

Take that rod and get to the Sorcerer Stone.

The Sorcerer Stone?

That dragon feeds on magical power.

I'm sure the dragon is after our source of magic, the Sorcerer Stone.

You need to secure the Sorcerer Stone while I hold off the dragon.

Diana, you come with me!


Let's do this, everyone!

Where is the Sorcerer Stone anyway?

It's at the top of this tower.

Don't you pay attention during class?

Wh-Whatever, I have Chariot on my side!

I have nothing to be afraid of!

Now, let's go!

Oh no! It's going outside!

Go help the students escape!


I need to draw his attention somehow.

Come on, look up here!

Do you want this?

Follow me!

Geez, I can fly there myself!

Of course you can. It just might take you all day.

I need to get him as far away as I can.

Hey! Wait!

Is it because they're younger?



He's here.

Come on! Step on it!

So much for holding him off! He's already caught up!

I'll see what I can do.


Eat this!

How'd you like that?


Su's poison made him even stronger!

What's gonna happen if he eats the Sorcerer Stone?



Are you okay?

It's resonating with the stone!

I-I can feel magic flowing in.



Give me the rod!

I-I kinda have my hands full.

Watch out!




I can use it too!

Change of plans!

Rod, become my broom!

Seriously?! Why didn't it transform?

St-Stay away!


I can't... do this...

Never forget.

Believing is magic!

And I believe in...

Makmur Mikmur Mektoral!

Become my shining bow!



I-I did it...

I'm too young to die!


No need to thank me.

It is my duty to evacuate the students.

The Sorcerer Stone!

It's gathering the magical power released from the dragon.

By the way, why do you know how to use Shiny Arc?

"Why"? I just heard Chariot's voice...

Wait, Diana, why do you know about Shiny Arc?

Huh? Erm.

I've heard of it before in passing. That's all.

Huh, really? That's hard to believe.

Maybe you're actually a fan of Chariot!

There is no way that I am.

Then why are you blushing?

I am not!

Say another word about it and I'll drop you!

No! Please don't!