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Lupin III: $1 Money Wars (2000)

Posted: 02/09/24 11:14
by bunniefuu
I have $200,000!

Sold, for $300,000!

What the hell...?!

Sorry, but there's no smoking in here.

Damn. I can't smoke anywhere here.

--What's all this about?
--Yeah, what's the deal?

We have a report that a big.time thief
is on these premises.

Do you know how much you'll lose
if all your Picassos get stolen?!


Our next item is Lot #27.

Hold on!

What's with the dinky knick.knack?!
This isn't a garage sale!

But it's in the catalog...

Yeesh. I want to get
to the upmarket stuff...

Now, then! Lot #27!
Marquez' Anniversary Ring!

The starting bid is $10,000!
Do I have $10,000?

Get real...

$10,000, anyone?





The Picasso auctions
start at exactly 8:00.

Lupin is DEFINITELY in there...


--The manager says to close it up.
--All right...

One million dollars!
Item #27 sold, for one mill--

The madam on the phone
wins it for $1,000,001!

Hold on, now! I haven't finished yet!

I'm sorry, sir.
We have a schedule to keep.

Who cares?! I just want that ring--

That's some bad acting, Lupin.

Did you think that outfit would fool me?!


Not too shabby, Pops! But I'm
actually after somethin' else...!

Why do you ALWAYS fall for my tricks?

Lupin! What are you--

What the...? What are you planning?!

Lupin! Your buddies run out on you?!

What the...?!

The ring...!

Arrest ALL the Lupins...!

I know!

If I ever lose my job, I'll just go
to Hollywood and be a make-up artist!

Might even get me Oscar!

--Who're you?
--Toss the ring here.

It's pretty shoddy,
not even a single carat.

Then why does the great
Lupin the 3rd want it so badly?

Sorry, but it really is worthless.

I only wanted it to win
the heart of a certain girl.

But, "While there's life,
there's hope," I guess.



After him!

"Lupin the 3rd: 1$ Money Wars"

See ya!

Things are gettin' interesting now!

Gonna sing my special song tonight

Gonna find my way to you all right

Like stars that cross
only once now and then

Coming so close and yet parting

Two carefree travelers meeting again

Each time we meet love begins

And life's a tune, a jazzy tune

Hey, buddy.

How much money you got on ya?

You wouldn't wanna pay
with your life, now...

Yeah, I wouldn't want that.

I have some important
business to attend to.

Think you could save your
holdup stuff for later?

We want us some burgers
and cola for dinner.

C'mon, buddy.

If I say no?

Then we'll make you pay up!

Go on a diet.


You're terrible! You promised
you'd get me that ring!

Yeah, but this guy,
he jacked up the price...!

I don't care! I really wanted it...!

I know you did, Sandy!

So have some of my passionate
smoochies as an apology...!

She gave YOU a passionate slap!

--Wait, Sandy...!
--Don't talk to me!


Please open the door, Sandy!

Give me another chance, Sandy!

Lupin! How long're you gonna
keep the bad act up?! Come on!

Bet I could get an Oscar
with my great acting!

You know you were half-serious.

Don't be like that. I sure
convinced 'em, didn't I?

Yeah, yeah.

--He's pretty far ahead.
--So? We just take a shortcut!


Central Park.

--Watch out! Don't bite your tongue!
--Too late!

Sorry, Cutey-Pie!

Why, you...!

OK! There they are!

Got him! Now what?

He's just a lackey.
Let him take us to his boss.

So, is that treasure
really worth $1,000,001?

Yeah. It's worth more than
Fort Knox to those in the know.


They say whoever gets this
broach can be king of the world.

King of the world?


For some reason, it's been
passed from ruler to ruler.

Adolph Hitler, for example.

Before that, Lenin.

And much earlier than that,
Napoleon had it.

This mysterious item has traveled
the world over from ruler to ruler.

So you needed that ring
to find the broach?

I didn't think anyone else
even knew about the ring...

Anyways, the last time it's been
seen was during the Cold w*r.

A revolutionist tried to get it after
it vanished during the fall of Berlin.

But just before he could...

By chance, a soldier just happened
to give the broach to a historian

to commemorate his daughter's birth.

Aware of its secret, the scholar
sealed the broach away somewhere

to prevent the possible
rise of future dictators.

Ah. So he engraved
the secret into the ring...

But what do you want it for?
To make your own Lupin Empire?

'Course not.

I just wanna see this broach
that the world's leaders

tried oh-so-hard to find.

So you're getting me involved
with another of your hobbies, huh?

--I'm counting on you, partner!
--Yeah, yeah...

B.O.W.? What's that?

"Bank of the World".

A boomtown bank that's really
grown in the past few years.

No wonder you lost, you took on a bank.

No wonder. Now let's do this.

You needn't worry about Lupin.

Don't need to worry about Lupin, huh?
That nitwit!

"He's just a woman-chaser."

--Get a load of this guy!
--Ha! It's the truth, ain't it?

Couldn't you have found a
better spot to spy from?!

--Quit complaining!
--You see the president?

All I see is the flunky.

How rare for an American elite
to be a heavy smoker...

--What is it?!

A woman!

He just wanted the ring to
win some songbird at a club.

Is Lupin that simple of a man?

You overrate him, Boss.

He's nothing but a cheap burglar.

As a former Spetsnaz,
I can assure you that.


What happened?

You've just made things
much more interesting...

He's not just some woman-chaser.

Not Lupin...


"I want to go shopping. I want
to go shopping. I want to go--"

Come on! Please?! Just this once?!

You're always so childish, Lupin.

Thievery isn't where it's at anymore.

Using the economy to get treasure
legally is easier and more profitable.

That's easy if you can invest in movies,
but I'll give you my take

if you'll invest in me. Okay?

I'll do other things for you too--

If you want an investment,
then submit a business proposal.

THEN I'll consider it.

Who in the world writes up
burglary proposals?!

Crime is business, too!


She's so weak around hot men...

But that's also why she likes me!
Or not...

I guess it's another
cargo plane for me...

Everyday, you toil at your jobs.
Day in, day out...

And America's economy
is currently at its peak.

Yet you don't live affluent lives.
Why is that?

I have no desire to assist
in your money-making schemes.

I am now striving for a
tranquil mind through religion.

You have no problems helping
a fake evangelist scam money.

--How dare you say that of her!
--Hey, now...!

You will pay for your insult!

I thought religious people
weren't allowed to be violent...!

If it's for the priestess' sake...

Goemon! What are you doing? Come along.


I only wish to train. Refrain from
luring me to the path of evil!

I take my leave.

You, also, should seek
the path of salvation.

$100 a copy.


I guess faith depends on money, too...

I hope you're not gonna ask me
to pay after I eat all this?

Don't worry. This is a
small token of gratitude.

Gratitude? If this is a bribe, I decline.

I'll pay the bill in installments.

You needn't worry.
We have no ulterior motives.

Alright, then. So...?

I'll cut to the chase. We want
information on Lupin the 3rd.


He has his eyes on our bank.

May I ask the details?


The great thief gets
some great exercise, huh?

Like I have a choice.
Fujiko refused to help fund us...

--Geez. Save some money, will ya?
--Look who's talking!

All the banks in the world
are my piggy banks, anyway!

Sure is a pain getting
money out of 'em, though.

Oh, it's you, Goemon.
Don't scare us like that...!

I thought you were turning
religious on us with some girl?

We are having difficulty
collecting funds...

--So I came to acquire some...
--So basically you need some dough?

I suppose...

Get some with Jigen here.
I'M after something sparkly!

OK! Now's our chance!

Goemon! Give us a hand here!

--I will do no evil!
--I got news for ya...

So? Are you certain you can stop Lupin?


"Probably?" I'm not paying you
big money to hear, "Probably."

Make certain you k*ll him.

So you're going to obtain your
goal of this entire landscape?

It's not a goal, it's a door.

A door to obtaining all of
the black market economies...

That may be fine for you,

but all I'll have is
a reputation as a hit man.

Being the one who k*lled the
world's greatest thief won't be enough?

I'm a greedy man...

What I want is the brilliant woman
who's been on the front page

of the Wall Street Journal
and is even after the black market.

If you want high.returns,
you have to take high.risks...

I take it hiring new bodyguards
was high-risk, too?

It cost you a lot.


Three, two, one...

Well, then...!

Long way ahead of us!

--Mind if I ask you something?
--Be my guest.

Why do you think Lupin
is after that ring?

I have no idea how criminals' minds work.

You sure have tight security, though.

You can never be too cautious.
Wouldn't you agree, Inspector Zenigata?

What...?! The farthest one?!

Is someone here out of luck?

Let's go!


--Guess you're the unlucky one.
--Aw, shut up!


--Your butt'll catch cold without one.
--What about you?

I rely more on this than g*ns to fight.

Whadya say we get on with the
millennium's greatest robbery?


What the...?!

Lupin! Get back here!

For a millennium job,
this is pretty old-fashioned...!

Why not? If we wanna
thwart their digital ways...

...analog's the way to go!

Take a right!

--Aren't your glasses digital?!

This is training.

Emergency! Emergency!

All personnel,
secure upper floors at once!

Seal all exits as well.

Damn you, Lupin! Ouch...!

Lupin...! How dare you!

What're you doing?!
After them! You, too!

--Nice to meet you, pretty president!

--Lupin! Where are you?!

Don't mess up our date, Pops!


Handprint match. Cynthia F. Craymov.

Way to go, hi-tech.

See? It's no match for low-tech, Jigen.


That oughta slow 'em down a bit.

Are you sure it'll be that easy?

Oh? You're awake already?
Without a kiss from your prince?

--I'm not fond of monkey princes.
--You're too funny.

Ah, well. Since you're up,
you can open these locks.

If I say no?

You'll need to pay for repairs in here...

The Zantetsuken...
Supposedly cuts through anything.

You're well-informed!

To investors, information is life.

According to my information,
you should open it up.

--Lupin's already in there?!
--Most likely...!

Then open the door already!

I can't! We need to get
the console repaired first!


I take it you know about
that ring's importance?

Do you think I'd steal a cheap ring
like this if I didn't?

Whoops. Not so fast.

Now, then. We'll need a one-way
exit out of here, Goemon-chan.

You're not gonna say you cut
another whatever-thing again?

This is all for training.

I see...

--What was that sound?

Sorry, but you're tagging along.

Think you could speed it up?
Our guests'll be here soon.

A successful escape!
Now let's keep on goin'!

I don't think it'll be that easy.

--We're surrounded.
--I suggest you give up.

Funny. I don't wanna wind up
with a well.ventilated body.

Hey! You fellas hidin' over there!

You won't get a single cent
if your employer dies!

It's no use. Just hand over the ring
and give yourselves up.

--You sure are one persistent broad.
--A problematic woman.

I might consider it if you
guarantee our lives, though...

Your fan club is way too enthusiastic...

--The perfect thing to make an escape.
--You sure sound happy...

You lack training!

Let the president go or I sh**t.


Hey, now! You wouldn't
wanna sh**t your boss!



Why're they sh**ting?!

They likely have great skill...

...with their sh**ting!

It's so obvious you don't sh**t women!

How'd you know?!

What is wrong, Jigen?!

g*ns are like women,
and Lupin's woman only listens to him...!

--That's the fun part!

Sorry, but we part here.
See ya another time.

--There won't BE another time.
--Are you so sure?

My hunches are usually right,

and I have one that says
we WILL see each other again.

I guess you're right.
Most likely I'LL see you...

Stop! Don't destroy the helicopter!
The ring...!

Oh? You don't need it anymore?

Nope. Your woman's too hard to handle.

Her friskiness is what's best about her.



--Descend! Get Lupin!
--Will we make it in time?!


All are equal before God.

Even if this man did k*ll

God might yet swallow His tears
and forgive his sins.

I believe it will be difficult, but I
ask that He have mercy on his soul...

A hit by the Butches?!

Stop that!

--What's with him?
--He's dead...

Who're you?!


For the repairs and his funeral costs.

By God's mercy, may this
man's spirit rest in peace.

From ashes to ashes, dust to dust...

Lupin...! Why'd you have to die?!

Bury him.

Wait! Stop!

Lupin's not dead, right?!
Jigen?! Goemon?!

This is just a plan to
trick me like always, right?!


Miss! The money...!

It's not true, right?!
Lupin can't be dead!

He can't be...


Whatever the case, I want
to finish what he started.

Why? There's no point in carrying out
a dead person's last wish.

No point?!

This only happened
'cause YOU wouldn't help!

His proposal just didn't sound lucrative!
Another burger, please!

How heartless...


Is this how you write "resignation"?

It's not wrong, but can't
you write it more neatly?

You should take a
correspondence penmanship course.

Maybe I'll do that.

--So? What are you going to do?
--That's obvious.

There's only one thing to do
after your partner's k*lled.

--It better not be illegal!
--I thought you were quitting?

Oh yeah...

At any rate, we must be wary of
meeting the same fate as Lupin.

We ARE up against an
investment bank with ample funds.

An investment bank?!


A new financial mob that uses
hedge funds and shady bonds

to control the world's economies,
including the black market.

B.O.W. Bank of the World.
They really got us...

No way! They got me, too!

Yes! Small, developing countries
are your best investment!

Low-risk, high-return!

Southern vacations,
mansions with pools, farms...

They can all be yours!

I invested all my money
in these Prince Bonds!

I thought it'd be safe since
they were aggressively buying

major Asian corporations!

I see. There was a coup just
before the bonds reached maturity,

so the old government's bonds
are as good as scrap paper...

--That was everything I owned...!
--Seek salvation. $100 a copy.

--I hate religion even more!
--That's what you get for being greedy.


This sucks, man! I got
stiffed out of my taxi fare!

It happens...

No way, man! I drove here
from L.A. for three whole days!

Well, that's the gist of it.

You're some woman!

Having Gilbert take full responsibility
for your Prince Bonds scheme

and then skipping the country...

Even if he goes to prison, I'll ensure
it's in a first-class accommodation

and that a first-class life
awaits him after that.

So what's the problem?

And you'll be keeping all the
Prince Bond profits for yourself?

I'll contact you once I
solve the ring's mystery.

In the meantime,
eliminate the rest of Lupin's friends.

Where's your beloved Combat Magnum?

She's seein' someone else.

--They taken a fancy to her?

That's why I'm gettin' her back.

You should get some flowers for your gal.

No, I'm gonna dish out some lead.

So? Did you find out who he is?

Alex Nabikov, former KGB.
Currently does dirty work for B.O.W.


Didn't his boss fly to Switzerland?
So why not him?


In any case, this is the
perfect place to settle the score.

And for an ambush. Let's go!

Guess we DID keep 'em waiting.

Damn! She pulls to the left--

--It appears he stayed behind to k*ll us.
--Persistent bastard!

That Magnum...!

Jigen! Goemon!

--Leave it to me!


A knife-wielder...

Goemon! Get him already!

--I cannot with you squirming!
--Don't start blaming me!

Sorry, but she doesn't suit ya.

You guys get back!


Why didn't you let me down first?!
That was dangerous!

--I'll take her back now.
--Think you can get outta here?

--I'm not very good at giving up.
--Neither is Mr. Nabikov.

Be seein' ya!



--Are you all right?!
--How 'bout you?!

I guess.

What the...?!


Your notorious Combat Magnum
and Zantetsuken

are useless against this magnet.

Don't move your legs, now.

That there's an antipersonnel mine.
One step and all hell breaks loose.

But if that doesn't k*ll you, this will.

Take your pick.

Well, when you see Lupin,
tell him I'll see him again someday.

--Now what?!
--Die full of holes, or die blown up.

I don't want either!

What is this?!

The power went out
and the mine deactivated...

What about the b*mb?!

--It's active!
--It must be different!

--Let's scram!
--Will we make it?!

It appears they refuse to let us escape!

The end of Lupin's g*ng.

Did the good Lord keep you safe?

Who ARE you...?!

Instead of praying to God--

--how's about a miracle?


Is it really-- Lupin!

But how...?

All my past deeds were so bad I
got kicked out of Heaven AND Hell!

--Get serious!
--Ow...! OK, OK...!

It was more thanks to
this old friend and not God...

I was definitely lucky that
Jigen had given my Walther back.

That's my beloved Walther-chan for ya!

--Oh? Then what about me?!
--Oh? Do I sense jealousy, Fujiko-chan?

But how did you
survive such a high fall?

That'd be this.

Yep, good thing I had
that giant airbag with me!

What's more...

...lucky for me, I found
the perfect stunt double.

The rest was a little
charismatic make-up work!

I get it. So when
Nabikov checked the body...

That's right.

--So, now what will we do?
--Ain't it obvious?

Carry out our original plan
and get the treasure back!

The broach that grants world domination?

We need money, not the world! I got
cheated out of everything I own!

Still more into money than love, huh...

--How much is "everything"?
--80 million... dollars.

In Japanese yen, that's... 9 billion.

--Whoa! You saved up that much?!
--Call me Ms. Reliable.

Whadya say we split it
when I get it back?

--No! But get it back!
--You KNOW...

--I wanna settle the score with Nabikov.
--I wish to collect funds.

Alright, alright. It seems you
all have your own objectives,

but for now, we're taking a
vacation to a southern island!


I guess Japan's too far...

The minute I say I'm resigning,
they tell me to pay my own way back...

But I have no money left...

Here comes another one!


Oh?! Having fun hitchhiking?

--Lupin! You're alive?!
--Yep! Just peachy!

--Then you're under arrest!
--You just never give up...

Later, Pops!


So long, Pops!


Lupin...! I'm SO glad you're alive!

--Outta the road, moron!


So why'd we come to this island?

The only guys out here
are underwater oil riggers.

Isn't it obvious?
We're gettin' rich off of oil, too.

--Yeah, right! Oil's all dirty!
--Talk about self-centered...

Nobody said WE were going to drill...

They already drilled plenty enough,
we don't need to bother with--

--What do you see?
--Two large, stunning mountains.

--He never learns.
--He lacks training.


"Richman Oil" has a nice ring to it!

--You the president here?
--Can I help you?

I earned quite a bit during
the '97 Asian monetary crisis.

What trick do you have to
please me this time, Cynthia?

--The ultimate means.

A w*r...

Many modern corporations have
used wars to grow much larger.

In short, can you not say wars
are the ultimate business chance?

If we're to expand our
control any further--

But how do you start wars
in this day and age?!

All we need is for
a dictator to appear...

Yes. The charisma to draw mankind in...

This ring is definitely
your old man's work.

I see...

It's not worth much 'cause
of this scratch, though...

But it's NOT a scratch, is it?

No, it's secret writing
we craftsmen often engrave...

What's that?

Something like an old film
or slide projector, I suppose.

Hieroglyphics... Where from?

It's ancient Mayan.

--What's it say?
--You don't need to know.

I don't have any cash on me...

Can't use cards out here
in the mountains...

--Thanks for lending me your shop.
--That's OK. Nothing else going on.

Thanks a bunch!

This much...? Are you sure?

It's all yours.

It's a fact there's tons of
oil hidden on the ocean floor,

but nobody's ever hit the big one...

Hit the mother lode and you're
filthy rich. The modern-day gold rush...

Yep! It's been great
for my business, too!

Hidden oil and hidden Lupin...

Which would I be more likely to find?

No, I mustn't be weak!

I MUST find him...

They fired us without any warning!
We can't help it!

Still, you need to pay your hotel bill...

Tell it to the oil company
that laid us off!

What's with them?

They say they lost their jobs
and can't pay their bill...

An oil company, huh?

Yes. Just last week they
said they struck oil,

but it suddenly dried up two days ago...

Then the next company over
supposedly hit it big...

They do say drilling for oil
is like gambling. That's too bad.

Oh yeah...

Have you seen these people?


I see.

Although we're still
in the prospecting stage,

our underwater oil field

boasts an extraction rate
of 5000 gallons per minute,

and the deposit has been confirmed
to contain 670 million tons

and 200 billion cubic meters
of natural gas.

After the tour, I will explain the terms
for investing in our company.

Then we will draw up a formal contract
with the company we choose.

I already said I accept your terms!
Just give me the contract!

--We'll pay more!
--What?! Stay out of this!

This is a domestic affair!

Now, now. Many people
want this contract,

so I must give everyone a
chance to name their price.

--You're just trying to hike up the price!

We've taken our own risks to
come this far. This is business.

Hey! It's slowing down!
Is it leaking somewhere?

It's all over if they find out we're
stealing oil from our neighbor!

Understood. I will check.

This, too, is for training and funds...!

Everything's so hi-tech
and simple these days...

I put the image I secretly took
with Digicam-chan into PC-chan

and after some processing I drop it
into an ancient language translator

and voila. The puzzle is solved!

A bunch of numbers, huh?
So it's not decoded yet?

Wait. The numbers only go up to 26...

Which means...

...if I convert them into letters...

But where's the romanticism in this?

"We have sealed the symbol of
greed and ugliness of mankind

which has brought chaos and total
destruction to human society

in the hopes it will never
appear in our history again."

"September 22, 1958.
Written by Rick Fishburn..."

This is some bigheaded
message Sandy's grandpa wrote...

Well, that's enough for hi-tech.

Now it's the world of romanticism
involving smarts and experience!


--Oh, Sandy-chan! How'd it go?
--Perfect! I landed a job!


Yeah! I'll be singing at a club in town.

That's not bad at all... Good for you!


So the Middle East is OK? How about
the new oil fields on Cari Island?

They've hit the biggest deposit
in years, including natural gas...

All the major oil companies are
there to get the contract...

But what are we gathering
all this oil for?

--Are we starting a w*r or something?
--It's already started.

OUR w*r, that is.

That's right.

I'm making a bet.
Gather all the funds you can.

--Huge profits?

Have I ever failed to get what I want?

Point taken. I wouldn't be living
in Beverly Hills had you ever.

I trust you, Cynthia.

Puttin' on dancing shoes

Gonna lead me straight to you

Hey! Get me another drink!

You've had enough, Mister!

Aw, shaddup! I can't find Lupin,
so all I can do today is drink!

I have it so tough...!

I dunno what your story is, but you're
not the only one who has it tough!

That man there, he drilled
for oil for 50 years.

Then three days after he sells
his place, oil starts gushin' out!

He really must have it tough...

--This one's on me!

--But it's so strange...
--What is?

It's not possible...
Striking oil there in only 3 days...

But you can't help that--


--That's them...!
--You know them?!

They're the ones who bought me out!



We can start your w*r
any time you want...

--out its game

Puttin' on dancing shoes

Gonna lead--

THIS is the best club on the island?

I mean, it's the best by far!

--all night through

How was I, Lupin?

Marvelous! Whitney doesn't even compare!

Thanks! When you say that,
I feel like I can succeed!

Now you just need a big break. I bet
you could even get a major debut!

Even if I do, I won't
forget about you, Lupin.

Thank you...

By the way, didn't your mom live here
before she went to America?

Yeah. I heard the Fishburn family
was pretty well off...

--Could you do another song, Sandy?

Do you know where the Fishburns lived?

The Fishburns? Oh, them...

They were ruined after the coup in '75.

I believe the new government
also confiscated their home.

So Sandy's mom took refuge in America...

What's their home used for now?

The army hospital, I think...

Hospital, huh...

Take me,

--or leave me
--Darn it!

The house he told me about was empty...

I never would've drunk
had I known it'd be this easy

to find out about him...!

Nope! I'm not drunk...!
As long as Lupin's out there--


Yeah! Maybe he is, too!
I'll ask around!


Damn, he's already here?!

Things're gonna get tough now,

and l was just about to visit
the hospital where Sandy's family--


I just had a great idea!

--I am NOT drunk!

L. L. L. Lupin!

Hiya, Pops! You're earlier
than I expected!

You're under arrest, Lupin!

--or a shoulder to lean on

Don't you know the saying,

"Don't drink and chase,
don't chase and drink?"


Catch me if you can!

I got you now, Lupin!

Gotcha, Lupin!

Who're you...?

Call an ambulance!

I'm telling you,
I'm Inspector Zenigata of the ICPO!

I caught the notorious
international thief, Lupin the 3rd,

but he turned into this other man--

Whatever you say, drunk!

I am NOT drunk--

--Do we charge him for spying?
--This moron?

All he did was bodily harm.

You showed up at just
the right time, Pops.

Thanks to you, l got a free ride
into the hospital...!

Now, then...

So THAT'S it!

The current king is
nothing more than a puppet.

We, the military, have true control

over our country's government,
economy, and law.

So you can have any
kind of dispute you want...

...even a w*r.

How were you able to contact the
military leader on such short notice?

We're old friends.
Afghanistan, the Middle East...

I see...

Now, about this w*r of yours...

We don't need a dictator nowadays.

We'll launch simultaneous guerrilla
att*cks in the Middle East, Africa,

the Americas, and other
oil-rich countries.

While making sure OUR cover
isn't blown, of course.

We'll make t*rror1st att*cks
and ethnic conflicts and the like

look like acts of
anti-government factions.

We can then develop this
into an all-out world w*r.

When that happens, whoever controls
the oil can control everything.

--You're a real businesswoman.
--You don't like businesswomen?

Not as long as we both
share common interests.

Wars today aren't about
k*lling the most people.

They're about who can
steal the most money.

I leave you to create the
world's greatest "Oil Shock".

Oil prices will go through the roof
once the Asian markets open!

Buy like crazy while there's time!

The patterns on the decoration tiles
on the hospital floors and walls

are the same Mayan symbols used
in Sandy's grandfather's code

and pretty much most of that letter...

ln other words, the message is
written all over this hospital...

These are the only clues
about the broach...

If I compare the symbols on the tiles
with the ones on the ring

and remove all commonalities...

...and then convert those results
using our alphabet pattern...

...and then search for words
out of all possible combinations...

Main bed? Ah, the master bedroom...

Place a sketch from
when Sandy's mom lived there

on top of the hospital's blueprint,
and the master bedroom was...

...the operating room, huh?

Well, can't really work during the day.

Mystery-solving time's over!

And now...

And now I say adieu
until it IS time for work!

For you!

Well, I'm all better now! Bye!

I'm sorry, but we have no intentions
of transferring control.

I'm home!

I solved the puzzle!


Then how about a joint venture?

A joint venture?

Doing business just because
you struck oil must be tough.

Won't the commercialization
facilities require a large investment?

But if it's managerial
control you want...

How much?

That's a hefty price.

I heard it was at $10,000.

It's the going rate.

In return, what do you say
to 25% of our company stock

and 50% of the extracted amount
until the deposit is depleted?

I'd have to insist on 50% of your stock.

Must be pretty loaded to pay
that much for stolen oil...

Guess I'll say hello to
our new business partner!

Wait! Lupin!

Let's have a top-level conference,


Surprised I'm alive?


So this is your company...

Yep. I heard you guys were going
after oil, so I beat you to it.

By only one dollar, though.

Fujiko. That'll be all.


Take your time!

What's her problem...?

Is this payback for that $1 outbid?

Nope. Just business.

It's all water under the bridge now.

How does 100 billion dollars sound?

And your stock percentage?

--Make it 40.

How's 35?

When do we get the money?

It's a large amount. I'll need to
get the board of directors' approval.

--Think you could do it today?
--That's an unrealistic request.

Make it realistic and I'll
throw in an extra bonus.

The broach that the ring leads to.

You solved the puzzle?!

--"Set a thief to catch a thief."
--So why would you give it to me?!

It's only fun up
until you solve the puzzle.

Just like thieves and stealing.

Yes. Just like stealing...

Welcome aboard, partner!

I'm really into her!


--Are you in love?
--Yeah, right! She's dangerous!

--I'll have you know...!

Oh. That's too bad. For once,
a girl feels that way about you...


Hey, now, Fujiko!

Girls can tell these things...

Anti-government and t*rror1st groups
will be receiving these tomorrow.

All at once, the world will go--

"Bye!" Peace is as good as dead!

"Welcome, wartime!"

Excuse me, sir!

About the man we caught last night
who claims he's from the Interpol...


I told you! Call the ICPO
and see who I am!

They'll tell you I'm a famous inspector
out to get Lupin the 3rd!

We DID contact them.

But they faxed this back.

"An 'Inspector Zenigata' does not exist
in our current records."

That can't be...

Oh no! My letter of resignation...!

Haven't I seen you before...?

You're the one who shot Lupin...!

Mr. Zenigata. Is Lupin alive?!

Oh, Cynthia?

Don't worry. The others
said they sent you the funds.

But even I was nervous about this...

After all, this is 100 billion
we're gambling. If we were to lose...

...we'd be known as the
biggest fools in the world.

--But that won't happen, will it, Cynthia?

Our 100 billion will
grow several dozen-fold.

--Maybe I'll buy myself a castle.
--A country would be fine...

I trust you, Cynthia.

Good night.

A smoky room

A jazzy tune

I looked across

And then, there was you

Lady Luck--

She transferred us the money.
Dry Manhattan.

Homesick? You usually drink Scotch.

Probably her voice.


Well, then...

Pardon me.


Time to settle the score...

--I'm good, if I do say so myself!
--Quit saying so yourself!


--Find it?
--You sure it's in here?

I gave you the pictures.

Keep looking around,
it should be on the floor.

Easier said than done!
The whole place is full of tiles!

Go complain to Sandy's grandpa!

--You find it?!

Lupin's inside! k*ll him on sight!

This is the mysterious broach
that turns its owners into rulers?!

Yeah. Looks like you'd find it
in a yard sale, though...

Nothing beats all our years together!

No horseplay inside the hospital!

--I thought you said no horseplay?
--Just as long as the nurses don't see!

There's no end to 'em!


--I see.
--You're not surprised he's alive?!

Don't tell me the oil company
you partnered with was--

That's right. Both the oil
and the broach will be mine...

What did you say?!

Damn, these guys are annoying...!

OK! Then let's go check out some ladies!

Ooh! Nice!

--See! They had red ones!
--There WERE purple ones!




After them!

Where are you Fujiko?! Come save us!

Listen, Lupin! You know the 100 billion?!

I moved it to another account,
so we're in the clear!

Goodbye, poverty!
Hello, designer brands!

--You're hopeless.
--Hey...! Ahead of us...!

An army base?!

As I said, I've confirmed
that Lupin is still alive!

I was hoping you could
void my resignation--

Eh? You don't need me? But I've
put in years of hard work...!

What?! I'm incompetent?! Hello?!


--It's no use.

--The cord's cut, Pops.
--So it is...

Lupin! You're under arrest!

Are you sure YOU'RE not
the one under arrest?


Later, Pops!

Whew! We're really
lucky all of a sudden!

--You gonna be a dictator?
--Maybe with women...!

Good luck, my ass!
They got us surrounded!

Leave it to Goemon-chan
to make a perfect entrance!

Same ol' pattern, though.

Patterns are also a part of training!

Yet more trifling things--

--cut too much!

It all serves as training!

What's with all the dangerous stuff?

They gettin' ready to start a w*r?

Ah! So that's why
ol' Cynthia wanted oil...



So she's gonna start wars in other
oil-rich areas and rake in the dough.

Pretty girls ALWAYS think
they can get their way...

--You have a chip on your shoulder?
--Tons of 'em!

End of the line!

You really did it this time, Lupin!
You crushed her dreams and mine!

Dreams? Ha! Of an out-of-date warmonger?

The century of w*r is over now.

I bet you just want power
so you can impress the ladies.

--Half of that matches your dream.
--Aw, shaddup!

You won't talk so big
once you're dead...!


You wouldn't want the stuff
behind us to blow up, now...

If you want chicks,
buy flowers, not those.

Flowers suit pretty girls, not bombs.



I appreciate the help, but why...?

I do want money and
designer brand stuff,

but a girl's grudges are even scarier!

Where's Lupin?

He is still inside.

You're not gonna run?

I know I just ended
your second-rate dreams,

but you can't beat me
and my newfound luck!

No...! There's one dream left...!

k*lling the world's greatest thief...

...and getting the
world's greatest woman!



I thought we were goners...

Guess this really does bring good luck!

I TOLD you flowers suit women
better than bombs.

You can have the rest of
your dream in the next world.

Unfortunately, the plan has failed.

It will take at least

All right. I'll mull it over
back at the office.

Room 1001.

I'm sorry to ask, but could
you pay your hotel bill?

Why?! You have a copy of my card!

Yes, but your card has become invalid...

How can that be?!

The money in your account reached zero...


What did you do?

The lesson is that it's not smart
to hand over checks carelessly.

Especially to someone good
at forging signatures...

You were that watchmaker...?!

The money you sent from
your company wasn't enough,

so I used plenty more,
even to build that oil platform...

--That was fake, too?

We borrowed the oil- for a limited time-
from the next platform over.

I leaked that info onto the 'Net,
so B.O.W.'s stock'll probably nose-dive.

Congratulations. You're flat broke
as of this morning.


I guess this is all I have left again...

Your lust for this was your undoing...

My father wanted it.

He was a dictator of a small country.

He was assassinated during a revolt.

Just before we could escape...

So you wanted the broach so you
could follow in his footsteps?

Dictators are long out of fashion,
you know.

Even this country's commander told me.

--But I could've been
a financial dictator...!
--I see...

Last chance.

If the water spills, you lose.
The winner gets the broach.

What do you say?

You're an awful man.

I've always wanted to be told that.

A dollar is nothing to scoff at.

Did Lupin check out?!

Cynthia Craymov.

His Royal Highness has requested
help from the Interpol.

You're under arrest on suspicion of
rebellious and t*rror1st activities!

So? Who wound up rich?

Fujiko, I'd guess. She always
runs off with the dough...

Can hardly even buy
a paper thanks to her.


What's up, Goemon? I thought you
were doing religious training?

She disappeared.

The priestess took all the
alms I collected and vanished.

--So you lose, too!
--How cruel...

--That reminds me, Lupin.
What did you do with that broach?
-- A smoky room

--It's the only treasure we got...
-- Gave it away.
--A jazzy tune

--You gave it away?! Who to?!
-- I looked across
And then, there was you

I looked across
And then, there was you

Lady Luck is on my side tonight

--Lupin...! Is that--
--Yep. It definitely brings good luck!
-- Lady Luck is on my side tonight

--She didn't need it to make it big,
but a promise IS a promise...
-- Your smile's so warm in candlelight

--To the broach's good fortune...
-- And life's a flame


An amber flame

Help me...!

That's burning bright
Playing out its game

--Some broad just run by?!

--What happened?
-- Gonna sing my special song tonight

--She didn't pay up!
All the way from Florida, too!
-- Gonna sing my special song tonight

Gonna find my way to you all right

What was that about, Fujiko?

--I got ripped off...!
-- Like stars that cross
only once now and then

--I invested the 100 billion dollars
-- Like stars that cross
only once now and then

--in stocks and then they nose-dived!
-- Like stars that cross
only once now and then

--It's ALL gone!
-- Like stars that cross
only once now and then

Coming so close and yet parting

Two carefree travelers meeting again

--Found you, Lupin!
-- Two carefree travelers meeting again

--Your persistence has
gone up by 100 times, Pops!
-- Two carefree travelers meeting again

Each time we meet love begins

--Let's go!
-- Each time we meet love begins

--After them! Get them!
--This way...!
-- Each time we meet love begins

And life's a Flame

Never the same

But burning bright

Playing out its game

Puttin' on dancing shoes

Gonna lead me straight to you

--Get back here, Lupin...!
-- Gonna lead me straight to you

So dance with me all night through