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Precure All Stars New Stage 3: Eien no Tomodachi (2014)

Posted: 02/09/24 11:44
by bunniefuu
Teacher: A precure fairy is someone who goes to the human world to find a {girl}female partner.

Teacher: When they have found a partner, they combine their strength and give birth to a strong power.

Teacher: Now then, let's review what you've just learned.

Teacher: Can anyone tell me what this is?

Everyone: Miracle Light!

Teacher: And does anyone know how to use it?

Gureru: I do!

Teacher: Ah, Gureru, Enen.

Gureru: The Miracle Light is used when Precures need support.

Gureru: When they're in trouble, turn on the light and yell:

Gureru: Go! {Or another word for cheering}

Gereru: {When you cheer them on like that, it helps the Precure}It helps when you cheer them on like that.

Enen: You have to be careful when you use this.

Enen: Don't throw it, and don't swing it around.

Enen: Don't look too closely into the light.

Enen: Be careful of your surroundings when supporting a Precure, okay?

Teacher: Perfect!

Gureru: Yay!

Teacher: You two have been working really hard lately.

Gureru: Well, that's because our dream is to become Precure fairies!

Teacher: That's great.

Teacher: Actually, I have something I want you two to do.

Teacher: A new group of Precures emerged{was born} recently.

Teacher: Their name...

Teacher: Happiness Charge Precure!

Gureru: Happiness Charge Precure?!

Teacher: We only know their name.

Teacher: So I want you two to investigate them for this textbook.

Gureru: U-Us?!

Enen: Something so important?

Teacher: {I expect it from hard working people like you.}I have high expectations from hardworking people like yourselves.

Teacher: And when you're near the Precures,

Teacher: you'll learn things that you can't learn at school.

Teacher: {Will you do this?}So, what do you say?

Gureru: We're off!

Audience: Precure All Stars New Stage , Friends Forever

English: On the backs of those who do their best to protect tomorrow

English:On the backs of those who do their best to protect tomorrow

English: Believing that everyone will smile happily

English: Believing that everyone will smile happily

Nami: Someone, {save}help me.

Nightmare Beast: Nightmare!

Nightmare: Ah, ah, whee!

Nightmare Beast: Spin spin spin... {SFX}

Yumeta: Are you okay?

Yumeta: That was a scary dream, right?

Yumeta: But it's all over now.

Yumeta: Because the Nightmare got eaten by my mom!

Nami: Who are you?

Yumeta: Eh... I'm Yumeta.

Yumeta: Welcome to the World of Dreams!

Nami: Woah!

Nami: Huh?

Yumeta: These are your presents. They're all yours!

Nami: Really?

Yumeta: Say, will you be my friend?

Nami: Sure! Let's play, Yumeta!

Maamu: Play inside this fun dream...

Maamu: ...forever...

Gureru: Is this Solitaire?

Enen: Yep.

Enen: It's the place where everyone from DokiDoki Precure gathers.

Enen: I wonder if they'll remember us.

Gureru: Of course they will!

Gureru: We're their friends, right?

Enen: But...

Ai-chan: Huh...

Ai-chan: Good day!

Gureru: Good day...

Aguri: Good day, mister fairy.

Aguri: Do you need something?

Mana: Fairy?

Mana: Ah! It's Gureru!

Rikka: Enen, long time no see!

Ai-chan: Nom nom nom nom.

Mana: Happiness Charge Precure?

Gureru: {Right, they are new Precure that emerged recently.}Yeah, it's a new group of Precures that emerged recently.

Mana: Our juniors{understudies w/e}...

Makoto: What are they like?

Gureru: We came to investigate that.

Enen: But we don't know where they are...

Sharuru: The fairy of the new Precure Ribbon should know, Sharu~

Gureru: Really?

Enen: Could you put us in contact with her?

Sharuru: Of course, Sharu~

Mana: Waah!

Mana: I want to meet them as soon as possible.

Mana: This is way too much fun.

Mana: {My chest won't stop fluttering. {Needs better wording}My heart's beating a mile a minute.

Alice: But they're a bit late, aren't they?

Makoto: It's past the appointed time...

Announcer: Next, the mysterious phenomenon that has spread amongst children.

Everyone: Huh?

Announcer: {Since a few days, a mysterious phenomenon has occurred,}A mysterious phenomenon started a few days ago,

Announcer: The hospital was not able to determine a cause during its investigation.

Announcer: The number of children that are staying asleep is increasing daily.

Rikka: Children that stay asleep?

Ribbon: Sharuru!

Everyone: Huh?

Ribbon: Over here!

Sharuru: Ah, Ribbon Sharu~

Ribbon: Owie...

Mana: Are you okay?

Ribbon: Ah, yes!

Ribbon: Pleased to meet you, I'm the fairy named Ribbon.

Ribbon: Please forgive me for being late.

Ribbon: I actually ran into some trouble.{Something troubling happened}

Mana: Trouble?

Rikka: Hey. Mana!

Aguri: Sticking your head in a bush in the middle of the city...

Aguri: That's not something a first-class lady should do!

Hime: Megumi, wake up!

Hime: Megumi!

Hime: Me-gu-mi!

Hime: Hahaha, take that!

Ribbon: Megumi has been napping on the sofa like this.

Ribbon: She's been completely unable to wake up.

Hime: {Background}This is a masterpiece!

Enen: Are these two the new Precures?

Hime: Ah, welcome...

Mana: Hey, isn't this the same as what we heard on the news?

Hime: Eh?

Aguri: The mysterious phenomenon where a lot of children are unable to wake up.

Hime: Eh?!

Hime: Megumi can't wake up{ like this}?!

Blue: Wait a second.

Blue: Ah.

Blue: I faintly feel the power of a fairy.

Mana: A fairy's power?

Blue: Everyone.

Blue: Why don't you go into Megumi's dream and investigate?

Alice: Is that even possible?

Ribbon: Blue-sama is this planet's god.

Ribbon: He does simple tasks like this all the time.

Blue: Well then, here you go.

Blue: Mirror, mirror on the wall, send everyone into the dream!

Everyone: Wah!

Blue: Find out what happened to Megumi and the other kids.

Hime: Geez, it's too soon for him to be a god!

Mana: Where are we...?

Everyone: Woah...

Makoto: There's a turtle flying in the sky!

Aguri: Delicious sweets...

Aguri: No, wait.

Aguri: Riding on clouds!

Alice: What a wonderful world.

Mana: Yahoo! This feels great.

Rikka: Hey, Mana!

Everyone: Hm?

Megumi: Giddyup, giddyup!

Hime: There she is!

Hime: Hey, Megumi!

Megumi: Huh, isn't that Hime?!

Megumi: Yahoo

Everyone: Oh!

Mana: Watch out!

Both: Hello! Eh...

Both: Pleased to meet you!

Megumi: Thanks for saving me.

Megumi: I'm Aino Megumi!

Mana: I'm Aida Mana!

Both: {Well met!}Nice to meet you!{Meh, a bit redundant, but oh well}

Hime: Geez Megumi, why are you playing so {care}freely?

Megumi: Because this place is incredibly fun!

Megumi: {There is(are) unlimited candy(sweets) everywhere!}There's an infinite number of candy!

Hime: Really?! Woah, this is like a dream!

Ribbon: It is a dream.

Nami: Yumeta, I caught you!

Nami: This time you're it, Yumeta.

Yumeta: Okay.

Yumeta: {Background}One, two...

Enen: Hey, Gureru.

Yumeta: Three, four...{I added this line, seemed logical since all the other numbers were included... -xMyth}

Gureru: Hm? What?

Enen: Isn't that Yumeta over there?

Yumeta: {Background}Five, six...

Gureru: Ah, it is!

Both: Hey!

Yumeta: {Background}Seven...

Gureru: Yumeta!

Yumeta: Eh?!

Yumeta: Gureru, Enen, what are you doing here?

Yumeta: Do you guys remember me?

Gureru: Of course, we're friends, right?

Yumeta: Friends?

Ribbon: Someone you know?

Gureru: Yes, this is Yumeta.

Gureru: He was a classmate at Fairy School.

Enen: Yumeta is a dream fairy, a Chimera.{バク = a mythological creature that eats bad dreams (A Chimera)}

Rikka: A Chimera is said to eat bad dreams, but...

Rikka: Is that true?

Yumeta: Yeah, but I can't eat Nightmares yet. They're scary.

Gureru: Haha, that's right. You're just like us.

Yumeta: Eh?

Enen: We're also studying, to become a Precure fairy.

Gureru: Let's try our best!

Rikka: Mana, what's up?

Mana: That girl...

Nami: Huh? Shh!

Mana: She was shown on the news.

Enen: That means...

Rikka: All the children that can't wake up are here?

Gureru: Hey, Yumeta!

Gureru: What's going on here?!

Megumi: Huh?

Hime: What happened?

Mana: Where are the children?

Maamu: The children are playing with everyone.

Rikka: Who are you?

Maamu: I'm the dream fairy Maamu.

Maamu: Yumeta's mother.

Gureru: Yumeta's...

Enen: ...mother?

Maamu: That is the precious dream world of Yumeta and the children.

Maamu: You can't just enter that.

Maamu: Now, please get out of here.

Mana: We're not going to leave these kids behind!

Makoto: Why are these kids locked up inside a dream?

Maamu: I simply want to protect Yumeta's smile and dream.

Maamu: {People who interfere will not be forgiven!}I won't forgive those who interfere!

Nightmare Beast: Nightmare!

Hime: Whaa!

Megumi: Well, that's something!

Maamu: It's a Nightmare that I {absorbed}captured.{Dunno. "Captured" sounds more fitting than "absorbed". -MickeyK}

Maamu: Now, if you wish to avoid a painful experience...

Maamu: Leave!

Mana: I thought we told you.

Mana: We're not going to leave those kids behind!

Mana: Everyone, let's go!

Sharuru: Sharuru!

Everyone: Precure, Love Link!

Aguri: Precure, Dress Up!

Ai-chan: Kyupirappa! {lol}

Heart: Overflowing Love, Cure Heart!

Diamond: The Light of Wisdom, Cure Diamond!

Rosetta: A Warming Ray of Light, Cure Rosetta!

Sword: The Blade of Courage, Cure Sword!

Ace: The Trump Card of Love, Cure Ace!

Everyone: Beat, Pulse of Love! DokiDoki Precure!

Yumeta: They're Precures...

Maamu: It doesn't matter who you are. I won't forgive anyone who takes away Yumeta's smile!

Maamu: Nightmare!

Nightmare Beast: Nightmare!

Heart: Rosetta!

Rosetta: Got it!

Rosetta: Huh?

Nightmare Beast: Spin spin spin.

Enen: Watch out!

Rosetta: Precure, Rosetta Reflection!

Sword: Precure, Sparkle Sword!

Megumi: So cool!

Hime: This doesn't seem to have anything to do with us.{alt. This doesn't seem to be any of our business}

Ace: Fall in love, Ace Shot! Fire! (thank me later)}

Nightmare: Nightma

Hime: Amazing.

Maamu: As expected of Precures, however...

Hime: Huh?

Sword: The Nightmare we defeated...

Maamu: {The only one who can defeat a Nightmare is a Chimera.}Only a Chimera can defeat a Nightmare.

Maamu: Get out of here!

Gureru: Yumeta!

Enen: Yumeta!

Yumeta: Huh?

Yumeta: The Precures came.

Maamu: It's all right. You have me,

Maamu: your precious friends, and precious dream.

Maamu: I will always protect them.

Megumi: I'm {worn out}beat...

Hime: After dreaming...

Makoto: What's our next step?

Rikka: We can't leave those kids there.

Aguri: How are we supposed to fight inside the dream...

Mana: Let's call for help!

Everyone: Huh?

Mana: Let's get in touch with all the Precures and have them all help us out!

Gureru: Wait!

Gureru: Are you going to attack Yumeta with all the Precures?!

Gureru: He's not a bad guy!

Mana: Of course not.

Mana: He's your friend.

Enen: Huh?

Mana: This is something we can't do alone, but if we all get together and think of something, {I think} we can probably come up with a good idea.{Just wanted to reduce the usage of "think". -MickeyK}

Rikka: How to help those children,

Rikka: and how best to talk to Yumeta-kun.

Rikka: We can think about that with everyone.

Rikka: That's what you're talking about, right?

Mana: Exactly!

Gureru: {Right, that's it!}That's exactly it!

Enen: If you would please.

Blue: It's late already. Let's {carry out this plan}continue tomorrow.

Maamu: Sleep well...

Maamu: Precures!

Maamu: Cure Black.

Maamu: Cure White.

Maamu: Shiny Luminous.

Maamu: Cure Bloom.

Maamu: Cure Egret.

Maamu: Precure Five.

Maamu: Fresh Precure, Heartcatch Precure.

Maamu: Suite Precure, Smile Precure.

Maamu: And finally...

Maamu: DokiDoki Precure.

Maamu: Precure...

Maamu: Forget about fighting and such, and fall into a peaceful...

Maamu: ...eternal sleep.

Megumi: Ah, I slept like a log!

Megumi: Well, time to get in contact with the other Precures and...

Ribbon: We're in major trouble!

Megumi: Ribbon, what happened?

Ribbon: It seems like none of the Precurse are able to wake up.

Blue: It appears that they are all trapped in the dream.

Enen: What should we do? There are no more Precures.

Megumi: There are!

Gureru: Huh?

Megumi: They're here! Us two!

Hime: Eh? Y-You don't mean...

Hime: You want us to fight that Nightmare?

Megumi: In order to save our seniors and those children...

Megumi: ...we have to go inside the dream once more.

Gureru: I'm going as well!

Enen: Me too!

Hime: Huh? {Do you guys know?}Are you sure you understand?

Hime: This is very dangerous!

Gureru: We know, but...

Gureru: ...the Precure, the kids, and Yumeta...

Gureru: We can't leave them like this!

Megumi: {Got it}I see, let's go together then!

Ribbon: You'll be watching the house, Hime?

Hime: {I'm going! I'm going already!}I'll go, I'll go!

Hime: {But we can't take him in a straigh fight}We're as good as dead if we take him head on.

Hime: We should come up with a strategy.

Megumi: I've thought of a great one!

Hime: Is this your great idea?

Megumi: We'll sneak in so that we won't get detected.

Megumi: That's what ninjas do!

Megumi: Huh, what?

Maamu: You two sure are persistent, aren't you?{You two are slow learners.}{You two just don't learn, do you?}{Isn't it more like "It's you two again."? -MickeyK}

Hime: That was {a }quick{ detection}!

Ribbon: How?

Maamu: I told you, right?

Maamu: This is the {dream fairy's, the Chimera's, world}world of the dream fairy, Chimera.

Maamu: Invaders {will be discovered soon enough.}are discovered quickly.

Megumi: Who cares about being detected.

Megumi: Where are all the Precures?

Maamu: The Precures are in a sweet, happy dream.

Maamu: Every one of them is having the time of her life in her amazing dream.

Maamu: The Precures can no longer wake up.

Maamu: It would be best for you {if you'd obey and leave.}to listen and leave.

Gureru: {Yumeta's mom, p}Please let us see Yumeta.{Conversation-wise, best to leave out "Yumeta's mom". If you really want to, you can of course keep it. -MickeyK}

Maamu: Who are you two?

Enen: We go to Fairy School. We're Yumeta's friends!

Maamu: Friends?

Maamu: Yumeta never told me about you two.

Maamu: And I have never met anyone who wanted to visit Yumeta until now.

Gureru: Right...

Enen: Please let us see him!

Enen: We want to talk to him!

Maamu: Yumeta has other friends.

Maamu: He has no need for you!

Maamu: Now get out!

Maamu: Or else...

Megumi: Those threats will not work!

Megumi: Since we're Precures!

Maamu: Precures?

Maamu: I{'m supposed to have} captured all the Precures that were in the textbook!

Megumi: We're new Precures!

Megumi: Hime, let's go!

Hime: Geez, I knew it would end up like this.

Maamu: You guys {suck}{are extremely weak.}are weaklings.

Megumi: What?

Maamu: You can't transform in there.

Maamu: Be obedient.

Hime: This sucks!

Megumi: Don't worry.

Megumi: I'll solve this with my Super Punch!

Megumi: Here we...

Megumi: Ouch!

Yumeta: You're wasting your time.

Gureru: Yumeta!

Yumeta: My mom is the strongest inside this dream world.

Gureru: Yumeta, stop this.

Enen: You mustn't do this!

Yumeta: Why?

Enen: Huh?

Yumeta: Eating Nightmares, showing those children a fun dream...{ that is our, a Chimera's, duty.} As a Chimera, that's my duty.

Yumeta: But...

Yumeta: When the children wake up{ from their dream}, they forget everything that happened in their dreams.

Yumeta: No matter how strong our friendship became, they end up forgetting about me.

Nami: Mama, good morning!

Yumeta: It's so... painful.

Yumeta: That's why my mom is keeping everyone inside their dream.

Yumeta: That way, my friends will stay with me forever,

Yumeta: and we can{ eternally} continue this fun dream forever.

Yumeta: I've been having fun, and everyone is grateful.

Yumeta: Everyone is having fun. So what shouldn't I be doing?

Gureru: W-Well...

Yumeta: If we're friends, leave me alone!

Megumi: We can't leave you alone because we're friends.

Yumeta: Huh?

Hime: I warned Gureru and Enen.

Hime: It's dangerous.

Hime: But these two still said they couldn't leave you alone.

Enen: Yumeta...

Yumeta: I didn't ask {for this! - Deus Ex}for you to be concerned!

Enen: Yumeta!

Gureru: Yumeta!

Nozomi: Huh?

Student C: {Teacher}Excuse me, Nozomi-sensei!

Nozomi: I'm a... teacher?

Student A: {Please, get this class started. Form into something more polite please}Are you ready to start class?

Student B: We really enjoy your lessons!

Nozomi: Okay then, I'm all fired up. Let's get this lesson under way!

Nozomi: It's decided!

Saki: {The bread is baked}Fresh bread, check!

Saki: {Lots of c}Customers, check!

Saki: This is going perfectly!

Announcer: The national{whole of Japan} dance contest's winners are...

Announcer: ...Clover{desu, m*therf*ckers}!

Love: We've finally won!

Love: Happiness, get!

Chairman: The new Prime Minister has been decided.

Chairman: Aida Mana-kun!

Mana: Here!

Mana: I finally realised it!

Mana: My dream of becoming a Prime Minister!

Yumeta: Mom?

Maamu: Hmm?

Maamu: Yumeta, what's wrong?

Yumeta: Um...

Maamu: What is it?

Yumeta: Nothing...

Maamu: You don't have to be worried about anything.

Maamu: I'll do anything for you.

Maamu: I'll protect you from sadness and danger.

Nightmare Beast: Nightmare!

Maamu: Someone is having a nightmare again.

Maamu: I have to go.

Yumeta: Mom, are you okay? You're tired.

Maamu: Even if I'm tired, I have to go.

Maamu: Hunting nightmares is our job as Chimera.

Maamu: You go play with your friends.

Maamu: Isn't that a good plan?

Yumeta: Okay.

Megumi: It's impossible.

Hime: The {real }world isn't that simple.

Megumi: This is strange...

Megumi: Normally, we just combine our strength and it opens.

Enen: Yumeta...

Enen: Is this a... key?

Both: Seriously?!

Megumi: So that's why he came here.

Hime: {Isn't that}He's actually a really nice kid.

Gureru: Yumeta...

Nami: Delicious!

Nami: I want to make these kinds of sweets.

Nami: I want to be a pâtissier when I grow up.

Boy A: I want to be a fireman!

Girl A: I want to be an idol!

Yumeta: Okay.

Yumeta: {Ya!}Here!

Everyone: Huh?

Girl A: Fly!

Boy B: Huh, we're still kids.

Nami: You're right, but why?

Yumeta: I'm sorry, I can't make you adults.

Boy A: Lame...

Boy A: But it's okay, we'll become adults!

Nami: I want to grow up quickly...

Girl A: Me too!

Yumeta: Huh?

Yumeta: Huh?!

Megumi: Hello!

Yumeta: Waah! {Y-You are?!}W-Who are you?!

Megumi: I'm Aino Megumi!

Megumi: Please treat me properly.{Pleased to meet you.}

Gururu: Yo.

Enen: Thanks for the key.

Yumeta: Hurry and get out of here.

Yumeta: I don't know what'll happen when my mom finds you.

Gureru: You want us to get out and leave you behind?!

Enen: Hey Yumeta, do you remember?

Enen: When you quit Fairy School, you said something.

Enen: You said this:

Yumeta: I have a dream{ for the future}!

Yumeta: That's why I'm quitting this school, in order to achieve that dream!

Gureru: Your dream isn't to lock up kids, right?!

Enen: What is your true dream?

Yumeta: My dream is...

Yumeta: It's impossible!

Yumeta: I can't do it!

Gureru: Of course you can!

Enen: You have to keep working hard and never give up...

Enen: ...and achieve your dream!

Yumeta: No matter what I do, I can't achieve it!

Yumeta: Spending time in fun dreams is the best, isn't it?!

Yumeta: The Precures are having fun in their dream too, right?!

Megumi: Well then, let's go check them out.

Everyone: Huh?

Megumi: Let's go find out what all the Precures are doing in their dreams.

Megumi: Doctor.

Megumi: Vet.

Megumi: Pianist.

Signs: th Aoyama Award Ceremony

Megumi: {Fiction writer.}Author.

Megumi: Manga artist.

Megumi: Woah...

Megumi: That's a lot of different dreams!

Yumeta: Since you're Precures, wouldn't you enjoy a nice dream?

Hime: That doesn't seem likely.

Hime: Look.

Signs: The flowers withered, their colour faded away.

Nozomi: Did flowers fade in vain amid vernal rain...

Nozomi: Um, what was it again?

Nozomi: Huh, huh, huh?

Signs: The flowers withered, their colour faded away. While meaninglessly I spent my days in the world and the long rains were falling.

Signs: The flowers withered, their colour faded away. While meaninglessly I spent my days in the world and the long rains were falling.

Signs: The flowers withered, their colour faded away. While meaninglessly I spent my days in the world and the long rains were falling.

Signs: The flowers withered, their colour faded away. While meaninglessly I spent my days in the world and the long rains were falling.

Signs: The flowers withered, their colour faded away. While meaninglessly I spent my days in the world and the long rains were falling.

Signs: The flowers withered, their colour faded away. While meaninglessly I spent my days in the world and the long rains were falling.

Signs:The flowers withered, their colour faded away. While meaninglessly I spent my days in the world and the long rains were falling.

Signs: The flowers withered, their colour faded away. While meaninglessly I spent my days in the world and the long rains were falling.

Student A: Nozomi-sensei's so cool!

Student B: It came out so smoothly, as expected!

Nozomi: No...

Nozomi: This wasn't my doing.

Nozomi: This is just a convenient dream.

Yumeta: Huh?

Nozomi: My dream is to become a teacher.

Nozomi: In order to achieve that dream, I have to study a lot more.

Nozomi: I have to work hard so that one day I can stand {on a platform}infront of a class like this.{Teacher's platform}

Nozomi: Thanks for this fun dream!

Maamu: Huh, this just now... could it be?

Student A: Why?

Student A: {If you dream is achieved easily, isn't that better?}Isn't it better if you fulfill your dream easily?

Nozomi: No.

Nozomi: It isn't about achieving your dream.

Nozomi: It's about becoming who you want to be.

Nozomi: That's why...

Nozomi: have to achieve it on your own!

Megumi: Same goes for you, right?

Megumi: {A dream that you want to come true by working hard.}Working hard to make a dream come true.

Yumeta: But I...

Hime: I know how you feel.

Yumeta: Huh?

Hime: I know I couldn't stay like this, but I was scared and didn't have any courage...

Hime: I was the same.

Yumeta: Are you different now?

Hime: Now, I...

Hime: ...have friends!

Hime: You have friends as well, right?

Gureru: Yumeta, work hard and aim for your real dream.

Enen: We'll help you!

Maamu: Yumeta!

Yumeta: Mom?

Maamu: Thank goodness you're safe.

Maamu: Yumeta, come over here.

Yumeta: Um...

Maamu: What's the matter? Come here.

Maamu: What did you tell Yumeta?!

Maamu: Nightmare!

Maamu: Devour these kids who brainwashed my son!

Megumi: Thanks for waiting, everyone!

Hime: Here we go!

Voice: Transfun fun!{Think of something funny, she says basically transform/change - Thanks mit!}

Both: Precure, Rolling Mirror Change!

Lovely: The big love that extends throughout the world!

Lovely: Cure Lovely!

Princess: The blue wind that dances in the sky!

Princess: Cure Princess!

Both: Infused with happiness, charged with joy!

Both: Happiness Charge Precure!

Nightmare Beast: Nightmare!

Nightmare Beast: Nightmare!

Nightmare Beast: Nightmare, nightmare, nightmare!

Nightmare Beast: Ni-ght-ma-re!

Gureru: Lovely!

Enen: Princess!

Maamu: No matter how many Precures, they are no match for these Nightmares.

Yumeta: Mom.

Yumeta: Precures...

Saki: All my bread comes out perfectly. Not a single one is botched.

Saki: Customers line up every single day.

Saki: I'm happy, but this is definitely weird!

Tsubomi: The flowers don't wither.

Tsubomi: This can't be real.

Maamu: Another crack in a Precure's dream...

Lovely: Everyone is trying to get out of their fabricated dream.

Maamu: Why do they want to?

Maamu: It's better in their sweet fun dreams!

Princess: You can't truly enjoy a dream made by someone else.

Yumeta: Huh?

Komachi: Surely, reality isn't all fun.

Komachi: There are lots of things you don't want to do, or that are painful.

Komachi: But I don't think you should {turn your eyes away from there.}shun reality.

Urara: Sometimes things don't end up like you want and you feel down.

Urara: You feel miserable and want to try, but...

Yayoi: When you get over your sadness, you'll definitely become stronger!

Love: Failure is always an option!{Hue hue Mythbusters - actual: Failing is okay!}

Love: {Just try again, over and over!}Just keep on trying!

Maamu: If you don't want to get hurt, it would be wise to obey and do exactly as I say.

Lovely: We know that it will hurt.

Lovely: We can't turn a blind eye!

Nightmare Beast: Nightmare!

Rin: I shouldn't lie to myself.

Rin: I won't let anyone erase this dream or extinguish my passion.

Mai: Because this is the dream I painted.

Mai: I want to fly using my own power!

Nao: I want a straight up bout, because it's {precious}important to me.

Nao: I have to run with my own legs.

Erika: The only one who can lift up your dream is you!

Melody: I want to let my melody resound in everyone's heart!

Miyuki: I want to...

Miyuki: ...laugh with everyone.

Patient: I think it's definitely going to be a heartbreaking and scary experience.

Karen: That's right.

Karen: But I have friends.

Karen: It might be difficult on my own, but I will surely overcome it together with my friends.

Princess: Watch out!

Nightmare Beast: Nightmare!

Lovely: Princess!

Princess: I was finally able to become friends with Lovely. Do you think I'd let some Nightmare take that away from me?!

Lovely: Princess...

Lovely: Let's go, Princess!

Princess: Yeah!

Gureru: Yumeta!

Gureru: Help us!

Enen: Yumeta, help us!

Gureru: We can't do this on our own!

Gureru: Please! Help us!

Enen: Yumeta!

Gureru: Yumeta!

Both: Yumeta!

Yumeta: I can't do it!

Both: Huh?

Gureru: What the...?

Enen: We're saved...

Gureru: Yumeta...

Gureru: Yumeta, this is dangerous, so just wait right here.

Yumeta: Huh?

Enen: At the moment, Nightmares are only targeting us and the Precures.

Enen: I don't think they'll come to attack you.

Gureru: Nightmares are scary, but getting you involved would be bad.

Gureru: Don't worry about us.

Enen: We'll go look for the Precures.

Enen: See you later!

Mana: {I want to be excited with everyone!}I look forward to my time with everyone!

Yumeta: Huh?

Mana: A dream where only I am happy, isn't a good dream at all!{Edited to match w/ line }

Maamu: No matter how hard you try, you can't win.

Nami: Huh, what's going on there?

Nami: Monsters!

Boy C: Mama... Papa...

Yumeta: You guys...

Nagisa: I can hear them!

Love: The sound of crying kids!

Mana: I have to go!

Nami: Huh?

Blue: Children, fairies, I have a request for all of you.

Blue: I need you to cheer the Precures on in order to save them from the dream world.

Gureru: Use this Miracle Light to {send}boost the Precures' {your }power!{Please better wording}

Both: Now, let's do it!

Both: Precure!

Both: Go for it!{Or more appropriate cheer}

Both: Precure!

Both: Go for it!

Everyone: Precure!

Everyone: Go for it!

Everyone: Precure!

Everyone: Go for it!

Everyone: Precure!

Everyone: Go for it!

Lovely: Our power is growing.

Princess: Thanks, everyone!

Everyone: Precure!

Everyone: Go for it!

Everyone: Precure!

Everyone: Go for it!

Everyone: Precure!{Background}

Melody: Everyone's calling!

Everyone: Go for it!{Background}

Saki: Let's go!

Miyuki: In order to protect everyone's smile...

Nozomi: In order to protect everyone's dream...

Everyone: That's why we are Precure!

Blue: Mirror, mirror on the wall, send the Precures who awoke to the dream world!

Kids: Precure!

White: The ones who make those kids cry are...

Black: guys, right?!

Lovely: The senior Precures are here!

Princess: Epic!

Melody: What are those?

March: Where are we?

Heart: Those are nightmare monsters.

Heart: We're inside the world of dreams.

Marine: Ah, a dream...

Marine: Oh it's a dream... Well as long as it's a dream!

Ace: The world of dreams is under the Nightmares' control. All you'll dream will be a nightmare!

Rosetta: I'd be too scared to sleep!

Marine: Oh crap, that'd be a problem!

Maamu: Nightmares, capture those Precures!

Black: Everyone, let's go!

Insert-Romaji: Eien no tomodachi Precure

Insert-Kanji: 永遠のともだち プリキュア

Insert-English: Eternal friends - Precures

Diamond: {That's surprisingly many!}I didn't expect there to be so many!

Diamond: What should we do?

Lovely: Leave it to me!

Voice: Transfun fun!

Lovely: Precure, Rolling Mirror Change!

Insert-Romaji: Akiramenai kokoro wo motsu egao no shoujotachi

Insert-Kanji: あきらめない心を持つ笑顔の少女たち

Insert-English: {Energetic,}Smiling girls who will never give up

Lovely: Cherry Flamenco

Lovely: Precure, Passion Dynamite!

Insert-Romaji: Hitamukina jounetsu de tada massugu susumu

Insert-Kanji: ひたむきな情熱でただ、まっすぐ進む

Insert-English: go forward with earnest passion

Insert-Romaji: Mamoritai asu no tame ni ganbaru senaka ni wa

Insert-Kanji: 守りたい明日のためにがんばる背中には

Insert-English: On the backs of those who do their best to protect tomorrow

Lovely: Olé!

Rosetta: That's so cool.

Princess: I can do that too!

Insert-Romaji: Kibou he to habatakeru

Insert-Kanji: 希望へと羽ばたける

Insert-English: There are invisible wings

Princess: Oww!

Insert-Romaji: Mienai hane ga aru

Insert-Kanji: 見えない羽根がある

Insert-English: That they use to fly to their hopes

Heart: There's a lot of them in the sky as well!

Insert-Romaji: Hitori hitori kagayaite

Insert-Kanji: ひとりひとり輝いて

Insert-English: Each of them shines

Bloom: Egret, let's go!

Egret: Okay!

Insert-Romaji: Hitotsu hitotsu hanatsu negai kanaete yuku

Insert-Kanji: ひとつひとつはなつ願い叶えてゆく

Insert-English: And makes wish after wish come true

Bloom: Gooo!

Insert-Romaji: Ima kara hajimaru atarashii sekai e

Insert-Kanji: 今からはじまる新しい世界へ

Insert-English: To a world that has just begun

Blossom: We can't be defeated either!

Blossom: Marine, let's go!

Marine: Let's do this!

Insert-Romaji: Toki wo koete

Insert-Kanji: 時を越えて

Insert-English: Transcending time

Insert-Romaji: Chikara awase

Insert-Kanji: 力あわせ

Insert-English: Working together

Insert-Romaji: Tsunagaru kizuna

Insert-Kanji: つながる絆

Insert-English: Bond is going to form

Both: Gather, the power of two flowers!

Insert-Romaji: Minna de waraeru shiawase wo shinjite

Insert-Kanji: みんなで笑えるしあわせを信じて

Insert-English: Believing that everyone will smile happily

Both: Precure, Flower Power, Fortissimo!

Insert-Romaji: Gyutto kataku musubi atta

Insert-Kanji: ぎゅっとかたく 結びあった

Insert-English: Their burning friendship

Insert-Romaji: Atsui yuujou

Insert-Kanji: 熱い友情

Insert-English: Was tightly tied

Insert-Romaji: Koronde mo tachiagari

Insert-Kanji: 転んでも立ち上がり

Insert-English: They stand up after they fall

Insert-Romaji: Tsumugareru densetsu

Insert-Kanji: 紡がれる伝説

Insert-English: And weave a legend

Marine: We managed to kick ass this year, too!

Insert-Romaji: Mirai made kakenukeru

Insert-Kanji: 未来まで駆けぬける

Insert-English: Running through to the future

Insert-Romaji: Eien no tomodachi Precure

Insert-Kanji: 永遠のともだち プリキュア

Insert-English: Eternal friends - Precures

Dream: Precure, sh**ting Star!

Happy: Okay, me too!{alt. My turn!}

Happy: Precure, Happy Sho

Happy: Wah!

Rouge: Precure, Fire Strike!

March: Precure, March Shot!

Rouge: Nice hit with your Happy Head Attack!

March: Nice straight fight!

Happy: Right...

Lemonade: Cure Peace, let's go as well!

Peace: Okay!

: Precure, Emerald Saucer!

Lemonde: We're safe.

Peace: No way!

Aqua: All targets{balls} hit! As expected!

Nightmare Beast: Nightmare!

Insert-Romaji: Fukiareru arashi ni sae

Insert-Kanji: 吹き荒れる嵐にさえ

Insert-English: Girls who don't give up

Peach: Let's do this, Melody!

Melody: Okay!

Insert-Romaji: Makenai shoujotachi

Insert-Kanji: 負けない少女たち

Insert-English: Not even to a roaring storm

Peach: Precure, Love Sunshine... Fresh!

Insert-Romaji: Ase to namida no tsubu mo seichou suru akashi

Insert-Kanji: 汗と涙の粒も成長する証

Insert-English: Sweat and tears are the proof of their growth

Melody: Rush forth, Tone Ring!

Insert-Romaji: Nando demo idonde yuku

Insert-Kanji: 何度でも挑んでゆく

Insert-English: In the unclouded vision

Melody: Precure, Music Rondo!

Insert-Romaji: Sumiwataru hitomi ni

Insert-Kanji: 澄みわたる瞳に

Insert-English: Of those who challenge over and over again

Insert-Romaji: Hyakunensaki mo kawaranai

Insert-Kanji: ひゃく年先も変わらない

Insert-English: There lies a courage

Insert-Romaji: Yuuki ga yadotteru

Insert-Kanji: 勇気が宿ってる

Insert-English: Which remains the same even a century later

Maamu: Precure!

Maamu: Everyone, gather and disappear!

Insert-Romaji: Arigatou ga

Insert-Kanji: ありがとうが

Insert-English: The sky is resounding

Insert-Romaji: Hibiku sora

Insert-Kanji: 響く空

Insert-English: With gratitude

Ai-chan: Kyupirappa!

Insert-Romaji: Aishite iru

Insert-Kanji: 愛している

Insert-English: They can be strong

Insert-Romaji: Nakama ga ite

Insert-Kanji: 仲間がいて

Insert-English: Because they have

Insert-Romaji: Tsuyoku nareru

Insert-Kanji: 強くなれる

Insert-English: Friends that they love

Gureru: Nice kyupirappa!

Enen: Ai-chan, you're amazing!

Insert-Romaji: Hikari wo tewatasu mata tsugi no sedai e

Insert-Kanji: 光を手渡すまた次の世代へ

Insert-English: They hand the light to another generation

Maamu: Come forth, mecha Nightmare!

Insert-Romaji: Hoshi no you ni

Insert-Kanji: 星のように

Insert-English: It keeps shining

Insert-Romaji: Hizashi no you ni

Insert-Kanji: 陽射しのように

Insert-English: Like stars

Insert-Romaji: Terashi tsudukeru

Insert-Kanji: 照らし続ける

Insert-English: Or the sun

Insert-Romaji: Sorezore no mune ni mebaeta mabushisa de

Insert-Kanji: それぞれの胸に芽生えたまぶしさで

Insert-English: With the brilliance that grew on each heart

Mecha Nightmare: Nightmare!

Insert-Romaji: Yume no tane wa hanahiraite

Insert-Kanji: 夢の種は花開いて

Insert-English: The seeds of dreams bloom

Insert-Romaji: Kirameki ni naru

Insert-Kanji: きらめきになる

Insert-English: And sparkle

Insert-Romaji: Koronde mo tachiagari

Insert-Kanji: 転んでも立ち上がり

Insert-English: They stand up after they fall

Insert-Romaji: Tsumugareru densetsu

Insert-Kanji: 紡がれる伝説

Insert-English: And weave a legend

Insert-Romaji: Mirai made kakenukeru

Insert-Kanji: 未来まで駆けぬける

Insert-English: Running through to the future

Insert-Romaji: Eien no tomodachi{ purikyua}

Insert-Kanji: 永遠のともだち

Insert-English: Eternal friends

Insert-Romaji: Furimukazu mae wo mite

Insert-Kanji: 振り向かず前を見て

Insert-English: By going forward without turning back

Insert-Romaji: Tadoritsuku shinjitsu

Insert-Kanji: 辿りつく真実

Insert-English: They get to the truth

Insert-Romaji: Hohoemi de tsuujiau

Insert-Kanji: 微笑みで通じ合う

Insert-English: They understand each other with smiles

Insert-Romaji: Zenin ga tomodachi Precure

Insert-Kanji: 全員がともだち プリキュア

Insert-English: Because they are all friends - Precures

Nightmare: Night...

Nightmare: Nightmare!

Ace: You're years too early to assassinate us.

Insert-Romaji: Minna mo Precure

Insert-Kanji: みんなも プリキュア

Insert-English: Everyone's a Precure as well

Ace: Adieu!

Yumeta: Precure...

Maamu: They keep smashing all my Nightmares no matter how many I summon...

Maamu: These are Precure...

Maamu: But I can't lose, I have to protect Yumeta.

Lovely: It's love, right?

Lovely: The feeling that makes you want to protect Yumeta.

Lovely: It's a lot of love!

Lovely: Yumeta-kun has become a nice kid thanks to {his mother's}your love.

Maamu: What are you trying to say?

Lovely: Yumeta-kun looks like a nice kid. I don't think he would want to keep these kids here against their will!

Lovely: Yumeta-kun is someone who works hard on his own.

Lovely: {I believe that in him!}I am sure of it!

Maamu: What are you saying?

Maamu: I'm his mother, so I know the most about Yumeta.

Maamu: That's why I think about his happiness, achieving his dreams...

Princess: That's not Yumeta's dream! It's yours!

Princess: {You protect your son too much in your desire to protect him.}Your desire to protect him makes you overprotective!

Princess: You're trapping Yumeta-kun!

Maamu: Silence!

Maamu: Silence!

Yayoi: When you overcome your sadness, you'll definitely be stronger! {Flashback - Same as earlier}

Love: {Failing is okay!}Failure is always an option!{Edited to match w/ line }

Love: {Just try again, over and over!}Just keep on trying!{Edited to match w/ line }

Yumeta: Gureru... Enen...

Lovely: We know that it will hurt. We can't turn a blind eye!

Yumeta: Precure...

Maamu: Your precious friends and precious dream... I will always protect them.

Yumeta: Mom...

Mana: A dream where only I am happy isn't a good dream at all!

Yumeta: Mom... Stop it already!

Both: Yumeta!

Maamu: Yumeta, you... captured a nightmare...

Yumeta: Mom, forgive me.

Yumeta: I'm always making you worry because I'm such a weakling.

Yumeta: Putting you through that...

Maamu: What are you talking about? It's okay.

Maamu: I'll do anything to protect you...

Yumeta: I'm happy that you watch over me, but...

Yumeta: These children have a dream for the future. They have a future.

Yumeta: I can't sacrifice everyone's future for my own sake.

Yumeta: It's painful and difficult, but I want to do it on my own!

Yumeta: Just like Precure!

Maamu: Yumeta, I didn't want to see you sad.

Maamu: That's why I wanted to protect you.

Maamu: Was that... wrong?

Maamu: I thought I explained to you that you shouldn't attack the children!

Yumeta: Mom!

Maamu: I can't absorb any more Nightmares.

Ribbon: She used up too much of her strength!

Nightmare Beasts: Nightmare... Nightmare...

Nightmare Beasts: Nightmare... Nightmare...

Nightmare Beast: Nightmare!

Egret: No matter how many times we defeat them, they keep resurrecting.

Aqua: We can't purify them with our power?

Mint: Surely the Nightmares...

Gureru: This never ends.

Enen: What should we do?

Yumeta: A Chimera's power.

Enen: Huh?

Yumeta: We can defeat them with the power of a Chimera.

Yumeta: If we combine the strength of the Precures and the Chimera...

Yumeta: I'm going!

Maamu: Wait, Yumeta!

Maamu: You can't go, it's dangerous!

Yumeta: But I'm a Chimera!

Yumeta: You're always saying that eradicating nightmares is the duty of a Chimera, right?

Yumeta: I have to get rid of the nightmares and protect everyone's dreams!

Maamu: Yumeta...

Yumeta: Let me go, mom... please!

Maamu: Yumeta... get home safely...

Maamu: I'll be watching you from here...

Maamu: ...firmly.

Yumeta: Okay.

Nightmare Beast: Nightmare!

Yumeta: I'm scared, but the Precures are here.

Gureru: Yumeta, it's almost time!

Enen: Do your best!

Yumeta: Okay!

Yumeta: My friends are here. I'm not alone!

Yumeta: Cure Heart, take my strength!

Heart: Yumeta-kun!

Heart: I send you... My Sweet Heart!

Gureru: The Nightmare vanished!

Yumeta: Everyone!

Everyone: Precures, Collaboration Punch!

Everyone: New Stage!

Princess: Epic!

Princess: Eh? Lovely also snuck in there?!

Princess: Wait for me!

Lemonade: They vanished into the ground!

Rouge: What are they planning to do?

Nightmare Dome: Gather... Gather...

Nightmare Dome: Night...

Nightmare Dome: Nightmare!

Marine: He became huge!

Lovely: Where are we?

Marine: This feels kind of unpleasant...

Peace: What's that?

Happy: In any case, we have to escape quickly.

Peace: Precure!

Peace: Peace Thunder!

Mint: Watch out!

Diamond: Those large legs are kind of troubling.

Aqua: Let's get him off balance to give us an opening!

Marine: Affirmative!

Blossom: Precure, Pink Forte Wave!

Marine: Precure, Blue Forte Wave!

White: The Precures' beautiful soul will...

Black: ...crush the evil spirit!

Both: Precure, Marble Screw...

Both: ...max!

Nightmare Dome: You alone cannot defeat me{the Nightmare / Nightmares}...

Nightmare Dome: As long as there is no Chimera!

Gureru: Yumeta!

Enen: Watch out!

Yumeta: Gureru, Enen...

Both: We have to protect...

Both: ...our friend!

Enen: Where are we?

Ayumi: Gureru, Enen.

Ayumi: It was you, right? Who called me.

Ayumi: You want to save your friend. I heard your voice.

Enen: Who are you?

Ayumi: I am Sakagami Ayumi. I'm a Precure.

Gureru: Precure? But there is nothing about you in the textbook...

Enen: The teacher told me there was a legendary Precure that was only able to transform once.

Gureru: Legendary Precure?

Ayumi: I don't have a fairy partner.

Ayumi: I'm like you two. I want to save my friends, the Precures!

Ayumi: Lend me your power!

Both: Okay!

Everyone: In order to protect everyone's hopes, combine our souls!

Echo: Convey my feelings!

Echo: Cure Echo!

Gureru: Cure Echo!

Enen: Our Precure!

Yumeta: Gureru, Enen, you did it!

Yumeta: You didn't give up and kept going and achieved your dream!

Echo: Let everyone's hopes echo throughout the world!

Echo: Precure, Heartful Echo!

Melody: That is...

Happy: Ayumi-chan, I mean, Cure Echo!

Echo: Now, everyone!

Octopus: Everything will be a nightmare!

Princess: He's huge! But...

Lovely: We definitely won't lose!

Octopus: Nightmare!

Melody: Watch out!

Blossom: Marine!

Heart: Everything okay?

Sword: We're here, so don't worry.

Diamond: The five Precure oaths!

Ace: Protect what you love!

Alice: That's right.

Heart: If we combine our strength, we can still keep going.

Everyone: Okay!

Both: Precure, Twin Stream Splash!

Diamond: We got him!

Black: Bloom!

White: Egret!

Peach: Crap!

Octopus: I got you, Precure!

Octopus: Now die!

Everyone: Precure!

: Precure.

Black: {You got us}"I got you"?

White: That's our line!

Heart: Lovely, Princess, now!

Lovely: Light of Love, Sacred Power!

Lovely: Love Pretty Bracelet!

Lovely: Precure, Pinky Love Shot!

Princess: Precure, Blue Happy Shot!

Everyone: Precure! Go!

Everyone: Precure! Go!

Both: Cure Honey!

Lovely: Okay, let's send him back in one go!

Princess: Bring it!

Gureru: Just a little more, everyone!

Everyone: Precure! Go!

Princess: Turning everyone's dreams into nightmares... That's the worst!

Lovely: That isn't love!

Nami: Good morning, mom! I had an amazing dream!

Nami: Hmm... What was it about again?

Mother: Nami!

Maamu: For parents, there is nothing worse than losing their child.

Maamu: {The Chimera who eat nightmares showed them a nightmare.}I'm supposed to make nightmares disappear, but instead I showed the children one.

Maamu: I'm a failure as a Chimera.

Yumeta: Mom.

Yumeta: I have a dream{ for the future}.

Yumeta: I said that I didn't have any self confidence, but I've been thinking about it forever.

Yumeta: About how amazing you are and that no matter how scary the Nightmare is, you still face it.

Yumeta: So that's why I want to be a Chimera like you!

Yumeta: I'll work hard once again to achieve my dream!

Maamu: Yumeta...

Yumeta: Mom!

Black: Later, everyone!

Ace: Let's meet again one day!

Ai-chan: Bye bye!

Yumeta: Once all the children wake up from their dream, they'll forget about me.

Yumeta: But that's fine.

Yumeta: If they have a fun dream...

Yumeta: ...and think of doing their best the next day, that is...

Gureru: We won't forget you.

Gureru: We'll never forget you!

Echo: Even though we're separated, our friendship won't go away

Echo: When your souls are connected, you'll stay friends forever.

Enen: I'll write in the textbook.

Enen: About the new Precure, Happiness Charge Precure.

Enen: And about our partner, Cure Echo.

Enen: And lastly...

Enen: About the fairy called Yumeta who is protecting everyone's dreams from inside the dream.

Enen: I'll tell everyone.

Yumeta: Gureru, Enen...

Enen: Let's meet again.

Yumeta: Okay!

Gureru: We'll be friends forever!

Ribbon: {Princess, your crying is too infectious. {She means others will cry because Princess cries, dunno how to word it :D}Princess, if you cry, then everyone will.

Princess: But... but...

Princess: Friends forever...

Lovely: You have your mother's affection...

Lovely: ...and friends forever!

Lovely: There is a lot of love in the world, right?!

Lovely: This is joyful happiness!

Everyone: Everyone, we're friends for ever and ever!