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Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven (2006)

Posted: 02/09/24 14:21
by bunniefuu
23 minutes ago,
a heavily armed criminal group. . .

. . .occupied the Chinese embassy,
Located on the 46th floor of this building.

It's still unclear at this point
how many hostages there are. . .

. . .but it's been confirmed that at Least
ten workers were still there.

Likewise, the number of t*rrorists
in the group is unknown.

While it's doubtful that it refers
to the number of members. . .

. . . they called themselves
''The Individual Eleven''. . .

. . .in their claim of responsibility.

A standoff inside an embassy, huh?

This means the indefinite standby order
on Section 9 might be lifted, doesn't it?

So, what are these Individual Eleven
people demanding?

An immediate halt to the intake of Asian
refugees, as well as the total closure. . .

. . .of the five refugee residential districts
located around the country.

Okay, now I get it.

The Chinese government's been sending
regular flights to Dejima. . .

. . . to divert the masses
of recently declared Asian refugees.

Guess they got caught
in the crossfire.

Ishikawa, how's it coming?

I've put taps on
all the equipment in the facility.

What kind of setup
are the local cops using?

It looks like they're running a wide-area
jammer along with a press blackout.

All the cameras in the embassy
were destroyed.

They're negotiating with the cops
via a phone line without a video feed.

Okay, once you've put a tap on that,
come back to the unmarked van.



I've reached my designated point.

There are image curtains over the windows
so I can't verify the situation inside.

I'm giving top priority
to neutralizing the curtains.

Good. Everyone else,
be ready for the raid and stand by.

We'll wait for orders
from the chief.

You're starting the paperwork now?

Do you truly think that we have
that much time?

I'm sorry, but please remain on standby
until we have all the paperwork ready.

Prime Minister.
In that case, why not consider this?

We will carry out our mission in secret
under the cover of the police operation.

Admittedly, it will be necessary for you
to gather paperwork. . .

. . .that can provide
post-facto legitimacy.

If you still have misgivings. . .

. . .feel free to say that all of Public Security
Section 9's actions from this point on. . .

. . .were carried out
under my sole authority.

Thus, if we fail to neutralize the t*rrorists,
any problems would be solved. . .

. . . by putting myself alone on trial.

Even if public opinion should question
the government's responsibility. . .

. . .you could claim that no one
in your administration knew of my actions.

Am I right?

The rumors are true, I see.
You're a shrewd man.

All right people,
you heard the man.

We have a maximum of 1 0 minutes
for this operation.

There's not much time
before the SWAT team comes in.

Think of it as proof
of the chief's faith in us.

And the team selection?

Go in two-man cells.
Batou with Togusa, Paz with Saito.

Use a different route than
the SWAT team.


Just stand there.

Screw this,
we're going in now!

Major! They came in early!

We are the Individual Eleven.

Even if we should fall here,
other individual egos will carry on our will.

For that reason,
death holds no meaning for us!

Oh, you don't say?

Then go ahead and die.

Outside the window!

Presented by

BiG-GuY Fansubbing

I truly appreciate your fine work
in this incident.

I will accept your budget proposal
in its entirety. . .

. . .and authorize you
to rebuild and run your unit.

Here are the papers.

Thank you,
Madam Prime Minister.

And are you the unit commander
who led the as*ault?

You didn't make a single sarcastic
remark back there.

That's not like you, Chief.

ls it because she's a woman?

She isn't the one that
l should tear into.

Besides, I've never heard of anyone
developing stomach trouble. . .

. . .from swallowing their pride.

But don't you think a boss like her
will be trouble?

She's the type who will insist
on keeping a leash on her pet dog.

I can't help but think
that the as*ault order. . .

. . .was the result of her skillfully
pulling you to resolve the situation. . .

. . .while avoiding taking responsibility.

She doesn't seem to be
a mere puppet put in place. . .

. . . by the ruling coalition, I admit.

For now,
we should graciously celebrate. . .

. . .the rebuilding of Section 9,
don't you think?

You're right.

Niihama Refugee Residential District
Sealed Sector

All units, target building confirmed.
Operation code I-S.

I repeat, operation code I-S.

Attention all units. Armed refugees
are in possession of a think-t*nk.

Exercise caution.

I repeat, refugees are in possession
of a think-t*nk. Exercise caution.

J1, provide backup for mechanized squad
as per code I-S.

Destroy target on sight.
I repeat, destroy target on sight.

Roger that.

These may be training exercises. . .

. . . but I gotta blow away
the real thing at least once. . .

J1, your heart rate is exceeding
normal levels. Is there a problem?

No, I'm all right.
There's no. . . problem.

Target confirmed !

Enemy has m*ssile lock.

Son of a. . .

J1, your heart rate
is exceeding normal levels.

Are you all right?!

Shut up, damn it!

These may be dummy rounds. . .

. . . but who could stay calm
with that damn alarm going off?!

Your ass is-

J1, what's wrong?
Your heartbeat has stopped.

Attention, all units.
We have an emergency.

This is not a drill.

The J-1 pilot seems to have d*ed
inside his cockpit, cause unknown.

As a safety precaution,
we are Lifting code I-S.

Initiate withdrawal action
as per code S-A.

HA-01 AV has not
stood down from code I-S.

Pilot's life support signals
are still all-green.

We're detecting cardiac arrest. . .

. . . but the A. I. seems
to be ignoring orders. . .

. . .because the pilot's cyberbrain
is still active.

It is classifying the withdrawal order
as an external att*ck, and is giving. . .

- . . . top priority to protecting the pilot.
- Hey! The Jigabachis!

Defense Agency


Aramaki. . .

This matter demands
immediate attention, I'd say.

If there's the slightest chance
of a criminal act, you can't help. . .

. . . but stick your nose into things,
can you?

Don't disclose anything
that I just told you.

Just being seen with you like this
would cause a big stink.

If you'll excuse me.

Mr. Aramaki of Section 9,
l presume?

Cabinet intelligence Service. . .

. . .Strategic influence
investigation Commission.

Representative Aide,
Hitori Gohda. . .

Kazundo Gohda.

I rarely meet anyone
who is able to read it properly.

Although, personally,
l don't think it's that strange of a name.

However, I now find it
to be an excellent name.

Once I tell them how it's pronounced,
it tends to stay in people's memory.

Especially in combination
with this face.

So, is there
something that I can do. . .

. . .for this Cabinet intelligence
Service of yours?

Yes. We would like
the assistance of Section 9. . .

. . . in this incident
that's currently underway.

Although I felt it might be presumptuous,
l came in person to meet you.

As you might have guessed. . .

. . . I would appreciate it
if you considered this a direct order. . .

. . .from the Chief Cabinet Secretary.

After all, with the Prime Minister's skills
at crisis management. . .

. . .we can hardly expect
to get a quick decision out of her.

I guess the JGSDA doesn't
pay its pilots very well.

What's going on?

Why did you personally come out
to the scene?

Allow me to explain, Major.

This is an agent with
the Cabinet intelligence Service.

Gohda, Strategic influence
investigation Commission.

I'll get straight to the point.

Full on-scene command authority
is hereby transferred to Section 9. . .

. . .with the aim of resolving
this situation.

However, I want you to carry out the
operation according to his instructions.

Old man,
are you serious?!

We didn't stick with Section 9 just
to become the government's lap dogs.

According to our calculations. . .

. . .the first helicopter will crash
into the refugee district in 48 minutes.

Once that happens,
there is no turning back.

This is already
a clear-cut case of terrorism.

What will you do about it?

All right, we'll hear you out.
What's your plan?

I'm glad you see things my way.

Major, even if we assume that we can
believe everything that guy says. . .

. . .Why'd you agree to this?

Even if we assume that the pilot death
and runaway A.I. weren't terrorism. . .

. . .if that thing crashes, it's going to cause
a certain amount of damage to the area.

When that happens, the refugee situation
could turn into a powder keg.

Besides, without his information,
we wouldn't have had any cards to play.

My point is, I've gotta know
where we stand on. . .

Aw, forget it.

Saito, you ready?

I'm ready.


Okay, here we go!

Here they come!

Don't drop down to the surface.

You won't be able to evade their
air-to-surface missiles if they get a lock.

I don't like these odds.

It's two-on-one, and they've already
got the edge in firepower.

Good, it's just like he said.

Batou, the target craft is tailing me.

He's all yours!

Target acquired. Major, get the target
to lift its chin for a second. . .

. . .when it passes in front of me.

I want to put a round through the canopy
from the side to take out the pilot. . .

- . . .without destroying the A.I.
- Understood !


It accepted the code rescind order
from Control, huh?

I'm glad our predictions proved correct.

We believed that if the signal from
the dead pilot's cyberbrain were cut off. . .

. . .the support A. I. would accept
the code from Control.

Also, my judgment was correct
in coming to you for help in this incident.

Thanks to you, the Self-Defense officials
don't have to bear the disgrace. . .

. . .of k*lling one
of their own, you see.

So what're you saying? It doesn't bother
you at all to have Saito do it?!

It's okay, I'm used to it.

Good work, everyone.

Reports say that all 1 1 units are
confirmed as having returned to base.

Have you heard the report
from Togusa?


He says that they found heart medication
in the pilot's home.

I guess he'd been hiding his condition
from his superiors.

So are you saying that this
wasn't terrorism as Gohda suggested. . .

. . . but rather one big accident?

I'm not sure.

There's no way to be sure without doing
a structural analysis. . .

. . .on both the medicine they found
and the dead pilot's blood.

The Cabinet intelligence
Service turns up. . .

. . .with timing that suggests
that they knew everything. . .

And JGSDA helicopters circle
over the heads of the refugees. . .

. . . unnecessarily rubbing them
the wrong way. . .

. . .as if that were their intent all along. . .

What does it all mean,
l wonder?

It might be that some crime on
a massive scale is starting to unfold. . .

. . .somewhere we can't see.


ls this everyone?

Did you get the message
from the helicopter too?


I have done all I can
for the cause.

Let's go.

Manage to dig up anything on him?

I'm not making
much progress.

The intelligence Agency is the newest
administrative organization, after all.

Their protection's tougher
than I thought.

And as far as the dead pilot goes. . .

. . . I can't find anything to contradict their
story that he was hiding a heart condition.

Looks like this is going to be
written off as an accident.

Yeah. . .

What about the personal history
of this ''Gohda'' person?

He was part of the group headhunted
from the Defense Policy Bureau.

He quickly rose
to his current position.

But his record at the time was nothing
special. He was more like an outcast.

To tell you the truth,
the man's an enigma.

What's that?

It's what Gohda looked like
when he was in the DPB.

He was apparently
injured in some kind of accident. . .

. . . but he's keeping the wounds
as they are.

Leaves less
of an impression than now.

Major! Assemble the team immediately!

Has something happened?

Something unexpected.

The CIS backroom dealings
can wait until later.

We'll be right there.

Hey, are you getting this?!

What did they say?

Get him on camera!
They have swords!

Roughly 30 minutes ago. . .

- They just chopped off each other's heads!
- . . .a group calling itself
the individual Eleven. . .

- One by one. . . they're k*lling each other!
- . . .committed mass su1c1de at the top
of the Kyushu Broadcast Tower.

- These men on the roof seem. . .
- They beheaded one another
with Japanese swords.

- . . . to have k*lled one another with swords!
- They say that 1 1 of the 1 2 d*ed on the spot.

So, one k*lled his buddy
and ran off, huh?

Yes. For some reason, he decided
not to go through with the su1c1de plan.

The fact is, the numerous t*rror1st acts
that followed the helicopter incident. . .

. . .were the work of criminal groups. . .

. . .all calling themselves
the individual Eleven.

What's your source for this intel?

I received it from
the Prime Minister herself.

Metropolitan Police
Nationwide Serious Crime #104

Each of the crimes in this dossier. . .

. . .were carried out
by separate groups. . .

. . .calling themselves
the individual Eleven.

Just like the group
that att*cked the Chinese embassy. . .

. . .they see the invited refugees
as enemies. . .

. . .and are persistently
carrying out acts. . .

. . .that almost seem designed
to incite the refugees to v*olence.

The reason that the police didn't
release this information to the media. . .

. . .seems to be that they don't want
to further agitate the refugees.

The misappropriation
of refugee aid donations at JNN-TV.

The bombing
of a refugee aid association.

The blackmailing
of a non-profit group. . .

. . .that provides prosthetic bodies
to refugees at no cost.

The drowning death of
a back-alley prosthetics doctor.

A net bank president
run over by a train.

The stabbing of a Democratic Party
member of Parliament.

The sh**ting of Densetsu,
the popular cyber-rapper.

The threats made against
the Nanyou Shinbun Press.

And the attempted m*rder of
Prime Minister Kayabuki. . .

. . .which came to light only recently.

Of these nine crimes, the only one
in which the perpetrator was seen. . .

. . . is the failed assassination attempt
against Prime Minister Kayabuki.

Hey, that's. . .

Right. He appears to be
the same man. . .

. . .as the sole survivor we saw
in the video just now.

That's why she leaked
this intel to us?


We don't have an ID on him, but. . .

Even though the Prime Minister's
security detail sh*t the man. . .

. . .with dozens of dum-dum b*ll*ts
when he tried to assassinate her. . .

. . . he shrugged it off
and fled the scene.

He's probably using a special prosthetic
body that was designed for m*llitary use.

An '' immortal prosthetic body ". . .

Troops sent out on overseas
PKF missions used those.

I'll get us started
by uncovering this man's identity.

What about the
Gohda line of inquiry?

Continue your investigation
into him, Major.

There's no sign of a direct link. . .

. . . between the CIS and the
individual Eleven at the moment.

But considering that this string
of t*rror1st acts began. . .

. . .the day after the JGSDA helicopters
flew over the refugee residential district. . .

. . . I suspect that
there's a link of some sort.

If we keep working the investigation
from both angles. . .

. . .we'll likely find the point of contact
between the two.

Yes, sir.

About that man who had swapped into
a PKF-use prosthetic body. . .

Going off of his facial data, he's probably
a man by the name of Hideo Kuze.

Hideo Kuze?

Right. He was definitely in the m*llitary. . .

. . .when they were
dispatched to the peninsula.

But he went missing after
he shipped out.

But with this body model,
its product life span is so long. . .

. . .that it's impossible to get one
domestically or abroad these days.

And if you don't get
regular maintenance work done. . .

. . .you'll have to swap into
a different body.

If he's still using the same body. . .

. . .and hasn't been to
any government medical facility. . .

. . . it's hard to imagine
that he's anybody but Hideo Kuze.

What's the matter?
Aren't you going to eat?

It tastes the same as it did
in the old days.

The same as the old days, huh. . .?

Batou, I've identified
the owner of the prosthetic body.

Work with Ishikawa
to investigate him.


So, this is Poseidon Industrial's


Generate a virtual personality from the
memory array he's uploaded here. . .

. . . to profile his thought processes.


Who are you?

I'm Kazundo Gohda.

Among other things. . .

. . . I was once involved in the molecular
engineering robot project at. . .

. . .Greater Japan Research and Technology
that created radioactive fallout scrubbers.

Radioactive fallout scrubbers?

He must mean
the Japanese Miracle.

As an engineer?

No, not at all.

My brain specializes
in linguistic functions.

After two great wars,
this country. . .

. . . has risen to prominence
as an economic superpower again. . .

. . .thanks to the radioactive
scrubber technology. . .

. . .for which I acted as a producer.

At the time, I thought that I would rise
to the upper ranks of men as well.

Even though the
Japanese Miracle worked. . .

. . .as a shield against
nuclear weapons. . .

. . . it caused a state of affairs that rendered
moot the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty. . .

. . . not to mention
the Cold w*r world order.

Then came the
massive influx of refugees. . .

. . .and the hollowing out
of the country's economy.

If something wasn't done,
the country would fade away and die. . .

. . .and I myself would no longer be able
to reach the upper echelons of the system.

There was a reason
why Japan wasn't able. . .

. . .to garner a prominent position
in post-w*r society.

You couldn't secure a significant position
within the system for the same reason.

And that's because society
didn't place any concrete value. . .

. . .on people who are all talk.

What this country
is seeking right now. . .

. . . is the return to a Shangri-La that is built
entirely on the backs of outsiders.

Even now, those without motive
long for it without realizing it.

My mission is to produce
a hero that will create that for them.

Society has the system in place
to give birth to the hero. . .

. . .that the times cry out for.

I am convinced that the man I have
become possesses the kind of Ghost. . .

. . .that is suitable to be that system.

Ever since I had the accident that left me
wandering between life and death. . .

. . .and my face was transfigured
into what you see here.

My belief is that I can produce
any situation by rewriting the program.

Making yourself a hero
in the process?

I am not interested in such things now.

My role is to be
that hero's producer.

To create an activist who
will represent the unmotivated. . .

. . .and carry out what they long for,
but are unable to put a voice to.

So, who is this hero
that you say you're producing?

Hey, what's the matter?

The Decatoncheir's been breached?

Contact security.

We've got a cyber bandit incursion.

It took them longer
than I expected.

Major! They've spotted our break-in !


So, is the enemy of this
''hero'' of yours the refugees?

You're directing the citizen's thinking
by setting up refugees. . .

. . .as an imaginary enemy.

Am I right?

Guiding their thinking is necessary.

As is bending the law
in order to do that.

The ends justify the means.

This theory applies equally
to t*rrorists and democratic nations.

You're saying that the
consensual opinion of our citizens. . .

. . . is to get rid of the refugees?

Humility is the chief virtue
of our populace.

- Major!
- I heard you.

One last thing.

What about Public Security Section 9?

Section 9?
That's a good question.

The cycle of hatred based on absence
can't be stopped now.

I expect that they'll straddle the line
between the will of the people. . .

. . .and their own sense of justice,
gnashing their teeth all the while.

Major, you'll be in trouble
if you don't log out right now!

Out of time, huh?


Ever since the uproar caused by the
individual Eleven suicides, I've received. . .

. . . reports of refugees from across Japan
gathering at Dejima in Nagasaki. . .

. . .as a response to the rapid increase
in anti-refugee demonstrations.

The media have been
readily fanning the flames. . .

. . .claiming that this is a prelude
to an all-out uprising.

Do you have anything
to say on the matter?

I'll admit that I've been getting reports
that the escapee arrest rate is going up. . .

. . . but linking that with an uprising
would probably be premature.

Any flow of refugees into Nagasaki
would be prevented by the water.

That shows a certain
lack of understanding of the situation.

This month alone,
we of the Coast Guard. . .

. . . have prevented two suspicious ships
and 1 6 boats from docking at Dejima.

It's as clear as day that there is a flow
of refugees occurring in Nagasaki.

So I see.

Nevertheless, the police have several
other matters that require our attention.

Anyway, it's the Defense Agency
who's responsible for this situation.

They were so eager
to expand the m*llitary. . .

. . .that they fired live amm*nit*on
right under the refugees' noses. . .

. . .waking the sleeping beast.

Debates over such issues
are important. . .

. . . but what we need now is a consensus
among the various government bureaus.

Let's adjourn for the moment
and take a break.

I see that you can't even spare the time
to clear your head.

Part of the problem
is my lack of clout.

But everyone is focused on their interests
and losing sight of the problem at hand.

The refugee issue demands cooperation
from all of them, but they. . .

Prime Minister, surely this isn't a problem
that you must bear all by yourself.

I suppose not. . .

By the way, have you managed to obtain
any concrete information. . .

. . . regarding these
individual Eleven people?

Yes, ma'am. According to my people's
investigations, there is a possibility. . .

. . .that the individual Eleven,
including the man who att*cked you. . .

. . .were being spurred on
by the ideology of a certain person.

We believe that his objective was to
manipulate the thinking of the populace. . .

. . .and rub the feelings of the refugees
the wrong way.

You're saying that this is what lead
to the gathering of refugees at Dejima?

Among other things, yes.

There seems to be something baffling
going on among the refugees.

Do you know what a hub cyberbrain is,
Prime Minister?

I'm afraid not.

Major, please explain.

Prime Minister, would you mind
if I linked directly with you?

No, go ahead.

Originally, the concept of a hub, or core,
didn't exist in the network.

But lately, we've been seeing
a phenomenon where a host. . .

. . .causes isolated consciousnesses on
the network to move in a single direction. . .

. . .and creates a sort of collective entity
by inviting them into his own cyberbrain.

Up until now, it was limited to something
on the scale of communes. . .

. . . that were centered around small
religious sects or charismatic artists.

But now, someone has appeared
among the refugees. . .

. . .who has the ability to win them over
and get them to stay in his cyberbrain.

We believe that this is the cause
of the flow of refugees to Nagasaki.

Is this a single person?
Someone we can think of as their Leader?

From a practical standpoint,
it's hard to believe that it's a single person.

I can't say it unequivocally. . .

. . .but I don't think that any one person's
cyberbrain is capable of winning over. . .

. . . the consciousnesses of
3 million people simultaneously.

But if I were asked whether this hub
is something like their Leader. . .

. . . then I would have to say that it is.

I see.

The appearance of such a person. . .

. . . is the primary thr*at
that is facing the government.

Continue to stay on your guard.


When I repealed the Refugee
Special Action Policy, my intent was. . .

. . .to curb profiteering
against the refugees. . .

. . .and resolve the problem,
starting with the taxation issue.

Which must mean that a political
opponent used it to his advantage.

I wouldn't worry
about it unduly, ma'am.

Excuse us.

Why didn't you give her my report
on Gohda of the CIS?

I thought that was why
we came all this way.

I didn't have the heart to break the news
to her in the state she's in.

Hey, you've never been
that considerate with me.

That's because I think of you
as my own daughter.

I don't usually
pull any punches with you.

It hurts to hear you say that. . .

I'd expect to be your granddaughter
at the very least.

That was right about the time that the
pointless w*r for control over Eurasia. . .

. . .was finally winding down.

I snuck my way into the peninsula
a few times back then.

They were already
pretty modernized by that point.

Did you guys start already?

Not yet. We were just warming up
while we were waiting for you.

So, what do you say we get started?

A thousand pardons for putting you
straight to work so soon after your return.

Oh, thanks.

It was 2024, and nations
across the world were exhausted. . .

. . .from a fourth world w*r.

Japan couldn't say no to the UN, as they
were profiting from w*r procurements. . .

. . .and weren't participating in the fighting.

Aside from the
battle to recapture Nemuro. . .

. . .the Self Defense Army
had managed. . .

. . .to avoid seeing any combat
through two world wars. . .

. . .so this would be
their first trial under fire.

But the Boss Man
and the Major were both. . .

. . .overseas in an unofficial capacity
during the w*r, right?

Pretty much.

Unofficial, 'cause the PM who was k*lled
by a t*rror1st b*mb back then. . .

. . .was one of the few politicians
who had an international outlook.

Because of all this stuff
going on behind the scenes. . .

. . .the government had strict press control
to keep domestic public opinion in check.

And the location chosen to deploy
the PKF troops was Sinuiju. . .

. . .which was considered relatively safe.

I still remember the uproar
over the deployment.

But I guess everybody lost interest
when all the news reports showed. . .

. . .was bored-looking SDA soldiers
spending time with the locals.

I'm not surprised.

The reality of the situation was
something entirely different, though.

And the people running the
press control from the shadows. . .

. . .were the forerunners of today's CIS,
the Cabinet Press Agency.

So, what was this '' real state of affairs ''
with the PKF?

Well. . .

Apparently, things there were
a lot more tragic than we'd heard.

The unit that Kuze was attached to
was mechanized. . .

. . .and it was the last of the main forces
to be sent into the country.

At the time, Sinuiju was
a special administrative area. . .

. . .as well as a trade center, so it was
off everybody's list of targets.

But the place that the fleeing remnants
of the People's Army chose. . .

. . .to make their last stand
after the unified government was set up. . .

. . .was a rural area about 20km
to the east of the city.

Almost as soon as they arrived,
the cyborg infantry unit. . .

. . .was to be deployed in two companies
as a guerrilla suppression unit.

They began moving into the mountains
in the dead of winter.

Although this was their first
large-scale deployment on the front lines. . .

. . .the hybrid PKF prosthetic bodies
probably weren't pushed very hard. . .

. . . not even when moving through
the snow at sub-zero temperatures.

Around that time, the main force was
on a heightened state of alert. . .

. . .after receiving intel that the last
elite troops of the People's Army. . .

. . .were planning an as*ault on Sinuiju.

The plan was for Kuze's company. . .

. . .to circle around from the north
and launch a preemptive att*ck.

But when Kuze's platoon had
moved out ahead, they discovered. . .

. . .a refugee camp on the river
that flowed along the border.

This wasn't in their intel.

A brutal raid was underway
by soldiers of the People's Army.

These men,
who were soldiers in name only. . .

. . . had been reduced to
mountain bandits.

Seeing this, Kuze and his platoon
were spurred into action. . .

. . . by righteous indignation.

It was a battle of 1 20 against 30. . .

. . . but it was all over
in the blink of an eye.

This was because Kuze's platoon
was an elite cyborg unit. . .

. . .and the people attacking the camp,
although they were ex-m*llitary. . .

. . .were mostly flesh and blood, and every
one of them was starved half to death.

Even though they
received several reports. . .

. . .on the People's Army afterwards. . .

. . .this incident was the only time
that they saw combat.

Despite the stress
from the extreme cold. . .

. . .and not knowing when or if
the guerrillas would att*ck. . .

. . .the main forces, which had set up camp
inside the city, didn't have it very hard.

I remember seeing this footage.

Yeah. But before long, there was trouble
in the squad camp out in the rural area.

PTSD, huh?

You got it.
Post-traumatic stress disorder.

The experience of going through
combat for the first time. . .

. . .and a one-sided slaughter at that. . .

. . .slowly began to eat away
at the spirits of the young soldiers.

Those who still had their own lungs
and other internal organs. . .

. . .desperately tried to escape
the flashbacks. . .

. . .and nightmares of the m*ssacre. . .

. . . by turning to synthetic
alcohol and hashish. . .

. . .that the refugees had brought them.

Up until then, the Self Defense Army had
been known as being very disciplined.

When it began to break down. . .

. . .the Japanese media
began to criticize them harshly.

Although the facts of the m*ssacre
at the refugee camp. . .

. . . never reached the ears of the media
because of a press blackout. . .

. . .this made their criticism of
the men's behavior all the more severe.

The press blackout was put in place. . .

. . .to keep the soldiers'
shameful behavior a secret. . .

. . .and this further restricted
their freedom.

It eventually got to the point where they
weren't even allowed to return to Japan.

Almost sounds
like an isolation ward. . .

Yeah, and to top it all off. . .

. . . news of the m*ssacre
at the refugee camp near the border. . .

. . .was leaked to certain media outlets.

Rumors spread that it might have been
the work of Japan's Self Defense Army.

The residents of the rural area
came down hard on them. . .

. . .demanding an explanation.

But under the news blackout,
the young soldiers and. . .

. . .even their commanding officers. . .

. . .couldn't say anything
in their own defense.

They couldn't do anything
but stay silent and hide in their tents.

One day, after this situation
had gone on for some time. . .

. . .a local reporter apparently said
the following to one of the soldiers.

He probably meant it. . .

. . .as a dig against a soldier who no
longer had the lungs he was born with.


Do you know where the word
''assassin'' comes from?

In Arabic, it means
'' one who smokes hashish.''

Muslim K*llers
who att*cked Crusaders. . .

. . .after the recapture of Jerusalem
in the 1 1th Century. . .

. . .would smoke hashish and ruthlessly
carry out the killings as if in a dream.

When the Crusaders saw this. . .

. . .they called them ''assassins''
and were terrified of them.

Did you guys use that stuff
and think that this place was paradise?

You inv*de the place, and now you keep
hanging around like you're guests!

You bunch of murderers. . .

W-What do you want?

You're right.

Maybe we did think of ourselves
as guests at first.

Let's trade.
This for one of those.

Saying this, Kuze traded
his w*apon for a camera. . .

. . .and then went into the refugee camp.

Then what?
What did he do in the camp?

Apparently, he didn't do anything.

All he did was
carry the camera around. . .

. . .and look through the viewfinder
at the refugees going about their lives. . .

. . .and fold various origami figures.

I don't get it.

Yeah, I don't have the slightest idea
what his real intentions were, either.

But after a while,
a strange phenomenon began.

First, the camp's elderly gradually
started to take an interest in Kuze. . .

. . .and eventually offered him drinks.

Next, the children begged him
to make paper airplanes for them. . .

. . .and one by one they befriended Kuze,
who never spoke a word.

And the day after that,
even the women and grown men. . .

. . .were taking turns talking to Kuze.

Kuze would simply look at them happily
and snap a picture from time to time.

Then what?

The People's Army surrendered,
and Kuze kept this up. . .

. . . until three months later,
when the SDA was relieved of its duties.

After that, no one in the media
mentioned the m*ssacre again.

And the day before the SDA
was scheduled to come back to Japan. . .

. . . Kuze suddenly vanished
from the camp.

A single photo
from the camp still exists.

So, where did he go after that?

They say that he crossed the border and
headed west, but that's not reliable intel.

As to where he drifted and how. . .

. . . in the course
of my investigation. . .

. . . I talked to a guy who said
he'd just returned. . .

. . .from a refugee area in Taiwan.

He said that he saw a guy there
who might have been Kuze.

The hair on his prosthetic body
had turned completely white. . .

. . . but the guy said
he was positive that it was Kuze.

He said the proof was that. . .

. . .there was always
a crowd of happy people around him.

Are you Japanese?


Well, I'll be. You can talk?

Oh, hey, Major.
Back already?

Yes. I heard everything.

It's a fascinating story, all right.

Were you able to slip through the Coast
Guard's security net as planned?

Yeah. They opened up a hole for us
right on time.

This is the real thing. . .

We'll be able to mount a w*r
with these!

We didn't buy these to fight a w*r.

These weapons are to give us
enough power so we won't have to fight.

ls that one of
Comrade Kuze's teachings?

That's right.

I still haven't met Kuze in person. . .

. . .and since I don't have net access,
l wouldn't know.

ls he really a revolutionary?

The rumors also say that
he's Japanese.

I don't know if he's
a true revolutionary or not. . .

. . . but he has great aspirations,
and is a man of action who is capable. . .

. . .of doing what needs to be done
to achieve our objectives.

Come on, let's get this cargo loaded.

Sounds like Dejima's declared itself
an autonomous region.

Think Kuze is behind it?

There's been no sign of Kuze himself,
but it's a safe bet that it's him.

He's making effective use of the net to
leak the refugees' intentions to the media.

Nanyou Shinbun Press
is calling him. . .

. . .the Che Guevara of
the Refugee Residential District.

Just what we need,
another intangible hero.

But the thing that I don't get is, he started
as one of the individual Eleven, right?

Why did the refugees
accept him so easily?

To answer that, all we can do
is capture him and ask him in person.

That's right.

The first order of business is to follow
the trail that leads from Kuze. . .

. . .who is acting as a hub cyberbrain
among the refugees, to Gohda.

Do that, and we'll be able to get
the authority to challenge the CIS!

Let us into Dejima!
Let us cross the bridge!

Batou, you and the others
go on ahead. . .

. . .and gather information on
how extensively the refugees are armed.

Ishikawa and I will dive
the refugee's net. . .

. . .and rendezvous with you
once we've pinpointed Kuze's location.

- Roger!
- Roger!

The refugees have been building up this
high-rise slum for more than 20 years.

They're not totally out of line to
call this place their castle.

A barrier maze?

He's using zoning to only allow
access to refugees?

No way to pinpoint
his location right now. . .

The route is fixed, so I think
that he's somewhere in Dejima, ma'am.

Hey! That must be it!

Gosh, there sure are
a lot of refugees accessing him. . .

Even so, I don't see any particularly
obvious barriers aside from the filtering.

Orders, ma'am?

Okay, we'll dive in
before the enemy knows we're here.

Prep a full sensorium mask.

Our target is Kuze's visual field.

We'll use his field of view
to pinpoint his location.

The Individual Eleven virus, huh?

Seems like it. But our priority right now
is finding out where Kuze is.

Ishikawa, retrieve the virus file. . .

. . .and determine if it acted as the trigger
for the individual Eleven.

I'm on it.

Tachikoma! Inject mask array.

I'll cross his Ghost Line
using my chroma file.

What the. . .?

What's with this oppressive
memory matrix?

Major! You have to hurry!

Your full sensorium mask
is degrading rapidly!

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

If you link any deeper
with me, you'll die.

He can see through
my full sensorium mask already?

att*ck barriers won't
work on me!

That's not what I meant.

I meant that if you link
with my consciousness. . .

. . .it will make you miserable.

That's it?


What happened?!

- Pull out of there now!
- Roger!

Major, snap out of it!


Was it an att*ck barrier?

I don't know, but I didn't detect
any form of viruses or att*ck barriers!

Hey! Major?

You okay?

What happened? What did you see?

A delusion. . .

Forget it, it's nothing.

More importantly, I was able
to pinpoint where he's hiding.

Call Batou and the others
back here. . .

Where the hell is he?

He disguised a ship
and made it to Etorofu !

This guy is tough. . .

He's on that ship right now. . .

And I know him,
damn it!

Let's move!

The deal's been made.

we'll finally grasp our dream.


I knew you could do it.

- We have a chance now!
- It's a revolution !

The individual Eleven. . .

Hey, you should eat something.

You sure you're okay?

Disgusting. . .

This tastes awful.

I'll have to complain to the Chief.

We have some time to k*ll
before we land.

Want to run
a cyberbrain function check?

I'm all right.

The scope of Kuze's delusion
threw me for a loop, that's all.

That's what I don't get.

What kind of delusions
does this guy have?

Frankly speaking, I guess
you could call it world domination.

Say what?

A major case of megalomania, huh?

It's not like you to let
something like that get to you.

Geez, you look like some teenager
who's just met the man of her dreams.


But we know one thing
for sure now.

The individual Eleven virus
had manifested in Kuze. . .

. . .and by all rights,
he should have d*ed on that rooftop.

But he willed himself to stop. . .

. . .and now he's putting his own life
on the line to help the refugees.

His delusion itself might be a cliché,
but the reason I can't laugh it off. . .

. . . is that he genuinely believes
he can bring peace to the world. . .

. . . by becoming a dictator.

That's the sense that I got from him.

Plus, his adrenaline secretion
levels were high enough. . .

. . .to k*ll an ordinary man.

I think we can assume
that Kuze is already out of touch.

What do you mean,
'' out of touch ''?

I mean he's lost his mind.

The refugees who are continuously
linked to him via a zoned and filtered net. . .

. . .are getting a high off of
the live feed of his actions.

But they don't try to influence him
or share their consciousness. . .

. . . because they know that the area
beyond his Ghost Line is a k*ll zone.

Even I had a close call in there.

Well, that sure was a downer. . .

What is it?

I got onto this ship because I heard
that we were going to buy weapons.

But if I'd known that you were the one
who was leading the mission. . .

. . . I never would have come.

I see. In that case, there's no need
for you to force yourself to follow me.

You're free to return home, or vanish
into the streets of Etorofu if you like.

I won't force you to stay.

I'm for a revolution,
just like everyone else.

But the one who first taught us
how to revolt was Densetsu.

Most people in Dejima now know
about '' Comrade Kuze ".

But there aren't very many
who know who you really are.

That's why I just don't buy it.

I'm still prepared to follow Densetsu's
teachings and blow myself up.

Don't be foolish.

That's nothing more
than self-gratification.

Revolutions are only brought about
by people's Ghosts.

That's why I want
to know more about you.

Give me a reason to believe in you.

Otherwise. . .

Well, how about it?!

The w*apon that we're
here to obtain today is plutonium.

I'm going to use it to force the Japanese
government to recognize Dejima. . .

. . .as an independent country.

I've sent Batou and Saito to Sagawa's
deep-earth underground factory.

Ishikawa and the others,
stay here on standby. . .

. . .just in case we got
the deal location wrong.


Togusa, wait for me here.

Krolden, it's me.

I still owe you for your help
during the Nemuro landing op.

An att*ck barrier?

He wasn't fried very long ago. . .

Where was he diving that
got him k*lled?

Looks like the intruder's
still in the system.

Still, if he fried a hacker
of Krolden's level. . .

. . . he must have some serious skill.

The configuration
of that att*ck barrier. . .

. . .was as resilient as that of
the former Ministry of Defense.

Found it.

Floppies. . .

I can't believe he used
such antique media. . .

. . .for his external memory storage.

Was that guy still here because
he was having trouble erasing these?

Sagawa's secret ledgers, huh?

For sale: lemon cake, 20 kg

So that hacker was with the CIS?

240 million yen?

Where did the refugees
get that much money?

Did Kuze line it up for them?

If he did, how did he do it?

Still, this was a big help.

I remembered you saying that. . .

. . .Sagawa Electronics
was the Japanese company. . .

. . .that you hated most of all.

Cabinet intelligence Service investigation
Unofficial White Paper

Now I get it. . .

You shouldn't have given up your job
with the Cabinet Press Agency.

If you hadn't, the CIS might have
turned out as a more legitimate agency.

It's almost time.
We should get going.

Tell me one other thing !

I once heard that you need
something like 250 thousand dollars. . .

. . .to buy plutonium.

How are you gonna get
that much money?

Con the plutonium
from the Russians?

No, I will buy it from them
fair and square.

The citizens live off
the sweat of our brows. . .

. . .so to help them understand
our suffering. . .

. . . I've taken the liberty of having them
each make a small donation to us.

I suppose that doesn't clarify things.

This is how it works.

The populace, who takes
food and shelter for granted. . .

. . . has a combined savings. . .

. . .that is easily in excess
of 900 trillion yen.

Of course, they also
pay no attention to this sum.

Did you know that among the interest
accrued by those savings. . .

. . .there are sums
that don't officially exist?

Sums that don't exist?

Sums of less than one yen.

Fractional numbers that aren't normally
displayed even in terminal data.

Simply by collecting those tiny sums
from online bank accounts. . .

. . . it adds up to
tens of thousands of per day.

I put together a program that deposits
those sums into my dummy account.

That is where I got the money.

The public has no idea
they have fractional sums of money. . .

. . . in their bank accounts.

And bank management
is all left to A. I.s now.

In spite of the fact that refugees are taxed
if they work on the mainland. . .

. . .they will never be allowed
to become naturalized citizens.

The citizens don't even realize. . .

. . .the massive exploitation
inherent in the system.

They absorb only the information that
appeals to them, that is easy to accept.

It's such a phony society.

I want to open their eyes
to that fact.

Let's hurry up
and get this deal over with.

As you wish.

The deposit record for the account
you designated is stored in here.

Verify it.

I'll go on ahead !
The rest of you, follow when you can !

We have a deal.

Neither one of us
can verify the goods.

Drop your weapons
and come out!

You are under arrest on suspicion
of violating the Arms Control Act. . .

. . .and trafficking in nuclear materials!

C'mon, show yourself. . .

Saito! Something's fishy!

- I'll handle things here! You go nab Koil!
- Got it!

I'm heading out!

Make sure you squash that bug !

Hold it right there, Kuze!

Put the cases down on the ground !

Why didn't you sh**t right away?

Because you know
what is in the cases?

I don't give a damn about those.

What I'm after is your head !

I don't think
you'll be able to do that.

Grab the cases
and get back to the ship.

- But. . .
- Go!

You think you can take me,
you bastard?!

I think you're betting too much
on that PKF-issue prosthetic body.

It's far past its product life span.

It doesn't give me an edge.

And you think you're gonna
b*at me anyway, huh?

Now that just pisses me off. . .

The only way to knock out
a prosthetic body. . .

. . .whose pain receptors are turned off,
is to give a brain concussion.

Bastard !

Did you used to be a Ranger?

What if I was?

You're good.

I probably only managed to win
out of a slight difference in motivation.

There are things
that I still have to do.

Don't follow me.

Son of a. . .

Over there!


Why are they moving like that?
They're both unmanned?


- Where's Batou?
- He went after Kuze!

We're going after him !

What was that Armed Suit
doing back there?

The GSDA doesn't have any reason
to get mixed up in this.

- What about Koil?
- Mr. Saito is chasing him !


We need to launch right now.
They'll be on top of us soon.

If you're looking for the kid,
it looks like he got off the ship.

He disappeared after you and the others
left to make the deal.

I see.

Kuze. . .

Cover me!


They're heading for Nagasaki!

We'll pick up Batou
and go after them in the tilt-rotor!


We'll have company soon.

We'll head for Shikotan
for the time being.

The other ships identical to this one
should have left Dejima by now.

We'll wait for our people to arrive and
then slip through the Coast Guard's net.

The real problem is if those guys
back there come at us from above.

We'd better prep the AA cannon.


What the hell happened?

Somebody took you out,
Boss Man?

I'm fine, don't worry about it!

We're moving out right away.

Let's get after Kuze's ship.

Shake him off!


- He blew himself up!
- sh*t!

- Doesn't look like they want to stop. . .
- Threats aren't going to work here. . .

- Bring us in closer.
- Yes, sir. Take us in closer!

Prepare for anti-ship fire!

- Anti-ship fire!
- Anti-ship fire!

Opening fire!

- Did you hit them?
- Hits scored!

Direct hits confirmed!

They're f*ring on us!

We've taken hits to starboard!
Ship's starboard has taken fire!

We are currently under att*ck. You're
cleared to fire back in self defense!

Open fire! Fire! Fire!

Watch it!
Stay clear of the fuel tanks!

What if that plutonium gets brown-

This is footage taken by
a Coast Guard patrol vessel. . .

. . .as it sank their disguised ship.

We've incurred serious damage
over the course of this case.

We've had team members wounded,
and we've lost our tilt-rotor as well.

You could call this a complete rout.

But there's been no sign
of the plutonium turning up. . .

. . .from Kuze's sunken ship, right?

The possibility that plutonium
might have been snuck into Dejima. . .

. . . has the government taking
this situation very seriously.

I have secret information
via the Home Affairs Ministry. . .

. . .that a dispatch of JGSDA troops
into Dejima is being considered. . .

. . .as if it were an established fact.

However, it's also a fact that there is
insufficient grounds. . .

. . .to justify dispatching troops there.

So, you think that something will happen
soon that will justify it. . .

It's nothing but a possibility
at this point. . .

But it's something
that seems very likely.

And if that's the case,
what will the refugees' next move be?

If you're right, and Kuze didn't get
the plutonium, what do you think he'll do?

We are coming to you from
above the Kyushu Radio Tower.

A mass evacuation operation began
five days ago, with the discovery. . .

. . .of an unexploded b*mb in a subway
construction site, suspected of being. . .

. . .a tactical nuclear device used in WWII.

The evacuation of 35 million citizens
within a 30 km radius. . .

. . .has finally been completed under
the direction of the Self Defense Army.

Some parties are speculating that this
may be another act of refugee terrorism.

With no specific announcements
on the part of the government. . .

. . .and with part of Fukuoka sealed off
by the Self Defense Army. . .

. . . the city almost looks as if
it has been placed under martial law!

I'll be the first to admit there are problems
with the government's response to this. . .

. . .but it's not like their authority's
been handed over to the m*llitary.

You're right.

The citizens are directing their anger
over the refugee. . .

. . .towards the government. . .

. . .and support within the government
for refugee expulsion is gaining strength.

And no one is giving a second thought
to what that will mean for the country.

Even if this is the result of information
manipulation by the CIS. . .

. . .the false information they've been
circulating isn't going to simply go away.

Batou. What's gotten into the Major?

I wrote in my report that she's been
acting a little funny, ever since Dejima. . .

. . .when she dove Kuze's cyberbrain.

For now, focus on disposing of
that nuclear b*mb.

The CIS has already started
to take over the scene. . .

. . . under the pretext of media control.

I'll negotiate with the Prime Minister
and ask for authorization. . .

. . . to investigate the CIS.

Say, Major. . .

After all this, why do you think
the refugees are keeping quiet?

The truth had already been silenced
before the phenomenon. . .

Kuze must have come
to that conclusion.

Right now, he's keeping quiet,
hiding the truth even from the refugees. . .

. . .searching high and low for something
that will let him turn the tables again.

What makes you think that?

Because that's what I'd do
if I were him.

Your mind doesn't seem
to be on the job.

And the preparations for
the Japanese Miracle?

- Excuse us.
- Everything is ready.

I see.

It's unfortunate
that it's come to this.

As soon as the b*mb defusing
operation is complete. . .

. . . I'll hold a press conference. . .

. . .and announce
the truth to the country.

After that, an invasion of Dejima by
the SDA will probably be authorized.

Prime Minister,
as I wrote in my report. . .

. . .the possibility that the refugees obtained
any plutonium is exceedingly small.

In all probability, it is the CIS that has
worsened the situation to this point.

I ask that you delay any invasion
of Dejima for the time being.

Yes, I've read your report.

However, we are already out of time.

Based on intelligence obtained from
the Russian authorities. . .

. . .the government is now operating
under the assumption that plutonium. . .

. . . has already been brought into Dejima.

Pardon my saying so, ma'am, but isn't that
exactly what the CIS wants you to do?

Nobody wants it. . .

. . . but what we'll find waiting for us
after an invasion by the SDA. . .

. . . is an all-out w*r
against the refugees.

Please, ma'am, present the findings
of that report to the Cabinet.

If only I had seen this sooner. . .

'' To Kayabuki with love ". . .

Talk about a twisted love letter. . .

I hear they used to write
messages like this. . .

. . .on the nose cones of bombs
like Fatman or on Scud missiles.

You mean they're copying
the Americans?

Beats me.
Maybe, maybe not.

You won't mind us talking right above
where they're defusing that nuke, will you?

So, how far are you planning
to take this?

Take what?

Aggravating this situation.

I'm afraid that's a question you must ask
the refugees or a m*llitary analyst.

It's outside my area of expertise.

Like hell it is.

The fabrication of a mediator
who will give rise to copycats. . .

That topic's part of
your old field of research.

Unbeknownst to anyone. . .

. . .there was a megalomaniac whose hunger
for his 1 5 minutes of fame had grown.

Eventually, he wanted to produce a hero
who was greater than himself.

Wasn't the individual Eleven
just a fake standalone complex. . .

. . .created by a criminal along those lines?

My, what a fascinating story.

You're a sneaky son of a bitch. . .

But when it's all said and done,
you're just second rate.

k*ll the lights.

- Does the cover look crooked to you?
- Clear.

Found it.
One parallel reflector switch.

Okay, I'm inserting the mirror.

I've cut all the
photoconductor elements.

It's a mockup of
an implosion-type nuke.

So this is their way of saying that
they did have the time and technology.

They just chose
not to build one, huh?

What are you talking about?

A different retrieval team passed
through here a few minutes ago.

There was a what?

Boma, what's your take on the b*mb
after getting a look at its construction?

It has '' a message from the refugees ''
written all over it. . .

- . . .but something's strange.
- What is it?

The expl*sives they're using are M 1 1 2
demo charges used by the U. S. Army.

The refugees
have always used c-4.

I see.

You two stay there until the end,
and then meet up with the transport team.

But I still haven't found anything
that links the CIS to-

That's enough for now.

Roger that.

What exactly do you mean,
I'm '' second rate ''?

We met a standalone-type
hacker prodigy a while back.

I'll admit that the individual Eleven group
that committed mass su1c1de here. . .

. . .temporarily reached ''hero'' status
thanks to the theatricality of it. . .

. . .and it even ended up triggering
an uprising among the refugees.

To the Nameless Eleven !

But can you say that their ideology
caught on with the Japanese citizens?

Not likely!

Compared to the
genius hacker we met. . .

. . .the group that k*lled themselves
here pales in comparison.

The same goes for the guy
who programmed the virus. . .

. . .that triggered their actions.

Goodness, you almost seem
to be implying. . .

. . .that I was the
programmer in question.

You almost seem to be implying
that you aren't.

Assuming for the moment that. . .

. . .the ideology espoused by
the individual Eleven. . .

. . .wasn't transmitted to the citizens,
as you claim. . .

If their original objective was to create
the chaotic situation we are faced with. . .

. . .wouldn't one be forced to say. . .

. . .that the criminal who produced the
individual Eleven is a talented hacker?

As much as I hate to admit it,
there's no denying that.

But before we rush
to any conclusions. . .

. . .we probably need to give
some thought. . .

. . .to the huge X-factor that's
lying at the heart of this whole mess.

They're up top.

Hideo Kuze, the only
one of the individual Eleven. . .

. . .who didn't k*ll himself
that day. . .

Afterwards, he vanished
to who knows where. . .

. . .and when he resurfaced, he had
become the leader of the refugees.

Pretty strange, isn't it?

Was it just a fluke?

Or something that was planned
from the very beginning?

His behavior was the exact opposite
of the other individual Eleven. . .

. . .so that must be
your X-factor at work.

But one could say his actions. . .

. . .are hastening the expulsion
of refugees in the end.

Given that his actions,
while different. . .

. . .are guiding the situation
to the same conclusion. . .

. . . it must mean that the criminal
produced even this X-factor of yours.

Would it?

I'll admit that his actions are spurring on
the cause of refugee expulsion, though.

And now, a nuke that seems designed
to represent the fury of the refugees. . .

. . . is being defused below our feet
as we speak. . .

If it was the refugees' leader
that did this. . .

. . . I guess the government has no choice
but to get serious.

But the thing is,
is it really Kuze who's behind all this?

isn't it really just
a fabrication cooked up. . .

. . . by the criminal who's acting
as his producer?

Or more to the point, couldn't you
say that this criminal ''producer''. . .

. . . is unwittingly helping Kuze
and is starting to mimic his actions?

What do you mean by that?

Kuze came back
to Dejima from Etorofu. . .

. . . but he didn't have any
plutonium with him.

I bet that he normally would have
wanted to tell the refugees. . .

. . .and resolve the situation
for the time being.

But despite that, we now have
a t*rror1st situation involving plutonium.

And then what?

Would he play along
with his ''producer's'' plans. . .

. . .and use a bluff to declare w*r?

No, he didn't do a damn thing.

He's keeping silent,
lying to the refugees. . .

. . .and looking for a chance
to turn the tables.

Or maybe by keeping quiet. . .

. . . isn't it actually Kuze who's drawn a
Tr*mp card that can control the situation?

Kuze started out as nothing more
than an unknown variable. . .

. . .so if it turns out that he's the
real genius, the real hero in all this. . .

. . . isn't it possible that the guy
who thinks he's his producer. . .

. . . has actually turned into Kuze's copycat
somewhere along the line?

It's all yours.


Even though
those guys believed in. . .

. . .that fabricated ideology
and k*lled themselves. . .

. . .they didn't become
anybody's heroes.

I wonder where their Ghosts
are wandering right about now. . .

Major, did you get
the plutonium okay?

The job's done.

I see.

I used your external memory to keep
talking about Kuze as best I could. . .

. . .but I wonder if it worked.

It did.

We'll take this straight to SPring-8.

The information warfare pros'
obsession over realism. . .

. . .made them leave material behind,
and that's going to be their undoing.

If this plutonium matches the plutonium
collected from the Shinjuku nuclear plant. . .

. . .it'll prove that the CIS
is behind this incident.

Roger that.

Gohda. Just like Kuze,
we haven't given up the fight yet, either.

ls that so?

There's one thing that
l forgot to ask you.

We've finished analyzing the virus
used on the individual Eleven. . .

. . . but we still can't pinpoint one of the
factors that causes it to manifest.

If it was you, what would you use
as the final triggering factor?

Well, if I were the culprit. . .

. . .the factor
l would probably use. . .

. . . is the fact that they were virgins
prior to getting a prosthetic body.

Say what?

For a hero prepared to martyr himself
as a hero of the masses. . .

. . . it is a factor that
is absolutely necessary.

Of course, it would be a bit of a gamble
as to how many people. . .

. . . have that particular ''gift''. . .

You bastard. . .

How twisted can you
possibly get?

You think it's twisted?

If you must know,
l myself am a virgin.

This little chat we've had
has been most enjoyable.

Or informative, I should say.
You have my gratitude.

I expect those you are pursuing
have yet to give up the fight as well.

Will you stop them first. . .?

Or will the situation they
are producing come to fruition?

I suppose the answer to that
is up to our X-factor.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

The target vehicle has been found. . .

. . .abandoned in a parking area
on the Nagasaki Expressway.

What about the plutonium?!

There was no sign of it, sir.

I see. . .

We have no choice, then.

We can't let the media
catch wind of this.

We'd like you to give top priority
to information manipulation. . .

. . .and work under our command
to carry out the retrieval of the plutonium.

I know that.
I'll let you handle this, but. . .

Don't worry. If you do exactly as I tell you,
everything will work out fine.

I'll go back to the office and begin work
on spinning this situation.


Well, it looks like the Major
and the others are on their way. . .

. . .to SPring-8 as we speak.

That's good.

It's been officially decided
to mobilize the Self Defense Army.

The Chief Cabinet Secretary's
press conference is at 7 o'clock. . .

. . .at which time the Self Defense Army
mobilization will begin.

That's less than an hour from now.

Preparations are already underway
in Nagasaki, I expect.

Mr. Aramaki. . .

I don't understand what
the Chief Cabinet Secretary. . .

. . . hopes to gain from allowing. . .

. . .the situation
to deteriorate this badly.

This will do nothing but turn the
situation into a quagmire.

Dejima will fall almost as soon
as the fighting begins. . .

. . .so it won't become one of the
Security Treaty's potential enemy states.

But I don't believe that will work with
the goals of the Chief Cabinet Secretary. . .

. . .to establish
a m*llitary-industrial complex.

That's certainly true.

Nevertheless, if we assume
that the quagmire itself is his goal. . .

. . . it makes a certain
amount of sense.

Even if the refugees surrender. . .

. . .that doesn't mean
they are going to go away.

It establishes a reason
to divert funds. . .

. . .from the refugee policy
to a m*llitary buildup.

That's true, but it's going to mean
more pressure from China as well. . .

He must have some other trick up
his sleeve that we aren't aware of yet.

How about this, Prime Minister?

Perhaps if you handed
the decision over. . .

. . .to the UN in
order to buy some time?

Major, it looks like the G SDA
has a checkpoint set up ahead.

Well, I didn't expect them
to let us go this easily. . .

What's the plan?

Major, it's me.

The Prime Minister
has submitted a request. . .

. . . to the UN for a nuclear inspection.

If all goes well, the inspection team
will arrive in Japan in two days.

If we can hand over the plutonium
to them when they arrive. . .

. . . there is a strong chance
that we can put an end to this situation.

can you remain at large
until then?

Yes, if we can find
somewhere to lay low.

I think it'll be tricky to find a way
to meet with the inspection team, though.

Find a way to make it work.

This might be the last card
we have to play.

I'll do everything I can.

Also, about the Tachikoma units-

What's the matter?

Our signal was cut off.

Maybe it's the local communications
restriction provision. . .

. . .of the Emergency Law System.

The conference will be
starting soon.

I'm going to the
press briefing room.

So, do we have ourselves
a w*r now?

The United Nations?

Did Kayabuki call them in?

Yes, sir.

Make the necessary preparations
to oust her from office.

Yes, sir.

All right, let's get started.

Today, we will win our independence!


We demand that. . .

. . . the Japanese government
acknowledge Dejima. . .

. . .as an independent country!

Live: Dejima, Nagasaki

Then we would be able to trade freely
and be self-sufficient!

Where is the crime in that?!

We possess nuclear weapons!

The government
has admitted to this fact!

This is the fruit
of comrade Kuze's Labor!

For that reason alone,
handing him over is an unthinkable act!

Furthermore, the deadline before
we begin attacking is two days.

The final deadline will be
the arrival. . .

. . .of the United Nations'
nuclear inspection team.

If we do not receive an answer
from the refugees by that time. . .

. . .our preliminary att*cks will begin.

That is all.

Looks like it's started.

Now that we've been cut off
from the Chief, we have no choice. . .

. . . but to operate on our
own initiative.

But I'll leave it up to each of you to decide
whether or not to take part in this op.

Hey, what's the deal?

It's not like this is the first time we've had
to act like a g*ng of rogue thugs.

Aren't we just gonna play hide 'n seek
with the Self Defense Army?

No, we're going to take the plutonium
and head to Dejima.

To Dejima?!

That's right.

We'll sneak into Dejima
under the cover of the SDA invasion.

Besides, Dejima is where
the inspection team will be coming.

We'll apprehend Kuze. . .

. . .and hand over the plutonium
to them as a package deal.

That's so crazy, it could only come
from you. But I'll come along for the ride.

I'm okay with it, too.

I'm in too, of course.

I don't have any
objections either, but. . .

You're against the idea?

No, I'm gonna earn my pay
in exchange for some thrills.

Then that settles it.

Ishikawa, what's your condition?

That you, Major?
I'm still laid up in bed.

A little medical leave
every once in a while isn't so bad.

But the real reason I'm calling
is that I have a favor to ask.

Like what? If there's something I can do
to help, just name it.

I just sent a Tachikoma out to you.

Inside its pod. . .

. . .is half of the plutonium we recovered
from the Kyushu Broadcast Tower.

I want you to take it to SPring-8.

Oh, okay. . .
I see what you're up to.

Sure, I can do that for you.

But what about you guys?

We're heading to Dejima
with the remaining plutonium.

To Dejima?!

That's one seriously crazy plan
you've come up with. . .

What about Togusa?

He's with the chief
at the Prime Minister's residence.

I see. Major. . .

I'm sorry I can't be there with you guys,
but don't do anything crazy.

If they start bombing the place,
there's no telling what will happen.

I know. You should watch
your back too.

You can count on me.

I'll leave you to it.

Look for us on the news when we hand
the plutonium to the UN inspection team.

Don't get yourself k*lled, Major.

Say, Major.

Mind if I ask you something?


Back when I used
your external memories. . .

. . .to have my little chat
with Gohda. . .

. . .well, I felt bad about doing it. . .

. . . but I peeked at your memories
regarding Kuze.


It's not like
l really saw anything. . .

. . . but I got the impression that you
have special feelings for Kuze.

What happened to you
when you dove his brain?

Nothing special happened.

But when I made contact
with his memories. . .

. . . he reminded me of someone
l used to be close to.

Used to be close to?

Back when I was seriously injured,
l could hardly move my body at all.

I spent day after day in bed.

But there was a boy in the same
situation who kept me going.

Admittedly, all he did was
single-mindedly fold origami cranes. . .

But at the time, seeing him fold cranes
gave me hope to live.

Later on, things worked out. . .

. . .and I had to leave without getting
a chance to say goodbye.

I haven't seen him since.

And you think Kuze
was that boy?

I can't say for sure.

I have this strange feeling
that it was him, that's all.

Anyway, that's all
ancient history now.

Okay, we're just about there!

So, you must be Hideo Kuze.

And you are. . .?

You know,
l saw you overseas once.

ls that so?

You were surrounded by
throngs of people in Taiwan. . .

. . . but it seems like there
aren't many people in Dejima. . .

. . .who know what you look like.

It's because many people here
have cyberbrains.

Ah, I see.

That's how you're circulating
your beliefs among the refugees.

Of course, I think it's a miracle that
you've had the mental strength. . .

. . .to continuously answer questions
from three million people.

Yes, but there is
a hidden danger in it.

Hidden danger?


Just as water runs downhill. . .

. . .the human heart also tends
to revert to its basest instincts.

After I broke free of the ideological virus
and returned to Dejima. . .

. . . many refugees began
to link with me.

Ever since then,
I've come to value their goals.

Helping them fulfill their dream has
become my sole motivating principle.

That's why it didn't prove very difficult
to become their leader.

If you place your duties and your rights
on the scales to weigh them. . .

. . .and first add weights
to the ''rights'' side. . .

. . .you won't lose your sense of self
even if you obey society's rules.


That universal concept
seemed very appealing to me.

But once the refugees
figure out the net. . .

. . .and learn of the upper levels
of the hierarchy. . .

. . .they forget all that,
and revert to their basest instincts.

When one has power,
one wants to flaunt it.

Just like when you have a w*apon,
you want to try it out.

If you knew that, why have
you drawn out the situation this far?

Did you seriously think. . .

. . .that you'd be able to accomplish
this ''revolution'' nonsense so easily?

No, I didn't.

However, the revolution
l have in mind is still a ways off.

Long ago, I left public service
out of a fascination towards people.

If you'll listen to the advice
of a doddering old man like me. . .

. . . I'd say that you should put your priority
on reality rather than ideals right now.

You can still put an end
to this mess.

Tachikoma, I'm going to dive
Kuze's cyberbrain one more time.

Back me up.

Do you think that's safe?

Connecting with him
isn't difficult.

The real question is whether
he'll accept a message from us.


We've received a report that a helicopter
just took off without orders. . .

. . .from the Ohmura garrison.

So, we've found them.

They're following
my script to the letter.

What's the status on
our EP-3c deployment?

Sir, we believe it is
already on station above Dejima.

Good, we'll start with that.

We'll cover Dejima with a jamming signal,
rendering the refugees into standalones.

If we do that, the refugees will start
running out of control all on their own.

Gosh, the net's being cut off. . .

It looks like a communications
blackout is starting on Dejima.

Have a defense barrier
array on standby.

Fire in our message file!

- Roger!
- Roger!


- What's the matter?
- They're coming here?

And with the plutonium. . .

What are you talking about?

We're cut off from the net.

The SDA's jamming us?

What's going on?

They must be trying
to isolate the refugees.

The tanks are coming !

It looks like someone in
the government subscribes to. . .

. . .the same philosophy as me.

What are we going to do?

I'll go to the barricades
on the bridge.

It's very likely that fighting
will break out.

I can't allow people like you
to be k*lled.

If you can,
please escape from Dejima.

You're the one who can't die.

There must still be something
you can do.

I hope you're right.

Did it work?!

The message got in
just before the net was cut off!


Damn it,
I'm gonna k*ll these guys!

I hit him !

We've got a man down !
Cover us!

I hear g*nshots!
Has fighting broken out?!

Just as water runs downhill. . .

. . .the human heart also tends
to revert to its basest instincts.

Dejima Bridge

What the hell happened? Looks like
fighting's broken out down there!

The tanks are coming in
just as we thought! Drop the bridge!

The refugees are now
completely isolated.

Prime Minister Kayabuki.

Moments ago, you were removed
from your duties as Prime Minister.

What's the meaning of this?
On what grounds?

Requesting a United Nations
inspection team on your own authority. . .

. . . may be taken as an
act of treason. . .

. . . under the National
Emergency Law System.

Under whose authority. . .

What's going on?

Chief Aramaki
of Public Security Section 9. . .

. . .you are also under suspicion
of instigating treason.

Please turn and go back
inside that office.

Hey, who the hell
do you people think-

It's just like that last time. . .

The government was
planning to do this all along !

You SDA bastards,
l dare you to set foot inside Dejima!

Put down your weapons!

Lower them right now!

Kuze. . .

Don't take any action !

If you keep your weapons down,
they won't att*ck!

- Kuze?
- That's really him?

That's him?
That's Comrade Kuze?

This has gotten out of control. . .


Gather some men
who can stand strong !

I'll link everyone
to my cyberbrain again !

We're on it!

Major, you're about to enter
the jamming zone!

Leave a channel open
even if the signal cuts out.

Also, keep an eye on
the situation on the water.

Roger that!

The Jigabachis are circling
at regular intervals for now.

Approaching at low altitude. . .

. . .and circling around behind
those high-rises would be-

They were cut off, huh?

Let's do it!

A chopper with an incorrect IFF code
is approaching. . .

. . .from Dejima's north side.

It disappeared into the ECM area.

That must be them.

Take us in on the same course.


Representative, Section 4's helicopter
entered Dejima a few moments ago.


This means we should be able
to retrieve the plutonium, doesn't it, sir?

Retrieving the plutonium isn't the
real reason I sent Section 4 in there.

What do you mean, sir?

You'll understand soon enough.

So, our signal's finally
been cut off, huh?


I sure hope Mr. Batou
is gonna be okay.

I know what you mean, those gloomy
A. I.s were awfully vicious. . .

- Yeah, they sure were.
- I'm worried. . .

- Right, right. . .
- I was so scared. . .

That reminds me, do you think
that guy's managed to. . .

. . . meet up with
Mr. Ishikawa yet?

Good question.

Hey! Did you manage
to meet up with Mr. Ishikawa?

c'mon, I couldn't possibly
be there already!

I'm going there
physically on the ground, darn it!

Oops, you're right. Sorry!

So, how are things with you,
Mr. Ishikawa?

I'm on my way there, too.

What happened with the Major?

We have visual confirmation.
They're okay for now.


But those Jigabachis have
air supremacy. . .

. . .so they're in a lot of danger.

And we can't get hold
of the chief, either.

Looks like we'll have to work
under our own initiative from here on in.

The refugees and Kuze,
the government and Gohda. . .

. . .the Chief and the Major,
and then there's us.

Looks like whoever can pull off
the biggest grandstand play. . .

. . . is gonna win
all the marbles here.

It's no use,
l can't set us down !

- There's debris all over the place!
- We have no choice, then.

We'll go down one at a time by rope.



The rudder's been hit!

How's it coming, Proto?

Can we get through to
the Tachikomas?

Yes, somehow.

l knew you could do it.

I never would've been able
to do that myself.

Not at all, sir.

You're a man who is capable of taking
whatever action the situation demands.

I wonder if Prime Minister
Kayabuki is all right. . .

She's probably being kept
under house arrest somewhere.

They'll keep her ousting
secret from the media. . .

. . . until this situation is resolved.

To shift the blame onto her
after the dust clears?


But until an official
announcement is made. . .

. . .she is still Prime Minister
for all intents and purposes.

There will still be situations
where they'll need her services.

That's true.

Sir, I've established contact
with the Tachikomas.

Apparently, the Major and the others
have entered Dejima with the plutonium.


I see. That was a good idea.

So, what's the situation
down there?

Not good.

Apparently, there was a skirmish
between the refugees. . .

. . .and the Self Defense Army.

What?! Are you telling me
that the Major. . .

- . . .and the Boss Man were-
- They can't make contact. . .

. . . because Dejima is being
blanketed by an ECM field.

The Tachikomas can't determine
whether they're alive or dead.

Batou, I'm going on ahead.

There's no need to rush.

We can't use our comms!

Don't use your optical camo!

There's a chance
you'll hit one of our own !

I don't see Mr. Batou
and the others. . .

A second helicopter is at the crash site. . .
l wonder what that's all about?

It looked like some soldiers got out. . .
l don't get it.

I don't see the Major, either.

They might be
using optical camouflage.

Hey, everybody!
What do you think this is?

- What? Show us!
- Show us!

3 7 0km east of the Okinawa reef. . .

There's a huge metallic mass
that's surfacing. . .

. . .just barely inside Japan's
exclusive economic zone!

You don't suppose this is a. . .

It's not one of the American Empire's
nuclear submarines, is it?

An American Empire
nuclear sub?

What do you suppose it means
that they're inside. . .

. . .the 200 nautical mile boundary?

Gohda's been controlling everything. . .

. . .assuming all along
that this would happen.

ls that also why the Chief Cabinet
Secretary put such a rush. . .

. . .on the American Empire-Japan
Security Treaty?

It's not beyond
the realm of possibility.

Chief! Let's bring
Prime Minister Kayabuki back here!

Like you said earlier. . .

. . .she's still Japan's
Prime Minister as far as. . .

. . .diplomatic relations are concerned !

She might be able to use her authority
to stop the nuclear att*ck!

Yes, you're right. . .

Proto, do you know where
they're holding the Prime Minister?

I'll run a search right away.


Hey, are you all right?!

sh*t, an att*ck barrier?

Mr. Togusa. . .

Proto. . .

I found the Prime Minister's location. . .

You're an android?

No. . .

I'm a bioroid prototype. . .

Here it comes!


I doubt they're expecting
to be sh*t at with Stingers.

They got careless.


You got 'em !

Their att*ck choppers
will be here soon !

Let's clear out!

Kuze. . .

If we stay in here,
we'll end up getting pinned down.

You guys head out first.

I'll come out last
with the plutonium.

We'll meet up in
the buildings behind us.

It's a maze in there.
We can still win this.

They're using thermoptic camo!

Our target doesn't look like
your average SDA unit!

What's going on here?

Our orders said that the people
who made off with the plutonium. . .

. . .were five low-ranking soldiers!

Okay, split into two teams!

We'll pursue using formation B!


Go on ahead !

Don't be stupid !

Hold it.
This is strange.

The ECM isn't working.

Something's gone wrong.

Okay, people,
switch on your comms.

Pursue using formation A.

Proto, can you lock the door?

Yes, sir. I'm sorry for putting
you through all this trouble. . .

That's all right.

More importantly, have you gotten
any more reports from the Tachikomas?

Yes, sir. The nuclear sub
doesn't appear to be doing anything.

Also, it looks like the sentry plane
over Dejima has crashed.

The refugees sh*t it down?

I don't have all the details,
but it's likely.

Which means that we can get through
to Dejima now, doesn't it?

Representative, it looks like the MSDA's
sentry plane has been sh*t down.

Oh, he's trying to reunite
the isolated refugees, is he?

It's time to make
the finishing touches.

Manipulate the Defense Ministry. . .

. . .into carrying out a series
of bombardments from their ships.

Understood, sir.

Is anyone here?

Yes, sir.

I'd like you
to mail a letter for me.

A letter, sir?

That's right.
By express delivery.

Metropolitan Police

Do you read me?

We read you, Major!

- We have a lock on the Major's position !
- So Mr. Batou's okay!

What's the status of Batou's team?

They're safe.

They seem to be inside a building,
so we can't get visual confirmation.

I've found Kuze.

Relay my position to Batou
and the others.

Yes, ma'am.

Major, we've got some
terrible news. . .

What is it?

An American Empire
nuclear sub is. . .

. . .holding position
off the coast of Okinawa. . .

. . .and it looks like it's planning to launch
a nuclear m*ssile at Dejima.

Are you sure?
Give me a visual feed!


What the hell?!

Why did we bother to
bring this here?!

Son of a bitch!

What about the arrival
of the inspection team, Major?

Batou, start heading for the bridge
right away with the plutonium.

They're going to launch
the nuclear m*ssile before. . .

. . . the inspection team gets here!

Give the plutonium to the SDA forces
who are holding the bridge. . .

. . .and explain the situation to them!

No, you get
out of here first, Major.

We're being pursued by
some tough guys.

We'll try to move as fast as we can,
but things might get a little hairy here.

Who's after you?

My guess is the
Rangers from Section 4.

You're certain?

Yeah. Looks like they've followed us
here to get the plutonium back.

I'll meet up with you soon.

Do whatever it takes to give
them the slip.

We'll give it our best sh*t.

Let's move!

ls this the second time that we've met?
No, the third?

Why are you following me?

We went through a lot of trouble
to come here.

We brought the plutonium,
just like we said. Come with me.

If you don't, there'll be a huge number
of casualties, refugees included.

And they're going to put the blame for it
squarely on your shoulders.

What's about to happen?

My guess is a nuclear att*ck disguised
as the refugees blowing themselves up.


Who are you?

Hey, it looks like the Aegis cruisers
are gonna start attacking with missiles. . .

. . . before the nuclear
strike begins!

They caught up to us, huh?

Looks that way.

They switched to
a different formation.

Activate optical camouflage.

Tachikoma, can you locate their
encrypted signals and run a back-hack?

We'll give it a try,
but you should be careful.

There will be a m*ssile att*ck from
the Aegis cruisers soon.

I don't think they'll att*ck
the residential area directly, but. . .

. . .who knows where
the missiles will land?

What about
that nuclear m*ssile?

It hasn't been launched yet.

They didn't waste any time
getting started. . .

Got movement over here, too.

Damn, they've started.
We don't have much time.

We'll surrender to the SDA together.

I'll drag you there
if I have to.

What'll it be?

Very well.

I'm explaining the situation
to the refugees who are. . .

. . .currently connected to me.

I'll leave the final decision up to them,
but for the time being. . .

. . . let's head to the bridge.

Tachikoma, show me
the trajectory of the-

Are you all right?


It looks like things have
quieted down for now.

Tachikoma, situation report.

Major! You're okay!

Yeah, somehow.

The nuclear m*ssile might be launched
any minute now.

You should get out
of the area right away!

Any announcements from
the government?

They made a statement that there
would be a limited series of air strikes. . .

. . .in order to send in
the inspection team.

It's no use.
It looks like we're sealed in.

We are, huh?

Major, don't tell me you're-

Yeah. I'm trapped beneath
a pile of debris.

I'll have to leave this in
Batou's hands now.

Oh, no!

Isn't there anything
you can do to get out?

I'll see what I can do. . .

. . .but focus all your attention
on assisting Batou's team.


Are you linked with the refugees?

Yes. A good number of them
have returned.

It looks like most of them are in a panic
thanks to that air strike, though.

You said something about
a nuclear att*ck.

How did you find out about it?

What group do you work for?

Believe it or not,
I'm a police officer.

In the course of investigating
the individual Eleven crime. . .

. . .we uncovered a government project
to physically drive out the refugees.

We've been trailing you
in order to expose it.

If that's true,
why bring the plutonium here?

Because we knew that
you hadn't been given any plutonium.

So we stole the nuclear b*mb
that was used in Fukuoka. . .

. . .and tried to use that as evidence
to resolve this situation.

But the plan our enemy came up with
unfolded faster than we anticipated.

We never expected him
to make a deal. . .

. . .with the American Empire
for a nuclear strike.

What's happened to the plutonium?

My team should be bringing it
to the Self Defense Army. . .

. . . but they've been surrounded
by a squad that was tailing them. . .

. . .so that's going
to be difficult now, too.

I see. So, have you given up on
the idea of making me turn myself in?

I haven't exactly abandoned
the idea, but. . .

I turned off the zoning and filtering
on my hub cyberbrain a while ago.

Anyone who wants to can connect and
see everything that is happening here.

We can try to get out of here. . .

. . . but I'm going to try to carry out
my revolution at the same time.

I made up my mind to go through with it
when you told me of the nuclear strike.

Made up your mind?

What do you mean,

Tachikoma, haven't you been able
to run a back-hack. . .

. . .on their communications yet?

No, sir.

They seem to be changing their
encryption at random. . .

. . .based on prime numbers.

Get down!

- We're moving out.
- Got it.

We're going outside. Tachikoma,
how's that back-hack coming?

Just a little longer!

Kuze, what's this ''revolution''
you keep talking about?

The transference of people
to the superstructure.

To have people cast off the fossilized
system and fuse with the net.

Fuse with the net?

Chief, I brought her.

Proto, open the door.

Are you all right,
Prime Minister Kayabuki?

I'm up to speed on the situation.

Can you patch my hotline to. . .

. . .the American Empire
through to this room?

I'll try requesting
that they call off the nuclear strike.

Please do.

It all hinges on whether or not
they realize what is going on.

You have a point.

Hold it right there.

We have you surrounded.

Put down the plutonium
and disengage your optical camo!

Mr. Batou!
The back-hack is in place!

All right,
I'm setting it down !

While I'm putting the case down,
make a break for the walls.


What the-?!

Hold your fire!
You'll hit our own men !

I'm going to disengage
my optical camouflage now.

If you still feel like carrying out
your mission after I do. . .

. . .go ahead and sh**t me.

But if seeing my face convinces you
otherwise, listen to what I have to say.

This is a matter of life and death !

You're. . .

Those eyes. . .
Were you a Ranger?

That's right.

My experiences on the peninsula
gave me an insight into life.

I found an order
full of contradictions.

Exploitation at the hands
of the powerful.

A structure that
had grown corrupt.

But what disillusioned me
most of all. . .

. . .was the utter lack
of responsibility of the people.

Even though they haven't created
anything themselves. . .

. . .and understand nothing. . .

. . .when the masses come across
information that they agree with. . .

. . .they immediately internalize it
and are thus controlled.

People who feel no sense
of responsibility. . .

. . . no matter the
unintended consequences. . .

. . .caused by their
unmotivated actions. . .

. . . making poor use of the
net's infrastructure.

My revolution is also an act of revenge
against such people.


I've had a full prosthetic body since
childhood, so I've constantly felt. . .

. . .disparity between
my mind and body.

If such a thing could be done. . .

. . . I wanted to abandon this clumsy body
and paddle out onto the sea of the net.

The Asian refugees gave a man like me
hope to live, at the very least.

They told me that my artificial face
was handsome. . .

. . .and flattered me by saying
that my Ghost can be seen in it.

It was then that it hit home
for the first time. . .

. . .that the spirit and the body
might be inseparable.

And I was able to think of myself as
a human being with a body of his own.

But when they come across
information that they find palatable. . .

. . .they get swept along in the direction
that is easiest, just like everyone else.

I suppose that in the end. . .

. . . humans are designed
to follow the path of least resistance.

So? How are you planning to
carry out your revenge?

I will take into the net
the memories and Ghosts. . .

. . .of those who are linked to me.

They will lose their physical bodies
if a nuke is dropped here. . .

. . . but they will gain the chance
to undergo a forced evolution.

What are the odds of them being able
to retain their individuality in the net?

I don't have the answer to that.

But as pioneers,
they might become beings. . .

. . .who will enlighten those
left behind in the base. . .

. . .constantly making them aware
of the superstructure.

In exactly the same way that humans
have felt reverence. . .

. . .towards spiritual beings
since ancient times.

That's your revenge against,
and offer of salvation. . .

. . .to those who let you down?

Yes, although I believe
it is a revolution.

I see that you're full-prosthetic, too.

Then you have felt the doubts and fears
caused by the disparity. . .

. . . between body and spirit.

What do you say?

Will you come with me?

Do the refugees intend
to go with you?

Yes, unfortunately.

Most prefer the idea of carrying out
the '' nuclear su1c1de bombing '' scenario.

They probably want
to feel like they weren't defeated.

Even though that, too,
is taking the easy way out. . .

I see.


I'm going to try rescuing the refugees
using the method that Kuze suggested.

The rest of you, let the Self Defense Army
know about the nuclear strike.

Batou, are you listening to me?

You crazy bitch !
I'm not letting you go alone. . .

Wait for me!
No way am I gonna let you go alone!

What are they waiting for?

Beats me.

Anyway, let's get this to the bridge.

The GSDA might believe your story
if it comes from us.

Once the second air strike is over,
commence the invasion of Dejima.

We'll get ready for
the inspection team !

Another air strike has started !

Has anybody managed to find
any signals from the crew?

It's no use!

I don't see any signals
that we might be able to back-hack!


Gather up all the free space
you can find in cyberspace. . .

. . .and secure enough room. . .

. . . to upload the memories and Ghosts
of three million people.

Why would you want us
to do that, all of the sudden?

There's no time to explain.
Just get to it!

B-But is that even possible?

I don't know.

But I don't see any other way
to salvage the refugees. Get to it!


I just ordered my support A. I.s. . .

. . .to start work on securing
all the available room in cyberspace.

Once they're ready, let's get started.


Even if we manage to survive by
uploading our Ghosts into cyberspace. . .

. . .what about those refugees
who don't have cyberbrains?

Refugees with family
members like that. . .

. . .will have difficulty
accepting this decision.

I expect that they will lose faith in me
and leave Dejima of their own accord.

In cases like this, the role of the leader
is both invaluable. . .

. . .and filled with uncertainty.

When you're in a position
where you have to lead many people. . .

. . .you're sometimes forced to make
tough decisions to deal with a situation.

I'm sure that those people
will understand.

I hope you're right.

Tachikoma! What's the shortest route
to the Major's location?!

Mr. Batou?!

I thought you were going
to the bridge!

I'm gonna help the Major to. . .

Mr. Batou?
The line went dead. . .

Do you think they'll use the confusion
caused by the air strike. . .

. . .to fire off the nuclear m*ssile?

Judging from how the submarine
is running completely silent. . .

. . .the launch time might have
been set beforehand.

If that's the case. . .

If we look at the timing
of the Aegis cruiser withdrawal. . .

. . .and micromachine dispersal. . .

. . .we might be looking at
a launch time of 1 0:00 hours. . .

Guys, tell me
what you really think.

Do you think the refugees' Ghosts
will be preserved. . .

. . .just by uploading
their memories to the net?

From a biological activity standpoint. . .

. . . memories are
a vital component, all right.

But without a Ghost,
memories are nothing more than data.

But isn't the Major betting
everything on this as their last hope?

I understand that,
but this order is crazy!

I think so, too.

But if we don't do something, we can't
save Mr. Batou and the others, either.

That's why I think that
we ought to ignore the Major's order.

- What are you saying we should do, then?!
- We can't do that!

It's no use.
I'm not getting a response.

The hotline is active
and working properly, but. . .

But that would mean. . .

This is so frustrating.

If Takakura is willing
to go this far. . .

. . . I'll put an end
to this situation my own way!

Who are you calling, ma'am?

All right, we did it!
This makes eight!

Calculations like this are
what we do best!

- Yeah !
- Totally!

This next satellite will let us put up a flak
curtain along the m*ssile's trajectory!

Just like you said, even if it meant
disobeying the Major's orders. . .

. . .deciding to take a chance on
dropping satellites in its path. . .

. . .sure was the right call !

Yeah. . .

What's the matter?
The plan's gonna work!

The thing is. . .

Well, isn't this satellite
the one that our A. I. is kept on?

- What?!
- Huh?!

I don't get it!
That's an American Empire satellite!

Yeah. . .

But it looks like we're being stored in
leased payload space. . .

. . .on an American Empire satellite
that was launched from Japan.

Aw, what the hell?!

Even without that Security Treaty,
we're still doing exactly what they say!

Even so, why would the Major put
our A. I. onto one of their satellites?

Well, maybe she was planning to use
us to spy on them or something.

There's no way to know,
but this really puts us in a tough spot. . .

We're almost out of time!

Mr. Ishikawa!

Yeah, what?

Um, I have to go somewhere
with the guys. . .

You do, huh?

I'm sorry.

That's okay.
Look after the Major and the others.


Major? Where are you?

- Kuze.
- Yes?

Do you know how
to fold origami cranes?


Yeah. And only using
your left hand.

With the proper control software,
anyone can do that.

That's not what I mean.

Can you do that?
Fold one left-handed?

I can now.

It sounds like you've also survived
your fair share of loneliness.

I never asked,
but what's your name?

I don't remember.

I have a pseudonym, though.

It's the same with you, isn't it?

You're right.

I've been given countless names
by the refugees.

I joined forces with them
with the intent to save them. . .

. . . but maybe the real reason
l joined them. . .

. . .was to keep
the loneliness at bay.

But in the end,
it wouldn't go away.

Because even if others could count
on you, you couldn't count on them.

Do you have someone
that you can open yourself up to?

I suppose. . .

I see. . .

I've been looking for mine
for a long time.


When we hold our hands up to the sun
and peek through our fingers. . .

. . .we can see the deep red blood
flowing inside!

Even earthworms, even crickets. . .

- . . .and even water striders!
- I don't believe it. . .

- . . .and even water striders!

- . . .and even water striders!
- I bet that you guys have Ghosts. . .

- I bet that you guys have Ghosts. . .

- We're all alive, every last one of us. . .
- I bet that you guys have Ghosts. . .

- We're all alive, every last one of us. . .

- . . .and we're all friends!

- . . .and we're all friends!
- What's wrong?! Proto!

- . . .and we're all friends!

We're all alive,
every last one of us. . .

. . .and we can laugh
'cause we're alive!

We're all alive, every last one of us,
and we can feel happy 'cause we're alive!

When we hold our hands up to the sun
and peek through our fingers. . .

. . .we can see the deep red blood
flowing inside!

Even dragonflies,
even frogs. . .

. . .and even honey bees!

We're all alive, every last one of us,
and we're all. . .

What's the matter, Proto?
What happened?

It looks like the Tachikomas rammed
their satellite into the nuclear m*ssile.

They did what?!

So we've managed to avoid
a worst-case scenario, then.

Yes, sir.

I'm sorry, I don't follow you.

It seems that some of my people
sacrificed themselves. . .

. . .to stop the nuclear m*ssile.

You lost some of your men?!

That's not important, ma'am.
Who did you call just now?

It's me.

The m*ssile was intercepted?

Well, no matter.

Either way, we'll use Kayabuki's actions
to establish a cold-w*r framework.

What a shame, he wasn't able
to become a hero. . .

What happened?

I don't know why. . .

. . . but it looks like my A. I.'s did something
other than what I ordered them to.

Major! You okay in there?!

The Tachikomas. . .

I know.

Chief. If the Prime Minister contacted
who I thought she contacted, it'll-

Yes, I know.

But for now, arresting the Chief Cabinet
Secretary and Gohda takes priority.

There's a chance
that what happened today. . .

. . .won't be made public
in our lifetimes.

First, let's clean up this mess
as quickly as possible.

Understood !


Chief Cabinet Secretary Takakura. . .

. . . I assume you know
the reason why we're here.

Your actions amount to
a coup d'etat. . .

. . .as well as mass m*rder
under the guise of w*r.

I've been prepared
for that all along.

And as for you, you were even more of
a woman than I thought you would be.

I don't know who you begged for help
in the midst of an emotional fit. . .

. . . but this country can't stand on its own
without the American Empire!

You seem to be working
under a false impression.

That doesn't look like
a nuclear expl*si*n.

Orders, sir?

Shall we launch a second m*ssile?

No. Let's hold off. . .

. . . until we ID the southbound bogeys
that're approaching from the northeast.

What if they're marked with the
People's Liberation Army insignia?

'' National independence
through personal independence.''

I believe I have acted in accordance
with that ideal ever since I took office.

The Kayabuki administration. . .

. . .will continue to maintain an equal
distance from the American Empire. . .

. . .the Ameri-Soviet Union, China, as
well as Asia and the nations of the EU.

I intend to pursue. . .

. . .a policy of independent action
and UN reconciliation.

A secret Air Self Defense
Army unit, huh?

All right, Japan's made
their intentions clear.

We're pulling out.

Take him away.

Yes, ma'am.

The Prime Minster sent us!

Get in !

You got it!

Stand up.

I'll take this back, if you don't mind.

Saito! Paz! Boma!

You still in one piece, Major?


Sorry, but stay put and give a thorough
report to the Self Defense Army.


You're. . .

Ishikawa of Public Security Section 9?

I'll take that,
if you don't mind.

Oh, you mean this?

That's right.

Don't screw with us.

Section 9 specializes in dirty tricks
and information warfare.

If the vassal state is negligent
in its services. . .

. . .the starvation of the consumer state
is inevitable.

Manpower shortages always give the
sl*ve manufacturing industries a boost.

But if you're too strident
in asserting rights. . .

. . .the arteries of capitalism
will harden.

In its mind, this country has always
thought of itself as a capitalist state. . .

. . . but in reality,
it is the ideal socialist state.

But when arterial
waste matter builds up. . .

. . . brains capable of managing. . .

. . .the blood's distribution
become necessary.

With its claims of liberty and equality,
I'm sure it's the same in your country.

Of course!

But what we do publicly and
behind closed doors. . .

. . .are different matters entirely.

All right. . .

Do it!

Don't do it!

Don't be in such a hurry to die.

Mr. Aramaki. . .
What might this be about?

Kazundo Gohda!

You are under suspicion of conspiring
to start a civil w*r, as well as. . .

. . .conspiring with a foreign power
to start a w*r for personal gain.

You're coming with us.

The Chief Cabinet Secretary has already
admitted to most of the charges.

Also, the final act of the play
you produced was a flop.

Are you sure?

Even so, arresting me now
would be pointless.

What's that supposed to mean?

The Chief Cabinet Secretary
and I have always. . .

. . . had a standalone relationship.

Also, a report written by me personally
should already be. . .

. . .at Metropolitan Police Headquarters.

Didn't you know?

The penal code says that
because I came forward voluntarily. . .

. . . I can't be charged with
any of the crimes you just mentioned.

I'm going to a country
that is in need of my abilities.

Are you sure?
That's how you want to play it?

I have a note from the Prime Minister.

She holds your abilities
in the highest regard.

But if there's a chance
those talents might end up. . .

. . . in the hands of a foreign power. . .

. . .we're to prevent it,
no matter the cost.

She also says that,
if it proves necessary. . .

. . .we shouldn't hesitate
to use lethal force.

How do you want to do this?

Don't worry about him.
it's just a bluff.

Let's go.


You think so, do you?

Then go ahead and die!

Gee, what a cryin' shame. . .

Hi. . . !

Hey, you're. . .

How long have you people
been involved in this?!


Hurry! We can't let them
eliminate him !


What's that you have there?

A crane. . .

A crane?

Goodness, these micromachines
are rather effective, aren't they?

You'll have a painless death.

You're a fascinating person,
but we see you as a dangerous element.

Your country has no need of charismatic
leaders that can't be controlled.

Docile consumers, that's the ticket.

I'll go on ahead. . .

Major! Where are you off
goofing around?!

Rendezvous with Azuma and Proto
in Niihama Ward 4!

What's the matter?

The supplementary budget you requested
was passed in its entirety.

Fuchikoma! information !

Yes, sir!

Say, Major. . .
Many lives were lost in this incident. . .

All it's done is return the refugee issue
back to square one. . .

. . .and PM Kayabuki's
''SeIf-reliant United Front'' policy. . .

. . .will probably prove to be
a thorny path for the populace.

People like us will be needed
more than ever now.


Hey, what's with you?

You make it sound like
it's somebody else's problem.

Come on, Major, you haven't gone
all philosophical on us, have you?

Major, I have a report stating that
the supplementary budget passed. . .

. . . in the 329th session of Parliament.


I'm calling off our round-the-clock
cherry blossom surveillance operation !

Saddle up,
we're back on the job!

'Bout damn time. . .

Yeah. . .

I thought I was gonna
die of boredom.

I shoulda had a drink
to warm myself up.

Nice to have our Major back. . .

What about the briefing?

Seeing colors

Wanna handle it with a brain dive?

No, you go on ahead without me
and take command.

Ribbons of their truth

I'll meet up with you later.

You will?

Can I touch to reconnect?

See beyond the light

What is it?

it's nothing, forget about it.

ln Bubbles rise--
to surface in someone's eye

ln Bubbles rise--
Synchrons that dwell

Silence is crying, is crying

Open doors and empty glasses

Christmas in the Silent Forest

The limp ticking of the hand

Penetrate in whispers

ln shadows rise--
to surface in someone's mind

Echoes that dwell. . .

Silence is crying, is crying

Open doors and empty glasses

Christmas in the Silent Forest

The limp ticking of the hand

Hollow hush of trees
How do you keep?

Sweet slumber,
sleep among the forest trees