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Love Live! The School Idol Movie (2015)

Posted: 02/09/24 14:47
by bunniefuu

It's cold!



Why? Why? Why?

It's impossible! Let's go home!

It's okay! I can do it this time!


I, Honoka Kosaka am a second year
at Otonokizaka High!

Today, we are sending off
the third years for their graduation!

Well, at least we were supposed to...


It seems like there's sudden news...

It's a dome...



It's a doom!




It's a dome competition!

A dome competition?!

The Akiba Dome! The third Love Live
might be held at the Akiba Dome!

Is Akiba Dome the one
where they play baseball?

In that big stadium?

We can appear on stage?!

No, no! We already graduated!

Until the end of the month,
we're still school idols, right?!

I knew you would all be here.



By those looks on your faces, I'm guessing
you already heard about the next Love Live.

Y-Yeah! Are they really going to do it?

At the dome?

It hasn't been confirmed yet.

To make it happen, they wanted some help
from you all, the previous champions.

I was just notified.

That couldn't mean...

It can't be!

Kotori, do you have your passport?
What about your plane ticket?!

Don't worry about it!

Thanks, Papa!

I'll be going now.

Okay! Here we go!

Everyone, smile now!




It's an amulet!

There are enough for everybody.

Thank you.

By the way, where's Honoka?


Rin-chan, let's go back to the group...

I'm so pumped up!

Let's go look around, Kayo-chin!

S-Someone help me!

It's the perfect card for going on a journey.

Honoka-chan isn't here.

No, she said she's already here.


We're really going, aren't we?

To that sky...

To a world we've never seen before!

Next person please!

Oh, y-yes!


Hey, Hanayo, your bag!



I-Is this really okay?

It's fine.

Just give that note to the driver.


The people behind us are waiting!

- Let's get a move on!
- H-Hey!

Is this really okay?!

He won't take us to some
weird place, will he?

You don't need to worry if it's a legitimate taxi.
Nozomi-chan and Eli-chan said so.

But we can't understand each other!

Why are we going overseas
in the first place?

If it's a concert, can't we just do it in Japan?

Remember what my mom said?

A TV station over here wanted
to do a segment on school idols,

so they gave Otonokizaka High the offer.

Pretty cool, huh?!

The Akiba Dome can hold ten times more people than the place of the second competition.

Ten times?!

It's that big...?

Although Love Live's popularity
has been skyrocketing,

it will be very difficult to sell out the dome
with the way things are right now.

So by doing this live broadcast,
we can gain some exposure...

And try to make this dome
competition actually happen!

And if it does actually happen,
μ's will be invited, right?

I don't know. We probably will.

It has to be definitely, not probably!

Millions of people will be crowding
into the dome for Nico!

Won! Der! Ful!





That's a lot of buildings!

You're right!

I've seen that bridge in a book!

Wow! I can't believe this city exists in the world!

Isn't it amazing?

Oh, look, look!

What a big truck!

What a big hotel!

What a big lobby!


We're just missing Umi and the other two.

Did you tell them the right place?

Don't worry about it.
Honoka gave them the note.

This... is a hotel?

Something seems... off...

It's like a haunted house...

This isn't the right hotel at all!!

I copied the name wrong from
the note Eli-chan gave me!

- You know, it was in English—
- I won't let this slide! Not today!

Do you not realize how much
trouble you're causing

with your sloppy and careless personality?!

Hey, at least you made it.

That's only because Rin
remembered the hotel name!

If she had forgotten it, we
wouldn't be alive right now!

You're overreacting...

Umi-chan, do you wanna go
look at all our rooms?

The hotel lobby was amazing, too.

How about going to a nearby cafe?

Hey, how about we recharge a little with
some snacks? I bought cupcakes!

Oh! Nice, Hanayo-chan!

Then, after eating we'll go over
our schedule for tomorrow.

Yeah! You'll eat some too, right, Umi-chan?

I'll have some.

I want to go to the building
that looks like a pencil!

What do you think we came here for?

What was it again?

For the concert!

I know.

We have a very important concert!

We don't have time to be touring.

Aww! But...

Fortunately, the hotel has
a dance studio in the gym.

Let's practice there!

And not go outside!


Even though we traveled all the way here?

Getting lost must have scarred you...

It's okay, it's okay!

- The people in this city looked so nice—
- I can't trust anything you say, Honoka.

As winners of Love Live, we absolutely
cannot slack during this live broadcast.

Exactly my point!

Anyway, regarding what we sing and where we sing it, they told us it's our choice.

Which place in this city fits μ's the best?

I think it is necessary for us to
tour the city and think about it.

What? No, that's...

That's right! That's right!

That's why we need to wake up
early in the morning for practice.

Then, we look for our performance location. Sound good?

That sounds good to me!


Who's on board?

- Yes! Yes!
- Me, too!

Then it's decided.

Alrighty! Since it's decided, let's eat!


Here it is!

What is this?!

It's huge!

It's a cheesecake!

I've always wanted to try this!
I was so excited for it!

This is for dinner?!

As expected from the land of the free...

What does that have to do with anything?

I will win this time!

This one?

No, I think...

H-Hey, we need to get up early tomorrow,
so why don't we go to sle—


There has to be a way to win!

Now bring it!

I'm sorry!

How could this be?!

I'm back.


I got us some drinks.


Is this...?

Why are you looking at that?


Did you... look inside?


- Maki-chan, did you...
- It's fine.

I'm doing it on my own.
So don't worry about it.

It's so beautiful...


What's wrong?

I was just thinking...

To be in a place you don't know at all...
It's such a mysterious feeling.

We've come really far.


Are you sad?


A little bit.

You're so warm...

One more time!


There has to be a way...
There has to be a way!

I'm not cheating!

Then let's go one more time!


What...? Heavy... It's heavy...

What is this?

Hey, Honoka!

Why are you at my house, Nico-chan?

Because it's not your house!

Your sleeping habits are
just awful! Seriously!

This bed is all wrong!
This is the honeymoon suite!

What's up with that?!

What do you want from me...?

You should say something too, Eli!



She said "Grandmother"...

I never really realized this, but...

I guess Eli-chan can be
quite the spoiled child.


The morning feels so good!

I'm getting hyped up!

Okay! Let's go!

It's wonderful how they have such a huge park in the middle of this big city!

How long are you girls going to talk for?

Umi-chan! It's okay!

I can... trust you, right?

We're off!

Meow, meow, meow, meow!

Rin-chan sure has a lot of energy.


What?! Um... K-Konnichiwa...

Wow! Look! There's a stage here!

You're right.

I wonder if they do concerts here...

Do you want to get on it?

I'm so tired!

It feels so good.

It's not a bad idea to have
the concert here, either.

It's really calming.

It's probably calming because
we're all together.



Wanna dance a little?



I'll be the leader!


Are you girls Japanese?


We are Japanese student.

You're here for some performance?

Wh-What is she saying?

It doesn't seem like she's upset...

Even I understand that...

Yes, we are school idols! We are called μ's.

School idols?

Well, Japan seems cool!

We'd wanna go there too!

Well, I hope you have a fun time around here!

Enjoy your stay! Bye!


See you!

They said since we came all the way here,
we should explore as much as we can.


You're amazing, Nozomi-chan!

She did go to the South Pole, after all.

Overseas isn't so bad, right?

Of course, you still need to be cautious.

I guess you're right...

All right!

After a good practice, let's go explore this city!


You can see it now!

It's so big!

Take it, take it!

Honoka-chan, you sort of look like a hero!

All right, I'm gonna take it!


Can we finish all of this?!

I'm so happy!

Here you are.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

This is Main Street.

You eat breakfast at a restaurant
called Tiffany's, right?

- I wonder what kind of restaurant it is!
- Yeah, yeah!

Do you know, Nico-Chan?

Wha-? O-Of course!

Seriously? What are they going to serve us?



All of that is wrong!

Got a good pic!


Yeah! You're both so cute!

Such unique clothing!

These clothes are embarrassing!


As expected from the person
in charge of the costumes for μ's.

Both of you look good!


You look cute, too, Umi-chan!


What's that?

During Halloween, people do it as a dare.

Should we give it a try?

Can we?

Just leave it to me!

Hey! My shoes!!

It's called the center of the world for a reason.

It's beautiful, isn't it?

If only we could use this kind of scenery
during our concert... That would be the best.

All the places seem good.
It's so hard to decide!


Initially, I was worried if we would be
able to perform our best overseas.


What's wrong?

I got it! I got it now!

I know why we're so excited to be in this city!

This city is sort of similar to Akiba!

This city?

To Akiba?


It's filled with so many fun things!

It's constantly changing!

I actually feel the same way, just a little bit!

Don't you feel the same?


Now that you mention it, you might be right.
Always taking in new things and evolving...

That's why no matter the venue, we thought
we could perform a true μ's concert.

It's raining...

I don't have an umbrella.

Well, this is a problem.

But there are still places I want to see...

There's nothing we can do about it.

It might start raining harder...


It's better if we go back to the hotel.

How sad...

Everything will be fine!

Hello! The song called us all over!

The town was overflowing with light,
like it was a giant carnival

Hello! That is how I responded!

Our world is certainly broadening
one step at a time! Hello!

When the intersection begins to dance,
nobody is surprised

Are we free to do anything we want?

We're surrounded by a wave of people

I'm going to get swallowed up for sure

A melody I don't know the words to

Mysteriously, my power's bubbling over

Hello! I'm counting the stars above!

If only we could predict
the exact time when we will meet

Hello! It's unpredictable?!

If we're together,
we'll certainly enjoy it all! Hello!

What will happen when I wake up tomorrow morning?
Please tell me what I should do

It's a starlit sky!

Is Hanayo-chan... crying?

What happened?

Nico-chan! Did you do
something to Kayo-chin?

I don't know!

What's wrong?
Are you not feeling well?




Why ice...?

I want to eat white rice!

White rice?

Yes! Ever since we came here...

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, it's been all bread, bread, bread, bread, bread!

There's no white rice!

But we added some rice
to yesterday's meal—

White rice is not an "addition", it's a staple!

And that was saffron rice,
which isn't the same!

Every good dish starts with rice. It's because
of rice that we can even call it a meal!

I want to eat white rice in a warm rice bowl...

Oh, this bread is yummy!

You're a real white rice fanatic...

But that really can't be helped...

Maki-chan, do you know any good places?

Well, I might know a place...

I can't believe this city had
this kind of restaurant.

It is the center of the world.

You can find almost anything here.

It was so good...
White rice is the best!

Satisfied, Kayo-chin?

All right, let's go back before it gets too late.


It feels like we're walking back from school.

It's an odd feeling.

Although we don't have
much time left together...

This city helps us forget that somehow.

Huh? Huh?

Oh, excuse me.

Maybe I don't have enough money...

And then, you taught me...


Excuse me!




Did I... lose them?

What do I do?!

The station at the hotel didn't
have stairs like this, did it?

Aa, sumimase—



What station did I get on from?

Thank you! Everyone, thanks a lot for being here today.

I would love to see you all at my live performance too.


Well, there are some girls
who easily get lost...

But I can't believe you don't even
know the name of your hotel!


But Miss, I'm surprised you guessed it
just from me saying it was a big station!


All of your gestures are so exaggerated!

Don't worry.
I sort of know where it is.

It's a big hotel near a big station, right?


There's also a huge chandelier, right?

There is!

Then, it's got to be that place!

What's wrong?

I forgot my mic!


Could it be that...?



Don't scare me like that!

Sorry! Sorry!

At least I found it!

Have you been singing here for a while now?

Something like that.

I know I don't look it, but I used
to sing with a group back then.

In Japan.

Oh, really?!


But... a lot of things happened...

In the end, we had to split up.

At the time, I didn't know what to do...

I just thought it might be a good opportunity
to move on and to take the next step.

What's wrong?

And then...

And then what happened?

It was easy!


It was very easy.

The reason why we sang until then...

What we wanted to be, what we liked...

Thinking about all that, the answer became clear.

Um, I sort of get it... but not really.

That's fine for now.


It's fine like that!

It is?!

It's fine!


You'll understand soon.




What were you thinking?!


Do you know how hard we looked for you?


Oh, right.

Before I got here...


I met a person who led me here...

A person?

Nobody's there...

No, really!

It doesn't matter now.

Let's hurry back to our rooms
and prepare for tomorrow.

Oh, Honoka-chan, welcome back!

I'm so glad!

You're late!

Hey, girls!

I'm sorry.

I'm supposed to be the leader,
but I made you all worry...

It's fine already.

To make up for it...

You're going to lead tomorrow's
performance, and make it a good one.


This is our last stage.

I won't forgive you if you
slack off for even a second!


Then, let's go to sleep for tomorrow!

Why are you putting so much spirit into going to sleep?

The reason why we sing...

Where are we right now?

Wait, don't answer that!
For I already know!

I saw it in a dream, or a heat-induced mirage

And just who are you?

Like I have to ask... I already know!

The wishes that gathered us all
and bind us together

The light of the first star shines
down on us from a distance

I've always wanted to fall in love
with someone like that

I don't ever need to pump
the brakes on my heart anymore

The two of us were destined to gaze
into each other's eyes at this moment

Ah! I don't want to hear you say "if only"!
I want to hear you say "more"! Angel!

I will not allow my wings
to be just for decoration

Ah! I don't want to hear you say "if only"!
I want to hear you say "more"! Angel!

I realized that it's not about tomorrow!
The time that really matters is now!

The wings of my heart refuse
to ever stop flapping for you

It's beautiful...



Were you awake the whole time?

Nope, I just woke up.

Hey, Kotori-chan...

The concert was fun, huh?


We were able to make a lot of
memories with everyone.

Let's come back someday.


All of us, together.



Hey! Hey!

It seems like yesterday's
broadcast got a lot of buzz!

I'm so glad!

Hopefully we'll be in top form like this
for the dome competition.


I guess I'm just not used to flying coach...

No, it's not that!

I see you're both still energetic.

I'm not!

By the way, Maki-chan...

Did you finish the song?


Wha—? told you, it doesn't matter!

I think it's a good song.

I'm telling you, it's not!

Looks like the bus is coming.

Let's go!

Let's go home, then!



- Go!
- What?!

Do you know them?


They're really cute!

There they are!

They looked this way!

This is...

What's going on?

They're staring at us...

Could it be a sn*per?!


What did you do?!

Did you sneak something past customs?!

I don't know!


Please give me your autograph!


You're Kosaka Honoka-san from μ's, right?

Um, yes!

You must be Minami Kotori-san, right?


And you must be Sonoda Umi-san, right?


Why are you lying?!

Because it's scary!

At the airport all of a sudden...

I'm μ's biggest fan!


Me, too!

I love you guys, too!


What's going on...?

I don't know...

Oh! Maybe it's a dream!

That could be a possibility!

If that's the case, then when
exactly did the dream start?


Before we went on the trip?

What?! From all the way back then?!

That's pushing it...

Or maybe...

From when our school was going
to shut down?! From back then?!

That's a long dream!

There's no way that can be true!

Right? Umi-chan?

Then, why?

This is...


Is going on?!


It's over here, too!

There are fliers, too!

What is this...?

Um, could you be...?


It's true!

Wow! It really is them!

Wow! Amazing!

I'm a huge fan!

Th-Thank you.

Well, isn't this just great?


Impossible! I can't do this!

Ever since we got back, we've been getting
a lot of attention just walking around the city.

The overseas performance is
playing all over Akiba.

Maybe it really is a dream...


But, I get why you think that.

The view counts are crazy!

Then we... really did become famous?

No way!

I can't! It's embarrassing!

But, you know what...?

That means the overseas performance
was a huge success, right?!

Yup! I think so!

Going to the dome won't
be just a dream, right?!

If the dome competition happens,
then Love Live will stay popular!

I'm so glad!

I'm so happy!

It's too early to say.

For now, we should focus on
retreating without being caught.

That's right.

Because as of now...

We are stars!

Let's run away!
Let's run, run away!

Wh-Wh-Why so suddenly?

Let's run away!
Let's run, run away!

We're popular all of a sudden

Oh... What a surprisingly huge break for us

We need to come through with a smile,
run, run, run away!

Something seems weird... Close your eyes
once more and stop to take a few deep breaths

Something seems weird.
Is this actually all part of a dream?

Let's pinch each other to the point
that it hurts, just to make certain

That this town, and all of the people
who are chasing us, won't simply vanish

Won't vanish! Won't vanish!

I don't even have the time to
think about thanking you

Can you just leave me in this
surprised state? Heartbeat!

If too much happiness comes
pouring in so suddenly

I won't be able to advance
any further than the question mark

Now, what should I do?

Now that it's like this, what should I do?


That broadcast was getting so much buzz,

it got picked up by tons of places.


You're right!

It's not only being shown
in Akiba, it's everywhere!

It was a real pain, you know!

So many people were asking
for you when you were away.

Oh, welcome!

Uh, um...

ls K-Kosaka Honoka-san...?


Welcome to Kosaka Honoka's home, Homura!



Mom and Dad did say they were
happy about the increase in sales...


I'm gonna go negotiate my allowance!

The sales went up because of me, right?!

I only need them to increase it a little bit!

Don't we have more important
things to talk about?

She's right. We have to be careful about
how we act, given that we're popular idols.

No way...

Can't you tell just by looking at A-RISE?

A popular idol must always
have her pride and grace.

Without ever getting flustered...

Nico-chan, are you on vacation today?!

Wow, so pretty!

I guess it can't be helped.



What are you doing?


You never know when you're being watched!

When you go out, be careful what
you wear and how you walk.


I don't think we need to be that careful...

I agree...

It's too much work...

Before any of that...

Shouldn't we be thinking
about something else?!


What should we be thinking about?

You don't know?

We've gained so much popularity
and attention from the fans.

You're right.

No doubt about it...


The next concert?!

No, no, no! Absolutely not!

Please help us out!


When I said you were my friends, a lot of
people said they wanted to see you guys!

C'mon! Isn't there something you can do?!

- Honoka!
- Honoka!


Everybody thinks that we're
going to have another concert...

That's to be expected when
we're this popular.

μ's will break up after the competition...

Now that I think about it, we never
announced that publicly...


Everyone knows that Eli-chan
and the others are third years!

You can't be a school idol
after you graduate...

That should go without saying!

I suppose that to our fans, it doesn't really
matter if we're school idols or not.

"I hope they do another concert!"
"Will they attend the next Love Live?"

"Their dancing was awesome!"
"I'll continue to support them!"

In fact,

even after graduating from school,
there are still people who pursue being idols.

Even though they can't enter Love Live,

there are plenty of people who plan
concerts and release songs...

I see...

Then, what do you suggest we do?

We have no choice.
We have to do a concert.

- A concert?
- Yes.

In front of everyone...

We do another concert and
tell them we are breaking up.

Since we're gaining attention from
our success with the broadcast,

I think it's the best thing we can do.


We coincidentally have a suitable song...


We have a song?


It's all right!

Actually, Maki-chan was writing a song.

A new song for μ's.


But, we're disbanding...
So why now?

I thought the song at the competition
would be the last one,

but a lot of things happened, remember?

That's why, to end things the right way, I...

But it's not like I wanted to sing it at a concert.

This is...

It's a good song.

No fair! I wanna listen to it, too!

Is there a solo for me?!

Listen! It's a really good song!

Me, too! Me, too!

- Here!
- Meow!

I want to listen to it, too!

Oh! Eli-chi looks pumped!

L-it's nothing like that...

Umi-chan, can you add lyrics to it?

Of course!

I actually was doing some
writing on the side...

Me, too!

Even when we went overseas, I was
constantly looking for costume ideas.

Seems like everyone was
thinking the same thing.

Well? Wanna do it?

A concert to announce the end of μ's.


What are we... singing for?



If we have a wonderful song, it would
be a waste not to do it, right?!

Let's do it!

Announce we're disbanding at our last concert!

Practice will get harder!

We only have until the end of
the month at Otonokizaka.

Until then, we have a lot to do!

Girls, do you have a moment?


You want us to continue?


A-RISE and μ's, lauded as
the most popular school idols...

For the dome competition to happen,
everyone thinks we'll need your influence.


But I understand why people
might think that way.

With all this popularity...

Since the third years have graduated, and if
it becomes hard for you to stay school idols,

I don't mind if you reinvent yourselves.

Regardless, in order to keep
this momentum going...

Everyone wants μ's to continue.

No way...


This has become quite a problem...

We were just talking about our last concert.

I'm opposed to this.

Sure, we were able to get this
far because of Love Live,

but is it necessary for us, μ's, to do it?


You're right.

But, if we can make this event work,
school idols will fly higher than ever.

That was the reason why
we went overseas...

Wait! We said we should end it properly...

μ's will end when the third years graduate!

Isn't that what we decided?!

Maki's right.

If we said we were going to
end it, we have to end it.

Am I wrong?


Are you sure?

If we continue, we can perform at the dome...

Of course I want to go!

But we made a decision.

All nine of us talked about it...

We can't change our determination so easily.

You get it, don't you?


If we end μ's, there's a possibility
that the dome plan will fail...

I don't want that to happen...

Just because we didn't want to...

That's... true.


What do you think, Honoka?


Over all, have the pasta...

I'm home!

Oh, Yukiho!

Sorry for the intrusion!

Where's sis?

Probably upstairs.

It's so hard...

Will people be happy with this?

If μ's continues...?


Do you have a minute?


Sorry for intruding.

You didn't go back to Russia?

Nope! I'm going to work
hard as a school idol!

No time to go back now!

I see.


I wanted to get your advice about
where we should practice.

I didn't know where to it.

I see.

Is there a place you would recommend?

Probably the roof...
It's spacious!

But you can't practice when it rains...

Huh? But...
The roof is where you guys...

Yeah, but if we're far enough away,
we won't bother each other.

Then, I can secretly watch the two of you
practicing hard every day...

No, no! We just started!


Is it not fun?

Huh? Fun?

That's right!
I was talking to Alisa about it.

To have as much fun
being school idols as μ's!

That's why...

That's why I want μ's
to always be having fun!

See ya!


A phone call?!



Long time no see!

Welcome back.

Uh, what's up with your outfit?

Urn... I left in a hurry, so...

Hey, do you have some time?

My car is waiting.
Let's go for a drive.


How was it? Over there?

We had a lot of fun and learned a lot!

I see.

Seems like your concert
was a huge success.

Everyone's talking about it!

No, not really...

So, where are you doing your next concert?


That looks like a worried face...

μ's will disband when the third years graduate.

We thought that was best for us.


Now there are so many people following us...

To the point that we have major
influence over Love Live...

You don't want to betray their expectations...

We have people that support us...

People who say they want to hear our song...

I want to meet their expectations.

That's what we've always done.


Then why don't you continue...?

I think we should.


What's this?

This is the team that will
manage us from now on.


We decided to continue.

Once we graduate from school,
even though we will not be school idols...

The three of us want to
sing together, as A-RISE.

That's what we decided.


I understand how you're feeling.

I was lost, too.

Working towards Love Live,
being school idols...

And welcoming the end
after you're successful.

It's a beautiful thing!

But, you know...

It would be sad if it was over.

I want to have this time,
this split second, to continue on.

And to entertain our audience,
and to fly on to a much bigger world!

Since that's what we thought... All of us...

You are free to come to your own conclusion.

But we will continue.

We want you to continue as well.

We fought against each other
at Love Live, but from now on, as allies...


School idol...

I want μ's to continue...

I want you to always be having fun...

You are free to come to your own conclusion.

I don't get it anymore!

I didn't think it would come to this...

Maybe... we should keep going...


That would mean...

This voice!

We meet again!

Why?! Why are you here?!

That time, you just disappeared!

This mic!

I have the same one at my house, too!

I've been wanting to say thank you!


Uh yeah!

My house is really close by!


Please come for at least some tea!

I want to give you your mic back, too!

Wai—! My stuff!

It's here.
Please come in!

Right here is fine.

Maybe next time!

Why? It's fate that we got reunited!

Did you find your answer?

Oh, from that time...?

Close your eyes...

L-Like this?

You can fly.


You can fly!

You can fly whenever you want to!

Like you did back then!

Honoka, it's Eli.

Afterwards, the three of us talked.

About our popularity, about how
many people listen to our songs...

About how we were asked
to help with Love Live...

And we are very happy about that.


Our answer hasn't changed.

We will not be continuing μ's.

We just...

We're serious about being school idols!

We love school idols.

For our school, for everyone...

We students,

the nine of us coming together,
competing with each other...

Holding each other's hands...

We love school idols!

With the limited time we have,

to shine as bright as we can,
which is what I love about school idols.

I found it... my answer.

I started singing for my school.

I started being an idol...

And met everyone...
Aimed for Love Live together...

Ran full force...

Toward a goal that we thought
we would never reach...

"We won Love Live! Thank you!
- Honoka"

And that...
It wasn't all coincidence...

It was because we were able to
focus with all of our might...


Because we had so much fun!


You're really late.

It's been a while.

I wanted to practice again!

We are still school idols!

Well, I never cared either way.

Such a pain. We've been together for so long...

We understand each other without saying a word.

I bet all of our answers are the same, right?

It's simply because μ's are school idols.

No one has any objections, right?

But the competition at the dome...

We will definitely make it happen!


What do you mean?

We're going to do a concert!

One that will share how wonderful
school idols are!

A-RISE and μ's aren't
the only amazing ones!

It's all the school idols!

This concert will show
that to everyone!

But doesn't that...?

What do you mean, specifically?

Actually, I have a great idea!

Hey, hey, hey!


Are you serious?!

Do we have enough time?!

Yeah! Don't you know
how much work that'll take?!

We don't have much time, but...

If we can pull it off,
don't you think it will be fun?!

I like it! I'm on board!

It sounds fun!

I-If we can do it, this will be a huge event!

The school idol, Nico-Ni,
is ready for anything!

That's right! To make the world's
most wonderful concert!


it might be the most exciting
concert we ever had!


Do a concert together?

We, μ's, will disband after all.

We haven't told anyone else...

But I want us to do this together,
and show people how great school idols are!

I see.

So if we do a concert that we can enjoy
from the bottom of our hearts, then,

even if we move on, it will definitely cause
the dome competition to happen, right?

I didn't expect anything less
from you. Sounds interesting.

It's not a bad idea to make everybody happy.

We are still school idols.

We will cooperate!

Thank you very much!

But, I have a favor to ask.


I want to sing a song together.

Sing a song... together?

Not any of our songs, but a song
that belongs to all school idols!

Since we're going to do a concert together,
we have to use the right song.

We want you to choose that song,
as the event champions.

What do you think?

That is the one condition for our cooperation.

I want to do it!

That sounds really good!
I want to do it!

But we don't have much time left!

It's fine!

Thanks for the tea!

I'll go tell everyone!


It's amazing!

I already received some replies
from the e-mails I sent!


But some of them want to discuss it first...

That's understandable. It's difficult to
ask them to perform all of a sudden.

They might be confused...

It might be better
to explain it over the phone.

Do you really want to wait around?

We don't have much time left!


Then what should we do?

Let's go meet them!

Yes, going to meet them is the best thing!

Huh? What?!

Go meet them?!



Our range may be limited, but if we meet
in person, they will understand our feelings.

But... how?



Lend us some train fare!

I see!

Why are you all looking at me?!

All right! Let's go!

Everyone's waiting for us!

I want you to pay attention!
This is something I've always thought about!

Once I put my plan in motion

During the new days that followed,
a much better future was being born little by little

I still want us to challenge it!
We can do it!

Let's all go just for the thrill of it

Future style!

I want to see the moment for myself,
just wait for me

The perfect stage that we once
envisioned in our minds

It is nowhere in the world but right here

Future style!

I want to see the moment for myself,
just wait for me

I want all desires to come true right now!
I wish starting!

Now is the best moment for us to
make our ideal dream take shape

I can hear... the voice calling!

Everyone! Over here, over here!


You're too fast!

One, two, three, four!

Five, six, seven, eight!

Wh-What should we do?

They're practicing really hard!

You should go!


You're the president!

Hello, I'm Minami Kotori from μ's!

Can we have a moment?


So cute!

Wh-What can we do for you?

If you want us to share a stage
with you, let's have a duel!

If you win, we will participate!

That's fine!
Sounds interesting!


We'll show you how good we are!


Please come see us!

We will be doing a concert!

Everyone's like us!

They're working really hard.

What should we do?
We can't just go up and talk to them...

This is your time to shine, Rin-chan!

What?! Me?!

Here you go!


Can we help you?

We are the herald of school idols!
We would like to perform a concert with thou.

What is that?

It's a new skill she gained overseas.

How stupid...

They're going to join us!


I got an e-mail!

Not only from Tokyo, but schools
from all around the country!

That's amazing!

That's 20 groups already!



We came to help you with making the song!

Here. We brought a gift.

Oh! What cute costumes!


After Honoka-chan told me,
I made them in a hurry!

Both of us have forceful partners.
It's a lot of work!

You need a lot of costumes, right?
I can help!

I thought of a costume!

What do you think?

Seriously, it's a lot of work!

Nice song!

If you have any ideas, tell me.

I'll try to incorporate them.


Well... how about this?

What are you doing?


Maki-chan, huh?

I told you, it's nothing!

Anyways, aren't we singing the song we
listened to last time? The one Maki wrote?

They look like they're getting
along, making new songs...

I told her the same thing, but...

She said that song is for
the nine members of μ's to sing...

What's up with that?

These are posts gathered
from the whole country.

There's this many?!

We're going to select from this...?

It's filled with everyone's thoughts.

We're going to do it!

Urn, all right, everyone! Hello!

Thank you so much for coming today!

This concert...

It's different from the competition.
It's a concert handmade by everyone!

We make one stage with our own hands!

We call out to the people
on our own two feet!

With our own strength,
let's lead this concert to success!


You're gonna help us?!

Yup! Of course!

But, we're not real school idols yet!

Can we still participate?!

Yes, you can!

We have this, you know...

We will be having a concert tomorrow!

With a ton of performers!

Let's all sing together!

Please come!


We have a yummy menu that all
the school idols came up with!

- Um...
- Hm?

It's written here...

Something about a white rice smoothie...
What is that?

Uh... Well, that's...

Please come!

Please participate!

Thank you very much!

Please come to our concert, okay?

Is this okay?

A little more to the right!

Yahoo, everyone!
Are you cutting loose?!

Tomorrow, school idols nationwide
are coming together

to perform a special concert!

How exciting! How exciting!

Honoka! Good luck!

Good luck!

Thank you!

Please come to our concert, okay?!

We're doing a concert!

Please come!



Is this for real?



We did it!

It's a little crooked in some places...

- It adds flavor, doesn't it?
- Yeah.

Everyone will be on a stage
we made together...

I'm so pumped!

It makes you wanna dance, huh?

What are you talking about?
Tomorrow is the real deal!

Do you wanna just practice?

Right now?

It's already the afternoon.

- A-RISE can't do it on short notice—
- I don't mind.

Sounds good!

All right!

Let's all practice for the end!


- All right! Let's do this!
- We're gonna follow A-RISE and μ's!

- I'm gonna work hard!
- Me, too!


Hey, everyone...

There's something we need to tell you all.

"We... definitely..."

"We're serious about being school idols!"



We, μ's...

After this concert,
have decided to end all further activities.

We love school idols.

We sang for our school, sang for everyone,

competed with one another,
and we held each other's hands.

And that...

In this limited time, to work so hard to shine,
is what we love about school idols!

μ's wants to cherish this feeling...

We talked about it together,
and that is what we decided.


But, Love Live will keep growing...

I want to bring school idols that shine,

and everything wonderful about them,
to as many people as we can!

If we join our powers together,

hopefully, from now on, Love Live
will continue to grow enormously!

No way...

That's why... we will not sing an ending song tomorrow!

We must sing for all the school idols and
for those who support school idols!

Having our thoughts together...

With everyone as one!

There we go.

Oh! Good morning!




All right!

Morning, Honoka-chan!


- Let's go!
- Yeah!

Did you get a good night's sleep?

Yup! Right on!

I'm glad the weather lit up!

It's gonna be a good concert!

But... isn't it weird?

When Love Live was over,
I thought that was it...

There was nothing more we could do...

Me, too.

I never thought we would go on a plane.

But it was a lot of fun!


Oh! Hey!


You girls are early!

We spent the night at
Kayo-chin's place last night!

Because someone was so nervous,
she couldn't sleep...

N-Not true!

M-Mama said I could go, so...

Maki-chan! Good luck!

I'm going to gather all the moms
and participate in the concert!

Our moms, too?!

Is that a "Mama Live"?

Gosh! I told her not to come!

Good thing it's going to be so lively!

Okay, let's go!

Good morning!
Let's do our best!

Looks like nobody was late.

Well, we still don't know about one of us...

No. She's probably the first one there, waiting for us.

Oh! Here's Nico-chan!

You're late!

Were you here all by yourself, Nico-chan?

You're too anxious!

So what?!
It's the day of the concert!


Well, now all of μ's is here!

Good thing you told them all yesterday...

About us.


That's true.

I feel the same way.

Gosh, you just had to say it out
of nowhere, Honoka-chan.

I'm sorry.

But now, there is nothing to be
worried or hesitant about...


We are school idols till the very end.

For the future Love Lives,
let's give it our all!



All right!
I'll race you to UTX!


The loser buys everyone drinks!


No fair, you got a head start!

I won't lose!

"I can fly now..."

"I can fly whenever!"

"Like I did back then!"


What is...?

As you can see...

When they heard your words...

We were able to gather all these people.

This many...

Now, the time has come!

Unlike the competition,
we are not rivals right now.

We are one!

We are School Idols!


Everyone! Thank you for
coming here today!

It's almost showtime!

We can probably go anywhere
we want right now!

We can achieve any dream!

Let's tell them!

How amazing school idols really are!

Isn't it fun to keep this dream alive?

Let's sing joyously with smiles on our faces

This is the signal that we are starting

You take one step closer to me,
and I take one step closer to you

"Where do you want to go?"
we ask the steps of our hearts

I am willing to accept you on the spot

Even if you hesitated at the start

I'm saying there is a place for acceptance

You will hope I get to know
more and more about you... You will!

Sunny day song!

Sunny day song!
You can fly as high as you want!

I feel like I can overcome any obstacle

Sunny day song!

Sunny day song!
When I'm whistling to the beat

I have so much anticipation for tomorrow,
I can't help but feel good

Sunny day wow! Sun power!

Sunny day wow! Song power!

A dream that fuels my energy level

We really should talk about
this and that more often

That's the sign that we made a connection

Take the second step firmly,
and then take the third step boldly

Without fear, dance with the suspicion
that you can do it

If you simply extend out
your hand toward me

It will become even more
and more interesting... it will!

Sunny day life!

Sunny day life!
Let's be the light that shines bright

If I can get the opportunity to
share these feelings right now

Sunny day life!

Sunny day life!
You will be dancing along, too!

Surrounded by expected happiness,
I feel like I can do anything

Sunny day life!

Sunny day life!
Let's be the light that shines bright

If I can get the opportunity to
share these feelings right now

Sunny day life!

Sunny day life!
You will be dancing along, too... ah!

Sunny day song!

Sunny day song!
You can fly as high as you want!

I feel like I can overcome any obstacle

Sunny day song!

Sunny day song!
When I'm whistling to the beat

I have so much anticipation for tomorrow,
I can't help but feel good

Sunny day wow! Sun power!

Sunny day wow! Song power!
[We'll keep singing]

Sunny day wow! Sun power!
[Along with this dream]

Sunny day wow! Song power!




Both of you are heavy!

Hey, Nico! Don't push me!

- Yeah!
- Don't worry, don't worry!

Stop messing around, you guys!

All right, everyone!

Let's do the thing we practiced!


Love Live!



You're late!



So first we explain to the first years
what kind of activities we do.

If they're interested, we have
them come to our concert.

Got it! Leave it to me!

Can l...?

To all the new students,

congratulations on your
acceptance to our school.

From today onwards, you are all
members of Otonokizaka High.

From this moment on, please have
a fun and fulfilling school life.

The school idols, μ's,

were born from this very Otonokizaka High.

From saving the school from shutting down,

to winning the competition...

We inherited those memories, and have
been carrying out their activities till now.

With μ's as the center,
the power of school idols

guaranteed that Love Live would
always happen at the Akiba Dome.

And once more, with the dome competition
as our goal, the preliminaries have begun.

And... as for μ's and their final concert...

All right! Let's go!











Ah! It all started with a subtle premonition

Ah! Our hopes are running
through the starry night's sky

That smile that gives the flowers a reason to bloom

That smile has the same effect
on our friendship

I will not forget!
As long as I live, I will not forget!

That goes to show how strong
our hearts are truly united

The joy that we get from discovering
the world [together] makes us sing

Until the end
[we will be united as one]

The baby bird's wings have finally grown
strong enough to achieve flight

Today's its day of departure

The far and vast ocean, glistening with
all her warm and inviting colors

It looks exactly like the picture I drew in my dreams

It is all so very sad, does it make
you want to go backward in time?

No! No! No! The best time is right now!

I am so happy that I got
the chance to meet you all

I don't want us to go our
separate ways! For real!

We can do without the tears,
let's just get out there and dance

Shake your hands, shake them even more

We have all been frantically chasing
the same hopeful light together

I refuse to ever say good-bye

We should meet again!
Will you call me again?

One thing to know about us

The dream we share is connected
to a beautiful future

The future we dream of is one
where we share our live & life

The baby bird's wings have finally grown
strong enough to achieve flight

Today's its day of departure

The far and vast ocean, glistening with
all her warm and inviting colors

It looks exactly like the picture I drew in my dreams

It is all so very sad, does it make
you want to go backward in time?

No! No! No!
The best time is right now!

Because, because,
the best time is right now!

Ah! It all started with a subtle premonition

Ah! We have been frantically
chasing the same hopeful light...