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7th Voyage of Sinbad, The (1958)

Posted: 02/09/24 15:01
by bunniefuu

Aye, captain? Sound for a depth.

A sounding? Here?

Aye. Aye, captain.

Does he expect to land here,
past the very end of land?

Perhaps hunger
has crazed his mind.

His belly is as empty as ours.

If there was land, it would be such
as no man would dare set foot upon.

Sinbad would. He dares anything.


Full fathom seven!

- Sharp lookout aloft there!
- Aye, captain!

What can it be?
Perhaps a sunken reef.

Or a sea serpent...
Or something worse!

Full fathom five!

- Oh, let it be land.
- Land ho off the port bow!

He has the eyes of an owl.

I see nothing.

Look! There!

Land it is!

All hands, look alive!

Drop anchor. We'll go ashore
at the first light of dawn.

May allah grant we
find food and water.

And may allah grant
we find nothing more.

This is no time of night to be
knocking at a lady's bedroom.

I would speak with your
mistress. I bring good news.

I know your sailor's tricks. Now off
with you. Go steer your course elsewhere.

Sadi, you must be more
polite to the captain.

He's not responsible for the mysterious
winds which blew us off our course.

- Or are you?
- I blame him
for taking you...

From the comfort and safety
of your father's palace to this.

I came willingly, sadi.

What good news, captain?
We are anchoring off an island.

Tomorrow we take on food and
water to continue our voyage.

The food comes none too soon.

That pirate harufa has
already found eyes for my pet.

In a week, you'll be
feasting in bagdad.

At our wedding.

I think you invented the
island for just this purpose.

For another such kiss,

I'd invent a whole continent.

Bananas! Melons! Here!
Have a coconut. And grapes.

Captain sinbad is filling his cask
with fresh water from the spring.

Stay here until he returns.

- A cloven hoof.
- Here! There's another!

What a stride!

Captain sinbad. Look!


What is it?

It has the mark of
some ancient civilization.

It has the mark
of satan himself.

Come, sinbad. Let us
go back to the ship.

Hold this.

I'm going to see where
that stone mouth leads.

Help me! Help me!

Help me!

To the boats! Quickly!

From the land beyond beyond,

From the world
past hope and fear,

I bid you, genie, now appear.

I obey the master of the lamp.

I command you to
build me a barrier...

Between those
men and the cyclops.

I shall try, o
master. I shall try.

What weird power
restrains that monster?

The man who holds this treasure
is safe from even greater danger.

If your lamp has such power,

Why didn't you
destroy the monster?

The genie of the lamp
cannot be used to work harm.

But in protection, his
powers are invincible.

Look out!

Help! Help!


Oh, my prayer is
answered. You are safe.

Hoist all sails! Full starboard
rudder! Head for deep water!

The lamp!

Come. The lamp!

My lamp!

For your ship, a
king's ransom in jewels.

You forget one thing, my friend.

The cyclops will
be on guard now.

Besides their great strength,
they have the magic lamp as well.

The cyclops have no
speech. It is useless to them.

I alone can invoke
the power of the genie.

- Who are you?
- I am sokurah.

- The magician.
- Is your lamp so precious...

That you would risk your life to
return to the island of the cyclops?

There is nothing I
would not do to regain it.

Your ambition has nearly
cost us our lives already.

If you were indeed a magician, why
do you not use your great power...

To slay the one-eyed monster?

I had prepared a potion
for just such a purpose,

But I could not persuade
the cyclops to swallow it.

Captain, the winds that drove
your ship to the island of colossa...

Have wrecked many
vessels on its shores.

The treasure of a hundred years
has been gathered by the cyclops.

The wealth that
awaits us there...

Is worth many, many thousand
times what you see here.

We are on an important
mission for the caliph of bagdad.

Our presence there means the
difference between w*r and peace.

I'll not risk that
by turning back.

That is my final word.

Perhaps when you
are safely in bagdad,

You will be persuaded to feel
differently about the venture.

I doubt it. Harufa, show
the magician to his quarters.

With fair winds, we should
reach port in five days.

Magician. Your jewels.



My lord sinbad is a very
great prince in his country.

The people rejoice
for the news I bring:

Peace between your
father's kingdom and ours.

And do you love me just to
save bagdad from destruction?

I love you because I
cannot do otherwise.

Your eyes are mightier
than all your father's armies.

Three times welcome, sinbad. You
have done wonders to avert a w*r.

And what fair prize is this?

The princess parisa,

Daughter of the
sultan of chandra,

Pledged to be my bride,

A symbol of lasting friendship
between our kingdoms.

Welcome as a daughter, my child,

For I love sinbad as my own son.

I thank you, kind sir.

My father, the sultan, sends
his wish for your health...

And bids me tell you he will arrive
within a week for our wedding.

And a royal wedding it shall be,
with all the honors of our court.

Tell me about your
journey, sinbad.

Oh, a strange voyage and a
strange tale it is, my caliph.

I did not think anyplace could
be more beautiful than chandra.

Yet bagdad is.

The city is made lovely
by your presence.

Without you, it is plain.

Now that we are here, all the strange
terrors of the voyage seem unreal.

Yet they were
all-too-real at the time.

Perhaps it is all a dream...

And the one-eyed
giant a nightmare.

Is sokurah the
magician also a dream?

He is very real indeed.

There is something about
him which frightens me.

If only he would
vanish when I awaken.

He is determined to gain
possession of the magic lamp.

His life is distorted with
this single, driving wish.

I pity him,

For I have my one wish.

Illustrious and
magnificent caliph of bagdad,

I am honored to be
summoned to your presence.

Sinbad says you are a
man of unusual powers.

It is our wish that you demonstrate your
skill at a welcoming feast for the sultan.

Your wish shall be granted
even before it is asked.

I promise a performance that will live in
the memory of the caliph for all his days.

- May he live
a thousand years.
- You please me already.

Your palace is a jewel of
comfort and hospitality, but...

But? My happiness
would be complete...

If you would but
grant me a single wish.

- State it.
- A fast ship and
a well-armed crew...

To return to my island.

Ships are costly, and
lives are not to be wasted.

I have here the design of a
new w*apon, a giant crossbow...

That will protect
the men from harm.

I cannot judge, for I have not
yet seen the one-eyed giants.

Sinbad, what is your opinion?

Tales of our voyage already
have spread through bagdad.

No one but a madman would
ever sail a ship back to colossa.

Sinbad's word is my word.

Until the sultan's feast then?



Are you, uh, sure you can
be happy here in bagdad?

Very. I love sinbad
more with every sunrise.

I had such doubts
after I let you go.

If anything had happened to you,
they would have paid with many lives.

Father, you're getting angry.
Now, you mustn't, you know.

Oh, here comes the caliph. Now
smile at him. He's a very nice man.

May your illustrious
presence in my humble palace...

Return to your own
house a thousandfold.

If my daughter is happy,
I have honor enough.


Not only will you
triumph over good and evil,

But you will be the most
exotic woman in all of bagdad.

What must I do? Leave
everything in my hands.

I have arranged a presentation
which I think will arouse your interest.

Summon sokurah the magician.

Is that not sadi,
your waiting woman?

Yes, papa. She has offered
herself as the magician's subject.

If he can turn her into a contented
woman, he is indeed a great magician.


It's a serpent! Papa,
she will be k*lled!

Allah have mercy on
them... Both. Oh, papa!


It is impossible. I am asleep.

If so, I share your dream.


I assure you your handmaiden is
unharmed. Sadi, are you all right?

Well done, sokurah.

If I have pleased you, I hope
you will grant my request...

For an expedition to
my island of colossa.

You are truly a
man of great skill,

But I do not change
my mind so easily.

Perhaps a further demonstration
of my powers is necessary.

The art of prophecy
has always fascinated me.

Can you foretell the future?

I can, upon occasion,
foretell certain events.

It would please us to have you look
into the future of our two countries.

As you wish. I shall require
a brazier of live coals.

You shall have it.

Guards! May the
unseen forces grant...

That I see nothing but good.

My spirit races
ahead of time itself.

Ask your questions.

What do you see here in bagdad?

I see, but I cannot speak.

You must.

I see great disaster.

I see... I cannot tell!

- Go on! I command you.
- There are great buildings

Women and children slain.

I see... w*r!

w*r between bagdad and chandra!

You lie. What of my
daughter's wedding?

There will be no wedding.

Mysterious and evil
forces are at work,

And the wedding rejoicing
shall be turned to mourning.

You have done well, sinbad.

I could not bear to have that
charlatan frighten the princess.

I spoke at your insistence.

The events my spirit saw
lurk as dire possibilities.

If you request, I
will use my powers...

To disperse the evil forces
and avert such disaster.

In return, I presume I must grant
you the ship and the sailors you desire.

Such a gift of gratitude
would seem fitting.

So, your lies are cheap schemes
to force me to grant your wish.

Get out! You have committed treason
against both bagdad and chandra.

If you are found within the walls
of our city by sunset tomorrow,

Your eyes will be torn out that
you may see no more evil dreams.

To the wedding and
our lasting friendship.

Good night, though I
wish the night were gone.

Tomorrow will come soon,

And all the nights thereafter
cannot come soon enough.

I cannot imagine waking to
see your face instead of sadi's.

She was indeed transformed
tonight by that magician.

Suppose that his prophecy... I'll
dream of dangers he predicted...

So you can rescue me.

After the wedding, the procession will
pass here, then pause before the throne,

Where you and I will
be seated equally.

My lord!

My lord! My lord!

Where is she? Where's
my daughter? The princess!

The princess!


- Parisa!
- Sinbad! Here I am.

Sinbad, look!

Here on the pillow.
Look closely. No.

No, it cannot be so.

It is.

The world has grown
very large overnight.

It's true. It is
you, my darling.

My daughter! Where is she?

Where is my...

Ten thousand devils.

What evil sorcery is this?

- I...
- My daughter.

Is it you? Speak.

Tell me my eyes lie.

You see truly, my father.

I would have borne any insult,

But my dear one...

My daughter.

Look upon your city.

Enjoy the sight.

For soon it will be
rubble and bleached bones.

Sokurah! Sokurah!


Sokurah, wait. The
princess, she has been...

I know. In my vision,
I saw her state.

But I feared to tell you
because of your great anger.

Tell me. Can you
help her? Possibly.

No. No, the risk
would be too great.

If she can be helped,
I will do anything.

I cannot turn back.

If I am in bagdad at sundown,
my eyes will be dark forever.

I'll answer to the caliph for
that. Now come quickly. No, i...

Tell us quickly
what must be done.

There is one secret potion
which will remove the evil charm.

Mix the potion
with no more delay.

We lack the most vital
ingredient: a piece of shell...

From the egg of a giant
bird called the roc.

A monstrous bird that
nests on the peaks of colossa.

The same. Without this
shell, the potion is useless.

We have no choice, o caliph. I must
sail at once and bring back the eggshell.

No. The princess
must go with us.

Only in my castle
can the potion be used.

I'll order a ship to be
provisioned at once.

We'll need your design
for the giant crossbow.

The palace jeweler can make
a tiny home for the princess.

Where will you find
the crew, sinbad?

The bravest of my former
men will sail with me.

That will not be enough.
Where will you find the others?

I'll find them...

Where men fear the headman's
ax more than the cyclops:

In the caliph's prison yard.

Hear me! Here!

Come here!

I am captain sinbad.

I am here with an offer of
freedom. I have come to raise a crew...

For the hard and dangerous
voyage to the island of colossa.

The land of the cyclops!

We may be thieves and murderers,

But we're not fools.

The caliph of bagdad has
offered you full pardon.

He offers us a choice
of two kinds of death.

I fought with the cyclops,
and here I stand, alive as you.

This man was at my side,
and he sails with me again.

Well, what'll it be? We
need five and twenty men.

Freedom or the hangman's noose?

They'll not put a rope
around golar's neck.

He'll spit in the
cyclops' eye first.

That's right! Come
on! I'll sign up.

Let's go! Me too!
I'm ready! Take me!

The ship's hold is filled with the
giant crossbow. There's no more room.

Then lash the arrow to
the mast. Aye, aye, captain.

Careful! We may need that
arrow to fight for our lives.

We're all fools. If we're
to fight for our lives,

Let us fight against
men, not monsters.

There are rich prizes
plying the coastal waters.

This vessel could be
ours for the taking.

What of those men who
are loyal to the captain?

Huh! We'll feed 'em to the fish.

Heave! - Heave! Heave!

I fear this will be a tedious
voyage for you without sadi.

I shall never complain,
not as long as I'm near you.

A hazardous voyage, too, in
spite of all the plans we've made.

If you were as small as i, you
could walk among the giants unseen.

They are not our only danger.
We must sail uncharted waters...

With a doubtful crew.

I sometimes wonder what they
would think if they could see me as I am.

I do not trust them
out of my sight. Or in it.

Yes? Captain, can I have
a few words with you?

For the past week, there has
been unrest among the crew.

I have heard
dangerous mutterings.

All weapons have been
locked in the forward cabin.

Without knives or swords,
they can do nothing.

In a few days, we
should reach the island.

Something troubles
your appetite, sinbad.

I shall be glad when we arrive.


How can you love a tiny,
insignificant female such as i?

A diamond is a tiny thing.

Yet it is very
precious and beautiful.

Quickly, princess.

Stop! Do not k*ll him!

We surrender.
Harufa, we must give up.

This is a touching show of
friendship. Take his sword!

Here. The magician's cloak
will make a flag for us.

Here are the men who would
feed us to the one-eyed monster.

What shall we do with them?

k*ll them!

You hear the verdict.
You die at dawn.

And my wish for a night
of pleasant dreams.

Hear my curse, for
it seals your doom.

Those who harm us
shall be driven mad.

Terror shall be in your hearts,

And before dawn, you will
plead with us for your very lives.

Oh, save me.

Oh, save us, magician. Save us.

For you, I will tie
the knot myself...

So you will strangle slowly.

Throw him in the
forward hold! Helmsman!

Take a course due south.

We'll circle back to
the trade routes. Go on!

We could have
sliced them all to bits,

But you stopped us to save
this idiot who babbles nonsense.

You will see.

Winds and currents will
drive the ship southward,

And my prophecy will come true.

What makes you so certain?

South of colossa lies
an accursed island...

Inhabited by wailing demons.

Their screaming is heard
over a hundred leagues.

Men hearing it are driven mad.

They drive their ships onto the jagged
rocks and are devoured by sea serpents.

What's to prevent us
from sharing their fate?

If we stuff bits of cloth in
our ears... Well, that's fine.

Now we won't be driven mad. We'll
just be devoured by sea monsters.

Here. If we wax the cloth, it
will stop most of the sound.

Full port rudder!

Change your course!

We'll be wrecked on the rocks!

Ho, lookout. What can you see?

Hold this course or you'll die!

Steer south.

High winds and seas
surround the demon island.

The sound penetrates even here.

Give me that glass.

Full port rudder!

I'll go release them.

Full port rudder!

Save us! Save us, captain!

Before we're wrecked!

There is a narrow channel through
the rocks. It is our only chance.

Has the whole ship gone mad?

Full port rudder!

Full port rudder!

Sharp lookout for
the peaks of colossa!

The crossbow will be assembled
and ready within the hour.

Keep the men at the crossbow.
I would rather go with you.

I know, my friend, but
you're more valuable here.

Everything is in readiness.
The sooner we leave, the better.


Here. Who's in command
of the great crossbow?

You are.

This is the valley
of the cyclops.

Beyond, and in the center of the island,
are the peaks where the great birds nest.

Then our path lies
through the valley.

Your path. We separate
into two groups.

Because if one
group is captured,

The other may
attempt to free them.

We meet... The far
side of the valley...

Tonight at sunset.

May the powers of good
protect all our footsteps.

We will stop and rest here
and proceed again at nightfall.

You, golar. Do not
drink so deeply.

We will need the water
for our climb tomorrow.

Why so miserly?

We can fill the skin from
the pool when it's empty.

That's right. This
water is poison.

The man who lets it touch
his lips will be dead in a moment.

Poison? Would
you care to try it?

Wait here a moment.

What are you doing here?

Don't worry, master. The
crossbow's in good hands.

Let us get back to the others, harufa,
before the return of the cyclops.

They were here a moment ago.

See if you can find them.

Captain sinbad!

Captain sinbad!

Come quickly!

Here! Through here! Hurry!

We're rich! We're rich!
Come, master! Take your fill.

Pearls! Rubies!
Gold! Everything!


Out of here, all of you! There'll
be time enough for treasure...

After we finish our mission.

Out, hear me, or by my
sword, I'll run you through.

Let me go! Let me go!

Sinbad's men must be trapped.

You will remain here.




Help me! Sinbad, help!

Help me! Help!

Help me! Help!

Must we thirst here while
water runs all around us...

Just because of the magician?

He has strange, strange
powers. We dare not disobey him.

Golar dares. That's right.

Then drink from the
pool he has forbidden.

You think he's afraid, eh?

Here. Show them.


That's good! Tastes
like choice wine.

Help! Sinbad! Sinbad!

Help! Help me!

Sinbad! Sinbad!

Sinbad, help me!
Help! Help! Help!

Lend me a hand. Maybe
I can reach the latch.


Come here.

There's a latch on top of
the cage. See if you can open it.

Sokurah! Sokurah!


Why does he leave us? He leaves
us to share the fate of harufa.

But we shall
escape. Escape? How?

You must never reveal
what you are about to see.

We won't. Just get us out
of here. Anything. Save us.

Princess, there's a
latch on top of this cage.

Will you see if you can
open it? I'll do my best.

I see the latch. I'll try.

Sinbad! It is stuck!

I cannot move it.

You must try, princess.
It's our only hope.

The lamp!

- It is done, sinbad.
- Lift me up.

Must we hide here so quietly...

While our comrades
are in danger?

Are we afraid of
sokurah? Who's afraid?

Then follow us.

Here! Follow him. Come on.

Courage, harufa.
Put out the fire.

Let's get out of here!

The lamp!

Here! Here I am!

Over here!

Over here!

Closer! Closer!

A little further now.

Here! Closer.

Look! There he is! He's dead!

The danger is far from passed.

There are still cyclops alive.

I alone know the words that will
summon the protection of the genie.

Therefore I should have
the lamp. I do not trust you.

When I called you to free us, you
made no attempt to open the cage.

I do not understand
the power of this lamp,

But if we need it, it shall
be safely within my grasp.

As you say.

- Poor rahan.
- Allah knows many ways of
dealing with hungry men.

Look, sokurah. We
have reached our goal.

There's something moving inside.

It is the season
for the young birds.

Higher up, there will
be eggs already hatched.

Come this way.

No more climbing, please.

We're starving. Shh!


Let us break open the egg.

Put down that spear!

You should not
have let them do that.

Hungry men don't ask. They take.

Here. The princess must
be restored without delay.

That eggshell must be
combined with other elements...

To be found in my cave at
the foot of the mountain.

But that's at the
edge of the cyclops'

Domain. What protects
your castle from them?

You will see when we get there.

I'm glad to breathe
the fresh air.

Good news, my princess.
We have the eggshell

Which will make
the potion effective.

Your words are happy,
but your face is sad.

Why are you troubled, sinbad?

I do not trust the magician.

Our only hold over
him is this magic lamp.

He alone knows the
secret of its power.


Let me enter the lamp.

Perhaps I can talk with the
genie and learn how to call him.

But is such a thing possible?

Well, who knows what's
possible within a magic lamp?

- Please let me try.
- All right.

But if all is not well,
you must call quickly.

I will. I promise I will.


Are you all right, parisa?

Oh, fine! There's a
wonderful mist down here.

Be careful.

Welcome, princess parisa.

- You know who I am.
- A genie knows many things.

And you're as tiny as I am.

How else could I
live inside a lamp?

It's such a lovely one.

Had I known how beautiful it
is, I'd have visited you long ago.

You must be truly happy here.

The most comfortable
prison is still a lonely place.

But aren't you sometimes called to
our world to work your wonders?

But then I'm
summoned as a sl*ve...

To do the bidding of
whoever holds the lamp.

I long to be free,
to be an adventurer...

And to sail the seas
as captain sinbad does.

But those are
dreams for real boys.

They're not for a genie.

Is there no way to
escape your bondage?

Perhaps someday.

But I cannot return to the real
world until I am called by my name.

What is your name? Barani.

I have a promise of freedom
inscribed in the lamp.

Would you care to see?
Yes, I should love to see it.

It is here.

"When the big that is small...

"Shall again become tall.

Into fiery rock, to
rise you must fall."

"When the big that is small..."

I was big, and now I'm small.

You know what it means? I'm not
sure. But I'll make you a bargain.

If you'll help
me, I'll help you.

What do you want me to do?

Tell me the magic words that
call you forth from the lamp.

I like you, and I wish to help.

But I don't know. It's... It's
a great power to grant.

In return, I promise, I'll
try to help you, barani.

Now tell me the words that
invoke your protective power.

From the land beyond beyond...

"From the land beyond beyond..."

Go on.

From the world
past hope and fear...

"From the world
past hope and fear..."

I bid you, genie, now appear.

"I bid you, genie, now appear."

"I bid you, genie, now appear."

The genie was very nice to you.

Yes. He promised to
help us, if we'd help him.

We will help him.



Aaah! Aaah!

Get outta here! Get
outta here! Go on!


From the land beyond beyond,

From the world
past hope and fear,

I bid you, genie, now...

Harufa! The lamp!

The lamp!


Parisa. Parisa.

Parisa! Parisa!

Sokurah. Sokurah.

Sokurah! Sokurah!



Parisa! Parisa!

Sokurah! Sokurah!

Sokurah! Sokurah!

From the land beyond beyond,

From the world
past hope and fear,

I bid you, genie, now appear.

O mighty sinbad, the sl*ve of
the lamp is yours to command.

Where is the princess parisa?

She's a prisoner of the
magician in his underground

Castle at the foot
of the mountain trail.

I will meet you there.

Uh, but how will I know?

Go ahead. Turn it.

Inside the cave you will find another
wheel with which to loose the dragon,

So that he may
guard the entrance.

Sokurah! Sokurah! Sokurah!

Sokurah! Sokurah! Sokurah!

Parisa! Parisa! Parisa!


Sokurah! Sokurah!

I knew I could trust your
sinbad to bring the lamp to us.

Now I will show you a sight
which will make your heart leap.


Sinbad! Sinbad, I'm here!

Come this way!

He hurries to
greet his princess.

I must prepare a
welcome for him.

I warn you. Tell
him to do as I ask.

Are you all right, parisa?

Oh, yes, I'm all right.

Restore the princess at once.

I will restore her in
exchange for the lamp.

At once!

The potion is already prepared.

Bring the princess here.

Give me the eggshell.

If you harm her, you die.


I'm here, my princess.


And, now, if you
please, my lamp.

You shall have it when
we are safely at the ship.

Very well.

Let us go.


k*ll him.

We're trapped.

We must summon
the genie quickly.

From the... From the
land beyond beyond,

From the world
past hope and fear,

I bid you, genie, now appear.

Command me, o princess.

Help us escape from this cave.

I shall try, o
princess. I shall try.

Hold tight, princess.

Oh. What is it, princess?

I remember now,
the genie's verse.

"Into fiery rock to
rise you must fall."

I made a promise to the
genie. This is the fiery rock.

The lamp must be thrown into
it if he's ever to be set free.

If we lose his help now, we
may never reach the ship alive.

And if the lamp is thrown into
the flaming pit, he may be destroyed.

Still, your promise
must be kept.

Let's go.



Follow! k*ll! k*ll!

Follow! k*ll!


Ali! Yes, captain!

Man the crossbow. Take the
princess to the longboat quickly.

Yes, captain. Come on, princess.

Hurry! Come on! Hurry! Hurry!

Come on! Hurry!

Pull! Pull!

Follow! Follow! Follow! Follow!

Pull for your lives!

Follow! k*ll!

Pull for your lives!

Farewell, colossa.

I'm only sad about one thing.

I shall miss harufa.

And I'll never forget
our little friend barani.

Barani? His one wish was
to sail the seas with you.

- You call for barani? I am here.
- Why, it's the genie.

No longer the genie,
captain, but your cabin boy.

Then you must prepare my
cabin for a feast of celebration.

I already have,
captain. I already have.

See for yourself.

Why, it's the treasure
of the cyclops.

I put it on board for ya as
sort of a wedding present.

Well done, barani.

I know you will be as good
a sailor as you were a genie.

I shall try,
captain. I shall try.