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Garo: Divine Flame (2016)

Posted: 02/09/24 17:07
by bunniefuu
Ah... Rita...

Mmm... What?

Ah... It feels really good...

Say, you're really knowledgeable, right?

Have you ever seen a demon?

I have.

Eh? No way!

It's true.

The demon of Vazelia Lake is really famous.

Here I go, Rita.

Oh, wait! I'm not ready yet...



W-What are you doing?

Who is that woman?!


D-Don't come any closer!

If you behave yourself, it'll be over quick!

Run, now.

Ah? What's your problem, brat?

Do you wanna die?

I told you to run.

A Makai Knight, huh?

It's the horror Crimson Gale.

Beware of the scythes in its arms.

The Golden Knight?

Prince! Prince Alfonso!

The tailor in charge of your clothes for the crowning ceremony is here!

Prince! Where are you?

Prince Alfonso!

Lady Christina, have you seen him?

If he doesn't see him soon, he'll get mad and leave!


I'm just bringing fruit from the garden, so if he's in a hurry, I can—

Ah, there he is!

Good grief. And to think he'll become king soon.

When will he stop being so mischievous?

There's nothing wrong with it. Let him have his way while he can.

Your Majesty!

It's been four years since that tragedy.

We owe the rebuilding of the kingdom to Alfonso's management.

He needs to let out steam.

But why does he leave the castle so often?

Could it be that he goes for ladies of the night?

Oh, I didn't mean to...

Relax, Christina.

Oh, don't worry about me...

If he were that kind of man,\Nhe would have taken you as his wife long ago.

He went to see a friend of his.

That's all.

A friend who fought alongside him to save this kingdom.


I knew you'd be here.


Did you run away from the castle again?


I won't have this freedom much longer.


Hi, Roberto!

I get so lonely when I don't get to see you.



Good... Good morning, sir!

Right! Good morning!

You've gotten heavier again!

And you look more and more like uncle!

Let's see...

What will we do today?

Maybe some fishing?



Your swords are shaking!

Don't just move your wrists!

Lower your hip!


You're doing well, Roberto!

That's it!

You've got talent!

As expected from uncle's son!

Hey, don't spoil him!

I'm not spoiling him.

Roberto is still three years old.

He's great for his age.

Dad had me training with a sword since I was one.

But that's you.


How soft.

What's wrong with being soft on a kid?

Roberto is my brother! Don't butt in!

He's also my cousin!

I'm so sorry.

I wonder if Roberto is crying again.

Even you scare him so much that he won't get near you, Jiruba.

Tell me, Jiruba.

If Germán saw Roberto, would he be disappointed that he's such a crybaby?

Do you think he'll be able to inherit Zoro's armor?

That depends on Roberto.

Skill is not what he needs to become a Makai Knight.

I see.

But it's okay if he doesn't become one,\Nbut I would have liked for them to have met each other.

Don't you agree, Germán?

It looks like he got tired from crying.

Training always ends up like this.

So you are being too strict with him after all.

A Makai Knight's battles are harsh.

We throw our sense of self away, and we can't even feel hatred or compassion.

I just don't want Roberto to go through what I did.

And that's why you're being strict with him.

My mentor, Rafael, was hard on me too.

But I managed to endure it thanks to my dedication to protect Valiante.

Roberto is still very young.

Will he really be happy following the path of the Makai Knight?

We're back, Ximena!

That was fast.

The fact that you called us here means there's troublesome work to do.

Well, maybe.

A Horror has been living in Vazelia for half a year now.


If I'm not mistaken...

There's been a Makai Knight assigned there for generations,\Nbut we haven't been able to reach him for some years now.

Could he have been devoured by the Horror?

It's possible.

The Knights we sent later ended like that.

Sad, isn't it?

The only thing I can do is give them flowers like this.

We didn't come here to see you act!

Just give us some information on the Horror!

Dead Tower Horror, Nigra Venus.

It's the most beautiful Horror in the world.

If possible, I would like to keep it as a specimen.

How does that Horror fight?

It devours men and kills women by stripping off their faces.

That means its habits are as bad as yours, right?

But the real problem this time isn't the Horror.

Do you remember that guy?

Ah... Men... something... dooza... was it?

It's Mendoza! Of course we remember him!

Well, I would really like to forget about him.

The forbidden Mystic Tool created by him, Zirkel's Ring, has been discovered.

Where in hell...?

That was supposed to have been destroyed!

That doesn't matter anymore.

What's troublesome is that they're not using it to summon Horrors.

The souls that have been devoured by Horrors and fell to Makai...

The resurrection of the dead goes against the order of nature.

Plus, if we're talking about dozens or hundreds,\Nthat would distort time and space.

Even the past could get changed.

We've confirmed plenty of sacrifices made for its activation already.

There's no time.


We must make sure to stop Zirkel's Ring,\Nso I've arranged for some backup for this mission.

Join up with that man, and get the job done.

Vazelia, was it?

Alfonso, do you know the place?

A small kingdom in a lake in the mountains of Helene.

However, that kingdom doesn't exists anymore.

It suffered a tragedy five years ago.

Ximena! Roberto!


Someone! My son!


León, Roberto...!

Who are they?

I don't know!\NThey barged into our home and took Roberto with them!


It's okay! Leave Roberto to me and get back home!

León, take me with you. I have a bad feeling.


Ximena, I'm taking Jiruba with me.

León... Please...

Who are they?

They don't seem to be Horrors,\Nbut they don't look to be normal humans either.

Out of my way!

Zaruba, can you follow them?

No. I can't track them if they're not Horrors.

We will have to search for them.

Please settle down. I know where they're headed.

They're going to an old temple located west from here.

They'll go through the mountain to avoid being seen,\Nso we should be able to easily catch up to them.

How do you know that?

Who are you?

I am the Obsidian Knight, Zem.

My name is Darío Montoya.

They were sent by a Horror living in the temple.

My goal is to defeat that Horror.

Well, let's hurry, Golden Knight.


My name is León.



How did you know that León is the Golden Knight?

Ah, pardon me.

León called you by your name: "Zaruba".

Only the Golden Knight can wear the Mystic Ring Zaruba.\NEvery Makai Knight knows that.

He's got you there, Zaruba.



How sad...

We don't see each other for a little while and you forget about me?

Lady Ema!

I has been a while!

I heard you had returned to your home town.

I did, but it turns out a traveller's lifestyle suits me better.

Oh, so you came to see León-

What? You're joking right?

So it's true all you Makai Knights are dense in the head department.

It's a barrier. It means we're about to enter enemy territory.

Then you received orders too.

Yeah, orders from the Council.

When they were investigating the whereabouts of Mendoza's stolen invention, they found something terrible.

Zirkel's Ring... As I thought, it was a priest...

We don't know that.

I've been on watch for about two weeks now,\Nbut there hasn't been any activity so far.

Well, now that you're here, Alfonso, I won't get bored.

L-Lady Ema!

Zirkel's Ring? I do not know of it.

I see. I thought you were the backup Garm had arranged for.

My apologies.

We are about to reach the temple.

Roberto's there.

Darío, thanks. You've been of great help.

Do not say that. This is also my mission.

Besides, the real trial is about to begin.

Wait, Missy!

The night is still young!

Well? Would you like to spend the night talking about my life?

Let's see...

Do you have any money?

I wouldn't do something as low as buying your love with money.

Well, well, well, well! We can continue this conversation in bed.



How noisy.

He is going to get their attention.


If you don't have money, get out of here. Shoo, shoo!

No, no! Don't say that!

How stubborn!

Playing hard to get, eh?

We don't need money for the sacred ritual we're gonna perform!

What the hell are you talking about?\NI don't have the time to waste it with you!

If you keep insisting, you're gonna get hurt!

Oh! Your angry face looks beautiful!


Hey, León!

You came at the right moment!

I just got back from Makai so I don't have a single penny on me.

So if you could lend me just a little, that would really save me.


Damn it Garo.

I felt that.

Garm brought you back?

That's right.

She's acting as a relay with Makai, allowing me to materialize temporarily.

Can she do that?

She can.


Well, if the Council finds out Garm brought back a soul from Makai,\Nthey won't leave her unpunished.

Why did she go to such lengths?

That shows how bad the situation is!

She was the one who secretly kept Zirkel's Ring\Nwhile the Council had ordered to destroy it.

What do you mean?

She intended to use it as a last resort when Mendoza resurrected Anima.

But... Why you?

Alfonso and I could have taken care of this.

If Zirkel's Ring ends up activating,\Nonly a deceased like me can cross the gate to stop it.


However, right now, I don't give a damn about Garm's plan.

I don't care about Zirkel's Ring either.

I'm gonna rescue Roberto. That's all.



Just a little further. Please be careful.




This isn't a Horror, it's a Mystic Tool!




Dad, stay back! This is not for dead men to deal with!

How can you call your own dad a "dead man"?!

León, hand me my swords.

You've got them, right?

But in your current condition...

I know.

I'm practically half Horror right now.


I didn't expect you to pick a name so fitting.

The name that I threw away so long ago.

So it's as if...

He's a part of me.

If I don't protect him, who will?

Do you want to become a Horror?

I have no intention to.

Until I see Roberto's face, anyway.

León, give him his swords.


I'll tell you when Germán's about to become a Horror.

Feel free to k*ll him then.

Thank you, partner!


Dad, let's go!



Where could Zirkel's Ring be?

You don't get it yet?

Look at those giant pillars surrounding the lake.

It cannot be!

The lake itself is a Mystic Tool.

Do you see the tower at the center?

The activation device is most likely there.

Let's get closer and take a look around.


You survived thanks to me.

Be grateful.

What's going on here?

Obsidian Knight Zem.

He's the missing Makai Knight who was assigned to Vazelia.


He was acting as a decoy. That's what this is about.

Yes. He intended to get rid of the nuisances.

And we fell right into it.

Roberto must be in Vazelia.

Wait, Lady Ema.

This is strange.

León is taking too long.

Something must have happened on the way-

One person wearing a black robe...


A kid?


No! Why?


He's the son of uncle and Miss Ximena.


But what's he doing here?

So he must have been abducted...

Hold on.

It's dangerous to move without thinking.

Don't forget that we're in the Horror's territory.




What did you do with Roberto?


I felt your presences vanish.

It was thanks to Garm barrier.

I see.

What a shame.

Yeah. So tell us everything.

Or it'll become an even greater shame.


Listen! I'm serious!

Where's Roberto?!

Son of a bitch! Are you being controlled by a Horror?!

I'm a guardian.

I have no recollection of having discarded my armor's\Nlong-standing honour.



There is only one person I must protect.

This doesn't look good.

They're intending use Roberto as a key to activate Zirkel.

Lady Ema, Forgive me. I leave the rest up to you!




Fantastic! You're really strong!


Your name is Darío, right?

Everyone at the castle talks about you!

They say you're Vazelia's strongest knight!

Princess Sara!

Princess Sara, that is dangerous!

If anything happens to you, I...

It's okay.

You'll be there to protect me, right?

It burns...

My face...

It burns!

My face...

Princess Sara escaped death...

but she lost her beautiful face.

Princess Sara...

Darío, you should get out of here too.

I'm going to turn everything to ash.

That way, I'll put an end to this world.

I exist to protect you.

I will not leave your side.

Stop it!

Darío, don't look...

Don't look at me!

Princess Sara, I swore an oath back then.

That I will protect you until the end!

If you say my eyes make you suffer, in that case...

In that case, I have no need of them!

Darío, thank you for everything.

Princess Sara, why?


Princess Sara!

Princess Sara...



Hey! Are you still alive?


Ema, are you alright?



Uncle, it cannot be...

You became a ghost!

No, well... Calm down you two.

I haven't become a ghost... Although it's something pretty clo—

If you're really Germán, I want you to give me a clear explanation.

Right. Now!

Yes, ma'am!

León, behind you!

León, please cease your actions.


You do not know Princess Sara's suffering.

Yet you will still raise your sword against her?

Of course! Open your eyes!

She's a Horror!

Is that so?

That is a shame.

Darío, you're—!

I see.

You are the same as me.

You too, were not able to protect someone precious to you.

León, you must work with me.

If you do, we could resurrect that girl.


Darío, enough! Don't stain your pride as a Makai Knight's anymore!


What is the difference between your feelings for Roberto\Nand my feelings for Princess Sara?

There is none!

To me, Princess Sara is the singlemost important person in the world!\NI must protect her!

And for that purpose...!

Germán, we're retreating for now!

You're... really... strong...

No. I was unable to protect you that day.

But this time...

Traveller, how are you feeling?

Sorry. Since we're poor, this is all we have.

When Dad was around, we had it a little better.

Dad was good at hunting. He even brought home deer that were this big!


But, three years ago, in the forest...\Nhe was att*cked by wolves...

...and died.

How is your wound? Does it still hurt?


You must be thirsty.

Where are Dad and Alfonso?

They're exploring the surrounding forest.

They've already found water and medicinal herbs.

I see.

León, it looks like you're starting to become a fine man.

W-What are you saying?!

Won't you give me a reunion kiss?


Oh, León! You're awake?


León, are you okay? Your face is all flushed.

Hey, hey, hey!

What were you two doing at a time like this?

Well... Who knows?

Wait a sec! We weren't doing anything, right! Ema!

León, you've really grown up.


This means it was worth it talking to you\Nabout the wonders of women time and time again.

As expected of a son of mine.

I have nothing left to teach you.

Now, let's go forth to town, and dedicate ourselves to the sacred ritual!

It looks like Dad went to investigate the bottom of the valley.

We should get ready too.

In other words, he plans to use Zirkel's Ring—

...he plans to use Zirkel's Ring to resurrect Princess Sara,\Nwho was devoured by the Horror.

That's Darío's goal.

But with such a huge Mystic Tool...

If the gate is opened,\Nthere will be more souls coming to our world besides that of Princess Sara's.

There's no doubt that would make the laws of causality collapse,\Nlike Garm said.

I won't allow that.

The sacrifice for opening the gate is Roberto.

I'll bring him back no matter what.

Even if I have to k*ll Darío.

In order to protect one person... huh.



You don't need to tell me.

But I can't back down now.

No matter what happens to my soul.

But, uncle...

Alright. If you become a Horror, I'll finish you.


We can't let there me more Horrors in the world.

We'll rescue Roberto before Germán becomes one.

Let's hurry back to the lake.

God, protect my son.

Mom... León...

I am sorry.

It pains my heart to sacrifice someone as young as you.

Forgive me.

But I must protect her at any cost.

Whatever happens. As a guardian.

What's an ex-Makai Knight doing talking about protecting someone?

Darío, release Roberto right now! Face the judgment of the Council!

There is nothing I can say that will convince you otherwise.

Same with us.

Alfonso, are you ready? Like we planned!




Dad, go for Roberto! Quick!

You won't!





Darío, you said there was no difference between my feelings and yours, right?

You were damn right!

I already acknowledged that I'm willing to sacrifice anything and anyone\Nin order to protect those precious to me!

I'm no different from a Horror!

I see. In that case...

Show me how you protect those precious to you!



You are too late, León.

Now that I offered Germán Luís and his son as sacrifices,\N¡Zirkel's Ring is complete!

There is a chance you can bring back the person you were not able to protect!

Come on. Work with me.

Release that chain, León.

Or will you become a sacrifice too?

Lady Ema!

Princess... Sara...

You're... really... strong...



Princess Sara! Princess Sara!

You're... really... strong...

No! I WILL save you this time!

How reckless! The gate hasn't even opened yet!

You're... strong...

Darío, you've always protected me.

Thank you.

Princess Sara!

Only you will be by my side.


Leave it to me.

Who are you, mister?


Who knows?




May I?


But why doesn't uncle tell Roberto that he's his father?

They have finally met...

When the sun goes down, Dad will disappear.

He doesn't want to make him sad.

That's why he's not seeing Ximena either.

Ah? What? That sounds like male self-satisfaction to me!

They only care about looking cool\Nwithout thinking about the feelings of the other person!

Oh, no. This is how uncle shows his kindness. Right, León?

Oh... Sure...

This isn't funny!

Hey, Roberto!

- Hey!\N- Lady Ema!

That person is your dad!

Eh?! Ema!


Eh? Well... I...





Germán! Germán!



León, watch out!

Roberto! Ximena!



What a shame.

But I won't let you lay a single finger...

on my family.

Ximena... Roberto!



That's right!

I will never lose someone precious to me again!

That's what I promised Lara.




I couldn't even protect a single thing I cared about.

But Lara granted me an eternal power.

Do you understand, Darío?

We're not here to protect just a single life,\Nbut the hundreds and thousands of lives that await us.

And the power needed for that have been entrusted to me\N by my dad, and my mother.

I must live on, and pass on the power of these feelings!



I'll... defeat him...

I know.

But as you are now, you won't be able to destroy a Horror.

But... I...

want to protect mom.

I have to protect Mom!


The time for you to fight will come someday.

But, for now, lend me your power.

The power you will wield one day.

The strength of the feelings that bond people eternally\Nis the source of my power.

That's what it means to be...

The Golden Knight...




Roberto, you did your best.

You're a real guardian.

León... Just now...


It's alright. Don't cry.

I never thought I would get to hold my son.

I give you my thanks this time, Garm.

Stop it. That doesn't help me at all.

All the same, maybe I pushed myself too hard.


Are you tired?

No, I'm okay!


Really? That's great.

Then, once we get back, let's all...

Yeah, let's train!


Let's go fishing.


Your blade that hunts darkness subdues the lightning

Born to fight just right now!

Can nothing hold me back! Out of control!

Your lineage can be felt in the pattern carved into you

Here I am, here I am, always!

No fear, try to wipe out Horror!

The world is approaching its final hour

Wild! Wild! I wanna get wild!

A trap is surrounding us

Wild! Wild! I wanna get wild!

Look at the dead center of darkness

Wild! Wild! I wanna get wild!

And drive a threatening roar into it!

Sacred power!

So power of power!

Oh dangerous power!

Smash him into pieces!

Get more power!

So power of power!

Oh final power!

With your divine blade!

I hold you gently

Going into a peaceful dream

If I could take you with me

I won't ever lose anything again

I'm sure that until my final day comes

I'll never forget you

Light and darkness come and go

With a voice that guides our rekindled bond

Come back to me!

The revolving memories of those precious days overflow within me

The trace you left allowed me to start walking carrying this new era

Look! Under the crimson sunrise