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Garo - Red Requiem (2010)

Posted: 02/09/24 17:09
by bunniefuu
Demonic Horrors lurk in the shadows.

From ancient times, they have
inhabited the Makai Realm

Through Shadow Portals
they appear in our world.

To feast on man's soul
and gnaw on his flesh.

As long as there is malice in the world,
Horrors will appear through the Portals.

But there are those who have sacrificed
themselves to fight the Horrors.

Slicing the darkness
with the light of hope

Their fight will never end.

And tonight...

Karma is sure to like this place.

Yeah. There's lots to eat here.

Original Story and

Didn't you say you've been here before?

Forget it. It was long ago.

You're as cold as ever.

There's something here.
Do you feel it?

I can feel a big hassle brewing.

Excuse me...

Help me!

Who would help you? Huh?

Here we go

- Shiguto!
- Got it.

Do as I say!



You're back.

I’ll brush this Horror away.

You ruined my brand new body.


When did you get back, Rekka?

I just arrived.

And you're already exterminating
Horrors? Awesome.

Oh, the baby...

You been OK?


I’ll take that baby if you don't mind.

Too much for you guys to handle.

- Akaza, get rid of that baby!
- What?


It’s a Tower Horror Bevil.
It feasts on other horrors!

Be careful, Kouga.

Got it.

Kouga, his armor is too hard.

Get off!

- What do you think, Kouga?
- I’ve seen enough.

Stand back.

Wait, Master Kouga Saejima.

I’m a Makai Priest, so I know who you are.
You're the one who holds the title of Garo.

I protect this area.
My name is Akaza.

This is my disciple Shiguto.

She's Rekka.

I followed a Horror to this town.

A wicked Horror that lives in a mirror
and feeds on humans who peer into it.

It talks.

The Demonic Horror Karma...


Like the one we just vanquished,
an apostle of evil.

That's who we're after.

I don't care about any other Horrors.
I will vanquish Karma.

I received my orders from the Watchdog Command.
This is a job for a Makai Knight.

Then I'll just find it first
and beat you to it.

Rekka, wait. We haven't seen you
for so long...

Forgive her, Master Kouga.

Have you noticed anything unusual lately?


Nothing. It’s been very quiet.

Are you all alone?

Yeah. So?

That guy over there...

Wants to talk to you.

This is no ordinary mirror.

If you look into it, you'll see
whatever you most desire.


Looks like you want
fame and adoration.

Go ahead. Touch it.

Touch what you desire.

Who are you?

Where am I?

What's wrong, Kouga?

I felt something strange.

There's no sign of any Horrors.

They're in this town. I’m sure of it.

Look. Karma seems so satisfied.

Flesh that goes from hope to despair
is so nice and tender...

It’s delicious.

Zaruba, don't you feel anything?

No. It’s almost daybreak.

Let's call it a night.

That's a very touching song, Princess.

Oh, it's you, Kouga Saejima.

What's the name of your enchanted ring?


Now listen to me, Zaruba.
If you ever call me ''princess'' again,

I’ll shut your mouth.

OK, Sorry. Your name's Rekka, right?

That's right.

Rekka, why are you chasing Karma?

- Why?

Simple. It’s a Horror.

That's why I became a Makai Priestess.

It’s up to the Makei Knights to defeat
the Horrors. It’s not your place.

You make the rules that suit yourselves.

The Makai Priests were the first
to battle the Horrors.

The Priests weren't strong enough,
which is why the Knights were needed.

Zip it, Zaruba.


This princess is just so snotty.

I warned you.

The only reason I couldn't become a Knight
is because I’m a woman.

Priest, Knight, who cares?
I’m strong enough to vanquish Horrors!

And I’m strong enough to vanquish Karma.

Please. Take me with you.

You're not ready to use the Makai Sword.

But, I won't lose to anyone.

I want to vanquish Horrors!

I want to be like my father.

This is how strong you are.

You're not strong enough
to vanquish a Horror yet.

That little girl really did it.
I couldn't open my mouth.

Careful, Zaruba. She's young,
but she's got skills.

Don't blame me if she did it again.

Don't be ridiculous.

Can't you sell this for half price?

I can't do that.

I won't make any money.

- Come on. Give me a discount.
- I buy stuff here all the time.

Give it a rest.

And quit giving me a hard time.



Shion, a Makai Knight
has come to town.

A Makai Knight?

Karma has sent countless Makai Knights
to their grave.

I’m not worried.

But he's a Golden Knight.

He's a formidable opponent.

A Golden Knight?

Has he appeared in this town?

It seems so.

Even if sacrificing our own lives,

we will protect you.

I don't need protection.

No one dare point their swords to me.

As you can see, if there were Horrors
nearby, we would know of it.

Is Karma really that terrible?

Yes, Karma does not possess humans.
It’s the Horror that only possesses mirrors.

It’s hard to defeat because
it jumps from mirror to mirror.

Whatever mirror it's in becomes cursed.

The only way to fight it
is to enter the mirror.

That's right.

Just how are we supposed to enter
a cursed mirror?

According to this book...

It says ''Part with your life
in front of the cursed mirror. ''

So basically you have to die.

You can't enter without dying?
Then Karma can't be vanquished!

There's only one way
to enter without dying.

The Magic Sword of Luvis.

If you use that sword,
the mirror will open.

Akaza, the last one
should be here somewhere.

It’s here?

Is that true?


Magically wrought iron.

This was made by Horrors, so it will
open the portal to their world.

So many Maki Knights and
Makai Priests...

used this device to enter the mirror.

But not one of them ever returned.


It doesn't give the power
to return to our world.

If Karma is defeated,
the mirror will shatter.

There's only one way back.

Vanquish Karma.

I’ll do it.

That's why I came back.

Don't touch it!

I’ll find out where Karma's hiding.
Keep this safe until then.


I won't give it to anyone.

But no one has ever beaten Karma...

Don't worry, Shiguto. There's a reason
he's a Golden Knight.

You said it, Mr. Zaruba.


Don't call it Mister!

I’m borrowing the key to your dojo.


I’m impressed.
You fight beautifully.

But you don't keep your guard up.

I don't need to keep my guard up.

As long as I get the job done.

Out it out. I don't want to hurt you.

If I was your enemy, he'd be dead.

That's not fair, Kouga!

Would you say that to the Horror?


Rekka, no!

Get off!

This is how strong you are.

Forgive my insolence.

No, no.

It is Rekka who has been insolent.

That dress would look great on you.

I know a place where you would
look fantastic in that dress.

Want to go?

Kouga, I can sense a Horror nearby.

She got away. She's a fast one.

The flesh of lustful women...

looks so delicious...

Who's this?

Woman, what do you desire?

What is this, magic?

Look into the mirror.

Your desire will appear.


A disturbance...

Something does seem a bit off,
Kouga, but maybe it's nothing.

I don't sense any Horrors.

I feel it. There are Horrors here.

Why don't I feel anything?

What was that? Now this place
reeks of Horrors.

Here's your answer.

An invisible force field? Surprising.

This is how the Horrors kept their evil
from being detected.

There's a traitor in our midst.

Only a Makai Priest could do this.


Akaza, there are Horrors
down by the pier!

It’s never been this strong before.

Rekka... keep cool.

Same to you.

Wanna get a drink?

You've got a good vibe.

Wanna get out of here?

Kouga, can't we have a little fun?

Pipe down. This isn't my kind of place.

Looking for someone?

There's someone here
who wants to meet you.

This way.

I’m starting to get a headache.

This mirror will show you
what you want to see.

What I want to see...

Look into your heart.

Too bad.
I don't have any evil thoughts.

No evil thoughts?

Are you sure?



So you're this Makai Knight's daughter?


You're as courageous as he was.



Pain... Rekka...

Help me!




Look away!

Let go!

Get out!



Get off!

Rekka, no!
They're humans, not Horrors.

When they're under the spell
they're just like Horrors.



You get out too.

What? I’m taking down Karma!

As if you could nail me like that.


Your armor is in the mirror!

What happened?

Kurusu, start by devouring the girl.




Back off!

Who betrayed us?

What are you talking about?

Who made the force field?
Who helped that beast Karma?

Forgive me.

Why, Akaza?

How dare you.

- Leave him alone!
- Let me go!

Karma m*rder*d my father.
Akaza befriended the enemy!


Master Kouga...

Why do you want to vanquish the Horrors?

Because they're evil.

That's not enough.

Why do Makai Knights risk their lives
fighting Horrors?

And why I shouldn’t take you along

and go into battle?

Once you become a full-fledged
Makai Knight, you'll understand.

Don't be hasty, little one.

Your time is still a long ways off.


Return to this place after
you've become a strong Knight.

I have a daughter.

She's loud and obnoxious.

But she says when she grows up,
she's going to be a Makai Knight.

But girls can't...

Right. Girls can't become Makai Knights.


every time she says it...

it makes me happy.

A song to comfort the spirits of the w*r dead.

My daughter likes this song.

That's soothing.

But I’m not dead yet.

You know this song?

It’s a lullaby for the departed.

I know. I heard it as a boy.

Kouga. I’m as bad as Akaza.

I didn't try to protect anyone.

It’s my fault your armor was stolen.

I lost myself.


I hate what I’ve become.

I’m glad I protected you.

Your armor was stolen!

I’m... I’m not worth protecting.

Don't get it wrong.

I didn't just save your life.

Beyond every individual life...

there are family
and friends

and loved ones.

I fight to protect all those lives.

Rekka... you're strong.

With your strength, you will be able
to protect many others.

lf you perish,
many more lives will be lost.

So, Rekka...

it wasn't just your life
I was protecting.

Kouga, I...

Don't be hasty. Your time will come.

She will be a strong one.

Zaruba, my armor was stolen.

Yeah. That's not good.

What will you do, Kouga?

Can I even call myself a Knight
without my armor?

Well, that's for you to decide.

I’m just an enchanted ring. I haven't
been taught how to console humans.

But Kouga, I think you know the ancient
word for hope in the Makai World.

''Garo. '' That's the name I inherited.

Look. They are the victims
of Karma, left in misery.

And before long...

He will follow in their footsteps.

Leave it alone.

We can use it to lure him here.

As you wish.

I’ll put a shield around the building.

It’s beautiful.

Through this mirror...

I could see my departed wife
and daughter.

I knew they were just illusions.
And yet...

I could see them laughing again.

Before I knew it, I couldn't stop.

I fell right into Karma's trap.

I have informed the Watchdog Command.

I’m ready to pay for what I’ve done.

I had hoped we could have a drink
together some day.

Dying won't make amends.

You don't have the strength.

The Magic Sword of Luvis.

I kept it hidden so one day
I could use it against Karma.

But now I don't have the courage
to go through with it.

It isn't courageous merely
to accept certain death.

Master Kouga,

let me go to my death.

Your death will just make
Rekka feel worse.

If you really want to make up...

Pass on all you've got to your disciples
before you meet your end.

It seems to be somewhere around here.

Shiguto, you have to be exact.
Can’t you locate it properly?

I’ll try again.

He knows where they are.

You're right.

I got it. They're in the deserted house
on the pier.

How far is it from here?

It’s not far. I’ll show you the way.


Don't worry. I’ll behave.

I just want to help you.

I know I’d feel better
if Rekka were with us.

Kouga, do you have a plan?

The Magic Sword of Luvis.

I borrowed it from Akaza.

If I enter the mirror,
I can get my armor back.

Hold on. What are you saying?

We're not strong enough. Let's wait for
help from the Watchdog Command.

Don't worry. I will return.

Shiguto, you stay here.

Master Kouga.

I’m not as strong
as you or Rekka, but...

But, I...

Can you use the notes
from the nether world?

Of course I can.

Shiguto, if you're going to
turn back, do it now.

Who said anything about turning back?

Shiguto, don't do anything rash.

Same to you, Rekka.


Master Kouga.

This should be enough to take care of
any minor Horrors.

I brought everything I could find.

Wow. This is incredible!

Please let me accompany you.

I’ll never forgive you, Akaza.

But it's your call, Kouga.

I won't argue with whatever you decide.


Please join us.

Thank you very much.

Let's go.

What's with all these evil spirits?

Kouga, it won't be easy finding Karma.

We'll find her faster if we split up.

Master Kouga and Rekka, you go ahead.

Shiguto and I will follow
after we've sealed the entrance.

Shiguto, don't let any of these
evil spirits get out.


I’ll send a signal if I find Karma.

Let's go.


What was that?

Manifestations of the suffering caused
by being devoured by Karma.


So Karma uses the misery of those
she devours to fight her enemies.


Let's go, Akaza.

Even after Karma graciously
spared your life...

What a fool.

It is you who are foolish.

Kouga! Rekka's giving the signal!



I’ve painted so many pictures of you.

But it's no use. You...

You're not Shion!

What's your problem?
Constantly muttering ''Shion''.

Creeps me out.

She's dead, isn't she?

You're wrong!

Shion... isn't dead!

What is your desire?

If there's something you desire,
just touch it and see what happens.


I’ve been waiting for you, Makai Priestess.

You came back to hear more of
yourfatherbegging for mercy?


I’m here to destroy you.

And how do you plan to do that?

Care to join me in this world?


You took my precious Shion!

Shiguto, guard the entrance.

We have to protect them.

Got it.

So this is your true human form?

I was meant to live forever with Shion.

Any idea how many lives you spared
so the two of you could live?


No. They were feasted on.

Their deaths weren't in vain.

How dare you!

Stand back. I’ll handle this.

You'll never understand.

The sadness of losing a loved one.

Karma returned to me
my beloved Shion

and we became Horrors.

We received new life.

Then you took it away from us.

You k*lled my beloved Shion!

It’s you who don't understand.


You turned the one you love
into a Horror.

Your eternal life was just a deception.

Shut up!



The spirits of the fallen heroes...


Rekka, play your flute.

Summon the fallen heroes
to help you battle Karma.

Golden Knight, why do you persist?

Hunting Horrors is my destiny.

Be my servant.

I will grant you eternal life,
just as l did to the two before you.

What eternal life?

There is no future in this world.





Rekka. Master Kouga.

You're safe.

Kouga, did you defeat Karma?

Yes. Thanks to you.

It wasn't me.
The one who saved you was...

Thank you, Akaza.



Akaza, don't give up! Wake up!

Cut it out! I haven't forgiven you yet.

Wake up!

Wake up, and apologize to me!

That's enough!

Rekka, that's enough!

No! I haven't forgiven you yet.

You can't die before I forgive you!


Akaza's dead.

He died to save us.


He didn't just save us.

Isn’t that right, Kouga?

Isn’t that right?


He saved the future of millions.

Now it's up to us to protect the future.

This is the end of our tale.

But the hunt for Horrors will never end.

Knights will continue to fight
for as long as they draw breath.

They live to protect.

That is their fate.

Are you staying here, Rekka?

Ah, I won't say anything if you want to go.

I’m staying. Shiguto can't protect
this town all by himself.

A wise decision.

What's that supposed to mean?

Akaza would be pleased.

You're right.



Thank you.

Thanks, Master Kouga.

You're just going to let him go?


Don't forget about me.

Whenever you’re in trouble,
I’ll be there for you.

Take it with you.

I’ll call for you
when I need a Makai Knight.

I understand. It’s a promise.

I never thought I’d actually
get to meet a Golden Knight.

He's the light of all our hopes.

Go forth like the wind, swordsman of destiny...

Shrouded in the darkness

What does he fight for?

Simply ask his sword...

Justice and love aren't for him

Born to darkness, cloaked
within the darkness...

Outing through the darkness

Because this duty was bestowed
from an ancient, distant time...

Go forth like the wind,
Swordsman of the Makai

On a moonlit night, give
forth your golden radiance

The grand figure of a solitary warrior...

Place your soul into it

As you wield your furious blade
and carve out your history, Garo!

Crushed by a dream, having lost it

and now idolizing it

Hoping for a bright new
day that cannot be seen yet

Give rise to it

Rise up in your vengeance,
Swordsman of the Makai

The song of your fate demands that you do so

Shine in the moonlight, solitary warrior

Against the encroaching shadows...

Deliver consummate destruction
with your proud roar, Garo

Go forth like the wind, soldier of fate

Bring light to the darkness...

Fubuki, Geiru, Akane...

What are you babbling about?

I 'm trying to come up with
a good name for her.


What about Kaoru?

Give it a rest.