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KanColle: The Movie (2016)

Posted: 02/09/24 17:19
by bunniefuu
th Division Heavy Cruiser Kako

th Division Heavy Cruiser Furutaka

th Division Heavy Cruiser Kinugasa

th Division Light Cruiser Tenryu

th Division Heavy Cruiser Aoba

th Fleet Flagship Heavy Cruiser Chokai

This is a standard night battle.

We'll go in expecting certain victory.

All hands, stay calm and collected,

and give it your all.

Fleet, speed up!

"Kantai Collection: The Movie"

Impending combat.

Prepare for night battle.

Enemy ship detected.

degrees starboard.

It's a destroyer.

Target port side.

Main batteries.

Take careful aim.

Open fire!

Why, you!


Enemy to port.


Furutaka and the rest are lagging behind.

It seems those enemies haven't noticed us.

Open fire!

We'll proceed to the enemy's base

and sink their transport fleet.

Hey, Chokai...

I'm fine.


This voice...

What's going on? The water's...

Hey, look over there...

We're nearly at the Shortland Islands.

I wonder if everybody's doing okay.

Hiryu, may I call back the first shift air-support squadron?

All right.

Prepare for landing, Soryu squadron.

Buin's stationed flying corps will take over air support for the returning th Fleet.

All done!

Ryujo, are your ASW aircraft good to go?

They sure are.

I'll send 'em out one more time.

Man, the report said as much,

but the ocean really has turned crimson, eh?

Ryujo, with this formation, enemy submarines can't approach us, right?


Also, Fubuki, don't these crimson waters bother you?

It seems the Solomon waters are even redder.

What the...?!

What is this sound?

A voice?

What's wrong, Fubuki?

Don't worry. It's all right.

Fubuki! Yudachi!


Where? Where is she?!

She's undergoing a damage assessment.


Like, she's fine.

It's, like, just in case.





I'm back.


Welcome back...

Welcome back!


I'm so glad.

But how'd this happen?



I hate to interrupt your joyful reunion,

but you should report to Secretary Nagato.


Mutsuki-Class Destroyer, Kisaragi, reporting back.


Unfortunately, the Admiral's out heading operations with the Northern Fleet in Central waters.

I'll let him know.

Thank you very much.

I'm so glad you're back.

I have lots of things to ask you, but get some rest today.

I will, thank you.

If you'll excuse me.

There's no doubting it.

I hereby designate this a Category D case.

Until told otherwise, everything regarding it is top secret.

But what are we gonna do?

Bucky and the rest don't know anything.

But we can't quarantine her...

This won't be easy to deal with.

How about some curry?


For two?

Would you like some special roast beef?

I'm Secretary Ship Nagato.

Thank you all for coming to Shortland Isles, our base for the Solomon Island front lines.

And, to the th Fleet,

which carried out a night raid on the enemy's Solomon base and sank their transport ships...

You did brilliantly.

You have my gratitude.

It's all thanks to the th Division and the rest of the fleet.

Eat and drink to your heart's content tonight.



You did great.

Oh, please.

So good!

Mamiya, your new anmitsu recipe is great!


It's, like, my tongue is melting!

Oh, right.

We should take some to Kisaragi.

How's she doing?

She seemed fine,

but they said to let her rest, just in case.


Let's all go visit her later, then.


Roast beef!

You know what I think?

Oh, sweet. Give me another.

Is this Kobe beef?

Of course not. Right, Yamato?

Right, but it's tender and delicious.

Help yourselves.

Oh, man, I love how fizzy this is.

So this is the famous Hotel Yamato soda pop.

I am not a hotel!

A strange voice around Solomon Islands?

We totally heard it in the Solomon waters up ahead.

Right, Amatsukaze?


But, you know, it may have just been the wind.

What? No way!

Many others heard that voice!

Really? That's kinda scary.

Sounds like a ghost.

What kind of voice was it?

It sounded sort of like a girl's voice.

A somewhat lonely voice...

Hey! So you did hear it!



Did you hear it?

O-Oh, uh...

It sounded like a witch of the ocean,

beckoning you somewhere far away.

Right, Tenryu?

Stop that!

My, my.

Did I sink?

I sank...

But, Akagi,

so long as you're okay, it's fine.

I'm going first.

I'll be waiting for you.

I want to go back.

Back to my rightful place.

Let me go.


Hey, come on.

Category D case, huh?

Secretary Nagato told me.

Don't mention it so casually.

It's a top secret—

What will happen to her?

You know, right?

I... back...

Give... back...

I... back...

A voice?

Give... back...

Fubuki? Is something, like, wrong?

No, nothing.

It's almost wakeup time.

Wake her or she'll, like, get yelled at.

She can sleep a little while longer.

I mean, she only just got back.

So cute.

She's, like, entranced by Kisaragi.

Can you blame her?

She waited so long for her.


Good morning.


Yep. How are you feeling?

Pretty good.

Good morning, Kisaragi.

Doing, like, okay?

Who are you?

I'm Fubuki.

Did you, like, forget about us?


Don't worry!

I'm sure it's just the fatigue talking!


And you haven't heard the voice since?

No. But I felt like I was being drawn in.

What do you think?

Other Fleet Girls have reported hearing a similar voice.

While it could be some kind of local phenomenon...

How does it look?

Well, I've mapped the locations where scouts and Fleet Girls on missions reported hearing the voice.

Have a look.

It's totally concentric.

So the center of the circle is the source?

Ironbottom Sound...

Also known as Savo Sound,

a channel where lots of ships once sank.


We should probably investigate.

Big trouble!

What's wrong?

What happened here?


Uh, Kisaragi suddenly...



It's okay. It's all right.

You're just panicked right now, aren't you?


Don't worry.

What is it?


Secretary Nagato.

I'll tell them.

No, if anyone should, it's me—

Please, let me.

Very well.

Thank you.

You know...

I once heard a rumor that said there's a carrier with post-sinking memories.

Why aren't you saying anything?


Maybe it'd be a good idea to tell you, too.

How are you feeling?

Here, I brought you food.

You didn't eat much yesterday, either.

Did she, like, always have a bruise there?

Say, Mutsuki.

Can I really stay here?


What are you talking about?

Of course you can!

You've always been with us!

But, every now and then, my mind wanders someplace else.

I try to return,

but the distance keeps growing,

and I go further into a dark place...

I sink further into it.

As much as I don't want to, as much as it scares me,

I end up feeling like I have to go.

What are you saying?

That can't be!

All those scary nightmares are putting those thoughts in your head!

That's what I wanted to believe!

But I started firing unconsciously today!

If this keeps up, I'll attack you all!

Like I said, that was...

I'm so scared!

I bet it's just the fatigue talking.

I mean, she's been through a lot.

You said, like, the same thing before.


Come in.


How's Kisaragi?

She just fell asleep.

I see.

We need to talk.

What do you mean?

Exactly what I said.

Kisaragi can't stay here.

But why? She's one of us!

A Fleet girl, just like us!

We know that.

But she sank.

She's not who she used to be.

What? You're wrong!

But she came back.

She looked for us and finally found her way back to Mutsuki.

Indeed. There's no doubt that she had a strong desire to come back to us.

It's the undeniable truth.

But the fact that she sank won't change.

She'll eventually become an Abyssal Vessel.


What do you mean?

It's as Kaga said.

If left alone—

No, it's likely that no matter what we do,

she'll eventually become an Abyssal Vessel.


Are you saying that's a fake Kisaragi?!


She's the real deal.

One of us.

The second Mutsuki-Class Destroyer, Kisaragi.

She vanished into the depths of the ocean while wanting to come back, to come home.

With some Fleet girls, that strong desire, sorrow, and frustration

makes them transform into Abyssal Vessels.

And, actually, a certain Fleet Girl has faint memories of fighting us as an Abyssal Vessel.

Isn't that right, Kaga?

Lingering sorrow, frustration, and regret.

Me, of all people.

And oppressive memories of unbearable pain.

"I want to go home. I want to make it happen.

I can do this.

This can't be."

I take those emotions

and throw them at the living beings in front of me.

They are sad, painful memories.

Does that mean the Abyssal Fleet...

The enemies we're fighting...

...used to be just like us?

It's not out of the question.

Haven't you ever felt it yourself?

A modicum of emotion in Abyssal Vessels?

Something that resonates within you?

That's absurd!

After we sink, parts of us turn into Abyssal Vessels

and try to come home to us.

Is that what we're fighting?

That's, like, meaningless!

Does this w*r have any point at all?

It does have a point.

The fact that Kaga is here with us—

that a Fleet Girl with memories of being an Abyssal Vessel is here—

means she could turn back into a Fleet Girl.

But how?

I don't know.

But what if, just as Fleet Girls sink and become Abyssal Vessels,

Abyssal Vessels sink and become Fleet Girls?

If that is indeed what happens...

But doesn't that mean the w*r will never end?

Fleet Girls sunk by Abyssal Vessels will become Abyssal Vessels,

and Abyssal Vessels sunk by Fleet Girls will turn back into Fleet Girls...

No, you're wrong.

If none of us sink,

and we sink the entire Abyssal Fleet,

I see! If we could do that...

Right. That's our only hope.

The only way we Fleet Girls can end this w*r.

That's why we cannot afford to sink.

What about Kisaragi, then?

What will happen to Kisaragi?

If we are to save her...

...sinking her as an Abyssal Vessel is the only way to do it.

That's horrible!

That's just way too cruel!

Message from nd CarDiv Flagship Hiryu, patrolling the northern Solomon waters.

Read it out.

"From Hiryu of the nd Carrier Division. To Southern Waters HQ Secretary Nagato.

Spotted enemy fleet with multiple task forces in the South Pacific, Northern Solomon waters."


"Each task force is in circular formation, with a Carrier Princess at the core,

escorted by several T-Class Battleships and S-Class Cruisers."

That sounds like insane numbers.

A large fleet of carrier battle groups, huh?

Follow-up from nd CarDiv's Hiryu.

"Taking command of air battle.

Sending out aerial attack squad."

That's very like Hiryu, but her division's outnumbered.

Tell her to retreat after landing some hits.

We'll cover their retreat.

Have Shokaku and Zuikaku of the th CarDiv sortie at once and act as their rear guard.


But tell them to withdraw at full speed as soon as they pick up the nd CarDiv.



Message from Kongo's squad, surveying Ironbottom Sound.

They've reached the target survey area.

As Nagato feared,

this is a bit of a problem, I must say.

The ocean changed color?

The weird voice coming from Ironbottom Sound is gradually spreading,

and the water's changing color along with it.

Changing color?

I think the th Fleet reported that, too.


Thank you. Leave it there.

The ecosystem has been destroyed in the discolored waters.

What's more...

Equipment gets damaged?


Sister and I took minor equipment damage.

The damage gets worse the longer a ship sails those waters.

There's no doubt that the discoloration is causing it somehow.

So if we stay there too long,

we might be unable to use our equipment?

Yamato of BatDiv reporting. Sorry I'm late.

Akagi and Kaga of CarDiv reporting in, too.

The discolored area is expanding?


Going by Type Observer Seaplane reports and latest observation results,

it's growing by this much in one day.

That's pretty fast.

If it maintains this rate, then in three days and seven hours...

It'll reach this base in a few days?

The estimated point of origin hasn't changed.

It remains in Ironbottom Sound,

here at Point Liquorice.


Where we neutralized that Airfield Princess?

Who dares wins! Catch and k*ll!

That's our only choice!

I'd like to agree, but...

Worried about the carrier battle groups the nd CarDiv encountered?


They landed some hits on some of them,

but a lot of fighters didn't return.

They're currently restocking and redrilling.

The nd CarDiv?

How many carrier battle groups have we seen?

More than six led by Carrier Princesses.

Right here.

Their estimated destination is...

Ironbottom Sound.

The voice's origin point?

Just what is there?

When will the enemy fleet get there?

At their current speed, approx hours.

In three days?

Yes. Less than three days, actually.

What will we do?

If that fleet gets there, it'll be impossible to raid Ironbottom Sound.

But if we rush blindly into the discolored waters,

we could get damaged and maybe even wiped out before we encounter the enemy.

What do we, like, do?

What, you ask?

There's no way we can tell her.

But, at this rate...

Don't worry! It'll work out somehow!

I mean, Kisaragi came back to us!

She came back for us!

She'd never become an Abyssal Vessel.

I don't know how it works,

but the Fleet Girls who sailed the discolored waters have had their equipment damaged.

I see.

But the Special-Class Destroyer, Fubuki...

Only she...


Is Kisaragi in really bad shape?

It's not like she's in "bad" shape, but...

Are you tired, Fubuki?

Lemme take a look!


That tickles!

S-Stop that!

Where's the problem?

There you are, Fubuki.


Aren't you having fun.

Th-This isn't what it looks like!

The equipment?

Apparently, only yours took no damage at all.

Huh? Was it only me?

What about replying to the voice?

Huh? Did someone do that?

I was told that when you all heard the voice,

you spoke to it as if to calm it down.

Who, me?

You don't remember?



Which base were you stationed at before?

Er, I think it was...


When did you meet the Admiral?

After I was assigned to the current base.

That was the first time.



What division were you in at the last base?

Who was the flagship of your torpedo squadron?

U-Uh, I think it was...



...sinking her as an Abyssal Vessel

is the only way to do it.

I'm going to become an Abyssal Vessel?

If this keeps up?



No! No!

Why can't I get it off?!




I... I...

Don't worry.

I'll always be with you,

no matter what.

But... But I...

Don't say another word.

You don't have to worry about a thing.

You went through so much all by yourself,

and you finally came back.

You did nothing wrong.


That's right.

No matter what anyone says,

no matter what happens,

I'll always be with you!

So please...



Of the ships that sailed the discolored waters,

only Fubuki's equipment didn't get damaged.

Also, the voice from Ironbottom Sound was first heard on the day she reached this base.

We could dismiss it as a coincidence...

But we can't deny the possibility of a link.

As made clear in the Ironbottom Sound waters,

it'd be natural to assume she has something other Fleet Girls don't.

What will you do?

That's not reason enough to launch.


What should I wish for?


What's the matter?

What about you?

Are you done with maintenance and resupply?


Mind if I sit next to you?


It's such a peaceful ocean.

It is.


Did you all know about it beforehand?

I suppose you could say that.

Do you think there's no escape from this world and our w*r?

The Abyssal Fleet we've been fighting is...

When I think about that, it's too much.

Why have we taken life as Fleet Girls?

Why are we here? What is our purpose?

Why were we born?

"I want to protect my friends and my bonds.

I want to tell them how I feel."

Maybe that's why we're here.


Our w*r does have meaning.

Though our goal might be a really tough one,

we can do it.

Perhaps that is what you call "hope."



Hope to protect everyone

and end this w*r of ours.

You've decided?


The ships taking part have all gathered.

We will hereby launch an all-out operation to Solomon Islands.

All right.


Let's do this.

I'm good to go.

You can count on me.

So we're going on the offensive?

It'll be, like, a good challenge.


We're finally going on the attack!

A night battle!

The ultimate objective of this operation is to find the source of the growing discoloration

in Ironbottom Sound, Solomon Islands, and exterminate it.

In the discolored waters,

all life except the Abyssal Fleet dies out,

and our equipment gets corroded and damaged.

Carrying out the operation in this scenario will be highly difficult.

But, if ignored,

the discolored area will keep expanding,

and attacking the core of Ironbottom sound

will become impossible forever.

As such, all surface vessels stationed here at Shotland Isles will go on the offensive.

Know that this mission is extremely crucial.

I'll now read out each fleet's roster and hierarchy.

st Fleet:

Carrier Battle Group Flagships,

st CarDiv's Akagi and Kaga.

th CarDiv's Shokaku and Zuikaku.

Escorted by rd BatDiv's Kongo...

That is all!

Mission details will be passed along later.

All of you prepare to sortie!

Is that all of it?

Let's go over it again.


Type and Armor-Piercing Shells, too!

I'll strike from outside their range...

You'd best be prepared for the worst.

What? Are you saying I might sink?

Try not to.

But, even if I do sink,

there's a chance I could come back, right?

Never say something like that again.

There are no words that can describe that pain and suffering.

You should...

You should know that yourself, deep down.

Me? Sortie as the main force's escort?

I didn't see that coming.

Good for you.


I'm happy I can be of use to everyone.

I'll be back as soon as possible, okay?

Don't worry. I'll definitely come back.

I'll never leave you alone.


Here we go!

I'll show you what I'm made of!

All right! It's time for a night battle!

You're the vanguard, huh, Sendai?

I'm leading the advance recon squad.

We'll definitely open up a path for you,

so you'd better charge right in!

Got it.

Sis, don't get too worked up and push it.

Got it, Jintsu.

Flowering nd Torpedo Squadron,

take care of the main force for me.

Of course. Leave it to me.


This is our first time in the same fleet.

Yes. I'll be in your care.

I want to go back.

Give back....

This voice...

It's calling?

Please be safe, everyone.

Syncing clock.







Commence mission!

The mission has begun!

Fleets, move out!

All ships, weigh anchor!

rd Fleet, the support unit, moving out!

nd Carrier Division, weigh anchor!

st Fleet, st CarDiv, Akagi, moving out!

Likewise, Kaga—

Hey, st CarDiv.

Sorry about earlier.


For what I said.

The mission is already underway.

Do your best.

Kaga of st CarDiv sortieing.

Let's follow suit.

From the th CarDiv, Zuikaku!


Weighing anchor!

Fubuki, let's stay calm and do this.



I'm sure it'll be fine.


You're right.

The nd Fleet's main force, Hiei, Kirishima, Yamato,

and the rest of the raid unit have moved out.

The main raid force, huh?

Will they be all right?

Trust their experience and teamwork.

We should take up defensive positions, too.

Here's an outline of the mission.

st CarDiv's Akagi and Kaga will lead a carrier battle group,

the st Fleet.

th CarDiv's ships will deal with enemies.

Kongo and Haruna will escort the fleet.

This fleet will intercept the approaching enemy reinforcements, the fleet of carrier battle groups,

and divert it to the north.

And flanking the st Fleet will be the restructured Hiryu and Soryu from nd CarDiv,

Light Carrier Ryujo,

Aviation Cruisers Suzuya and Kumano,

a Heavy Cruiser Division,

Light Cruiser Naka and her th Desron.

That'll be the rd Fleet, the support unit.

The st and rd Fleets will buy time for the main force to raid the Solomon area:

the battleships and night battle units that make up the nd Fleet.

The nd Fleet's main raid force will have Hiei, Kirishima, and st BatDiv's Yamato.

Jintsu's nd Desron will escort the force.

Meanwhile, Sendai will lead the reinforced rd Desron and the advance recon squad,

go ahead of the raid force, and clear the path for them.

The st, nd, and rd Fleets,

and my fleet, the last line of defense.

We'll have four fleets in this all-out w*r!

I'm counting on all of you!

The advance carrier battle group has reached the South Pacific area of operations.

Message from the flagship, Hiryu.

"Recon aircraft have been deployed.

Preparing to launch fighters."

Message from Akagi of the main carrier group.

"Yet to spot enemy.

Sending out second batch of recon aircraft."

Where's the enemy fleet?

We're dangling such huge bait.

They'll definitely bite.

They have to.

Otherwise, the raid force will be wiped out.



What is it, th CarDiv?

My second, Zuikaku, has a suggestion.


"Recommend increasing escort aircraft."

This is Akagi.

I accept th CarDiv's suggestion.

Each aircraft carrier is to deploy further escort aircraft.

Launch as soon as ready!

Enemy spotted!

Not on my watch!



Message to HQ and raid force!

Successfully diverted enemy fleet northward!

The nd Fleet can enter Ironbottom Sound now.


Message from rd Fleet Flagship Hiryu.

"Recon aircraft spotted enemy carrier group.

nd CarDiv's Hiryu and Soryu and th CarDiv's Ryujo deploying fighters en masse!"

They did it.

I hope we can get through this and give them a taste of their own medicine!

That would be nice.

Give back...

Give back...

Give back...

That was quicker than expected.

Where's that radio message?

Did the diversion to the north work or not?

Give back...

Give back...

Advance squad has yet to encounter enemy.

Given there haven't been any air raids yet,

should we assume the enemy's carrier battle group was successfully diverted northward?

We would've received a message about that.

But we haven't yet.

Flagship, what will we do?

We've entered Ironbottom Sound waters.

The discoloration is increasing.

What do we do?

Let's keep going.


I'm worried, too.

But let's keep going.

That's what we're here for.

That's right.


I know.

We will charge into Ironbottom Sound.

Let the advance squad know!

Roger that.

Enemy spotted!




See how you like this!

Advance squad has encountered enemy!

They're engaging them!

Ready artiller—


New enemy battleships?

Two of them?

Damn you!



Close-quarters night a*tillery battle!

All ships, open concentrated fire!

The equipment!

Considerable damage!

This isn't good!

We knew that coming in!

We have to hang in there!

You'll be a sitting duck!

It's fine! Here I go!

Hiei, I see them.

Thank you.

Yamato, broadside battery, loading armor piercing shells!



Things are looking crazy over there.

All ships, turn around!

We'll go support the raid force!

Hey, Sendai.

Look at that.

Crap, we've got visitors, too?

Looks like it.

Come, it's time for a night battle!

Like that!

Advance squad joining in.

All right.

Yamato will now take over as flagship.

All ships are to follow Yamato's lead and complete the mission.


She'll be fine.

I'll be with her.

Let's reshuffle around lightly damaged ships.


Take care of these runts.

Yeah, yeah.

Sis, those wounds...

Oh, I'm fine.

They'll heal if I lick 'em.


We shot all our torpedoes,

so we'll escort the damaged ships back.

Please do.

The energetic ones went off, huh?

Now, let's defend Hiei and the rest and get back to Shortland Islands.


Ooi, this might be bad.

A new enemy fleet.

This is, uh...


I know.

Gotta love nights.

No better time to go.

Like this!


What is that?

Is that...

The center of Ironbottom Sound.

From here on in, enemy att*cks will likely grow fiercer.

Heavily damaged ships are to fall back,

and those remaining are to prioritize reaching the target.

Watch out, Fubuki!


I'm fine... I can still fight...





Is that you, Kisaragi?

Why are you here?

I'm glad I made it in time.



You hear it, right?

That voice.

There's someone waiting for you.

For me?

I want to go back...

I want to go back...

Give back...

Give back...

Come to me...


I was worried about what'd happen if Kisaragi turned into an Abyssal Vessel.

But she's still the Kisaragi I know!

Go on, Fubuki.

I am the first Yamato-Class Battleship.

I won't be defeated by small fry.

I'll be back!

I'll confirm what's there— who's there—and come back!

I wish you luck!

Did I sink?

Endlessly repeated battles.

Across eras, seas, and emotions,

the regrets grow stronger with each cycle.

Who are you?

Savo Sound.

Ironbottom Sound.

Many ships have sunk here.

And, first Special-Class Destroyer, Fubuki,

you are one of them.

Without displaying your "special" nature or accomplishing what was expected of you,

you sank, filled with regret.

I sank?

Yes, you sank here.

And you will keep sinking here.

But you didn't want to sink.

You didn't want these waters to be the end.

That's what you strongly wished for.

The ocean with an iron bottom,

and the regrets and desires lying there...

They saved you,

and they sank me.

That's how you and I were born.

You and I?

That's right.

And, within this endless circle of w*r,

you became special.

You lost all your sad memories,

left me to rot at the bottom of the ocean,

and became free.

Curse you.

Free from the shackles of an endless cycle.

Instead of letting a sad fate chain you down,

you live on the b*ttlefield

and alter the fates of Fleet Girls.

Who, me?

But that is unacceptable.

We are beings meant to be forgotten, glossed over,

and disappear in a sad, everlasting cycle.

Is that...?

I wanted to save them.

I split off from you as you gained freedom

and was left with hate, envy, and bloodthirst for those above the water...

I'm cold.

Nothing else.


So I'll melt away everything on the surface.

I hate them, after all.

Deep down,

you wanted to come back, too, right?

To this graveyard of metal?

Welcome home.

So dark.

It's all right now.

Take care.

Let's fade away into this ocean together.

You don't have to work hard.

You don't have to make any progress.

Let's just stay broken in an endless despair.

Let's vanish into a closed world.

And let's wait here for the tragedy that is bound to start over one day.

Just disappear!

Isn't that why you came back here?!

Come back and sink here over and over!

In this seabed devoid of light or promise.

And, with everyone forgetting about you,

just disappear.

No... That's too...

I don't want to...

I couldn't protect them.

Dialogue: ,::.,::.,Alt,,,,,,It hurt.

{\an\i}I wanted to save them.

I wanted to protect them.

Dialogue: ,::.,::.,Alt,,,,,,I'm so sorry.

Dialogue: ,::.,::.,Alt,,,,,,Help me.

I couldn't save them.

{\an}I'm sinking.

I couldn't make it.

Dialogue: ,::.,::.,Alt,,,,,,I wanted to make it so badly.

Dialogue: ,::.,::.,Alt,,,,,,I wanted to make it so badly.

Come here.

Come to me.


Take care.


Don't forget me.


I see.

I'm a symbol of hope.

A symbol of hope created by all of their desires.

Not regret,

but hope!

Hope to get through this w*r

and take a step forward.

There's nothing wrong with change.

Stay away.

It doesn't have to be an endless cycle.

We don't have to stay here.

It's all right.

Don't come any closer... Stay away!

It's okay if we go back to the surface and take a step forward into a new world.

No... If I did that...

Don't worry. Everyone's there for us.

No... No!

Their desires live strong.

As strong as their regrets may be, their hope's just as strong.

It'll be fine. I'm sure they'll remember.

I won't forget you, either.

We can move forward!

So please...

What's going on?





I'm so sorry.

No, why?

I didn't want to fight you and the rest.

I know! We all know that!

I didn't want to hurt you.

I couldn't come back, though.

No... This can't happen!

But you know what?

Don't worry. You'll be fine.

If you can just dock...

Mutsuki, you know...

The time we spent together,

the warmth we shared,

and your voice...

I want to go before I forget it all.

I wanted to say goodbye this time.

We'll always be together.

Let's meet again, no matter what.

I swear I'll find you.


Don't forget about me, okay?

Let me hear the rest of your story then.

It's a promise, okay?

Welcome back.

You did well.

Welcome back, Fubuki.

The ocean...

Like, hey!


I'll be going now.


Here's your lunch.

Do your best.

Wow, thanks!

I'm off, then!

Take care!

Hey, Yudachi!

Mind your manners!

New nd Fleet, start up!

Vanguard, nd Torpedo Squadron,

prepare to weigh anchor!

Don't worry.

I'll bring peace back to the oceans someday.

I promise.

nd Torpedo Squadron,

th Destroyer Division,

weigh anchor.

nd Torpedo Squadron,

th Destroyer Division,

First Special-Class Destroyer, Fubuki!

Weighing anchor!