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Kizumonogatari Part 3: Reiketsu (2017)

Posted: 02/09/24 17:22
by bunniefuu
1. Both Arms

April 6th

Is that...?

Yep, you guessed it.

Heart-Under-Blade's arms are inside.

I see.


Ah, I know what you wanna say.

"Guillotine Cutter actually kept his promise?"

He must hold quite the grudge,

that's for sure.

'Cause unlike the other two, Guillotine Cutter was driven by faith.

Anyways, this means you've collected all four limbs.

Congrats, Araragi-kun.

Hey, hey, Araragi-kun.

I'm congratulating you,

so why the gloomy face?

You should be happy that you accomplished your goal.

Why do you look like you're at a funeral instead?

Something's bothering me, Oshino.

Guillotine Cutter, as well as Dramaturgy and Episode...

They stole Kiss-Shot's arms, right leg, and left leg, respectively.

Strangely, even though I've only ever fought with my sisters,

I defeated them easily.

What the hell is going on?

Are they weak? Or am I...

too strong?

Why not both?

From their point of view, you're too strong.

And from your point of view, they're too weak.

After all, you're none other than

Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade's minion.

Wait, is that the only reason-

That's the only reason.

I'm telling you, something's off!

The more I think about it, the weirder it gets.


As a mere minion I got this far.


If Kiss-Shot were at full power,

couldn't she have wiped out all three of them at once?



So if Heart-Under-Blade wasn't at full power back then,

it'd be a different story?

Well, I was planning to hand it over whether or not you asked.

But since you asked, you saved me the trouble, Araragi-kun.

You can be quite perceptive sometimes.

Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade's heart.

She fought the vampire hunters without that heart.

No wonder she got her limbs torn off.

She never noticed...

I know, right?

She believes only her arms and legs were stolen.

I see... So that's what happened.

I knew Guillotine Cutter was a cunning bastard,

but to stealthily steal even Kiss-Shot's heart-

Oh no, Araragi-kun.

Guillotine Cutter didn't steal that heart.

Then, who did?


I extracted her heart so stealthily, she didn't notice.

You're... capable of such a thing?

I am.

That means, simply retrieving her limbs

wasn't enough to restore Kiss-Shot to full power?

That's right.

You needed to take the heart from me afterwards.

A fourth battle, between me and you,

would have maintained the balance.

A battle... against you?

"Would have," I said.

That's no longer the case.

Look, didn't I already give it back?

Apologies for what happened with Class Rep-chan.

It's rare for an ordinary person to be so entangled

in a case like this.

Normally, people run from oddities.

That girl is somewhat abnormal.

With this, Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade's stolen parts

have all been retrieved.

In other words, you can now become human again.

Allow me to congratulate you once more.

Cheer up, kid.

Ah, one more thing.

This is just out of curiosity...

Have you not felt hungry lately?

Not really... I think I told you earlier,

but ever since I became an immortal vampire,

I've lost my appetite.

Well, I expect you to get hungry real soon.

I mean, it's already been two weeks.

Haha! Must be rough.

All right, Araragi-kun.

Try not to act so rashly again once you turn back into a human.

Those who encounter an oddity once

are bound to attract more. Watch out.

Hey, don't talk like you're getting ready to leave.

I am leaving. My job is done,

though it ended in failure.

But what's done is done, what's over is over.

By the way, Araragi-kun.

Your two million yen and Class Rep-chan's three million yen...

Consider 'em paid.

Don't look at me like that, there's no catch.

I'm a generous guy.

As long as there's balance, I've no complaints.

Okay, say hi to Class Rep-chan for me.

Now what?


Cold-Blooded Arc


2. Rooftop


Yahoo! I'm back, I'm back!


it seems Oshino ran off earlier today...

And what of it?

Aren't you mad about the whole heart thing?

Worry not, worry not. I forgive him.

Honestly, I don't care!

Uh, Kiss-Shot?

Sorry if this is a bad time,

but I'd like to be turned back into a human soon.

Ah, of course.

Rest assured, I shall turn thee back.

But servant, why don't we first have a little talk?

Now then, what shall we talk about?

Didn't you have something in mind?

Perhaps I misspoke.

I did not have a specific topic in mind.

Anything will do.

Is this necessary for me to become human again?

'Tis necessary, for me.


Anyways, as someone who's lived for 500 years,

you must have plenty of stories.

Nothing in particular.

I was always fighting to the death with folks like those three.

Ultimately, 'twas 500 years of boredom.

Now then, what shall we talk about?

Now then, what shall we talk about?

Let me see...

If I must tell a story, it would have to be about that man.

I mentioned that thou art the second minion I've made.

Well, this is the tale of the first minion.


Yeah, you mentioned that

I was the second in 400 years.

Are we similar?

Why dost thou think so?

Uh, b-because...

All ye have in common is race.

- An Ancient Tale - KIZUMONOGATARI
- Story: NISIOISIN - Art: Ueda Hajime

An Ancient Tale



Art: Ueda Hajime

He was a warrior.

A brilliant warrior worthy of entrusting my back to.

We're the same race, you said?

Indeed, he was Japanese.

As I gallivanted across the world in my youth,

I met that man in this country.

I also learned Japanese at that time,

though many words have changed since then.

In that case,

why didn't you call him for help this time?

That's impossible.

For he is dead.

'Tis another tale of the past.

Dost thou recall?

I mentioned that I occasionally wield a katana in battle.


That katana is a memento from him.

Demon sword, Kokorowatari.

Though forged by a nameless swordsmith,

'tis of the finest quality.


Don't move.

Don't move, I have cut thee.

H- Huh?

Doth it hurt?

N- No.


Then my skills have not dulled.

Thou can move now.

Thou already healed.

W- What the...

"Healed"? I can't heal my clothes, though.

Where did you cut?

Thy torso, horizontally.

As well as something intolerable.


Worry not about thy clothing.

Kokorowatari's edge is undeniably sharp.

If the cuts are left alone, they close right up.

Naturally, that's because I am its wielder.

He left it behind, and passed away.

If an immortal vampire died, does that mean

he was slain by vampire hunters?


He would never let himself be k*lled like that.

Then how?


"Boredom kills," the saying goes.

In fact, most vampires seek death after 200 years of life.

If there was anything different about that man,

it'd be that he chose to die

only a few years after becoming a vampire.

In that short period, nothing changed his mind.

He perished before my very eyes.

He threw himself under the sun, as if to taunt me.

Henceforth, I never made another minion.

Until I met thee.

Weren't you bored?

I was bored the entire time.

However, thou never bored me, servant.

Thy every action was absurd.

Thou may very well be the first human in history

to willingly offer his neck to a vampire!

Thou even address me as simply "Kiss-Shot."

3. Farewell Party

Now then...

Is it time I made thee human again?

S- Sure.

Speaking of which, did your first minion

ever ask to become human again?

Back then, I was incapable of turning him back into a human.

This time, I plan to make use of my past experience.

So, art thou prepared?

Actually, I think laughing so hard

has made me a little hungry.

Could I grab a bite to eat first?


Well, I suppose returning to my complete state

has also made me rather famished...

Will thou bring some portable food?

"Portable food"?

Anyways, since it's my last night as a vampire,

this feels kinda bittersweet.

Is there anything you want to eat?

I've neither likes nor dislikes.

Therefore, do as thou please, my servant.

I shall honor thy desire to remain my servant a while longer.

I will prepare on the second floor.


I guess she really is leaving-

It was inevitable.

For every hello, there's a goodbye.

While these two weeks have been a bad memory for Kiss-Shot...

In retrospect, maybe it wasn't such a bad spring break for me.

Maybe it wasn't so bad.

Let's head to the roof and get this farewell party started.

Afterwards, I'll give Kiss-Shot a proper goodbye.

I'm back~!

Oh, servant.

That was unexpectedly quick.

However, did I not tell thee?

'Tis good manners to leave a lady to her meal.

This one came whilst I was waiting for thee.

As expected, the boundary

could not conceal my presence at full power.


What is this?

Did thou not bring that bespectacled, braided

portable food?






4. Storage Room

April 7th

I'd heard that priests taste unholy...

Turns out they taste divine!

Although I've neither likes nor dislikes...

"hunger is the best sauce" is well put indeed!


Eating humans is... wrong.

But servant...

If I don't eat, I'll die.

She has always eaten.

And she will continue to eat.

The first minion...

Then the second...

In the past 500 years, we weren't the only ones

who had our blood sucked by her.

Every single human except us was chopped up

and devoured until neither flesh nor bone remained.

That's how she nourished herself without creating a minion.

From now on, if Kiss-Shot eats another human,

if she has another meal,

it will all be because of me.

If Hanekawa is eaten,

if my sisters are eaten,

if my parents are eaten,

it will all be my fault.

My fault for saving her.

It's my fault...

It's my fault.

It's my fault!

Stop... it...

I hate it...

I hate it...

But I...

am a vampire.

Ah, one more thing.

Have you not felt hungry lately?

What other choice is there?!

I have to die.

I have... to die.

Ah, that's right...

I wish I told Hanekawa...

I personally deleted her number and email.

Right in front of her,

in order to hurt her,

I deleted them.

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa

Hanekawa Tsubasa












I told you...

not to touch people's phones without permission.

I'm here to deliver a girl!

5. Storage Room

What's this?

It appears I've been locked in a storage room.

If Araragi-kun tries to get freaky with me, what'll I do?

Flashlight, on!

Ah! You're trying to see my panties from that angle.

Ah. You don't know what kind of man I am.

Let's say there's a naked girl in front of me.

If she told me not to look,

I'm a man who wouldn't!

That's normal.

No, Hanekawa.

You don't know how big of a gentlemen I am!

"Gentlemen" is plural.

Well, if that's true,

then I look forward to it.

Look forward to what?

Next school term, I'll be able to see your gentle side

all the time, right?

That's why...

you can't die.

You can't die.

That kind of thinking is proof your heart is running away.

You are... incredible.

Truly incredible.

Whenever you're in front of me,

I'm reminded of how insignificant I am.

Had I never met you,

I might have died much sooner.

That's why I'm telling you, you can't die!

Listen to what I'm saying.

This is all my fault.

This is the result of my careless actions.

Back then, when Kiss-Shot took my blood,

I never imagined it would lead to this.

Someone died because of me.

That's not your fault.

Besides, for Heart-Under-Blade-san,

that was a completely natural thing to do.

It's the same as us eating cows and pigs.

Yeah, Kiss-Shot isn't to blame.

I'm the one at fault.

It's my fault, and mine alone.

Wait, could it be?

I didn't realize...



Guillotine Cutter...

Those three were on the righteous side of humanity.

I've become an enemy of humanity.

Are you giving up on becoming human again?

Are you giving up on your humanity?

You said you wanted to be human again,

and go back to reality, didn't you?!

There's been a victim.

At this point, if I were the only one whose wish came true,

that'd be way too selfish.

You think that's selfish?

Aren't you being selfish right now?


You're trying to abandon the mess you made

by running away!

You're running away emotionally,

as well as physically!

You're wrong.

I don't want to run away,

I want to take responsibility.

By putting an end to my immortal life,

I can at least atone for my sins.

You'd only be piling sin on top of sin.

su1c1de is a sin.




Right now, I'm not a human. I'm a vampire.


I'm not like you. I'm weak.

If I don't die now, I'll eventually be overcome by hunger.


Sooner or later, I'll see you as nothing more than food.

Then eat me.

W- Wha-What are you saying?

I wouldn't call someone my friend

unless I was willing to die for them.

Didn't I tell you?

If you knew the real me, you'd be disillusioned.

What on earth... are you?

I believe I'm your friend.

Would you normally go this far based on that?

As I've said before...

Why would you go so far for someone you just met?

If you treat everyone this way,

you'll never have enough bodies to go around.

I don't go this far for everyone, though.

I'm only doing this because it's for you.

Basically, if you're the only one I'm saving,

then one body is all I need!

That's why you can't die.

Don't die.

She's been fully revived.

Nothing can stop Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade.

She, who I revived, will continue

to eat humans without reserve.

Guillotine Cutter couldn't lift a finger.

Dramaturgy and Episode wouldn't even come close.

Oshino might stand a better chance, but...

He won't go beyond maintaining balance.

For him, the job involving Kiss-Shot is a done deal.

There's no one left who can stop that vampire.

Not even you?

Couldn't you stop her?

Or rather, aren't you the only one who can stop her?

As her one and only minion,

aren't you the only one capable of stopping her?

On your marks, get set...


I will...

I will slay Kiss-Shot.

Your expression has changed.

Don't worry.

I will definitely slay her.

6. Breasts





Of course, I'll be supporting you.

Let me know if there's anything I can do.

Although, I can't think of any services more perverse

than what I've done already.



Will you let me touch your breasts?

Your breasts-

I heard you!


Why is that necessary?

It's extremely necessary.

You didn't see it.

What the complete Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade looks like.

Huh? But...

But I've seen her 12- and 17-year-old forms,

so I can imagine what she's like at 27 years old...

It's beyond your imagination!

She has breasts beyond your imagination!


I'm afraid of losing due to being distracted by her breasts.

Those breasts will likely jiggle like crazy in battle.

So to prepare, I want some experience with female breasts.

What a surprisingly stupid reason.

Y- You get what I'm saying?



Give me... a moment.


Ah! W-What?

If you're gonna massage 'em, do it right.


Massage 'em for at least sixty seconds.

S- Sixty?

Don't hold back!


Kn-Know what, Hanekawa?

Could you turn around?

Seeing your face... makes it harder.

Li-Lift both of your arms.

What is this, yoga?

You-You won't get mad later?

Don't worry. I won't get mad.

You promise?

I promise.

Then, uh, how do I put this...

In case there's ever a trial,

could you say, "Araragi-kun, please fondle my braless boobs? I beg you"?

A- A-Araragi-kun,

p- please fondle my braless boobs.

I- I beg you.

Nah, it doesn't count if you say it so quietly.

That makes it sound like I'm forcing you into it.

In a louder voice, tell me where and how you want it.

You have to say it of your own free will.

A- Araragi-kun,

p- please fondle my braless boobs.

I beg you!

"To have my breasts f*ndled by Araragi-kun

is such an honor."

To have my breasts...

f*ndled by Araragi-kun...

I- is such an honor.

How 'bout...

"I grew these slutty boobs solely to get f*ndled by Araragi-kun."

I grew these... these slutty boobs...

so-solely to get f*ndled by Araragi-kun.

Really? You're much dirtier than you look, Hanekawa.

Yes, I'm a dirty girl!

I'm sorry!

There's no need to apologize.

No matter how dirty you are,

no one would mind.

Is that so? Ehehe...


What exactly makes the dirty yet studious

Class Rep's boobs so slutty?

Th-Their size and softness...

make their sluttiness second to none!

Ah, I see.

I get it now!

My entire life has been leading up to this day!

The human named Araragi Koyomi

was born solely to experience this day!

Hold on, I can't just fondle my friend's breasts!

I can't! I really can't!


Chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken-

I'm a chicken! A coward!

Please forgive me!

I took advantage of your kindness, but-

thanks to your words, I snapped out of it!

You think this is over?

Do you know how much resolve it took

for me to sit here like this?

N- No!

Someone like me couldn't even begin to guess-

A- Actually, how much resolve did it take?

Would you be so kind as to tell me?

Honestly, I didn't think you'd stop at a breast massage.

"Oh, I see. That's how it is."

"My first time will be on a mat in the storage room."

Didn't you reach that resolution way too quickly?!

Well, I was fine with it.

You were?!

And yet, after so much teasing,

so much humiliation,

you didn't lay a single finger on me!

Araragi-kun, are you that turned off by me?

H- How 'bout I massage your shoulders instead?


Yes, your shoulders.

I wish to massage Hanekawa-san's shoulders.

The end.

Thank you very much.


Y- Yes ma'am.

To be continued online.

I can't get massaged online!

Th-Then, let's continue next school term?

Hm, sounds good.

You made a girl go this far.

Don't tell me you're gonna lose now.

7. Hypocrisy


I didn't think you'd come to me.

Just this once.


As the sun rose, I came to understand thy emotions.

I came to understand the reason for thy anger.

I failed to take thy former humanity into consideration.

Thus, just this once, I bow my head in apology.

Return to my side.

Live together with me.

My life was saved by thee.

Thou may be a peculiar one,

but that is why I would not mind living with thee.

Will thou not live with me for eternity?

I refuse.

You ate people.

That's reason enough for me.

Had thou known that,

would thou have not saved me?

Would thou have left me to die?

I didn't know any better.


That's not right.

In fact, I knew from the beginning.

I merely looked the other way.

I was determined to die for your sake.

In other words,

I gave you permission to eat a person.

But I never imagined that someone else would die.

My actions were beautiful, but not right.

That's what I thought thou would say.

'Tis what I longed to hear.

With this, my doubts have been erased, servant.

Somehow, I perceived it from the start-

that thou were this type of man.


Thy kindness... would only last whilst I was weak.

Aye, I was aware of that.


I knew that once I was complete, thou would

care for me no longer.


Thou did not save me because I was special.

Thou would have saved anyone who was weak.


- Hypocrite! - Waaah
- Waaah

Now! Come hither, servant.

By k*lling me posthaste,

thou can regain thine precious humanity!


There's one last thing I want to ask you.

Oh? Do tell.

As a parting gift,

I shall answer anything. Ask ahead.

What are humans to you?


That's also what I wanted to hear you say.

8. VS Kiss-Shot

Please die, my master!

Prepare to die, my servant!


This is the greatest vampire death match ever!

More! Give me more, servant!

Shall I share something interesting, servant?

Despite it not mattering upon thy parting here?


I too... am a former human!

A former human,

similar to Dramaturgy and thyself.


You weren't pure-blooded?!

I'd nearly forgotten all about my days as a human.

It seems I was even born to a well-off family.

Hah! But for a vampire over 300 years of age,

being pure or servile no longer matters.

So what?!

'Twas merely something I'd long forgotten.

I recalled as we talked yesternight.

Come to think of it, I too

felt rather reluctant to eat humans at first!


If thou-

If thou ate just one human,

thy sense of guilt would vanish.


I'm a human.

I see.

I am a vampire.

Finally, it's time for the athletes of Team Japan to take the stage.

They have endured harsh training on the path to glory.

Now, these Japanese youth walk forth with pride.

If you recall, Tokyo was set to host the 1940 Olympics,

but the flames of w*r swept that dream aside.

Hold it!

Five years ago, Tokyo won the bid to host the Olympics.

The efforts of each and every Japanese citizen over the past five years


Something's off-

Hanekawa! That's enough, go hide!

Have touched the five Tokyo natives standing here today.

They march toward the fight of the century.

W- Wait, something's been bothering me!

Peace is the light which gives courage to humans...

I think we're overlooking something important!


W- Watch your mouth, portable food!


could it be that you-

Insolent human!

Do not interfere!

9. Unhappy Ending

What's wrong, servant?

Half of my blood remains untouched.

While I may be immobilized from blood loss for now,

if thou do not make haste, I will soon recover.

How... were you going to make me human again?

Does that even matter to thee anymore?


Were you...

planning to be k*lled by Araragi-kun from the start?

In order to make him human again.

Stop spouting such nonsense, portable food.

What evidence dost thou-

Then how exactly were you planning to make him human?

Please explain.


'Twas obvious.

I never had any intention of making him human again.

I lied in order to make him gather my limbs.

That's not true.

You had him gather your parts

because if he k*lled you in your incomplete state,

he wouldn't turn back into a human.

It'd be meaningless unless he k*lled you in your complete state.

You... intended to die.

What did thou hope to gain by saying that?

Dost thou believe

this servant can k*ll me after hearing those words?

W- Why?

Why would you... do that?

I was searching for a place to die.

I'd be better off dead.

Or so I thought.

Alas, in the end, I grew fearful of death.

I was afraid to disappear after living for 500 years.

The prospect of no longer existing

terrified me to the core.

'Twas the first time in my life that someone helped me.

Not a single human nor vampire

had ever helped me like that.

As I sucked thy blood,

I began to question my actions.

And so...

I will die for thy sake.

I was unable to die for him.

Unable to k*ll myself.

Unable to make him human again.


What's the matter?

Art thou crying?

Such a crybaby, my servant is.


N- No, these aren't tears.

This is... This is... blood.

My blood is flowing.

Isn't blood... flowing within you too?!

Goodness. Behold the mess thou made, portable food.

I planned to lower my guard and be k*lled at a suitable time.

Well, no matter.

Because thou

have no option left but to take my life.

k*ll me here,

or I shall eat 1,000 humans a day, starting tomorrow.

Saying that should force thou to k*ll me, no?

To prove I am serious,

if I claim that portable food as my first victim,

would thou act then?

Thou ought to end the very life thou saved.

Is that not thine responsibility?


Thou art the second to call me by that name.

And thou shall be the last.

Now, k*ll me, servant.

Now. Now. Now. Now. Now.

Now. Now. Now. Now.



Now. Now. Now. Now.



Oshino Meme...!

I know you're watching from somewhere!

Stop f*cking around and get your ass over here!

I understand everything you told me!

I don't need an explanation!

Just get over here!

I know exactly what I did!

So get your ass over here,

Oshino Meme!

No need to shout, I can hear you.


What are the chances I'd meet you here?


Haha! You're so energetic, Araragi-kun.

Did something good happen?

I have a job for you.

Do something.


That's vague.

I'll pay up.

It's not an issue of money.

Then what's the issue?!

A personal one.

Don't push it.

Yo, Class Rep-chan.

Nice to meet you... yeah?

Nice to meet you, I'm Hanekawa.

Brat, stay out of this.

We had an agreement.

I don't recall making an agreement with you,


I just wanted to set the stage well.

Your decision to make Araragi human again

through your own death

was convenient for me, that's all.

So, what now?

Don't you have a job for me as a specialist?

It'll cost you, let's see...

The five million yen I considered paid.

Now, what is your wish?

Tell me a way to make everyone happy.

A way to keep anyone from being miserable.

That doesn't exist.

Are you stupid?

However, there is a way to make everyone miserable.

To elaborate, the total amount of misery here

will be evenly redistributed.

Nobody's wish will come true,

but if that's fine, then there's a way.

Onto the specifics...

For starters, Araragi-kun has to nearly k*ll Heart-Under-Blade.

Suck away almost all of her vampiric traits and skills,

without k*lling her.

Heart-Under-Blade will be closer to death than ever before.

She'll lose her shadow, her form,

and even her name and age.

She'll be a pseudo-vampire human-like entity...

Unable to eat humans no matter how hungry she gets.

As for Araragi-kun,

you technically won't be human again, but something close.

You'll be a pseudo-human vampire-like entity.

We wouldn't quite call you a human,

but you'll be far from a vampire.

A sort of half-assed entity.

How fitting.

However, as a result,

Araragi-kun may cause Heart-Under-Blade

to starve to death from malnutrition.

Heart-Under-Blade's lone source of nutrition,

once reduced to that state, will be your blood.

You must devote the rest of your life to her,

and she must stay close to you for the rest of hers.

In other words, we humans...


Must give up on slaying these dangerous vampires.

Ultimately, a risk remains.

If Heart-Under-Blade and Araragi-kun become vampires again,

they could start eating humans.

We can't ignore the possibility.

W- What utter nonsense, brat!

I- I cannot even consider living under such conditions!

I must die-

Allow me to die for his sake!

k*ll me! k*ll me! k*ll me at once!

I wish not to live!

Like I said, you'll be unhappy.

Your wish won't come true.

Although, it's up to Araragi-kun to decide.





Even so...

I want you to live.

P- Please, I beseech thee...


Please end my life.

Please k*ll me and become human again...

Think of it as helping me.

Forgive me, Kiss-Shot.

I won't help you.

10. Epilogue

April 8th

A wound.


She left a wound.

To what extent are you still a vampire, physically?

Well, my body heals faster than average,

and my gums bleed less when I brush my teeth.

How mundane...

That's about it.

On the bright side,

I did become human again,

just with some side effects.

Side effects, huh.

Whether or not I'm human now,

simply being able to walk out in the sun

makes a world of difference.

How optimistic.

You're late, Araragi-kun. I almost fell asleep.

I'm really...

really sorry.

If you ever want to k*ll me,

go right ahead.

I still don't think you did the right thing.

I'd call it "human egotism."

What you felt toward vampires eating humans

was the disillusionment of seeing a cute kitty devour a mouse.

And speaking of pets, you chose to keep a vampire as one.

You removed her fangs, plucked her nails,

crushed her throat, and neutered her...

You, a former pet,

turned your master into a pet.

Y'know, it ain't exactly a moving tale.

Nevertheless, I'll lend a hand if the need arises.

Whenever you get sick of doing this,

come let me know, Araragi-kun.

I'll never get sick of it.

I do it 'cause I like it.

Then do as you like.

We, who wounded each other,

now lick each other's wounds.

We, who became damaged goods,

now seek each other's company.

If tomorrow you die,

then tomorrow I can die in peace.

If today you live,

then today I too will live on.

Thus begins a tale of wounded individuals.

Red when wet, black when dry.

A tale of blood.

A tale of our precious wounds that will never fade away.

I will not tell it to anyone.

11. étoile et toi [édition le blanc]

Étoile, et toi

A star, and you

Et toi, et moi

And you, and me

Le monde est beau

The world is beautiful

Vous êtes le monde

You are the world

Étoile, et toi

A star, and you

Et toi, et moi

And you, and me

Tu ce que je vois

Everything I see

Tout ce que je ressens

Everything I feel

Tu es mon univers

You are my universe

Je veux vous entendre appeler mon nom

I just want to hear you call out my name

Je peux te sentir dans mes bras

I want to feel you in my arms

Et c'est I'amour

And this is love

qui va durer pour toujours

that will last forevermore

Étoile, et toi

A star, and you

Et toi, et moi

And you, and me

Tu es mon univers

You are my universe

Je veux vous entendre appeler mon nom

I just want to hear you call out my name

Je peux te sentir dans mes bras

I want to feel you in my arms

Et c'est I'amour

And this is love

qui va durer pour toujours

that will last forevermore

Étoile, et toi

A star, and you

Et toi, et moi

And you, and me

Tu es mon univers

You are my universe