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Pop in Q (2016)

Posted: 02/09/24 17:37
by bunniefuu

Dancing musical sounds

Visualisation of information

Congratulations on graduating!

Grandpa, I'm heading out. { neko will be leaving comments like this, original TL by Sauce-kun (Coyc-kun because lol cyrillics) }

Hold on. Isumi, where are you going?

I have club activities today.

But graduation is coming up, isn't it?

I'm leaving.

But didn't you promise to start packing today?

Mom, do you really think I'm actually going to Tokyo?

Isumi! Cut that out-

Hey, I said it before, didn't I?

Our new house is smaller, so only pack what we need.

Isumi's just saying weird things and you're taking it out on me. { orig: "Why are you saying these weird things, Isumi? They are disappointing me.", but I think this is what he's saying. Heavy dialect is hard to get right... }

You adults only think about yourselves.

Just because you've got a job in Tokyo, we have to go there with you.

Try putting yourself in my shoes, getting pushed around like that. { orig: "And you've never ever considered what I think about that.", but I think a more literal TL suits this better }

You never understand how I feel.{  orig: "So I've just followed your example and decided to stay here." I honestly like this phrase though }

I've decided to stay here. {  orig: "So I've just followed your example and decided to stay here." I honestly like this phrase though }

Is she gonna be okay?

Oh relax.

She was happy about going to a high school in Tokyo until now, wasn't she? { orig: "She was happy about going to Tokyo the day before, didn't she?" }

She just doesn't want to leave any regrets behind. { the word is more like "regret/reluctance" as in "regret not having done something/more", which ties in to the next scene, but I don't know if there's a good word to use. Perhaps "She just doesn't want to leave any regrets behind." }

Regrets, huh? { Opt. "Regrets, huh?" }



How was it?

It's ..

Let's try one more time, Isumi-senpai.

Should I just give up running?

Have your legs completely healed yet, Senpai?

I'm sure you'll hit your target time before the graduation ceremony. { orig "I'm sure you'll get desired time before the graduation ceremony." }

Once you're completely healed, you'll be invincible.

You would've won that competition, too.

Let's try to get the target time tomorrow.

That way you'll get your personal best before the graduation ceremony.

I ain't going to the graduation ceremony.

Huh? Are you going to Tokyo already?

Ain't going to Tokyo either.

See ya.

Wait please, Isumi-senpai!

Is Isumi-senpai still practicing? That's kinda weird.

She should just admit she lost to Nana-senpai.

Pretty stubborn personality, huh?


I'll be waiting for you tomorrow!

It's your last chance!

Writing on the walls is bad, isn't it?

Don't get close!

Come here.

I want to disappear

Please wait a little longer for the next performance.

The th West Tokyo Piano Competition

Tomodate-san! Tomodate Konatsu-san!

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Do you want to destroy Asahi's future?

That's exactly what you're doing!

The World Championship is almost here! If she drops aikido now and concentrates on judo,

she'll be the best in the world!

World this, world that. Your cheap ambitions are ruining the noble spirit of martial arts.

That's for losers. Judo is the only way she'll have a great future. {QC: marking lines that I've changed enough to need TLC verification on with this ***That's for losers. Judo is the only choice for the great future.}

It's up to Asahi to decide.


don't have a preference.


What's that showy decoration for?

Yes, sir!

You should cast away pointless feelings until you become the best in the world! Got that?

Asahi, your toenails…

push-ups, now!!!

Yes, sir!

— Unified Mock Exams { actually it's either "Tousen" or "Eastern Izumi" and I have no idea which one, it's some made-up cram school or something? }

Hioka Aoi

Hioka-san, please write your autograph here too.

Hioka-san, have you chosen your high school yet?

Can you tell me your Line ID?


What are you doing?

This is annoying.

Let's go.

I'm home.

You're late! Now start packing, we don't have much time.

Welcome back.

Can you please fasten this?

Let's go.

Oh, this is pointless. Give up, we still have stuff to pack.

I'd sell my soul to a demon if it'd make me young again.

Isumi, which one should I wear to your graduation ceremony tomorrow?

I ain't going to the graduation ceremony.

You're going to be in high school soon, but you're still acting like a child.

If you want us to spoil you when you're upset, then you should redo your childhood. { orig: "If you don't want to act like an adult, then you should start over as a child." It's hard to dig through the dialect, but I think she's saying this } {***start over as a child}{changed to be foreshadowing maybe}

I'd rather have never been born into this family!

Isumi, what are you saying?!

You went overboard, too, let's calm down.

I'm home.

Uncle Shinkichi's ship is back, huh?

He used to say that he wasn't gonna inherit his dad's ship.{ orig "He said before that managing ship is too difficult." }

But now he's an excellent captain.

Grandpa, did you want my dad to become a fisherman too?

My parents only think about themselves. They even decided to leave you because of some Tokyo job.

They've never considered my feelings!

Should I become a fisherman here too, like you?

Sometimes people face trials which they should not escape from.

I don't understand.

Good morning! The day's finally here. I'm already on standby, so please make sure to come!

Good morning! The day's finally here. I'm already on standby, so please make sure to come!

In the end, I was forced to leave home today. { The song that plays next is but I think we can just skip it

Where am I?

Was there really a place like this here?

It's beautiful.

Senpai, did you know? Adolescence is unexpectedly short.


Why does the school pass work at this station? I should be outside the school district. { added the first part, she mentions being outside of the "school district", the school train passes generally only work for the locality the school's in. In English "school district" seems to mean something else entirely (some governmental body) so didn't use a direct translation *** in the US, public schools are like those joint schools in Japan where the elementary, middle, and high schools are all one entity and you progress through them all instead of that applying for high school business Japan does. Which school you go to is determined by where your house is physically located. It's usually by city unless it's too big, then they draw some arbitrary lines to decide. "School district" can refer to either the collection of schools or the area that defines what school you go to, but you'd usually use the name of the district when talking about the former. I think rewording it this way makes it clear which one she means since the first line has location as the topic.}

No way... {***What?}

Where am I?

Is this a dream?

Pin pon po pi.

A stuffed doll is moving?

Brisque! {***I have no idea if this is accurate to the pronounciation, but it looks better with subs since it's clearly supposed to be dialogue}

The thing I picked up at the beach… { orig. "The pebble is shining?"}

I'm saying it's not a dream!

My name is Pocon.

You can speak Japanese?

Actually, with the help of that badge and the fragment, I can speak directly to your mind.

Pocon, what is this place?

Why am I here?

We're in the Valley of Time. You slid through time and space.

If you don't understand something, feel free to ask me, your associate. { he's kinda using the word "isotope", it seems, but w/e }


It means the partner who is always connected with you.

What are you doing?

I'm going to sleep. It's a dream after all.

Let's go.

Hey, wait! I can't do it!

No way...

Pocon? Pocon? Huh?

Have you finally woken up?

Is that you, Pocon?

This really is a dream!

Hey, we've got no time for that! We need to get to the town.

Looks like a toy kingdom.

Who's a toy? We are the Poppin people.

Poppin people?

A glorious people who protect the Valley of Time.

What is that?

Why are they dancing?

Making time flow is our duty.

When we dance with our utmost ability, the world will turn and food will be tasty.



Who is she? Your friend? { There's a "What?" afterwards that I'll probably forget to time in as I'm doing this in Sublime }


She's Remy, the guardian priestess of the Valley of Time.

After what happened, she's lost her ability to speak.

"What happened"? But you can still understand what she's trying to say?

Thank you for coming here.

So cute! Nice to meet you, Remy.

Let's go.

Isn't it too quiet for a city?

Hey, what happened there?

Well, that was…

Kigurumi are here!

Kigurumi? What's that?

We need to run!


This way.

Pocon, what about those little ones?

Once they're sucked in, there's no way to save them.

Hold on tight!

Here I go.

So fast!


Excellent work, Asahi-san!

Are you hurt?


No more!

Thank you, Daren.

They're inside!

Lucia, now!

Got it.

For my dream to have a clever plan like that…

Haven't they told you?

This isn't a dream.

That hurts! Couldn't you do it more gently?

It's because you couldn't stand still.

The name is Kominato Isumi, for your information.

Sorry for my late introduction. My name is Oumichi Asahi. {***>Ō}

I'm Tomodate Konatsu. Call me Konatsu.

And you, the grumpy one?

Can't you at least tell me your name?

Hioka. I am Hioka Aoi.

I know we just introduced ourselves, but can you please send me back now? { orig "If that is all, ..." }

U-Um, are you in a hurry?

My graduation ceremony is starting soon, I want to get back as soon as possible.

Oh, the graduation ceremony!

I have one today too!

We're all third years in middle school?

Then let's go back.

Unfortunately, you cannot go back at the moment.


The elder is here, mind your manners.

The world is in danger and we are running out of time.

The world's in danger?

One hour in your world is equal to hours here.

Basically, five days.

You're saying that, by the local time, we have ten days before the graduation ceremony, right?

Is it too long or too short?

You cannot spend more than ten days in this world anyway.


These are the rules of time. If you go against them, you won't be able to return to your world.

We won't be able to go back home?

By the way, what does all this “that world, this world” stuff even mean?

In this universe, besides the world you're from, there are countless other worlds where time flows differently. { going by words he says something more akin to "on different timelines", but this actually means effectively the same thing }

Parallel worlds, huh?

And our Valley of Time is the central hub through which the timelines of all of the worlds flow.

But suddenly, the Seed of Time, which is the heart of our world, was shattered and scattered by some unknown force. { lit. The Seed of Time that is enshrined in its center was targeted by someone, and suddenly shattered and scattered' }

You shouldn't sleep in the middle of a lecture.

I kinda fell asleep all of sudden.

Hurry and bring them a change of clothes!

We don't need to change clothes.

It's no joking matter if we can't go back. Just tell us how to… { orig "There is no point in changing clothes and dressing up, if we won't be able to return. Just send us ba…" }

Are you okay?

Are you all right?

Oh, me too…

Oh no! Hurry up!

Eh? I feel refreshed.

These costumes are designed to protect you from the effects of being in a world with a different time flow. { orig: "These clothes are designed to protect you from the effects of a different time flow. }

Something like biohazard suits, huh?

Wearing these clothes should also help to unleash the special powers hidden in you.

But they won't increase our girl power, will they? { there is no good translation here, but literally she says "Wearing these, you say... Rather lacking in femininity [girls' power]" }

But we don't actually need this power in the first place, do we?

Have you finished yet?



Come with me, I need to show you something.

The Castle of Time.

It used to be our home and the repository of the Seed of Time.

But after the Seed was shattered, monsters called Kigurumi overran the Valley of Time

and seized our castle.

And now they are trying to capture us to get more power while searching for the fragments of the Seed of Time.

We need to retrieve the Seed of Time and perform the ceremony as soon as possible.

Or the flow of time will go haywire in all of the worlds, including yours.

Without a prayer performed by the guardian priestess, Remy, the Seed of Time will not function properly.

But at this rate, I am not sure whether we can protect Remy.

Brisque! {***}

What you picked up were the scattered parts of the Seed of Time. Let's call them the Fragments of Time.

And their power brought you here.

The Fragments of Time?

There are six Fragments in all. We had already captured one of them.

So, where is the last one?

We still do not know.

I beg of you to assemble all of the Fragments and save the world!

How we are supposed to save the world?

With dance.


One, two, three, go!

So cool!

That's really great!

Even though their heads are so big…

I'm moved!

Asahi-san, this isn't the time for crying!

This is the Dance of Courage that you are going to perform.


What is this Dance of Courage supposed to be?

It's a dance that calms your heart and gives power to your body.

This dance will become a power source for the time flow. {***Can you do it?}

You can do it, right? {***Can you do it?}

“Well, we'll manage somehow.”

“We'll learn gradually.”

“If other people explain how to.”

“Ah, sounds tiresome!”

“Huh?! These associates are annoying.”

You aren't thinking something like that right now, are you?

We'll try our best.

This team will break up before we get all six fragments for sure.

Pocon, it's time to go.

Go where?

We should go to another hideout.

We have to buy time for you to learn the dance while we're looking for the fragment.

And if Kigurumi capture us, it'll be the end.


You don't possibly mean we're going to walk there, do you?


Of course not.

Okay, let's start!


One, two, three, four!

Two, two, three, four!

Why am I doing this?

This exercise is necessary for novices like you so they don't hurt themselves during dance lessons.

But I can dance without this stuff.

Isumi-san, you're so reliable!

But you're actually unsure about whether you can dance properly, aren't you?

Where is your answer, you bigmouth?

Stop reading my mind without permission!

Stop complaining and run, run, run!


Three, two, three, four!

Should we really be doing this?

Who has the last fragment, and where is it?

If we find the last girl, will the five of us manage this somehow?

I wonder what kind of girl she is. Do you think she's cute?

Why do think it's a girl?

Huh, it's a boy?


A dancing boy would be cool.

I hope we can become friends.

Dancing aside, I hope it isn't some annoying person. { <--- ***rude}

I know right? Like someone who holds others to a different standard. { is there some better stock phrase to use here? She's saying "a person who doesn't see her own shortcomings but strict to others" } {***if it's supposed to be an idiom, then that's probably the best one, this should convey the same thing though, and it's a lot more concise}

I don't want to hear that from some bigmouth who always tries to stand out.

Ah, calm down please.

We should work together as a team!

The two of us are already friends. Right, Asahi-chan?

Konatsu-san, I'm glad that a lady-like person like you is saying this.

What's the point of teamwork?

We're only going to be together for a short while.

Playing friends with complete strangers is unproductive.

You do look like the type of person with no friends.

Anyway, I agree with Aoi.

Y-You're calling me by my first name? Even though we aren't friends?

Ah, you're annoying!


How far is she planning to go?


Leave her alone. She needs to cool down.

The smell of the tide is the same as always. { I honestly think it's 'shio' for 'tide', not 'shio' for 'salt', but dunno? So, like, 'The smell of the tide is the same as always'. But it is a salty smell anyway. ***I mean, he responds by talking about the ocean, so probably}

So you like the sea?

Sorry if I startled you.

Are you the fifth one?

My name is Reno. Nice to meet you, Isumi-chan.

Why do you know my name?

Because I'm your ally.


I mean the owners of the fragments.

The others are with you already, right?

Well, we are together, but I'm not sure we're allies or anything.

Well, I'm also to blame, flipping out like that for no reason.

Don't worry, you'll be just fine, Isumi-chan.

I want to show you something good.


It's beautiful!

What is it?

It became like this over a long time. Isn't it great?

These things are history itself. This is about , years old, I think.

, years?

Look here.

This is…


Isumi, are you okay?

Nana, I haven't lost to you!

If I hadn't hurt my leg, I'd have won for sure!

My personal best is still better! { lit. kinda "because if we're talking personal records, mine is better!" }


I haven't lost!

Wasn't it heart-breaking? You were desperately training every day, and yet...

Did you know?

This fragment is capable of doing various things.

Not just showing the past like this, together with other fragments, it can go even further.

Isumi-chan, would you like to redo that race?

Eh? But…

If you bring all of the fragments here, you can do it for sure. { lit. "yours and your friends' fragments"}

Who are you?

Hey, Reno?

Please forgive us for being late.

It's okay, thanks for bringing this fool back with you, Rupi.

You can come join us, too.

This is Tsukui Saki. She's fifteen years old, like you.

Now that we've met Tsukui-san, all that's left is to practice the dance.

But we still have to search for the last fragment.

Saki, since the five of you are all here, come talk with the others.


I'm sorry! Please leave her be, Saki isn't good at interacting with other people.

And here I had my hopes up. { opt. "I'm disappointed." }

What do you mean?

You cannot perform the Dance of Courage without cooperation.

But Saki can do it, she can dance better than anybody else here.


That's great!

Now we have at least one person with experience! { or more lit. "at least someone with experience" }

Nice to meet you.

Hey, wait!

Dance together with others, please!

That way you'll save this world and all of you will be able to return home!

I don't want to return to my world.


When I think about what Saki said, I realized

I'm the same. { seems too short timing-wise, maybe combine with next line? }

Even if I go back, I'm not sure I can move forward.

Would you like to redo that race?

One, two, three, go!

Match your movements better!


But you're the one who's off, Aoi-chan. You should follow the rhythm better!

As expected from Konatsu-san!

One and two.

One, two, three, four. One, two...

We're all out of sync!

But dancing together is fun, isn't it?

Stop, stop! It doesn't look like a proper dance at all!

I'm giving you minutes to check your movements.


Right, left, right, left.

You have to shift gears, you're the least concentrated out of everyone.

Why are you Poppins always so hard-working?

Why, you ask? That's because making time move forward is our duty!

So you've really never thought about slacking off?

We're part of the laws of nature. If everyone acted selfishly, we'd ruin its balance.

You and your people sure act like adults, Pocon.

You don't actually think so, though.

That aside, come on, let's practice, practice, practi- {***That aside, come on, time for exercise-}



That's horrible!

That's bad! We don't have enough power yet!

Give Remy... { maybe it makes sense to split this into two lines? I think the source of timing was some taiwanese release so it can be a bit odd ***yeah, this is complete shit as one line}

Give Remy... { maybe it makes sense to split this into two lines? I think the source of timing was some taiwanese release so it can be a bit odd ***yeah, this is complete shit as one line}

BACK! { maybe it makes sense to split this into two lines? I think the source of timing was some taiwanese release so it can be a bit odd ***yeah, this is complete shit as one line}




Remy is…


No way!





It's over now. They even got Remy.

Don't give up! It's not over yet.

We still have the Fragments of Time with us.

Actually, I've been hiding something from you.

I know who has the last fragment. { split? }


What do you mean?

Isumi, tell your partners everything you know.

Did you know already?

I didn't say anything about it either. { he's saying it, like, "Since I kept quiet about it, I'm also responsible... Don't carry that burden alone", but how do I put it into less clusterfuck english }

We're both to blame. { he's saying it, like, "Since I kept quiet about it, I'm also responsible... Don't carry that burden alone", but how do I put it into less clusterfuck english }

So he said that if you bring all of our fragments, he'd let you redo the race you lost.

And you wavered.

I never wanted to give up running.

But despite all of my training, I couldn't move forward.

Not since I lost to Nana.

So when I heard about redoing it, my heart wavered. { lit. kind of 'my feelings faltered', but is this proper english? }

Actually, I never wanted to go home. I should've said this sooner.

Then things wouldn't have ended up like this.

I have no right to dance with you.

That's not true!


If Reno tempted me, I'm sure I would've wavered, too.

I also have many things I'd like to redo, and I don't want to return to that world either.

They say, after graduation, I should concentrate on judo and aim to be the best in the world!

But you're not sure you can win?

I'm not sure I can enjoy it either.

And the only reason I got into aikido was because I liked how my mother looked in her hakama.

I actually want to do something girly.

I'm the same.

I messed up at an important competition.

Now when I play the piano, there's so much pressure. All I'm doing is trying not to make mistakes. { I'm not sure how to englishify the second line but it is more or less correct, she kinda says "These days I'm only playing under pressure of not making any mistakes" }

I wasn't doing it to win, I was doing it for fun. But now I don't have any fun.

Sorry, but I'm different.

I'm going to graduate properly. I don't need to have fun. { NO FUN ALLOWED }

I'm studying for myself. I don't need any friends.

In the end, other people are all your rivals.

Don't you feel lonely?

Studying is an investment in my future! Even if I'm lonely now, I'll endure- {*** it!}

So you're lonely after all.

Don't you want to run away from where you are, too?

I don't particularly dislike our current activities.

So we're all the same, aren't we?

The elder has woken up!



The Miracle Dance…

Miracle Dance?

It's a miraculous dance that can awaken inconceivable energy when the dancers unite their hearts.


Is that what we're supposed to dance to save the world?

I think so.

Please teach it to us, we'll master it!

Well, we can tell you.

But the dance doesn't follow a set routine.{***But the right way to dance it is not set in stone.}

Even so, if the team's hearts become one, it's said that a miracle will occur.

And don't forget that you haven't even mastered the Dance of Courage yet.

What is it?

Time has started going haywire. It will affect your world as well.

What do you mean?

If a massive space-time disturbance happens after you slide between worlds…

What happens then?

In the worst case, you won't be able to return to your world anymore.

So we couldn't ever go back to the real world?

We wouldn't be able to return? That would be terrible.


Let's do it!


Where's Saki?

One, two, three, go!

You've progressed a lot!

We've been practicing non-stop every day, you know.

Way to go.

{\fade(,)}No, we still have a long way to go.

We'll definitely catch up to her and dance together!{***We have to catch up with her and dance all together!}

Pocon! Saki got-

Saki got captured by Kigurumi!

And I saw a human boy with them.

It's Reno!

We have to save her! Reno should be in that cave!

She brought it on herself.


She hasn't danced with us, not even once. She's just looking down on us.

That's not true! Saki has always wanted to dance with you from the bottom of her heart!

What do you mean?

Tell us more about Saki, please.

Saki loved dancing since she was little. So she always gave her all during practice.


She couldn't get along well with her teammates and she got driven out of the team.

After that, she never danced with anyone again.

Saki's just afraid of being hurt! I understand that as her associate.

Despite her façade, she really wants to get closer to you!

But still, her attitude…

Actually, I've seen her dance.

Her skill was amazing, but she seemed lonely.

Saki is the same as us!

I want to dance alongside her!

What in the world is this?

Isn't it great?




Reno, are you the one behind all of this?

And so the stage is set!

If even one of you comes down here, I will release both of them at once!

Do you actually think we'll believe you? Release them right-{***After what you've…}


Isumi, wait!

Aren't you happy? Looks like she's coming to save you.

You guys wait here.

Saki! Remy!

Let's start the game!

Everyone, the fragments are inside those badges!

Pocon, tell them to escape!

I won't. I believe in them.

Dance formation!

Yeah, let's go!





I-I just emitted something.{***I have kinda emanated something.}{I don't know how to make this sound normal right now}

What is this?

That's it!

This is the result of mastering the Dance of Courage!

No way!


They went through her!

What's going on?

Oh, I see!

And what about me…

What is my power?

I see.

Show me the weak points of these large Kigurumi!

It's the knots on top of their heads. Untie those and the Poppins that make up their bodies will scatter.


What power can I use?

It's the one you've always desired, isn't it?

Of course it is!

Isumi-chan, you're amazing!

Got it!



Leave these to us and go save Saki and Remy!

This is the shortest path.

Thank you, Aoi!

You've got some amazing powers.


You've won this game.

Now release Saki and Remy, like you promised.

I'll fulfill my promise, of course. But before that, I'll give you one more chance to choose.

What are you planning?

If you actually want to save these two, I'll leave this world immediately.


Your chance to redo that race will be gone forever as well.

So, what will you do, Isumi-chan?

Isumi, are you okay?

If I hadn't hurt my leg, I'd have won for sure!


I haven't lost!

Release them right now!

So you've taken one step forward, huh?

But will it be enough to save the world?


Goodbye, liar.


His Fragment of Time is here.

It really is!

Does that mean we won?

Reno didn't think he could escape and decided to self-destruct?

I wonder about that…

Opening now.


Calm down please!

Sorry for being late.

You're not even going to say thank you?{***Can you show some gratitude at least?}

It's okay, Aoi.

I'm glad you're okay.

Come on, let's revive the Seed of Time!

Let's go to the Castle of Time and perform the ceremony there.

The Seed of Time…


Saki is-

Saki is gone!


Even though we were so close to the Castle of Time?!

If Saki isn't here either, that means…

You think Saki took the Seed with her?

But why?


I haven't been able to read Saki's thoughts for a while. Looks like she's too far away already!

Looks like the fragments, united into the Seed, have already been taken into the the Castle.


I cannot even begin to imagine what will happen if someone gets a hold of the Seed

while the the Valley of Time continues to be destroyed.

We still have some time, right?



The rules of time are absolute, at this point, you'd better return home.

I can't leave Saki alone!

It's too dangerous! You could lose your chance to go back.

The graduation ceremony is soon, isn't it?

How can I possibly graduate with regrets like this!

And… we're associates, aren't we?

How can we leave you alone when you're in trouble?

Hey, listen!

"Sometimes people face trials which they should not escape from."

Is what my grandpa said.

Come on, we don't have time.

Let's retrieve the Seed of Time and bring back Saki! { <--<--<-- }

All right, Pocon?

Do as you please. Let's hurry then!

Is Saki here?

The pedestal for making an offering to the Seed of Time is in the hall on the top floor of the Castle.{ lit. "the pedestal for making an offering to the Seed of Time" but it's just too long ***eh, it works timing-wise once you split the lines}

First off, we need to sneak in. { lit. "the pedestal for making an offering to the Seed of Time" but it's just too long }

But it's not like we can just walk through the main gate.

Of course not. That's why we came to this backdoor.

That said, is this bridge really safe to use?

If one of us crosses it, they should be able to activate the emergency bridge.

I'll do some research.

It's pretty long.

meters! {***>metres}

As we thought, it's extremely fragile. The moment you step on it, it will start to fall apart. { sign: "Durability" }


So you'd have to cross it before it crashes. Isumi, can you do it?

If I use my Super Dash, it'll be easy!

You can't, if you use it, the scaffolding won't be able to withstand the increased force. { lit. "increased kicking power", is there a proper english term for it? }

You have to cross it in . seconds without using special powers. {***what a coincidence}


I can't.

Are you going to give up without trying?

I really can't.

Actually, I lied when I blamed my leg for losing to Nana.

It wasn't hurt at all.

I just didn't want to admit my defeat.

And I was constantly trying to get the best time so I could justify myself. { "write off, balance out, wipe the slate clean", kinda. I can't understand the meaning of this word well enough } {And I was trying to hide this lie in constant attempts to achieve the best time.}{***does this work?}

I even got my kouhai involved and lied to everyone.


I'm a coward!

You know, you're the only one who can change yourself.

Do you really want to stay a coward forever?

But if I fail, it'll be over for us.

Can you still put your faith in me?

If you won't run, who will?

If you don't, we won't save anyone.

We'll be stuck in this world forever.


I'll try my best!

Let's go, Isumi.

Ready! {***I know this is her working through her trauma and shit, but she really should have gotten a running start here}



Do your best!

I can't!

I wasn't doing it to win.

I want to do something girly.

In the end, other people are all your rivals.

So we're all the same, aren't we?

I won't run from myself anymore!


She did it!

Now let's hurry!

What is this place?

The center of the tower. The hall is above us.

And we can't use the elevator.

So how do we get there?


Run! It's coming this way!

That was dangerous!

It's coming again!

Is this thing the Castle's watchdog?

It's more like a watchwhale!

We'll ride it!

Konatsu, seal its mouth.

G-Got it.

Let's go!

We can break into the main hall this way.

Asahi, this whale is full of Poppins too.

The knot is inside, untie it the moment we burst into the hall.

Got it.

Five seconds to go.

Four, three, two, one!

Is this the right place?

Yes, this is the Hall of Time.

Nobody seems to be around.

Are they hiding somewhere?

Intruding without permission is bad, you know.

Welcome to my castle.

Jinbat? { orig - Jinbatto, but it's gotta be bat because batto is bat and it has bat wings }

So that's the main culprit.{***So that's what the main culprit looks like.}

Are you Reno's accomplice?

I wonder about that.

So it really was you, Jinbat!

I will grant the Poppins freedom, I will liberate them from the laws of time!

Show some gratitude!

Did you bring guests, Saki?



You get she's a villain, right?

This girl is me.

Huh? What do you mean?

I am her future.

Do you understand?

It seems that, in the future, Saki grew up unable to believe in other people.

If she gets the Seed of Time, she'll be able to rule over time and achieve the Eternal Now.

Eternal Now?

The ability to constantly redo the present without aging, huh?

You did all of this just for that?

Just that?

What do you understand, you fifteen year olds?

What about your present selves are you so confident in? {****Are you so confident about your present selves?}{trying to make this make sense in context}

I'll show you the reality that will catch up with you before long!


What in the world is this?

She's beautiful!

So this is the power of the Seed of Time?



Stop this right now! You'll break Isumi!

Don't move. I can speed up time faster than you can blink.

Are you having fun?

Indeed I am!

Looking at how people suffer from losing what they didn't realize was truly precious to them is the best!

And you're the future me?


This is bad!{***She's getting worse!}{Yabai yo}

Saki-san, please do something!


Saki, come with me.

To the world of our dreams, where we can redo anything we want.

Saki… let's dance… together…

Nice to meet you.

Please teach it to us, we'll master it!

Saki! Remy!

Sorry for being late. I'm glad you're okay.

Tell me, do I still dance in the future?

Didn't you abandon dancing after your teammates betrayed you?

I want to believe one more time.

I am your future self!

And I'm saying that using the Eternal Now will grant you the best possible life.

That's not what I want! I want to dance again!


Dancing didn't betray me, yet I turned my back on it...

I ran away from it...

That's what these girls showed me.

I love dancing!

And I'm sick of being alone!

I want to dance alongside them so much!

And there's no point if I don't overcome it myself!


Are you okay?


That was the first time you called me by my name, wasn't it?{***You called me by my name for the first time, didn't you?}

Stupid girl.

Well, it doesn't matter anymore.

I have the Seed of Time.

However, your betrayal...

will not be forgiven!

Don't worry, this time you will all wither together!

Here she comes!

I won't let youuuuuuuuuuu!

Playtime is over.

You won't suffer, I'll erase you before you can blink.

I don't want to lose!

Me neither.

We're not the same as before!

We showed you the power of a quartet!

And now we'll show you what a quintet is capable of!



Did we did do it?

We've won. Please give up alr-

This is bad!

Asahi-san, run!


Farewell. And thank you, the lonely me.

Everything in the world follows the laws of nature.

It's not something a sole human can change.

It's too late!

What's going on?

At this rate, the Valley of Time will be destroyed!

We have to do something about it!

What should we do?



There's no time left! Everybody should dance!

I believe in these girls!

Remy, you can talk again?

It seems so.


Now dance, please!

Believe in yourselves and in a miracle!

I want to dance… I want to dance with you!

The Miracle Dance, huh?

The dance...

is performed here.

If you believe in yourselves, your bodies will follow on their own.

Everyone, follow my movements!

They did it! It's stopped!



Saki, we did it!

Thank you for dancing with me!

We overcame everything!

It's time to say goodbye. What are you waiting for? Hurry!

When we return, we won't be able to see you, will we?

We Poppins can't go to your world because of the laws of time.

So this is our farewell.

Hurry up, or it'll be too late!

No, it's too sad!

I don't want to leave you, Pocon!

If I hadn't met you, I'd have kept running away from everything.

And now you're telling me we can't meet…

Don't be silly!

That was your own effort!

We're only here now because you overcame your struggles and had the guts to move forward!

All of you have enough power to grow up properly!

If you believe you can do it, anything is possible!

That's how simple the world is.

I'll never ever forget you, Pocon!

Isumi, what are you doing all of a sudden?! I thought my heart was going to stop!

I believe we'll meet again!

We're associates, after all!

Now hurry up!

Thank you, girls!

When you return to your world, grow up into great adults!


I almost thought you weren't coming!


I overcame it all!

It's okay now.

Thank you for supporting me!



I'm sorry!

I couldn't sincerely congratulate you back then!

And Nana… my leg wasn't really…

I won't lose to you next time!

Me neither!


My daughter's already graduating, I'm starting to feel old.

Hey, Dad, Mom!

Are you glad I was born?

What is this all of a sudden? What an odd kid we have.

I didn't understand your feelings before.

But thank you!

Isumi, are you okay?

Girls grow up so suddenly.

Grandpa, thank you too!

You advice was very helpful!


Hurry up!

Yes, ma'am!

If I'm even a bit more honest,

that's enough to change my future.

Graduation Ceremony

I can love myself a bit more…

If I can be brave, I can have fun!


Can I please have your autograph?

Me too!

It's not the end of the world if I fail sometimes.

My only rival is myself.

And so we graduated.

I was just going with the flow,

but now I've graduated from not being able to face myself.

Let's go.

Graduation isn't a sad moment{checkpoint}.


If you're upset, just chase me all the way to Tokyo!


Graduation is a new start line! { no romaji lyrics on the internets }



And no- now we will proceed with the welcome speech.

Giving it will be the student council president, Kirishima Reno.


Isumi-chan? Isumi-san?

Konatsu? Asahi? Why are you here?

Isumi-san, aren't you from Kouchi? {***>ō}

I just moved here.

I never thought we would end up in the same high school!

Is this really a mere coincidence?

I'm surprised!

Right, you freshmen, please refrain from having such a public personal discussion.

Sit down and be quiet, please.

We're sorry!


So, please begin, student council president.

There's no doubt, it's him!


To a new stage!

And so our high school life began.

I think that troubles and chaos are necessary.

Because they help people to grow up.

Human life is almost as short as a flicker of light, after all.

That's why I want you to grow up.

Let me show you what the near future holds for you.


So, what will you do?

This is our beginning. { haha lolnope sequel never ;_; }

houkago no koutei

kyoshitsu no madogoshi

ashita wo sagashiteru


kaze ga kami yurashite

kamihikouki tobashite

"jiyuu ni habatakitai"


koisuru koto de otonabutte mo

aisuru koto ni okubyou ni naru I WANT YOU!

kamisama! TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME oshiete

mirai wa bokura ni hikari wo kureru no?

kamisama! TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME kotaete

bokura no hitomi wa ashita wo nee? mitsumeteru no?

Looking out into the schoolyard after class

from behind the classroom window.

Searching for tomorrow-

Our teenage blues.

Hair swaying in the wind,

flying paper airplanes.

Thinking, “I wish I could fly free.”

Our teenage blues.

Even though I pretend to be grown up about romance,

when it comes to love, I turn into a coward - I want you!

God, please tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me!

Will the future give us its light?

God, please tell me, tell me, tell me, answer me!

Hey, are our eyes gazing at tomorrow?

ashita wa doko kara kuru no?

kyou wa doko ni mukatte iru no?

miageta sora wa tsumetaku

kibou no hikari hitotsu nai


namidashite mo


kizutsuite mo


kyou no hajimari

atarashii kimochi de aruite yukou

FANTASY! jibun ga egakitai mainichi wo

hamidashita tte ii kara

omou mama ni egaiteku

EVERYTHING NEW! kyou yori sukoshi dake sunao na

ashita ni nareba DEAR MY DREAM

afureru hodo no takaramono


namida mo isso


kareru kurai ni



harewataru sora SMILE ON SMILE

FANTASY! jibun ga egakeru mainichi wo

egaki tsuzukereba kitto

mirai wa afure hajimeru

EVERYTHING NEW! kyou yori sukoshi dake egao na

ashita ni nareba PIECE OF DREAM

mirai wa kawari tsuzuketeku

FANTASY! jibun ga egakitai mainichi wo

hamidashita tte ii kara

omou mama ni egaiteku

EVERYTHING NEW! kyou yori sukoshi dake sunao na

ashita ni nareba DEAR MY DREAM

afureru hodo no takaramono

Where is tomorrow coming from?

Where is today heading to?

The sky above is looking cold,

and there's not a single ray of hope.

Don't stop.

Even if you cry,

Don't stop.

even if you're hurting,

Don't stop.

as today begins,

go onward with new feelings.

Fantasy! The daily life you want to paint,

it's fine to let it all burst out.

So draw it to your heart's content.

Everything new! As long as tomorrow is even a bit more honest

than today, dear my dream,

the treasures will overflow.

Don't stop.

If, after crying so much

Don't stop.

that your eyes dry out,

Don't stop.

you break through,

then the sky will clear up. Smile on smile!

Fantasy! If you keep painting the daily life

that you can paint, then surely

the future will start to flow in.

Everything new! As long as tomorrow has a few more smiles

than today, piece of dream,

the future will keep changing.

Fantasy! The daily life you want to paint,

it's fine to let it all burst out.

So draw it to your heart's content.

Everything new! As long as tomorrow is even a bit more honest

than today, dear my dream,

the treasures will overflow.

komorebi ga kaze ni yureru

hanabira ga michi wo tsukuru

omoide wa setsunaku

RAIN nagorioshii kedo

koko de no hibi ni kansha

oshie wa asu no yuuki

namida wa iranai

saa mune wo hatte yukou

sunao na kimochi wa

samishii ni kimatteru

dakedo iji de mo waraou yo

kore kara mo hitori ja nai

sayounara. arigatou.

sotsugyou to iu na no hajimari

atarashii ashita ga matteru kara

boku tachi wa tabidatsu

haru. natsu. aki. fuyu.

kisetsu ga toorisugi de mo

kono mune no itami wasurenai

setsunasa wa zutto nukumori

sayounara. arigatou.

ikutsu mo no omoide wa "manabi"

yozora ni matataku hoshi no you ni

michi wo terasu yo

sayounara. arigatou.

sotsugyou to iu na no hajimari

atarashii jibun ga matteru kara

tachidomaranai kyou ni

sayounara. arigatou.

la la la la la la la la

sayounara. arigatou.

la la la la la la la la

sayounara. arigatou.

la la la la la la la la

sayounara. arigatou.

la la la la la la la la

sayounara. arigatou.

Boku tachi wa la la tabidatsu

Sunshine filters through leaves swaying in the wind

as petals form a road,

The memories are sorrowful.

Parting is a rain of sadness.

We say thank you to the days spent here,

those lessons will give us courage tomorrow.

We don't need tears.

Come on, let's puff our chests and move onward.

Our honest feelings are,

of course, those of loneliness,

but let's smile, with pure willpower.

Even now, we're not alone.

Goodbye. Thank you.

What's called a graduation is a beginning.

A new tomorrow is waiting for us,

so we're setting off on a journey.

Spring. Summer. Fall. Winter.

Even as the seasons pass,

we won't forget this pain in our chests.

This sorrow will always be our warmth.

Goodbye. Thank you.

All of our memories are our "lessons,"

and, like flickering stars in the sky,

they will light our way.

Good bye. Thank you.

What's called a graduation is a beginning.

New ourselves are waiting for us,

so we're not going to stop today.

Goodbye. Thank you.

La la la la la la la la.

Goodbye. Thank you.

La la la la la la la la.

Goodbye. Thank you.

La la la la la la la la.

Goodbye. Thank you.

La la la la la la la la.

Goodbye. Thank you.

We're setting off, la la, on a journey.

namida fuite egao de DREAM

chiheisen ni shizumu yuuhi ga kira kira

toki wa kimagure dakedo tsumetaku nanka nai

mukiai nagara

tsumikasanereba kiseki mo yume no tochuu

nani ga hitsuyou?

omoi wo tsuranuku tsuyosa to yuuki

koe ga kikoeru? sora no koe

namida fuite egao de DREAM

chiheisen ni shizumu yuuhi ni SEE YOU AGAIN!

ashita wa kitto kyou yori


kira kira ni natteru

omoi afureteku

Wipe away your tears and dream with a smile.

The setting sun on the horizon is shining.

Time is unpredictable, but it's not cold.

As you accumulate it, facing each other,

the road to your dream will be lined with miracles.

What do we need?

The strength and courage to stick to our feelings.

Can you hear that voice? It's the voice of the sky.

Wipe away your tears and dream with a smile.

Say "see you again" to the setting sun on the horizon.

Tomorrow will surely

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Bright!

be shining brighter than today

and overflowing with feelings.



mune hatte ikou!

sora miagete

itsuka kitto tte!

namida fuite egao de DREAM

chiheisen ni shizumu yuuhi ga kira kira

toki wa kimagure dakedo tsumetaku nanka nai

mukiai nagara

tsumikasanereba kiseki mo yume no tochuu

nani ga hitsuyou?

omoi wo tsuranuku tsuyosa to yuuki

koe ga kikoeru? sora no koe

namida fuite-

Let's keep our heads high!

Look up at the sky.

One day for sure!

Wipe away your tears and dream with a smile.

The setting sun on the horizon is shining.

Time is unpredictable, but it's not cold.

As you accumulate it, facing each other,

the road to your dream will be lined with miracles.

What do we need?

The strength and courage to stick to our feelings.

Can you hear that voice? It's the voice of the sky.

Wipe away your tears-


Mada mada koko kara!

Sora ni omoi wo tsukiageyou!

Massugu janakutatte ii

Nankai korondatte ii

Kokoro oreta bun dake

Mune wo hatte ikou!

dododo dododo dododo donmai

Everybody, put your hands up!

We're just getting started!

Let's toss our feelings into the sky!

Not always going forward is fine,

falling time and again is fine,

puff your chest out as far

as your discouragement and keep going!

Dododo- Dododo- Dododo- Don't worry!