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Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry (2017)

Posted: 02/10/24 11:50
by bunniefuu
Where am I?!

What the heck's going on?!

Damn! I'm too weak to do anything!


All right, bird!

Do you know who you're pickin' a fight with?


...a Fairy Tail wizard!

Who goes there?!

This shrine belongs to the Fiore Kingdom!

Come no closer!

Are YOU guys deaf?!

I sincerely doubt small fries like you

are in charge of guarding
the kingdom's greatest secret.

Oh-ho. If it isn't Fiore's
esteemed White Tiger force.

Tell me, who's your mightiest fighter?


You must be Zash, traitor to Fiore.

That's ancient history to me.

I must say, how unfortunate
for you military elites

to be stationed in
the middle of nowhere like this.

But, even more unfortunate... that you now face me!

Commander! What are you--?!

Why... are we attacking each other...?

You didn't need to make them k*ll each other.

I can't stand fools who wallow
in the notion of "comradery."

Lady Sonya. Can you
determine the staff's location?

Do you not hear the cries
of their souls, Sir Zash?

Alas, cries don't fill the belly.



That dog, Natsu! It's looking at me!

Thanks, Natsu!

Yeah, no prob!

I can't believe you terrorized
that poor little dog!

I didn't. I just looked at it.

I didn't know you hated dogs, Happy-

Plue is a dog, too, you know...

Yeah, but he doesn't really look like one.

Seems more like a bug, maybe.

He'd be so much yum--cuter if he was a fish!

He's a celestial spirit!

--And besides, he clearly looks like a dog!
--Do you need your eyes checked?


Uhh, why are you so close...?

What do I look like?

Like you, obviously.

Natsu! Lucy--

I hope I'm not interrupting!

I-It's not what you think, Wendy!

Charle! There was this
scary dog just now, and--

You don't say.

Ice Make...


This should get us to the capital.

Excellent work. You're truly
a resourceful ice wizard, Gray.

The royal capital... It's been a long time.


I'm so bored!

Then study.

Brains are gonna be the new brawn soon.

What?! You, studying?!

That's just a book of cat pictures.

This is legitimate education!

Oh, as we speak, my dear Gray is surely...

Say. "Ah!"

Yum, Lucy!

Might you scrub my back?

I'll even scrub your front!

Please sing me a lullaby.

Oh, what a sweetie...

Pipe down!

--Hey, Gajeel.

Wanna do a job?

It's a bit far, but worth a lot!

Manly! I wanna join ya!

We're cleaning the storeroom today.

Get us a souvenir!

I'm coming with you!

I'm going to make my dear Gray super jealous!

Gajeel! I love your cold, hard chest!

Well, it is made of iron.

You're just like a teddy bear, Lily!

Stop... Before you get burned.

Oh, Levy... You're so cute and petite!

We mustn't... Juvia...

I can't do it...

The Dragon Tomb.

I believe some of you saw it
during the Grand Magic Games.

It's a grave under the coliseum
where ancient dragon skeletons lie.

It's the final resting place of the dragons

that long ago fought
the black dragon Acnologia and lost.

My ancestors investigated it on many occasions

and eventually built the coliseum
to pacify the dragons' souls.

A century ago, a staff
was found in the Dragon Tomb.

A staff?

Did a grandpa dragon use it as a cane?

No, it likely belonged to a person.

This staff absorbed
the dragons' anger and sorrow.

It took in so much power that
its very physical form changed.

This staff is known as the "Dragon Cry."

It's powerful enough
to destroy an entire nation.

The staff was stolen several days ago

by Zash Caine, former Secretary
of State of the Fiore Kingdom.

Zash was a follower of the dark arts, you see,

and he failed in a covert attempt
to overthrow the royal family.

His men helped him flee the kingdom
before he could be arrested.

However, after the Stella Kingdom
granted him asylum,

he slaughtered all of his men...
as a sign of goodwill to Stella.

He... k*lled his own guys?!

Using his heavy-handed methods
and intelligence capabilities,

he eventually became Stella's Minister of State.

What an awful man!


And now this menace has that dreadful staff.

I'd like you to retrieve it before he misuses it.

Without fail.

Say, where is the Stella Kingdom?

As I recall, it's an island southeast
of lshgar surrounded by cliffs

and completely cut off from the outside world.

A-An island?!

We gotta take a ship?!

Stella's economy is supported by Stellanium,
a mineral harder than diamond.

It's said to glow more brilliantly
the more starlight it absorbs.


How romantic!

I hear Stella has the
most beautiful night skies of all!

They have beautiful seas, too, I hear!

I hope they have lots of yummy fish!

A-Are we there yet...?

Why am I doing this?

Stop complaining. You look good.

It sounds like Zash keeps
his stolen goods in a castle tower.

His ring unlocks the storeroom.

As villainous as he is,
he is a government leader.

Taking the ring by force
could spark an international incident.

Instead, we'll steal the ring
at this bar he frequents...

...right from under his nose.

Lucy. Keep him distracted.

Got it.

Let's begin.


One copy, please.

One second is all I need.

Now to return it.

Happy. Charle.

Take it to Natsu and Wendy, right?

Leave it to us!

Let's go!

We're countin' on ya!

What is it, Lily?

I thought I saw Happy
and Charle for a second...

On this far-off island?

What are you doing, Natsu?

How'd you know 'twas I?!

You're a terrible hider, too, Wendy.

See? I told you so.

Let's head straight for the tower!

Without getting spotted!


I'm on 'em.


We're in!

Hurry and find it!



I'm sensing tons of magic power up ahead!


...the Dragon Cry.


What is this?!

It's a trap! The staff was rigged
to activate a magic circle!

--Crap! Run for it!

Enemy sighted!

Bandits broke into the vault!

Soldiers! Combat positions!

Magic Auto-Cannons! Take aim!


Again! Fire!

Flying's no good! We need to land!

U-Uh, sir...

You're one hell of a girl.

I-I don't want any trouble...

Trouble? What trouble, hmm?

I'm offerin' to make you my gal.



I must ask you to
kindly leave our dancer alone.

Sir Zash! The staff!

It's been stolen!

Dammit, Natsu.

Don't you know the meaning of "sneaky"?!

Who are you?

I'm afraid there's
no smoking backstage, Sir.

Come. Let's make our getaway.


So, they're from Fiore...


This is annoying! I'm gonna thrash 'em all!

No, they're not bad!
They're just doing their job!


Anyone who hurts my friends... my enemy!

--Wendy! Take the staff!

Wendy! Are you okay?!

Yeah! It's nothing!

--More importantly, this staff--

The staff!

--Aye. Sir!

Wendy! Up here!

Here you go!


Sorry, guys!



Open, Gate of the Scorpion!


We are!

Sand Buster!



Look out!


How'd you get into the vault, hmm?

Only my ring can open that door.

Don't even try. You can't beat me.

Do you know why I was put in charge
of this land's national defense?

Because I'm...

...the most powerful man in the kingdom!



What's with these guys?! I'll beat 'em all--

No! They're ordinary citizens, not soldiers!


--He's controlling them!
--That's fighting dirty!

Now, hand over the staff.

It ain't yours.

Fiore has no idea of its true power.

Hold on to me!

--See ya!

How unfortunate.

They've made an enemy of me.

You've made quite the blunder, Zash.

Have no fear, Your Majesty.

With Lady Sonya's ability,
I can easily locate the enemy--

Sonya belongs to me.

She must not be put into harm's
way through your ineptitude.

But little time is left.

Perhaps Sonya's ability is our only choice now.

--Take the Three Stars with you.
--As you wish!

If you intend to use Sonya's power,
she requires complete protection.

Absolutely no harm must come to her.


King Animus...

Again, you've entered
my room without a sound...

Well, I am a wizard.

Our land has little time left.

We must acquire the Dragon Cry, without fail.

We've obtained the staff.

Returning to Fiore is the real problem now.

They know we're here, all thanks to Natsu!

It's not my fault it was booby-trapped!

It's my fault for not noticing it. I'm sorry.

Still, it's hard to believe this thing
has so much magic power.

Let me see! Let me see!

I don't sense any magic power at all.

Stop playing around.

But earlier, Natsu said...

Huh? Oh, yeah.

Urgh! I dunno! Makes no sense!

Regardless, this staff can
supposedly obliterate an entire nation.

We need to be extra careful with it.

Hey, lady. Are you outsiders?


Then is that guy, too?

--"Baby, baby, my friend!"

--Sir! Please stop!
--"Baby, baby, my friend!"

What is it, Juvia?

My Graydar is picking
up something in this town.

What's wrong, Gray?

Nothing... Just a sudden chill.

But you're an ice wizard.

It's 'cause you're half-naked.

Wham?! When did that happen?!

The elevation here is higher than in Fiore.

Of course it'll be a bit colder.

Come to think of it, this air is nice and brisk!

Sorry. I farted earlier.

The Stella Kingdom is so famous
for its beautiful starry skies

that people call it the Land of Stars!



I can't help it if it's cloudy out.

As a celestial wizard, I wish
I could've seen Stella's glittering stars!


--Someone's coming.
--We were followed?!

How did they find us?!

Prepare for battle!


Feel the beauty of my legs!

And my lovely kicks!


We have work to do, Frangoise and Catelyn!


Excellent, Frangoise! Catelyn!

All right, you creeps!

Too slow!

Run-and-g*n! Yeah!

Excellent, Frangoise!

You're marvelous, too, Catelyn.

Try this beauty on for size!

The staff is mine.

Why, you...!


Whoa, Natsu! What's going on?


What's with you, Natsu?!


Seriously, you're so slow!

Impressive work, Three Stars.

Execute them.


You have the staff.
There's no need to k*ll them.

But, Lady Sonya,
they're enemies of the state.

Granting them mercy would set
a bad example for the citizens.

I don't wish to hear any more souls cry out.

The king will be angry
if you upset her, you know.

Yes, yes.

Frangoise. Catelyn. Our work is done.

Then send them to the Bird's Nest!

Yes, Sir!

But this girl comes with me.

Now I remember!

It's my fault. I gotta help everyone!

Damn! I'm sorry!

Lucy's not here!

Or here!

Why is Lucy the only one missing?

Oh, no...


--I know. I will find her.

I'm coming, Lucy!


King Animus.

Where is the staff?

Sir Zash insists on holding on to it
until tomorrow's ceremony.

Why did he not bring it to me?!

Your Majesty...

We've little time. Bring the Dragon Cry to me!


Where am I?


--Poor girl...
--She has no idea...

Welcome to our living hell.

H-How'd you get those injuries?!

Just what's going on here?!

Come with me.


Stand there.


Raise your arms.


Do you know what's in store for you now?

I will take your blood each day.

You'll be scarred, but don't worry;
I won't k*ll you.

The dark arts require
large amounts of pure blood, you see.

Now, let's hear your lovely screams.


Sir Zash!

Give Lucy back!


A... Dragon Slayer?!

You okay?!

Hurry up, Natsu!

More soldiers have arrived!

I suppose we went overboard a bit.

You cretins broke out of the Bird's Nest?!

How did you get in here?!

I got a good nose!

And my friends've got a special smell!

Uh, quit it, Natsu.

Curse you!

Please stop, Sir Zash! That's-l

All ye who defy me, begone!

Full-party defense spell!

Is everyone okay?

--Somehow or other...

Thanks for coming to save me, guys.

Natsu's the one who
got you into this mess, though.

Who's she?

Oh! Now that you mention it...!

Who are you?


Where are you, thieves?!

There's another way out. Follow me!

We gotta get the staff back!

We should retreat for now.

We'll never beat him unless we
find a way around his magic!

This way.

You can tell where people are?

That's what my magic does.

That must be how they knew where to find us.

You should be safe here.


Just who are you?

I'm Sonya, an aide to King Animus.

So, Why'd you help us escape?

It seems you have some sort of reason.

I... can't stand to cause
people any more suffering.

King Animus and I have known each other
for as long as I can remember.

He used to be kindhearted.

But he grew obsessed with the Dragon Cry

after hearing about it from Sir Zash.

I even helped steal it, by telling myself
it was for our kingdom's sake.

Your kingdom's sake?

Have you heard of Stellanium?

It's this kingdom's special mineral!

The more starlight that Stellanium absorbs,
the more lustrous-and valuable--it becomes.

But in recent years,
the Stellanium has been crying out.

Much of our Stellanium
has absorbed too much starlight.

We now face the threat of having
that light released all at once.

What do you mean?

After Stellanium absorbs enough starlight,
it gains magic power.

If all of that magic power
were to be released at once...

...this kingdom would be
wiped out without a trace.

We need the Dragon Cry to
prevent that power from overloading.

The Dragon Cry is said to extinguish all light.

They plan to use it in
a ceremony tomorrow evening

in a temple in the northwest part of the city.

But wouldn't your kingdom suffer?!

This is the only way to save our kingdom,

even if it means we lose all of our Stellanium.

That's why we can't return the staff to you!

It belongs to our kingdom, though.

Even so, I've no choice but to trust
that the staff can save our land...

You got it all wrong!

The instant I grabbed it,

I felt the dragons' fury, suffering, and sadness.

Its magic power is too dangerous to unleash!

So you don't care if
our kingdom is destroyed?!

I'll do it!

I'll destroy all of this kingdom's
Stellanium for you!

So give us the staff!

I... can't!

I made it very clear you were
not to put Sonya in harm's way.

Yet you dared use the staff to
blow her and the enemy away.

Please, forgive me...

I was flustered at the time...

The ceremony is tomorrow. They will show up.

You're to k*ll them then, without fail.

I understand.

I'll k*ll them, all right. And then you.

It's beautiful here!

What are those fruit things?

Don't even think of eating them!

We'll camp here for tonight.

Let's just hope they don't jump us again.

Let's take turns keeping watch.

Yeah, good idea!

I'll go first!

By sleeping?!

Using the Dragon Cry to
extinguish all of the Stellanium...

Can it really do that, though?

Even if it does, it'll bankrupt
the country's economy.

Either way, we cannot let them
use the staff's magic power.


She mentioned a ceremony tomorrow.

We need to get it back before then.

You can count on me!

Wait! What are you eating?!

What's wrong, Lucy? Can't sleep?

Actually, it's my turn to keep watch.

Seemed like you were spacing out to me.

It's just...

Our job is to get the staff back,

but this kingdom might
get destroyed if we do, you know?

You should come up here.

No way! Besides, I'm in a skirt!

Just get up here.

Sheesh! What do you want?

Hey! How high are you going?!

Here. Take my hand.

Wow! Stella's night sky!

It's beautiful!

You said you wanted to see the stars.

So this is no time to be down
in the dumps, y'know?


What's the deal?
There's a lot of soldiers out today.


Is something happening?

I'm starting to see my dear Gray everywhere...

Hey! That emblem!

There they are! Fairy Tail!

--Wait, what? What did we do?!

What's going on?!

This looks like trouble.

Even so...


If it's a fight they want...

...a fight they'll get!

I'll do some recon!

There's a commotion over there.

I'll check it out.

Be careful!

Oh, here comes our welcome party!

Head to the temple! I'll handle this!

Got it!

Let's go!

Aye. Sir!

Why are you that color, Happy?!

I bet it was that fruit from yesterday!

I've been expecting you,
red-haired swordswoman.

The leg master!

You mean beautiful leg master!

Gray. my darling!

Juvia?! What are you doing here?!

My Graydar wasn't going haywire after all!

Did you follow your own Juviadar here?

Heck no!

Frangoise. Catelyn.

It's time for work!

What exactly is happening here?

It's complicated. Just give me a hand!

Of course!


We'll keep him busy!

Go on ahead!

You're gonna fight, too?!

Well, I am stronger than you!

They're all yours, Wendy! Charle!

I c-c-can fight, too...

You're not going anywhere!


Whoa. That was close.

I'm gonna use this chance to
rescue the girls in the dungeon!

Will you be okay alone?

I'm not alone.

The celestial spirits are by my side!

Happy! We gotta stop the ceremony!

Aye. Sir!

The instant I grabbed it,

I felt the dragons' fury,
suffering, and sadness.

Its magic power is too dangerous to unleash!


Your Majesty...

Give me the Dragon Cry.

This power will bring people sorrow.

I cannot let you have it!

Now's your chance to escape!

Hurry! Before he gets here!

Thank you... So very much...


Where is the staff?!

He's back!

What are you wretches doing?!

Go, everyone!

How dare you...!

Open, Gate of the Sea-Goat!


A goat?! I'll teach you to mock me!

Your magic doesn't seem to work
if our eyes are covered.

Nicely done, Lady Lucy.

I am enormously impressed.

Now's your chance! Run for the exit!

I'll assist with your escape.

Urgh! I've no time for this!

Red Knife! Let's go!

What misfortune!

Where is he going?!

I'll give chase.




Ice has no effect on me!

He doesn't care about his own city?

Look out!



Excellent work, Catelyn.

A nice shot.

Even after you cast a speed
enchantment spell...

He's too fast...

Yeah! I can see it now!

Wendy! I have an idea!


I see the final play of your lives!

He's catching up, Charle!

We need to be in tune, Wendy.


One, two...


--W-Wait-- Time out!
--Ready... Now!


Not even Frangoise and Catelyn's
heat can melt your ice?!

This ice is for exorcising demons.

And, as luck would have it,
your dolls seem to be cursed.

You dare make fun of my daughters?!

Frangoise! Catelyn!

G" Gray. my darling?!

Romantic rivals!

May my wings of love reach you!

Darling Gray: Max Love!


Frangoise... Catelyn!

Juvia! You okay?!

Yes, my dar...

Grand Fouetté!

Impossible! When did you--?!

Your skillful footwork
inspired me to try it as well.


It's not possible!

Such beauty!

But my kicks mesmerize all men!

No one needs to mesmerize all men!

May the seven stars
bring judgment upon you!

Grand Chariot!

What is the meaning of this, Sonya?

Give me the Dragon Cry at once.


Give the staff back!



Huh? Where's His Majesty?

Why are you holding the staff, Sonya?

The king was here just a minute ago...

Give us the staff!

I, uh...


You must not give it to them.


--...not to put Sonya in harm's way.
--We've little time.

--...not to put Sonya in harm's way.
--Bring the Dragon Cry to me.

--The ceremony is tomorrow.
--Bring the Dragon Cry to me.

--The ceremony is tomorrow.
--Why did he not bring it to me?!

They will show up.

You're to k*ll them then, without fail.

You're... me?!

You've only now realized it, Sonya?

Your Majesty...

You and I...

...are the same person.


Wh-Who are you?!

I am Animus...

...the dragon inside Sonya.


What are you scheming?!

So you're not gonna use the staff
to stop the Stellanium from overloading?!

Oh, Sonya.

To think you'd believe such nonsense.
How innocent you are.

My aim is to be freed from
this detestable human body.

Igneel managed it just fine.

You know igneel, louse?

Igneel entered the most compatible
of humans: a Dragon Slayer.

I, however, had no time to choose.

I was forced to enter Sonya,
who happened to be dying nearby.

As a result, I've never been able
to leave of my own will.

But that ends today,
now that I have the Dragon Cry!

This staff amplifies a dragon's power.

Freedom will be mine!

Think again!

Wait... Are you the one Igneel chose?

Natsu! Take the staff!


While there's still time!

Stop, Sonya!


The Dragon Cry is mine!

A d-dog!

Sir Zash...

Animus... Or should I say Sonya right now?

As the king, you gave me orders.

As Sonya, you took my orders.

I've had enough of your little one-man show.

What do you intend to do with the staff?

I "intend" to enact revenge on Fiore!

The Dragon Cry is a highly
condensed form of ether-nano.

If unleashed, it would
discharge more magic power

than dozens of Etherion blasts.

I'll use it to obliterate Fiore for scorning
my magic as the "dark arts"!

With my own two hands!

Red Knife. They're yours to feed on.


I won't let you eat them!

I'm Red Happy!

You don't... scare m--

Way to go. Happy!

Oh, Lucy...


Curse you, Zash!


Or not! Who are you?!

You'll pay for this!

A dragon?!

Look after Happy and Sonya.

Why, hello, Your Majesty.

You ought to show respect for
the kingdom's historical buildings.

Give me the staff, Zash!

You wanted this transformation, yes?

Then you've already achieved your goal.

This form is incomplete!
It is not the freedom I sought!

Then I shall grant you freedom.

How fortunate you are, Your Majesty!

Now, rampage all you want.


It seems we have some lingering fairies.

It's time to use the weapons I developed
in secret for this exact situation.

Come forth, Quartum Soldiers!

What are these guys?!


Th-There are so many!


They're so powerful!

Quartum Soldiers!

Keep the Fairy Tail members occupied!

What the...?!

The Quartum Soldiers...
Fourth-generation Dragon Slayers.


They're artificial soldiers created
using Dragon Slayer Iacrimas.

Open, Gate of the Horseman!



Let's take 'em all out!

I understand! Therefore...!

The staff's up there...

Dragon cry!

Demonstrate your true power!

What is that, Father?

The Dragon Cry...

Hisui! We must evacuate
everyone in the capital!


We must hurry!

The dragons' fury and hatred
will rain down as magic power!

What's happening?!

This isn't good!

The time has come!

O departed dragons, transform your anger
into tools of almighty destruction!

Damn you!


Let's get to the top of the tower!

I'm counting on you!

Aye. Sir!

I feel it!

Magic circles now cover
the entire continent!

Say goodbye, Fior--

Wh-What is this?!

What is that?

It's the Dragon Cry!
It must be going haywire, Natsu!

We gotta stop it!

The staff is mine! Give it to me!

Screw that!


So, you are a Dragon Slayer!

So what if I am?!

It's because of curs like you that
the dragons fell into decline!

You're the usurpers of our freedom!

This time, I will show you humans
the power of a dragon's fury!


Dragon Cry! Grant me
complete strength once and for all!

The w*r between dragons
and Dragon Slayers ends here.

Now begins the era of dragons!

Please stop this, Your Majesty!

Move aside.

No, I won't!

I won't let you harm these people any further!

Their souls are tightly bound together

and shine as brightly as the stars
that illuminate our kingdom.

Your soul, however, has lost its shine...

...and now dwells in darkness.

You used to be such a kind person...



Natsu! Wake up!


Get up, Natsu!




So, you're still alive,
you good-for-nothing dragon k*ller!


...not fighting to k*ll dragons!

I'm fighting for only one reason now!

I'm fighting... protect... friends!


Curse you!

You detestable human...

You're... a dragon, too?!

Now I see! I know who you truly are!

You are no human!

You're the destroyer of all, E.N.--

I... don't care who I am!

I'll sacrifice my entire being for my friends!

My flesh, blood, and bones...
I don't need any of it!


The sky has returned to normal!

You did it, Fairy Tail.




What... do I look like?

Like you, obviously.

My body is fading away...

Your Majesty.

Thank you for all you've done.

And for raising me.


This is the first time I've seen you smile...

And this is the first time
I've ever seen a dragon cry.

Look! The Dragon Cry!

A ribbon?

Was that its original form?

It flew away, whatever it was.

Aww .


His Majesty lost sight of his true self

and deceived the people--
including me--for his own greed.

He was the one responsible for
everything that has happened.

He hurt so many people...

He was a terrible person.

But... he was also like family to me.

Even though he was using me,
I was happy he was by my side.

I only wish I could've
helped him in a different way,

one built upon mutual support.

Just as you support each other.

A guild is a family, after all!



Always, and forever, you will be you:

a star that gently lights up the darkness

With unclear tomorrows
and unalterable yesterdays

we live in a world of pitch darkness

But in it, I found a warm, embracing light

"It's going to be all right," a voice calls out

It's your voice, resounding in my heart

I want to believe in you, always

I want to walk by your side, always

That's my wish upon the stars

Let's set out to find
the one and only beacon of light

The blossom-colored sunset
reflects in your eyes

I'm not sad, yet I can't hold back my tears

There was someone who used to say

that the more beautiful something is,
the more fleeting it is

but every "today" has meaning

So I'll be by your side, always,

with your hand in mine

Let's share the feelings hidden in our hearts

(You're a star)

(You're a star)

"What am I?" you'll ask

"You're you," I'll answer

That assurance is all we need from each other

as we wish upon the shining stars

You'll be you, always

There'll always be something
gently lighting up the darkness

Yes, it's you, my own superstar

One that lights the long path ahead

(You're a star)

Help... Help!

Perfect. This little girl wasn't
gonna satisfy my appetite.

I am Acnologia, slayer of dragons.

Prepare to meet your destruction!

I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.

I will exterminate all of the dragons.


I... don't want to die yet... Not yet...

This girl... still lives...

Girl... Say your name...

Do so... and perhaps
the both of us can survive...


What nonsense.

That's Acnologia.

Our mortal enemy.

The battle is about to begin...
