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Fairy Tail: Priestess of the Phoenix (2012)

Posted: 02/10/24 11:51
by bunniefuu
The job flier says they hang out
in that old fortress at the top!

You're sure excited about this.

I sure am!

I'm just brimming with
confidence for some reason lately!

All right! We got a job to do! Let's go, Happy!

Aye. Sir!

Just speed it up Don't be afraid

"Fairy Tail the Movie: Phoenix Priestess"

As everything flows away

the clouds ahead are calling

More more

Speeding Highway

Lined-up Speed g*n

Continuous Crooked street

Endless Cross road...

Pierce the wind and dash right up

to the tops of the clouds

Freedom is in these hands

Speed up Speed up Speed up

Just speed it up Don't be afraid

Run Run Get it start

As everything flows away

the clouds ahead are calling

More more

Speeding Highway

And these What's-their-name Bandits...

The Bacchus Bandits!
We're supposed to catch Geese, their leader!

The mayor himself posted this job,
so it's gonna be a huge reward!

Lucy. You got a crazy, greedy
look on your face, you know.

How rude!

Just stay focused, Happy!

Ms. Erza!

Yes, Wendy?

Is it me, or does the city seem too quiet?

An ambush, huh?

You guys ain't gettin' past us!

We're gonna turn ya into fish
food and knock you into the ocean!

Sounds great! I'm fired up now!

Our only target is Geese, their leader!

We won't get our reward
unless we find and capture him!

I want the reward! Really want it!

--Reward! Reward!
--Yup, she's turned evil.

Get 'em!


Why are you following us?
Natsu's your partner!

Because I gotta protect you and all.

Want a fish?

Mind your own business!

And this is no time to talk about fish!

Here goes! Charle! Happy!

Sky Dragon... Roar!

That's so mean, Wendy...!


Get back here!

Fish food, huh?

Well, I'm gonna grill you like fish!

Fire Dragon...


So mean...

Sorry. Happy!

Hand over Geese! I've no business with you!

You really think we'll give
you our boss just like that?!

I like you. You're chivalrous.

In that case... I assume
you've prepared yourselves!

What the heck?!


Now, then. Tell me where Geese--

Drat. I guess I overdid things...

Here we are'.!

Fire Dragon Wing Attack!


Where's Geese, your boss?

Don't get naked!


Man, they just keep comin'!

Ice Make: Floor!

So, where can I find Geese...?



Hey! What's the big idea, Gray?!

“What “Hot!
are you doing?!

--Don't send him back here!
--You're bugging me!

Hot! Cold! Hot! Cold!

That's enough!




That's his punishment for charring me like that!

He's such a lost cause.

Now tell me where Geese is!

Or else you'll be in for a world of hurt!


Even though she's in a real pinch,
Ms. Lucy's high-handed nice body... the greatest!

Uhh, Taurus. How am I supposed
to question them like that?!

--You can leave now.
--No mooore?!

Let's try that again! Open, Gate of the Lion!

Lo ke!

Okay, Lucy. Just leave this to me.

Regulus Gatling Impact!

Not you, too...

Oh, don't be like that, Lucy.

If you want to beat info out of
someone, one person is all you need.

You know?

Happy... Help...

Can't you do something about that
crazy motion sickness of yours?

There he is!

Talk about obvious!

I got this!

--Man, she's excited, all right!

Get back here!

Yes! A dead-end! The reward's as good as ours!



No way...'.!

Wait! Our reward...!

I can't believe this!

You not only wrecked the town,
but let Geese get away as well?!

Yes. It's my fault.

We're deeply sorry, Mayor.
But the bandits have been routed...

Don't give me your excuses!

How can you call yourselves "Fairy Tail"?!

Do some actual work instead of calling
yourself some self-important name!

You get no reward!

I'm sorry, everyone. It's my fault.

It's okay!

We're in this together.

Oh! That's a cool thing to say, Natsu!

The point is, the master is
going to be mad at all of us.


Shall we head back?

I almost didn't think you
were going to come back.

I'm sorry...

You promised you would stay
with me forever, didn't you?

Abnormal magic was detected
in the mountains north of Fiore.

The cause is under investigation,

but we've also received reports that
it has obliterated two whole mountains.

Moreover, we have reason to believe that this
was only a small fraction of its full power.

In other words, its power
rivals even that of Zeref.

--We don't know that for sure yet.
--Rivals Zeref...

But, if this power could result
in the world's destruction...!

At any rate, we cannot overlook it.

That is why I've asked you masters here--
to exchange ideas and opinions.

Those big sh*ts certainly are long-winded...

I leave it in your hands.

Buy one and I'll give you another for free!

All right! We're back!

It sure is nice to be in Magnolia!


I'm gonna take a shower at
home before I go to the guild!

See you in a bit!

She's clearly feigning her cheerfulness.

Ms. Lucy...

Don't worry about it.
She's always been quick to recover.

We're back'.!


Yo, Natsu!

How'd it go?

A total failure! And zero reward at all!

Welcome back, my dear Gray!

Hi, Juvia.

Oh! This guild without you
was like a sea without water!

And my romantic rival isn't
anywhere to be seen...

What are you muttering about?

They say talkin' to yourself's
a sign of old age, you know.

O-Old age...

Where's Master?

The Council called for him.

He said he's gonna be gone a while.

I see.

All right! I'll do better next time!

Eclair! Eclair!

Hey! Are you all right?!

Please! Help Eclair!

So, you see...

If I pair the other Phoenix Stone with
the one passed down in my family,

an extraordinary miracle will occur!

And I've finally found the girl with the stone.

The 400th anniversary of the founding of
the Principality of Veronica is coming up.

As such,

I wish to put the two stones together at
the celebration, in front of the people!

So that I'll look absolutely
striking and splendid to all!

How can we serve you, Duke Cream?

I want you, the Carbuncle guild,
to bring me the other stone.

You will be handsomely rewarded.

Adding in your security services
during the anniversary celebration,

I'll pay you 400 million Jewel.

400 million...

So all we basically have to do is catch
the girl with the other stone, right?

400 million Jewel for such a simple job!

It's hilarious.


A Phoenix Stone, huh...

In the name of Carbuncle,

the glittering garnet on the forehead of the
beast that lurks in the darkness of night...

...we shall accomplish this job.

Here you are.


Was she just hungry, maybe?

Who is she?

I dunno.

What's that baby bird-looking thing?

Seems to be her friend...

--Looks kinda tasty!
--Oh, geez.

Thank you for the meal.

You'll be okay now!

No, I would've been fine
with or without your food.


Oh. m)'-

Eclair! Don't say things like that!

\'m sorry'.

N-No, it's okay...

I'm Momon.

She's Eclair.

I took her in a few years ago!

Don't you mean the opposite?!

I'm Lucy! Nice to meet you!

I'm Natsu! I'm a Dragon Slayer!

Nice to meetcha, Eclair!

I'm Happy!

Want some fish?

Thanks for your help.

Let's go, Momon.


The forest you're headed for is dangerous!

Something sad is waiting there...


The Boundary Forest...

Yes... Deep inside the Boundary Forest...

That's where...

Boundary Forest...

Let's go, Momon.



Hold on a minute!

Where are you going?

The Boundary Forest.

I hear that place is filled
with monsters! It's dangerous!

I have to go there.


I don't know...

I don't know why. But I have to go there.

We'll protect you, then!

We are wizards and all!

I don't like magic, actually...


Magic sometimes brings sorrow with it.

Magic... brings sorrow?

That's not true!

I'm coming with you!

Me too! I'm gonna make
you say that you love magic!


We'll accompany you as well.

Got nothin' else planned, anyways.


Hey, let's have them come with us!

Still as bad as always...!

Wendy. Your motion sickness spell...

I'm not supposed to, since using it
all the time will make it stop working.

Just bear it until we reach
the Rose Garden way station.

I hate my body...

Say, where are you from, Eclair?

I don't remember.

I seem to be missing part of my memory.

Huh? You mean like amnesia?!

Only partially.

I do remember some things, though.

Like that I don't like wizards.
Especially nosy ones.

Don't be like that, Eclair!

I'm sorry. Eclair's just not very sociable.
She's a good person at heart.

Pointless chatter.

H you say so...

This is awesome!

The whole town's brimming with magic!



--Let' 5 eat first'.
--Aye, Sir'.!

Food! Food!

That idiot...

Well, then.

Let us check in to our hotel and
do as we please until tonight.

Your room keys, yes? Just a moment, please.


What's Erza so happy about?

Apparently she bought
a wedding dress at a store.


--What's wrong?
--Oh, nothing...!

What's with her, I wonder?

You're not going to shower?



I can switch rooms if you don't
want to share one with me...

--I don't mind sharing it.

You have the same look in your eyes as me.

What are you talking about?

You have the eyes...
of someone who knows human sorrow.

I didn't know there were
magic users with those eyes too.

Human... sorrow...'?


The comfort of being a c*ptive,
or the terror of being fleeing prey...

--Wh-Who are you'?!

Not you.


Run, Eclair!



Someone's out to get you?!


Eclair! Lucy! Are you okay?!

Let her blood flow, blade of mine.


Natsu! Gray! Happy!

Who are you?!

You aren't worthy enough to know my name.


_.HaPP)'! Stay with Lucy!
"Aye. Sir!

KN Q “I N!


O starving claws...


--You're not gettin' away!

So you waited, huh?

Fairy... Tail...

He vanished...

Huh? So you have no idea what's going on?

Can you remember anything?


You okay?!

What happened?

Someone's out to get her!



Umm, Lucy.

You're arousing.

Is your stripping habit contagious or something?

Th-Thank you, stripping habit of mine.

Look the other way!

Visit the wizard Kalard in the Boundary Forest.

And then deliver this stone to him.

I think this stone is why I'm being targeted.

This stone?

I do sense unusual power from it.

I've never heard of this wizard named Kalard.

What is that stone, Eclair?

Eclair says she doesn't know either.

But she's had it for as long as she can remember.

I have no memory of how things started.

I don't know where I'm from, who I am,

or what I'm living for...

But I've started to remember
things little by little recently.

I'm sure this stone is a clue to it all.

Won't we find out if we meet this Kalard guy?

You know where Kalard lives, right?

I do, although I can't remember who Kalard is.

Even if it's too late to see him, I have to go there.

Take this!

Are you not going to do anything?

Err, well...

Let's catch some fish and perk up...

--Oh, a yummy-looking one!
--Get real!

Open, Gate of the Water Bearer!


All right, you!

Chew on this'.!

Don't go summonin' me with nasty water!

You okay. LUCY?

Not really...

This is a monster-deterrent barrier.

It's quite worn-out, though...

Then we're almost there?

T-Talk about run-down!

This is Kalard's house?

It sure is an old house.

More like ruins.



This is a remarkable workshop.

What is it?

This is..., as a child.


Does that mean...'?

Eclair! Get back!



If you are seeing this, then it means it's true.

People looking for you came here,

and survivors of Fire Village
told me what happened as well.

I am happy that you have survived.

But, when I think about your fate...

This is Kalard?


My time with you was my greatest joy in life.

But Fire Village needed you as a priestess,

and I had the task of
Dispelling the Phoenix Stones...

Dispel... Nullification magic.

I'm sure you were a splendid priestess.

I've completed the Dispel magic.

But I doubt I'll ever be able to use it...

I've fallen ill.

I haven't nearly enough life to hang
on to until you arrive with the stone.

I'm sorry...


You mean he's already...?

I pray from the bottom of my heart...

At the very least, I hope you
will find wonderful friends...


My beloved daughter...


No luck.

We searched everywhere,

but Kalard didn't leave behind
any notes about his Dispel magic.

I see...

The real issue is the spell
cast on that Phoenix Stone.

The wizard Kalard spent his entire
life trying to remove that spell...

I can only imagine it's something ill-omened.

I lost my father recently too.

I wasn't able to be by his side...

"I hope you will find wonderful friends..."

Those are lovely final words.

Wonderful friends...

I want to be your friend!

I'd like to make a formal request of Fairy Tail.

My father spent his entire life
trying to Dispel the Phoenix Stones.

I want your help to do it.

We accept.

--You can count on us!

Thank you.

At the loss of many, we have sealed the Phoenix.

The two Phoenix Stones
are testament to that fact.

It is because of them we have true peace.

Doesn't look dangerous to me...

Why don't we just break it?

Good thinking, Happy!

Fire Dragon... Wing Attack!

Why don't you ever think things through?!

This is one tough rock...

If it were easy to break,
Kalard wouldn't have struggled with it!


Incidentally, whatever happened
to the other Phoenix Stone?

It was stolen... I think.

The day of the raid...

Vero... nica...?

I've heard of that!

Veronica's a small country to the north of Fiore!

Who are you guys?!

We are Carbunclez the garnet-adorned
beast that lurks in the darkness.

My name is Dist.


--Mr. Natsu'.
--Stay down'.!


Hey, pretty boy.

Looks like you got a date
with me, the great Cannon.


"Pretty boy"

"Pretty boy" "Cannon" This brute has
professed his love for my dear Gray?!

Could you please stop batting
your eyelashes at my dear Gray?!

Huh? I ain't doing that...

You lie!

Juvia is water. Those won't work on her.

Magic b*ll*ts?!

This calls for a real man!

What shabby Take Overs.

--Look after Eclair!
--Got it!

Enough of this!

The Titania is but an ordinary woman
before me, the great Coordinator.


You're less than that!

This is bad...

Jet! Go get the master!

Who's gonna protect Levy?!

I mean after you've gotten her to safety!

--I'm not the only--



Lucy! Momon!


This beauty will soon be eternal.

Just how are you faring, Dist?

Eclair's been taken...

I couldn't do a thing about it!

I'm gonna go rescue her...

Momon. You're in no shape for that right now.

Stealing a client from Fairy Tail...

You got some guts, all right!

But now you're gonna pay!

Oh. m)'-

We've been seriously trounced, indeed...

Gramps! Gajeel!


Please forgive me. I was unable to
hold down the fort for you, Master.

Master. Did Jet give you the news?

Jet? I haven't seen him.


I.\ \ \ N} I .\§ !

We were investigating some unusual
magic power at Master's behest.

And then we ran smack into
the Principality of Veronica.

That's what Eclair was talking about...

The guys who stole the
other Phoenix Stone, huh?

The ones who att*cked the guild, Carbuncle,

are now the lapdogs of Duke Cream of Veronica.

They agreed to abduct Eclair
for a large sum of money.

Veronica celebrates its
400th anniversary tomorrow.

Duke Cream plans to put the two
Phoenix Stones together at the ceremony.


According to Veronican royal lore,
when the Phoenix Stones become one,

the sealed Phoenix shall be revived...

And apparently that'll give you eternal life.

Eternal life?

It is said countless people of Fire Village
perished sealing away the Phoenix.

Its revival would be akin to that of a demon.

If we can just Dispel one of those stones,

we can prevent the Phoenix from reviving...

That's why Kalard was waiting
for her to bring the stone.

Duke Cream plans to gain the
Phoenix's power and eternal life

to do whatever he pleases.

After all, having eternal life means he won't die

even as the Phoenix goes on a rampage.

Only he'll survive.

The hell with that...!


I'm going to rescue Eclair!

She was crying.

When I hugged her, she was
trembling so much that I shook too...

This isn't about having the stone
or the Phoenix or anything else!

She's a normal girl.

She cried when she learned her father was dead.

She's just a normal girl...

Very well. Go, Lucy.

Erza. I leave the member selection to you.

--Take a small, elite team.

Although it's a small country, we can't
afford to go to w*r with Veronica.


Wendy. I'll need your anti-motion sickness spell.

Right! I'll come with you!

I'm going too.

Umm, so will Juvia!

Aye. Sir!

We must prepare for the worst possible situation.

I will hurry back to the
Council and give my report.

Hello, girl.

Thank you for the Phoenix Stone.

I really must repay you somehow.

You mustn't revive the Phoenix!

Controlling it is beyond our reach!

It's perfectly within my reach, though.

That's it, you wench!

I'm going to execute you tomorrow, as a sacrifice!

Look forward to it!

Detestable harlot...

They may come to retrieve her.

I'll have my men ready.

I leave it to you.

They weren't just a legend?

Indeed. The Phoenix's revival.
The capture of eternal life.

The Principality of Veronica will most
likely try to take over all of Fiore.

Absurd! A small principality wouldn't dare!

Then how do you explain its connection
with the unusual magic power?

Listen to what you say, Makarov.

Are you suggesting we start
a w*r with a small nation?

We haven”: time to waste.

As a master, I make a request of the Council!

In accordance with Article 27 of
the National Security Directive,

I ask you to issue a threat elimination order

so as to secure the citizens' lives and property.

You must vote to prevent the Phoenix's revival.

You overspeak your bounds!

W-We need to examine all the information first...

I told you, there is no time!

Lousy outsiders, currying favor with His Grace...

By the blood of antiquity, I order thee.

Stagger forth.

Open, sesame.

We're coming, Eclair.

Eclair. You are still young.

You mustn't die...

So that's it...


Now I see...

This is my...

I've returned...

It's finally going to happen.

Who's there?! Gate's closed for today!

We're Fairy Tail, dammit!

We don't want any lip from you!

Once we're inside, focus
entirely on rescuing Eclair!

All right!

Your Grace...

There's nothing to worry about.

My lovely lapdogs will do all the howling for us.


YOU. huh?!

I was meaning to tell you
something if I saw you again.

What is it?!

Your taste in clothing is bad.

Very bad.

What a coincidence.

I was going to say the same...

---to you!

I thought we could fool the guards into
thinking we're a bunch of girls and cats...

...but this is a Carbuncle squad.


I just realized that fighting isn't
scary if it's for someone's sake!

Wendy and I will hold them off.

You hurry ahead, Lucy.


Let's do it!

The castle is northwest...

Don't you have anything tastier?

Hurry, Juvia!


Despite the situation, Juvia is so
happy to be with wonderful Gray!

--Get down!


You're so bold, my dear Gray!

Pretty boy! Let's play some more!

Anyone who messes with Gray--even a meatball
like you--will have to answer to Juvia!

You romantic rival!

Calm down!

Wait! Why are you taking your
clothes off in front of that man?!

A lover's quarrel?!


Shatter to pieces!

Right in the middle of town!



Please be okay!

Halt, you!

Open, Gate of the Maiden!


Do you wish to punish me for
interrupting the celebration, Princess?

Just take care of them!


Go'! you!

Princess. Please hurry.


Please take care.

I... had a lot of fun... being with Eclair...


So I have to pay her back... for all the fun I had...

I will save Eclair!

Let me through!

Wh-Why. you...!


Just how many weaklings do you have to hurt...

...until you're satisfied?!

It's time to grant you death, Salamander.


You don't have what it takes
to make this garnet shine.


Give it up.

Oh, how cute. Some sort of country girl?

So this is what you're into?


Oh, this is the theater.

She can undo my Requips
because my mind isn't firm enough.

I must possess unwavering resoluteness!

You don't have what it takes.

I think it's time for the finale.

All right. Come on out.

Oh? Pretty boy's finished his bath?

You wrecked our guild...

Now it's payback time!

Bring it on!



Why, you...'.!

Let's go, Juvia.


O bride.

Henceforth you will belongeth to me, the Phoenix.

I am undeserving of such honor.

Why does thou hesitate
to wed thy glorious ruler?

Oh, what fitting timing.

"Why does thou hesitate to
wed thy glorious ruler?!" was it?

I see.

Have at you'.!

I shall slice the wedding cake
that goes by your name!

What kind of line is that?

What? I can't undo her Requip?!


Don't underestimate a bride!

Your bride form wouldn't come undone...

Just how badly do you want to... get married...?

Wha...?! I-It's not like that!

I lurk far and wide within
the darkness, just as sins do.


All too easy.

The great Black Steel Gajeel's
innards are hard too, you know!

I dunno which shadow's the real deal,

so I'll just tear 'em all up!

Happy... Are you up for it?

I'm okay... I can fly...

Do it, then...


Eclair... Lucy!

Everyone! Let us all celebrate!

I now possess the two Phoenix Stones!

Stop! You mustn't put the stones together!

Annoying girl.

Your Grace...

Oh, you're just in time.

Now then, let's begin

the Phoenix revival ceremony that will
grant Veronica tremendous power!

You mustn't revive the Phoenix!

O fundamental consociate...

O wandering counterpart...

Assemble before me!

I don't care what happens to me!

Just don't put the Phoenix Stones together!





Thank you, Natsu, Happy...

Like I said, I'm going to save Eclair.



I will save you!

I will!

Excellent! Come, Phoenix!

Give me your blood that grants eternal life!

Give me it!

I can't stand to see it.

A depraved man like you, living forever...


If anyone is deserving of eternity... it is me.


I will now become ruler!

An eternal ruler!

What is that light?

The light of the Phoenix's revival.


What's in the box?

Our trump card.

Then the Council has given its consent?

We took it.

Come forth, Phoenix!

Grant me eternal life!

What is that? It's not a bird?!

But it must have blood!

The Phoenix's blood!

Talk about powerful!

She's alive!


Where's Momon...?

He flew into the fire to save you...


Get Eclair somewhere safe!


There is no safe place!

If we don't stop the Phoenix,
everyone we hold dear will die!


Got it!

Let's do it. Happy!

Aye. Sir!

0 Phoenix!

Give me eternal life!

Give me your blood!

"The blood of the Phoenix is the
tears it sheds when sealed away."

It's pointless...


Don't interfere!

Is this what you wished for?!

Hang in there!

Remain calm and do as instructed!

Hey! You guys are wizards too!

The least you can do is help at a time like this!

We'll stop it.

Who are you?

Fairy Tail!

Hurry! Run! This way!

We need to get Wendy to heal you!

--I'm okay...
--No, you're not!

Lucy. I remember everything now.


Veronica was built on the ruins of
Fire Village after it was destroyed.

My village once stood here.

Huh? But...

I was already given eternal life.

On that night, 400 years ago...

Although it was to save your life,

I have burdened you with a painful fate.

I am sorry, Eclair...

Worshipping the Phoenix Stones was a mistake.

The Phoenix must not be allowed to revive.

We must Dispel it...

Should you be unable to Dispel it,
you must destroy the stone at all costs.

It is for that purpose that
you will continue to live.

But, possibly due to the Phoenix's
blood, I'd lost all prior memory.

I wandered aimlessly, carrying the
stone for no understandable reason.

For a long, long time.

Everyone I met and held dear died off before me.

400 years is an overwhelmingly long time...

So when you said magic
sometimes brings sorrow...

If you consider eternal
life the same as magic,

then it's nothing but pain and suffering...

Let's go, Eclair! It's dangerous here!

I'm immortal. I won't mind
if you leave me here.


Not a single person in our guild
would run and leave a friend behind!

It's no good! We'll have to
take it out with direct att*cks!

But if we get close, he'll...!

Dist, huh?!

Damn! Where the hell is Erza?!

Wait for my signal.

I will search for Eclair.


Why won't you just die?!

Where is the blood?!

I will be the eternal ruler!

Ruler, my butt!


G“ ya'.!

Don't get cocky!

Can you not see...

...that everyone is afraid?!


We meet again!

What are you doing here'?

Heard there were some
sorta special stones here.

Thought they might be worth somethin',

but it looks like I came at a bad time, y'know?

Funny how things connect, huh?

I'm just some lousy sneak-thief,

but if you'd caught me back then,
you might've gone splat just now.

Oh, man! I'm outta here!

Repay me someday'. See ya'.!

You have the ability to
connect with people, I see.


Just like you did with me.

You're not qualified to call yourself a ruler!

A ruler doesn't need qualifications!

I only need to live forever with eternal power!

Eventually I will be worshipped,
deified, and become ruler!

That ain't what it means to live!

Enough drivel!

You hurt Lucy...

Lowly scum!


...gonna make you pay!

It's Natsu!

Do your thing, babies!

Fairy Machine g*n: Leprechaun!

Dark Ecriture...



Quit dawdling!

And you call yourself a Fairy Tail wizard?!

I don't have the Phoenix's blood yet...!

If we weren't afraid of dying...

I will have eternal life!

Natsu! Now!

...we wouldn't be able to treat
anyone else with kindness!


--He did it!
--Yeah, but it ain't over yet.

Dist may be defeated, but the Phoenix isn't!

That's true...

--"A small, elite team"? Get real.
--Ms. Cana!

You're all beat up.


On Master's behalf, we decided,
"Screw the 'small team' idea."

Real men are duty-bound to fight!

Man, that thing's huge.

All right! Let's go!

The whole g*ng's here!

Let's do it, too!

Aye. Sir!

Take this!

Real man! Real man! Real man!


You have wonderful friends.


But you're my friend too now, remember?

So this is what it's like to be happy...

I'd forgotten after all this time.



Oh, no...

The Phoenix is gathering power...


This isn't good...

Natsu. It's absorbing my magic power...

Don't give up. HBPPY!

What's going on? My body is suddenly...

The Phoenix is sucking up magic power.


It's absorbing the magic
power of all living things... destroy the world.

This is bad! If it uses that huge thing...!

Why would it do that...?

The Phoenix wishes for true revival.

It will destroy itself and
the world to accomplish that.

But only the Phoenix will revive.

Are you serious?!

That's why it must be stopped... matter the sacrifice.


Isn't that right, Lady Eclair?

But how?

The Fire People and their technique
to seal it away no longer exist...

We will destroy it, not seal it!

400 years ago, the wizard
Kalard completed a magic item

for use against the Phoenix:

The Arrow of Evil's Destruction.

And your father entrusted it to the Council.

So my father did complete the Dispel magic?

The Arrow of Evil's Destruction
will fully annihilate the Phoenix.

However, those who have consumed its blood

will disappear from this world as well.

Oh, no!

When I give the signal, Erza will fire the arrow.

Erza would never fire it!

I haven't explained the details to her.

I will bear the sin in full.

Hurry. I'm fine with what will happen.


No! Don't!


It's okay, Lucy.

No! It's absolutely not!

I've lived for 400 years.

I don't need eternal life anymore.

If anything will be truly eternal... will be my memories of being with others.

I'm sure I'll never forget Fairy Tail or you, Lucy...

Thank you...


Momon is waiting for me.

O arrow! Destroy the evil!



Eclair! Eclair!


Oh, no!


--This is bad, isn't it?!

If it comes down, everyone will die.

Natsu... It's up to you...

Someone, help!

I'm glad to have met you, Lucy...

Don't go! Eclair!


I'll never forget you.



Thank you, Natsu.

Lucy is filled with sadness.

Take good care of her, okay?

We have to go now.

Thank you all, people of Fairy Tail...

I had no idea this would happen...

Eclair... Eclair...


ls magic good? Or is it bad?

I don't care if it's good or if it's bad...

...I just wish there was a
magic spell for stopping tears...!

Eclair was smiling at the very end.


It's okay.

We're in this together.

Where is time going to take your tears?

Will I find your smile there someday?

The sky we always looked at says

The rest of our dreams will never end

Forever, forever, our memories will be gentle

So I'm sure, I'm sure

that I'll go to the next future