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Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya: Vow in the Snow (2017)

Posted: 02/10/24 12:00
by bunniefuu
A man dreamt

Of the world's salvation

Another man chose

The survival of his species

And I wished for

A single person's happiness

Oath Under the Snow

Beast's Lair & Astro Subs

The Sakatsuki family?


It's a family with an old history

tracing back to the roots of Fuyuki.

There's nothing special to mention about them, except for their long history...

But there's something strange.


No one ever witnesses the birth of children in that household.

What does that mean?

After age , they'll suddenly appear, out of nowhere in this world.

Recovered from diseases, adopted from another family, children of relatives.

This is the remnant of the "Child Religion".

"Child Religion"...?

Divinity until age .

Children of age and below are closer to God or spirits than any human.

It's that kind of religion.

In that case, if those children are close to God and spirits, then your wish...

The possibility isn't high that this Child of God in hiding might be the power we need.


If the possibility does exist...

Then it's worth a try from us, Heroes of Justice!

How many times do I have to tell you?

I'm not a Hero of Justice or anything like that.

Yeah, yeah...

You're humble, I know.

What is the matter?

This... is...

What is that...?

What is happening...?

This phenomenon is far beyond humans...!

This is bad Kiritsugu!

That black thing... is expanding!

Get in the car, Shirou.

We're leaving.

What are you talking about, Kiritsugu?

At this rate, the city...

It's okay as long as it stays in the city...!

We don't know how much further it'll expand...!

It might even reach all the way here...

No, in the worst case scenario, it'll engulf the entire country...!

But that's why we-

We can't go further by car...

Kiritsugu, I'm going!

Wait, Shirou!


You are...?

Watch out!

Don't collapse yet...!!!

What was that!?

Can't breath...

Was that her doing?

This is the first hug... since Mother...

Sakatsuki Miyu.

The hidden descendant of the Child of God of The Sakatsuki family.

It looks like they set up a Bounded Field inside the house. Her birth and upbringing must've been inside.

Then what exactly is the Child of God?

Why did they lock such a small girl inside?


Looks like, we may have finally found it.


The Sakatsuki Child of God... their characteristics...

is the power to grant human wishes unconditionally.

Their magus set up a Bounded Field to block outside human thought.

For six years, The Sakatsuki kept the children apart from other humans and relied only on their mothers...

just to return their Child of God into a regular human child.

But something unexpected happened.

Their magus disappeared after that black shadow arrived and the Bounded Field collapsed as a result.

Suddenly, Humanity's cries reached Miyu.

Humanity's cries?

The journey has ended, Shirou.

I will use this child.

And in this land of Fuyuki,

Humanity will be saved.

Um, Miyu is your name, right?

I'm Emiya Shirou. Pleased to meet you.

Emiya... Shirou...

Right, that's my name.

Emiya Shirou...

Just Shirou is fine.


Right. Since we'll be living together now, we're... like a family.

Like a family...


And that other person is Emiya Kiritsugu.

He's my adoptive father, mentor and a Hero of Justice.

Adoptive father... a Hero of Justice...?

Yeah. I lost my parents due to an accident when I was little.

And Kiritsugu saved me back then.

You see, Kiritsugu is a weird person.

He has an ideal to bring eternal peace to this pain and suffering-filled world.

So, my adoptive father is a Hero of Justice.

Ah, I guess what I'm saying doesn't make sense to you.

Oh, it's about time I made the food.

Is there something you want to eat in particular?

Not really.

Then, is there something you hate?


Okay. Then please sit tight and wait for me.

Wanna try it?

Kirtsugu, dinner's ready.


Aren't you pushing yourself too hard?

Just one more step.


We have the wish-granting device to save humanity

But I have no idea how to use it.

Um... Kiritsuigu?

Miyu's sixth birthday is tomorrow, right?

Yes, that's right.

So, will we have a celebration or...?

What are you talking about?

Like I said, it can be a simple birthday celebration...



Celebrate that the Child of God is becoming more human?

We have no idea how long the Child can retain its wish-granting powers.

Is it based on Fuyuki's leylines?

Is it based on her age?

Who knows, she may even lose her powers the moment she turns six years old.

We do have have an obligation to take care of that "thing".

Up to the point of providing her clothes and food is fine, as long as it doesn't cause any changes to it.

But don't misunderstand.

That "thing" is no more than the means to save everything.

I know it. I know he is correct.

Miyu is just a tool to save humanity.

Don't see her as a human...!!

Don't develop feelings for her..!!


Let's play.


I don't have long.

If that's the case...

Yes. I know my duty.

Not long after that, Kiritsugu passed away peacefully in his sleep.

- Five Years Later

I finished the repairs, Student Council President.

I see. Thanks for the hard work.

Alright, shall we have lunch, Julian?

Emiya Shirou, why are you having your lunch here?

Let's see...

I guess this is the only place to make tea?

If you weren't here, then this would be my personal place.

Come on, don't say that.

Is that all you're having for lunch?

Didn't I tell you that I'd cook your portion too?

Don't say such disgusting things.

Well, isn't it nice to have a chat or two during lunch?

In the first place, there aren't many students in this school.

This isn't the only place where there are few people.


Ever since the Great Fire five years ago, there just aren't many people left.

According to the media, it was caused by a gas expl*si*n...

But the people of Fuyuki know that that's a lie.

You... Did you witness the fire yourself?

Yeah. It was that pitch black thing that swallowed the city.

What about the moment... that shadow disappeared?

No. I was running for my life, so I didn't see it.

...Is that so.

Hey, you were here, Sakura?

Yup. For a while now.

You should've said something, then.

I didn't want to interrupt you.

You don't need to be that formal.

There's no one here beside us anyway.

I wasn't really being formal.


Senpai is just so addictive to watch.


I love... watching Senpai sh**t.

Synchronized with no wasted movement. It's like Senpai is the bow itself.

Just like a bow... huh?

Welcome home, Shirou-san.

I'm back, Miyu.

I made potato stew for dinner.

I cut the ingredients into small portions to fit inside of tomorrow's lunch box.

I also- oh.

Is something the matter?

No. I just thought of how much you've grown.

If that's the case, I think Shirou-san grew more than me.

Haha. You may be right.

How is it?

It's delicious.

You've improved once again.

Thank goodness.

Oh, that's right, Miyu.

What is is, Shirou-san.

I bought a new book for you. I'll give it to you later.

Really? Thank you.

Before this you were always reading children's encyclopedia, and now you're even reading professional texts...

Is that... bad?

Its not that it's bad, It's proof that you're learning.

I also won't get funny looks when I borrow the books..

Funny looks?

I can't reveal that I have a little sis, right?

Little sis...

Something wrong?

Huh? I-it's nothing, Shirou-san.

Book title: Picture series - Anatomy Biology

Hey... is that book really alright?

Huh? Aren't all books just like this?

No, I was wondering whether that book is interesting at all or not...

It's for the sake of acquiring knowledge.

Oh... right. I'm going to train for a bit.

Okay, happy training!

I continued to make the same mistakes in my path for Justice.

I always tried to fix what I did wrong, but I only made things worse.

Endlessly repeating... until I couldn't bear it anymore.

I wanted an easy way out, for a miracle to happen.

It was like chasing after the clouded moon, a journey in a pitch black night.

You're talking like an old geezer right now, Kiritsugu.


Chasing after what's right could never be a mistake.

I will never let it be a mistake!

Yeah, you do that. I can rest easy now

I... don't know what I should do.

Damn it!

I wonder if mom will like it.

Yeah, she'll love it!

Thanks for the food.



Here, take this.

This is...

It's a pajama for you.

You've grown out of your old clothes, right?

Is it really okay?

Yeah, it's really noth-

Thank you, Shirou-san.

I'm... really happy.

Trace... on.

Hey, Kiritsugu. The price for fulfilling the wish is...

It's as you've read

To fulfill the wish, Miyu's life would be bound to the world...?

To save the world, nothing short of a miracle is required.

A wish of this scale would have a price to pay.

A wish of this scale would have a price to pay.

Don't mistake your goal, Shirou.

It's saving the greater number of lives, not the few lives in front of your eyes.

Kiritsugu never hesitated.

And yet... why am I...?

Thanks for the hard work, Shirou-san.

You're still up?

Yup. I'm looking for constellation signs.

Constellations? I didn't know you were into something this delicate and romantic.

The movement of constellations and stars should not have any meaning beyond Physics.

That's why I would like to know the reason why books like these use pictures and illustrations to give special meanings to the arrangement of stars.

Did I let you read too many picture books...?


Pops loved to look at the stars in this spot too.

Fath... Kiritsugu-san? Why?

I wonder why?

At the time, what did Kiritsugu feel when he was watching the stars?

Miyu's Divine power haven't surfaced in years.

She could have... lost all of her power by now.

Then... if that's the case.

...I wish upon the stars

If I could...

If I could fulfill just one wish...

I want Shirou-san and I to be true brother and sister.

Such a thing... could never happen, right?



How could it not happen?

Alright, Miyu! It's time to study.

Where is this coming from all of a sudden?

Well, I say study, but we'll start with things that are common sense, rather than the typical academic subjects.

Since you're always reading pretty much the same kind of books.


Not that I mind, but why now of all times?

Because... I'm planning to take you outside soon.

Out... side...?

I know it may be hard to take that in right now, since your "world" has been confined to our home

But now I want to-

I want to see the ocean!

I want to see the place where the sky and water meet and I also want to experience the ocean breeze!

and hear the the sound and see the tidal waves!

Roger that.

We gotta earn it by studying, though.

We'll have to learn Traffic Laws, Ethics and more.

I'll learn it all right away.

Leave it to me, Shioru-sa-



This place is nostalgic. I bet if Miyu went here, she could be with kids her age.

A kid?

What are you doing, Senpai?

Is there something going on with the elementary school?

No... It's nothing.

Ah, could it be, Senpai, that you like younger girls?


If that's the case, I'm both an underclassman and a younger sister.

Younger sister? You had siblings, Sakura?

Yes. An older brother.

I see. I didn't know.

Senpai, can you tell what I'm thinking of right now?

Huh? Morning club activities?


I was thinking... That this right now is the happiest time of my life.

Happiest time?


You may be mean to me sometimes, but you're nice too...

And I still go to school even if there aren't many students...

I get to study, and be in a club...

I think that being able to live mundane days like this... is what you call happiness.

Well, I guess that sounds corny, though.

No, it doesn't.


I... think so too.

Wipe that stupid grin off your face.


Sakura brought that up earlier too.

Something about how I look different from usual.

Your face looks more revolting than it normally does. What are you even happy about?

Hmmm... I saw this little girl behind the elementary school this morning.

I was looking at her from pretty far away, but I could tell she was cute...

Okay, hold up. You're thinking something totally off.

I was just wondering if she could be friends with my little sister!

I wasn't thinking anything weird.

Your sister?

I didn't know you had one.

Oh... yeah...

Her name is Miyu.

She's a good and smart kid.


Where was that kid I saw this morning from, though?

She had this blond hair that was tied up into a ringlet ponytail and gave off a foreign rich girl sorta vibe.

What are you doing?

Doesn't that burn?

Hell no, it doesn't.

What are you acting tough for?!

So, what you're saying is...

You've been smirking to yourself while thinking of your sister.

I don't like the way you phrased that...

Both you and Sakura are making too big a deal over me just smiling.

Let me tell you something.

I don't mind lies.

That said, "Fakes" that put on an act for no reason at all make me want to vomit.

Until now, that's what all your smiling was.

Your stupid grin today is indeed disgusting....

But since it's not an empty one, It's a thousand time better than that act.

I had no idea.

I feel bad for you.

Fakes just don't know how phony they really-

You get a lot more talkative when you put on sweatpants, huh?

Are you picking a fight, punk?

Alrighty then, I've decided.

I'll start making lunch for you too, starting tomorrow.

Huh? What does that have to do with anything?

Step screwing around.

Onii-chan. I'm ready.

Yeah, I'm coming right away.

It's finally time.

Are you scared?

Scared? Why would I be?

Because it's your-

Onii-chan, are we getting closer to the ocean?

We'll save that for later.


I've already long since decided on our first stop.

What are these?


Your real family's graves.

Do you remember? This is where you and I first met.

It's also your home where you were born.

My home? My mother's... everyone's graves?

It's strange... No matter how hard I try

I just can't seem to remember Much of anything.

But... I can still recall the warmth of my mother's hand.

I see. So, back then, I was left all alone.

I was alone, but then Kiritsugu-san and Onii-chan came and rescued me.

I have to tell her.

I'll tell her, and we'll start all over.

This time as a family!

No, Miyu. At the time, Kiritsugu and I...

didn't really save you.


Why we came to this place... and why we later took you in...

wasn't for your sake.

Onii-chan... what are you saying...?

It was because...

we wanted to... use you as a tool to invoke a miracle.

To invoke a miracle... a tool...?

But Miyu, now I just-

That's boring..

Damn, that's boring.

That's the most boring development ever, you bastards.

So you were the one, Emiya Shirou!


Why are you here?

That's the one without a doubt, right, Erika?

...Yup. Most of the characteristics are probably gone.

But... The Container is intact.

I've always monitored the area.

If someone intentionally enters

They either must be from The Sakatsuki family members that left

Or a thief.

What are you... talking about...?

Five years ago... The attack that swallowed the town

The pillar of light that removed it was activated from this very place.

I've been searching for it for so long

For the miracle of this world, and

The thief who stole it.


I'll handle him!

Run...? Where...?

What is that, Strengthening Magecraft?

Are you going to k*ll me with something like that?

Stop, Julian... Your hand...!


is that bastard someone like you...!




I've been looking for you for a long time.

The only true miracle that remains in this world.

Sakatsuki Miyu, from now on

you're something that belongs to me.

S-Stop it... Julian...!!

There will be no accident this time. It will probably be enough with just this Container.

...What are you talking about?

Although most of the city has been destroyed, a repeat of the ritual will never be any better than this

It must succeed this time.

You... Just what are you talking about, Julian!?

What's with that tone of your voice...

It's just like...

It's like...

You were the cause of that shadow!?

That's right.

I did it.


Are you injured, Julian-sama?

Like that would happen.

Take her and restart everything.

What about that man?

...Leave him be.

He's already worthless.


...You're finally awake?


...I regret to tell you this, but I'm not your father.

This place...

It's better if you don't move recklessly.

It's been a long time since I've healed someone. I can't guarantee the results.

Who are you? You... rescued me?

Helping a drowning person is the extent of something I would still do.

I'm still a priest, after all.

A priest...?

Welcome to the Holy Church of Fuyuki.

I'm a priest that is responsible for witnessing the end of this world. Welcome, lost lamb.

I'm thankful you saved me, but...

I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry. I'll have to thank you at a later time.

Where are you going? You don't even know where Sakatsuki Miyu has been taken.

...Don't tell me. You also...

Not only rash, but also wrong.

Lost child, what you need to do now is understand what is happening first.



And act.

If you don't, you'll make the same mistake again.

Who are you? How do you know about Miyu?

No need to be alarmed, I'm only someone who monitors and observes.

I don't intend any harm to her.

Like I'd believ-

Don't be mistaken, boy.

What you should know now is, the identity of the people who kidnapped Sakatsuki Miyu and their goals.

And not suspect an observer on the sidelines who never interfered.

Please tell me... their goal and true identity.


They are famous as a magus family that continues their thousand-year journey.

But their only magic specialty is basic "Displacement Magecraft" trash.


They have always embraced the same wish for a thousand of years.

An overly grand, overly childish and overly idealistic wish.

Do you know what that is?

Why would I know something like that?

If it's you, you should be able to understand it.

It can't be...

The continuation of humanity's history.

without caring about the method, saving the doomed humanity is the wish of the Ainsworth.

They captured Sakatsuki Miyu to wish for humanity's salvation.

Is that not justice?

The same justice... dad wanted...

It was years ago when the Ainsworth sought after the Holy Grail that surpasses the human method and created the ritual.

There have already been four instances of that ritual, the Holy Grail Wars, but all have ended in failure.

Holy Grail Wars?

A ritual of slaughter, and the winner obtains the Holy Grail.

The fourth w*r had the worst ending possible, five years ago. You witnessed it yourself, right?

In this w*r, the previous head of the Ainsworth,

alongside the others who helped him, were completely destroyed and Julian was the only survivor.

However, Julian is planning on restarting the ritual himself by using Sakatsuki Miyu as the Holy Grail for the fifth w*r

All for the sake of saving humanity.

Don't f*ck with me! What do you mean it's for the sake of humanity!!

He caused that massive crater! How many people do you think were sacrificed for that ritual?

"Saving humanity"?... In the end, all it caused was tragedy!!

"In the end", huh. Don't jump to conclusions so quickly.

The human race is destined for ruin.

What the Ainsworths saw was the horizon beyond the future.

Not branches, but the tree trunks.

Not trees, but the forest.

Not individuals, but the community.

To abandon and sacrifice the minority and fulfill your duty

Are you going to reject that?


Then, make your choice, Emiya Shirou.

To observe, or to oppose.

No matter which choice you make, the justice you're shouldering will crumble into pieces.

At any rate, I need to meet with Julian again and verify of all this.

Ainsworth's atelier is in the center of the crater.

However, as you are now...

That can't be...

...I see.

You won't even allow meeting... the fake who only admired justice?



I admit it!!! I'm a form of justice, a form of family

A form of human only imitating these things to cover myself, an empty shell...!!

I was wrong from the start...

Even I know that...!

But... That's why I...

Wanted to start being something real...!!

I still have something... that I didn't manage to tell her yet

Give Miyu...

Give my sister back to me...

After that day, Julian stopped appearing.

I made the wrong choice.

Even so, time still marches on cruelly.

No effect... huh.

That fake of a priest, even making me pay so much money for these black keys...



Why are you here...?

I was on my way home after buying groceries. What a coincidence.


No... it's nothing.

Wow, it looks delicious...!

I knew Senpai was awesome!

Even housewives would feel ashamed after seeing Senpai's cooking.

It's nothing special.

I never thought I'd get to have such a feast in Senpai's home...

Thansk for the food.

I'm sorry, I'm not around school nowadays...

No, don't say that.

Although, I got really worried about you, I'm just glad you're not sick.

It's just...

Pulling bows alone... Walking home alone...

It felt so lonely...

I'm so thankful for today.

Senpai's cooking was really delicious.

Sorry... I probably won't come to school for a while.

If you're okay with it, you can visit my home again.

...Although I'm happy about this invitation

This is the last time.

You don't need to be shy. I don't really mind-

It's the last time!

I also... Actually, I really want to be with Senpai more

Going to school... Attending activities...

Walking home together... Saying "See you tomorrow"...

It's just that... I treasured those small things...


But even that has to end

Because the Holy Grail w*r has begun.

What are you... saying...?

Sakura... Why do you...

know about that term...?

Of course I know about it.

The Matou are one of the families that helped create that ritual.


...That's unfortunate. I thought you'd be more flustered.

...How should I put it?

I think I've gotten used to losing everything

A "loss". So that's how you look at it, huh?

Hey, Sakura.

Did you come to finish me off?

I knew it. Senpai is such a bully..

The Holy Grail w*r principally uses these Servant cards, Heroic Spirits, to fight as basis for the ritual.

The Heroic Spirit of this card is the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh.

This is the strongest card, without a doubt.

This card...

I'll let Senpai have it.

...But why?

If you want to rescue Miyu-chan, you'll have to become the winner of the Holy Grail w*r.

With this card, it may no longer be impossible.



There is one thing... If it's possible...

If it can be granted...

Please run away instead!

Whether it's magic or Miyu-chan, forget all of that and run away from this town!

If Senpai... If Senpai would do that...

I would give up everything together with you...!


I'm sorry, I-


Slutty. You're too slutty.

Who are you!?

Oh man, oh man, oh man... You're such a slutty sister, Sakura.

Let your brother co... co... correct?... correct you as necessary.

B... Brother...


You're Sakura's brother? Then why are you...

That 's right. I'm the legitimate successor of the Matou family. My name is Matou...

......What was it again...?

Oh well. If I k*ll those two, who knows? I might remember something.

Trace on!


Huh? Hey hey, what was that about? This is strange...


Why? Why? Why WHY? Why did you block my attack?


This way, Sakura!

Be careful, Senpai. That Heroic Spirit is...

Sakura! Your wound!

I-It's alright. More importantly-

And here I am, taking grand action for humanity's sake and ideals.

But you just keep getting in my way...

I'll k*ll you after I'm done with her.



Run away, Sakura...!

I can't...

Throw... everything... away...

Don't worry about me!

Escape by yourself...

and find happiness away from here...!


I'll... defeat you, brother!


You grew a backbone, Sakura!?

On top of opposing your brother, you're going to "defeat me"?

Did that what's-his-name over there seduce you or something?

What a horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE LITTLE SISTER YOU ARE!

With a sister like you, I guess I have no choice

But to k*ll you...!!

D-don't do it, Sakura! For siblings to k*ll each other...

It's okay.

My brother has been dead for a long time.


You didn't choose me

But... I love you, so I'll protect you.


It'll be fine. Since I have this card, I'll win for sure!


What's wrong, Sakura!?

Don't tell me you can't even install!?

It can't be... Why...!?

We already knew you might betray us!

Did you really think Julian-sama would give you the Gilgamesh card!?

It isn't connected to a Heroic Spirit.

It's a genuine garbage card through and through!

Garbage... card...?

Oh boy. It seems your brother has to teach you how to use the cards.


Sen... pai...


Dead Heartbeat Melody

I'm Sorry...


Huh huh? huh?

What did I do...?

Where did Sakura go...?

Maybe... Yeah, yeah now I remember.

I sEeEeEeEEeeeE! I KilLeEEeEeeEd HeR!!!!


You see, I'll have to k*ll lots of people in this w*r

And I want them to suffer as much as possible...



I've lost...

and lost...

and lost...

And I'm the only thing that remained behind...

You're still alive?

I have a better grasp on using Assassin now. Can I k*ll you already?

I'll even listen to your last words.

I bet it'll be the same as Sakura, right?



Tell... me...


did it feel...

to m*rder your own sister?



Farewell. It was fun. Err... What was your name again?

There's no moon.


There are no stars...


Oh yeah, I remembered.

Well then, once again...

The path... is dissolving in Darkness...

Goodbye... Emiya.

However... still...

My body remains!



What the hell are you!?

Sakura's card was undeniably a garbage card.

This is weird... Installing it should be impossible!

What the hell!?



What the hell!? What the hell!!?



Don't get confident!

My arm still moves even if you cut it off-

I never heard about this!

Hey. What's with that attitude...?

Hey, hey. Don't tell me just because of that...

Don't tell me, don't tell me, don't tell me...


I'd say you are...

Not suited to be an Assassin.

Even you... you're...


Trace on!

Projection Start

What's that... IT BarELy itcHEEeeeS!

i'm ThE strOnGeS! I'M thE sTRongEST!!!

That's far...

from the strongest.

yoUUUU bAASTaaaARd!!!!!!!


You're still barking...

If that's the case...

I'll blow you away

until there's nothing left.

I love... watching Senpai... sh**t.


Thank you.

H... Ho.... How did you...!?

Why did you notice...!?

You told me yourself.

"My arm still moves even if you cut it off".

Midway through the fight, that monster became an empty decoy.

N-no... I don't wanna die...

I don't wanna die.

Sakura thought the same.





I've... finally...

remembered everything.


I was already gone long ago...

...I've had enough

k*ll me... Emiya.



What... is this?

Oh? This is strange.

I'm surprised that you walked over here, I thought you would run away as soon as you woke.

Run? What's the point?


From the very start... at that house... and in this place, I was always intended to be a tool, wasn't I?

Hahahahaha, what wonderful resignation!

That's it... That's... it...

Though it's slowly coming together, it's still not enough...

I agree as well. You are already a part of the Ainsworths.

There's nothing else you can do but to surrender your fate.

The conclusion of the legend is already set. Stop thinking about unnecessary things.

This is the sole happiness you can get as a tool, and not a person

Remember this feeling.

From now on you're gonna k*ll lots of people, right?

I'll... pass.

I'll go ahead and wait for you in hell.

A doll...?

My brother has been dead for a long time.

This is "Displacement Magecraft".

Hell, huh?

I... won't be going there just yet.


The people precious to me are gone.

I threw away my pride.

I threw even my bare self. And in the process, I became empty.


After losing everything, my goals became clear.

I have to win...

I... I...

have to take back...

Who... in the hell...

Who... in the hell... is that... Heroic Spirit...?


Heroic Spirit... Emiya?

Well, well.

Ah. You look so beautiful today, just like an inorganic matter

I see, I see. Emiya

If I'm remembering correctly, this is the form of your future self?

No answer, huh?

Fervor, mei sanguis.

Boil, my blood



Hmph. I've heard that there's no concept of time in the Throne of Heroes.

I suppose this is also possible.



Such a w*apon will never reach me.

I told you it's no use. This... power...

What... are you...?

Someone who made a pact with the World.


A Guardian of Humanity.

Yes, the power of the Guardian...

Meant for Humanity's sake...

With it, I will...

With such power, I will...


Sword of Promised Victory

Fine by me...

We've gone this far, so I'll keep playing your game...


I'll leave Julian... to you...

Splendid, Emiya Shirou.

You have defeated all of your opponents and collected all seven cards.

For this Holy Grail w*r... victory is yours.


Even if you would execute your friend's father to get here.

Hold your head high, boy.

You've opened what was meant to be a dead end with your own two hands.

With these seven cards, go and see your sister.

Where is Miyu?

In order to summon the Holy Grail, she must be at that place.

Miunt Enzo, a place a dragon once welled. Deep within it lies a vast underground cavern.

That place... is where your fate awaits.

It's been a terribly long time.

How are you doing


Give Miyu back.

That... would be betraying mankind.

In her lies a method of of saving the human race from this planet full of tragedies and certain doom.

To throw it all away for that petty goddamned sentimentality of yours.

I can't even laugh at it. I really can't. Doing something like that...


I see. So that's how it was.

You too, were fighting alone this entire time.

Don't act like you understand...!

But I do.

k*ll one to save the many.

I knew someone like that.

Yes. But even so...

Even so, I'll...

I'm sorry, Kiritsugu...

Even if it's a mistake...

I'll... walk this path instead.


You're like another possibility of mine.

A me who chose a different path.

Did you know, about Miyu's family... About The Sakatsuki family.

The kept records from the first generation down to Miyu's.

The Children of God who can grant any wish, what would the family who controls all of that power wish for, do you know?

They simply wished for their children to grow up healthy.

They could've wished for wealth and prosperity

But all they ever asked for was what any parent would've wanted for their children

And not a single exception over four hundred years.

If that is considered evil...

Then I'll be evil.

O... Nii-...chan...?

Sorry, for making you wait so long...

Why... did you come?

Back then, Onii-chan said it himself...

That the reason you and Kiritsugu-san took me in...

Was to use my... power...

That I am... just a tool.

So then why...

Did you come here...?

I'll continue... telling you what I really wanted you to know, but couldn't.

It goes without saying.

It's because I'm an older brother.

So I have to protect my younger sister, don't I?

It's been one mistake after another with me, so this might be one too.

But, for this alone is true,

I wish upon the Holy Grail.

I pray you find a world where you won't have to suffer any longer.

I pray that you meet kind people.

I pray that you find friends you can laugh with.

I pray you find... a warm, small...

Share of happiness.}



But my little sister is working her hardest right now.

Could you wait just a little longer?

I cannot...

Your wish will not be granted.

A Faker who slipped into the Holy Grail w*r

shall not seize the miracle...!

So that's the true Archer card... Gilgamesh, huh?

With no card, for a mere flesh and blood human, to stand against the King of Heroes, is the epitome of foolishness.

Be it western or eastern, ancient or modern, all of humanity's treasures are this Heroic Spirit's power.

I see... So that's why Sakura called it the "Strongest Card".


Humanity... Humanity, huh?

That's big, bigger than words to express.

It must be an enormous burden you guys are carrying.

But you know...

I've got someone I'm responsible for too.

Be it personal feelings, or be it sentimentality,

Both are completely worthless in this World.

Trace.. On!

"Trace"...!? It can't be.

That fighting style...!

Possessed by the embodiment of that heroic ideal, a future different path,

Having faced many battles, I perfected my future skills and Magic Circuits,

And even inherited his Origin.

No... It might be better to say...

Every time this body fought,

it was being invaded by Heroic Spirit EMIYA!

What was that about a Mere flesh and blood human?

You're slow on the uptake, King of Heroes.

What you're facing

is a true imitation

of a Heroic Spirit!!

Lowly Faker!

...Your body should be at the point of no return, yet the speed and strength of your projection is increasing.

I do not know what trick you are using, but it's useless.

The only thing that awaits you...

is certain ruin.

...I know.

The reason I was able to survive those battles...

What you labeled as "useless",

is my connection with her.

I lasted until now because of Miyu's support.

Magical Energy

I'm such a pathetic big brother, aren't I?

But, that's precisely why...

I'm standing here and now

to use up what's left of my life!!!

My body is made of swords.

———I am the bone of my sword.

My blood is of iron. And my heart is of glass.

Steel is my body and fire is my blood.

I have overcame countless battlefields.

I have created over a thousand blades.

Never once retreating.

Unaware of beginning

Nor once attaining victory.

nor aware of end.

The orphan is alone again,

Withstood pain with inconsistent weapons.

Striking diamond dust on a hill of swords.

My hands will never hold anything.



This life is not yet over.

my flame never ends.

This fallen body was still

My whole body was

Still made of swords——!!

"Unlimited Blade Works"

This world...

Fantasy and reality,

Inside and outside, overwriting the world with one's own mind.

The Innermost Magecraft, Reality Marble.


What do you think of it?

It's a world encompassing an infinite number of swords.

But to me... they're more like graves.

Sorry, but please keep me company

Until my blades run out.

Until my body gives out.

As you wish, a puppet like you who mimics the dead, I shall sink to the bottom of those graves.

He was a step ahead of me?

Too slow!

Don't make light...

of The Ainsworth.

Spacial Displacement!

Playtime is over.

Come forth,


Mountain Felling Sword


Reduce to Ashes

Your very existence is flawed.

To the last legend we have written and put into motion for humanity,

you may prove to be a hindrance.

Your irksome ability, your strange use of Magecraft, and your abhorrent self-destructive conviction...

They will all be torn to pieces

Along with your world.


There's no sword in this world that could stand equal to this sword.


while it may be a bit rude,

I'll have to pay you back...


Return to the beginning——


The Star of Creation that Split Heaven and Earth

It's futile, even if you pile all of your blades together,


Yeah... you got that right.

There are times when just one thing can outweigh everything else.

Ah, this is bad...

I wonder if she'll be mad at me... for forgetting about our promise to see the ocean.

I... failed to be a hero who could save others....


I won...


So, we decided we're raking a break from you two.

Hold on a sec-

Wait right there-

Good grief, Luvia-sama is such a handful...

Even though we were in the middle of the mission of collecting the cards.


What you were saying...tell me more about it.

Sapphire! Sapphire!

Geez, if someone discovered that this happened, what would we do?

To have a "Share of happiness" was Onii-chan's wish that I received

But, the current me doesn't have anything...

Nor anything I used to have, so...

What everyone has for granted, their life necessities. I'll start by acquiring those.

Sapphire! Where are yo-


I'll handle collecting the cards.

So, in return, give me a place to live, give me food, give me clothes,

Give me

a place to belong.

Magecraft may have no effect, but bundles of pure mana should do it!

It brushed me! I-It just brushed past me!

Do your best!

This is...?

Hmph, don't mind them. It's just a show of failure.

Just do what you need to do.


The Ainsworth's cards'.

I have... to retrieve all of them.

Class card: Lancer.


Gáe Bolg!

Barbed Spear that Pierces with Death

Lancer: Un-include. Retrieved Class card successfully.

Rider. Collecting complete.

W-Who... Who is this...?

You'll be fine, Miyu.

Knowing you,

You'll make friends in no time.