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Haikara-San: Here Comes Miss Modern Part 1 & 2 (2017)

Posted: 02/10/24 15:36
by bunniefuu
A rushing stream, split by a stone,
ultimately flows together again.

Keio 3 [1867]

Meiji 15 [1882]

It was a time of great passion, when people's
hearts were filled with tenderness.

Ha vuavvu/cra Meiji 34 [1901] It was a time of great
passion, when people's hearts were filled with tenderness.

It was a time of great passion, when people's
hearts were filled with tenderness.

The Meiji and Taisho period bustled with the spirit
of a new age and the glamor of western culture.

After the restoration of the Meiji Emperor,

people flowed into the imperial capital
of Tokyo from all corners of the world.

Taisho 3 [1914] Every flower bloomed in every color
you can imagine. It was spring in its full essence.

Ministry of the Arnly Every flower bloomed in every color
you can imagine. It was spring in its full essence.

Ministry of the Taisho 4 [1915] Anny Every flower bloomed in
every color you can imagine. It was spring in its full essence.

Benio Hanamura, a blooming youth of seventeen.

Hclikclrcl-Scln: Here Comes Miss Modern [Part One]
Benio Hanamura, a blooming youth of seventeen.

Haikara-San: Here Comes
Miss Modern [Pari- One]

Sakura, sakura.

There are sakura blooming all around.

Taisho 7 [1918]

Taisho 7 [1918]

Taisho 7 [1918]

The shimmering Koishikawa river.

I wear a fluttering ribbon,
a maroon hakama, and booties.

As you can plainly see,
I am a stylish schoolgirl.


ficmdemr; Class, today's instruction
will be how to sew a lined kimono.

Class, today's instruction will be
how to sew a lined kimono.

Before we begin, I will collect the summer kimono
you were assigned to make last week.

l forgot.

What's the matter, Miss Hanamura?

Um. I completely forgot about it.

You completely forgot last week
and the week before that.

And the week before that, too.

You shall stand in the hall
for four missed assignments!

Ladies, the Atomu Women's Academy is
a finishing school for future brides.

We teach all the refinements decent women need,
from proper etiquette to domestic skills... find good husbands and become
exemplary mothers of Japan.

One Du ti]: Became w Quad 'Wife. find good
husbands and become exemplary mothers of Japan.

One Du 1517: Became n 900d 'Wife.
Teacher, I also forgot my homework.

Teacher, I also forgot my homework.

Miss Kitakoji! We would expect that of Hanamura,
but you, Tamaki our most talented student...

That's right. And ma'am?

Each of us is a person in our own right,
and as women we will choose our own husbands.

In the first edition of Bluestocking
magazine, Madam Hiratsuka says...

"ln the beginning, woman was the sun."

"Now, she is the moon."

"We must become a new woman."

We shall not be chosen by our husbands.
We are the ones to choose.

Such disrespect! You too, out in the hall!
And stay after school to clean up!

Ta ma ki. You, too?

Yes. I'll be out here with you.

That teacher... What is she talking
about being "mothers of Japan"?

I will never accept an arranged marriage
to a man I've never even met.

Don't you think the same, Benin?

Yes, yes! It's complete nonsense.

Like in poems of Byron, Goethe, and Heine.

Well spurn our parents' arranged marriage
and become doctors or government officials.

We'll blossom with a romantic love
bright as a shining star.

We'll be progressive in every way,
the Miss Moderns of the Taisho period.

Wasn't Tamaki seeing a man
from the Imperial Academy?

Before that, she was with an artist.

She's so bold, especially since we're not
even allowed to sit next to a boy after age seven.

Isn't it great? I want to fall in
love like Tamaki.

But you guys are totally different.

How are we so different?

It's pretty obvious if you ask me.

For one, your chest is small.

That may be so, but I have my ideals too!

Of course that's true,
Tamaki and I are different,

but the weather's so nice.
I just have to...

Nana, I'm home!

I'm going next door for bit.

Miss Benio! You know your father said
he has something important to talk to you about.

It'll just be half an hour!

Sun Man Tues We'd Thurs Fri 5nd: A"?
It'll just be half an hour!

Sun Man Tues Wed Thurs Fri 5M3


That'll be all for today, everyone.
We'll continue tomorrow.

Sorry to bother your kabuki class.

I thought it would be the best day
to play with this!

A kite?!

Hold it up high! I'm going to run.
Here I go!

I knew it would be a great day to fly a kite.

If I pull mare, I'll break the string.

Luckily, no one's around to see.

Hey, Benio!

It should be around here somewhere...

Ranmaru, I can almost reach it.

Don't come over here! Don't look up!
Go over there!

Got it! Ranmaru, I'll drop it down to you.

Are you hurt?

Thank you very mu...

Hey! You rude brute!

My hand slipped!

What quick reactions...

Oops, it wasn't my butt.

Thank you very much for helping me.

B-But if you hadn't yelled out,

I would have never fallen from the tree.

My hand only slipped when I thought
that you were looking up my...

I was surely at fault. I apologize.
Please forgive me, Miss Modern.

By the way, do the Hanamuras live
near here? The army major.

Ah, ljuin. Did Benio bring you here?

The daughter you are so proud of
truly is as you describe,

beautiful and graceful like her
mother who passed away.

That's the boy who lives next door, Ranmaru.

Boy?! So Benin is...

So sorry, but that would be me.

Benio, could you bring some tea?

ljuin, please come in.

Why do I have to...? Well, okay.
I'll show you that I can be ladylike too.

Now, where was the tea box?

That's hijiki seaweed.
The tea is over here.

Ah! That's too much, Miss Benio.

The water is boiling over!!

Ow, ow, ow! I burnt myself!

She's not usually so clumsy.

Seeing you might have made
her a little nervous.

Benio, what are you learning at school?

Please excuse me.

How about some tea?

Thank you.

Did you serve them those rice cakes?
This morning they had mold growing on them.

Benio, come here!

ljuin is a very special guest.

Will you please be careful
not to make a bad impression?

Today's an important day
that will change your future.

A? ri l Today's an important day
that will change your future.

Go show him the garden... and be ladylike!

What's that? You're acting so
strange today, Father.

Let's see...

What a handsome face.

Second Lieutenant, you'll catch a cold.

It's just like a soldier to loll
around in a place like this.

I'll give you a good fight.



A sneak attack is a bit cowardly,
don't you think?

Soldiers must always be
prepared, anytime, anywhere.

I wasn't even trying that hard.

I see. Well then, let's see what you've got.

Don't go easy on me because I'm a girl.

Here I come!

What's going on?!

Do something, Master!

He's tough.

But I'll get him!

What are you doing, Benio?
Stop it now! That man...

Got him!

Second Lieutenant ljuin
is your future husband!


The Hanamura family has served
as hatamoto of the Tokugawa Shogunate,

and the ljuin family has
a long line of court nobles.

Many years ago it was well known that your grandfather
and the ljuin's grandmother were in love.

But times were against them.
The eve of the restoration.

They sided with the new government,
we were anti-imperialist.

The young lovers were tragically torn apart.

When they parted, they made a vow.

Someday, when peace comes, when people are no
longer divided, when class makes no difference...

...our two families will join
together and become one.

'L-f-nnwmu rm Lineage u in Lineage ...our two
families will join together and become one.

As luck would have it, the next generation
of both families were all boys.

So, the vow has passed down to you.

So, that Second Lieutenant and I...

My marriage was decided
the moment I was born...

I refuse!

That vow is no longer valid.

And why in the world him?

His mother is German.

But he's lived only in Japan.

He was raised to be a soldier by Count ljuin,
who was once a samurai of the Satsuma Domain.

In my eyes, he's the perfect example
of a Japanese man.

I know you're going to like him.

But I want to choose my own husband!
I will never be tied down by old customs!

Benio! Your father commands it!

After everything is settled, you'll be sent
to their house to learn your new chores.

So prepare yourself. Do as I say!

That's too... ouch...!

I never found the right time to tell her.

It's my fault she's become such a tomboy.

She's inherited your strong spirit.

Let's watch over her together.

I'm home. Tenmaru, Chimaru!

Welcome home.

Kisaragi, where's Grandmother?

She's in the gazebo in the inner courtyard.

Many more letters came today for you, sir.

Thank you. Please put them in my room.

Yes, sir.

I'm home.

Shinobu. Welcome home.

How did it go? How was Hanamura's daughter?

Benio is quite different than I expected,
but she's a very spirited young lady.

Tenacious about everything she does.

Rather than a woman, she's more like
her own person. She's very intriguing.

Then, would it please you to marry her?
That young lady, Miss Benio?

Yes. If it would please you, Grandmother.

Thank you, Shinobu.

You shall be fulfilling a long-held family vow.

Finally, our two families will become one.

Hello, Shinobu.

Hi, Tamaki.

Your grandmother said I could have
some flowers from the garden.

Aren't the roses beautiful?

I'm done gathering them, so I'll be off soon.

Shall I accompany you home?

Benibana blooms! They're out early this year.

Benibanu... Benio...

These flowers are perfect for her.

"To be or not to be. That is the question."

That is from a play by the great
English playwright Shakespeare.

Hanamura, please translate the line.

Hanamura. Hanamura!

Are you daydreaming?

Splash water on your face!

All right...

What's the matter, Benio?
You've been distracted all day.

Do you have a fever?

Something worrying you?

It's not like you to keep to yourself.

Come on, let it out.

Well... it's...

My father arranged...

You have a fiancé?

What's he like? How old is he?

Are you having a ceremony?

ls he tall and handsome?

You're so lucky!

I'm not lucky at all!

I don't want to become someone's
wife just because my father says!

I want to find my husband on my own.

I'm a new woman of Taisho,
and I deserve to love by my own free will.

That's right! We all do.


You said he is a court noble.

It's a huge chore to keep a nob|e's
home in order. For example...

Omawari, akaka, iri-iri, okabe, miso-miso,
tsuku-tsuku, hari-hari, suru-suru.

Do you know what those mean?

That's what they call side dishes,
red bean paste, roasted soybeans, tofu,

miso dressing, wild horsetail,
dried melon, and dried cuttlefish.

They don't even speak Japanese!
I won't do it! I hate it!

What should I do, Tamaki?

Marry a noble? Could Benio be his.. ?

No, it can't be.

Tsukune meatballs! Do they know tsukune?

Tsu... tsu... tsukune?!

A Few Days Later, Sunday

I don't want it.


She's been like that since you told her.

She's going to take ill.

I'm sure all girls are like that
before their wedding day.

The life of a new woman...


What were you doing out there?

Benio, I heard you are going to
marry that guy. ls it true?


I... ever since we were kids, the whole time...

I... I love you!

What?! What did you just say?!

It's the truth!

But you're a different class than me
and I'm younger than you,

so I never said anything before.

Don't do it! Don't get married!

Benio, run away and marry me!

I've been thinking about it ever
since I saw him, and I decided...

This is our only chance!

I'll leave my family forever just to be with you.
I don't need to become a kabuki actor!

If you choose me instead of your fiancé,

meet me in front of the university at six.

I'll be waiting.

I never knew...

...he thought of me that way.

I always thought of him
as my younger brother.

But behind his seriousness, he was...

I'm flattered by Runmaru's feelings.

But eloping is too scandalous.

Miss Benin.

Flowers from the Second Lieutenant.

What are these flowers called?


Why Benibana?

Weren't those the image for that
ugly red-nosed princess in the Genji tales?

"These Flowers made wxe think 0F you." — Quin Weren't those the
image for that ugly red-nosed princess in the Genji tales?

Weren't those the image for that
ugly red-nosed princess in the Genji tales?

So, I'm uslv!

I'm no beauty, but to say that!

"These Flowers made wxe think 0F
ljuin What an impudent man!

What an impudent man!

That makes me sooo mad!!

Am I supposed to marry
someone who doesn't love me?

If that's so, then I'd rather elope!

Viva, eloping!

Hurrah, eloping!

Great sloping]!

Zlafing E17 tile Share affrtwmi

Elofinq Ev] the Shore of Prtwmi
Wonderful eloping!!!

Zlafing E17 tile Share affrtwmi

Thanks for waiting, Ranmaru.

Benio! I'm so happy you
chose to go with me!

Let's start our eloping!

How about the hot springs in Atami!

Let's go!

So long, Father! Bye, family! Bye, friends!

Today, I'm going my own way,
straight down the modern road.



What's happened?

What's happened?

What's this?!

I want you to look for my daughter
and the boy next door.

People say they saw the two of them
hurrying down the Tokaido highway.

If we don't find them today, I'll submit
a missing person's report to the police.

She must be protected until she marries.

I would like this to be handled quietly.

I apologize for involving you.

I know your daughter very well.

I totally understand.

We will split up and find her.

Major Hanamura.

Has something happened to Benin?

Could it... ls it because of me?

No, it's not you at all!

I am responsible for this.



Shinagawa Shrine We're a long way away now.
Are we near Kanagawa?

Shinagawa Shrine
It says Shinagawa.

Shinagawa Shrine My goodness,
Tokyo sure is big.

We've been walking more than three hours.

I'm getting hungry.

Restaurants are all closed at this hour.

What shall we do?

What are you two young ‘uns doing out
so late? It's not safe out here.

If someone att*cks you, it'll be your own fault,
you know. Hurry and run away!

You've done it now!

Can't you see this goldfish tattoo?

I'm the one and only
Ushigoro the Rickshaw driver...


Now you've really done it...


Want some more?

If you want it, I'll give it to you.

I'm all worked up today!

No, I give up.

Ushigoro has been beaten.

Boss, please take me as your lackey.

Wha...?! L-l-lackey?!

Me, a b-b-boss?!

Really, you're eloping.
That's a tough road.

Really, you're eloping.
That's a tough road.

Let's first have some sake, and
share the cup as a vow of loyalty.

Let's first have some sake,
and share the cup as a vow of loyalty.

Delicious! This is amazing!

Aah, you can hold your drink. Wonderful!

Hey, Benio. What about our elopement?

Who's that? Ranbaru?

Huh... Ran, thazz weird. There're two ob you.

Your eyes... They're glassy....

Your eyes... They're glassy...

Benio's a wild drunk.

Our romantic escape has turned
into a drinking binge.

| give up!

Ah, this is where you were.

I'm so glad I found you.

Come on, you two. Let's go home.

Benio! It's the Second Lieutenant!

He must've come looking for us.

Do you know this fellow?

Look, even if you are her fiancé,
that doesn't mean I have to accept it.

That's why we ran away. I truly love Benio.


Ushigoro, keep an eye on Ranmaru!


Wait here with me.

I dunno wha‘ my fazzer'|| say...

I'll never g'home again...

I can see Ranmaru is very sincere.

He seems quite committed to you,
but I'm sure you knew that.

Thazz right! Elopement
is a verrry serious thingk!

He surely knows you better...

...and loves you deeper than do I,
who you've only just met.

I would just like to know more one thing.


Do you love Ranmaru
as much as he loves you?

But... I just want to choose how I live my own life.

You don't have to elope to prove that.

Let's go back home.

What is with him?

He just took my hand...

Wait, I have more to say.

ls it the sake?

I have no strength... my mind is fuzzy...

All I feel is the warmth of his hand
and my beating heart...

Am I dreaming?

I feel like I'm floating on air.

Ushigoro... Runmuru...
Don't look at me like that.

We... we were eloping...

But now I'm...

It feels like a dream...

You're all in my dream...

You fool!

How disgraceful you were last night!

Just how much did the
bride-to-be drink last night?

The Second Lieutenant...

What he must think of me...

Oh, well. It doesn't matter.
I never wanted to marry anyway.

He must reject the marriage now.


Shinobu just called.
He still wants to marry you.

We set a date for you to go learn
your household duties. Do your best.

What?! He didn't call it off?

He knows I despise him so
much I'd even run away.

What's his deal?!

I won't think about it today.

I guess I'll go to school.

Mornin‘ to ya, Boss!

Oh, yeah. I forgot there was this too.

Step aside, step aside!

Boss Benio coming through!

I'll be here, boss!

Who's that guy?

He looks scary, like a yakuza gangster.

The banner says Benin.

Maybe he's hired help.

Thank you for this.

Seito February Thank
you for this.


What's the matter?
What are you sighing about?

I'm heartbroken.

What?! You, Ta ma ki?

What kind of man would reject you?

I didn't confess my feelings,
so I wasn't technically rejected.

I loved him ever since childhood.

But I've been told his family
chose a fiancée for him.

He was your true love.

I knew this would happen...

I dated many guys because I thought
there must be someone better out there.

But there wasn't.

I never knew you loved someone so
much... What's he like?

Well, why don't you meet him?

We're going to the opera
in Asakusa this afternoon.

de Boccaccio

It's so crowded.

They're called "pera-go|o."

They're opera fans.

Oh, there he is!

Tamaki, him?

That's him. Shinobu ljuin.

Hey, Tamaki.

Wait... Benin?


Ream? Benin...

Are you Shinobu's fiancée?

That's right, you two are classmates.

Tamaki! Wait!

Excuse me, I must go, too.



Oh, that Tamaki....

Leaving you like this...

What should I do?

He made me come with him, but...

What a way to experience my first opera.

Love is gentle, o flowers of the field
Koi wa yasahii nobe no hana yo

She might have planned this date with the man who broke her heart to make one last good
memory of him. Love is gentle, o flowers of the field Koi wa yasahii nobe no hana yo

She might have planned this date with the man who broke her heart to make one
last good memory of him. O flowers that do not fade... Natsu no hi no moto ni the fullness of the summer sun
Kuchinu hunu yo

Then I showed up and ruined it for her.
the fullness of the summer sun Kuchinu hcma yo

How can I ever face her again? Our friendship is surely
over. the fullness of the summer sun Kuchinu hunu yo

How can I ever face her again? Our friendship is surely over.
Burning passion remains in my heart, Atsui omoi wo muni ni komete

I'm in no mood for an opera. Burning passion
remains in my heart, Atsui omoi wo muni ni komete

Burning passion remains in my heart,
Atsui omoi wo muni ni komete

Just because she hasn't told him doesn't mean he's never noticed her
feelings... Burning passion remains in my heart, Atsui omoi wo muni ni komete

Just because she hasn't told him doesn't mean he's never noticed her feelings...
even through the doubting frost of winter Utugui no shimo wo fuyu ni mo

even through the doubting frost of winter
Utugui no shimo wo fuyu ni mo

But maybe he hasn't. even through the doubting
frost of winter Utugui no shimo wo fuyu ni mo

If only he knew how Tumuki felt...
Pray do me no harm, Okusenu

you, the only one...
Waga kokoro no

That's it! If he knew, then Tumuki could keep her
lifelong love... you, the only one... Wugu kokoro no

...and we could still be friends.
you, the only one... Waga kokoro no

It's perfect!

It's perfect! ...who belongs
to my heart Tudu hitori yo

Second Lieutenant, can I tell you something Tamaki
told me? ...who belongs to my heart Tada hitori yo

Huh? Did you say something?

Tamaki said that she...

Wait, stop. Your breath is tickling me.




I'm very sorry.

Please ignore me and continue.

Second Lieutenant,

what I have to tell you is more
important than the opera.

All right. Let's get out of here.



Tamaki has loved you
ever since you were kids.

But she's trying to forget you
because you have a fiancée.

Tamaki is my oldest, dearest friend.

I want her to be happy, and I want
to keep her friendship.

No girl is a better match for you than Tamaki.

If you would just choose Tamaki,
everyone would be happy.


lam going to marry you.


Thank you for waiting.
Here is your coffee.


Benio, please look at me and listen carefully.

My mother was the daughter
of a German aristocrat.

My parents met when my father was studying
in Germany. They fell in love then had me.

But my mother was not permitted to
marry someone from Japan.

She left me with my father and ran
off to marry a Russian count.

Later, my father also left me in Japan to go work
in a foreign country. Eventually, he fell sick and died.

Both my parents abandoned me, and it was ljuin's
grandmother who took care of me and raised me.

I grew up hearing my
grandmother's tragic love story,

and I know very well
what my role in it is to be.

I've known my whole life.

What are you saying?

That you would enter a loveless marriage
with me just for your grandmother?!


Tell me, I want to hear just what
you think marriage is?

Of course, it would be good to fall
in love after we marry.

I don't think it's strange at all.

It's bitter and... sweet.

So this is what coffee tastes like?

What an insult against a modern, self-aware woman.

He looks modern, but obviously favors tradition.

He's tough...

But I must do something to help Tamaki.

Miss Hunumuru, you are the worst in
class in cooking, sewing, and etiquette.

Average Excellent ' Gooel Fall Miss Hanamura, you are
the worst in class in cooking, sewing, and etiquette.

A varaga Excellent Fail

This is it!

Ha-ha, he-he-he.

I traveled from ljuin estate today to pick up
Miss Benio for her housekeeping lessons.

How courteous. I will call her.

Miss Benio!


Oh, my gosh! Miss Benio!

Wh-Who is this?


Ha ha ha. Hi, Ms. Second Lieutenant's nanny.
lam Benio. Ha ha.


Are you really going to marry him, Benio?

Just going for housekeeping lessons.

I'm going to muck it up and then
come right back. Don't worry.

I failed them at school, too.
Every single one!


I'm not so sure that plan will work.

Fail! Fail!
I'm not so sure that plan will work.

I'm not so sure that plan will work.

That vulgar man is...

That's my lackey.
I'm bringing him with me.

A-A lackey?

What's this young lady up to?

There's the mansion now.

Wow, what a stately building.
Like a castle.

The white one is Tenmaru,
the black one is Chimaru.

Be careful, they're only friendly
to the Young Master.

Please wait here a moment.

I'll bring the lady of the house.

Young Master Shinobu will return shortly.

This place is amazing.
I had no idea they were so wealthy.

Who is that?

Thank you for coming, Benio.
I am Shinobu's grandmother.

Well, well, you are quite a little beauty.

You remind me much of your grandfather.
Same eyes, eyebrows, and dignified mouth.

Finally, our prayers will be...

Knowing you, I figured you wouldn't
just obediently come, but...

That getup!

Shinobu, please show Benio her room.

If you have any questions,
you may ask Kisaragi.

Certainly, my lady.

There was an old man here just now...

Count ljuin, the head of the family.

He's from the Satsuma Domain and hates that your
grandfather was a hatamoto of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

They were enemies during the Meiji Restoration.

Keeping a vow from half a century ago.
That's a bit old-fashioned.

From today, this will be your room.


It's like the room of some exotic princess!

I will see you later, at lunch.

How soft...


Before your mother died,
she asked me to give this to you.

A white widow's kimono signifies a woman
who hos no intent to serve o second husband.

Should Shinobu die, and you are determined
never to marry again... Wear this.

Father, I'm so sorry, but...
I'm going to end all this right now.

Miss Benio!

Lunch is ready.

Please, wear this.

You look great.

Western food?!

Oh, no! I don't know the proper etiquette.

We must choose a day that's good for
your formal introduction.

Right, Benin?

Um, u-huh.

The little sword, this claw thing...
How do you use these?

This scoop must be for the soup.

Benio, copy what I do.

It's so hard!

What is this?
Slice the meat, cut through the bones!!

An uncultured girl from a hatamoto family,
who doesn't even know how to eat Western food?

She doesn't belong here. Send her back!

He's so mean! I'm a hatamoto daughter
who doesn't know how to eat Western food!

That's just who I am! If I get branded as
a failed bride-to-be and get sent home... father will surely give up on the marriage!

But being treated like this makes me so angry.

Good evening.

Come in.

Please excuse my grandfather.

I thought this might be calming for you.

It's warm milk.

Thank you.

Do you like the room?

I like it very much.

I'm glad to hear that.

I believe you will bring a
breath of fresh air to our family.

We're stuck in aristocratic traditions.

You're the one who can break us free
from the old customs.

But, but, Second Lieutenant...

Anyway, it's not like you Miss Modern,
to get so discouraged.

Please drink that and get some rest tonight.

He's certainly trying to flatter me.

But it's true, I hate feeling beaten like this.

He wants to change his own family...

What a strange mun.

All right. Let's start now!

It may look like a castle or
chateau, but all it really is... a count's estate in Tokyo.

Special training for everything!

Then training, and training,
and more training...!!

This training is so tough.
It's just as planned, but...'s... so... tough...

What are you doing?

What the heck are you doing?
Putting women's clothing above men's?

That's unacceptable.


What is it with putting men over women?
What outdated rubbish!

I can't take it anymore!

Stop, you old goat! Take that!


Miss Benio!

How dare a woman stand up to me!

I'll send you packing right now!

This is not how I expected to be
sent home, but I have no choice.

If you're going to go on and on
about women like that,

then I'll take you on.

You thought a woman could sneak up on me?

I'll take your offer to skewer you.
Get ready!!

Young Master! Young Master, come quick!

Miss Benin and Master...

It has finally started.

Master is trained in
the Houzouin martial arts.

You must stop them!

Well, let's just watch them.

I've squared off against Benio.
I know very well how good she is.



Um, how's Grandfather's hand?

I think his pride hurts more than his hand.

By the way, what are those bags for?

Grandfather told me to get out, so...

Grandfather says he's looking forward
to fighting you again once he recovers.

He'll never forgive you
if you run off before then.


I'm also very happy
that you're here.

Cranesbill, senburi flower,
dokudami, and... this'll finish it.

This is my nana's special
Hanamura family remedy.

Grandfather, I've brought some medicine.

I don't want any medicine made
by a hatamoto's daughter!

That smells foul.

Well, just stop talking. If you're a man
then stop complaining and drink it down.

Huh! What's this?!

A charred newt.

I drank it, didn't I?

Good medicine tastes bitter, Grandfather.


How are you feeling?

Much better.

I'm glad.

Receiving the kindness of a
hatamoto's child...

My wife is the reason that I've
always hated the hatamoto.


Before we married, she was in love
with a man who was a hatamoto.

After we married, she would get a far-off look
in her eyes like she was daydreaming.

How could you think of such a thing?!

Were you listening?

I never knew that you saw me that way.

I've been faithful to you,
and given you children.

That man is just a sweet memory.

I am so grateful to be with you.
You are the reason my life has meaning now.

That's what you thought? I... I'm sorry.


And I returned to the days of training.
Learning new chores is tough!

And that includes Sundays...

Benio, today we're going
to host a garden party.

What? I hadn't heard about it.

A private party,
just friends and family.

They all want to see my fiancée.

But I haven't even consented
to the engagement yet.

Our new servant starting today.
Introduce yourself.

I'm Ranko. At your service.

Isn't that Runmuru?!
What's going on?

She's a beauty, a beauty!

Dear, that's disgraceful.
She's a beauty, a beauty!

Dear, that's disgraceful.

Now, hurry up and prepare
for the garden party.

Yes, ma'am.
Yes, ma'am.


Where's your fiancée?

Her name's Benin, right?

Where's the fair maiden?

I'm right here.

I'm right here.


This girl?

She's not like I imagined.

Hello, Shinobu. Benio.


You've lost some weight?
Here, from the Kimura store.

Bean bread. Thank you.

Wish there were tsukune meatballs...

This is for your grandmother.

Has Benio gotten used to living here?

I wonder if she's having a hard time
in a stuffy, aristocratic family...

She may be.

We are living the life of the privileged nobility,
protected by a castle.

But it's u very closed off
and stagnant world.

Tamaki is so beautiful.

She is so much better suited to
the Second Lieutenant than I um.

I thought Benio could give me
the chance to break out.

I can see much more of the world
when I'm with her.

I felt it the first moment I met her.
That feeling hasn't changed at all.

The dogs are noisy.
I'm going to take them out back.

Ranko! But those dogs...!

There we go...

Got it.

No, no. Stop!

Tenmaru! Chimaru!

Come here! Tenmaru, Chimaru.

At first, I thought I was doing it
for my grandmother,

but it's different now.

That was so scary...

I waited and waited,
but you never came back, Benio.

If I hadn't done this,
I could never be near you.

I didn't know you were so...

All right, I got it, but make sure
you don't get caught.

I will. I'll do my best until
the day they kick you out!

Requires rest please be quiet.
- Kisaragi

Kaqui/"ee r667‘; pleaee be quiet. — Kléamagl’
We did
it! You'll be home in no time.

We did it! You'll be home in no time.

Oh, yes. I can go home...

Excuse me.

H ananoya Kl'clr\f_|'l'
I brought some tea.


Thank you, Ranmaru.

You might want to
re-adjust your pads.

M-My pads?!

He... He knew all along!

So, he knew that you were
living here with us.

The Second Lieutenant knew
that Runmuru is in love with me...

Why would he allow it?

Either he has no feelings for me, or...

...he's in love with someone else.

It could be. He receives lots of
letters from women.

There was even one from a geisha.

What? A geisha!

There was one from Hananoya Kichiji.


Shinobu visits geisha houses?

It can't be...

Are you looking for a letter from Hananoya?

How did you...?

Who was that beautiful woman?

She's Hananoya's geisha.
She works in the Yanagibashi district.

But she's not what you think.

Please don't misunderstand.

You don't have to make an excuse.
It doesn't bother me in the least.

I never thought I would feel so sud
about going back home.

Where shall I put these?

Please put them over there.

Are you airing things out,
Grandmother? I'll help.

Benio, that's all right. You don't have to help.

Be careful over there.

Ranko, are you all right?

I'm okay, but the plate broke.

I'm so sorry.

That, that plate is...

ls it expensive?

But it's just one of the ten.

You, stand up!

Oh, dear! Wait!

I won't forgive myself
if I don't put you to death!

Grandfather! Settle down!

Which is more important?
A plate or someone's life?

Those plates are family heirlooms...

...passed down to me from the
Satsuma Daimyo himself.

A samurai loses face...

...even if just one of ten is missing.

The age of the samurai
ended a long, long time ago.

My pride is at stake.

Maid! I must now take your life, after which
I will commit ritual su1c1de in apology.

Brace yourself!



What have you done?!
Benio, why did you do this?

If one person must die for each plate...

...then nine broken plates
mean nine people must die.

I'll pay for their nine lives with my own.

Go ahead, take my life.

Ah, all right...!

I'm ready to do it. Here I go...

That's enough.

You lost this one, Grandfather.

If you don't k*ll me, then I will be
returning to the Hanamura family.


If I leave, then you can marry the
person you love, right?

Benio, she's only...

Let's go, Ranmaru.


I'm sick of this old-fashioned family.

Goodbye, Second Lieutenant.

Don't stop her, Shinobu!


You're going home?

That Second Lieutenant...
He's so, he's so...


Serve me tea, I say!

Why are you all looking at me like that?!

Didn't Benio leave all on her own?

After all, she didn't fit in here.

She even broke my plates.

Kisaragi, you agree with me, don't you?

In all my many years as a house servant...

...l had never met anyone like her.

She was the first person to ever
challenge the Master's stubbornness.

She was quite a handful for me, but...

...we will never meet someone like her.

That's the truth...

I felt like she was going to bring
change to this family.

Shi... Shinobu!


What are you standing around for?
She's your fiancée, isn't she?

I'll go get her.


The days of the samurai are long gone.

More, please!

You've had enough.

They never serve tsukune meatballs over there.

What's the Master going to say
when he gets home?

To think, you were kicked out before the marriage.

I feel sorry for your mother.

Although I did have
a feeling this might happen.

Don't you have any pity for a girl
with a broken heart?

I'll never see the Second Lieutenant again...

I'm home.

Master, you should know...

Benio! Benio! Benin?!

Welcome home, Father.

Come to my room!

I don't believe it.
Shinobu would never do such a thing.

Do you think I'm lying?

Quiet! An imperial soldier respects manners.

To suspect him of infidelity is an outrage!

Soldier... a soldier you say.
Are soldiers such great people?

Stop pounding on the table!

You're pounding, too!

How dare you believe others more
than your own daughter!

Don't you insult a soldier!

When you're in this house, you obey your parents.
When you get married, you obey your husband.

When you grow old, you will obey your children.

Go back. Shinobu is probably
worried about you.


once you leave this house,
you can never come back.


It's for her own good.

Oh, ljuin!

I hate to bother you so late.

I apologize for having been so careless.

ls Benio here?

She just left to return to your house.

I see. Then I'll try to catch up to her.


Benio mentioned something about
a geisha in Yanagibashi?

There is nothing to worry about.

I'm going to explain it all to Benio tonight.

I understand.

That will be good.
She's an inexperienced girl...

No, not at all. Benio's turned out to be
just how I'd imagined she would be.

Rather, I want to become a man
that is good enough for her.

I didn't give it enough thought.
How do I even go buck now?

Please don't misunderstand.

Moping around is a waste of time.

I will find out the truth myself.
I just have to buck up to do it!


Good evening...

Oh, my!

Good evening. You must be Kichiji.

I'm Benio Hanamura.

Hanamura... Second Lieutenant ljuin's fiancée?


I came here to ask about your
relationship with the Second Lieutenant.

Miss, I'm so sorry...

I'm not accusing you.

After all, it was my father who arranged the marriage.
I'd accept it if you truly love each other.

I just wanted to understand what is going on.

Miss, please look at this.

Who is it?

It's my deceased husband.

We swore to be together for all eternity.

He and the Young Master of ljuin were friends.

He was a young and good-natured
person, a good man.

But in the w*r, in Tsingtao, China...

Manchuria Japan Qingdao

When they told me he had died...

I wanted to die too,

but the Young Master found me and saved me.

He's been helping me ever since then
and gave me the strength to face the day.

He said he could never let the
person his friend loved die.

I'm an old-fashioned woman.

The Young Master is a wonderful man, but my heart
only belongs to the one I swore my life to.

Miss, the Young Master is truly a
brave and compassionate man.

We've only just met and it may be
impertinent to say this, but...

I know that the Young Master is worthy
of devoting your whole life to.

Kichiji, thank you.

Benio, let's make this night we met
a moment to remember.

Of course, I will pay for it all.

What?! But...

...are you sure?


Thank goodness!
I don't even have u single coin with me.

Kichiji, I'd like to hear more about the
Second Lieutenant, stories I don't know.

Certainly. It all started when...

What's wrong with this place?
They've forgotten their customers.

I apologize. There's a young lady
customer downstairs.

What?! You serve women here?!

A woman is making a fool of
a Lieutenant Colonel of the Imperial Army!

Everyone, follow me!

Please don't.

Stop it!

My fazzer told me...

...that imperial soldiers never do
damage to a drinking establishment.

Yer all phonies!

Woman! How dare you call me phony!
Do you know who I am?!

Take that! Woman! How dare you call
me phony! Do you know who I am?!

Woman! How dare you call me phony!
Do you know who I am?!

Benin, that man is...

Woman, you'll regret that!

Colonel lnnen, please forgive her.



Lieutenant Colonel lnnen?!

Do you know this civilian?

She's my fiancée.

Major Hanamurds daughter?

Did my fiancée do something inappropriate?

Damn, I hate that ljuin!

The army took him because of his aristocratic family,
even though he's not even a full-blooded Japanese.

I always hated him. How disrespectful!

We've had enough sake.

Let's get outta here!

You finally met the one.

Never let go of her hand...

Lieuutenant, thangks... Sorryee.

That's all right. It's my fault.
I should have told you about it.


d'you luv meee?

Even if I'm not so prettee and
sake makes me wild.

Hove you, Benin.


Yes, even before I met you.

Whaaat? That's sillyyy...

It is silly, isn't it?

Even if fit's silly, I really luuuuv you.

It's so bright!

Good morning, Miss.

Good morning.

Why um I buck at the ljuin house?
Ugh, my head hurts...

What?! You don't remember what
happened last night?

I met Kichiji then I had some sake,
but after that...

Sorry. That is so like you.

Did I... do something?

Don't worry about it.

By the way, there is something that
I've been wanting to tell you.



Ranmaru's also back?
Oh, no! Tamaki will find out!

Oh, what did you want to say?

Another time. It's important
that the mood is right.

Do you have an order for me,
Lieutenant Colonel?


To the front lines in Russia?

Yes. Our army may send troops along
with American soldiers.

That may be useful.

Benio, it's good to see you again!

Benio, it's good to see you again!

You've been gone so long.
The class has become so quiet.

After today's lesson, let's have some fun.

Well, about that...

Kanoko and Osome are getting married, too.

Class, you have but a few more
months to learn proper etiquette.

We're all deciding what
paths our lives will take.

I feel so lonely.

What are you saying?!
You were the first one who got engaged!

I still think you are the best match
for the Second Lieutenant.

It's okay. I got tired of thinking
about it. I'm over it now.

I want to do something after I
graduate, as a modern woman...

...and I will look for a new love.

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may."

Tumaki's as lively as ever.

But Benio, as you know,
Ranmaru is jealous.

Since living at the estate, haven't you
started falling in love with Shinobu?

Second Lieutenant,
what are you reading?

A Russian book.

The Civil w*r is ongoing in Russia,
it's likely America and Japan will get involved.

So, just in case...

Will you be sent to Russia?

Not sure.

Taisho 7 [1918]: July

Taisho 7 [1918]: July

This is Second Lieutenant Shinobu ljuin.

I've received your transfer orders. Ten-hut!

Shinobu ljuin of the Imperial Army!

As of today, you will be assigned as the Commander
of the Second Platoon of the Third Battalion...

...14th Regiment, 12th Kokura Infantry Division!

Be ready to dispatch within seven days.

Yes, sir!

You're being transferred?!

Oh, dear. Shinobu, Kokura is so far away.

Keep yourself together.

Shinobu, you're serving your country.
You must do your very best.


He's going away... to Kyushu...

Asazora Newspaper August 2nd, 1918
Announce to Dispatch Troops to Siberia.

Shinobu, what if they send you to Siberia?

Don't worry, the first troops to go
to Siberia will be from Nagoya.

Where's Benin?

Where has she gone? She knows the
Young Master is leaving tomorrow.

It's dangerous up there. What if you fall?

Just a little longer.

The city lights are so beautiful.

Miss Modern, can I come up, too?




Too late, I'm here... Wow!

Tokyo sure is peaceful.

It's the duty of the army to
preserve that peace.

Please, take care of our family
while I'm gone.


There's something I've been wanting to tell you.

What is it?

Please, don't forget this time...

I've loved you since the very beginning.

Be careful!

Kyushu is not so far away these days.

Come and visit me when
you have time off from school.

Um... I... I...

You should see our garden in Autumn.

If I can return by then, we can look
at the Autumn foliage together.

It's truly beautiful.

You'll be back by Autumn... Promise?

Yes. I'll be looking forward to it,
it'll seem like no time at all.

I'm leaving now.

Please take care, Shinobu.

Goodbye, Young Master.


I'll be back.

I was up all-night thinking of what
I'd say, but got too embarrassed.

Please, come back safely.

When you return,
I'll tell you I um your bride...

...with all my heart.

Taisho 7 [1918]: August

This is terrible...


Second Lieutenant...

Asazora Newspaper August 30th, 1918 Troops to
Siberia. Special edition! Special edition!

Special edition! Special edition!

Benio, there's an amazing lantern parade... celebrate the first win over the Russians!

I'm not interested.


Miss, a letter for you.

I don't want to read it.

From the Young Master.

A letter?

A letter?!

A letter?

A letter, you said?

Let me read it alone!

A letter from him...

Ah, the scent of the Russian wind!

"Dearest Benio,"

"How are you?"

"I'm writing this letter where my troop
is stationed, far behind the front lines. "

"We haven't received our orders yet, so I'm just biding
my time, gazing out the window at a wide field."

"l wish I could show you this majestic scenery."

"l can just picture you running around the field."

"Russia has some very strong liquor
culled vodka. Are you jealous?"

Second Lieutenant...

She's taking such a long time.

Maybe she ate something bad.


"This is u wild strawberry flower,
it blooms in the Siberian fields."

"The locals call it malinku."


Wild strawberry.

"l pray that you are as vibrant as this flower."

"I don't think this w*r
will go on for very long. "

"l may be able to come home
earlier than expected."

"P.S. I'll bring you some vodka."

He's okay.

Vodka... sounds delicious.

I must write back immediately.

That commander gets on my nerves.

Never even heard a g*nsh*t,
but suddenly he's assigned platoon commander.

What're ya gonna do?
We're just g*ons, a band of misfits.

Everyone, line up!

I said, line up.

Can't hear me?

Mr. Platoon Commander, we've all been to
the real w*r and have lost our hearing.

Please speak louder.

Okay... I get it.

If you'll only follow a strong leader...

Let's do it, Mr. Commander.

Enough, you two!

What is going on here?!

Second Lieutenant ljuin, come forward!

Yes, sir!

What are you doing?!


What started this? Tell me!

We were engaged in practical training.

All this waiting around is making us rusty.

Then I'll give you what you want.

I'll have your platoon transferred
to the front lines soon.

Be readV!

Salute the Platoon Commander!

I was wrong about you.

I thought you were just another Tokyo-trained
officer who looked down on us.

But my words have caused us to be
sent to the front line.

I'm sorry.

Well, it's a lot better than rotting back here.

I, Unworthy Sergeant Onijima, will proudly follow
the Platoon Commander anywhere.

Right, everyone?


The front lines tomorrow...

I'll survive, Benio, and return to you.

Bridal training again today! Let's do it!

Good luck!
Good luck!

Mon: Ikebana Tue: Sewing Wed: Koto Thurs: Cooking Fri: Sewing Sat: Calligraphy Sun: No training
Mon: Ikebana Tue: Sewing Wed: Koto Thurs: Cooking Fri: Sewing Sat: Calligraphy Sun: No training

She's that much in love with him.

What's the matter, Ranmaru?

Benio is like a different person.

You know Benio is doing it
for Shinobu's sake...

I know. There's no place left for me.

But I don't want to leave her now. I want to help
her be happy, no matter how much it hurts.

You're such a good person.
You really are, Ranmaru.

Benin, are you back on swordsmanship?

My shoulders got tight because my body
isn't used to acting like a lady all the time.

I stopped trying to be what I'm not.
I am who I am.

Benio is still Benio.

Oh, hey!

Ranmaru, let's wrestle like we used to!

No way! I'm outta here!

I haven't received a letter from him since...

It's okay. He promised to come back safely.

The enemy is drawing near.

You've really learned to read the
g*nf*re well, Commander.

It's been two months at the front line.

I just got used to it.

It was just summer, now it's already winter.

Siberian winter is one thing
I don't want to get used to.

Another drink?

Yeah, I'll have one.

We're a band of misfits that was
destined to get sent to the front lines,

but someone like you must have many regrets.
You must have a girlfriend, right?

Seems cute but hard to handle.

She's a modern woman.

Her name is Benio. She's lively,
spontaneous, gentle... but tough, too.

She cares about everyone.

Commander! Something's not right
with our rear guard.

Heard from anyone?

No one.

Commander, it's the Cossacks!

We're surrounded.

The rear guard is trying to use us as a decoy.
The higher-ups must have planned it.

It's do or die now. We'll break through
the trap and rejoin the rear guard.

Run for those woods.

They're on horseback and
won't chase us there.

Remember! Don't try to get them,
just run! Run for it!

Don't die for nothing.
Fight to live and return home to Japan.

You too, Commander.

You've got to get back
to your Benio, right?


Everyone... Charge!!

ls everyone here?

Commander, we're all okay.


We can't find Sergeant Onijima!

You all go ahead!

What are you going to do, Commander?!

Don't do it! It's su1c1de!


Onijima... Onijima... Where are you?

Commander! Stop! Don't come here!

Leave me!

Onijima. I'll be right there.


Commander ljuin...!!

A white... mulinka flower.

Be safe, Second Lieutenant... I'm waiting for you.
I'll always wait for you. Forever...


Where are you? Commander!

You fool...!

I told you, you have to make it
home to your lover...


Autumn's already ending.

I wonder when he will be coming back.

They reduced the number of troops in
October, some have already come home.

Then he should be back soon.

Miss Benio! Miss Benio!

We just received a message from the army...!

The Young Master... in Siberia...!

What's happened to him?

You must come inside the house.
The Mistress has collapsed.



Miss Benio, please come to the parlor.


Are you Benin?

The Second Lieutenant's fiancée, right?

These men are from Shinobu's troop.

They came to speak with you.

Tevwvuvwu Ohivvmavu.

Tevwvuxvu [Lhivvuavu
The Commander was always talking about you.

He went back to help a mun who fell behind.

He went through the bombardment
and never came back...

I can't believe you won't be coming back.

I don't want to believe it...
It can't be true...

I--- I---

No need to say anything.

I know how you're feeling
better than anyone else.

I never really told him that I love him.

Never told him... And now, he's...

Count, there's no family heir now.
What's going to happen to the estate?

It won't go to his fiancée, will it...?

Benio will be sent back to her family.
It won't go to his fiancée, will it...?

Benio will be sent back to her family.

The ljuin family has no estate.

You are still young and have your
whole life ahead of you.

Please don't say that.
I will be here with you.

Thank you, but it's enough for we the elderly
to bear the sorrows of those who are gone.

Miss Benio, I brought mourning clothes.

A white widow's kimono signifies a woman
who hos no intent to serve o second husband.

It shows I will never marry another.

Wha... what are you doing?

How can there be nothing left?

This house is all that there is...


this is my wedding dress.

I vow to love you devotedly
for the rest of my life.



I will take care of this family for you.

What's a geisha doing here?

Women like you don't belong here.

I beg you. Please, just to give a prayer.

Let her through.

She's a dear friend of ours.

Thank you, Miss Benin.

What a nerve!

It's scandalous to have a geisha here.

She's trash.

Benio, what's with all this
white mourning clothing?

The Second Lieutenant
entrusted me with this family.

Grandfather, please let me
take care of both of you.


Family and relatives.

As long as the Count and Countess are alive,
I'll be in charge of the household.

That's it, everyone.
That's how it's going to be!

Ranmaru, you can't stay here anymore.

Why? What's wrong with me being here?

I am betrothed to the Second Lieutenant.

While he is away, the wife protects the house.
And no other man shall be allowed to enter the house.

Ranmaru, I implore you...
become the man you are meant to be.

Practice and become a great actor.

It's goodbye until then.

I understand. But call me
if you ever need help.

I'll always come for you.

I'll show you the independent man I can be.

Taisho 8 [1919]

Grandfather and Grandmother are so oblivious.

There are so many bills but no income.

And we have to pay the servants...
If this continues, we'll soon have to sell the house!

The only way is if I work. I will get a job!

Waitress Nurse Maid

Waitress Nurse


It's hopeless. It's so hard
to find work these days.

What jobs are there for women?

I don't have a license to be a nurse...

I've got it!



I'm really sorry, but you
wouldn't be a good fit...

...especially since we entertain
so many soldiers.

Right... Who knows what I might do
with a little sake in me.

Cheer up, Benio.
I know just the right job for you.

It's a small publishing company.

I'm sure the man there will like you.

This is the place.

Oh, my gosh. It's so dilapidated...!

J yodansha

J yodansha
This one.

Excuse me...!

You a debt collector?
I can't pay you.

Umm... Kichiji told me I should come here.
She said you would employ me.

Looking for a job?
But you're a woman.

Women can work too, you know.

I'm sorry, but I'm a male chauvinist.

I have no work for a woman. Get out.

What?! Don't you dare put down women!

Oh, I get it. You're scared.

You think men will lose their
dignity if a woman can do the job.


I have an allergy.

If a woman touches me,
my whole body breaks out in hives.


Yeah. Hey, Hetsura.

What? Housewives are attacking
rice stores in Ushigome?

What a scoop!

I've sent everyone out...

...except the girl that Kichiji sent us.

All right, woman. Go get the story.

Write up a good story. Then I'll hire you.

Don't forget that promise.

Ushigome, right? I'll be back!

This is the place being trashed.
They look so frantic.

Why are they tearing apart the building?

The owner of the shop raised his prices,
in the middle of a depression!

The price doubled since last year,
and poor people like us can't afford to eat!

There's a storehouse full of rice going bad.

Yet we can't get enough to
feed our children tomorrow!

Hurry, the police will come soon!

Hurry up and break it open!

But the door is too strong!

I can't stand it!
But the door is too strong!

I've got to do something!

I'm gonna break in another way!

Anyone who's strong enough, follow me!


The police! Run!

Everyone, run!

What?! A woman saying
she's our journalist is in jail?

Police Station What?! A woman saying
she's our journalist is in jail?

Police Station

Police Station The rice-shop owner was
trying to get rich while everyone starves.

The rice-shop owner was trying to
get rich while everyone starves.

I couldn't just stand by and watch.

I can't believe Kichiji sent me this one.

I'm sorry. I failed as a journalist...

Good bye!



Are you able to forget that you're a woman?


If you want to work with me,
you won't be treated like a woman.

Are you okay with it?

You're hired, for now. My name is
Tosei Aoe. Welcome aboard.

I'm so haPPV!

Oh, my! You really do get hives! Sorry!!


Second Lieutenant...

Taisho 9 [1920]: July

Taisho 9 [1920]: July
I'm not the banker type...

Taisho 9 [1920]: July

Taisho 9 [1920]: July
And I'm very happy with the job I have.

And I'm very happy with the job I have.

I see... About that,
please wait a little longer.

I'm still allergic to women.

All right, yes. Take care, Mother.

Good morning!

What beautiful weather!

It is.

How about some tea?

Ah, I'll get it. Just a moment.

Another cockroach!

Come out!

I'll get you!

Stop right there!

She's surely got spirit.

We've gotten word of
mounted bandits in Manchuria.

They've been attacking a village
where Japanese troops are holed up.

Mounted bandits?

A g*ng of vigilantes on horseback.
They've recently become more like thieves.

They say their leader is actually Japanese.

What's more, he's a possible survivor of
a troop dispatched to Siberia.

Here is a more detailed description.

Former commissioned officer
from Kokura Infantry.

Really! Why would an officer turn
around and attack his own army?

I wonder if it's a w*r grudge...
It would be an interesting story.

I doubt we'll get much more
information, though.

Chief, what do you want to do?



Just keep interviewing the returning soldiers.

Meeting adjourned.

'Resigns flan

What is this?

There's a place I want to go.

To Manchuria?


The reason?

I received the news that my fiancé
was k*lled in the w*r...

But I don't believe it...
I don't believe Shinobu's dead.

I need to see for myself if that
deserter-turned-vigilante in Siberia is my fiancé.

Chief, you were kind to
hire someone like me, but...

This is the first time she's shown
her feminine side...

There's a man who can make this
strong-minded woman feel that way...


All right, I'm sending you to Manchuria.

Get going, journalist!

I don't have to quit?

No. I'm sending you on assignment.
Go and bring back a good article!

Thank you, Chief!

No... no, woman...!!
Thank you, Chief!

No... no, woman...!!

There are... no hives!

Yokohama Port


Dalian Port

Harbin Station

This town is filled with the scent of romance
Roman no kaori ni michita kono machi

Everyone lives seeing their own little dream
Duremo gu chiisa nu yume wo mite ikiteru

Even back when I was an unruly tomboy,
Jajauma musume to narashita hibi mo

little by little l changed, and became an adult
Suokoshizutsu kawutte otona ni natteyuku

Ah, I'm so dismayed! Every time,
Au kujikesou sonotubi ni anata no

I'm always thinking of your smiling face
Wuruikoe wo itsumo omoidasu

Please, give me the courage now...
Toki wo tobikoete susundeku yuuki wo overcome time and move forward
Watashi ni kudasai imu koso

I'll keep going, in order to grasp that distant happiness
Haruku nu shiawuse tsukamae ni yuku wu

I'll turn it all into strength
Subete wo chikara ni kaete

Those who are lonely are full of kindness
Sabishii hito hodo yasashisa wo mochi

And those who are kind have u hidden strength
Yusushii hito hodo tsuyosa wo himeteiru

Even I, whose saving grace is my smile,
Egao gu torie no watashi datte hora

have u sadness that I don't share with anyone
Darenimo ienai kanashimi kakaeteru

Ah, I think I might cry! But still,
Au numidu ni makesou ni nuru kedo

taking risks has always been my specialty
Bouken naraba itsumo otenomono

I'll throw off my old coat now, and make u fresh start
Furui uwugi sute umarekuwuru imu

I can sense the love I've been looking for
Sagashiteta oi ni kidzuku no

I know that one day, you'll find me again
Fututubi anata gu watashi wo mitsukeru

I've set off in search of that day
Sono hi wo shinjite tabidatsu

I want to keep going, to the edge of an endless dream
Owaranai yume no hate made yukitai

Something new is waiting for me there
Aturushii nanika gu matsu busho

I'll be the one who decides my own future,
Watashi no mirai wu jibun de kimeru wu

no mutter how rough the road may get
Donna ni kewashii michi de mo