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Liz and the Blue Bird (2018)

Posted: 02/10/24 17:37
by bunniefuu
You have to take turns.

Sorry, I don't have any more.


Like a lake reflecting the sky.

Wow, it's so blue!



Take it.

Don't you want it?


Why is "thanks" a question?
You're welcome?

Let's go.

I'm happy.

You too?

I'm happy, too.

This piece is amazing.

I'm so glad this is our free piece.

Have you heard of this song?


It's by uda. She's popular
on the competition circuit.

She's awesome.

I don't know herv.


"Liz and the blue bird"

I borrowed this from the library.

I read it when I was small.

Did you?

It's about a lonely girl named Liz.


She was always alone.

But one day, a girl appears.

Hey, you.

What's your name?

I'm nozomi kasaki. Wanna join
the concert band with me?

They go their separate ways in the end.

The mysterious girl is
actually a blue bird

who flies away from Liz.

I think that's how it goes.

The story reminds me of us.

What do you...?

But it's sad they split up.

I like stories with happy endings.

Wanna try the solo part?

The third movement.

The third movement
"what we do for love"

"what we do for love"...

Just the opening.


The pitch was a little off.
But we'll work on it.


Do you like to practice?

Sure. I love it.

And this song?

I love it, too.

I can't wait

for the performance.


You're early on a Sunday.
Good for you.


Good morning, bandleader.

You bumped into me on purpose!

I'm not awake yet.

They're at it again.

Good morning.


You're all early.

You are, too.

I know.

Nozomi senpai' - good morning!

You're here already.

I'm going to flute practice.


"Liz and the blue bird"

want a gummy?

Sure! Thanks.

I was talking to nozomi senpai.

I skipped breakfast.

You'll get hungry later.

What do you eat for breakfast?

Normal stuff. Toast. Cheese or egg.

I eat rice.

- With miso soup in it.
- That's taboo.

- It's good!
- It's unacceptable.

How about you, tsubomi?

French toast.

I can't wait to perform this piece.

I hope that day never comes.

- Hi, there.
- Hello.

Good morning, aalto.

Good morning, Liz.

Thank you.

See you tomorrow.


Let's call it a day.

See you tomorrow.

Thank you.

See you tomorrow, aalto.

Thank you for this food.

It's morning. The storm has passed.

Is everyone safe?

It's sunny.
As if the storm never came.

A blue... girl?

Oh, my!

What happened?

Are you all right?



That's it for practice today.

We focused on the required piece today,
but we'll practice "Liz" tomorrow.

So come prepared.


Anything from the bandleader?


As we all agreed, we're going for gold
at this year's national competition.

We'll hold auditions, but whether
vou're chosen as a member or not,

you're still a part of the concert band.

If we all support each other,
we'll be unbeatable!


That's it from me.

That's so cute.

It sure is.

Your towel is cute, too, "nozo" senpai.

"Nozo" senpai. Sounds so cute.

Cute! "Nozo" senpai.

Is "cute" so important?

Of course!

You're in unison!

Good work.

They're always chattering over there.

Like little birdies. Just kidding.


We're meeting with the bassoons
for a "double Reed" get-together.

We're just going to have
tea somewhere.

Would you like to join us?

There are only four of us
"double Reed" players.

I'll pass.

Oh... ok.

Bye, then.


Hey, mizore!

I'm going to a coffee shop
with my section.

I see.

- Bye, then.
- See you tomorrow.

See you.

Here's your book.

Oh, yeah. Thanks.

Do you like this story, nozomi?

Sure. It's a little
sad at the end, though.

Nozo senpail


See you.

We're the "double reeders"!


Nice work, yoroizuka senpai.

Nice work.

Nice work.

She's so cold...


You're in the oboe section.

I'm yoroi... no, kenzaki.

What is it?

I want to talk to you
about yoroizuka senpai.

About mizore?

What's wrong?

You're the closest person to
yoroizuka senpai, right?

I guess so.

That's why I wanted to talk to you.

So what is it?


I'm having trouble
communicating with her.

Really? Why?



I talk to her,
but she doesn't talk back.

"Liz and the blue bird"

even if we do talk,
she seems disinterested.


She doesn't like me.

Mizore is a little shy.
You probably...

My name is ririka kenzaki.

I don't think she dislikes you.


Don't worry about it.

Thank you.

Here. Thanks for your advice.

What's this?

A boiled egg from
the convenience store. It's good.

Good bye.



Is it good?


I'm glad you're better.

Your handkerchief...

There's so much bread, Liz!

Yes, there is.

Can I pick this?


Want to try it?

It's delicious!


Where did you come from?

I don't know. I've seen
many villages and forests.

Why did you come here?

Because you were all alone.

I came here to play with you.


What's wrong?


Stay by my side.

Forever and ever.

Stay by my side.

The library is closing.

It's time to go home.

The library is closing.

Excuse me.

I'm locking up.


I love you!

You try hard, you're cool and athletic.
I love everything!

What I love about you is...

"Love you."

"Love you" hug.

I bet they went to minami middle school.
We used to do that, too.

We'd say what we like
about each other and hug it out.

I always watched. I never...

Never hugged?


Just joking. Did I offend you?


Let's go.

See ya.





Let's go.


You left your career survey blank.

Submit it by next week.

I will.

When the largest common factors are
2 and 3, they're called coprimes...

"Career survey"


Ok, switch.


Your turn.

Don't want to?

All right, then.

I'll play.

He told me I was cute.

He's her classmate.
He's in the biology club.

Wow. How did it happen?

We were talking about
what we eat for breakfast.

"French toast!"

Is what she said.

You totally copied tsubomi.

You're embarrassed.

You're blushing.

Have you ever been on a date,
nozo senpai?


"Career survey"


The audition's coming up.

I know.

The flute solo

will go to nozo senpai.

I'm sure. She's so good.

"Do it!"

Look, Liz. The new moon.

It's so beautiful.

Tomorrow will be sunny, too!


We can play all day.

I love you, Liz.

Me, too. Good night.
See you tomorrow.


It'll get cold soon.

Yes, winter is coming.

Then where will you go?

I won't go anywhere.
I'll stay right here.


Take turns.

You're tickling me.

Here you go.


Ms. Niyama?

Can we talk?

It's been a while.

How did you know I was here?

Yoroi... no, kenzaki-San told me

vou might be here.

I see.

The competition piece. It's lovely.

They say the flute and oboe parts

represent Liz and the blue bird.

The duet in the third movement
depict their parting.

Nozomi? She quit yesterday.

Didn't you know?


I don't understand why Liz
would do it.

Set the bird free.

I see.

In any case,
I wanted to talk to you today.

What are your plans
after you graduate?

That's nice.




What were you doing?

Feeding the blowfish.

Just like Liz.

You're into blowfish now?

Yeah. They're cute.

Can I come next time?

Sure. Come with me.

What's that?

This? A pamphlet.

I can see that. Do you mind?

Wow. A music college.

Wait. Are you going to apply?

Ms. Niyama gave it to me.
Asked me if I was interested.


Maybe I'll apply, too.

Then I will too.

If you will, then I will, too.

What is this practice schedule?

It's too rigorous for you.

Mind your own business.

You're not superwoman,
like asuka senpai.

I know that.

Oh, yeah.

Nozomi, what about club dues?

Tsukamoto, takigawa and takino
haven't paid.

Go collect them.

- Me?
- You're the treasurer.

I have mock exams,
but I want to focus on the band.

You're applying to the same college
as me? How sweet.

You think too much of yourself.

We'll be friends, even in college.

That gives me goose bumps!

Applying to the same college
is purely coincidence.

Yeah, sure.

Mizore's applying to a music college.

Oh, wow. That's great, mizore!

Nozomi's applying, so I am, too.

What? You believed her?
She's joking.

Nozomi, you're applying, too?

Maybe. I'm not sure yet.

Oh, yeah.

The agata festival's coming up.

We're really running out of time.

You need to stop obsessing
about concert band.

Mizore, let's go together.

To the agata festival.

Did you have plans?


Then let's go.

If you want to.

Yuko and natsuki, are you free too?

Yeah, we'll go.

How about you?

I'll go, too.

How about you, mizore?
Wanna invite anyone else?



Nozo senpali.
We're going to the aquarium.

The guy in your class? That's great!

What are you wearing?

A dress, of course.

You don't own a dress, do you?


Want to borrow one?

Really? Thanks, tsubo senpail

but will it fit?

It's raining.

Do you mind if I call you that?

I don't mind...


How pretty, mizo senpai!

They only sell white feathers.
I wish I had one.

Nozomi gave it to me.

You two are so close.

I'm jealous.

Mizo senpai, the "double reeds"
are meeting again before the audition.

I'd love it if you came.

It won't be fun if I come.

It will! I promise!

Maybe next time.




This is a month overdue.

Others may want to borrow this book.

Library books belong to everyone.

Sure, yeah.
We'll be more careful next time.

Let's go.

She was so annoying.

Who remembers to return books?

I would have loaned you
the copy I borrowed.

You can't do that.

That's against the rules.

What's wrong, mizore?

You can't lend out library books.

Ok, ok. I hear you!

Mizo senpali.

Do you make your own reeds?


You use a knife on the Reed?

I use string, too.

Do you think I can do it?

I'll teach you.


I'm so happy! Thank you!

What's wrong?

I failed the audition.

I wanted to play
in the competition with you!

Happy ice cream!

- What's that?
- Don't you know?

You and I said the same thing
at the same time.

We did.

- I'm starving.
- I'm starving.

- I want something sweet.
- I want something sweet.

When that happens, you yell,
"happy ice cream!"

Whoever says it first
gets treated to ice cream.

So I owe you an ice cream?

Right. Thanks, hazuki-chan.

What? I didn't know that.


Can I put down these chairs?

It's summer! I want to go swimming.

Do you have plans
this three-day weekend?

Not really.

Really? Let's go to the pool.


It's a plan, then.

Hey, nozomi.

Can I invite someone?

What's going on? That's unlike you.

Sure. Who is it?

I took it at the pool.

I was nervous with
all the upperclassmen.

But I'm glad you invited me.

I'll treasure the memory.

Can I forward you the picture?

I'll audition again next year.

"You're the best! Thank you!"

Can you check my Reed?

Are you listening to
the oboe part, kasaki-San?

It's not bad, but you tend
to get too emotional.

It's very important
to listen to each other in this part.

As if you're speaking
softly to yoroizuka-San.

- Can you do that?
- Yes!

Yoroizuka-San, the oboe and flute
must be in sync here.

You have to respond to her flute.

There are intervals in music
that don't appear on the score.

Try to imagine a feeling of
water flowing between the notes.

Play more lyrically.

Can you do that?


You're making a Reed?

For ririka.

I see.

You're applying to a music college.

Are you happy for me?

Of course I am. I'm sure you'll get in.

That's good.

Hey, mizore.

Are you applying because
nozomi is applying?

Is that weird?


Are you ok with that?

Nozomi's decision
is my decision, too.

I see.

Yuko senpai, the trumpets are all here.

I'll be right there.

What's wrong?

Do you have a minute?

It's about the oboe solo
in the free piece.

I feel like you're out of sync
with nozomi senpai.


I don't think I am.

I feel like your sound...

Sounds stifled.

Like you're applying the brakes.

You probably don't think
nozomi senpai can keep up with you.



I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.

I just want to hear
what you really sound like.

Excuse me.

Mizore, are you ok?

It's not nozomi's fault.

It sounds stifled

because I can't set the blue bird free.

I never know when nozomi
is going to disappear.

Sol can't...

I can't let her go.
Not on my own volition.

I just can't.

If I were Liz...

I'd keep the blue bird locked up.

Are you taking mock exams?

Yeah. At least three.

How about mizore?

Just one. Didn't you know?

You're applying to the same college.

About that...

Has mizore said anything?

About what?

About... anything.

Not really.

But she knows what she wants to do.
Apply to the same college as you.

Is mizore kind of avoiding me?

Avoiding you? No way.

I quit the concert band once,
when I was a freshman.

It seems like ages ago,

but I wonder if she's still upset.

Mizore doesn't express her
true feelings. It's hard to read her.

We're not in sync on the solo.

If you ask me,

you're like the star flute
and oboe players. It's cool.


The blue bird that Liz sets free...

I think she should return
if she wants to see Liz again.

Then Liz would have
set her free for nothing.

But it's a happy ending.

The competition is coming up.

Mr. Hashimoto and Ms. Niyama
will be overseeing our practices.

Juniors and seniors, it's been a while.

Freshmen, nice to meet you.
I'm hashimoto.

I'll be watching you practice for a while.


Let's practice the solo part a little more.

Ms. Niyama.


It's been a while.


Thank you for advising
the woodwinds again.

You're participating in
the competition this year.


I'm thinking of applying
to a music college.

Oh, really!

Well, good luck! I'm here
if you have any questions.




I listened to this piece the other day
and I have to say...

The oboe and flute duet
doesn't sound quite right.

So we went to some blowfish place.

He wanted to show me this fish.

He said it looked just like me.

It's a cute fish, right?

But it's a blowfish!

As long as it's cute, right nozomi?

Uh... yeah.

He's saying I'm puffy.

Tsubo senpai's dress
didn't fit me after all.

Never mind. You're adorable.


Hi, mizore.

See you.


Are you mad?


Can we hug?

Next time.

What about the third movement?

You have to be in sync with mizore.

I know.

What's wrong?

With what?

You and mizore.

Nothing. Why?

There's time before the performance.
We'll get it together.

It's oumae-chan.

They're playing nozomi
and mizore's part!

Liz sounds kind of aggressive.

Like, "take care. Bye!"

- Typical kousaka.
- Looks fun.

I wonder if I really
want to go to music college.

I don't understand that solo.

What are you trying to express?

Liz's feelings.

What feelings?

That she wants to release the blue bird
from the cage

and set her free.

That's her actions. Not her feelings.

Her feelings...

I don't understand them.

I could never let go of someone I love.

I can't empathize
because I don't understand.

I like playing the flute,
but do I want to be a professional?

It's not something
I want to do for a living.

And it costs a lot of money.
Private lessons and all that.

Maybe I should go to a normal college,
like you guys.

Does mizore know that?

No, why?


You said you're going to music college
with her, and now you're quitting.


You quit concert band
without telling her, too.

Then you came back
because you felt like it.

You're just confusing her!


Just because you're close doesn't
mean you talk about everything.

I think you care too much
about the one you love.


What if you were the blue bird?

Liz suddenly bids
the blue bird farewell.

They were living happily together
until yesterday.

You should be free.

You can fly as high as you like
with those wings of yours.

Why? I want to be with you forever!

I'm only happy when I'm with you!

I'm a cage shutting you in.

You have wings.

You have the sky
with endless possibilities.

I shouldn't take
those wings from you.

Be free. Fly high in the sky.

You're so beautiful.

Let me set you free.

This is my expression of love.

I love you.

Do you think the blue bird flew away?

The blue bird accepted Liz's decision.

She can't stop Liz from
making that choice.

Because the blue bird loves Liz.

She has to fly away,
even if it breaks her heart.

Was the blue bird unhappy?

I don't know.

But she wants Liz to be happy.

I know that's true.

That's the blue bird's
expression of love.

She has to fly away.

She's not the only one who turned in
a blank career survey.

I did, too.

But Ms. Nivama only talked to her.

I always tried to associate
myself with Liz.

Liz and the blue bird.

The story reminds me of us.


is Liz.


is the blue bird.

But now...

My love for her
deprived her of her wings.

She can fly wherever she wants.

Dear god... why did you show me

how to unlock the cage?

Let's practice the entire piece.


Excuse me.

Can we practice the third movement?


- That was amazing!
- I was blown away!

I could barely focus on my own part.

You were awesome, mizore!





Are you crying?


Are you ok?


You were holding back all this time.

You couldn't give it your all
because you were adjusting to me.


I'm so stupid.

Telling you to try your best.

You couldn't do your best because
I was holding you back.


Ms. Niyama only recommended you
to go to music college.

I always knew you were talented.

You're not fair.

It's not fair.


I didn't want to lose to you.

I wanted to be your equal, so
I said I'd apply to the same college.

But I'm not as talented as you are.

I thought that saying I was going to
a music college sounded good.


But I'm not amazing like you.

I'm just an ordinary person.


You're probably going
to go out into the world.

Liz and the blue bird.
I'll try not to hold you back.


I'll try to support you...

Listen to me!

You're always so selfish.

In freshman year, you just quit
without telling me.

That was a long time ago.

It's not. It's still "now" to me.

I've always followed you.

I continued playing oboe
so you wouldn't abandon me.

You always came first for me.

I continued playing oboe
so I could be with you.

I'd do anything to be with you.

Don't be so dramatic.

I'm not.

It's all true.

That's not fair.

You're everything to me!

I'm not who you think I am.

You should hate me.

You're special to me.

Even if I'm nothing to you,
you're everything special to me!

I don't even know
why you're saying this...

What are you doing?

"Love you" hug.

Without you, I'd have nothing.

I wouldn't have played the oboe.

You talked to me and became my friend.

You were so nice to me.
You made me happy.

Sorry, I don't really remember.

You're a natural leader. You make
everything fun. You're amazing.

And you try hard.

I love the sound of your laugh.
And how you talk.

I love your footsteps. Your hair.

Your... your everything.

I love your oboe.


Thank you.

Thank you, mizore.

Thank you.

Ok, I have to go.
I'll go get my things.

Your name is yoroizuka?

Are you in a club?

You're not? So you just go home?

Wanna join the concert band?

Please return the book
by the due date next time.

Library books are for everyone.

Ok, ok. I hear you!
I'm checking this one out.

"Liz and the blue bird"
"college exam workbook"

it's due in one week.


N fly! N

Hey, mizore.

Wanna go eat somewhere?

What shall we eat?

Shaved ice.

Sounds good. Or a parfait.

- Or pancakes.
- That sounds good, too.

But maybe rice dumplings.



Why is "thanks" a question?


I'll do my best to support your solo.

So give me a little time, ok?

And I'll continue playing oboe.

- Let's do our best.
- Let's do our best.

Happy ice cream!

What? You want ice cream?

Then ice cream, it is.