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Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms (2018)

Posted: 02/10/24 17:48
by bunniefuu


[girl] The warp of a loom
is like the flow of time.

It changes seasons,

dyes the sky anew.

The weft comprises
a man's deeds,

their tread upon the earth,

the shift of their heart

and the Iorph weave
the days together.

Weaving the story
of their world

through the many long
centuries of their life.




What are you
doing down there?

We're never going to finish
with you playing around.


Jump in, Maquia!

You can do it, just fly!

[Maquia] I... I can't.

You're scared.

It's all right. Better not to
get caught up in her mischief.

You're right.

[boy] That Leilia,

she will never learn.

[Maquia] Those that make a life
of weaving this cloth,

far from the lands of man,
have a name...

"the Clan of the Separated".

[woman] Is something
the matter, Lady Racine?

[Racine] Nothing.

Just you wait, next time
you're going in, too.

[bell tolls]

[gasps] Mother!

Welcome home.

[Mother] Leilia you mustn't
treat the cloth like that.

Sorry, Mama.

Now why exactly
are you all wet?

Did you find any
good flowers, Father?

Indeed, these will
make a rich violet.

See you later!
Bye, Maquia!

See ya later.

See you later.

A tear.

Why are you crying,
little one?

Because I'm alone.


Even with me beside you?

[gasps] No, elder,
that's not what I--

You always were
quick to tears.

Maquia, do you know
why we call ourselves

- "the Clan of the Separated"?
- Hmm?

To outsiders,
we are but fairytales,

we are longer lived
than any other race,

but despite that fact,
we seemingly remain
eternally youthful.

Only a few centuries past,

an existence such as ours
would be commonplace,

there was a clan that
unfurled wings like a bird's,

there were flowers that
would sing at daybreak,

leviathans would carry
cargo across the seas.

But now, all of that magic,

that wonder,
has departed the world.


That is why the Separated must
always weave the Hibial cloth.

You will never be alone here.

Memories dwindle and fade
with the passing of years,

the Hibial will always remember.

The people who enter
and depart our lives,

they weep within
its fabric with you.

They are weeping with me?

[Racine] Maquia...

if ever you must leave
the Iorph behind...

[Maquia] Huh?

...if you should ever meet
someone from the outside,

you must never fall in love.

For if you fall to love,
you'll be truly alone.

Oh, but if I meet someone,

then how could I
be left alone?

Such is our fate,

why we must always remain
the Clan of the Separated.

[Maquia] Goodnight, elder.

[Racine] Sleep well, Maquia.

And be sure not to forget
to weave your Hibial for today.

Of course.






[Leilia] They're blooming.

[Maquia screams]

[Leilia] Maquia?

- [Maquia whimpering]
- [gasps]

[both shout]

[boy grunts] The Renato!

Mezarte's attacking?

Maquia, get the elder


Elder Racine?

[bell tolling]

[grunting] Elder Racine!



[man] The Renato are attacking!
Protect the Hibial!

[all shout]

[man 1] It looks like
the rumors are true.

They really do
look like children.

[man 2] Yeah, this must look
great to a deviant like you.

[man 3] Silence.

Commander Izor.

Who leads this village?

You're the elder?

It is an honor to meet you.

You may look like a young girl,
but I know what you are.

The stories say you are
a monster over 400 years old.

You will find no monsters here,
Commander, only weavers,

who bind the cloth of days.

Such is our fate
and I shall not permit you--

[Izor] I am afraid you have
no choice in the matter.

It is by order of the king
you shall accompany me
to the palace of Mezarte.

You won't lay a hand
on Lady Racine.

- [groans]
- [crowd gasps]

Take the women!

You have your orders!

k*ll any that try to resist!

[all shout]

[both whimpering]

Forget the Renato,
the Iorph are all that matter!

[sobbing] Let me out!

Please, let me out!





[fire crackling]

[crickets chirring]




[crickets chirring]

[critters squeaking]

[bird calling]

[wind gusting]

[Leilia] Jump in, Maquia!

You can do it, just fly!

[baby crying]

[small gasp]

[crying gets louder]

- [thud]
- [gasps]

[baby crying]


[gasps] A baby?

You know what I love
about tear liquor?

[loud gulp]

It's got that extra
salty kick to it.


You were that girl
with the elder.

You're Maquia, right?

I came to buy some Hibial but...

...that didn't work out.

This place was
a drifter's settlement.

Got raided by bandits. This
little guy was only hours old.

That's pretty amazing.
I guess that's what mothers do.

Even in death,
she tries to protect her child.

Well, leave the kid here.

They'll meet up again in heaven.

The Hibial of this child's life
will end here,

little more than a frayed thread
that was never woven in.

Better than being alone.


[Maquia] He's...
he's really alone?



Oh, she's...

She's so strong.

Come on now, don't do that.

[man] You're really going
to take him with you?

- He's not a toy.
- [Maquia] I know he's not a toy.

He's my...

He's my Hibial.

A lone child
meets another lone child,

and so they set off
into the world.

Are you cold?

You smell funny.

You smell like the sun.

Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms

[boy 1 grunting]

[boy 2] You'll never
take me alive!

- [laughing]
- [boy 1] Get back here!

[woman] Lang, Deol,
that's enough now.

- [grunts]
- [cries out]

- [Deol] You didn't
watch your back, Lang!
- Get back here!

- I'm gonna get you!
- Those boys just never listen.

- [dog barking]
- Hm?

What's wrong, Anora?

- [sheep bleating]
- [baby coos]

- Huh?
- [gasps]

- I don't understand.
- [woman] What?

How do these--
I don't know how these work.

I can't...

[woman] What a mess.

A child is not meant
to raise another child.

Is that baby even yours?

They say you can't tell how old
Iorphs are by how they look.
Is he yours?

Hey, off with the both of you.

I'm-I'm 15.

But the baby, he's...
I don't know.

[baby crying]

- [woman] What's his name?
- [Maquia] I don't know.

♪ Super weird and she's weird
And the kid's weird ♪



But that's a girl's name.
He should have a boy's name.

Leili, Elli,


[gasps] Erial!

- Huh?
- Let go of me!

[sighs] Well,
I suppose that'll do.

[woman] She's a distant

She knows how to weave.


There's a loom that's gone
unused in the back of the shop.

She's welcome to that.

Take him outside.

She's an Iorph, isn't she?

I never could trick you, Darel.
I'm sorry.

Iorph cloth fetches
quite a high price.

She'll end up making me
a fair bit of coin.

Don't worry,
I won't say a word.

Thank you, Darel.

However, you've taken
in an Iorph girl,

trouble will be finding
you soon enough.

Maybe so, but no one can say
what the future will bring
to us,

such is life,
with or without her.

Here you are,
this week's freshest.

Thank you as always, Mido.

Mm! Your cheese has
the most wonderful flavor.

Oh, who's the new girl?

[Mido] I'll be back next week,
thanks so much.

Just a good, solid,
cheesy taste, you know?

[Mido] And the week after that.
Farewell now.

You know, raising a child
is never easy.

Even I couldn't do it alone.

You do understand that?

[Maquia] Mm.

[Mido] My husband passed on
some time ago,

k*lled by a Renato
with the red eye.

I don't know.

There's nothing wrong
with that.

I don't know what it means
to be a mother.

I never...

had one.

Well, it's all about guts.




He's doing it!

He can walk!

[Maquia] Erial.


Erial's walking!

Erial can walk!

[Doel] Whoo-hoo!

- [all laughing]
- It looks like someone's
become quite the mama.

Am I really a mother?


If you were a mother,
I think you would know it.

Did you boys clean up
the goat barn or spend
all day fooling around?

- [Deol] Lang, Mom's coming!
- We gotta go. Come on run!

[Lang] I'm sorry, Mom.

[Deol] We meant to do it.

[Mido] Oh, you will be sorry.

[Deol] Ow.

Say "mommy", I know you can.


Sorry, you don't have to.

[Erial] Mama.

Erial, did you just say...


Say it again.

Say it one more time.

[Erial coos]

[geese honking]

[bell tolls]

[Izor] Another Renato has been
stricken with the red eye.

We shall put it down
and incinerate the body
in quarantine,

then bury it deep
beneath the earth.

Only five remain to us.

Oh, what fresh hell is this?

We need a cure
and we need it now, my liege.

The strength of the Renato
is the symbol of Mezarte,

it's the only force
we can afford to deploy.

When the last of the Renato
falls, the other kingdoms
will not hesitate.

Hmm... if they cannot be saved,

we will need a power
to replace the Renato,

something of equal
wonder and might that
will keep them at bay.

Yes, of course!

We have been granted
the chosen blood.

It will keep us safe.

[man] Commander,
what of the Iorph girl
that you captured?

How does she fare
as consort to Prince Hazel?

Tell me, please.

If you all have wings...

tell me, why you don't fly away?

[low growl]

You're afraid

you will wither and die here.

All the emotion you trap inside
will burn away,

your heart will catch fire
and you will burn to cinders.

[Izor] Lady Leilia,
the king has summoned you.

[Leilia] One moment more.

[Izor] Lady Leilia,
why are you drawn here?

It reminds me
of the Hibial tower.

So it does.

It's done.
Does it say anything?

Yeah, it says,
"Anora, feel better soon."


You know,
back where Mama was born,

we'd use cloth to say how
we felt instead of using words.

Where were you born, Mom?

Is it the same place I was born?

Dida's mom says you're different
from everybody else,
but I don't think so.

Where you were born,
little Erial,

everybody would talk
with their tummies

before the tickling bug
would get them.

Tickle, tickle, tickle.
Tickle, tickle, tickle.

- But, Mom--
- Then we'd fly away.

[cow moos]

[Erial] Anora!

[Maquia] Be gentle
with him, OK?

Aren't you a lucky puppy?

Anora's been here ever since
Mom and Dad got married.

That puppy is almost

[boy] Hey, Erial,
why's your mom so weird?

Why's she always sneaking
around the village?

She is not weird!
My mommy--

I mean, my mom is--

She's just...

- [laughing]
- The baby can't talk.

And then he needs to run home
to his mommy.

You're the one
who's weird, Erial.

- Huh?
- Boy's aren't supposed
to like their moms, stupid.

That's not true.
You don't know.

- Dita, I hate you!
- [boy] I like my mom.

- [boy 2] Oh, shut up, you.
- [Erial] I hate you! I hate you!

Hmm. [sniffles]

Wait, are you crying, Dita?

- [Dita grunts]
- [cries out]

Hmm, impressive work.

Here, this month's pay.

Thank you so much, Darel.

Actually, I'd like you
to take a look at something.

A customer of mine brought in
some true Hibial, here.


[Mido] Maquia?

"Held within the castle.

And to be wed to-to the prince."

It's beautiful.


[Mido gasps]

Don't worry,
Darel will look into it.

If anyone can get you
on a ship, it's him.

[woman] Quiet,
it's that Maquia girl.

[Mido] Maybe it's for the best.
For now at least.

What are you going
to do with Erial?

[Maquia] Huh?

The journey won't be easy,
ever more so
with a young child in tow.

Besides, you have more
than a journey ahead.

You know I'd gladly
watch over him.

[Erial] Mom! Mommy!

[Maquia] Erial!

[shovel digging]

[Erial crying]

Don't dig too deep, OK?

Just in case Anora
wants to come back and--

Dummy. You don't want wild
animals to dig her up, right?

[grunts] It's time.

I won't be able to see her
in the ground.

You can see her
anytime you come here.

But we won't be able
to play together.

Tell her
she's a good dog.

She died in peace
without any pain.

And everybody is going to die,

Anora was born into a life
where it happens faster
than it does for us.



I'll go after her.

Does... does everybody die?

- Yes.
- Even moms?


[Lang] Maquia!
Hey, please wait.

[crying] Erial.

Everyone, it's not fair.

You'll all have to...

You'll leave and
I'll-I'll still be here.

- Maquia...
- I knew it would happen,

I knew it,
but it's not fair, it's not.

It doesn't matter
that it isn't fair.

Stop crying!

You'll be gone, too.

Come on, you are Erial's mother,
aren't you?

Moms don't cry, you hear me?

My mom wouldn't.

So I know for sure
that moms don't cry.


Don't cry.

I promise.

Me too.

- [Lang] Good night.
- [Maquia] Sleep well.

[gasps] Erial!

You tried to wait up for me.

Let's get you to bed, OK?

[sleepy moan]

You're getting big now, Erial,

but you still
smell like the sun.

I won't cry, OK?

I will always be your mother.

We will always be together.

I promise.

I'm really sorry,
I didn't mean it.
I'm really sorry.

I'm sorry about everything.
I really didn't mean...

I'm really, really sorry
and I wanna be friends again.

Um, Erial and his mom
had to leave.

[Erial] You're sure you don't
wanna say goodbye?

- [Erial] I wanna see the ocean.
- Erial, come back! You can't!

You told me
you would be a good boy.

Come back and stay with Mom.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--

Maquia, is that you?

Oh, I can hardly believe
you're alive.

[Maquia] I never thought
I'd see you again.


It was our blood.

Mezarte att*cked to discover
the secret of our long life,

that's why they came.

Stole Leilia.

Hey, Mom,
who is he talking about?

You have him calling
you his mother?

[both gasp]

No, it's not like that,
I just...

I'm not angry,
you're not wrong to.

It's just hard to forget
what the elder used to say.

I know, I haven't forgotten.

As long as you know, Maquia.

[people chattering]

[man] Items for sale.


[man] There's going
to be a parade,

a massive festival to celebrate
the prince's wedding.

Two different processions,
one with the prince
and one with Leilia,

will leave from separate
palaces, both of them
crossing this bridge.

Here, we'll stage an attack
on the prince and his Renato,

cause all the chaos we can,

and when the guard protecting
Leilia weakens to support
the prince,

we take Leilia back.

I wanna see the parade, too.

[Maquia sighs] I'm sorry,
sweetheart, maybe next time.

Mom, I wanna go home.

- [Maquia] Erial.
- [whines]

You don't act like the mommy
I know when we're here.

Erial, the tickle bugs
are coming.

- Tickle, tickle, tickle.
Tickle, tickle, tickle.
- [laughing]

- [fireworks crackling]
- [bells chiming]

[band plays celebratory tune]

[excited chattering]

[King] People of Mezarte,

today the blood of the Iorph
is bonded to the royal family.

The Renato and the Iorph,

these legends that endure
unto our era,

can join their power
with Mezarte!

We are the chosen people.
Our dominion shall be infinite!


Today will be a day to remember
with the marriage
of my son Prince Hazel

and the Iorph Princess Leilia,
a new legend shall be born
unto us, unto Mezarte!




[people screaming]

[all screaming]

That boy.

[man] What's happening?

[man 2] An assassin?

[man 3] They tried to k*ll
the prince.


[Maquia] Leilia.


Sorry, sir.

I've missed you.

Maquia, what are you doing here?

Not just me, Krim, too.

Krim is here in the city?

We came to save you.

Come on, everybody's
waiting for...

- Leilia?
- I'm sorry, I can't just leave.

But why not?

I can't escape.

You can, you were
the fastest of anybody.

You can just fly
over these castle walls
and be gone, Leilia.


I can't...
I can't see Krim again.

But then you...

- Leilia, you--
- [Izor] Your Highness!

You have to run, Maquia, now!

But I-- Leilia, no.

Go now, I'll be OK.
After all, I can fly, right?

[Izor] Hold fast!


My lady.

- Get them.
- Hold!
If you lay a finger on her--

[crown clatters]

As you wish, my lady.

I can fly, I know it.

- [man] So,
how big's the kid now?
- [gasps]

He should be about
six or seven, yeah?

So, how's the world treating ya?

You're one of us.
You're an Iorph.

[chuckles] Only about half.

Racine, the elder,
there's a reason
she made it taboo

for any Iorph to
leave the village.

She knew what would happen.

She knew the fate of those
that are different.

Humans always play
the same part,

first they stare,
then they taunt.

One day, they hate,
eventually, they k*ll.

So, the Clan remains

and always just out of step
with the rhythms of the world.

Try to live an ordinary life.

[door opens]

Krim, you're hurt.

Would you take off
the cloak for me?

[Krim] What does it mean
to be a child?


What does it mean
to be a mother?

[Maquia] I wonder
if I even know.

At times,
Mido would try to explain it.

She'd help me out so much,

sometimes I felt
like a little sister,

but that's not quite it.

I know that I'm really happy

whenever Erial laughs or smiles

and when I look at him,
everything else in the world
just falls away

and I just wanna hold him--

That makes no sense.

Erial will die long before you.


It's the truth.

Erial is going
to leave you alone.

[stifles a sob]

[door bangs]

- Don't make my mom cry!
- Erial, no! He's just--

- I'll make you cry.
- Erial, please stop it.

Can you protect him?

Can you?
When it really matters?


[Krim] We will stay in Mezarte,
we will save Leilia.

You and your child
will only get in the way.

I am sorry, Maquia,
this is goodbye.

[Erial] Are we gonna go home?

[Maquia] No,
we're not going home.

[Erial] But why not?

[Maquia] We are going somewhere
new, just the two of us.

[Erial] Somewhere brand new?
You mean without Mido or Lang
or anybody from home?

[Maquia] I'm sorry, Erial,

I don't think you'll be able
to see them again.

[Erial] Well, as long as
I'm with you, I'm OK.

[Maquia] Me too.

I'm happy,
as long as I'm with you.

No chance, girlie.
I know trouble when I see it.

Can't have you running off
when whatever trouble it is
comes knocking.

- Ohh!
- [Maquia[ Erial!

I'm so sorry!

[man] You brat!
You'd better run!

Don't come back!

[Maquia] Mom's gonna try
a few more places, all right?

You wait at the inn for me.

Aww, I don't want to.

Please, Erial, will you wait?

I really can't thank you enough.

The bar does all
its best business at night.

You'll probably be working
pretty late.

You don't mind?

How late do you mean?

[woman] Got a problem?

Just, my son is--
He's young.

- I'd rather not leave him alone
if I don't have to--
- [groans]

We just had another
girl take off with the same
problem, you're too young.

- You'd better think about this.
- But you don't--

Don't what?

Tell me, you need to be a better
example than this to your child!

Go on then, I don't have
any work for someone like you.

Welcome home, Mommy!

Hello, sweetie.

Mom, come here. Look! look!

I made you some Hibial.

- Why'd you give me more to do?
- Hm?

Why did you take all this out?

Because I wanted to show you
what I made.

Can't you just listen to me
for once, Erial!

- Huh?
- Always! You're always
making problems.

If I don't work
then we can't eat,

we cannot survive like this.

- Mommy...
- You make everything so hard.

Why, Erial?

The tickle bugs are coming.

Tickle, tickle,
tickle, tickle, tickle.

I bought some dinner,
come and eat.

Erial, wait!

I'm not a mother

I don't have a right to be.

I don't deserve it.

All this time,
I've just been pretending.

Mido was always there
to catch me.

You must never fall in love,
for if you do,
then you shall truly be alone.

Truly alone.


"My mommy".

[Erial] My mommy.

[rain pattering]



Erial, where are you?


Erial, please!

[Erial] Mommy!

[Maquia] Erial!

[Erial] I tricked you.

You thought I shed my skin,


- You shed your skin.
- I made you laugh.

- Wha-- Oh.
- Got you!

Silly boy.

[Erial] Mommy?

I wish... I wish that you
could stay like this forever.


If I don't get bigger,
how will I protect you?


I didn't want you to cry.

Then I won't cry again.

After all, I'm a mom.

You promise me?


You promise, too.
OK, Erial?

Yeah, I promise.

Mom, I'll always protect you.

Keep going, slowly now.

[machinery grinding]

[people chattering]

All right, order up!


And this one's on you,
you're paying me back
for the other day.


It takes a lot of experience
to get it perfect like this.

And that's why I told you,
you had to cut it out.

I kinda thought
it was all going to turn out OK.

[Maquia] Welcome,
there's a table at the back.

Maquia, three kelbi, yeah?

- Sure.
- I'll take that, sweetie.

- Right away.
- I'll take another one, too.

Your sister's got quite a butt
on her.

I never noticed.

The two of them hardly
look alike at all, right?

Yeah, very suspicious how
you just came out of nowhere.

Where'd you say
you moved from again?


Maybe you two ain't
brother and sister at all,

just two crazy kids
who went and eloped together.

- Sorry for the wait.
- Oh, yes!

Let me know
if you need anything else.


- Hmm...
- They keep getting new recruits.

How many guards
do they actually need on watch?

Iron's the most important
resource we got.

Mezarte keeps making cannons
and we keep getting fed,

I wouldn't call it
a terrible deal.

[playing up-tempo tune]

[boy] You don't think
it's all a bit suspicious?

It's almost like
they're just waiting for
another w*r to break out.

Do you think that idiot prince
can command our military?

Not a chance.

It can get a tad raucous
in here, sorry it's so loud.

Here's what we're serving
from the kitchen today.


Lang, it's you!

- [both laughing]
- I can't believe it's you!

You haven't aged a day,
makes sense.

Well, what about you, Lang?

Look how tall you are,
like you could touch the sun.

Come on,
I'm not a stalk of wheat.

[laughs] Erial! Hey, Erial!

Look up here!
It's Lang! Lang is here!

Hey, Erial!


[Lang] Are you sure it's
all right for me to be here?

[Maquia] Of course.
Sorry about the mess.

Tell me more.

Are Mido and Deol doing well?

Yeah, except cities like Durell
are the only ones
with an economy.

All the old rural areas
are dying out.

Deol left as well.
Ah, thank you.

Deol's looking for work too?

[Lang] Well,
can't live without it.

OK, I'm gonna take off.

Ha-ha, what's that?
Got yourself a date tonight?

Sure, deep in the mines.

Be safe, OK?
I'll see you later.

I'll make some dinner
when you get back.

[Maquia sighs]

He got a job when we first
arrived here,

and he works incredibly hard.

Of course.

And we can't just keep
selling the Hibial.

Plus, because of me,
it's hard to stay in one place
for too long.

I see. Makes sense.

So he finally realized
you weren't bound by blood.

How'd he take it?

Five years ago,

he told me he didn't want me
sleeping next to him anymore.

Not too long after, he stopped
calling me "Mom", too.

"Hey" or "Come here", that's it.
That's all he says.

I did the same thing.
It's just a phase.

Lang, have you heard
anything about Leilia?

Another lost to the red eye.

[low growl]

[Izor] Burn it to the bones.
Bury it deep.

- Scary.
- There's nothing to fear,
Princess Medmel.

Um, where's my father?

His Highness Prince Hazel
is currently occupied.


And Mother?

What about your mother?


Sorry, it's nothing.

[man] Hair the color
of a dawning moon,

golden rings within the cornea,

and, allegedly,
a low body temperature

are the signs
of the Iorph people.

I regret to say, Princess Medmel
shows almost none of these
traits, Your Majesty.

So, if she won't
live a long life

or bear a son, then why have
I kept that monster in my home?

[man] Hmm. I feel it will be
difficult for Leilia to produce
another child.

Not to mention, Prince Hazel
seems to have grown tired
of her as well.

Oh, my poor, beloved Hazel.

Do something! At least
go find my son another woman.

My liege, we are currently
seeking survivors of the Iorph.

No doubt they will produce
a better heir.

- Enough!
- [woman] Princess Leila!

If he has no desire
to speak to me

until I'm weighed down
with all this filth,

then just be rid of me!


[woman] Her Highness is--

I will speak with her alone.

- [Leilia] Another Renato
has died?
- Yes.

I have been locked in this tower

since the day
I gave birth to Medmel.

And I am never allowed
to see either of them.

The same...

the Renato and I
are the same.

We're vapors, things only meant
to exist and live in memory.

The clan that flew the skies,

flowers that sung at day break,

they were not meant
for this world.

There must be a way to resist.

A way for the legends
to survive the night.

To survive?

You dare say those words?

You m*rder*d them.

[heartbeats thumping]

My lady, I beg
for your forgiveness.

You can burn!

Let me see my daughter!

Why can't I see her?

I brought her into this world.


I've almost
forgotten her scent.

How soft she was
when I held her.

Izor, how much must you
take from me
before you are satisfied?

You take everything
and I am alone.

If you won't let me see Medmel,
then bring me Maquia.

Please, bring me Maquia.

[sobbing] I...

I don't want
to be alone anymore.

You never cleaned
like this before.

It's been you and me
for so long,

we've never had
any company over before.

Hey, help me?

You've gotten so tall.

I guess so.

- [chattering]
- Maquia, I need to talk to you.

Will you have time
when your shift is over?

Yeah, I think so.

I'll be around
once you finish then.

[man] Maquia,
got an order coming up.


[boy] Man, I thought
she was your girl,
so I never made a move.

[boy] Same here.

[man] Come on, lads, there's
plenty of fish in the sea.

- [all laughing]
- But why does that jerk
get this fish?

- [Erial] She's not like that.
- Oh... Yeah?

Hey, when life's got you down,
you gotta drink up.

I'm not..

What you're not
is a kid anymore.

- [Erial grunts]
- He kept it down! Nice.

Now you gotta try
the real stuff.

Down this and you're
a real man, Erial.

[all chant] Drink, drink, drink,
drink, drink it down, drink it

burn and pound, burn and pound,
bottoms up and pound it down.

Erial, Erial, Erial, Erial!

The trick is keeping it down.

[boy] Fill it to the brim, lads!
One more!

We'll make you a man yet.

You're sure they're looking
for me?

We're gonna have to
leave the city again.

[Lang] Wanna come back
to the farm with me?

- But Lang--
- It'll be perfect!

The price of goat milk
has gone up.

You can bring Erial.

- We'd just bring you trouble.
- Maquia.

Lang, if something were
to happen to your mom or
your brother, I just couldn't.

- Maquia, I want you
to be trouble.
- Huh?

Ever since I was little, I would
do anything for you, Maquia.

Just think about it.

A future and...

being with me.

I can't do that.
I'm so sorry.


I spend every moment
thinking about my Erial.

Thinking "How can
we stay together?",

"How can I become
a true mother to him?"

I've never been able to find
answers to those questions.

And I don't see myself finding
the answers anytime soon.

I've never had
that kind of wisdom

but that's all I want,

to think about my son.

I understand.

Listen, let me at least
help you find a new home,

someplace you and Erial
can be safe.

You don't have to
do this alone.

- [door bangs]
- Huh?


Are you all right?

You smell like...

I'm home.

But you never drink!

- Are you all right?
- No welcome home kiss?

You always used to--

You used to always
kiss me hello.

Erial, are you all right?
Can you stand?

[Erial] They thought...

everyone thought
we had eloped together.

- Huh?
- And he thought Lang
was gonna take you away.

What are you saying?

Erial, come on.

I'm gonna get you to bed
and you can...

Be careful.

Don't step on that!



you wove this Hibial for me.

I hate this.

Why do you still keep
this thing around?

How long are you gonna
treat me like a kid?!

[Maquia] You are always
going to be my child.

That's something that
will never change.


[Maquia] I spoke to Lang and
we have to find a new home.

Is there somewhere
you want to go next?

I'm happy to go anywhere,
as long as I'm with you.


I don't think I can be
your son anymore.


[wind chime tinkles]

[Erial] I have a favor to ask.

Would you consider hiring me
as a castle solider?

I need this, Lang.

Your mother's going to be sad.

She's not my mother.

Did you say that?


Did you say that to her?

- I may have.
- [grunts]

How dare you?!

Maquia raised you since
you were nothing but an infant!

Stop being a brat!

She worked every day,
she was no older
than you are right now.

How could you?

[Erial grunts]
You think I don't know that?!

Why does she care about me?
Why did she stay with me?


- Erial--
- [Erial] She's always with me.

She worked so hard for me.

I always thought
that's what a mother does,

that's... that's why
I called her my mother.

I wanna protect her.

But I can't, not like this.

I'm just...

I'm hurting her.

I need to protect her.

I'm just not strong enough.

[Erial sobs]

If you cry like that,
you're no different
from when you were a baby.

Are you sure you wanna do this?

It's OK, I can do it.

You were gonna
leave too, right?

Right after I see you off
to the castle.

I'll miss you.
Be safe.

I'll see you soon.

I'll see you soon.

[door opens, then closes]

- [crying]
- [door closes]

[Maquia sobbing]

Stop crying.

Moms don't cry.

He promised me.

Erial, you promised.

You said you would protect me.

You said...

Please don't go.

- Please don't go.
- [thudding]

[wind chime tinkles]


[children laughing]


- [wind chime tinkles]
- [knocking continues]

[fireworks popping]

[boy] Aww, I thought we'd
get to see a real Renato.

Sorry, sweetheart, there used
to be a whole flight of Renato,

but now there's only one
still alive at the castle.

- [boy] That's sad.
- I really hope they don't expect

that us marching behind this
ridiculous Renato doll
will actually raise morale.

Hey, did you guys
hear about Biaira?

They got themselves
an Iorph too.

[man] Wait seriously?
Like, for real?

[man] Come on, Commander, what
did the lice do to deserve that?

- [Lang] Shut it.
- Division Commander Lang?


[Lang] Yup, I heard it too.

Supposedly, it's a girl about
the same age as Princess Leilia.

That doesn't mean it's Maquia.

You worried?

[Erial] No, she's strong.

[Lang] Maquia would be so happy
to hear that from you.

She was always so afraid
she wasn't strong,

that she couldn't protect you.

She worked so hard
to be a mother to you.

To be a mother
you could always depend on.

She's still a child.

Yeah, maybe she is a child.

So this time...

this time I'll be
a father to her.



- [bells tolling]
- [man] Mezarte
has become nothing.

They defiled the ancient power
they held.

Turning myths to nothing
but tools for politics.

The nation of Biaira shall
commit all we can to your aid.

[Leila humming]

[door opens]

Maquia, the time has come.

Your hair's gotten so long.

Back in the village, we were
only permitted hair past
our waist if we had a child.

Come, Maquia,
we're going to rescue Leilia.

[Maquia] Will there be w*r?

Only a moment of suffering
for people like us.

Nothing to the pain
you must have known these years.

Abandoning the Iorph,
wandering the world
with nothing.

Lost and alone,
as if you'd died alive.

So... you know how we feel,
don't you?

The Clan of the Separated,

the elder must be long gone
and passed into shadow.

Everything we have ever known
has faded away.

And you, you left it all behind
for your own world.

The Iorph work as one,
the Iorph weave one cloth.

You and me and Leilia,

we cannot weave
different histories.

[knife cutting]

Congratulations, Maquia,
you're home,

we have severed
the final thread.

We begin anew,
weaving one future.

[bell tolls]

- Dita!
- Huh?

[Dita] Erial, welcome home!

You're home pretty early today.

I'm sorry I'm so busy
right when you need me the most.

Don't you worry,
we still have plenty of time.

I know,
but I still worry anyway.

I'll get dinner started.

No, no. I got it,
you should be resting.

It's better if
I move around a bit.

I'm fine. Sit down, sit down.

[Erial] OK.

Do you think it's odd
how we came together?

[Erial] Sometimes.

I was looking for work.
Came here to Mezarte.

Who could have imagined
I'd meet you again?

And now...

Hey, Erial, was I truly
the right one for you?

What did you say?

[bell tolling]


- [all shouting]
- [man] ls it Biaira?

[man] Not just Biaira, Hugh and
Endora ships are with them.

- [explosions]

[all shouting]

Erial, wait!

Keep our child safe,
I'll be back, I promise.


- It's about damn time.
- Sorry, sir.

Biairan soldiers have crossed
the mountains in an attempt
to close off escape.

- Split into two--
- [expl*si*n]

- [man 1] Was that...
- [man 2] Cannon fire?

How ironic.

[cannons booming]

[Hazel] Mezarte exploited
ancient powers as a show
of unstoppable might

and now the nations
that surround us

have forged alliances
and furled condemnations,

all to tear down Mezarte's
abuse of those ancient powers.


[King] Where is
my High Minister?

He's already
fled the castle,

along with many of your
retainers, Your Majesty.

Has he abandoned me
in my time of need?

What must I endure?

It's all over,
the kingdom falls.

Majesty, you have to move.

Go. I'll return and
find Princess Medmel.

Silence, you fool,
I have no daughter.

We don't need that monster!

[water splashing]

[horses approaching rapidly]

[soldiers yelling]


[men grunt]

- [g*nf*re continues]
- [horses whinny]

[all shouting]

Maquia, come on!





- [gasps]
- [g*n firing]

Erial! [grunting]

My Leilia.

I-I found you.

[Leilia] Krim?

How are you?

You're alive?

No, it's not real.

You're a ghost.

I came to save you.

I swear to you,

I am going
to make them suffer,

I'm going to make them pay
for hurting you.

Then I'll wipe it all clean,

[Leilia] Wait.

I want to see her first.

My daughter, please.

What are you saying?

They forced you
to bear them a child.

- You didn't want her, Leilia.
- She, she is still my daughter.

Forget about her!

The name of that child
forced upon you

will never be entwined
in your Hibial.

That's not true.

I thought you were...

I thought everyone
who cared for me...

- you were dead.
- [gasps]



I thought I had lost everything.

She was the only thing
that mattered.

My beautiful daughter.

All I could think of
was holding her...

pressing her close
to my chest and...

those thoughts were
what kept me alive.

I had nothing else.

- Leilia.
- [crying]

My angel...


[heavy sigh]

I understand, I do.

Let's greet the dark.

Let's end it together.

[Leilia] Krim!

[Krim] I will not...


- ...allow anyone...
- [whimpering] harm our Hibial

ever again.

- [g*nsh*t]
- [Krim groans]

- [wheezing]
- Krim?

Princess Leilia!


[Krim groaning]

It never stops.

Leilia and Maquia.

But why?

Why does time always...


[cries out]


The same fires as that day.

[memory of baby crying]

[woman sobbing in distance]




[people groaning]

[Lang] Erial.

Commander Lang.

Word came down,

there were two Iorph aboard
one of the Biairan ships.

You came upon them,
didn't you?


Just go, leave this to us.

- Find Maquia--
- I'm willing to fight,

You didn't join up
out of loyalty
to Mezarte, Erial.

You signed on just so you could
get away from your mother.

That's not true!

Well, maybe that's why
I joined up at first,

but now... now I have
Dita and my friends.

I have a baby on the way.

Mezarte is the first home
that I made,

the first home that was mine
without my mother.

I want to protect that.


[woman sobbing in distance]


Are you all right?

- It's you.
- I'll get help.

Wait, no! [groans]

But I...

It's Erial's.

It's his child.




[man] Fire!



[troops shouting]


[Dita groaning]


stay strong,
almost there.

- [moaning]
- Soon you'll hold your baby.

[men shouting]

[swords clanging]


- [grunting]
- [Maquia] Keep pushing, Dita!

- Keep pushing.
- [loud groan]

That's right, Dita.
Almost there.

- [panting, then moaning]
- Just a little further.

- [exhausted groan]
- Dita!

[angry shouting]


[cries out, then sobs]

- [Maquia] Hold on!
- It hurts!

- Dita!
- Please, make it end!

- Dita, it'll be OK--
- You have to save the baby.

Please, Maquia, please!

I will, Dita.

I swear it.

Someone is coming!
Get out!

[anguished panting]

Your baby's coming.

- You're so strong, Dita.
- [crying out]

You and my Erial,

you're going to be parents soon.


[Erial screams]

[Dita screams]

[baby crying]

You were wonderful,
really... Mommy.

[Erial crying]


[man] You're really going
to take him with you?

He's not a toy.

[Maquia] I know he's not a toy.

He's my...

He's my Hibial.

[baby crying]


I see now.


Erial, it's time to come inside.

Mommy, I'm home.

[Maquia giggles]

Look at you,
you're covered in snow.

Welcome home, my Erial.

Welcome home...

my Erial.

A dream.

No... I'm here.

But, Mom, the snow.

It's not snow, it's ash.

Dita gave birth
during the invasion.


You'll hurt yourself.

It's OK, they're
waiting for you.

And they'll keep waiting,
you're a father now.

When your mother
gave birth to you,

she must've gone
through the same thing.

I remember her holding you,

holding you so tight

and you were so very small.

Her arms wrapped around you

as she protected you.

I could barely get you out,

I had to pull away
one finger at a time.

- That's enough.
- [Maquia] I...

I wasn't able to be a mother
to you, I'm sorry--

That's enough!

You've taught me everything,

To be kind

and strong

and brave.

You taught me what it means
to love someone.

I tried to do
all I could for you,

but you were the one
who ended up caring for me.

When I first laid eyes on you
that night,

I thought you would cry with me,

share my sorrow.

I thought that you
would be my Hibial,

but then, every moment
I spent with you,

all the sadness, all the pain,

it all went away.

Still, I...

I left, I failed you.

You could never,
ever fail me, Erial.

Despite what you think,
you did keep your promise to me.

You've been here,

protecting me
this entire time.

Even alone, even if
we were separated,

whenever I didn't know
what to do with myself,

you were there,
I would always think of you...

and everything was OK.

So if you call my name,

even if it isn't "Mom"...

whatever name you choose,

I swear to you, Erial,

that name will become mine.

You wove me together, Erial...

all that I am.

[Lang] Maquia!

[Maquia] Lang!

Please, I need you
to take Erial with you.

His wife and child
are waiting for him.

It's time for him
to go back home.

[Erial] Don't go.


Please, don't go.

Please, Mom!

[people cheering]

[Renato rumbles]

It's almost time to head down,
Princess Medmel.

My father and the others?

Well, don't worry,
it's quite all right.

When I reach the city,

it will be a completely new life
that awaits me.

But, even so I...

[both] Huh?


[Medmel] Who are you?

Princess Leilia.



you're my mother.

I am Leilia of the Iorph.

I am wild, strong-willed.

I am reckless.

I am free.

I'll always be free.

[wind gusting]

[Maquia] Fly, Leilia!

I can fly, I can fly.

[both gasping]

[Medmel] Mother!


Yes, you can fly too.

[low growl]


Forget me, Medmel!

I promise I will, too.

I won't weave these years,
my life in the castle will
never be in my Hibial!

My mother.

[Leilia] The long, long
memories will fade away.

I will forget every moment,

because it will be
just a tiny tear.

- A tear.
- Yes.

That's my mother.

I've never seen
anyone so beautiful.


I'm sorry, Medmel.

Princess Leilia.

We don't need the Renato,

we don't need the Iorph.

If the legends are
so fated to fade away,

then let them live
of their own accord
up to the end.

[Leilia sobs]

Leilia, don't cry.

You're afraid, but I promise
you will never forget.

That was so hard...

and it hurt so much.

But how is the world
still beautiful?

I could never forget.


[door opens]

I made it home.

You're really here.

I promised I'd be back.

[baby crying]

- That's our baby.
- Yeah.

She's softer than
I could have imagined.



She's perfect.
We need to choose a name.

- [Dita] Mm-hm.
- Dita?

I'm so sorry.

When we were little kids,

you liked your mom
and I said...

I said you were weird.

I'm so sorry.

I swear,
I didn't mean it.

Your mom was so...

so beautiful
and so kind.

She came and...

She was here and she--

I love you, Dita.

I love you too, Erial.

I was so foolish.

I used to be
so jealous of her.

I wanted you
to love me too.

My mother raised me
to be the man I am,

just so I could love you.

And our daughter...

she'll love someone, too.

So we'll raise her,
you and I,

we'll raise her well,


so one day
she'll know how to love,

just like us.

The Clan of the Separated.

You are destined
to say many goodbyes,

to see so much
that will change.

Time will march on,
never ending.

You'll meet someone new,
an endless stream of new faces.

You meet someone and you weave.


[Maquia] Hello, little one.

I'm here to see
your grandfather.

Would you take me to him?

You know Grandpa?

[woman] Lily.

What are you
doing out here?

Aren't you...?

Mom passed away a few years ago.

They really were
a perfect couple.

After the fall of Mezarte,

Lang helped to move them
back here.

[sighs] It wasn't an easy life,

but I think they were
incredibly happy.

[Lily laughs] Come on.

Just wait, it's coming.

They spoke of you all the time,
they were so happy together.

I'm glad you made it in time.

Father is, well...

[Maquia] I'm home.


You did so well, my son.

Such a life.

You lived with all you had,

a truly wonderful life,
my little boy.

[small sob]

But I won't cry.

I'm a mother and I promised you.



Welcome home.

I am home.


I'll see you soon, my Erial.

Make sure you're home
for dinner, OK?

- [Lily] These are for you.
- Thank you.


[Lily laughing]

[remembering Erial's voice]
Mom! Mommy!

Welcome home, Mommy.
I know, I know.

Mommy, I'm home!
Good morning, Mom.

[laughing] I tricked you!

You thought I shed
my skin, right?

Is it the same place
I was born?

But, Mom, time to
start the party.

Dita's mom says you're
different from everybody else,
but I don't think so.

'Cause I wanted to
show you what I made.

Mommy, but why?

You don't act like the mommy
I know when we're here.

I make you cry.

As long as I'm with you,
I'm OK.

Mommy, I'll always protect you.
Hey, Mom.

Even moms?

Oh, hey there.
See you soon.

It'll be fine, I promise.

I guess so.
Don't worry about it.

I hate this.
I'm home!

I don't think I can be
your son anymore.

You think I don't know that?

I wanna protect her,
but I can't, not like this.

I'm just not strong enough.

Why does she care about me?
Why does she stay with me?

You've taught me everything,

Please, don't go.

Please, Mom!

I'm sorry, Erial.

[Erial] Mommy?

I'm sorry.

Then I won't cry again,
after all, I'm a mom.

[Erial] You promise me?

Your mother has to...


...break her promise.


I love you so much!

I love you!

[Maquia] Erial.

My Erial.

- [grunts] Done already?
- No.

As long as I'm alive,

Erial's Hibial will
still be woven.

It's not funny.

It's just the elder would laugh
if she saw your face right now.

And you know why?

She'd be happy to
have taught you that
leaving someone isn't all sad.

Hop on, let's go.

Time to meet the next person
you'll have to leave.

[Maquia] Elder...

I am happy that I met him.

I'm happy to have been
his mother.

I am happy that I loved him.

[woman sings
in foreign language]

[song ends]

[birds chirping]