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Yo-kai Watch: Forever Friends (2018)

Posted: 02/10/24 18:46
by bunniefuu
Good morning!

Good morming!

Good morning, Tamakou!

Alright, done for today!

This house still looks awesome no matter how many times I see it.

I wish I could live in a place like this someday.

Here's your pay for this month!


Thanks, boss!

Sakura Newspaper

I'll be going now!

Here, two obanyaki!


Ma'am, I need some medicine.

Shin, you're here early!

What do you need?



This, please!

Oh, but this medicine is expensive!

Are you sure you can afford it?

Yep! I want my mom to take it... she can get better soon!

My, aren't you thoughtful!

I'm sure your mother will get better soon!


I'm home!

Welcome home, Shin!

You know, Mom, you don't have to sit up.

I'm home, Noro!

Check this out, Mom!

It's a brand new product!

I'm sure it'll work well!


I bought your favorite obanyaki, too!

That place is always so busy -

I'm sorry, Shin.

I'm nothing but a burden on you.

What are you saying?

You haven't burdened me with anything.

Remember what Dad would say?

"No matter what you desire, anything can come true if you want it badly enough."

Well, not that I remember Dad much myself.


We'll be having your favorite today, a rolled omelette!

Thank you, Shin.

But are you able to keep up with your classwork?

With newspaper delivery keeping you so busy, you must barely have time to study!

It's alright!

It may not look like it, but I'm fairly smart!

Oh, Shin...

Since I can start working next month, why don't you lighten up on your deliveries and study more often?

Okay, I got it! Now let's eat before our food gets cold!

Thanks for the food!

Oh, Shin...

REVISED,[Sachiko gasping]

M-Mom! What's wrong?!

REVISED,[Sachiko cackling]


Mom, wait!

Th-This person just jumped right in our way...

No way... There's no way...

Mom, get up!

Mom, Mom!!

Somebody please call an ambulance! Please!

Someone, please...

Well then, I'll be back soon.

Please eat your meal.

OK,I'll take care of the legal procedures here.

Hey, why did you run out there?

I made you a rolled omelette...

I bought you medicine...

Was living with me really that hard?

I don't get it...

I just don't get it.

I'm sorry...

I'm sorry... I'm so sorry....




Why did you leave me?!

Stop screwing around, Mom!

Stop screwing with me!

You idiot!


I'm going now...

Who... are you?

REVISED,If you die too, you still won't see your mom.


REVISED,The dead all go to different places.

Will you go to heaven or hell, or will you be reborn?

It depends on how you live your life.

REVISED,How would you know if you haven't died before?


You bet!

I don't know what it's like to be dead.

But don't go and throw away your life.

Itsuki: That aside, do you want to help me seek the culprit?

Shin: "Culprit?"

Itsuki: The culprit who k*lled your mom and my sister.

Shin: Your sister? But my mom got hit by a...

Itsuki: REVISED,It was all intentional.

Itsuki: REVISED,A Yo-kai did all this.

Shin: Y...Yo-kai?

Shin: What's that?

Shin: C-Come to think of seemed like something was possessing her when it happened.

Shin: It...It can't really be...

Itsuki: I'm Itsuki.

Shin: I'm Shin.

Itsuki: Ah, here!

Itsuki: REVISED,Let's get along.

Shin: REVISED,Uh-huh.

Itsuki: They're inspiriting people and taking their souls without leaving any evidence.

Itsuki: That's why your mom and my sister got into accidents.

Itsuki: We have no choice but to search for the culprit.

Shin: If we finish off the culprit, will I be able to see my mom again?

Itsuki: You sure will.

Itsuki: If we reclaim the souls, they'll all come back to life!

Shin: Come back to life...

Shin: She'll come back? Mom's really coming back to life?

Itsuki: REVISED,Exactly! So don't give up until the end!

Shin: Yeah.

Itsuki: REVISED,There's plenty more to life, so don't waste it!

Shin: Right!

Itsuki: Ah...Who's there? Show yourself!

Tae: Um...

Itsuki: What's with the eavesdropping?

Tae: It's just...I was just going to tell you about that person behind you...

Shin: Behind us? What do you mean?

Itsuki: Do you see something?

Tae: Yeah, over there...

Tae: I think this kid might be a ghost...?

Shin: Huh?

Itsuki: What the heck...?

Tae: I'm Tae.

Tae: I can see things like ghosts and Yo-kai.

Shin: Yo-kai?


Shin: REVISED,Huh?

Tae: He climbed on top of your head.

Shin: What?! Come on, get him off of me!

Itsuki: OK,So, what kind of spirit is haunting him?

Tae: Hmm...

Tae: One like this!

Itsuki: You're kidding me.

Shin: A horseshoe crab Yo-kai.

Tae: Oh, it came off.

Shin: Really?

Itsuki: By any chance, is this the Yo-kai that took the souls?

Tae: He denies that he's the person in question. I wonder if it's a guardian spirit...

Itsuki: *,How could it be a guardian spirit?

Shin: More importantly, let's hurry up and reclaim those souls!

Itsuki: Right! We're gonna make exterminating some Yo-kai our priority!

Itsuki: Tae, is it? Since you can see spirits, come with us.

Tae: Huh? Okay.

Itsuki: We're the comrades who will battle the Yo-kai.

Shin: Yeah.

Tae: Uhh...right!

Itsuki: Alright, let's defeat the Yo-kai and reclaim those souls!

Shin & Tae: Yeah!

Shin: [Gasps]

Shin: Amazing!

Shin: REVISED,It moves automatically!

Shin: So this was your house!

Itsuki: Yes, well...


Usuta-san: Oh, young master!

Usuta-san: Back so usu-oon, I see!

Shin: "Usu?"

Itsuki: Sure am.

Usuta-san: And whom have you brought with you, young master?

Itsuki: Some friends.

Usuta-san: Oooh, welcome!

Usuta-san: I'm the butler. You can call me Usuta.

Shin & Tae: Ah...greetings.

Shin: Sweet, there's even a butler.

Tae: Yeah.

Shin: Hey, Itsuki, is it okay if I look around a bit?

Tae: Me, too!

Itsuki: Okay, but...

Usuta-san: Go on, make yourselves at home! Please look around however you feel usu-uits you.

Shin: REVISED,So roomy!

Tae: It really is!

Shin: [Shin shouts]

Shin & Tae: Your voice echoes! [Both laugh]

Shin & Tae: [Shin & Tae shouting]

Shin: A TV! Can I turn it on?

Shin: Woah!

Tae: REVISED,Amazing, it even has color!

Usuta-san: There's TV~!

Shin: Wow, so sparkly!

Tae: It's a chandelier!

Usuta-san: There's a chandeeelier~!

Tae: Oh, a fireplace!

Shin: It's burning!

Usuta-san: It's burning, it's burning! [Blowing]

Usuta-san: REVISED,Now, where shall I show you next?

Itsuki: REVISED,That's enough of that. Let's go to my room.

Shin: Okay.

Usuta-san: Everyone.

Usuta-san: Later, I will be carrying up some usu-per delicious black tea.

Usuta-san: [Chuckles]

Itsuki: REVISED,That butler just started working here recently, but something seems creepy about him.

Shin: REVISED,For sure.

Tae: Yeah...

Shin: Is this your room?

Shin: What? What's all this?

Itsuki: Ever since my sister got k*lled, I've been researching all about Yo-kai

Itsuki: REVISED,What kinds of Yo-kai are there?

Itsuki: How can they be k*lled?

Itsuki: This is the result of that research.

Itsuki: Let's hold a strategy meeting.

Shin: Strategy...

Tae: ...meeting?

Ituski: Now, listen here.

Itsuki: The one we're out to defeat is a Yo-kai called Tamamo-no-Mae.

Shin: Tamamo-no-Mae?

Itsuki: She's been around since the olden days of Japan.

Itsuki: She's a terrifying Yo-kai who disguises herself as a human and eats the souls of women.

Shin: Yo-kai...

Tae: ...are scary.

Itsuki: REVISED,She manipulates people into dying and steals their souls.

Itsuki: My sister also hurried off, running in a very strange way.

Itsuki: REVISED,Something looked off about her, so I chased her.

Itsuki: REVISED,But then, she jumped from the top of a construction site.

Itsuki-Sis: [Sister shrieking]

Itsuki: I tried to stop her, but I was too late.

Itsuki-Sis: [Gasps]

Itsuki-Sis: OK,[Heavy breath]

Itsuki: Tch.

Tae: I can't believe she steals souls like this...

Shin: So, how do we beat her?

Itsuki: With these!

Usuta-san: Ooh!

Shin: [Yelps] How long were you there?

Usuta-san: I've brought black tea.

Here you go. Here you go.

Shin: Thank you.

Tae: Thank you very much.

Usuta-san: Hm?

Usuta-san: Have some tea.

Usuta-san: I'll be preparing some more.

Shin: So, what are those?

Itsuki: They seem to be items that can summon Yo-kai.

Shin: Items? How do they summon them?

Shin: Aren't Yo-kai supposed to be evil?

Itsuki: Yes, but evil as they are, these ones have good use to them.

Itsuki: We'll fight poison with poison.

Itsuki: Using the power of Yo-kai to our advantage, we'll defeat Tamamo-no-Mae and reclaim the souls she's taken.

Shin: It says Nekomata, Kappa, and Zashiki-warashi on them.

Shin: REVISED,I think I've heard of them before.

Itsuki: REVISED,That's right. Since they're really well-known Yo-kai,

Itsuki: REVISED,summoning them will give us a tremedous advantage.

Shin: Alright, then let's get to summoning!

Itsuki: That's where we're missing a crucial part.

Shin: What part?

Itsuki: The Yo-kai Watch.

Tae: [Gasps]

Shin: Yo-kai...Watch?

Itsuki: The Yo-kai Watch allows you to summon Yo-kai.

Shin: Where is it?

Itsuki: Yamanba mansion.

Tae: [Tae shivering]

Shin: Yamanba?

Tae: We're really going there?

Itsuki: There's no way to get the watch but to go there.

Shin: What kind of being is Yamanba?

Itsuki: An elderly woman Yo-kai who typically att*cks out of the blue.

Shin: Sounds like an awful person...

Tae: Hey, Itsuki.

Itsuki: Hm?

Tae: REVISED,Wouldn't it be best if we stop now?

Itsuki: What, are you scared?

Tae: It's not that, but...

Itsuki: Then let's go.

Itsuki: This is it?

Shin: Seems we've made it.

Itsuki: We can get in from here.

Shin: Yeah.

Itsuki: Keep a close eye. There's no telling where she'll attack from.

Shin: What do we do if we get att*cked?

Shin: Do we fight her?

Itsuki: I think fighting's our only option.

Itsuki: It'll be fine. I've studied up on Yamanba.

Itsuki: How to deal with her, that is.

Shin: You mean like her weaknesses?

Itsuki: Indeed.

Tae: Huh? Does she have any?

Shin: REVISED,Err, this looks sketchy. Is this really workable?

Shin: [Shin gulps]

Itsuki: Don't worry, it'll be okay.

Shin: O-Okay.

Itsuki: Listen closely. It seems that according to my analysis,

Itsuki: her weakness is...

Itsuki: Ohagi!

Shin: Ohagi?

Itsuki: Correct. Yamanba is weak to ohagi.

Tae: Why?

Itsuki: According to stories of people who were att*cked by Yamanba,

Itsuki: she'd typically run away at the sight of ohagi.


So that's her only weakness...

Oh, yeah. This map still looks a

No, it doesn't!

Well, the real key to beating Yamanba is those ohagi, anyway.

Woah, that's a lot.

They look so good!

I had Usuta make them.

We'll each take one box.

I'm kind of nervous...

I'm not sure we'll be able to pull this off.

Don't worry!

Just throw the ohagi at Yamanba when she shows her face.

I think this might work a little better...

Is that...a tag?

Wait, why do you have that?

I know a little bit about Yo-kai myself.



Alright, then, let's all split up to find the Yo-kai Watch.

What? Y-Y-You want me to go off on my own?

Yeah, that's what the map's for! Here's what you're gonna do.

When Yamanba appears, you'll shout very loudly,

and we'll come running to find you.


Alright, I'm going this way.

I don't think there's anything besides the bathroom over there.


What's that way?

That connects to the outdoor storage shed.



Why do you know so much about this place, Tae?

Are you hiding something? Explain yourself.



This is my grandmother's house.


I come from the Arihoshi family.

We've passed down knowledge of Yo-kai and sorcery for generations.

So you're saying you're like a Yo-kai expert?

My grandmother is the expert.

I'm still just an apprentice sorcerer, so I don't really know that much about Yo-kai.

No wonder you can see spirits.

So it wasn't a coincidence that we met, was it?

You're right.

When I followed the signal this Yo-kai energy detector was reacting to, I found you guys.

I had been searching for Yo-kai because I wanted to figure out how to save my grandmother, too...

What are you talking about?

She was inspirited by an evil Yo-kai, which turned her into Yamanba.


But I have no idea what to do about it...


So that's it. I get it.

Then we'll defeat the Yo-kai inspiriting Tae's grandma together, Shin!


Huh? You really will?


Oh...thank you!

But tell us this kind of stuff a little earlier next time, okay?

Yeah. We're a team, after all.


Now, take these ohagi!


[Yamanba wailing]




She's here!

Crap! The!!

Shin! Hang in there!

[Tae shrieking]

H-Hey! W-W-Wait! Ah, ow, ouch...

[Yamanba wailing]




Is there another door here?

[Yamanba groaning]

This is it! We can't get away!

Stand up! Don't give in until the very end!



You mustn't give up just yet.

I just don't think I'm cut out for sorcery.

Don't give in to your inner weakness.


You have been exerting so much effort...

...that I would say if there's anything you aren't cut out for, it's giving up.

You have to keep trying and never quit until the end.

[Yamanba laughing]


What's the matter? Get down!

I'm going to give this a try!

Magic! Passion! And destruction!


Blades of Wind!


[Yamanba groaning]

So that's sorcery...


It's no use! It's not hurting her!

Get back!

We'll do the fighting!

[Yamanba wailing]


[Yamanba shouting]

Hey, that's...

Your guardian spirit.



I-It's an ohagi!

Well...anyway, thanks.

Now I'd better hit her with this, right?


[Yamanba screeching]



[Yamanba growling]

[Yamanba wailing]

Use the tag! Now!


Give it!

Now, eat this!

[Yamanba screaming]

She really is weak to those.


Granny! Granny!

She's alright. She's just unconscious.


Thank goodness.

Hold it!


So this is Yamanba's true form...



Tae! Finish her off with that attack from before.


If we leave her be, she'll just inspirit a human to attack others again!

No! I was protecting this house!

There's treasure! In this house! That bad guys want!

So you can talk.

You disgust me, Yo-kai!

The fact is that you were inspiriting Tae's grandma!

Our family...

...has always defended Tsukuyomi, the moon goddess.

If her body is seized, a terrifying evil will...

Do it, Tae!



I think...I think she isn't really that bad after all.


Yo-kai must have reasons for what they do just like us.

Don't be ridiculous! We get rid of any Yo-kai that att*cks people.

Always being so hateful won't solve anything, Itsuki!

Don't you see that this Yo-kai probably isn't our true enemy?


I want to save her, too.

Geez. You guys are too kindhearted for your own good.

Yo-kai are...ah!

Tch. She got away.


You really don't know, do you? She'll just go somewhere else and make another person suffer.


I watched you from within Yamanba.

You have conquered your weakness.


You truly persevered above all odds.


There, there...

So that's what's going on.

I just have to get my sister back.

That's why I want to borrow the Yo-kai Watch that's said to be in this house!


And what do you intend to do with the Yo-kai Watch?

I'm going to command Yo-kai to bring down Tamamo-no-Mae!

Commanding...that isn't quite what you do.

Then what is?

In order to call upon a Yo-kai's power... must befriend them and become companions.

Friends? With Yo-kai ?

It's right in here!

There's so much stuff here I've never even seen before.

Don't meddle with anything in here.

Some of these items are quite dangerous.

Go ahead. Pick it up.

This is...

Indeed. This is the Yo-kai Watch.

We've finally found it.

So this is what the Yo-kai Watch looks like.



Hm. The Yo-kai Watch cannot be used by those it has not chosen.


Am I no good?

There's no need to feel regret.

There are very few who can wield it.

It's on!

Oh! You! You can use it?!

Amazing! It isn't coming off!

-Wow...a person who can use the Yo-kai Watch is right before my eyes...

Looks like we'll be able to manage now, huh?

Why, it's simply astounding...

-You're right.

We're counting on you, Shin.


Alright! I'll save Mom with this!

Now that we've got the Yo-kai Watch...

...we'll be able to battle Tamamo-no-Mae!


However, our foe is a brutal one.

Are you prepared?

I'll do it to save Mom.

I'll do it even if I have to do it alone.

I will, too.


My own mother died before her time after falling ill.

And my father was the president of a large company.

He got involved with some illegal dealings and was framed on false charges.

He was tricked by those awful men.

In order to protect the company and its employees,

he threw away that career by taking responsibility for the scandal.

And yet, my father always said...

I just want you to remember one thing, Itsuki.

To rise above all others... to carry the weight of their lives on your shoulders.

That's why I have no regrets.

He became tormented by overwork, and soon after he fell ill.

He's a real idiot.


But even so, I respect him!

Someday, I will lead a lot of people and become a man who can do great things just like my father!


That means you can't afford to lose!


I'll help out, too!

I want to impress my grandmother even more...

...and become a full-fledged sorcerer. Oh, and also...

Um, uh...

...But yeah, anyway, I'll fight along with you!

Alright! Let's beat Tamamo-no-Mae's face in and get those souls back!

-Yeah! Yep.

...Hey, what's that guy up to?




I...I am the one currently serving as guardian spirit to Master Shin!

I am just...a lowly little warrior.

He talked!

He sure did.

Wow! You're really a guardian spirit!

Too close.

Anyway, why are we able to see you all of a sudden?

Well, I believe that you, Masters Shin and Itsuki,

coming into contact with Yamanba's powerful magic awakened your sense for apparitions and...

...Then I became visible to...oh! Oh, no!

Became visible to y-y-y-you!


Hey, what's your name?

My name? Hmm...

Well, I certainly have a name, but...I happen to not have the capability to properly introduce myself at the moment.

So for now, please call me Suu-san.


Well, if you're a guardian spirit, why didn't you protect Shin's mom?

Oh...Oh, dear, you're right...I'm so very sorry...

It's okay. It's not your fault.

I'm quite unqualified to be your guardian spirit.

Not only have I had no strength since I lost my katana,

I believe my memory has also disappeared, so I have no recollection of who I was!

And yet, I feel like at some point in the past...

...I was a respected figure.

It's due to my lack of ability that I could not protect your mother, Master Shin...

Stop beating yourself up over it.

There's a way that we can still save her!

Master Shin...


Well, you managed to rescue us this time.

Lend us your strength, fallen warrior!


You'll bring me along with you?

We'll be counting on you from now on!

Oh, thank you so much! I'm so glad!

Well, let's head back and come up with a plan to beat Tamamo-no-Mae!


What is this?

This is Tamamo-no-Mae right before being subjugated.

She's sucking up that woman's soul!

How cruel...

So, what did you think of Tamamo-no-Mae?

And how do you feel about the nickname "Tamamo?"


She's even more vicious than I thought.

And she's got my mom...

Okay. Let's get started by testing out the Yo-kai Watch's abilities.

Yeah. Good idea.

What do we do with this?

Do you know, Tae?

I have no idea how to use it.

I do.

What?! How?!

Young Master Shin, you must hold up the ark and say:


"Come on out, my friend! Nekomata!"

Got it.



Come on out, my friend! Nekomata!

Nekomata! Here on the scene again and again and again!

Again and again? Isn't this the first time we've met?

So he's Nekomata?

Now, call for Kappa and Zashiki-warashi using the same method.

Apologies for my long absence. I am Kappa.

And I'm Zashiki-warashi. Enjoying what you see?

Very well, then. Let us begin the interview process.

First up is Nekomata.


What is your special skill?

My special skill? I've gotta say sleeping.

Your hobby?

Uh...I guess sleeping?

And your strengths?

All he does is sleep.

What's his deal?

He's adorable!


Let's see up is Kappa.

What do you do on your days off?

I spend time with my family.

I see. Doing what?

Let's see...we spend lots of time swimming in the river together.

We've been trying to switch it up from the breaststroke to the crawl.

Doing so releases me from the constrains of my identity as a kappa! I feel so free and lightweight!


Seriously, what's with these guys?

So cute!

And last but not least, Zashiki-warashi.

What is your favorite catchphrase?

"Beauty isn't fostered in a day!"

And what is the thing you want most right now?

Panax ginseng.

It would allow me to keep my youth, after all!

He's not as childlike as the legends say, that's for sure.

Don't you have any notable abilities at all?

Indeed. I can make any woman freeze completely for seconds.

I knock 'em dead for seconds with my elegance!

Wow! You really stopped her!

Ugh! Please, no more!

What a lost cause...

None of them are even the least bit useful.

How are we supposed to fight like this?

These Yo-kai are all pretty famous, so they must have some kind of secret power!

No way in...

Oh, nyo, nyo! Are you okay?

My...My secret power suddenly exploded into him!

Secret power?

I knew it!

Please excuse me. I could use some cold wa...ah!

My secret power is calling to me again...

I hear it! It's calling!

It calls to me with passioooon!

[Farting noise]

Aaah! So sorry, again and again!

I just couldn't resist the call for an encore!

That's some secret power, alright.

He's looking this way!

Um, I'm sorry, but I need some cold wat...

Excuse me!

Wait, Tae! Hey, open up!

Why'd you shut the door?

[Nekomata farts]



So Tamamo is somewhere around here?

This is the place where my sister suddenly ran off.

Let's start our investigation here.

But how are we going to locate her with all these people around?

Leave this to me!


Oh, yeah. He's got a good nose because he's a cat.


I don't actually knyow that Yo-kai's scent!


I know. We can try using the Yo-kai energy detector.

Oh, yeah! Why didn't we think of that earlier?

Come again!

Those smell delicious!

Oh. What a cute kitty.

I'll take one, purretty please!

Oh, Nekomata...

REVISED,My mom used to like those obanyaki, too.

Come to think of it, so did my sister... way!

Hold up!

Can you really see this cat Yo-kai?


That's right! She shouldn't be able to see me, but she sold me these obanyaki like nyothing was up!

You could do that because you're a Yo-kai yourself!

Heh...ha, ha, ha, ha...


For a human of your caliber... saw through my disguise quite well.

You...I won't let you get away with this!

Itsuki! We'll cause trouble if we fight around here!

There's too many people around...

We need to lure her out to a more open area!


Come and get some, you stupid Yo-kai!

Don't you get cheeky with me!

[Tamamo-no-Mae roaring]

Crap! She transformed into her giant form again!

Probably because you made fun of her by calling her stupid and an idiot!

I never called her an idiot!

Just focus on getting to the riverbed for now! Nobody's around over there!

Oh, come on...we have to find her weak point!


Wait, stop! Put me down!

We...We can't afford to stop right now!


Oh! There's the river!

[Tamamo-no-Mae groaning]


Is...Is she not following us?

Don't get too comfortable! She's coming this way!

[Tamamo-no-Mae growling]

Shin! Summon Kappa!




Come on out, my friend! Kappa!

Kappa! You should be great at fighting near the water...

Oh, no...

Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha.

He lost...

That was fast, too...

What do we do, Itsuki?




Huh? Whaaaa?!

Heh, heh, heh. You cannot get away.

Now what, Itsuki?

I have an idea! Just follow my lead!


It will be the end of the road for you soon.

Run, run, run! Go right!

Itsuki! Straight up ahead is Mirror Pond! It's a dead end!

I know! Summon Nekomata and Zashiki-warashi!


Come on out, my friends! Nekomata! Zashiki-warashi!

Hey, Zashiki! You can stop lady opponents in place for seconds, right?


Freeze Tamamo!

What?! Tamamo?!

She's coming!

[Tamamo-no-Mae growling]

Do it now!

Knock 'em dead with elegance! -second freeze!

Tamamo, do you know what the name of this pond is?

It's Mirror Pond!

[Tamamo-no-Mae shrieking]

She's in pain.

Alright! Now it's your turn!


One-Hit KO Paw!

[Tamamo-no-Mae groaning]

We did it!

Gotcha. I despise seeing my own reflection.

Don't show me my figure like that, would you?

How did you know what Tamamo's weakness is, Itsuki?

I figured it out when I saw her get upset at a mirror and start smashing things.

Now, return the souls you took from all those people or else!

All...All that I've done was just follow Lord Enma's orders.

There is nothing else that I can do.

You're lying! Stop making things up!

I am not lying. It is the truth.

And I have already sent all the souls back to Lord Enma. where is this Lord Enma you're talking about?

In the Yo-kai World.

The Yo-kai World...?

Then we'll just have to go there and take those souls back ourselves!


What the hell are you guys doing?!

OK, Whimsy Valley Station

The Yo-kai World is full of Yo-kai, right?

These will let us make it through the Yo-kai crowd without trouble.




Take this seriously!!

Wow, that's a pretty classy outfit, Tae.

Is it odd-looking on me? I'm supposed to look like a sorcerer.

Aren't you still just in training?

OK,So what? I'm into the style!

Well, I like it! I think it fits you!

Thank you!

Can we really get there from here?

That's what's written in the Yo-kai Encyclopedia.

So will a train to the Yo-kai World come?

Yeah. There's a full moon tonight and I've got a Yo-kai ticket.

That ticket's got your grandma's handwriting on it.


-Pretty fishy, isn't it?

Stop that!

It'll be fine. This ticket really is magical, I swear.

Oh, really?


Okay, okay! I believe you!



[Train horn sounding]


It's the Yo-kai Train...


It's kinda gloomy in here.


[Train horn sounding]

REVISED,There's weird-looking folks here.


[Yo-kai talking]


[Railroad crossing warning sound]


This is Kimodameshi Station. Kimodameshi.

So this is the Yo-kai World?

It's amazing!

Ah! Smells like home!

Do you know where Lord Enma is, Nekomata?


What about you, Suu-san?

Nor do I.

Hey, do you know where Lord Enma is?

Nah-nah-nah boo-boo!

Hmm...should I tell you? Should I not? What to do...

[All screaming]

Lord Enma, huh? Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's in his palace, but I wouldn't go right now if I were you.


Well, he's hostin' that Enma Tournament tomorrow,

so the whole palace is in some tizzy.

Wait, what's the Enma Tournament?

It's a competition to decide who the next Lord Enma's gonna be.


REVISED,I told you, we've discussed this in advance, haven't we?


REVISED,So you're taking the blame for any delays, right?

REVISED,Of course you will, won't you?


Wow, that was the first time you actually helped!


Should we really be in here?

And who are you?


Get those trespassers!

[All screaming]

Get 'em!

What's the deal?

This has absolutely nyothing to do with me!

You're free to leave.

Humans! What brings you here?

We came to get the souls that Lord Enma stole back!

What was that?

OK,I'm stealing the souls of humans?

So you're Lord Enma, huh?

Tamamo-no-Mae said you're the one who sent her to do it!


Tamamo-no-Mae is one of Shien's subjects.

Perhaps it was him...

That sounds about right.


Who is that?

Shien is one of Lord Enma's sons.

He is overly ambitious...

So much so to the point that right when we have enough strength to take him on, he'll just obtain more power.

If your son is guilty of all of this, then do something about it!

OK,He's surely caused you folks trouble...

...and for that, I'm sorry.

Give me back my sister's soul!

Shin's mom's soul, too!

The only way to get those souls back is to stop Shien.

He needs to know what the true meaning of power is.

And that is why your majesty is hosting the Enma Tournament.

I cannot afford for him to ascend the throne!

Then let us take part in the Enma Tournament!

What?! Humans should not be allowed to enter!

I want to get back my mom's soul and bring her back to life!

I practice sorcery! I can do it!

You'll lose your lives!

Very well...

Your majesty...

Nurarihyon, look at the thing on that boy's arm.


...a Magic Mirror user.

With the efforts of both humans and Yo-kai put together...

...we might see them succeed.

As you wish!

Then you may go.

We shall make arrangements for all of you to enter the tournament.

Thank you.

Hey! Don't leave us behind!

Have you noticed, Nurarihyon?


You mean the Yo-kai following behind them, right?

It's still...

It's still not enough...

Lord Shien...

It's too dangerous to gain any more power than this.

Lord Enma is afraid of my power...

In order to beat me, he might enlist the help of powerful Yo-kai.

Therefore, I must show him my absolute full power.

As if there's any Yo-kai that could stop you.

Lord Enma...

In the past, he was able to shake the Yo-kai World to its very core.

I will do my best to defeat him.

So that's Shien, huh?

He looks tough...

Right now, Shien's power has reached its full potential thanks to those human's souls.

I'm definitely going to get my mom's soul back!

We'll win, no matter who we're up against!

We can't back out now!

If only the courage of these humans could somehow mend his ways...

This tournament's winners are decided by elimination.

Decided by elimination...there's a limit to everyone's strength, though, right?

The winner of each round may take their opponent's power and become stronger than before.

There are humans behind the king...

...What do you think they're up to?

Those little brats look weak, don't they?

We don't need to worry about them.

In any case, we need to make sure that Shien becomes the new overlord!

But don't let your guard down...

...There must be some reason why they are with him.


So that's the situation, Karasu.

Now go mop them up lickety-split.

Yes, sir.

Both sides are ready to go!

Well then, let the Enma Tournament...


But I'm your ally!

Well then, who wants to die next?

What is that guy doing?

In order to power himself up, he's k*lling his allies...

That's horrible...

Ha, ha, ha! Anyone would do!

Get in a group and come get some!

You humans on Lord Enma's team...

....are we gonna fight?

I especially hate humans.

So, I'm afraid I'm going to have to k*ll you.



Summon Tamamo for this!

But will she fight for us if I summon her all of a sudden?

It doesn't matter. Just summon her!

Here I come.

Take these tornadoes!

This is gonna tear you to shreds!



Come on out my friend, Tamamo!


Do you want my help?

Well, of course you do!

After all, I take my career very seri...

That was quick...

What should we do?

Well, how about this?



Come on out my friend, Nekomata!

Nekomata! Here on the scene again and again and again!

Hey, Nekomata!

Get rid of these tornadoes!

What?! Why are you asking me to do that?

I can't do that at all!

Think before you summon!

[Nekomata screaming]

It got him!

OK,Without a trace, too...

No way...

You're done for...

[Mysterious voice yelling]

Is that...

I've seen this in the Yo-kai Encyclopedia!

It's Kaibyou Kamaitachi!

Did you transform while getting sucked into that tornado?

Nyow, I'm just gettin' started...

As you wish!

What's with this guy?

OK,Dancing Darkness!

Extreme Kamaitachi Hurricane Punch!


Nyoh yeah!

Lord Shien...

Shuten, stand back.

What are you doing?

Lord Enma!

This little pre-show is unnecessary!

I demand you come down here and fight me this instant!

Shien! The physical might of one's power means nothing.

It's important to know how to use your power as a king.

Hmph, why say that now?

You've always sked me to seek this power, and now you say that it means nothing?

I never asked you to seek power.

I asked you to know the meaning of your power.

That's enough...

Shien: The point is that whoever is strongest is worthy of being called king.

Shien: I'll show you here and now!

Enma: Shien...

Shien: Lord Enma, it ends here!

Enma: [Enma groans]

Enma: Open your eyes, Shien.

Enma: Even if you take the throne, you will never be a real king.

Shien: Pathetic!

Shien: I'll overthrow you and create a new era!

Enma: Not listening to reason, hm?

Enma: If that's how it is...come at me, son!

Enma: Take this!

Shien: [Shien cries out]

Enma: [Grunts]

Shien: I won!

Shien: That makes me king!

Enma: [Enma chuckles]

Enma: I held this tournament in anticipation of this moment.

Shien: What?

Enma: Listen, Shien.

Enma: REVISED,A throne governed by force is destroyed by that force.

Enma: A true king is one that can make everyone else's power his own.

Shien: That's why I collected all this power!

Shien: So I could have the greatest power and be a worthy king!


Enma: You're just a coward who's drowned himself in power!

Shien: Shut up!

Shien: OK,Why aren't you accepting of me now?

Enma: REVISED,Son, seek again what it means to be a true king.

Shien: [Grunts] Let me go!

Shien: REVISED,You rambling geezer!

Shien: I'm taking your power.

Shien: Everyone take a good look!

Shien: I'm the Yo-kai World's new Lord Enma!

Shien: REVISED,You will obey me from now on!

Shien: [Shien laughing]

Yo-kai: [Yo-kai screaming]

Nurarihyon: Shien! I won't let you do this!

Shien: What a nuisance!

MCs: [Kids gasping]

Shien: To the humans who were aiding my father...

Shien: You're going down here, too.

Itsuki: Huh?

Shien: What?

Itsuki: [Quivering]

Itsuki: I...I...

Nurarihyon: Itsuki, you are not mortal.

Tae: Huh? What does that mean?

Shin: Itsuki...?

Tae: He isn't...mortal?

Itsuki: [Gasps]

Itsuki: Shin, Tae, it just came back to me.

Shin: What did?

Itsuki: I'm...

Itsuki: ...already dead.

Itsuki: Back then, when my sister jumped,

Itsuki: I tried to stop her... but...

Itsuki: When it happened, I fell along with her.

Itsuki-Sis: [Sister crying]

Itsuki: Tamamo-no-Mae sucked in my sister's soul.

Itsuki: And that's right when I died.

Itsuki: Then, a mysterious girl tried to talk to me.

Itsuki: She was a matchmaker named Kukuri-hime.

Kukuri-hime: Ah, you died.

Itsuki: [Gasps]

Itsuki: I'm dead?

Itsuki: Did I really die?

Kukuri-hime: Looks that way.

Itsuki: What about my sister?

Kukuri-hime: She's also dead.

Kukuri-hime: But it looks as though her soul's in the possession of a Yo-kai.

Itsuki: Yo-kai? What Yo-kai?

Kukuri-hime: Hm, you don't know?

Kukuri-hime: Your sister had her soul taken and she died.

Itsuki: What do you mean? What'll happen to my sister?

Kukuri-hime: Dunno.

Itsuki: You're kidding...

Itsuki: Damn it! If I had just gotten one step ahead...

Kukuri-hime: Oh, dear. What a pity.

Itsuki: Damn it...damn it!

Kukuri-hime: [Sighs] You must have an awful lot of regret about your life.

Kukuri-hime: REVISED,That's fine! Today, I'll offer you an excellent deal.

Kukuri-hime: I'll lend you life...

Kukuri-hime: ...until your purpose is fulfilled.

Itsuki: Huh? Really?

Itsuki: will I do that...?

Kukuri-hime: Hmmm...I'm not sure, but...

Kukuri-hime: ...for now, you can try to reclaim your sister's soul?

Kukuri-hime: If you form a special relationship with someone,

Kukuri-hime: that'll work for me!

Itsuki: A special relationship?

Kukuri-hime: A destined encounter with just the right person.

Kukuri-hime: As a matchmaker, that's the kinda stuff I desire.

Itsuki: A-Ah...

Kukuri-hime: So anyway, I'll lend you this life.

Kukuri-hime: While you've got it, you can get rid of your regrets.

Kukuri-hime: Good luck out there!

Itsuki: [Itsuki screaming]

Shin: That means you're...

Itsuki: Yes. Therefore, my soul won't come back once he's defeated.

Shin: No...

Itsuki: But what's this?

Itsuki: I feel a wonderous power flowing through me.

Itsuki: I don't get what's happening, but I'll fight back!


Shien: Oh? The humans are going to strike back at me?

Shien: Very well!

Shien: I'll wipe out all of your souls!

Shien: [Shien shouting]

Shien: What?!

Shien: Hm?

Amaterasu: You're a fool in over your head with power!

Shien: Who're you...?

Shin: Is that Itsuki's guardian spirit?

Amaterasu: No, its existence is beyond that of a guardian spirit.

Itsuki: What's this?

Nurarihyon: Heavens! Has the god bestowed the chosen one with the God Elder Watch?

Enma: Kenshin Amaterasu.

Enma: A god who led the masses in the Yo-kai World's age of w*r.

Tae: Amaterasu...

Shin: Itsuki had a god by his side!

Shien: A god protecting a human?

Amaterasu: Itsuki, I've been protecting you.

Amaterasu: Unleash my power with that Elder Magic Mirror.

Itsuki: Got it!

Itsuki: Descend, Kenshin Amaterasu!

Itsuki: Now's the time! Let's unleash your power!

Shien: Interesting! Why don't you show me what you can do?!

Shien: What's wrong?

Shien: Can't even get one attack in?

Amaterasu: Sorry, but offense isn't really my strong suit.

Shien: What kind of excuse is that? You're an awful god!

Amaterasu: I am a god who governs and leads those who possess power.

Elda: God!

Amaterasu: You three will fight alongside me!

Yo-kai: Huh?!

Nekomata: Even if we tried, what kind of help would we...

Nekomata: H-Hold on, hear meow-t!

Yo-kai: [All clamoring]

Bastet: Neko Ou Bastet!

Sagojou: Kappa Ou Sagojou!

Kurama: Tengu Ou Kurama!


Those Yo-kai evolved!

So this is Amaterasu's power.


Nya! Nya!


[Kappa Ou Sagojou screaming]





[Shien screaming]




Ugh! This isn't over!

I won't lose to something like this!


[Shien grunting]

Huh? What is this?



[Maou Shien groaning]

[Shin and Tae gasp]

[Crowd shouting]

[Crowd shouting]

[Kappa Ou Sagojou grunting]

[Neko Ou Bastet grunting]

[Tengu Ou Kurama grunting]

Nya-ha nyaa...

[Maou Shien groaning]


I'm sorry, Itsuki...



How could this be?

That thing isn't Shien anymore.

It'll destroy the entire Yo-kai World if left unchecked.

What do we do now?

We could awaken Shien's inner conscience.


But a Yo-kai cannot pass through Shien's barrier.

Then what about me?


I'm dead. I can do it.


Certainly. This person is neither human nor Yo-kai.

He might be able to breach through Shien's barrier.

Lord Enma, send me into that beast!


Don't do it, Itsuki!

What are you saying, Itsuki?

Even if you can find Shien within that being of hatred,

if you fail, you will be consumed by that hatred and suffer for eternity.

That's fine.

I'll do anything to save my loved ones. No regrets.

You can't do this! Absolutely not!

Shin! This is my mission.

But! But!

I've come to save my sister and your mother.

So I'm going.

That's why you're here, too!

You're right...

You're right, but...


[Shin crying]

I get it. But you've got to come back with us.


Enma. Please!

[Maou Shien groaning]


Please... It hurts... wait...

Don't leave us here... please...


Save me...

These are everyone's stolen souls.

Come back... I'm... I'm...

Does that mean my sister is suffering somewhere in here, too?


That's... Shien's conscience?


No! Let me go!

Don't leave us here...

I have to go!

Save me...

Sorry! But I'll definitely be back to save you all!

Just let me go!

[Maou Shien struggling]


[Maou Shien struggling]


Did he fail?

Please, no!



I've regained my existence.

That's Soranaki.

The true cause of Shien's fury was Soranaki.

That is the evil incarnate that once brought the Yo-kai World to the brink of destruction.

That was what seized my son's heart.

What about Itsuki?


It appears that the trifling masses have bred copiously in the Yo-kai World.




The hatred in the Yo-kai world pales in comparison to that in the human world.

This world is swirling in it.

I already possess infinite power.

It's gotten quite troublesome around here. I should retreat.

Don't tell me that's...!


No. That boy's soul has fused with Shien's, creating a new being.

You're okay.

Do not be decieved by the wicked!

Crimson Flower Dance!

So you've summoned a dragon? In that case...

Eight-headed Orochi, you shall consume all.

Dazzling Man-Eater!

Awaken, Asura, my servant.


Become my sword and fire upon the enemy!


Agh! Grr.

It swallowed up the Enma Staff!

I can't take this anymeowre!

[Soranaki laughing]

Rats! What do we do?



W-What happened?

So is that Yo-kai the cause of all this?

With Kusanagi, the treasured family sword, I shall punish you!


Granny, don't push yourself that hard!

Kusanagi, the sword of purification,

cannot be withstood by even an enemy as strong as this!


[Grandma Kine grunting]

Whoa. That's incredible.

Let's go, you Yo-kai!

[Grandma Kine grunting]


[Soranaki laughing]

I shall destroy these humans as well.

Tsk! Stop it!


Stand back!


I've finally found it.


I am Gunshin Susanoo!

You shall not trifle with my master!

Master? Susanoo?

Are you...Suu-san?

Awaken, my comrades!

[Tamakou meowing]

[Yasha Enma roaring]

[Byakko roaring]

Much obliged.

Don't mention it.

How do we defeat him?

[Gunshin Susanoo laughing]

It all depends on your frame of mind.

Anything can come true if you want it hard enough.


"Anything can come true if you want it hard enough?"

Don't tell me...!


Let's go!


[Genbu roaring]

[Soranaki laughing]

[Byakko roaring]

[Gunshin Susanoo yelling]

[Soranaki laughing]

[Gunshin Susanoo roaring]


[Gunshin Susanoo yelling]

[Byakko roaring]

[Yasha Enma grunting]

[Yasha Enma yelling]



[Soranaki laughing]

Your att*cks have no effect on me!



[Soranaki laughing]

Our friends!

What should we do?

Ah! Master Shin! Use the device on your wrist!

Gather the power of the Yo-kai in the human world!

Huh? My wrist? You mean the Yo-kai Watch?

It all depends on my frame of mind.

Anything can come true if I want it hard enough.



Lend me your strength!


Ah! That's...

It's the god sword, Amenomurakumo.


[Yasha Enma chuckling]

Take this!

Beheading Void... Slash!

[Yasha Enma grunting]

[Yasha Enma yelling]

[Soranaki moaning]


What are those?

They're souls.


The souls have been freed!

Itsuki defeated him!

Ah! Where's Itsuki?






Thank goodness.

Are you okay?

[Yasha Enma struggling]

You shouldn't overdo it.

Does it hurt?

[Heavy breathing]

[Soranaki groaning]

I'll take you with me!

[Tae screaming]

What? Agh!


[Soranaki screaming]


Why, you must be Tsukuyomi!

Huh? What? Tsukuyomi?!

[Gesshin Tsukuyomi laughing]




Oh, please forgive my rudeness!

I've treated you as if you were an evil Yo-kai!

Don't worry.

Fighting to protect the house was the correct decision.

Were you watching over Tae this whole time?




Ah, Itsuki!



I'm very glad to see you, but I'm sorry.

It's already time.

What are you talking about?

We've won. You're coming back alive, right?

Just like my mom and your sister!

I can't come back with you.

This is goodbye, Shin.


Come back. Can't we hang out some more together?

We can laugh, get mad, and cry...

Don't be silly.

But you just became my friend.

You're my first real friend...

Why? Why?

When you tried to help that Yo-kai that I resented,

I thought you were too soft-hearted.

But your kindness was able to inspire many Yo-kai and save the world.



That's why, as your friend,

I want to be someone I can be proud of.

By becoming Lord Enma.


Don't worry about it.

I'm going to become Lord Enma and lead everyone.

This is where we say goodbye, Shin.

Wait, I want to go, too.


I want to be a Yo-kai, too.

Let me be a Yo-kai!


When you become Lord Enma, you can do it, right?


Yo-kai can live forever.

And I'll get to be with you, Itsuki!

Alright, then.

When I become Enma someday, I'll come for you.


Yeah. It's a promise.

Thank you, Itsuki.

See ya. Let us meet again.

Even when we're apart, we'll always be friends.


We're friends forever.


Are you well?




It seems like that boy's soul and Shien's soul have merged to create a new life.

Shien, you've been reborn.

This time, you are fit to become the new king.


Until the day Yo-kai and humans can truly walk hand in hand,

the Yo-kai Watch is to be sealed away.

As you wish.

[Shin gasping]

[Shin gasping]

He's finally here.



It's you, right, Itsuki?

You've come for me.

I've been waiting for you, Itsuki.

I've been waiting all this time!

It's been so long, and I'm tired of waiting.

Sorry for the wait.



It's amazing!

C'mon! Take me there! To the Yo-kai World!

Sorry. But I can't do that yet.


There are still things you must do in this world.

You've been going around the world bringing hope and love to countless children.

You're an incredible person!

It's not a big deal.

I did this to make myself happy.

Besides, this is all I can do.

Have you forgotten, Shin?


"Don't give up until the end," huh?

But my body can't take this anymore.

A new path will be shown to you.

A new path?

That's right.

And you'll be able to rescue even more kids.

So you're giving me more time?

Don't give up until the end!

There's plenty more to life, so don't waste it!




Oh, Dear.

Itsuki taught us so much.

About friendship...about courage...

I'm so happy to have met you, Itsuki.


ano sora mo

Even the sky

Tシャツ も

T-shatsu mo

Even the T-shirt



ame no oto mo

Even the sound of rain (Love)


daisuki datta

I loved them all

(Far away)


shiokaze mo

Even the salty sea breeze (Far away)


gairojyu mo

Even the roadside trees


kimi no natsu

And your summer


daisuki datta

I loved them all


daisuki datta

I loved them all

(I can't say)

(Can't say goodbye)

I can't say

(I can't say)


(Can't say goodbye)

(I can't say)

(Can't say goodbye)


saigo no tobira wo akete

Open up the final door


kimi ga kono heya ni

This is the room where you


sayonara wo itta

Said goodbye to me


ichido sae furi muki mo shinai de

Don't look back even once


boku no kokoro dake

It's only my heart


okizari ni shite

That you should just leave behind

(You and me, eternity)


shashin ninokotteru

Captured in a picture

(My enduring memories)


kimi no omoide ga

Memories of you

せつなく Desire

setsunaku desire

My painful desire

ずっと Remember forever

zutto remember forever

I'll always remember forever



waratte mo

Even when we laughed


naki gao mo

Even when we cried


kenka shite mo

Even when we fought


daisuki datta

I loved it all

Oh yeah


ima wa mou

Now nothing will ever be the same




nani mo kamo


daisuki datta

I loved it all


daisuki datta

And I loved you

I can't say

Can't say goodbye

I can't say

I can't say

Can't say goodbye


kikoeru ano natsu no melody

The summer melodies I hear


aenaku naru nante

To never hear them again


omotte mo nakkata

I never thought it could be so

(I wish on a sh**ting star)

青い夜 sh**ting Star

aoi yoru sh**ting star

Blue evening sh**ting star

おわらない One more kiss

owaranai one more kiss

Never-ending one more kiss

(Never-ending one more kiss)


yume mita desire

Desire within a dream

ずっとRemember Forever

zutto remember forever

Always remember forever


waratte mo

Even when we laughed


nakigao mo

Even when we cried

(I love all of you)


kenka shite mo

Even when we fought (I love all of you)

(in my heart)


daisuki datta

I loved it all (In my heart)

Oh yeah


ima wa mou

Now nothing will ever be the same




nani mo kamo


daisuki datta

I loved it all


daisuki datta

And I loved you

(I can't say)

I can't say

(I can't say goodbye)

(I can't say)

Can't say yeah

(I can't say goodbye)

Oh woah woah


Daisuki datta

I loved it all


hoshizora wo miagetteru dakedemo

Even when I look up at the starry sky


koboreru namida ga aru koto nado

My tears are overflowing


ima made shirazu ni ita yo

Up until now, I didn't realize it


dakedo mou tachitomaranai

Even though they won't stop


taisetsu na hito wasurenaiyo

I will never forget the one that I cherish


Ano sora mo

Even the sky


T-shatsu mo

Even the T-shirt



ame no oto mo

Even the sound of rain


daisuki datta

I loved them all

(Far away)


shiokaze mo

Even the salty sea breeze (Far away)



gairoju mo

Even the roadside trees (Stay)


kimi no natsu

And your summer


daisuki datta

I loved them all


daisuki datta

I loved them all

I believe in you.

Don't give up until the very end!


No matter what happens, I won't give up until the very end.


Daisuki datta

And I loved you

I promise.


You are my best friend.

And you always will be.