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PSYCHO-PASS Sinners of the System: Case.1 - Crime and Punishment (2019)

Posted: 02/10/24 19:46
by bunniefuu


A dangerously high Psycho-Pass has been detected on the Ueno track highway in the Taito section.


Please have the inspectors on duty rush to the site with their enforcers immediately.

Damn it! Why did it have to be on my night shift?

Where is this idiot going?

Here's the expected route of the speeding vehicle.

This person...

is heading right for us!

If the speeding vehicle penetrates the barrier

you can eliminate it by force.

The passenger will also get injured.

Our opponent is a dangerous latent criminal
who must be removed from society.

Any injuries would be deserved.

There is no room for sympathy.

It's here!

This is the Public Safety Bureau.

Stop your vehicle at once.


Are you alright?

More or less.

Ginoza, if you have the time to help me,
then how about you apprehend the criminal!

Crime Coefficient: 218.

She is a target for enforcement action.

He... he... help me

This person...

What is she saying now?



Wh... why?

Take... ya...

Damn it...

I don't understand why...

dare ni mo miserarenai mono

The thoughts that I can't let anyone know

atama no naka afurete

Are flooding my head


In a world void of even mistakes

machigai sae mo nai sekai e


I find myself lost

Plastic Tac Tic

mou dare mo okashiku narenai yo

Nobody can even go crazy anyomore

You're also in this plastic beautiful world

kisama mo plastic beautiful world

In a world that's too beautiful

utsukushisugi sekai ni

For some reason, I can't see the light

boku wa nazeka hikari ga mienakute

haretsu shite yuku kokoro ga eternal reflection

My rupturing heart is an eternal reflection

secret remains for you

Fake plastic world

misekake no iro to mirai wo abakanai de

Don't reveal these false colors and futures

Fake plastic world

keep it secret motion

Karanomori, do we have the results from the
analysis of the latent criminal's memory cube?

Regarding that...

The damage is severe.
Even with our equipment it's impossible to restore it.

I'm sorry for being late.

Ah, Akane. Aren't you off duty?

I can't rest well when there's a case in progress.

Still as serious as ever.

This may be abrupt, but...

Do we know the identity of the
woman who was in the vehicle?

Her name is Yasaka Izumi...

She works as a licensed psychological counselor under the Ministry of Welfare.

I also found out that she’s been working in an
isolation facility for latent criminals in Aomori.

In Aomori?

That's pretty far...

How come her hue has turned red?

Have a look at this...

A dysfunction in her brain?

Yes, these are typical symptoms of drug overdose.

The drug will be identified soon.

But it's certainly not in general circulation.

The Chief?

Inspector Shimotsuki

and Inspector Tsunemori.

Both of you, come my office immediately.

Return Yasaka Izumi?


The investigation with
her is closed.

Take her back tomorrow morning.

Please wait...

Would you please tell me why a criminal that was
arrested in Tokyo is being sent to the Aomori facility?

That was the agreement.

The isolation facility for latent criminals
that she works at is exceptional.

It is managed by the Ministry of Economy
and the Ministry of Public Affairs.

The office that regulates that region has
a higher authority than any other organization.

That includes the Public Safety Bureau.

In that case, allow us to at least make a
security check of the facility after escorting Yasaka.

It would be troublesome to have another
latent criminal escape from there.

I see...

Issue a request and I will validate it.

But make sure that your mission doesn't fail.


About returning Yasaka Izumi...

Is it okay if I leave this one to you, Mika?


I thought you were the kind of person that likes
to move on their own in this type of situation, Senpai.

Well, the higher ups are keeping an eye on me at all times. That could make things difficult, right?

So you're aware huh...

Good evening.

This case may have been settled quickly, but
I still think some of the circumstances are strange.

I will continue the investigation from Tokyo.

All right then, Senpai...

But in return...

Would it be okay if I say that this is my case?

Yes. Of course.

Leave this to me then.

I'll be counting on you.

There will likely be strange
interferences while you're there.

Well then, in that case...

I'll be there to help Shimotsuki
not lose control of the situation.

It's my duty as her senior and companion.

I'm starting to sound a bit like the old man.

Hurry up Ginoza!

It's a very remote place.

You're right.

I heard that it's not an ordinary
isolation facility for latent criminals, but...

The special ward: "Sanctuary".

These Isolation facilities are usually
controlled by the Ministry of Welfare.

However, this one is under
the Ministry of Economy's jurisdiction.

As part of their rehabilitation
program, the criminals in this section

work in the mines to recover rare metals
that are used to build surveillance drones.

It seems all of them are working there right now.

It also seems like they don't isolate
the potential criminals in this facility.

· Sports Gym ··· Proper exercise to relieve stress

· Counseling Room ··· Psychotherapy from resident psychologists

· Community Room ··· Integrates the community to improve Psycho-Pass hue

~ Psycho-Pass Hue Improved with Regular Therapy ~

This unique treatment
appears to be working well.

~ Psycho-Pass Hue Improved with Regular Therapy ~

~ Psycho-Pass Hue Improved with regular therapy ~

· Counseling Room ··· Psychotherapy from resident psychologists

· Sports Gym ··· Proper exercise to relieve stress

· Community Room ··· Integrates the community to improve Psycho-Pass hue

· Community Room ··· Integrates the community to improve Psycho-Pass hue

· Counseling Room ··· Psychotherapy from resident psychologists

~ Psycho-Pass Hue Improved with Regular Therapy ~

· Sports Gym ··· Proper exercise to relieve stress

~ Psycho-Pass Hue Improved with Regular Therapy ~

· Counseling Room ··· Psychotherapy from resident psychologists

· Sports Gym ··· Proper exercise to relieve stress

· Community Room ··· Integrates the community to improve Psycho-Pass hue

~ Psycho-Pass Hue Improved with Regular Therapy ~

· Counseling Room ··· Psychotherapy from resident psychologists

· Sports Gym ··· Proper exercise to relieve stress

· Community Room ··· Integrates the community to improve Psycho-Pass hue

~ Improved Sociability with Group Therapy ~

~ Improved Sociability with Group Therapy ~

Even the communication between
latent criminals looks healthy.

~ Improved Sociability with Group Therapy ~

~ Improved Sociability with Group Therapy ~

· Upon Arrival to Administration Center Entrance ··· Unique treatment with hypnotic therapy

· Upon Arrival to Administration Center Entrance ··· Unique treatment with hypnotic therapy

~ Improved Sociability with Group Therapy ~

· Upon Arrival to Administration Center Entrance ··· Unique treatment with hypnotic therapy

~ Improved Sociability with Group Therapy ~

~ Improved Sociability with Group Therapy ~

· Upon Arrival to Administration Center Entrance ··· Unique treatment with hypnotic therapy

· Upon Arrival to Administration Center Entrance ··· Unique treatment with hypnotic therapy

~ Improved Sociability with Group Therapy ~

It's like it's a paradise for latent criminals.

· Upon Arrival to Administration Center Entrance ··· Unique treatment with hypnotic therapy

~ Improved Sociability with Group Therapy ~

~ Improved Sociability with Group Therapy ~

· Upon Arrival to Administration Center Entrance ··· Unique treatment with hypnotic therapy

· Upon Arrival to Administration Center Entrance ··· Unique treatment with hypnotic therapy

~ Improved Sociability with Group Therapy ~

~ Improved Sociability with Group Therapy ~

· Upon Arrival to Administration Center Entrance ··· Unique treatment with hypnotic therapy

· Upon Arrival to Administration Center Entrance ··· Unique treatment with hypnotic therapy

~ Improved Sociability with Group Therapy ~

~ Ensuring a Comfortable Environment after Transfer ~

~ Ensuring a Comfortable Environment after Transfer ~

~ Ensuring a Comfortable Environment after Transfer ~

~ Ensuring a Comfortable Environment after Transfer ~

· Thorough Work Management ··· Live with zero overtime thanks to meticulously scheduled shifts

~ Ensuring a Comfortable Environment after Transfer ~

· Thorough Work Management ··· Live with zero overtime thanks to meticulously scheduled shifts

~ Ensuring a Comfortable Environment after Transfer ~

· Thorough Work Management ··· Live with zero overtime thanks to meticulously scheduled shifts

~ Ensuring a Comfortable Environment after Transfer ~

· Thorough Work Management ··· Live with zero overtime thanks to meticulously scheduled shifts

~ Ensuring a Comfortable Environment after Transfer ~

· Thorough Work Management ··· Live with zero overtime thanks to meticulously scheduled shifts

As if such a thing could exist.

I agree.

If this place really was a paradise...

This girl wouldn't be like this.

T... Ta... take... ya...

Help me... ta ... ke ... ya...

It's alright...

Calm down Yasaka.

It's alright.

Damn it...

What's wrong with her?

Thank you for for coming all the way out here.

I am Sanctuary's supervisor.

My name is Tsujigai Kyoka.

I'm Inspector Shimotsuki Mika
of the Public Security Bureau.

I came here to return a latent criminal.

I'm aware of it.

I apologize for troubling the people at the Ministry of Welfare.

On behalf of all our staff here

I humbly thank you for your help.

By the way, we found traces of
significant drug abuse in her brain scans.

What can you tell us about that?

As we have many different people in our
staff I don't know all the details personally.

If you'd be so kind,
we will take over from here.



What is it, enforcer?


Even so... We have noticed that
Yasaka has been acting strange.

So we will continue to monitor
her throughout our stay here.

Even if you tell me so, overseeing the
criminals here is different than abroad.

In that case, allow our
Enforcers to come with you, please.

If something unexpected were to happen,
they will be able to deal with it immediately.

I understand.

I will show you.

Please, right this way.

Thank you very much.

I am Matsuki Rodion.

I work as a security officer.
I oversee the actions of the latent criminals here.

Like the character in Crime and Punishment...

Isn't that right?


Not a great name, right?

I've actually never k*lled an old woman.

We're alike, you and I.

Let's try to get along, enforcer.

Are you also a latent criminal?

Society provides maintenance to live.
Even to the evil, if they're worthy.

By the way,

she's a very young inspector...

To obey such a small and young inspector like her...

Makes you more of a cute
little puppy than a hunting dog.

Excuse me.

The latent criminals inside Sanctuary are
workers chosen by the Sibyl System.

We oversee their work schedules strictly.

And provide them with the best possible
environment for their rehabilitation program.

You are very sympathetic
towards the latent criminals.

Of course.

All the people here are friends.

And since I am the supervisor,
I keep an eye on all of them.

I see...

And despite that, you still didn't
know about Yasaka Izumi. Right?

That's the nature of work of a supervisor.
There's a lot of things to deal with.

In any case, could you let me talk
to some of the patients Yasaka was examining?

That won't be a problem.

Let's meet them right away.

Dr. Yasaka...

The thing is...

By the way, did you know you get
extra counseling after joining the program?

If my Hue gets even more
clouded because of these questions...

How do I change it back?

Damn it... Are they
ignoring my questions on purpose?

All right everyone...

It's time for you to get back to work.

Please! Wait a moment!

I'm not done talking to you!

Even so...

If this continues on you'll end up
disrupting the rehabilitation program.

I'm guessing you don't want to cloud the
Psycho-Pass of those trying to recover,

isn't that right, Inspector?

Yes... Of course.

Oh dear...

What's the problem?

Everyone here seems too busy
with work to answer questions

so I figured it would be best to follow them
underground and talk to them there.

I'm so sorry, but unfortunately,
I can't let you go into the mine.

Let me guess. Doing so would
also "interfere with the program", right?

I am glad for your understanding.

I will have our security officer Rodion
send you latent criminals as soon as possible.


It's like it's standard procedure here to
use the rehabilitation program as an excuse!

There is definitely something going on...

If this is how it's gonna be, I'll just have to
point my Dominator at every latent criminal here.

...Are you serious?

Out of all these people here there
must be someone with a high Psycho-Pass.

All we have to do is exploit the
increase in their Crime Coefficient

and they won't be
able to rely on excuses!

Calm down...

We’re dealing with people who had
an investigation closed in a matter of hours.

If we're not careful, they may
send us back in the blink of an eye.

Are you telling me to
just sit quietly like this?!

I'm not saying that...

Tsunemori is also investigating what
caused the car crash back in Tokyo.

If she finds any evidence there...

Oh really?!

If that's so, ask
Senpai for instructions then!

Akane, there’s some new
information regarding Takeda Ataru

the owner of the vehicle Yasaka was driving.

I checked the navigation system and found

that it had been set to a*t*matic driving mode.

The person who did this and sent her towards
the Public Safety Bureau building was Takeda.

Then, was Takeda the one who
forced Yasaka to turn herself in?

Do you know anything about their relationship?

Shou is Investigating that right now...

Takeda was a researcher
at a Pharmaceutical Company...

They were both researchers working there.

That's all I can see.

Very well. Contact me
if there is any new information.

We'll be searching Takeda's home.

Stay alert.

All the recordings from the surveillance
cameras in the residential area were wiped.

I have a bad feeling about this.


It's clear.

Takeda is not here.

He must have escaped...

The home security settings have also been reset.

Either he's completely severed his
connection with Yasaka and escaped...

Or someone else took him away by force.


I've found out what type of work Takeda's
been doing at the pharmaceutical company.

Brief us.

He works in the third drug development sector...

He develops dr*gs and prepares them
for Sanctuary where Yasaka works.

The details are still unclear.

So a possible connection between the
two is the dr*gs.

Has something happened Shion?

Something has happened at Sanctuary.

Yayoi has been arrested for trying
to help the latent criminal escape.

What gives you the right to arrest an enforcer!?

That's what I'd like to know.

What kind of training do you give your dogs?

Are you saying that she's the one
who allowed Yasaka to escape?

Rodion, please hold yourself.

There is no evidence that shows
she's the one who helped her escape.

When Yasaka disappeared...

I was called in by the staff and
was checking the security measures.

There's no way I could
have helped her escape.

Latent criminals can easily lie.

Release her immediately!

This is a clear attack against
the Public Safety Bureau!

It seems like the problem has gotten worse.

I have a suggestion then...

I'll be sending a research team from here...

Why don't you leave the search
for Yasaka to us then?

You're allowing latent
criminals to go look for her?

They are accustomed to the place...

So they should find her immediately.

Inspector Shimotsuki.

The surveillance cameras for
this detention room were turned off.

There's a chance that these
people let her escape on purpose.

These bastards...

Are you dissatisfied with something?

What are you doing?

Yasaka Izumi's Crime Coefficient
should have exceeded 300 by now.

I'll carry out enforcement as soon as I find her.

Dealing with an escaped latent criminal
is the duty of the Public Safety Bureau.


Hurry up...!!


We'll be sure to judge her.

That was impressive.

This way they won't be able
to do anything right now.


I did realize one thing...

The person who made us return Yasaka
isn't among the supervisors here.

You are right.

If they had any real influence over the ministry's higher ups...

We would have been taken off of this case already.

Yes, but they will certainly interfere.

If that happens. I still
have an ace up my sleeve.

Is it Yasaka Izumi?


By the way, was it a good idea
to leave Kunizuka in their office?

She's practically being
held hostage at this point.

I've managed to break into the database.

Yasaka was last seen in the
northwest section of the complex.

...I get it.

So that's how it is?

Yeah, that's how it is!

Doesn't it seem like they're
taking their time looking for her?


I know where Yasaka is.

Huh? Is she actually here?

Do you remember her reaction to that
image shortly before we arrived?


If we think about it now...

Was she perhaps trying to
tell us something about this cemetery?

Are you serious?

Anyway, lets find out what's inside.

Wait! Don't go by yourself!

Take ... ya

Aunt Izumi!

Welcome back!

Why is there a child here?

His name is Kukuri Takeya, five years old.

It seems that his mother was a
latent criminal who was sent to Sanctuary.

Does that mean he's the son of a latent criminal?

It seems that he doesn't have any health issues.

He's listed under the "special procedures"
in the facility's data register.

His mother, Kukuri Momoka, was found
to be pregnant when she was sent to this facility.

However, children of latent
criminals are not admitted for childcare.

So the counselor took it upon herself to
raise him and replace his mother.

That counselor...

Is Yasaka.

Both her and the boy were
reported as missing two weeks ago.

Then why did she hide the child
here and head to Tokyo?

Probably because of the snow.

It would've been too dangerous for him.

Help ... Takeya.

It's the same as before.

It's not working...


Send these files for analysis
and remove the protection mode.

I'm on it, but we've got a problem.

The research team has arrived at the building.

Be cautious.


We're the ones who found Yasaka first...

So those people can't say anything.

Ginoza, take Takeya and hide.

I'll be watching their movements.

Be careful.

Well done, Detective.

Weren't you going to enforce Yasaka Izumi?

She has agreed to turn herself into custody.

I see...

You dirty... prepare yourselves!

Wait a moment!


Stop this now!

We're taking her along!

You can't do that.

Letting her escape again
would be troublesome for us.

If you get any closer...
I'll consider it a hindrance to the investigation.

Crime Coefficient: 99.

Not a target for enforcement action.

Trigger will remain locked.

You have violated the rehabilitation program.

Our Psycho-Pass will get
clouded if we don't catch them...

Crime Coefficient: 98

Get rid of the enemies who
have disrupted the program.

Not a target for enforcement action.

That's impossible...

Trigger will remain locked.

What? What!?

What's that?


We'll lure them in so
that you two can escape.


Don't let them escape!

Get rid of all the people who cloud us!

There is an error in the connection.

Unable to link.

Well done.

She has saved us the trouble
of searching for that Takeya kid.

Letting Yasaka escape was worth it.

How did you figure out it was me?

The enforcers are the spear and shield
that protect the inspectors by instinct.

No way she would leave
you behind for no reason.

You must have received
some special orders.

You talk as if you knew...!

That's a hunting dog's way of thinking.

You enforcers are easy to read.

At least for me, since I used to be one.

What now?

They have crossed the line
by abusing their authority.


The missing Takeda Ataru had a
girlfriend who became a latent criminal.

Her name was Kukuri Momoka.

Thanks to Takeda, she was transferred to
Sanctuary to participate in the rehabilitation program.

She died after an incident
inside the facility, one month ago.

Soon after that, her child
and Yasaka went missing.

Then she appeared in Tokyo
and got in contact with Takeda.

And then Takeda disappeared.

By the looks of it, it's very likely
that someone kidnapped him.

I see...

However, all this is just a theory.

Since the possibility isn't zero,
this matter must be investigated.

If the Public Safety
Bureau decides to not take part,

it would become clear that
we have abandoned our duty.

All right, if you insist...

Locate Takeda Ataru.

If you can take his statement,
I'll approve the investigation.

Excuse me.


Calm down!

Stop this!

Up there!

Catch them!

What was that?

Did you deliberately do
that so that they would find us?


Takeya. So... So he can run...


I'll save him.

For Momoka.

Protect Takeya I...


Do you want to save Kukuri Takeya?

You came to Tokyo to protect that child, right?

You should have said that from the beginning.

It won't be weird if they
found us in the residential area.

After we outsmart them...

Let's meet in the restricted area's entrance,
where the underground mine is located.


Kunizuka has cut off her connection...

She must have thought
her hacking was discovered.

It would be better for us to limit
our communication until we meet up.

You're right.

Shit, I didn't think that they
would catch up to us like this.

The reality of the situation won't change,
even if you start complaining, Inspector.

I'm aware of that.

I'll see you later then.


Take this.

Eating something is the best way to cheer up.

I've finally found you!

Hand that kid over, Detective!

Don't be stupid.

I won't.

He's a small harmful
insect in a sacred sanctuary.

I have to get rid of him,
just like I did with his mother.

You bastard!

You're annoying.

I will get rid of you first.

St... stop!

Everything is fine now.

Come, let's go.

They'll be chasing us soon.


Take this.

Thank you.

Why did you save me mister,
even though it hurt you?

Because you're a strong kid and
you're doing your best, Takeda.

I'm not strong...

Aunt Izumi got sick little by little...

And... I couldn't do anything to help her.

I am...

You know... I have a great friend.

To be more precise, it's a
friendship I can't get out of. But...

At one point, that great friend
was afflicted and suffering alone.

And I couldn't do anything
to help him at the time.

Because of that he lost the
only place where he belonged.

To be honest, I regret this
very much now. Even now.

I always ask myself...
Why wasn't I able to help him?

I really hated myself for it.

Did that person die?


I met him a while ago, after a long time of
not seeing each other. He was doing well.

In fact, when I saw how strong he's become...

I felt a little jealous.

That's good.

You are definitely a strong kid.

Don't worry.

I'll save you and your aunt,
you can count on me.

I won't let you live a life of regret.

I get it...

Takeya's Hue was the condition for unlocking it.

My name's Yasaka Izumi.

I'm making this video in order to expose
the crimes taking place in Sanctuary.

I told my best friend who was a latent criminal...

Secrets about this ward,
and she got k*lled because of that.

Not just my best friend.
Many people here have been k*lled...

However, those who k*lled
them are in fact victims.

From the moment they arrive, the latent criminals
are brainwashed by the research team of this facility.

The supervisor Tsujigai Kyoka...

Uses some kind of special drug and hypnosis.

She has brought the minds of the latent
criminals into a state of "Collective Thinking".

Collective thinking...

Is when decisions are not made by individuals.

A way of thinking where
decisions are made by the group.

Tsujigai exploits this method and manipulates
the latent criminals inside the special ward as she likes.

As they can't think individually, the
victims no longer experience stress.

But they are relieved to see
their Psycho-Pass improve.

However, the side effects of the
collective thinking are dangerous.

"Aversion to extraneous thoughts", the
radical attempt to remove an indivivual

the moment they are
judged as harmful by the group.

But Tsujigai took advantage of that and is k*lling
those who've come to know the secrets of Sanctuary

by using latent criminals
controlled by the collective thinking.

I don't know anything
about these secrets.

But there is definitely
something they are hiding.

Something that must remain hidden,
even if it means k*lling people.

My best friend's child is now in grave danger.

They gave me dr*gs to inject him with,
but I hid them by injecting myself instead.

Tsujigai and her accomplices
haven't noticed anything yet...

But I am at my limit.

Right now in Tokyo...



I need to save Tak...

If Takeda was a
researcher for that new drug...

He must have realized the
situation after seeing Yasaka's behavior.

And since he found out, Takeda was
kidnapped by one of these conspirators.

There's no mistake about it.

The problem is, who is that person?

In any case, we have no
choice but to trace Takeda's steps.

Shion, try investigating the
people involved with Sanctuary again.

Leave it to me.

This is my final warning.

I do not need your excuses.

Besides, I don't care about
those ants' unique way of life.

I'm interested in the prey
they are risking their lives for.

Do not contact me again until
this matter has been settled.

Being tracked
would be troublesome.

Understood, I will do my best sir.

Despite all our efforts to deny and
erase the hateful legacy of our past...

Rejecting this is just not possible.

If we can get Yasaka's data...

We will be able to prove the
crimes of Tsujigai and her group.

But I wonder what's hidden
in that mine underground?

We'll find out soon.

If we withdraw now...

It would be a dishonor to the ace of the
Criminal Investigation Department: Shimotsuki Mika.

We'll unmask their corruption!


So, what's the plan?

Do not leave this place until I
come back, no matter what happens.


I'll leave Takeya in your hands.

I'll reveal Sanctuary's
secrets and bring proof with me.

Ginoza, you'll be the bait so
your mission is to get their attention.

Then, help Yayoi who's being held c*ptive,
so that she can restore communication.

We have nothing to fear,
justice always prevails!

No kidding. You've
finally learned to rely on others.

There he is!

Rodion, have you not found them yet?

Seems like they split up
so they could flee on their own.

This is gonna take some time.

The time for saying
careless things is over...

I'll be taking control of this from now on.

Wait, are you serious?

It would be better if you sit back and wait
for me to return and give you the all clear as usual.

Don't overwork yourself.

I'm the supervisor here!

You follow my orders, understood.

Do what you want then...

Don't disappoint me.

Ms. Tsujigai.

I've got some dog hunting to do.

Hey enforcer...

The people here are very sick and boring.

But with you here, it seems
that I'll be having some fun.

Now then, don't hold back. Show
me how much you can resist me.


I'm sorry for being late.

It's alright.

I'll be counting on you to
restore the communications now.


I won't be making another mistake.

What is this place?

No way!

This level?

Takeda Ataru.

No doubt about it.

It can't have been su1c1de.

I found some suspicious people
among those involved with Sanctuary.

Karasuma Akira.

He's an expert council
member on energy problems.

The special ward "Sanctuary",
he's the one who made it a project.

Karasuma asked to see the Chief
on the day the case began for some reason.

I saw him there that day.

The person who asked Yasaka to be returned
immediately was most likely Karasuma himself.

You're right, it can't be a coincidence.

What are you going to do then?

I'm going to join Inspector Shimotsuki.

Prepare a plane for take off!


I thought you might say that.

The preparations for take off are set.


It doesn't exceed the standard levels.

Didn't I tell you to refrain from coming here?

Inspector Shimotsuki.


Is this is the secret of your special ward?


There is no need for the people of low
status who work here to know the truth.

Hold on!

Stop it!

Everyone has a role in society, isn't that right?

Their job is to handle these containers.

But it's not in their best
interest to know what's inside.

Their job is to continue working
until they die, nothing more.

If the radiation kills them,
we just have to replace them.

There is no shortage of latent criminals.

What about the fact that you're all friends?

Is that nothing but a big fat lie!?

Let me teach you something...

Humans who have become garbage

will remain garbage regardless
of how much you try polish them.

Now give up.

We'll be finding the others soon, so this ends here.

This place will bring peace upon the world.

How long will that take?

The backdoor is shut tight.

Accessing the control
system will take some time.

I'll take a look at that.

Make haste.

Leave it to me.

Well, well, look what we have here.

You still haven't ran away?

In that case, this is the end for you!

I must say. You're not half bad.

Why take part in all these crimes?

Why are you so
obsessed with your justice?

Even though
you're a latent criminal.

I really hate people like that!


You're not getting away!


She is the reason behind the
disruption of the rehabilitation program.

If you follow our usual routine...

Your Psycho-Pass will get
cleared and return to normal, unclouded.

Inspector Shimotsuki.

You have to disappear now in order to
bring happiness to the residents of this place.

After all, you're nothing but a threat to Sanctuary.

A threat?

What does a threat
even mean to these people...

You're saying that my
mere presence brings them harm?

Yeah, that's right.

So, they will benefit if you die.

If that's really the case...

then how come the biggest threat
will remain even if you k*ll me?

Because there's an outsider here who knows the
truth, despite not being a member of your group.


Don't you think
your presence is a hindrance?

The most convenient thing for them would be a
supervisor who doesn't abuse their collective thinking.

Stop uttering nonsense.

Because I am here they get to live a peaceful life.

That's not true.

You pump them with dr*gs and hypnotize them.
Then force them to do what you want.

All while acting as if you're the
only person who wants what's best for them.

You're nothing but an imposter!

Shut your mouth!

Cease your baseless criticisms.

The supervision of this
place was entrusted to me!

I knew it!

So your boss is the one
who controls this complex, right?

Who is it?

There is no need for you to know.

Noto, silence this woman
and get rid of her immediately!

As you command.

The one that'll be silenced...

Will be you!

By letting a traitor escape...

And make contact with us,
The Public Safety Bureau.

You put all these people in danger.

And in order for you
to protect the secret...

You hid the truth, and didn't
hesitate to sacrifice them.

Their job is to handle these containers.

But it's not in their best
interest to know what's inside.

Their job is to continue
working until they die, nothing more.

If the radiation kills them,
we just have to replace them.

There is no shortage of latent criminals.

What about the fact that you're all friends?

Is that nothing but a big fat lie!?

Let me teach you something.

Humans who have become garbage

will remain garbage regardless
of how much you try to polish them.


Don't be fooled by her!

It's a false recording made
by the Public Safety Bureau!

You're the one who's been
fooling them all along, Tsujigai.


The real threat to your lives
is Tsujigai and her group!

She has been using you all!

To restore high-level radioactive
waste from the underground mines.


Sorry it took so long.

Communications have been restored.

You fools!


What are you doing?

k*ll her now!

I'm the only one that can protect you
from the Public Safety Bureau.

Neither of us decides whether they live or die.

That's up to the Sybil System to decide.

Crime Coefficient: 421

She is a target for enforcement
action. Initiating lethal eliminator.

Please aim carefully
and eliminate the target.

No one moves just by force.

What makes us move, is our hearts.

Ginoza, communications
have been restored.

What do you think?

Wouldn't you gain more paired up with me?

How about escaping from this rotten society?

I refuse.

People should be more
honest about their desires.

Don't think you know everything
you stubborn bastard!?

Take this!

What I hope is to solve this case...

Nothing more.

Sooner or later, you will
be unable to trust others...

Just like me...

Because you're a latent criminal.

Let's go find Mika.

Come on!


The process of mind
contamination has begun!

And they're right behind us!

Stress levels have
exceeded the warning level.

Countermeasures will
be taken immediately.

All supervisors.
Do not move from your post.

Keep calm and breathe deeply.

I will repeat.

Stress levels have
exceeded the warning level.

will be taken immediately.

All supervisors.
Do not move from your post.

Keep calm and breathe deeply.

Are you kidding me?

The helicopter is gone...

This is bad, they are coming!

Hurry, get onboard!

Are you alright?

Sorry for being late.

I caused you a lot of
trouble with this case, Mika.

I don't mind that at all, Senpai.

But right now there are still
people who haven't been punished.

The real culprits who hid the black
truth underneath this pure white snow.

I will be the one to stop them.

...I thought the investigation was closed.

Mr. Karasuma.

Something didn't look right to me...

To be able to manipulate the
decisions of the Public Safety Bureau.

It should be impossible for someone
that powerful to exist in this society.

Crime Coefficient: 0

He is not a target for enforcement action.

Trigger will remain locked.

No one can do that except you...

Sibyl system.

What did you find in that special ward?

High-level radioactive waste.

That is the legacy from
the old days of chaos.

Something that was sealed by nature under
layers of dirt has been dealt with so carelessly.

But you also had the chance
to witness the damage it can cause.

For this very reason, we have to
recover everything and seal that place again.

Even so...

Are you saying that you're willing
to k*ll people in order to keep this a secret?

Of course.

We must prevent this matter from passing
into the hands of outsiders with malicious intent.

From now on, as the overseas exportation
of the system proceeds successfully...

Dealing with foreign
countries will become inevitable.

At that stage, an emergency
situation is most likely to present itself.

Would you bring to light an inconvenient
truth that puts our society in danger...

Because of the things you
discovered in that place?

I can understand that someone must take
care of the dirty work for the sake of society.

Good, that makes things easier for us.

But in return for not exposing the truth...

I want you to guarantee the safety of
Yasaka Izumi and Kukuri Takeya, please.

Sure, we have a deal.

From now on, we'll have you
investigate if something happens again.

We're counting on you.

You almost became the
ruin of a perfect system....

So you'll have to pay a bit for it.

Sanctuary has been completely sealed.

And residents have been
sent off to rehabilitation facilities.

But the people that should
be on trial are still out there.

There will be investigations
in various places from now on.

I'll make sure nobody
covers things up again.

Yes... You're right.

I'm glad to be you two ladies' hunting dog.


I was happy to hear
your results were good.

Thanks to you we were
able to solve this case.

Thank you Yasaka.

I'm the one who's thankful.

Takeya has been accepted
into a Child Care institution.

Please recover as soon as
possible so you can go pick him up.

I'll be waiting for you...

Aunt Izumi.


I'll be out soon. I promise!

Detective, why did you help us?

Hmm... Let me see...
That's because we fight for justice!