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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 02/13/24 09:59
by bunniefuu
Them Canberra mob,
any chance they get, they screw us.

But they sent me.
Yeah. But can we trust you?

This afternoon,
I declared my intention

to challenge for the leadership
of the Coalition.

If it takes Anderson down,
you'll go down with her

and Bauer will tear up any deal with
the community first chance he gets.

Thank God for your bloc, Kevin.


I can't help you
unless I see the video.

I saw her.
She got scared off by the cops.

Mum's collapsed.
It's something with her heart.

We've worked so hard for your deal.

My mum needs me.
So do I.

Rachel Anderson
was successful on 45

to Damien Bauer on 38.

She retains leadership of the party.

She didn't even need my vote.

It must hurt. The deal,
it's been dropped from the bill.

And they're going to vote tonight.


♪ I'm waiting

♪ Still waiting for that sound

♪ The sound of you arriving

♪ I keep thinking you're

♪ Still

♪ Coming home...

Hey, cuz.

Brought you a feed.

♪ But I'm waiting

♪ For a sound that will not

♪ Come

♪ And this feeling

♪ Is pulling me undone

♪ Feels like it's going to last

♪ Until the sun falls down

♪ Until the sun falls down

♪ Until the sun falls down

I've been waiting for you, my baby.

♪ Ooh... ♪


You know, everyone used to say
I looked like the Queen.

But I've got better legs
than old Liz.

I'm so sorry, Mum.


I'm just cranky
I didn't get to score a century.

Got me a telegram from the old girl.

I should have been here.

I should never have left.

You've always had a fire in you.

Ever since you was little.

You'd better make sure
you don't burn out.

What am I going to do, Mum?

I'll tell you what you're gonna do.

You're gonna clean my oven.

Welcome back. How are you feeling?

I've taken care of everything.

Mum's funeral arrangements.


Hey. Want me to cook you up
some bacon and eggs?

I'm vegan.
Since when?

Since the earth started melting.

Did you know about this?
That the earth is melting?

No. That he's a vegan.
News to me.

Listen, sis, if you want to talk...

You were right.
That's what you want to hear. Yeah?


If there's one thing you love
in this world,

it's winning an argument.

I love you, Alex, and I'm worried
about you. We all are.

Just us.

Look, I think...

Don't you dare tell me what I need,
little brother.

I will knock your block off.


That's right, I forgot.

She's not a morning person.

Auntie Jan always said

you were the only one who knew
how to clean that oven proper way.

Work is set to commence

on a multibillion-dollar US
m*llitary base in central Queensland.

The lucrative tender
for the base's construction

has been awarded to infrastructure
and corrections giant Exebuild.

The base is not without controversy.

Earlier today,
PM Anderson hosed down concerns

about its purpose in the region.

The defence of national security
in our region

is my government's highest priority.

Turn it off now, eh?
Leave it.

...official Chinese media
have been saying,

the construction of this base

should not be construed
as an act of aggression

by any of our regional partners,

rather as a measure to maintain
strategic balance in the region.

This project is not just critical
for national security,

it's also the best news
the people of Queensland have had

for a very long time.

I was watching that.

Plenty of time for that talk later.
You mean politics.

After the funeral.

Speaking of which, Mum's
waiting for us down at the pub.

The generator broke down
at the morgue in Longreach.

They're keeping her
in the cold room till tomorrow.

She's gone to a better place now,

Better than Winton?

Can't imagine.

Senator Alex Irving?
Wrong address.

I've been trying
to reach you for a week.

Yeah. And I've been trying
to figure out

whether you're disloyal
or incompetent.

I called you as soon as I knew
what was happening.

Incompetent it is.

How the hell
did this happen, Cosgrove?

Look, the Prime Minister had to
cut a deal to survive the spill.

I know that. Who with?
I don't know.

But you and your community
were just collateral.

I expect you want me to pass on
your resignation to the party.

No. I want you to find Jess Clarke
for me.

And how am I supposed to do that?
I don't f*cking care. Use your brain.

Get rid of them.

Don't you want to know
who they're from?

I know who they're from.

Indigenous groups
condemned the Government's changes

on the so-called Winton deal

which was rushed
through the Parliament last week.

One leader describing
the government's actions

as an act of unmitigated bastardry.

But while the Winton Land Council
is still standing by its thr*at

to take this fight
to the High Court,

lawyers for the government warn any
legal challenge is doomed to fail.


When did that spring up?

While you were sleeping, princess.

Already cleared up land
around Brumby's place.

A few locals have scored jobs
but it's mostly fly-in fly-out.

Where are you going?

I've gotta talk to him, Charlie.
We're here to see Mum.

Hi, there.
Beer for me, juice for him.

What's she doing here?

We're burying Jan tomorrow.

What about you? What's your excuse?


I'm sorry for the disrespect.

But we've gotta
do something about it.

What's the plan then?

We're gonna take it
all the way to the High Court.

I heard the coffers were dry.

Yeah. 'Cause she f*cked us.
The government f*cked you.

And this can't wait
till Mum's in the ground?

I've been thinking about Iceland.


It's where I want to go
when I finish school.

What do you know about Iceland?

Polar bears are migrating there
from the Arctic Circle

because of climate change.

Cool. Go. Finish school first
then you can go.

What about Mum?

Your mother
can take care of herself.

Believe me.

Alright. Time to go.

Let's just go home, Alex.
You seen who did this?

You bloody tell me. Who was it?


Which one of you mob did this?

Too gutless to say it to my face?!

Mum, I want to go home.

Just leave it alone.
Oh, piss off, Charlie.


You're all laughing.

But no-one's
got the balls to own up to it.

Don't blame them, sis.

Oh, what the f*ck, Charlie?
Alex, don't you... start with me.

You're on their side now?
These people backed you.

They've only had title for 10 years
and they trusted you.

All your bloody promises,
and you broke them.

Now this mob got nothing
and they feel like mugs AGAIN.

So don't blame them.

Your beers are getting warm.

You know what your problem is, Alex?

Enlighten me.
You think you're sh*t.

Always have.

You let people
just walk all over you

because you think you deserve it.

Have you heard
from the Senator?

No. I can't get on to her.

It's pretty remote up there.

Another country.

Given the circumstances,

it won't come as a surprise
to the Prime Minister

if the Senator resigns.

Is that what the party would prefer?
Of course not.

We'd be down a vote in the Senate.

I'm curious...

The PM's U-turn on the legislation.

I have to say it came
as a bit of a shock.

Casualty of the uprising,
I'm afraid. You know how it goes.

Of course.

Now the dust has settled,
the Prime Minister is expected

to announce Kevin Cartwright's
promotion to Home Affairs.

Loyalty has its price.
Which is why I wanted to see you.

Cartwright's looking for
a new chief of staff

and I'd like to recommend you
for the position.


Do I detect hesitation?

No. I'd, uh...
I'd be very interested.

Schedule a meeting.
See if it's a good fit.

I will. Thank you for this, Peter.
I appreciate it.

I'd say you've more than earned it.
See yourself out.

Any news?
Nothing definite.

Though I should warn you,
the Senator may not be coming back.

God, who can blame her?

The way she's being treated,
I'd run a mile.

Guess I'll have to update my CV
on Linkedln then.

Oh, you move fast.

I'm more than happy
to help you, Tracey.

I'm fine.

What do we know
about Kevin Cartwright?

I know that he is getting
Home Affairs for services rendered.

And it turns out
he needs a new chief of staff.

Really? Who told you that?

You've always got your ducks
in a row, don't you, Cosgrove?

Let's just wait to hear
from the Senator, shall we?

- Where have you been?
- I was up on Sunday.

That was weeks ago.

How are you feeling?
Oh, I'm over it.

Nobody here can hold down
a decent conversation.

Half of them
don't even speak English.

Well, this is as good as it gets,

All the fancies
have got their mums in here.

And my eyes are k*lling me.
It's the strokes.

Yeah, I know.

Everybody leaves me.

No-one leaves you, Dad.
Your mother did.

Nah, she didn't, Dad.

She d*ed.

♪ Lonely as the wail of a dingo

♪ Empty as... ♪

You've got a right to be angry.

Mum wasn't angry.

She'd wake up every morning...*ck of dawn...

...say her prayers...

...make her bed.

Hospital corners.

Just how she learned on the reserve.

She tried to teach me.

Rebels don't do hospital corners.

They belted her...

...when she spoke her own language.

They said her mum had d*ed.

It was a lie.

I'd say, "Mum...

"..didn't you want to scream?

"Tear the place apart?"

She'd say, "Alexandra...

" got to watch
that temper of yours, girl.

"It'll make big trouble one day."

She was never angry.

I f*cking hate 'em all.

Maybe you should have
an early night, eh?

Avoid this mob.

The word in the corridor says
that you're a rising star.

Hmm. I'm flattered to hear that.

Jonathan, I stonewalled
the Senator's amendments.

The PM was never going
to get that deal over the line

but she just wouldn't take advice.

And every day she insisted
on flogging that dead pony,

we took a hit in the polls.

I think we both know which way
the political wind is blowing.

Alright. So what did you make of her?

Honestly, I found Senator Irving
to be a highly passionate,

fiercely determined...
Dog with a bone.

Yes. She can be
when she believes in something.


You know, in any other profession

you have to study
for years at university.

But in politics, any single mother
on a disability pension

can just waltz in.

I think they call that democracy,

How old are you?

Sights on the front bench?

Leadership ambitions, too,
I suppose.

No. In my opinion,
the real power lies elsewhere.

Oh. Where's that?
Home Affairs.

It's good to know where we stand.

You want to have a go at me, too,

I'm good, thanks.

Go on. Everyone else has.

I lost my job, Alex,
down at the mine.

Yeah. I heard.

We've got 10 mouths to feed
at our place most nights.

So when they offered him
the only job that was going,

we had to take it.


You don't know
half of what's going on out there.

If I could just show...
Leave it. Right?


Go soak up that grog.

There you go, Uncle.

I asked you not to say anything.

What do YOU think?
It's in the bag.

I don't know.
No. He needs you.

The question is, do I need him?

Three years with Kevin, then
you're ready to run on your terms.

He's the kingmaker now.

You don't seem happy.
I'm sorry.

I'm happy for you.

But for Kevin, it's a blood sport.

I haven't exactly emerged
feeling great about myself.

That's all I'm going to say.

Well, politics is a blood sport.

The Barefoot Senator
found that out the hard way.

You know, the polling showed that
she was the only member on our side

that the public
described as authentic.

Kevin hated that.

I think I know what they mean.

You like her.

Let's just say
she earned my admiration.

It's a high bar.


How do I do that?

Come here, my darling.

Goodnight. I love you.

Go to bed.

♪ How can I do this to you
♪ Right now

♪ If you're over there
when I need you here

♪ My happiness

♪ Is slowly creeping back

♪ Now you're at home

♪ If it ever starts sinking in

♪ Must be when you pack up and go

♪ My happiness

♪ Is slowly creeping back

♪ Now you're at home... ♪

♪ Starts sinking in

♪ It must be when you
pack up and go... ♪

Come on, tough guy, hurry up!

Open the door!

Alright, Maclean. Suck on...

Come on, Jade!


Where are you from?

The Territory. You?

I'm from Sydney.

Just visiting a couple of friends.

Hang on.

You made it all the way
from the Territory

with this little bag?

You've got some balls, girl.

f*ck ya.



I know you're in there.


Shame job!

You should be with your family!

I need to talk to Tom.
He's not f*cking here.

I got sick kids in there.

What's he gonna do?
What are you talking about?

The m*llitary base.

If the Land Council fight
this in court, they'll eat us live.

There is no "us", Alex.

No-one wants you
f*cking here!

It's not my fault, Kelly.

I suppose it's not your fault
you f*cked my husband.

You want to see him?
You head up to the pub.

'Cause that's where
he's f*cking living now,

'cause I f*cking kicked him out!

You are poison. You know that?


You always have been.

You're nothing like your mum.

I reckon she d*ed of shame.

You don't have to do that.

No-one else will.

Maybe I'll reclaim it.

My beautiful boy.

The best mistake I ever made.

Where were you last night?


I saw you go out. You were with Tom.

The whole town knows.

Tom and I...

...we've got history.
I'm mates with his kids, Mum!

What have you got?

Cartwright forced the PM's hand

and traded his support
for a promotion to Home Affairs.

The axing of our negotiated
settlement just sweetened the deal.


He's Indigenous Affairs.

I don't know.


Yes, Senator?

I want his head.

Jess Clarke?

Yeah. I'm working on it. Tracey's
called all the shelters. No luck.

Well, she's probably on the streets.
Try harder.


Help you?
You are...?

The onsite manager.
I was hoping for a name.

Cory. Cory Gray.

Cory. Hi.
I'm Senator Alex Irving.

Yeah. We come in a range of colours.

This isn't an official visit.

I'm in town visiting family

and I was hoping to look
at the site plans.

Sorry, Senator,
I'd need clearance for that.

Do you need clearance
for smoking weed at work?

Look, I don't wanna get you
in trouble.

So why don't you just walk me through
it and I'll leave you in peace?

Well, the facility is designed

to accommodate
5,000 servicemen and women

plus an extra 5,000 civilians.

Town won't know what hit it.

There's gonna be a three-kay
exclusion zone surrounding the base.

What sort of facilities
are we talking about?

Fully equipped gyms and pools,
training fields, takeaway outlets.


Yeah. KFC and Subway,
so everyone feels at home.

There will be schools
for the dependants.

And, of course, the hospital
and medical centre.

Open to locals?
Base personnel only.

Thanks, Cory.
You've been a great help.


That's nice.

Elephant. I got it
for my grandfather a few years ago.

They're big and gentle,
just like he was.

He d*ed?

Gotta remember him somehow, eh?

I think I might like a tattoo.


I can give you one.
Nothing too flash, though.

Something small,
something like that.

If you want to.


Oh. Sorry.

Have you seen this girl?

And have you been here for a while?

- Haven't seen her.
- No. I haven't, really.

Sorry about that.
Thank you.

You can go back to sleep.

Working hard?
Any luck?

You know how many homeless people
there are in Canberra, Jonathan?

Not off the top of my head.
More than MPs.

I hope you haven't got anything
planned for later. Come on.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry to disturb you.

Have you seen this girl around?


OK. Thank you.

What a beautiful baby. Thank you.
I am sorry. Thanks.

f*ck off! Pervert.


You OK?

Did you want me to stop?

It hurts. I know.

It's not that.

Just keep going.

Well, she was here...


There's a squat in Fyshwick
where the kids hang out.

I reckon she might have gone there.

I got an address.

Are you OK?

There are...

There are mums sleeping
in their cars with their babies.

No other place to go.

And we call this
a civilised country.

Have you got kids?

I should probably know that,
shouldn't I?

Well, when you're climbing the ladder
as fast as you are

it's hard to distinguish
the faces on the way up.

Do you know, after 30 years
of working for the public service,

Senator Irving is the first
genuine politician I've met.


Oh, God. I've got to go.

My kids will start
eating each other for dinner.

Two girls. Just so you know.

Thank you, Tracey.



And the other one.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry about Nan.
And for making things worse.

I'm sorry for being a crap mum.

You're not crap.

I should have been there
for you and for Nan.

You had to go. I know that.

So did she.

You forgive me?


OK. Let's go say goodbye. Yeah?

f*ck off!

Listen, sweetheart...

I told you to piss off!

Time to go, mate. Come on.

Yeah, get off me, man.

That's enough.



You find her?
You could say that.

But I lost her again. I have a way
of tracking her down, though.


I'll see you Monday.
Are you coming back to Canberra?


"Yes, Jonathan.
Fabulous work, Jonathan."

I thought we told you to f*ck off.

You know me.

I never do what I'm told.

Is this what you do now?

I'm sorry Kelly kicked you out.

I'm sorry I made it worse.
I really am.

What do you want?
Same as you.

Bullshit. You're one of them.

They f*cked me too.
At least you got to keep your pride.

They're building a hospital
out there...

...for the Americans...

...while our mob
are left to die at home.

Like Mum did.

You heard of divide and rule, yeah?

It's how Rome conquered the world.

It's what they've been doing to us
for over 200 years.

And you know what happened to Rome?

It b*rned to the ground.

And what's your point, Alex?

This is bigger than us.

So why don't you do
what needs to be done?

And I swear on my mum's grave...

...I will make the c**ts pay.

Alex, what happened
up there in Winton?

I wasn't there.
People are angry. I'm angry.

Many in the country are quite keen
to see heads on sticks over this.

Is that what they're getting?

You think
she's about to cut you loose.

It's not surprising
he's been distracted,

what with the new job.

Chief of staff. Kevin Cartwright.

We may be facing
some press questions

on the death of Marcie Maclean.

Her cellmate escaped.

She's a 15-year-old kid.
And you're a politician.

Everything can be used against you.

We'll arrest you
if you don't comply.

I will not comply.

♪ You, me and destiny

♪ We're gonna
set this night on fire. ♪