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01x02 - Donny Donny Donny

Posted: 02/13/24 12:05
by bunniefuu
Go home
and lead a quiet life.

Only if you come with me.

[dramatic music]

I've been loyal to you, Rick,
but I get offers all the time.

Might just have
to consider one of them.

- What's going on with you?
- You don't understand, Gal.

You're doing too much
of that gear.

Who you buying from?
- No one.

- Who you buying from?
- No one!

It's a bit of E, Gal.

So where you gonna live
after the wedding?

- I don't know. Maybe Layton.
- Hmm.

Although, actually,
don't know if that's

far enough away
for Gal these days.

Marjorie's dad's
got the business.

She's gorgeous.

I don't know you want.

More, Aitch, a lot more.

I told Stan about the job
you boys done for me.

He might have something for
you, maybe with Teddy Bass.

We're after an extremely rare
and valuable coin.


Ted and I are both wondering

how you're gonna be addressing
your witness problem.

What you staring at?
[g*n cocking]


Can't have any loose ends.




Let's have some fun tonight.

[tense music]

[indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪

[clears throat]

Perhaps you wouldn't
mind telling me

what the f*ck is going on.

♪ ♪

We're looking into it.

I put a lot of faith
into you, Mr. McGraw.

Now, if you can't control
your territory,

that's another discussion.

No need to be alarmed,
I assure you.

You'll know I'm alarmed
when I cut you

out of the Canada Square deal.

This was a targeted attack.

We need to stop it now
before they hit again.

The perpetrators will
be dealt with severely.

My son is making it
his top priority.

He's a vicious little bastard.

You must be very proud.

Scuse me, love,
radiator valves

in Mr. Kennedy's office
have jammed.

- He's not in.
- No, I know.

That's why I'm here.

Work order?

Way ahead of you, darling.

♪ ♪

Find my coin, McGraw.

'Cause, if you can't,
I have other people I can ask.

And trust me, they're a lot
more vicious than your...

[knocks on table]

♪ ♪

One... big f*ck-off safe.

♪ ♪

Yeah, so it was, like,
caved in, but I think--

Yeah, mate, mate,
this f*cking safe's a monster.

Yeah, that's why
the price is so lovely.

Yeah, well,
can't argue with that.

But look, let me do
some research.

Tell Stan
we'll get back to him.

Already told him we'd do it.

What do you mean?
You just looked at it.

[exhales heavily]

You told him
without talking to us?

Cecilia spoke to them.

But yes, we're in.

- What the f*ck, Don?
- "What the f*ck, Don?"

Yes, what the f*ck, Don?

You should really
have talked to us.

We're talking now.

Yeah, but you've already
told them we'd do it.

But we're talking now.
That's what I'm saying.

What's with you, Aitch?

Look like you lost a tenner
and found a pound.

Just, um, Larry.

- What about him?
- Don.

And the filth.

This is not small-time.

That's right, not small-time.

Just drink your beer
and shut it.

Larry was a f*cking ponce.

Could've landed us all
in the clink, Aitch--

your mate, mate.

If it can happen to him,
it could happen to any of us.

There was something
about him,

always made me uneasy
to be around.

Bad boy.

I'm not gonna lose
a second of sleep over him.

When does he want this done by?

- Two weeks.
- Two weeks?

What are you,
a parrot?

Oh, I ain't sure
about this one.

Look, it's a piece of piss.

You can do it.
You can do anything.

If we don't get in,
maybe Teddy'll k*ll us.

- I'll k*ll you.
- Right, enough.

Yeah, enough, Aitch.


Can I have a word?

- Yeah, yeah, sure, Pete.
- What about?

What's that about?

I'll find out.

Johnny, how you doing mate?
Nice to see you.

[indistinct chatter]


Oh, come on, Petey.

Don't do this to me.
I need you, mate.

You know what we're
dealing with here.

We all do.
- With Theresa pregnant again

and these guys
you got us running with,

this is some serious shit, Gal.

What's going on?

Pete wants out.

- He does, does he?
- Mm.


[dramatic music]

What you gonna do now?

I've been working
on my qualifications

to be a train driver.

[laughs] That's a laugh.

Where's your stupid hat?

Right, knock it off, Don.

You're sure about this, Pete?


When we're living
the high life,

you're gonna regret this.

When we're spending money and
f*cking every bird sideways,

you're gonna think back
to this day.

Don, he's our mate.
Let it go.

He ain't my mate.

Mate don't cut and run.

Loyalty is a characteristic
you either have,

or you don't.

I won't hear this shit anymore.

Listen to yourself.

You're pathetic.

♪ ♪


I like to think of myself
as a connoisseur of history.

And studying history
should teach us not to make

the same mistakes again.

But we do, repeatedly.

In the turn-of-the-century

thieves who had their hand
chopped off kept grafting.

When they lost the other hand,

they worked as lookouts.

In their blood, I suppose.

Excuse me for a moment.

[indistinct chatter]

Red Dog...

in the 130 at Kempton Park.

It's priced at 40 to 1,

But I have a little sprinkle
of information.

Fancy a flutter?

No, thanks.

[soft orchestral music playing]

Not a gambling man?

- [tsks]
- Neither am I, really.

But you know who is?

Whoever pulled off that
armored car job on the Thames.

As in Rhodesia,

some people just don't learn.

[dramatic music]

Now, I'm not accusing you.

If I thought you did it,

you'd already be swimming
in the bottom of that river.

Are you a f*cking mute?

Hey, can't you talk?


♪ ♪

f*ck this.


His generation...

very impatient.

I know you have
a finger on the pulse.

And I would look at it
as a personal favor

if you'd ask around.

No problem, Dominic.

♪ ♪

This guy was talking
a great game on the phone.

If he's for real, this could be
the beginning of something

for sure.

He knew all my films.

We'd have to have
complete control.

and the lawyer I spoke to

said we could probably fight it
for being too wide-reaching.

When did you talk
to a lawyer?

I don't know.
Last week.

Listen, let me do the talking
on Friday, yeah?

I'll handle
this American bloke.

Lean on him a little,
put a bit of a scare into him.

I want to say this,

and I don't want you
to get upset.


I want to go to this
meeting by myself.

- What?
- I want to handle it.

But I thought we had a plan.

We do,
but I just think,

first meeting,
let me feel him out.

Yeah, you know what?
f*ck this.

If you don't want me
around, fine.

But if you think I'm gonna be
carrying your f*cking knickers

round in a holdall
while you make f*cking movies,

nah, you got
the wrong f*cking guy.

Enjoy your meeting.

Ah, well, you know
what teenagers are like, Mum.

It's just a phase.

I just don't know
where I went wrong with her.

You know, when you was young...
- Mm-hmm.

Just used to have to give you
a slap now and then.

But she hits back hard.
- [chuckles]

Yeah, it's not funny.

Well, let me talk to her.

Well, you can try.

I've not seen her for two days.


Whoever she's been seeing,

I just know it's got
something to do with him.

Hello, darlings.

- All right, Aunt Babe.
- You all right, Gal?

How you doing?

How's the wedding
plans going?

Oh, oh, Marjorie
and your sister

keep me in the dark
until the money's due.

Come on.

What you got on McGraw?

He's looking at everyone.

Doesn't have the first clue.


But he'll find out
soon enough.

I know.

How's Gal?

He's looking into the safe.

Has he got anything yet?

Not from what I hear.

Well, he'll figure it out,

or he won't.

Tell me about Freddie McGraw.

He's doubled the take on his
club past two years running.

Place is packed every night.

Next to dr*gs and porn, clubs
is their biggest moneymaker.

[tense music]

Freddie's a smart one,
bit of a hothead.

♪ ♪

Is he an East End boy?

He went to Westminster
Private School.


♪ ♪


[both grunting]

Work him, Sugar.

- Come here.
- Short that stance.

- Get him off.
- f*ck.

Oi, tuck those elbows in,

Shorten that stance up.



Work that de--
- f*ck off!

Gal! Oi!

Get off my f*cking head!

Just let it go.
It's not his fault.

Work on that guard, mate.

You're gonna be
taking some big sh*ts.

- Mate...
- What's going on with you?

I need you to help me out
with something.

What is it?

Give me a minute, will you?

All right?

- Hi. [clears throat]
- What you doing here?

- Wanted to talk to you.
- Yeah? About what?

Well, guess what my dad
told me today.


Marty Fisher,
who's the head foreman

on the Canary Wharf block,
might be retiring soon,

and he says that the job
is yours if you want it.

Don't you have
to go back to work?

That's very funny, mister.

- Hmm.
- Yeah, that's it.


Look, we have to talk
to Mace about something,

so why don't you wait outside,
and I'll walk you back, right?

- Mm.
- Be nice.

[clears throat]
Hi, Don.

that's a nice shirt.

Never seen that one.

[clears throat]
Thank you.

Um, listen, why don't you
come out with us

on Friday night for dinner?

I got a friend
from work, Sara.

She's a laugh.
- Sara?

Does she have red hair?
- Uh, yeah.

Yeah, sort of.
- I like redheads, so...

Okay, so...[clears throat]
That's a yes?

Yes, yes, yes.
All right, I'll be there. Yeah.



I love redheads.

[dramatic music]


Ain't come across
one of these before.

Tool resistant,
TRT rating of 30-plus.

It weighs 500 kilos.

f*ck me, Gal. Thing's a beast.
Where is it?

Office building, 14th floor,
rent-a-cop security.

You can't move it,
can't blow it.

You'll have to drill it.

Then you gotta go through
six layers of steel.

So door.
- Door, yeah.

Yeah, it's the only way.

- All right, Gal?
- All right, Tommy.

- You're late.
- Oh, five minutes.

Oi, you better listen to him,

or Hamilton's gonna kick
your ass next week.

- No chance.
- Yeah?

Well, I'll kick your ass, then.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- You wish, cuz.
- Just get in.

Work him.
You two out.

Work him, Sugar.

♪ ♪

So... how long?


Some babies never learn.

- What about round the back?
- Round the--

Look, I've got two bits
of advice for you.

Number one, don't bother.

That's not an option.

Yeah, right,
what's number two?

Number two,
get yourselves a replica safe.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Try it, and you'll fail.

And then...

don't bother.

[drill whirring]

Gal, you're
a f*cking rock star.

You'll figure it out.


Right, if I could just
get under the lock housing,

I might be able
to pry it back.

- Yeah, right.
- Yeah.

Here's the fella.


♪ ♪

Come on, you've got it, Gal.



The rolled coils
are grabbing the drill.

This won't work neither.

What about the tumblers?

There's no tumblers.
It's graphite rings.


You should never have taken
this job without asking.

You know that.

It's impossible, Don!

Cecilia's gonna
f*cking k*ll me.

If it's impossible,
it's impossible!

Look, what we gonna do
after this, hey?

If--if we manage
to pull this off, what then?

Teddy has got our balls
in a f*cking vise!

And he's gonna keep squeezing.

- Oh, here we f*cking go.
- And you're good, Gal.

You are f*cking good.

But what happens
the next time,

the next time
when we are properly f*cked,

when it's a job
that nobody can do?

What then, hey?

What, a slap on the back
and a handshake?

I'm warning you, Aitch!

I'm on my last nerve!

You are replaceable!

Right, Don, I need you
to do me a favor.

I need you to wait outside.
- A favor?

Yeah, yeah, just need
to speak to Aitch for a moment.

- What, ain't I invited?
- No, it's not like that.

Not like what?

Don, just do me
a little favor.

Right, come on.

♪ ♪

Course, Gal.

Course I could do you a favor.

I need you to focus, mate.

[bottle bangs on table]

Look, if it's about Larry--
- Not about Larry.

We all knew he would wind up
at the bottom of a river

sooner or later.
[banging at door]

Tell him
he's replaceable, Gal.

Everyone's replaceable.

What about Danny Burns, Gal?

How about him, Gal?

How about him,
Danny Burns, Danny Boy?



If it's not about Larry,
what's it about?

I'm not sure this
is the right move.

Look, I can't sleep.

I'm losing weight.
Look at me.

You look great.

I'd f*ck you.

Danny's a f*cking ponce.

I was shagging this bird
the other night, right?


And all of a sudden,
I start shaking.

- Sawbsie's, Swabsie's.
- I couldn't finish.


What's on my mind is...


Since when is Cecilia
running our lives.

[banging at door]


Roy Sumpter.

Yeah, Roy can hack it.

[banging at door]

Yeah, Roy could hack it.

Oh, yes, he could.

Look, I hear you, Aitch,
but you gotta trust me,

you know, and we gave
Teddy Bass our word.

So we are in for a penny,
in for a pound.

Now, if we stop now,
we lose our place in line--

or worse.

♪ ♪

I'll be okay.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

It's Roy.

I found my man.

It's Roy.

f*ck Roy.

Aitch is good to go.
Aren't you, mate?

[clears throat] Yeah.

[indistinct chatter]

- Right, mate?
- Gal.

Give us a London Pride
will you?

And I'll take a plate of chips
and all, extra vinegar.

- All right, mate.
- You all right, Gal?

All right.

When you gonna
take me out on the town?

When you turn 19.

I'm 20.

Damn, I missed it.

[scoffs, sighs]

Wow. Charming.
Can't wait.

both: Oop!

Cheers. [clears throat]

So did you hear
they want me to do

all these religious classes
so I can get married

at that Catholic church?

If you're here to hassle me
about Mum,

I'm not in the mood
for any lectures.

All this stuff
with the, um--the rosary

and the Communion
and all that,

imagine what Nanny Pat
would say.

[clears throat]


I heard Princess Di's
good at this.

[sighs] All right,
let's make it easier.

I got one.

It fell out.

I'll do it again.
- What?

What's wrong with you?

For crying out loud, Gal,
you lost your mind?

What? Sorry, mate.
Sorry, mate.

Got an eating disorder.


- Hey, it's genius.
- I know.


Listen, mate,
get my sis here another one

and a little violin for all
the tears that are coming.


No one knows what it's like
to live in that house

better than me.

Right, now, Dad is just--
don't open his mouth

unless it's to eat, drink,
or bet on the ponies.

And trust me, I know Mum's
no picnic either,

especially when she's been
with her sister for too long.



What's his problem?
- [laughs]

Mum thinks it's about
some guy you're seeing.

Okay, well, I hope he's better
than the guy

with the tattoos
on his eyeballs.

What was his name again?
Rat, was it?

- Matt.
- Oh, yeah. Sorry, forgot.

- [laughs] f*ck off.
- Cheer up.

f*ck off.

[slot machines dinging
and whirring]

Oi, where you off to?

Going to dinner with Gal.

Marjorie's got a friend
of some sort.

- That right?
- Yep.

Not lying.


Course you ain't.

You don't have
the imagination for it.

Stan called
to check on you boys.

Very important job.
- Right.

I'm proud of the way
you're doing things so far.

Stan says you've been
up to mustard.

Now, just remember,
preparation, preparation.

Slags will get
in the way of that.

You stay focused.

Gal needs some time to think.

Yeah, well,
Gal can afford that luxury.

Gal worries about Gal.

I'm the only one
who cares about you.

Don't forget that.

Donny, Donny, Donny.


Been looking after you
since we was kids, haven't I?

♪ ♪

You like that, don't you?



Donny, Donny, Donny.

[glass crunching]


Gal ain't your boss.

One day, you'll be the boss
of this whole place.

When we expand even more,

this deal with Teddy
will guarantee our future.




He's not gonna
hurt you anymore.

♪ ♪

- Oi.
- Huh?

Here you are.
It's on me.

No, no, it's all right.

I'm paying for you
and your dirty cow's meal.


Oh, he loves
to wind me up.

Every time I see that
Rollie, he's just miserable.

I almost feel bad for him.
Why's he like that?

Because the man's a c**t.
That's what c**ts are like.

That's why they're c**ts.
Right, Gal?

Course, and the only way
to find out

why they're like that...
both: Is to ask another c**t.

- Cheers to that.

I gotta tell you, this is one
of the best days of my life.

With your name,
this is a dream come true.

Well, thanks.

I've heard great things
about you.

So I understand you're
looking to make a change.


"Maybe" is good enough
for me... for now.

Marjorie, you know,
your fiancé here is a genius.

And as his best man, I don't
mind telling you he's smart,

not like one of those mugs
we went to school with,

who you could've married.

- What mugs?
- Cut it out, Don.

All I'm saying, Sara, is,

you're in the presence
of greatness.

- What did he do?
- It's what he's gonna do.

- All right, enough, Don.
- What'd I say?

Listen, I'll do it.
We'll figure it out.

Now, drop it, will you?

Course you will.

You're a genius.

You come with us,
we'll fund

cameras, sets,
makeup, distribution,

sales, everything.

You'll be your own
little mogul,

even the use of your name

You've done your homework.

So what do you really want?

I want it all--

real ownership, control.

I want to direct my own films,
pick my costars,

take 20% in the UK
and 30% internationally.

And I'll make as many films
as I want.

No more, no less.

Nobody gets that.

I will.

It will be with you
or with someone else,

but it will have to be that
for me to leave Ricky.

If I don't treat myself
like a star, who will?

I really needed a night out.

You know how horny
a good steak makes me.

- Oh, shut up!
- What? It does.

Where are we going
after this?

Well, let's go to Soho,
get some cocktails.


No, we'll get
another round here.

Then we'll get a bottle,
go back to my flat,

listen to a little
"Blue Hawaii."

- Yeah, let's do that.
- Lovely.

Yes, that is what
I'm talking about.

That's what we'll do.

And I promise
you won't regret it, Donny.

You like that, don't you?

Donny, Donny, Donny.

Donny, Donny, Donny.

Donny. [laughs]

You won't regret it.
[distorted voices echoing]



I'm having a toastie.

[tense music]


You all right, mate?

Don, you okay?

Dirty cow.

[leather squeaking]

Right dirty cow.

[echoing] Don, you all right?
Shh. Come on, relax, mate.

I can't go out.

We got work to do.

preparation, preparation.

That's what she said.
- Who?

Who are you talking about?
- I want to go home now.

No, you're all right, love.
Don, Don, you gotta relax.

You're scaring her.
- You said let's go out,

get our heads clear,
have a laugh.

- Yeah?
- We did that.

Now we gotta get back to work.

Don't be such a ponce.
It's early.

- You shut up!
- f*cking hell, Don!

- Don! Hey! Come on!
- What the f*ck are you doing?

You think I'm gonna
risk everything for a shag?

I don't care how big
her f*cking tits are, Gal.

Don, right, come on!

Hey, she's a nice girl.
You're scaring her.

I don't give two fucks
what she thinks.

- Don.
- Doesn't even have red hair.

Gal, you need
to do something.

- It's not f*cking red.
- Right, Don--

- It's not red!
- What is wrong with you?

- No!
- Leave her alone!

- It's chestnut.
- Right, Don.

She was right.

Donny, Donny, Donny.

Need to stay focused.

Don, Don.

- Focused!
- f*ck this.

I'm getting out of here.
- Look, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. You're all right.

Right, she's gone
and f*cking left.

- Don, you're scaring me.
- You, shut up!

Hey, don't talk
to her like that!

- And you.
- Yeah?

You louse.

You can't
figure out that safe,

Teddy's gonna have
a f*cking fit.

I'm gonna look like
a right Mr. Confused.

We have to!
We have to! We have to!

Gal, f*cking stop him!

All right, all right,
all right.


- Don, calm down!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Please stop.
You're scaring me.

Cecilia's not gonna be happy.

Come on. Come on. Come on.

I know she's gonna
let me have it.

Come on.

We will never be
this close again, Gal.

- I know. I know.
- Never.

You're okay.
Right, it's gonna be okay.

Listen, listen, all right?
- [panting]

We're gonna figure it out.


Figure it out, I promise.

I promise you.

Right, we are gonna
get in that safe.

- All right.
- Gonna get in it.

I promise.
- Okay.

- Okay?
- Okay.

- All right?
- All right.

- Come on.
- Yeah.

♪ ♪

He's a f*cking psycho.
[liquid pouring]

That was, like, the craziest
thing I've ever seen, Gal.

- I know. I know.
- He needs to be locked up.

Look, it's just, he's had it
a little harder than most.

Why weren't you
doing anything sooner?

It's not that simple
with Don.

You are always
sticking up for him.

Look, when we're married,
I don't want him around.

Best man?

Is he out of his f*cking mind?

He is my best man.

He is.

No, I don't even
want him at the wedding!


What do you see in him?
I just don't understand.

No one understands.

Look, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry about tonight,

but there's a lot
going on with me.

That's not an excuse.
It's just--

Look, the thing with Don is,

he needs me.

Sometimes just letting things
go is just the easiest way.

And trust me, there is
a million things

about him I hate,
but if he didn't have me,

I just--I don't know.

I don't know.
It's just, he's my mate.

He's my mate.

And he's loyal,
and he tries really hard.

And it's just--

it's not his fault.

What's not his fault?


Tell me.

Tell me.
Tell me what happened to him.

Gal, tell me something.

What happened to him?

Look, it's nothing, right.

I should go check he's okay.

Gal, please.

[Shirley Bassey's "[Where
Do I Begin?] Love Story"]

[percussive romantic music]

♪ ♪

♪ Where do I begin
to tell the story ♪

♪ Of how great love can be ♪

♪ The sweet love story that
is older than the sea ♪

♪ The simple truth about
the love he brings to me ♪

♪ Where do I start? ♪

- Hi.
- Hey.


Hey, it's me.

I know.


You forget something
the other night?

I think I left
me sunglasses here.

You weren't wearing
any sunglasses.

Right. Right.

Want to try again?

I, erm...

Come to thank you.

For what?

Good advice for me sister.

Well, I do know a thing
about teenage angst.


You seemed pretty happy
coming down the street then.

I am.

What was that for?

I had a great night.

Felt like it.

What the f*ck is this?

It's nothing.

Don't look like nothing.

Go on. Do one, Blondie.

We were just talking.

I said f*ck off.

All right.

I'm gonna count to three.
- Alan, don't.

One, two, three, mate.

You f*cking prick.


Stop it!


What the f*ck?
What are you doing?

Sorry, sorry.

- [coughing]
- You should go.

Just go, please.

Alan, what the f*ck?

A f*cking knife!

[pensive guitar music]

♪ ♪

Where have you been?

You've been gone
for over three hours.

What's the matter?


[soft sentimental music]

♪ ♪


[panting, moaning]

♪ ♪

[both breathing heavily]


What did I do to deserve that?

[Human Resource's "Dominator"]

♪ I'm bigger and bolder
and rougher and tougher ♪

♪ In other words, sucker,
there is no other ♪

[pounding electronic music]

♪ ♪

Have you seen him?
Have you seen him?

What? No.

No, sorry.

♪ ♪

[music distorts, fades]

[music resumes]

♪ ♪

The hinge. Great.

I knew you could do it.
- It's an idea. That's all.

I could do without this shit.

What'd they say?

Said someone's been
sniffing around the place.

- Someone knows.
- We don't know that.

It could be the police.

We got all Larry's
stuff out, right?

Yeah, and I've been
paying the rent every week,

so at least it looks kosher.

Well, his family up north
are f*cking psychos.


I knew this would
come and bite us in the ass.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Hello, hello.

Lucky, lucky.
- [whispering] Shut up.

Ow! Ow!

Who the f*ck is that?

Ow! f*cking hell.

- Ann Marie.
- Ow.

What the f*ck are you doing
in Larry's bed, eh?

f*ck off, Don.

Hope I didn't hurt you.

Don, Don, Don,
just wait outside.


Yeah, just wait outside, yeah?


Why are you in Larry's flat?

Where is he, Gal?


Oh, f*ck.

Can you just tell me
where he is, please?

- I don't know.
- Just tell me.

What are you really
doing here, Gal?

What, you think I'm gonna
grass you up to the filth,

tell him all the shit I know
Larry's been telling me?

Right, just take it easy.

All right?

I'm the one that
should be mad at you

for scheming
behind my back with him.

f*ck you.

He's the one been
giving you all them dr*gs?

In't he, Ann Marie?

He ain't the guy
you think he is, Annie.

Well, you don't know him
like I do.


Can you just
tell me the truth, please?

That's all I'm asking.

I'll never ask you
for another thing

in my life, I swear,
but please just tell me.

I'm begging you.

- f*ck!



The truth is...

He took off.

He left town.


No, he told me he was--

Do you remember that girl
he was seeing

before he come down here?

What, that bitch Allie
from Dublin?


They went back to Ireland.

That piece of shit.

Gal, gotta get moving.

f*ck off, Don.


Come here.

Come on, come on.

He's just a piece
of f*cking shit.

[upbeat music]

I'm really worried
because it doesn't

work the way it used to.

Well, let's see if
we can help with that.


Just do the f*cking lines
like they're written.

And you, with the boom,
stay the hell out of the shot

or go back to fluffing!

Dee, a word, please?

[bell rings]

The McGraws aren't happy.

They've heard about
your little meeting.

I've got to keep
my options open.

I got an offer I can't resist.

Sit down.

Sit down.

Dee, please, these blokes,

they don't care
about contracts.

Rick, you know I love you.

But they're offering me
full control of all my catalog,

my images, 25% after fees.

I get to pick my own directors,

which means I don't have
to deal with this m*therf*cker.

Honey, I know. I know.

It's not the first time
I'm hearing all of this.

- It's an amazing deal.

It is.

It's amazing.

So can you beat it?


I'm begging you.

Don't f*ck with the McGraws.

[Snap!'s "Rhythm Is a Dancer"]

♪ Rhythm is a dancer ♪

So I told
those immigrant scum,

we don't want you around

except to, er,
fold a tablecloth or two.

So I told my boys...

♪ ♪

But get their
cover charge first.

You know what I mean?

♪ It's a passion ♪

♪ Oh, oh, you can feel it
in the air ♪

♪ Oh, oh, it's a passion ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ ♪

What are you looking at, c**t?

The back of your head.


I said, I'm looking at
the back of your head.

Oh, I know who you are.

Teddy Bass.

Took over Burke's club
on Coate Street.

Place is a sh*thole.

Well, Teddy, if you're
gonna be in my club,

yeah, I suggest
you behave yourself.

Or I'll have to give
you a spanking

in front of your--oof--

sort of pretty girl.


♪ ♪

That seemed intense.


It's a gas.

♪ ♪

Can't believe I missed that.

Can't believe I missed it.
That's the thing.

f*cking Larry.

f*ck, there he--there he was,

seeing my sister
behind my back!

She's just a kid!

I was right about him, Gal.

I was right.
- You were. You were.

Yeah, and you
crying about him.

Oh, that's real nice, Aitch.
Real nice.

She told me she's been
looking for him all over.

That's--this could really
blow up in our faces.

You know what she's like.

No telling what she'll do.

All right.

Let's get ready to do this.

Here's the spot.

I'll be waiting.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Listen, Don,
about your sister.

What about her?

We can't have her--

- We can't have her what?
- [sighs]

It has to be us
making the decisions.

- What decisions?
- Well--

Don, on the lock.
- What?

- On the lock.
- Oh, yeah.

All right.

♪ ♪

[metallic bang]

[drill whirring]

[intense music]

♪ ♪

[metal creaking]

I hope this works.

D'you know what, Gal?

Larry's lucky.


'Cause if he was
still alive,

I'd have me hand
around his throat, squeezing.

Going behind our back
with our Ann Marie.

You think he knew?

- What, Aitch?
- Yeah.

- Nah.
- No?

No, I'd know it.

Never much of a poker face.
- Hmm.

Do you remember
the time when--[laughs]


Do you remember the time
when he f*cked his cousin?

- Oh, yeah, big Mandy. Yeah.
- Big Mandy, yeah.

Couldn't shut up about it.

Great bum.

Small feet.


[metal creaking, groaning]

[metal crashing]

[Shirley Ellis' "Soul Time"]

[upbeat soul music]

♪ ♪

♪ If you want
a time to soul ♪

♪ Baby, it's time
to soul time ♪

♪ ♪

No money, no jewelry.

What's this?

What the f*ck is going on here?

♪ Then we'll be
synchronized in soul ♪

♪ Baby, we'll be
on soul time ♪

♪ Ready, get set, now ♪

♪ 2, 4, 6, 7, 10 ♪

♪ 2, 4, 6, 8, 22 ♪

♪ Mm-mm-mm-mm ♪

♪ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10,

♪ One more time now ♪

♪ 2, 4, 6, 8, ooh ♪

♪ I'm synchronized with you ♪

♪ Now, if you want a time
to soul, baby ♪

A job like this is gonna
bring the entire kingdom

to our doorstep.

Yes, darling, I know
the time difference in LA.

No, no, no.


Well, tell them they're not
getting full frontal

if they don't pay
for full frontal.



No! Stop! Stop!

Leave him alone! Stop it!

[thumping dance music]

♪ ♪


Oh, you're gonna be one of my
regular Saturday night girls.

[both laughing]

[both panting, moaning]


Oh, yeah. Mm.



♪ ♪

So this is where
all the fun is, eh?

What the f*ck are
you doing in here?

This is a private part
of the club.


Just ignore him.
He's gonna leave.


What the f*ck are
you doing in here?

Ah! [groans]


Ah! Ah!

- Reggie's not gonna answer.

No, no, no, no, no.

f*cking Reggie!



No, please.


Ah! Ah!



♪ ♪

Stop it!

Stop it! Leave him alone!
Leave him alone!

Stop it! Stop it!

Stop! Call an ambulance!

[somber music]

♪ ♪


[tense music]

♪ ♪