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01x08 - Truthiness

Posted: 02/13/24 13:20
by bunniefuu
And may contain
mature subject matter.

Viewer discretion is advised.

Previously on family law...

What's wrong with us?

Is it genetic?

Well, I'm not the one
who cheated, so...

If it's genetic,
you're the carrier,

not me.

I believe I'm owed
spousal support.

Okay, Bailey, when
did your marriage end?

Their marriage is
still going strong.

What are their full names?

Gavin and crystal Steele.

The crystal steel?

I mean, if gay people
want civil unions,

fine, go for it,

but don't force the rest of us

to redefine the legal
definition of marriage

to suit your agenda.

We understand how
difficult this must be for you.

Your husband of how many years

finally coming
out of the closet?

Bailey stole my husband.
Why would I pay him this?

Because, based on earnings

before Bailey entered
your life and after,

this is more than fair.

Apologies for
interrupting the party.

What are you doing here?

Well, I was very
impressed with your law firm,

so I've hired Harry to
represent me in my divorce.

Oh, and you don't have to work

with your brother
for the time being.

You're with me on this one.


I'm going to need
a street fighter.

You two had sex.

More financials
for the Steele file.

I still can't believe

we're representing that
woman in her divorce.

Mm. It's icky.

You coming to aa tonight?

Depends what
time I get outta here.

Lots on your plate right now,

but aa has to take priority.

I know, I know.

Okay. So what's up?

Well, uh, let's see,

I crave a drink about
three times a day.


My daughter's channeling
Jekyll and Hyde,

oh, and frank and
I slept together.

Tsk. So there's that.

Sounds like a step
in the right direction.

Is it? It was just one night.

Eh, men are more sentimental
about sex than you think.


Did you change your passcode?

Why are you on my phone?

'Cause I can't find
mine. I'm trying to call it.

Yeah. Yeah, I changed it.

They say you're supposed to
do that every couple months.

What's the new one?

Is it easier if I just do it?

Mm. It's, uh,
six-seven... eight-eight.

You got a text message.

You can ignore it.

It's Nina.

She says your 9:00
A.M. is pushed to 9:30.

That was my last cup
of organic Greek yogurt.

- I didn't know it was yours.
- Well, you knew

it wasn't yours.

Unclench your b*ttcheeks!

I'll buy you a giant
tub of the stuff

on my next trip to the bulk bin.

Uh, they don't sell
it at the bulk bin.

This isn't about yogurt, is it?

I didn't ask to work with Harry.

Y-You think I actually want
to represent crystal Steele?


We have a walk-in.

Okay. Thanks, Jerri.

Actually, she was
asking for Abby.



Oh, my god! Hi.

Talia! Have you ever grown.

Everybody says that.

Wh... what are you doing here?

I tracked you down!
Family law, huh?

Yeah. I just wanted a
better work-life balance.

I know. I did my research.

It's fine!

Our mistakes don't define us.

You're my friend and
a damn good lawyer,

and I could really
use both right now.

What's going on?

It's Shaun. Well, you remember

what he was like
when we were married?

Well, unsurprisingly,

he's been an even bigger
assh*le since the divorce.

He's breaching our
parenting agreement,

the miserable prick.

Uh, hey, maybe we should
talk in our boardroom?


Could you grab a snack and
some magazines for Talia?

I'd love to!

It's just over here.

This way.

It's my dad, he's
sick back in Germany.

They just moved him
into palliative care.


I'm so sorry to hear that.

I want to take Talia with me
to go see him one last time,

but Shaun keeps putting
up all these roadblocks.

First, he wouldn't switch

a couple of parenting
days with me

so I could get more
affordable flights.

Wow, he really is
a miserable prick.

I know, right?

So, I bite the b*llet,

I get the more
expensive flights,

and now he's refusing to sign
Talia's travel consent letter.

- What?
- He says he won't

let her step foot on a plane
unless she gets vaccinated.

So she's not vaccinated yet?

I would never let my child
be injected with that poison.

♪ You can't prove it

♪ uh-oh

♪ you got nothing legit

♪ uh-oh

♪ the glove don't fit

♪ uh-oh

♪ you gotta acquit

♪ uh-oh

♪ the charges won't stick 'cos

♪ I ain't no sucker

♪ ain't your lollipop but

♪ you can kiss my sweet

♪ uh-huh

♪ never gonna stop
never gonna stop... ♪

♪ Never gonna stop
never gonna stop ♪

♪ you can't prove it

♪ uh-oh

This woman's a friend of yours?

And a former client.

I repped her in a
medical malpractice suit...

Surgeon left a sponge inside
during her hysterectomy.

Must have been a
nice chunk of change.

It was.

Everyone's entitled
to legal counsel.

I agree.

I was hoping I could
take this one on myself.

Not gonna happen.

Her probation won't allow it.

He's right.

Plus, I need you to
focus on the Steele case.

You take lead on this one.

But since you brought
her into the firm,

I'll let you split your
time between both files.

Oh. Gee, thanks.

So, what's this all about?

Why don't I let
Elaine fill you in?

Sorry, so which
vaccinations do you object to?

All of them.

But it's the mmr shot
that Shaun is demanding.

He claims that he's concerned

about the measles
outbreak in Germany.


Except it has
nothing to do with that.

He just found out
I have a boyfriend

and his fragile
ego can't handle it.

You could spare yourself

the money, time, and
energy of fighting this

and just get Talia vaccinated.

Absolutely not.

My baby sister died
from her vaccinations.

My mom...

Never got over it.

If anything ever
happened to Talia...

I won't let it.

How can you be friends
with an antivaxxer?

Don't call her that.

Oh, okay, how about
a "plague enthusiast,"

or "polio fancier,"
or straight-up nutbar?

You're totally stereotyping.

We all gravitate
towards positions

that support how
we already feel.

It's called confirmation bias.

Thanks for the
psych 101 lecture,

but nobody asked
for your opinion.

Lucy's right.

A person's beliefs don't
define who they are.

Glad to hear you say that.

Crystal's here for our meeting.

Okay, that covers
division of assets.

Let's talk spousal support.

Ohh. What kind of
man asks for support?

One who has a rich wife.

If I've got no choice,

let's at least make it
a one-time payment.

I wouldn't advise that.

If you pay it in a lump
sum, you'll get zero tax relief,

and you've had a pretty
good run the past few years.

The payout would
be calculated on that.

I don't want a long,
drawn-out legal battle, okay?

I just
want to get on with my life.

You're the client.

If that's what you want,

we'll figure out an
offer that seems fair.

Not too fair.

You get a whiff of
something there?


The distinct and
unmistakable waft of horseshit.

I found a doctor who can
help with Elaine's case.

Can you meet him
to get an affidavit?

Going for a ride.

Okay, so after your ride?

This is the kind of thing

that lands in the
junior counsel category.

Well, so does the work
I have to do for Harry

this afternoon.

Which lands in
the sub-category...

"not my problem."

Can you at least
ride by the registry

to get us into court on
a rush for tomorrow?

Sorry, can't. Today's
my long zone-two ride!

You have to do something.

About what?

I know you're
not that oblivious.

Daniel's taken
his eye off the ball.

He... actually, he's
not even in the game,

he's just standing
on the sidelines.

I think you mean the dugout,

if you're going with
the baseball analogy.

You get the point.

I won't coddle him.

An unhappy Daniel
is bad for business.

So, Dr. Hylund,

I understand you
did a fellowship

in pediatric medicine.

And 30 years in
pediatric practice.

Our client's daughter suffers
from severe bouts of eczema.

In your professional opinion,

would there be any risks
to her getting vaccinated?


Hundreds of studies show

that eczema and other
auto-immune disorders

can be exacerbated
by vaccinations.

That's fantastic.

Hey, peekaboo.

You getting this down?


by... Vaccinations."

Got it.

And these vaccines cause

far more serious
health problems...

High fevers,
infection, seizures,

bell's palsy, autism...

Perfectly healthy babies

all of a sudden
having cognitive issues.

Yeah. Okay.

I think we've got what we need.

You know, always been
kind of a late bloomer.

Failed grade one

and I was in special gym all
through elementary school.

What the hell is "special gym"?

My mom thought it was because

she dropped me on
my head as a baby,

but maybe it was the vaccines.

Wait. That quack
actually got to you?

I didn't say a
word till I was four.

Cecil, do you know
how hard it was

to find even one
medical professional

with an anti-vaxx position?

Yeah, I know, but...

No. Science has spoken.

Vaccines are safe and
climate change is real.

Make sure the only
thing on that affidavit

is the stuff about
Talia's eczema.


Sure, that sounds great.


Thanks for meeting me.

Yeah. No problem.

So, what's up?

I... am opposing you
in court tomorrow.



I thought it was Dean Gillespie.

He had to leave town
on an emergency,

so the file got passed to me.


Well, thanks for telling me.

Yeah. So your friend,
Elaine, is an antivaxxer?


I was surprised.

Tough to swallow, but...

She needs someone on her side.

That's very noble of you,

especially since you
have no chance of winning.


Soy chai latte. Your favourite.

What do you want this time?

So cynical!

It's just a small gesture
of my appreciation f...

You know how I can tell
a lawyer's lying to me?

Her lips are moving.

Good one. Look.

I just want to know which
judges are on the bench tomorrow.

Oh, really?

That's hardly even
bending the rules.

All right. Looks
like we've got...


pennyfeather, hingston,

johal, Thompson, boyte...

Did you say judge Thompson?

Yup. Down in the
basement courtroom.

Do you...

Is there any way you
could slot us in down there?

Now, that would be
bending the rules.

I-I wouldn't ask,

but my client has
social anxiety disorder.

I know, but a smaller
space with fewer people

would really help her cope
with an already stressful day.

All right, but the only
reason I'm gonna do this

is because everyone else wants
to be kept out of the basement.

Thank you.

Good news.

I got us judge Thompson.

Everyone knows she's...

A complete whack-job?

I was going to say

an empathetic ear
with holistic sensibilities.

How did you rig that?

Another day,

another soy chai latte

for my favourite
trial coordinator.

Aw, thanks.

But I should let you know,

you don't have judge
Thompson anymore.

You got moved to a larger
courtroom with more security.

What? Why?

Because I requested it.


Hey, frank.

We're dealing with
a hot-button issue.

Emotions could run high,
there could be protesters.

Better to be safe than sorry.

See you in there.

Wow. Someone just got
out-lawyered by her ex-husband.


Which judge do we have now?


Perfect. The judge you puked on.

I didn't puke on him!

I puked in front of him.

I are you
looking for? T exay

Whatever I can find.

We don't know anything
about judge hingston.

Aw, except you blew
chunks in his courtroom,

which is probably the only
thing coming up on Google.

Oh. Oh. I think I
found something.

Hi, Abby.


There is no ambiguity here.

The benefits of vaccinations
far outweigh the risks.

We ask the court to side
with science in this dispute,

and act in the best
interests of the child.


Uh, will we be

requiring a mop and bucket
again today, Ms. Bianchi?

No, your honour.

Good luck.

I agree with opposing counsel,

that protecting
the child's health

is what's important here.

Since Talia was a little girl,

she's suffered from
debilitating eczema.

As evidenced by
Dr. Hylund's affidavit,

this condition suggests

she could have
an adverse reaction

to the mmr vaccine.

Your honour,

my client has been
solely responsible

for her daughter's healthcare
from the moment she was born.

Shouldn't it be this
parent's decision

whether or not to vaccinate her?

Or are we supposed

to just hand over our Liberty...

To the legal system?

Like we're in some
kind of big brother state?

Some decisions need
to stay in the family.

Aren't we all entitled
to health freedom?

Her grandfather is dying

and their flight
leaves in three days.

All right, Ms. Bianchi.
I've heard enough.


the science
supporting vaccinations,

in this particular case,

with her mother's familiarity
with her health needs,

I order that the child

may travel to Germany
with Ms. Kasur,

provided that she stay
at least 100 miles away

from the location of
the measles outbreak.

You can't be serious!

down! There will be

order in my court or
you will be removed!

I deny Mr. Freeman's application

to have Talia vaccinated.

This legal system
is a complete joke.

What, did you pay him
off? Hmm? With my money?

- Okay, come on. Let's go.
- Thank you.

You're a flake
and a fraud, Elaine.

How dare you
endanger our daughter?

We both decided not to
get her vaccinated, okay?

I humored your asinine
ideas when we were married,

no more!

- Oh, god, give me a break.
- This isn't over.

I'm gonna appeal.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I've done
extensive research on this,

Shaun, how much
research have you done?

Enough to know that
lavender oil does not cure polio.

You don't give
two shits about any of this.

You're just sour that
I found a real man.

A real...

I feel sorry for the poor stooge

that has to deal with you.


We, uh, we better go, okay?

I love you, Tully.

Call me later, okay?

We keep promising

that we are not gonna
fight in front of her,

and we just keep doing it.

Well, every parent has
moments they're not proud of.

She's struggling.


Do you think talking to
a therapist might help?

That's a great idea.

I know a good one,

but full disclosure...
It's another half-sibling.

Ah, I'm so lucky to have you.

Anything you'd like to say?


Like, "congratulations
for k*lling it"?

Great job, Abby.

When Talia gets measles,
at least you can say you won.

I was doing my job, okay?

And pretty damn
well, I might add.

Do you really think
frank's not gonna

get this overturned on appeal?

That's not the point.

Did you even bother

to look into the death
of Elaine's sister?

Uh, no, why would I do that?

Because her entire belief
system stems on the idea

that her sister died
from her vaccinations.

I dug up the coroner's report.

It was a crib death, Abby.

Had nothing to do
with vaccinations.

'Course it didn't.

You wasted your time

looking into that

when you could've
been doing something,


to help me prepare for court?

Instead, you've had your
bike seat stuck up your ass

while I've been busting mine.

We're supposed to act in
the client's best interests.

You've been completely

I've been unprofessional?

Well, you violate
our code of conduct

on a daily basis.

You showed up to court drunk!

And I'm paying for it, okay?

Stuck doing double duty,
relegated to your grunt work.

Oh, you really think I want
you doing my grunt work?

You changed the
entire culture of our firm.

Ever since you arrived, I
hate coming to the office.

We defend the crystal
steeles of the world now.

The anti-vaxxers.

Dad never would've
stooped to this level before.

He would've made
different choices.

Oh, my god.

That's what this is about?

That Harry hasn't
made you partner?

Well, guess what, genius?

Even if I hadn't
joined the firm,

he still wouldn't have
made you partner.

You think Elaine has a
crazy confirmation bias?

Look in the mirror.

Gina? Gina!

Yes. Yes! I understand
it has sentimental value.


Yeah. Yes, of course,
I'm getting this all down.

What's up?

We were right.

Crystal's been a wee
bit bendy with the truth.

I'll bring her in.

Gina, I'm listening
to every word,

and I promise you, Gina,

I am going to do
everything in my power

to get you possession
of that vitamix.

Uh, hi.

I just wanted to say
thank you for the referral.

Elaine called.

I'm meeting Talia later today.


Was there something else?

Do you think I should
come clean with Maggie?


I think daddy's little girl
has Peter Pan syndrome

and should grow up already.

That's kinda harsh.

Doesn't really
answer my question.


There are times

I wish frank had kept his
one-night stand to himself,

but if I'd found out
some other way...

It would have been way worse.

And I would have found out.

These things always
come out eventually.

So what's so urgent?

We understand
congratulations are in order.

Your own network talk show.

That's huge.

Yeah, we know.

You've been spying on me?

That's what I'm paying you for?

I can represent you better

if you didn't lie
to me, crystal.

You're obviously trying to
pay out your spousal support

before Gavin gets
wind of this job.

They haven't even made
me an official offer yet.

Not until you tell them to,
but they can't hold off forever.

Blah, blah, blah, we get it.

Okay, then so let's get
an agreement in place.

We smelled a rat

as soon as you volunteered
a lump-sum payment.

So will Gavin.

What reason would he
have to settle this quickly?


They're still in the
honeymoon phase.

Gavin would probably do
anything for him right now.

People do crazy
things for love...

And I happen to know Bailey
needs a new studio space,

so maybe we can
dangle that carrot.

I have to take this.

We're in a meeting.

It's Nico's principal.



I need a lawyer.

Nico was caught violating
the school's code of conduct.

Oh, yeah? What'd he do?

Bring his medieval
monk figurines to class

when it wasn't his "share" day?

He's been forging signatures.

Um... whose signatures?

Parents' signatures.

For students.

We found a calligraphy
book in his desk.

He said he got it
from his grandpa.

This isn't... This
isn't like him.

Well, this has obviously been
a challenging time for Nico.

How so?

I think you know
how so, Ms. Bianchi.

Our son was bullied
on school property,

during school hours, for weeks.

Neither you nor a single
member of your staff noticed.

So let's not point fingers.

I have 800 students, Mr. Bi...

Nico's behavior has
nothing to do with my wife.

Nico will accept the
consequences of his actions.

Well, I'm glad to hear that.

He's suspended from
school for a week.

I'm up to my eyeballs.

I have to be in court.

Yeah, so do I. Against you.

Would it be possible to
postpone this suspension?

So, what are you in for?

I'm here to see my shrink.

What about you?

I'm serving a suspension
for a forgery felony.

Let me guess.

Your parents are
getting divorced?

They're already divorced.

Now they're fighting

about whether I should
get vaccinated or not.

Bet you didn't know
that over a million people

wouldn't have died
from tuberculosis

if they'd had vaccinations
in medieval times.

Almost everyone
is vaccinated now,

that's why I don't
really have to.

It's called herd immunity
and it keeps me safe.

As long as everyone doesn't
do the same thing as you.


Hi. I'm Lucy.

Nico? What are you doing here
in the middle of a school day?

That's a long story.

Perhaps best saved
for another time.

I heard your
grandfather is sick.

Yeah, he's going to die soon.

He has cancer in his stomach.

I'm really sorry
to hear that, Talia.

Are you two close?

My opa took me

for a ride on the back
of a motorbike one time.

It was awesome.

We didn't tell my mom.

My mom died of
cancer when I was eight.

I think the worst
part was knowing

that there was nothing
I could do to stop it.

I felt so powerless.

Are you feeling anxious?


Because of your opa?

And also just...

About what my parents say.

What do they say?

My dad says that if I
don't get vaccinated,

I could get bloody
boils all over my body

and could just drop dead.


My mom says that
if I do get the sh*ts,

I could drop dead.

I don't know who to believe.

You can love your parents

and disagree with
them at the same time.

You don't have to pick sides.

You decide what you
believe for yourself.

Hello, grandson! What
are you doing here?

He's gonna be in
the office all week.

He's been suspended from school.


Mm-hmm, for forging
parents' signatures

on report cards.

How did he learn
to do that, you ask?

With the calligraphy
book you gave him.

Canterbury's my favorite font.

Not easy to
replicate a signature.

That's a real talent.

Just try not to foster criminal
behaviour here, Harry.

Can I eat this?

Go nuts.

I need to tell you something.

Is everything all right?

So, a few months ago...

I met a woman at velvet.

She kissed me.

Did you kiss her back?

I didn't pull away.

Oh, god.

How could you?

You know what I went
through with Janice.

I know.

Then what happened?


That's it.



Why did you do it?

I don't know.

We got married so fast.

Because you begged me to.

I know.

I guess I just...

I miss parts of my old life.

I miss going to
the club with you.

I never said I
wouldn't go to the club.

You never say yes.

Well, I just...

I can't go to work at 5:00 A.M.
on three hours' sleep anymore.

I'm so sorry, Maggie.

I messed up!

You did.

Maybe we could...

find some fun things to
do that work for both of us.

Thank you.

Do you know them?

I met them online.

They're from my "parents
for holistic healing" group.

They came out to support me!

The separation agreement states

that both parties agreed

their daughter, Talia,
would not be vaccinated.

Despite the appeal you
heard from opposing counsel,

judge hingston has already
ruled in my client's favour.

Your honour, I ask

that you uphold
judge hingston's ruling

to follow the
separation agreement

and allow Talia to
travel to Germany.

With all due respect
to judge hingston,

there is no honour in
upholding a decision

that compromises
the health of a child.

The risk of contracting
measles in Germany is too high.

Talia will not be permitted
to travel overseas

unless she is vaccinated.

My dad won't get to say
goodbye to his granddaughter.

He's gonna be heartbroken.

I'm sorry.

I know what it's like,

having your autonomy
as a parent taken away.

It sucks.

She was just so
dismissive, you know?

People put blind faith
in traditional healthcare.

It's... What does
that judge know?

She hasn't heard
the stories I've heard...

Hundreds of
real-life horror stories.


Have you ever read the
medical examiner's report

on your sister's death?

I know what it says.

My mother didn't
believe it for a second.

Neither do I.


Are you happy we lost?


Of course not.

I hate losing.

It's just, as your friend,

I feel like I have
to say that...

not vaccinating Talia,

even though I know you're...

You're just trying
to protect her...

it could hurt her

and others.

Just get her vaccinated, Elaine.

Even though I know it's scary,

just do it and-and
take her to see her opa.

How could you?

How dare you?

You're supposed
to be on my side.

Elaine, I am on your side.

You're not.


I thought you were my friend.

So how exactly did
your report card scam work?

It wasn't just report cards.

I also wrote
notes for kids, too.

What kind of notes?


Permission to go off
school grounds during lunch,

sit out of gym,

leave class early for
dentist appointments.

You're a nice boy, Nico.

Is that bad?

Those kids reaped the
benefits of your skills

with zero risk.

What did you get out of it?

A suspension.

And money.

Y... you were charging
for your services?

$5.00 a signature.

How much did you make?

You know, it's never too early

to start building an
investment portfolio.

Mr. Svensson?

Mrs. Steele is in the boardroom.


Wanna play crazy eights?


This is basically
Bailey's dream studio.

He has good taste.

He has expensive taste.

He'll want it.

And Gavin?

Will want what Bailey wants.

I talked to a mortgage broker.

She thinks they'd have
to put down about 300k.

I think that's in the ballpark.


my husband leaves me

and now I'm stuck
paying for his new life

with his
Picasso-wannabe boy-toy,

to whom I already
paid a hundred grand?

The price of success.

Fine. Let's...

Let's do it.

I made sure

the realtor got the listing
into Bailey's inbox today.

Jerri, could you get Gavin
Steele's lawyer in here?

This afternoon, if possible?

Do something.

Going for another bike ride?

What gave you that impression?

When is this going to end?


You, freezing me out,

which is particularly shitty
when we work in the same office.

Well, not as shitty as
my little sister running

my engagement breakup pool

in our office.

Look. It was
insensitive and I'm sorry,

but you can't stay
mad at me forever.

what're you guys playing?"


What, uh, what game you
guys got going on here?"

"Whatchoo playin'?"

"Oh, crazy eights? I am
crazy about crazy eights."

What? No.

"Oh, crazy eights, huh?

Yeah, I'll play.

But I won't go easy."

♪ Nailed it

so! Crazy eights, huh?




"examine your zipper."

Happens to the best of us.

Last card.

Thank you for coming in, winnie.

Uh, where's Gavin?

He asked me to
handle this without him.

He'd like to avoid being
in the same room as you.

Wow, winnie.
Great people skills.

Thank you.

We'd like to offer Gavin
spousal support payments.

This is the monthly
figure we've calculated

based on crystal's
annual earnings.

We think it's more than fair.

- Hmm. I see.
- And crystal's income

has historically
risen every year,

so one could reasonably assume

these payments will
continue to increase...

That seems optimistic,

considering most of crystal's
upcoming speaking engagements

have been cancelled.

Maybe that's because

your client's sloppy
public announcement

alienated half her fanbase.

Just spitballing.

I sense a case of "sirs"
looming in the very near future.


"Sudden income
reduction syndrome."

I assure you
this isn't the case.

Crystal's actively
looking for employment

and she's already
had some nibbles.

A possible book deal,
some television offers...

I have no doubt her income
will continue to trend up.

Crystal's brand has
been tarnished and,

judging by all this bravado,

her work opportunities
are diminished.

I've been directed by my client

to ask for a lump-sum
payment of 625,000.

I don't have that kind of money!

Gavin damn well knows that.

We're prepared to offer 220.

- 500.
- 260.

- 480.
- 280!

Surely, you jest.

Well, Gavin says
"350 or no deal."

It's as low as he'll go.

We'll want a full
dismissal of support

and a signed release

to acknowledge
that crystal's income

could go up or
down in the future.

We don't have a crystal ball.

Of course not, that
would just be weird.

All right, fine.

I guess we have an agreement.

Daniel, you came.

No talking.


Talia was a no-show
at her session today.

That's odd.

Elaine said she was getting
loads out of the therapy,

when she was
still speaking to me.

Straight to voicemail.

Maybe because she's
not speaking to you.

- Maybe.
- Where are you going?

To stop Elaine from
kidnapping her daughter.

Do we really think Elaine
would take off with Talia?

She's a delinquent at heart.

No wonder
you two get along so well.

Their flight was originally
scheduled to leave tomorrow,

but she might be
trying to get out of dodge

before Shaun
notices they're gone.

There's a lufthansa
flight to Frankfurt

that leaves in four hours.

Hopefully, they haven't
left for the airport yet.




I'm good.

So, I've given

your request for partnership
some more thought.


I want to offer you an
eat-what-you-k*ll deal.

You get to keep

you bring into the firm.

Yeah, I know what it means.

It's more money

and autonomy

without any of the
risks of partnership.

Get you focused
on fee production.

I'm plenty focused.

Then we can re-open
the partnership discussion

down the line.

What do you think?

It's an interesting idea.

It's a good deal, Danny.

I'll think about it.


Look, I know what
you're gonna say.


Because I don't
know where to start.

Maybe we should
let them talk alone.

Look, I know that
this seems crazy.

This is crazy.

It is completely insane.

The system is rigged to
support this patriarchal bullshit.

Well, I'm not gonna let Shaun
or that sanctimonious judge

make my decisions.

This is my family, my life.

They have no right!

I-I hear you,

but you can't beat
the system this way.

Be smart.

My dad is dying!


Listen to me.

Not only would
catching that flight

be a breach of your court order,

but leaving the country
without Shaun's consent...

It's child abduction.

I can't abduct my own daughter.

The courts will disagree.

You will lose custody of her.

Do you get that?

You'll go to prison!

How much good do
you think you'll be to Talia

from a jail cell?


She... she needs you.

What if we don't come home?

I won't go to prison

if Talia and I stay
in Germany for good.

You're not thinking straight.

I want to support you, but...

This is my line.

Do you understand?

How are you feeling?


About the trip?

No. I'm not scared to
go to Germany anymore.

What are you scared of?

To tell my mom I got vaccinated.

Talia's all up-to-date
on her vaccinations.

Elaine found a flight that
leaves tomorrow night.

Are you okay with that?

Do I have a choice?

How the hell did Talia
forge our signatures so well?

Listen, man, um,

thank you for everything.

I hope I never see
you again. No offense.

None taken.

So, are we going
to discipline our son?

You mean after that
punishing suspension

he's already endured?



- I'm a bit proud.
- Mm-hmm.

But if he ever tries to
forge one of our signatures,

he's a dead boy.

Ah! I have to admit,

between Sofia and
Charles manson kid,

now Nico's new-found
rebellious streak.

I am struggling to
keep on top of it all.

Single parenting's impossible.

Single parenting?
That's a bit of a stretch.

I've had Nico all week.


And thank you.

No problem.

I love seeing so much of him.

Maybe it's time to adjust
the parenting agreement.

That would be great.

♪ I'm feelin' blessed

♪ I'm feelin' blessed

nice shot to finish
'em off, babe.


Hey, you!

I didn't know you
were in the league.

Um, we just joined.

Asha, this is my wife.


Hi. Nice to meet you.

So how do you two
know each other?

Just... the community.

You know. Around.

Well, it was...
Nice to meet you.

Gotta dash. Night shift.

♪ Queenie, queenie

♪ don't drop the ball

♪ queenie, queenie

♪ don't drop the ball

♪ queenie, queenie
don't drop the ball ♪

♪ down come baby
cradle and all ♪

♪ queenie, queenie

so you're married, huh?

I should've told you.

♪ Queenie, queenie
don't drop the ball ♪

♪ down come baby
cradle and all ♪

We can't keep doing this.

I really want to make
my marriage work, asha.

And I respect that.

I really do.

But we should probably
say goodbye properly,

don't you think?

♪ Queenie, queenie
don't drop the ball ♪

♪ queenie, queenie

that washroom is filthy.

A filthy washroom
for a filthy girl.

♪ Down come
baby cradle and all ♪

♪ Screamin' from the
kettle knockin' at the door ♪

♪ baby kicked the
bucket full of suds ♪

♪ on the floor

♪ rain starts fallin'
clothes on the line ♪

♪ "what's a stay-at-home
mama do with all that time?" ♪

♪ queenie, queenie
don't drop the ball ♪

♪ queenie, queenie

♪ don't drop the ball

♪ queenie, queenie
don't drop the ball ♪

♪ down come baby
cradle and all ♪