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01x09 - Blame It on the Mother

Posted: 02/13/24 13:21
by bunniefuu
And may contain
mature subject matter.

Viewer discretion is advised.

Previously, on family law...

Maybe it's time to adjust
the parenting agreement.

That would be great.

Dad raised me on his
own when mom died.

How old were you
when she passed away?


Apologies for
interrupting the party.

I was very impressed
with your law firm,

so I've hired Harry to
represent me in my divorce.


I should never have proposed.

We can't get married.

I want to offer you an
eat-what-you-k*ll deal.

You get to keep 50%

of everything you
bring into the firm.

I'll think about it.

I'm glad we could get
together, the four of us.

Your mom and I have some news.

- You're getting a divorce?
- No.

You're coming home?

Not yet, peanut.

We're gonna
do week on, week off.

You'll spend one with
me, one with mom.


That sucks. Well, it does!

Now we're going to be going
back and forth all the time.

I got a zero on my
French homework

because you left it
at Jo-Jo's on Sunday.

I left it?

Now stuff like that's
gonna happen even more.

mathematically speaking,

it'll happen less

just 'cause you'll be
in one place longer.

And how am I
supposed to see Justin

if I'm trapped way over there?

I seem to remember he
found his way to Jo-Jo's

- quite easily.
- Abby.

You'll still get to
see your friends.

And what about volleyball?

I'll have to get
up at, like, 5:00

for practices.

I have fencing on Tuesdays.

And Thursdays
are my trivia club.

We need to work
out logistics, but...

You know, I'm so sick of this.

Just 'cause you ruined
your life does not mean

you get to screw up ours.

One thing I bet you didn't know

is that soy can
delay puberty in girls.

Guess it's too late.

"Eat what you k*ll"?

Seriously, dude?

More money, fewer headaches.

Please. It's a
consolation prize.

I thought you wanted your
name on the letterhead?

We're gonna revisit
partnership down the line.


"Eat what you k*ll"

is what senior
partners offer guys

who aren't good enough to
be invited to the dinner table.

That's not what this is.

You know, I've been
meaning to ask...

mind if I swipe right?

Mind if I piss in
your water bottle?

Too soon?


How're you doing?

You'd think it'd get easier.

I know. I miss
her, too. Every day.

This week, leading up, I...

It takes the wind
out of you, doesn't it?

I had Jerri clear
my Friday morning.

I'll get the flowers.

I will see all
three of you tonight.

I'll be there.

Harry's ego doesn't
need any more inflating.


He's not even gonna notice...


Yeah, I'm not going.

You are.

If not for Harry, for me.

I'll come for his speech,
but I'm not staying for drinks.

Uh, mister... Daniel?

Ms. Creedy and Mrs.
Vanderhausen are here.

Put them in the
boardroom, please.

I'm hoping we can
keep them out of court.

Of course you are.

Why would you want to
make any real money?

Good morning.

Trish creedy,

Kim vanderhausen, this
is my junior associate,

Abigail Bianchi.

Daniel tells me

your mother is suing
you for parental support.

She's not getting a dime.

She made her
bed, she can lie in it.

Our mother was physically
and psychologically abusive.

Oh, she still is. She's cold...

manipulative, vindictive.

Mean. She's just mean.

See this?

She did that.

Threw a toy at her when
she was two years old,

'cause she wouldn't stop crying.

Now she thinks
somehow we owe her,

after everything
she's put us through.

What about your father?

He died before I was born.

- Maybe if he'd been around...
- No, nothing would've changed.

She's a monster.


Carole creedy is
here with her lawyer.

Hello, Trish.

You look well.


How are my grandkids?

♪ You can't prove it

♪ uh-oh

♪ you got nothing legit

♪ uh-oh

♪ the glove don't fit

♪ uh-oh

♪ you gotta acquit

♪ uh-oh

♪ the charges
won't stick 'cause ♪

♪ I ain't no sucker

♪ ain't your lollipop

♪ but

♪ you can kiss my sweet

♪ uh-huh

♪ never gonna stop
never gonna stop ♪

♪ never gonna stop

♪ you can't prove it

♪ uh-oh

my, uh, client, uh, needs
h-help with the, uh...



She doesn't have enough
to cover her basic, uh...

"Necessities of life."


Then maybe she
moves to a cheaper city.

My life is here, close
to family and friends.

What family and friends?

You've alienated everyone.

I know we'd all like to
find a reasonable solution.

I'm not asking for much.

Just a small helping hand.

Tell them, Clark.

Where was that helping
hand when we were kids?

You never showed
us any affection.

You bullied us, undermined us.

Right, Kim?

You had a good,
but strict, upbringing.

I kept a roof over your
head, shoes on your feet.

You treated us like
indentured servants!

One Christmas, we
both asked for Barbies.

Oh, here we go.

Why do you always have
to bring up that Christmas?

She bought one Barbie.

Whoever did more chores
that day could keep it.

And after we'd spent
the day cleaning,

she ripped the doll's head
off, threw it in the fireplace,

because we were both
"spoiled little brats".

I was at my wit's end.

There were bills piling up.

I was working three jobs.

I always did the best
I could for you girls.

That was your best?

Have you explained
to your client

that the law regarding
parental support

was repealed,

and that her only recourse is
by making a claim in equity?

Uh, w-well...

And if she takes this
to court, she will lose,

because "he who comes to
equity, must come with clean hands."

Right, yeah, the, uh,
"clean hands," um...

It's also highly
unlikely you'll win

because you already receive

a government pension
and old age security.

Is that true, Clark?

I think it would be,
uh, better if we could...

Come up with a
compromise here today?

You want our money?

Take us to court.

I expected this from you, Trish,

but not from my sweet Kimmy.

I can't afford to go to court.

You heard them. She won't win.


This might cheer you up.

Been holding on to it for you.

Sorry we haven't had a
chance to see each other

since I got back.

Is this the bag you
bought last year?

Yeah, you said you loved it.

I treated myself to
a new one in Milan.

Wow. Thanks.

Thanks for trying.

Abby will be in touch with
you to prep you for court.

That lawyer of hers, Clark...

I don't think his
testicles have dropped.

What judge is gonna
hear that Barbie story

and make them pay?

Carole should be paying
them for lifelong therapy.

Yeah, the Barbie
thing wasn't flattering,

but come on.

She was raising
two kids on her own,

juggling three jobs...

She must've been exhausted.

You don't know,

you don't have kids.

And if I did,

I wouldn't expect
them to support me,

especially if I ruined
their childhoods.

Did you take my yogurt again?


I-I'm just saying,
she probably did

the best she could
with the tools she had.

Every parent has ugly moments.


Yours was on YouTube.


To be fair,

you didn't exactly have
the best role model.

Well, still had my mom.


We heard the stories...

Joanne teaching you to
mix a mean Manhattan

when you were seven.

I heard the stories

of your mother having sex
with my mother's husband.

And your mother having
sex with his mother's husband.

Oh, my god!

You both have the
emotional intelligence of a tick.

There's only two
things we need to prove.

One, Carole's
hands are not clean.

Two, Trish and Kim can't afford

to support themselves
and their mother.

Jerri, I need you to
look over my speech.

Oh, hey!

Just the man I wanted to see.

It's Nina's birthday on Friday
and I want to surprise her.

Surely, there must be
someone else who can help you.

Oh, no, no, no,
no. This is perfect.

I mean, my little
girl's turning 22...

who better to make
her feel special

than the big boss man himself?

Jerri is usually
the person who...

Yeah, and Nina's gonna be back
from the washroom any second.

Let's talk in your
office. Come on.


- I have a client.
- Aw, sure, sure.

This'll just take a second.

I made a banner.
Can you believe that?

I'll bring it Thursday night
when I bring you the balloons.

I just need a
place to keep them.

Maybe you could
decorate her desk...

Essentially, we need
to show the judge

your mother was
a total nightmare,

and then we need to establish

you can't afford to make
any support payments.

That won't be a problem.

Reggie and I barely keep
our heads above water as it is.

With three kids and
a car payment, rent...

It's a struggle every month.

What about your mother?

When did things start to
go south between you?

I started dating Reggie
right after high school.

My mother called
him "the shih tzu".

- 'Cause of the business?
- No.

She thought he
looked like a shih tzu.

She said he was the
best I was gonna get

'cause I let my figure go.

I tried to ignore
all the hurtful stuff,

'cause, you know, she's
still my kids' grandmother.

What was the final straw?

She told my youngest
that she better be smart,

'cause she's fat,
like her mom...

But without the pretty face.

Come on, baby. Come on.

Come on up. Come on.

So no dependents?

Just me.

Trish, you've got a
$90,000 car in your driveway.

It's gonna be hard to argue

you can't afford to
support your mother.

Just because I've worked hard
and been smart with my money

doesn't mean she's
entitled to any of it.

Oh, i-I'm not saying she is.

I'm saying

leave the Prada bag at home

when we go in
front of the judge.

We'll focus on proving

she doesn't deserve
your support.


In third grade,

when Jamie bonner slammed
my head into a metal pole,

she said it must've
been my fault

because I was "too mouthy".

When I was 11,

she dragged me

out of my friend's
slumber party by my ear,

because I hadn't given
her my babysitting money.

Oh, I've got plenty of proof.

How much time do you have?

We are always

looking for new ways
to cultivate opportunities

for the best and brightest

incoming students,
regardless of...

- Where is Abigail?
- Their financial situation.

svensson shares this vision.

He's served on the board
of our alumni committee,

hired articling students
from our law school,

and continued to
champion the expansion of...

You were right.

- Our uniquely progressive...
- Carole's truly awful.


The gap between Kim
and Trish's incomes

is a chasm.

- Please join me in...
- Doesn't matter.

We just need to
establish Carole's not...

- Quiet!
- Shh!

Mr. Harry svensson.

Thank you. Thank
you, chancellor,

for that very, very
kind introduction.

This fine institution

gave me the training I needed

to build the thriving law firm

I've helmed for
over three decades.

I'm aware of this privilege.

For too long,

our profession has
closed doors to women.

Today, I am delighted

to endow my Alma
mater with the funds

to offer an annual

Harry svensson
entrance scholarship

to a promising
female law student.


When I was a student here,

I had heard about wreck beach

and all the natural
wonders of the student body

on full display.

I want to tell you,

that left something
to be desired.

My classmates
were almost all men!

He's going off-script.

Now I look out and see

all these bright,
accomplished women,

and it fills me with
hope for the future and...

More than a little envy

that I'm not a
student here today.

- Oh, Harry...
- But let's talk about...

- Maybe no one will notice.
- Hope for the future,

because that's
really why I'm here.

- What...
- Thank you so much.

I'm just gonna to finish up.

I just want to say, before i...

Hey. Stop it.

Stop it.

You know, I...

I had...

Well, it was, you know,
my old h halcyon days.

I mean, I was...

"A scholarship for women

named after a misogynist.

Hashtag 'no irony there'."


"Boomer solution
to high tuition costs...

Look good naked for a
creepy, old white guy."

'Kay, I know you're loving this,

but you don't have to
read them all out loud.

I don't even think
what he said is that bad,

but it sure is fun to
look at the carnage.


Hey, sofe. How are ya?

I can't talk. We're
gonna be late.

Uh, okay, could you
just put your dad on the...


She's just trying to get
out the door for school.

Hi. You've reached
frank Bianchi.

Please leave a message.

Hey, frank.

Did you get that
email from our tenants

about moving out?

Just wanna run
something past you.

Call me back.

Do not tell me that
you're suggesting

that you live in
your own basement.

It's a garden suite.

And it would make
things easier for the kids.

You paid for that house!

You know what?

I got to go.

I have a therapy
appointment before work.

Well, don't let her make
it all about your mother.

She was teaching me fractions...

sweet vermouth...

It's not like I was
drinking them.

I just liked the cherries!

Why does everyone assume

the mother is the
root of all problems

and a father who babysits
his own kids gets a medal?

I'm wondering,

are we talking
about your mother?

Were you not listening?

Is it possible your
brother's comment...


Is it possible

his comment about
joanne was especially acute

because of your
interaction with Sofia?

She said you are
"screwing up" her life?

Yeah, along with the
rest of the family's.

No matter what I do,

she just won't let me
make up for my mistakes.

I'm, uh, defending
these two sisters.

They detest their mother.

And if you could
hear the stories...

I mean, I know I'm not
winning "parent of the year,"

but compared to this woman...

Sounds like

the case is triggering
some of your own fears.

Yeah, I keep thinking, "is
that gonna be me and Sofia?"

"I want to thank god,

my parents, and Harry svensson.

He says I have
all the right assets

to become a 'lady lawyer'."

That's so mean.

Mr. Svensson's not a bad guy.

He's just like my
grampy, you know?

Bit of a dinosau... oh!

Good morning, Mr. Svensson!

Great to see you, sir.



You need to apologize, Harry.

Before it gets worse.

You're making a
mountain out of a molehill.

Right, Danny?

What you said was
inappropriate and offensive.

Oh, spare me your wokeness.

At the very least, it was
completely tone deaf.

And you should've known better.

I'm not going to
dignify all this nonsense

with some pathetic mea culpa.

I referred to them as "bright,
accomplished women."


Then you had us
imagine them naked.

I know you have work to do

because I don't pay
you to lecture me.

When I was 15, she
locked me in the basement.

I trust it was heated?


No. It was dark,
cold, a cement floor.

I was down there for a week

with nothing but a
moldy sleeping bag.

- What about food?
- Twice a day,

she'd leave a glass of water

and a Bologna sandwich
at the top of the stairs.

You must have had a washroom.

Just a bucket.

Can you please

explain to the court how
that experience affected you?

I developed a profound
phobia of spiders.

And also a pretty
serious drug habit,

that took 10 years

and the love and support
of my sister to overcome.

And how did your mother respond

when she learned
you were an addict?

She kicked me out.

How old were you?

Turned her back on you.

Left you to fend for
yourself on the streets

- with nothing.
- Objection.




Ms. Creedy,

is it safe to say your
mother abandoned you

- when you needed her the most?
- Yes.

Objection, your honour. Uh...

Uh, he's leading the witness?

Sustained. Watch
yourself, counsel.

Apologies, your honour.

My mother put me
in beauty pageants.

How old were you?


Did you enjoy competing
in these pageants?

I liked winning.

Never keep the
prize money, though.

Why not?

My mom said we
needed it for rent and food.

What happened when
you wanted to quit?

She wouldn't let me.

But you did stop,

when you were 12, is that right?

I couldn't talk
back to my mother

or tell her how I felt,

so I just started eating

and I gained enough weight
to make sure I would never win.

And how did your
mother respond to that?

She padlocked the fridge.

Once, she caught me
stealing a box of crackers.

Did she punish you?

Spank you

with a wooden
spoon so you couldn't

sit down for a week?

That was the beginning

of your lifelong eating
disorder, correct?


I know that was
hard, but you did great.

I feel bad saying all
that stuff about her

in front of strangers.

You were just stating the facts.

I know, but it feels... wrong.

Hey, listen to me.

We're protecting ourselves.

Why don't you go
grab some lunch?

We'll meet you
back here at 2:00.

Harry svensson!

Can I get your side of the
story for the campus paper?

No. K-Keep walking.

You... you want a statement?


I have always been a
staunch supporter of women.

I know how important it
is to level the playing field.

When did we, as a society,

decide it was no
longer appropriate

to recognize beauty?

Am I not supposed
to find the model

on that poster attractive?

Of course I am!

The marketing team
is counting on it!

Now, let me ask you something.

When you dress up to go out...

Mrs. Vanderhausen,
before the break,

we were talking about

how your mother alienated
your husband and children...

Oh, for heaven's sake!

She's putting
words in her mouth.

Right. Objection!

Just get on with
it, Ms. Bianchi.


What do you believe

is the root cause of
your estrangement?

I wouldn't call it

W-Would it be fair to say

you and your mother have
not been on good terms

for several years?

We've had our differences.

But I know how
hard it was for her.

My sister and I weren't
always the easiest.

Maybe she wasn't the best,
but she's still our mother.

Please, Trish, we have
to do the right thing.

What the hell was that?

We were all on the
same team before lunch.

I'm sorry.

I saw her outside.

Mom got to you, didn't she?

Same old sob story
about how broke she is.

No! I didn't even talk to her.

But she's lost so much weight.

I don't think she's been eating.

She made her choices.

Two grand a month
would be nothing to you!

- That's not the point.
- Reggie and I

have three kids to feed.

You fly business
class to Italy every year.

I'll be the one on the
hook for this, not you.

You said that we
were in this together.

You just threw me under the bus!

All you care about

is your expensive
clothes and your shoes.

I don't want your hand-me-downs.

It's Prada.

Keep your eyes peeled for me

on a major cable
network in coming months.

That's all I can share for now.

Let's get to what's happening
to poor Harry svensson,

one of our city's

most well-respected litigators.

You see, the social
justice warriors

have their knickers in a knot

over a joke he made in a speech.

For goodness sake, people!

The man is making a
substantial charitable donation,

and now he's under attack

for daring to be a
red-blooded male.

It was a joke. Okay?


Svensson and associates.

Dad, the last thing you need

is crystal Steele
coming to your defense.

Would you like to reschedule?

I'll let him know.
Have a great day!

Uh, Mr. Svensson?

Madison Danvers just cancelled.

She says that her brand

can't be associated with
a perceived misogynist.

No offense.

"No offense"?

Oh, I added that last bit.


People are gonna think you
share her backwards values.

I happen to agree
with her in this instance.

You can still fix this.

Distance yourself from
crystal and apologize.

No. You know what
happens the minute I say

anything remotely apologetic?

The moral crusaders smell
blood and get all worked up again

into their little frenzy
of self-righteousness.

We have to
save dad from himself.

Preferably before he takes
the whole firm down with him.

I've tried. I can't
get through to him.

We need professional help.

Someone who's skilled in
reframing the conversation.

I'll call her.

Okay... is that a good idea?

Daniel can put on
his big-boy pants.

I tried my best to
raise my daughters right.

I was on my own after
their father passed.

And what happened
to your husband?

He was in the special forces,

god rest him.

Some hush-hush
military operation.

I had a toddler

and a baby on the
way when I lost him.

And how old were you then?

Uh, no job.

I-I dropped out of high
school in grade eight.

Uh, that must have put
you under a lot of stress.



Uh, withdrawn,
withdrawn. Sorry. Uh...

You probably want

to know why I locked
Trish in the basement.

Yes! That... that would
be helpful, thank you.

I know it sounds harsh,

but I didn't know
what else to do.

Trish was running
around with a drug dealer.

I didn't want to
see her drop out,

like I did...

End up pregnant and broke.

Ahem! And, uh, ahem,

what happened when you
opened the basement door

and let her out?

She took off.

Moved in with the cokehead

and lost three
years of her life,

and I spent every penny I had

paying for Trish to
go through rehab.

She sent me this card...

Just before she
got out of rehab.

She wrote, "dear mom",

I'm sorry for everything
I put you through.

Thank you for supporting me

and getting me
the help I needed.

"I'm gonna pay you back..."

"Every cent."

I did everything for my girls.

I wasn't perfect.

But don't I deserve their help

after all the sacrifices I made?

Uh, n-no further questions.

It was part of rehab...

I was making amends,
and it was over 30 years ago.

Doesn't matter.
It still hurt us.

Not as much as Kim's 180.

This was a slam dunk.

The judge could decide

your mom's entitled
to something.

We might want to
consider settling.

We can win this.

Precedent is on our side
and her lawyer's a disaster.

Excuse me. I have
an appointment.

I would rather spend
everything I have on legal bills

than give her a cent.

Okay. Okay.

Uh, was your dad
army, Navy, or air force?

Army, I think.

I just have that
one photo of him.

You don't know where
he was stationed?

Kim and I used to daydream
he wasn't really dead...

He was on some
secret spy mission

and, one day, he'd
break down the door

and rescue us.

So you don't remember
anything at all about him?

After my mom
threw that toy at me...

I remember him cradling
me in the back of a cab,

taking me to the hospital,

holding a towel to my head,

and he was singing
"hush, little baby."

Can I borrow your photo of him?

Good news, dude.

Danielle pulled her profile.

Did she?

You knew that.
You've been creeping.

You just dropped a
hundred bucks on lunch

and this is what you
wanted to talk about?

Okay. Cold, hard truth.

Your dad's never
gonna make you partner.

I mean, no offense
to the old man, but...

Pitch me.

You got until the gelato cart.

Pick your own clients.

I do that already.

You can hand off the
junk files to juniors.

Oh, I give those to Abby.

Guaranteed partner before 40.

Then there's the
arbutus club membership,

the Vancouver golf club,
the expense account...

Look, I can give you a
million reasons to join our firm,

but as your friend...

I'm telling you, it's
time to jump ship.

Ever want to rise to the bench,

you gotta ditch
your dad and sister.



Being associated
with the drunk defender

and the lecherous litigator

isn't doing you any favours.

Oh. I guess I'm done.

Keep going.

I mention our last firm
retreat was in The Bahamas?

I got your favourite...

Cheeseburger, extra pickles.

Before you sh**t down my idea?

There's no way I'm gonna let you

live in the basement suite.

Hey, I paid for
half of that house.

Let's alternate weeks.

Whoever has the kids
stays upstairs with them.


Or we could all stay upstairs.


All right, worth a shot.

But who knows what
might happen if we...

Leave the basement
door unlocked.


- Hey.
- Hi! Uh...

Are we still on for tomorrow?

Lucy-goosey, of course.


The university wants to take
your name off the scholarship.

Dad, just apologize!

They're suggesting

"merit entrance award".

Do those boneheads really
think they get to take my money

without any recognition?

They assume you want to
make amends for your speech.

You can still salvage this.


Get those ball-less wonders
on the phone right now!

Kowtowing to every

Oh, my god. That word
has r*cist overtones.

Oh, for Christ's sake!

The word comes
from imperial China.

It means to show subservience,

to grovel,

which is exactly what
I expect the chancellor

and her gutless
band of toadies to do

when I tell them I'm putting a
stop payment on that cheque!



You look... great.

I didn't expect...

Do you want to grab
some coffee or...?

In what universe would
I be here to see you?


Thank god, you're here.

The man is entrenched.

If Trish's father
was k*lled in the line of duty,

Carole would be
entitled to death benefits,

so find out which branch
of military he served in

- and for how long.
- Why are we helping Carole?

We're not.

If we can prove she's
been stashing money,

the case falls apart.

"Jim creedy, 1968."

Not much to go on.

Low blow, Abby, even for you.

Thank you?

You could've asked me
before hiring Danielle.

I was far from alone
in making that decision.

And in case you haven't noticed,

Harry keeps digging
himself deeper

and somebody's gotta
take away his shovel.

There are dozens of other
spin doctors in the city.

She's the best, and you know it.

And you broke off
the engagement.

Why should she lose work?

Knock next time.

Mr. Svensson,

I know your heart
was in the right place

and you would never
do or say anything

intentionally demeaning
towards women.

The money is for a woman
to help pay for law school,

- for crying out loud.
- The recipient is posting

about whether or not

she can accept the
money in good conscience.

Oh, come on!

And while this backlash

seems disproportionate
to your comments,

your brand has suffered damage.

How many clients have you lost?

One, but...

Three cancellations,

two reschedules.

Are you familiar with the
journalist Sandra Dell?

The militant feminist

who believes
middle-aged white men

are the root of all evil?


Great. You're having
breakfast with her tomorrow

at her favourite
vegan restaurant.

I will not.

Mr. Svensson,

I'll be blunt.

If you have any other
skeletons in your closet...

An office romance
that went south,

an off-colour joke,

a barista you shared
a flirty chat with...

I don't want to see your
name on the "shitty men list".

This is your script.

You stick to it,

you'll not only survive,

you'll come out
stronger than ever.

You were far from
the perfect mother.

Uncalled for.

But thank you for not
padlocking the fridge

or trapping me in the basement.

You're doing that
all by yourself.

Have you told the kids?

Not yet.

I'm sure Sofia's gonna
find a way to hate the idea.

Oh, she's 13.

It's her job to criticize you.


It doesn't mean I like
the way she's treating you.

I was never like that.

Do the words...

anyone finds out we're related,

I'll k*ll myself"

ring a bell?

Did I really say that?

I didn't take it personally.

I'm sorry.

As if it wasn't hard enough
being a single parent

after Harry left.

Oh, please. You were
developing your independence,

which is exactly
what Sofia's doing.

Mothers and daughters...

A terrifying tale
as old as time.


Hi, Cecil.

I found Jim creedy's
military record.

And his death certificate, too.


Mrs. Creedy,

you told us your husband
was in the special forces,

that he died

in the line of duty

serving his country.

That's right.

I'd like to introduce
into evidence

Jim creedy's military record.

That's got nothing to do
with any of this. Clark, object!

Uh, uh, uh...

Objection! Irrelevant?

That's up to me, counsel.

I'll allow it.

Jim creedy was no w*r hero.

Far from it.

He was an alcoholic.

The army kicked him
out after he served a year.

He died in a
drunk-driving accident

six years ago.

Uh, y-your honour,

what does any of this
have to do with our...

With anything?

Our dad only died six years ago?

Mrs. Creedy grossly
mischaracterized her husband.

How can we believe
any of her testimony?

You're worse than I thought,
keeping him from us...

No wonder he left you.

He didn't leave. I left him!

I ran! In the
middle of the night!

He came home pissed, again.

Tripped over one of your
toys and threw it at you so hard,

I thought he'd k*lled you!

I rushed you to the
hospital in a cab.

Sang while you wailed...

And after
they stitched you up...

I did not go back.

I got on a greyhound
bus out west.

Why not tell your
daughters the truth?

Why protect him all these years?

I wasn't protecting him.

My mother ran off
when I was three.

Left me behind

with my daddy...

Who never believed I was his.

I knew what it was like

growing up with a father
who didn't want me...

And I was not

gonna let my girls think...

Their daddy didn't want them.

You think I should settle.

- Yes.
- No.

Nothing she says changes
how she treated me.

Our relationship is dead.

But what about your sister?

If you make the
payments, you can focus on

repairing the relationship
that matters to you.

Or you can let the judge
rule, probably in our favour,

and you won't
have to pay a thing.

My whole life,

I grew up thinking
my dad was a Saint,

and that if he hadn't died,

my sister and I
would've had love.

Now I guess I'm just the
product of two monsters.

I seem to remember

you mocking me when
I wanted her to settle.

And I seem to remember
you caring about your clients

more than racking
up billable hours.

Look. We can keep
dragging this out,

but do you really want
to see that old woman

end up in the gutter,
eating cat food?

So what's good here?


I should say

that this is on me.

That would be inappropriate.

Right. Okay.

We'll go Dutch.

Not that I'm saying
Dutch citizens are stingy.

I find their culture to
be highly equitable,

Ms. Dell.

Sandra's fine.


I-I deeply regret

the remarks I made
earlier this week.

It was never my
intention to offend,

and yet I hold myself
solely responsible

for how hurtful my
comments were,

especially towards women.

It's been a hard lesson for me,

but an important one.

Times have changed,

much for the better,

and I intend to change, too.

In fact, I've organized

a sensitivity
seminar for my firm

to increase our awareness
of gender issues.

Now, do you mind if I tuck into
this delicious tofurkey burrito?


$2,000 a month in support.

Judge fraiberg is
satisfied with the claim,

and the settlement is resolved.

What am I supposed
to do with those?

Cash them.

I have to bus down to the
bank every month on my Walker?

I can drive you.

It's a pain in the ass.

I'll probably just
lose 'em anyway.

What if Trish e-transfers
the funds every month,

directly to your account?

The Internet?

That's just asking
to be robbed blind.


I'm not sure you or your
client wants to go back to court.

Give me a minute.

Please don't
make me go back to court.

She wants you to
hand-deliver them every month.

She said that?

It's not just about
the money, Trish.

She wants to see you.


Nothing is ever enough for her.

Tell her she can forget it.

Think about what it took

for her to keep that secret.

Every time you and Kim
made some comment

about your saintly father,

she bit her tongue.

She loves you,

even if she has a
terrible way of showing it.

Could you just give
her this one, small thing?

W-What if Kim went with you

to deliver the cheques?

Sorry to interrupt.

Uh, Ms. Bianchi,

you left your purse
in the washroom.


Love you, mom.


You have to try a
piece of this cake.

It's carrot,

just like my mom used to make.

Oh, I am so sorry. This
must be so weird for you.

I know you're missing
your mom today.

It's fine, Nina. Really.

It's strangely comforting.

My mom loved parties.

She'd always bake
me my favourite...

Angel food cake...

Even on her own birthday.

My mom did that, too.

Our moms are
here with us in spirit.

We still have our awesome dads!

Where were you this morning?

I waited for over an hour.

Oh, Lucy, I'm so sorry.

I-I got caught up
with that reporter.

There's a lot going on.

Please, can we go
together this weekend?

Of course.

Harry! Where's your hat?

Here it is!

Ohh! That's so much better.

Did you see what I got
Nina for her birthday?

A DNA kit.

Here's hoping we find
some long-lost relatives.

Or maybe that we're
part neanderthal.

Wouldn't be surprised.

Danielle. What's up?

Mr. Svensson?

I just got the
professional courtesy

of a heads-up from Sandra Dell.

This is the article she's
going to run tomorrow.

And before you ask,

yes, I did everything I could
to try to talk her out of it.

W-What's the problem?

Did you stick to
Danielle's script?

Word for word. It
was a great interview.

Except for the part

where you're
dating crystal Steele.


I didn't tell her that.

Please tell me this was a joke.

It's none of her
business who I'm...

Is it true?

I can tell

that you're all upset

and I don't want to invalidate
anyone's feelings, but...

Oh, Harry.

You... you can't judge
her by her online persona.

When you get to know her...

Harry, I'll continue to
manage this office...

But you can make your
own dinner reservations.

Thank you for making this
decision easy for me, dad.

I quit.


Looks like a glitter-b*mb
went off in reception.

What are you doing here?

I thought you
were on shift today.

I wanted to bring
this to you first.


Dug out your mom's old recipe.

Oh, hey...

It's okay.

I know how hard today is.

No, it's... it's not that.

It's just...

when the world turns to shit,
you're always there for me.

Of course.

That's the deal.

I've been such a flake.

I don't know what
I was so afraid of.

You're my family, mags.

I love you.

I know.

Let's do it.

Let's have a baby.

- Hi!
- Hi.

Sofia's favourite sweatshirt.

She left it at Jo-Jo's.

I wanted to avoid a
category-5 meltdown.

You found it? Oh, my god!
You're the best mom ever!

Do you have dinner plans?

Last night's takeout.

I just made enough
bolognese to feed an army.

We could share the
new plan with the kids.

What new plan?

I'd love to.

♪ Let's get the kid gloves out ♪

♪ let the love come easy

♪ let it handle us
oh, so tenderly ♪

♪ you gotta handle
it with kid gloves ♪

♪ oh, we don't need
to throw down ♪

♪ baby, let it be easy

♪ I wanna do whatever
comes to us naturally ♪

♪ when it's precious
like this love ♪

♪ when it's precious
like this love... ♪

♪ When it's precious
like this love ♪

♪ you gotta handle
it with kid gloves ♪

♪ kid-kid-kid gloves