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01x01 - Leeli & The Sea Dragon Song

Posted: 02/13/24 17:54
by bunniefuu
[♪ musical swirl ♪]

[crows squawking]

[water splashes]

[Black Carriage creaking]

[lantern squeaking]

[metal clanking]

[horses galloping quickly]

[horses neighing]

[horses galloping quickly]

[feet landing]

[slam of door]
[evil growl]

[feet dragging on dirt]

[crows squawking]

[metal door clangs]

[horses neighing
as they're whipped]

[Black Carriage
jostles back and forth]

[crows squawking]

[insects buzzing]

[flips page]

[paper rustling]

[soft sigh]

[trees rustling in breeze]

[deep inhale]




[deep inhale]

[deep inhale]

[sigh of relief]


-[digtoad croaks]

Whoa, the bumpy digtoad!

[digtoad continues croaking]

[Janner] Stabbish elbows...

hoppy hinderparts...

[digtoad croaks]

Gum, gulp, and swallow
anything it can catch.



[digtoad croaks]


[wood bending]

[arrow whistling through air]



[wood bending]

[wood bending]

[wood bending]
[arrow whistling]

[doink] [doink]

-[enraged moooo]

[Tink] Uh-oh.

Whoo. Ooh.

Never knew a digtoad
would be that big.


[Janner] A fazzle dove!

[gurgling squawk]

[Janner] Cute.

Wary look in the eye.

[fazzle dove's stomach gurgling]


[fazzle dove's stomach gurgling]

[fazzle dove farting]


[distant sounds of yelling]


[Tink] Run. Toothy cow!

[hooves running]
[cow groaning]

Toothy cow!

[angry mooing]


Over here!



[toothy cow bites]

I think he likes me.

[angry mooing and kicking]

[Tink] Well... likes the taste
of me anyway.

Look at the giant
fangs on that thing!

The toothy cow.

It uses its long tail
to distract its prey

before pouncing!
-[angry mooing]


Its toothiness is hideous,
and most dreadfully deadly.

And its bulbous eyes
disorient hapless travelers

with its crazed
and malicious gleam!

[angry mooing]

Malicious gleam?

Does that mean
you can eat it?


[angry mooing]

We could be
stuck up here

for the rest
of our lives!

Wait... what do
toothy cows eat?

Well... Pembrick's Creaturepedia
says they'll eat people, ew,

pricklethorns, squeeblins,
-[angry mooing]




[angry mooing]

-[throwing grunt from Tink]
-[hooves trotting]


[hooves trotting]

[Janner] I'll throw it farther.


[light hooves trot]


[angry mooing]

I've got a better idea.


You know how much
trouble you'll be in

if you're caught with that?

More trouble than
being trapped up in a tree

by a toothy cow?

Good point.

Just try to get it
into the woods.

-[toothy cow growls]

[arrow whizzing]
[hooves trotting]

[Janner] Uh, now!

[feet thumping on ground]
You better leave the bow.

[whistleharp playing]

[rocking chair creaking]

[whistleharp playing]

Leeli girl,
how about something

with a little more giddy-up?

Like a pirate shanty?!

Maybe the one about
Squidbelly the Wide?

Aye, that's perfect.

[whistleharp playing
Squidbelly the Wide]

[dog barking]

[whistleharp playing]

[barking continues]

[dog groaning]


[Leeli] Uh oh.

Nugget found more thwaps.

Oh, for the last time,
if I have any say in it.

Straight off the cliff,
the lot of 'em--


Fine, I'll
let 'em live.


I'll help you bag 'em.

I don't know what I'd
do without ya, lass.

-[flies buzzing]
-[hand squishing maggotloaf]

-[flies buzzing]
-[worm squirming]

[groaning from the smell]

[chest squeaks]

-[thwap smacks into window]

[thwap peels off window
and falls into bushes]

[dog barking]

[thwap snickering and hissing]

[thwap snickering]

[dog sniffing]


[hitting groan]


[Nia] Missed one.

Ha! Not with you
around, we didn't.

I'd love to have an actual
totatoe harvest this year.


I hope you get
all of them this time.

We will, Mama!

[Nia] Ah Boys!
You're on dinner duty.

-Super tasty-- er, hungry.

-[leaves rustling]


Got 'im!




[dishes clinking]

-[dishes clinking]

-[rusty oven door squeaks]

-[smacks hand]

[Nia] For what we receive
from the Maker,

may we be truly grateful.

We are.

Let's eat!

Buzzard Willie says
he spotted a Toothy Cow

roamin' the forest edge.

You boys keep
a keen eye out.

Yes, sir.

[slurps soup]

[unbelieving groan]

Everyone excited
for the festival tomorrow?

Dragon Day!

I can't wait for
the sacky-tack races!

And handyball!

I can't wait to hear
the dragons sing.

Their songs make
me feel so...

Dragon songs fill people
with many feelings, sweetie.

Lot of hubbub
over nothing,

Dragon Day is...
-[pounding on the door]

[family quiets]

Janner, did you
return it like I asked?

Well, I meant to.

S'alright, lad.

I'll deal with 'em.

[ominous music begins]

[door opens]


[Brak] You...



Igiby's are my kin.


Ya didn' turn
in the hacker.

Second weapons
vi-OH-lation, you sleaze.

Apologies, masters.

One w*apon, formerly
known as a garden hoe.


I'd love to slap
shacks on ya,

but then Slarby'd have to
drag that belly back to jail.

He's a real
plumper, alright.

You lose tool borry
privileges fer a month.

Anotha vi-OH-lation and it's
the black carriage fer ya.

Scribble yer name.

-[Slarb hisses]
-[Nugget sniffs his spear]

-[Nugget yelps]

Don't hurt him!

I'll show you
a real pair o' biters!

[Nugget barks ferociously]

-[Brak's laughter booms]
-[Slarb hisses]

Anything else,
master Fangs?


Leave the pink piggies
and their filthy mutt.

[Slarb hisses]

[thunder cracks]

[thunder cracks]

[door closes]

[thunder cracks]
[pouring rain]

[Tink] I'm faster
than Rand Blaggus now.

I bet that I'll win
the blue ribbon tomorrow

in the hop-hop-squat-hop-
run race!

[Janner] I wonder what weird
creatures the menagerie-master

will have this year?

Maybe he'll have
baby snickbuzzards!

[Tink] And after I win,

I'm gonna eat
a whole gumpkin pie.

[Janner] You do remember

there's a limit
to sweets, right?

Not on Dragon Day,
there isn't.

We can do
whatever we want!

Not 'whatever', Kalmar.

Here are your outfits.


I can't even run in those!

Please not the vest!

Everyone dresses up
for Dragon Day.

[Janner] I like the vests.

[Tink] You just want SaraCobbler

to see you looking all fancy.

[Janner] [unconvincing]
Oh, will she be there?

Dragon Day may be a day

when folks try to forget
about Fangs.

But it doesn't mean
the Fangs forget about us.

Have fun, but no
shenanigans, hmm.


Remember, you're responsible
for Leeli and Tink tomorrow.

I know.

Can't I ever have a Dragon Day
just to myself?

Heh. Someday.

But then, maybe
you'll miss it.


Goodnight, boys.

[floorboards squeaking]

[flies buzzing]

First thing I'm getting
is blueberry gooeyballs.

Lots of 'em.

Maybe they’ll have
plumyum fluffins again.

First thing we'll do

is return these
to Books & Crannies.

I'm not lugging them
around all day.

Right cuz you really need
more practice returning things.

Like, garden hoes?

Tink. Don't pester.

Does it have to be next to me?

We'll all be smelling it.

What are the rules
when you're in town?

[rote unison] Stick together,

be polite, when Fangs are mad,
stay out of sight.

Now can we go?

Yes, we can go.

-[Podo cracks the whip]
-[horse neighs]

[birds tweeting]

[waves crashing]

[coins clinking]

[the Fang grunts approvingly]

[Vop] Next!

[carriage halts]


[Gnorm belches]

[Gnorm] Jussst a moment.

Mmm, ssssshiny.

That neck-silver too.

But it was my grandmother's--


[necklace clinking]

[angry grunting]
[evil laugh]

[Vop] Next.

[chest slams down and slides]

[surprised growl]

[worms wiggle
in slimy maggotloaf]

[sniffing deeply]

[loud, sloppy chewing]

[Gnorm] Mmm.

[loud, slurping and chewing]

[Gnorm licking his fingers]

So slimy!

[Nia] I mixed in a few more
rat tails than last time,

and I dusted the spider eggs
with hogpig dandruff.

Your squirmies
got the most plumpery pop.

If you wasn't a people,
I'd almost like you.


C'mon, let's go, let's go!

I've got business
at the Gunkle's.

I'll find you later
on the Green.

[giggles] Good luck keeping
an eye on your brother.

[Janner] Tink!

[door opens
and front bell rings]

Oh! Hey, Sara.

Oh! Happy Dragon Day!

Ooh, I like your vest, Janner.

And I like your flowers, Leeli.

Oh, Thanks.

Do you want one?

How does it look?

I think it looks beautiful.

Don't you?

Um, great.

It looks great.

Uh, volume Thirteen!

-You got it!
-Have your read it?

[Janner] No, I heard it
has Fire Ivy in it, though.

[Sara] I just got
to that chapter!

[Janner] Did you know
Dragonmoles can eat it?

[Sara] It doesn't burn them?

[Janner] It's in
Pembrick's Creaturepedia.

Janner memorized
the whole book!

I'll have to read that.

Can we pleeeease go?


Have fun at Dragon Day.

You too!


[lutist performs
The Ballad of Lanric & Rube]

[straining liquid]


Singed Viver for the gentleman.

Ooo, I say!


So, Shaggy.

What's the news?


Well, it's our ninth Dragon Day

under the slimy boots
of these Fangs,

and I'm feeling it.

In my creaky knees, mostly.

Barely rolled out
of bed this morning!

I meant news from the world.

Oh, I've heard things, Podo.

Dark things.

Dark, how?

Dark like ships
with black sails,

going into the
Phoob Islands.

Dark like trolls on the move,
in the Linnard Woodlands.

Heading north.

Rumor is, Black Carriage

took three children
in Dugtown last month.

They're taking children now?

When does this nightmare end?

[sighs] No one can fight
the fangs.

No one can,
or no one will?

Well... I mean--

It ends when someone
finds the spine

to do somethin' about it.

That's when.

And where's your spine,
old timer?

Keeping me upright.

-[music stops]
-[door crashes open]

-[lutist's string pops]
-[Fang growls at the lutist]


[throws chair]

[spikes spear down on ground]

[Fang slams fist and growls]

[pours ale into cup]

[licking lips]

[glugging ale]
[smacking lips]

[Fang growls at the lutist]

[lutist begins playing
a screeching tune]

-[thumps books down]
-[Janner sighs]

Uh, Mr. Reteep!

[figure dashes past frame]

[figure dashing]

Zouzab. Zouzab.

[gentle tap]

[Zouzab munching]

Oh, Kid-Igibys.
[smack of books on bookshelf]

Ever so polite.
[smack of books on bookshelf]

And generous...

Wanna race?


[Oskar] Ah, Janner, my boy!

As the great poet and
not-so-great circus performer

Adderley Flameswallow said
"I could maybe use some help."

Oh. Well, I can
come back tomorrow.

We're kind of in a hurry
to get to Dragon Day--

Dragon Day!


I'm putting these books
in the window

to sell to festival-goers.

All of them
about sea dragons.

Do any of them say
why dragon song

makes some people act so...

Odd? Silly?

[Janner] Oh yeah.

Mayor Blaggus couldn't stop
crying for a week!

Oh, not only that.

He was so deeply moved
by the song

he promised to never again
pick his nose in public.


I'm pretty sure
that didn't work.

He made it
almost five minutes.

[both chuckle]

Sadly, the mysteries
of dragon song

have never been
fully explained.

Ah, now here's
a rare copy

of a masterwork by
Dimble the Chomped.

In it he catalogs
more than 720

distinct odors present
in dragon breath.

Burnt pudding,
troll wax, thwap burps.

Why is he called
Dimble the Chomped?

My boy, consider the
necessary proximity

of Dimble's nose

[Tink panting]

to the subjects
of his research,

and let your imagination
work it out.

-[big crash]

[trumpets blaring]

The games are starting!

-Come on!
-Come on!

We're missing Dragon Day.

I'm coming!

I'll see you soon,
Mr. Reteep!

Ah, well, here we have

Spawly Tortnouse's

to See a Dragon Eat.

I believe Dimble the Chomped
was number 411.

Oh. Well.

As Klimby Bunting said,

"Goodbye then, my young,
informal apprentice."

[crowd chattering]

-[crowd chattering continues]
-[menagerie man mumbles]

[various creatures
growl and snort]

[Pete] Igy-Feather.


[Janner] Tink.



[horns bray]

[crowd eagerly chatters
and whistles]

[game whistle blows]



[bell rings]

-[game whistle blows]

Here! Catch!

[throwing grunt]

[throwing grunt]


[crowd cheers]


[wagon wheels creak]

[wood creaks under heavy weight]

Gentlefolk of Skree,

welcome to Glipwood's
annual Dragon Day!

[slight clapping]

We are truly indebted to our
brave and magnanimous hosts,

whose presence here is ever...


I would particularly like
to acknowledge

Commander Gnorm.

Where is he?

[massive, rumbling belch]

[Mayor Blaggus]
There he is.

Thank you for your generosity
in allowing us this one day

of gladish celebration

and remembrance
of our storied history,

up to and including our
liberation at the hands...


of the Fangs whose
guidance and order

have forever changed our lives

into something so
very, very different

from what they once were.

[awkward silence]


Well, anyway.

May I present, a favorite
of towns near and far,

the one and only,

Armulyn the Bard.

[crowd claps]

My, don't you all
look beautiful!

Well, most of you anyway.

Fangs are ugly.

[Mayor Blaggus]
Well... I.

[appalled gasps]

[Fangs growl]


Can you see
the half moon rising

From the sea
so dark and wide

[painful groaning]

-[screeching static]
-♪ Far beyond ♪

That east horizon

Lies an island on the tide

Where the land
was fair and plenty

And the queen
was fairer still

And she walked beside
her noble king

On the green
of risen hill

♪ Did you see
the old sun sinking ♪


[door cracks open]

Oh, Polly.

I heard the Carriage
took your husband.

Why are you here?

I brought you a warm quilt

and a fresh loaf
of butter bread.


Polly, it's wrong
that they took Tom.

This shouldn't happen.

I want you to know
that you're not alone.

[door closes and locks]

[whistleharp music]

[Tink sighs, bored]

[Jebb Blaggus] Tink!!

Look what we got--


We got enough
to set off a pop rocket!


[Jebb Blaggus] Come on!

Hey Tink.

Gimme another bite
of that berrybun...

Leeli, stay here
till I get back!

[Janner] TINK!!!


You can't just run off!

They've got a pop rocket!


Ugh, but we can't do
anything to get in trouble.

Then let's not get caught.

That's not
what I meant.

When you ran off,
I had to leave Leeli alone,

listening to the songs.

What songs?


[both together]

[hushed conversation]

Hello, little princess.

Hi. I liked your song.

Why, thank you.

I like your dog.

[happily yelps]

It made me want
to laugh and sing

and cry all at
the same time.

Well, there can be a
kind of magic in music.

[scoffs] I don't think
there's any magic in my music.

What's your secret?

It's like that
sometimes for me, too.

Other times,
something happens,

something I can't explain.

Some songs can
make you homesick,

even when you're right
at home. [poprocket sizzle]

[poprocket explodes]

[furious barking]

No, Nugget!

I'm so sorry.

Well, till we
meet again, then.

[kite sizzles]


[Podo] Hmm?

Have you seen the children?

I'm sure Janner's got them.

Hmm. I'm going to check
Dunn's Green.

[Podo] Aye.
That's surely where they'll be.

Me, I'm gettin' home

before I hafta listen
to them dragons sing.


Where did she go?

[Nugget barks]


[both together]


[string pulling and stretching]

[string snaps]

[Nugget barking]

-[Nugget whimpers]


[worried whimper]

Put him down,
you slithery bully!


Crawl closer, little hobbler,

and I'll give your bones
a crunch.

[crutch snapping]

Hey, oh!

Okay, take it easy!


[Slarb] Disgusting piglets!

You smell better when you're--


[Slarb laughs]

[chimney stones crumbling]


[dust settles]

[Slarb hisses in pain]

[Nugget whimpers]


Thanks for helping
me fight that fang.

[Slarb snarls]



[stones shifting and sliding]







[spears clack together]

[angry grunt]

[Brak] Oy, Slarb!

Been hasslin'
wee brats again?

I'll skin those runts alive!

Those piggies are Igibys.


I'm tossin' 'em to the dragons.

Try it, and Gnorm'll flay
your scales before moonrise.

Gnorm don't give
a rockroach poop

about any snot-drippers.

Except that the Igiby m'am
bakes the best maggotloaf

in Glipwood.

[chewing maggotloaf]

You come between that
maggotloaf and Gnorm's gut,

an' he'll snap your fangs off
and feed 'em to ya.

[Vop hisses]

Now look at you, private.

Ruint yer duds with
your own slobby-dribble.

Go change yer soddy uniform
and report for duty.

[scoffs] Scared by a girly
an' spewed himself silly!

Wait 'til the troops
hear about this one!



[waves crashing against rocks]

Are you hurt?


What about your leg?

[Leeli] Nope.

Can you believe
we fought a Fang!?

We fought a Fang.

Oh, we're in
so much trouble!

[sea dragon song begins]

Hey, look!

-Down there!

[Leeli] Sea dragons...

[water splashes]

We have to get out of sight.


-We can't skip the dragons.
-[Leeli vocalizes]

It's the best part.

[Janner] Mom put me
in charge

and I say we're going home.


What are you doing?

♪ O holoré lay thee low ♪

♪ Holoél dark in the deep ♪

Down beneath
the earth you go

♪ Go holoré fast to sleep ♪

-♪ O holoré lay thee low ♪
-[fire crackles]

♪ Holoél dark in the deep ♪

Down beneath
the earth you go

-♪ Go holoré fast to sleep ♪
-[sea dragons call out]

-[distant singing]
-♪ Fast to sleep ♪

[burst of water]

♪ Dark holoré in the deep ♪

[Yurgen] How does this child
know this song?

He spoke.


He spoke.

In my head.

Tink, did you hear--

[Yurgen] Can you
understand me, boy?

♪ Spring abundant holoél ♪

♪ Render green the dying bough ♪

♪ Raise the rock
where Yurgen fell ♪

That's enough.

[angrily snorts]

-[water splashing]
-[sea dragons call]

Mama, I could feel
what the dragons

were singing about.

I think the big one
is very sad.

I heard him.

He spoke to me.

-I saw--
-[Nia] Enough.

It's time to go.

[waves crashing]

[crickets chirping]

Now what in the great
gobblin' grizzlefins

happened to ya--

You should've seen it.

Leeli kicked a Fang!

Then we all fought him.

I even got him
with the brick trick!

[deep breath]

And Leeli can sing
with sea dragons!


Now slow yer tongue,
boy, what--

[Nia] Like we
talked about, papa.

Batten the hatches.

Aye, batten the hatches.

Leeli, get inside
and help your ma.

Tink, close up the shutters.

Janner, help me get some
things from the barn.

[lantern squeaks]

I'm sorry.

I didn't know what else to do.

You can't be
two places at once.

You defended
your sister.

And all three of ye
are home safe.

Tonight, that's all
that matters.

What is it?

I heard them, Grandpa.

I heard a dragon... speaking.

I understood the words.


Speaking, eh?


Come on.

Let's get to work.

[lantern squeaks]

[crickets chirping]

-[fire crackling]
-[floorboards squeaking]

All quiet out there.

What should we do, papa?

The sea dragons will be
gone south tomorrow.

We lie low for a few days

and hope that the Fangs
go back to their muck.

[Slarb muttering]

Igiby's, pigiby's,

I'll pluck your
feathers soon enough.

[Vop] Oy, Slarb!
Get up.

The Black Carriage is here.

We got a fresh batch
o' nasties to process.

[snaps crutch]
