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03x16 - Judgment Day

Posted: 03/01/12 00:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on White Collar...

Neal: I broke into Peter's safe.

I had the list in my hand.

I was ready to take the treasure and go.

Then why didn't you?

I have a life here.

I run on this, and New York is just a memory for me.

He stole a Raphael! Conjecture, your honor.

And I pursued.

And I haven't forgotten about the Raphael. Ohh!

Neal coded his letters.

And we cracked it.

Don't know what they mean yet, but we will.

I'm -- Agent Kramer.

Head of the bureau's D.C. Art Crimes unit.

So you're the one who taught Peter everything he knows.

I'd say this moment was inevitable, Mr. Caffrey.

Peter: Neal's my C.I. He's also a friend.

You think once a con, always a con?

I think you have to protect yourself when they fall.

You have the treasure.

I didn't steal it. You son of a bitch!

I don't care. You have it.

Where is it?

It was here.

He already moved it.


Of course it was Mozzie.

I didn't think he'd move it this fast.

What is it?

This is a letter from the U.S. probation office.

"Because of your outstanding service, "including recovering the treasure "and catching Keller, "the U.S. probation office is convening a hearing to discuss the commutation of your sentence."

What's that mean?

It means no anklet.

No nothing.

You could be a free man.

Holloman: State your name for the record, please.

I do.

The U.S. attorney has petitioned a Rule 35 motion on my behalf, which, if granted, would commute my sentence and set about my own recognizance.

In essence, you want to know if I've earned my freedom.

You've done your homework.

Yes, ma'am.

You've already served two years of a four-year sentence under the supervision of Special Agent Peter Burke.

Yes, ma'am.

While confined to a tracking anklet, you've helped Agent Burke clear an impressive 94% conviction rate.

We work well together.

It would seem so.

The recent arrest of Matthew Keller, one of the FBI's top 10 most wanted fugitives, the recovery of a priceless collection of artwork he stole --

You are the poster boy for reform.

Who would have thought?

[ Chuckles ]

You came into this legal system as a criminal.

The question before this board today is -- have you changed?

I believe I have.

Over the next two days, we'll be interviewing some of your closest acquaintances and colleagues.

Then we'll have you back to make a final statement, at which time Agent Burke will give his summary recommendation.

Any questions?

No, ma'am.

But may I say that the last two years of my life have been the best --

You'll have time for all that two days from now.

Yes, ma'am.

This is impressive, Mr. Caffrey.

I hope the real you lives up to who you are on paper.

I hope to exceed your expectation.

You're free to go.

Moz: "Free to go."

Quite an inspiring turn of phrase.

Except "You're free to stay" might be more appropriate.

How's it looking?

Oh, flip a coin.

[ Sighs ]

Regardless of what the committee decides, this is my home now.

And I am right beside you.

Make a brand-new start of it in old New York.

[ Glasses clink ]

Well, when you make that brand-new start, I've got a surprise.

What kind of surprise?

Oh, a huge one.

Makes Canis Majoris look like a night light.

But I will say no more.

I'll ask no more.


There seems to be someone missing from your commutation witness list.

Yeah, sorry about that, but having a known felon speak for me doesn't qualify as a good character reference.

I am a felon, but I'm not known -- at least in bureaucratic circles.

I stand corrected.

But I've already got plenty of people on my side.

Elizabeth, June...Sara.



Good. What about the Demi-Suits?

Mm. Jones and Diana?

Wild cards.

[ Chuckles ] Oh, and the Suit himself?

Well, considering everything that's happened -- with the treasure, with Keller --

Peter could go either way.

Think he's decided?

I don't know.

Oh, hold on.

Agent Kramer, the D.C. Art Crimes grand-père -- he's speaking?

Kramer was supposed to submit a written report on behalf of the bureau.

If he's speaking in person, that's more than a formality.

Well, what does that do to your chances?

Well, I can't imagine it improves them.

You know what?

Worst-case scenario, he says no, and I stay on the anklet with Peter.

Well, behind every worst-case scenario, there's a worse worst-case scenario.

Isn't there a child whose balloon you need to pop somewhere?

Oh. Yeah. Negativity -- force of habit.

I'm...sure it doesn't mean anything.

Yeah. Nothing.

[ Knock on door ]

Hey. Hey.

Come on in.

Smells good in here.

Yeah. El's been baking.

A commutation cake.

Yeah, I told her it was a little premature.

Hey, honey. I got that other cake.

[ Laughs ] Wait till you see it.


Oh. Hey! Oh. "Hang in there."

Little cat with an anklet.


[ Laughs ]

Consolation cake. Ah.


Lots of rum.

That'll be good. Yeah. Yes.

Well, for what it's worth, I'm actually voting for cake number one.

I appreciate that.

You guys talk.

So, have you decided?

What I'm gonna say?


No. I haven't.

So, what's so important you couldn't call?

Why is Kramer speaking at my hearing?

Don't let that put you on edge.

Peter, I'm staring at two cakes here.

One celebrates my fate, the other seals it -- I am on edge. Why is he here?

I don't know. For whatever reason, Kramer has decided to keep me out of the loop on this.

He's keeping you out?


But I've got an inside man.

How'd it go with Kramer?

He had me digging through files till 3:00 A.M.

What's he trying to prove?

I don't know.

When he talks about Caffrey, he talks about him in glowing terms.

I noticed that.

He seems to respect the hell out of him.

But he's digging into the coded letters Neal sent Kate from prison.

And now that Kramer's cracked the code, he's convinced he'll find something.

Yeah. But what?

Ha ha! Petey!

How are you?

I'm good.

Oh. It's an interesting place to set up shop.

You sure you wouldn't be more comfortable in an office?

Well, I don't want to intrude on someone else's house.

And this lets me spread out.

And this is the room where we find the truth.

That's how it's supposed to work.

[ Chuckles ]

I need to stretch my legs.

Walk with me.

You've got something on your mind?

You're still pulling Neal's casework.

Is there something going on I should know about?

Matter of fact, there is. I'm worried about you, Pete.

You're worried?

Yeah. The music box, Garrett Fowler, the u-boat.

These 515s read more like Pulp Fiction than case summaries.

[ Chuckles ] What are you saying?

Well, you know what I'm saying.

You're covering for him.

Well, you're not?

It's complicated.

Mm. If anyone gets it, I do.

He's your friend.

He is, Phil.

And I want to make sure he's not gonna hurt you.

You want him back behind bars?

Oh, no, Pete.

He's much too valuable for that.


I want Neal working for me. In D.C.

When did you first meet Neal Caffrey?

The day he was released from prison.

They had sent him to this horrible little fleabag motel.

And you had no qualms about taking in a convicted felon?

Absolutely not.

Not Neal.

You see, after my husband passed, I...I was living in this big, empty house.

And...Neal changed all of that.

I think of him as a blessing.

Byron and I always wanted a son.

[ Voice breaking ]

I wish he was still alive... so that he could finally meet him.

Miss Ellington, in your opinion, does Neal Caffrey deserve for his sentence to be commuted?

Of course.


And you must let him go free.

[ Horns honking ]

How'd it go?

I nailed it.


[ Footsteps approaching ]

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking we need a third cake.

One with a file in it?

One that says "Bon voyage."

Kramer doesn't want to put Neal away.

He wants to keep him for himself in D.C.

He'd take Neal away from you?

For my own good, but that's not...

What is it?

One night, from sunset to sunrise, I gave Neal full immunity to tell me everything he'd ever done.

Wow. And he did?

Oh, boy, he did.

But he has full immunity.

It was my immunity, not the bureau's.

If Kramer digs up these things --

Neal could get the maximum.

Forget D.C. Forget the anklet.

He could go back to prison.

For a long, long time.

Have you told him?

No. Hon...

I can't.

When Neal's threatened, he gets in even more trouble.

Talk to Kramer. He's your friend.

He doesn't know the Pandora's box he's opening.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]



I'm just skimming Monday's caseload, trying to get a head start.

This Grabowska insurance fraud looks pretty promising.

I like that attitude.

[ Chuckles ]

I wondered how long it would be before you came back to see me.

Philip. We need to talk.

I suppose we do.

What do you have on Neal?

Oh, that's not what this is about.

Neal needs boundaries.

I know that.

You do?

I told you about my C.I. My "Neal."

Yeah. You were close.

Oh, we were more than close. He was like a son.

Hell, I thought I'd brought him all the way around, but he couldn't change who he was.

Well, you know, just because you slapped cuffs on your C.I. doesn't mean that I'll have to do the same to Neal.

You know the story of the frog and the scorpion?


Neal's the scorpion.

He can't help who he is. But he will sting you.

And you'll both drown.

In D.C., I can keep an eye on him.

[ Chuckling ]

What happens in two years, when he's a free man?

Who's to say he will be?

That's what you're after.

You want to use whatever you find to extend his sentence indefinitely.

It's best for all concerned.

Phil --

He gets to do what he's so damn good at, and he won't end up being locked away or worse.

I don't think he should go free.

You mean that?

I do.

Until this moment, I didn't, but no.

Neal: Sara.

Neal should not go free.

In two years time, when his sentence is over, he's earned that right to decide his own life.


And until then, Neal's staying here, with me.

Sara: Kramer is going to subpoena my files?

That means I was close to the Raphael.


I knew it! You stole it!

Mm, you caught me.


This is so great!

I've spent years looking for that painting.

How close was I?

Kramer cracked a coded letter that I wrote in prison that includes a partial address of where I hid it.

So you think I have the other part?

I know you do.

Oh, my God. I was so close.

Yes, you were. Mm.

Well, we already paid out that claim years ago.

You owe Sterling Bosch $15 million.

Shh, shh!

If I stay out of prison, I will work it off.

So, a coded address in a prison letter -- that seems kind of chancy.

Oh, I left off the zip code.

And the address is on Main Street.

You know how many Main Streets there are?

Probably thousands.

19,364 -- at the time.

So the address Kramer found means nothing.

Unless he gets his hands on that zip code.

Is this what you're looking for?

Yes, it is.

Roosevelt Island?

I found this digging through a boozy courier's trash.

I knew I shouldn't have given up this lead.

Is this the only copy?

No. We keep electronic copies of everything on the server.

So I can't just throw this one away.


[ Keyboard clacking ]

And I've been locked out.

Man: Excuse me. Can I help you out, sir?

Man #2: We're here to serve a subpoena.

We need all the files related to Raphael's Saint George and the Dragon. FBI.

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Sighs ] Sterling Bosch.

This is Sara Ellis speaking.

Kramer: Ms. Ellis. Special Agent Kramer, FBI.

Agent Kramer! What can I do to help you, sir?

My agents are serving a subpoena at your office for all the files related to Raphael's Saint George and the Dragon.

[ Beep ]

What the hell am I supposed to do?

Just buy me some time.

Well, sir, you must have heard.

Heard what?

We recovered the painting this morning.

You recovered the Raphael this morning?

I was told to keep it under wraps as we're still working out the details.

Well, where's the painting now?

With our authenticator. Good.

I'll be there myself to take possession of the painting by end of business today.

And I hope you're telling me the truth.

Because if it's not there by 6:00, I'll be charging you with obstruction of justice.

Yes, sir.

I bought you six hours.

If that painting isn't in my hands by the end of the day --

It will be.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Has your personal relationship with Mr. Caffrey influenced your testimony today?

Oh, yes. Most definitely.

This isn't the first time you've testified regarding Mr. Caffrey, is it?


Six years ago, I testified against him.

Yes. At the trail where he was convicted of forgery?


And I went after him with everything I had.

I called him a liar and a thief and probably a sociopath, and I meant every word of it.

So, what changed?

Neal did.

Peter: Neal?

Where are you?

You know where I am.

You're at the Roosevelt Island tram.

You're at the edge of your radius.

Kramer is going after the Raphael.

[ Sighs ]

You'll recall a night not long ago when you said I had immunity?

I remember, Neal.

You'll recall that I said don't do anything stupid.

Seven years ago, I did something stupid.

Kramer's going after the old Neal Caffrey.

I need more than two miles today.

Damn it, Neal, you're playing right into Kramer's hands.

You get caught, he's got you on possession of stolen goods.

With your prior, that's 25 years.

I can't undo what's already been done.

But I can get back what's not mine.

I got to go.

Peter, please, extend my radius.

Where are you going?

To open a door I didn't want to have to open.

Neal? Neal!

[ Beep ]

Come on, Peter.

[ Dialing ]

Man: Electronic monitoring compliance unit.

This is Burke, FBI.

Come on.

Thank you, buddy.

[ Dialing ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Beep ]

I don't recognize this number.

Silent running, Moz. Kramer's after the Raphael.

Neal, where are you?

On a tram headed for Roosevelt Island.


Roosevelt Island? Why?

I'll explain later.

Right now I need you to find us transportation.

I may need your help getting back.


[ Beeping ]

[ Ringing ]

It's Neal.

[ Buzzer ]



I haven't seen you since --

Since the day I ran away.

This is nice. Mm!

Still living by the river, I see.

It's become my home.

[ Chuckles ]


It's been a cold spring, but the hydrangea are coming back.

Is it here?

It is.

How much time do you have?

Maybe 10 minutes.

[ Sighs ] Then let's make the most of it.

Jones, can you pinpoint where Caffrey is on Roosevelt Island?

Yeah. Looks like he's at 4221 Main Street.

On my way.
You look good. Ah.

The same.

Oh, please.

It's been nearly a decade and a half.

Yeah, it was my 18th birthday.

Yeah, I kind of ruined that one for you.

[ Chuckles ]

It was a hell of a thing for a kid to hear.

I saved this for you.

You and your father. Oh, my God.

You still have his eyes.


Do you hate me for telling you what I did?


No, my mom told me he was dead.

Said he d*ed a hero, but you told me the truth.

He was a dirty cop... and he's not dead.

You were gonna go and join the force.

I told your mother, "The moment he sets foot in the Police Academy, he's gonna get an earful."


Was my father always corrupt?

We met when we became partners as first-year detectives.

He was the best...then.

The evil came after.

But that's not why you're here.


4221 Main Street.

It's a high-rise.

Yeah, I ran all the tenants.

The person in 14-E's been flagged.

Flagged by whom?

The marshals.

E. Parker's in Witness Protection.

Thanks, Jones.

Here it is. Kept it safe. Didn't open it.

It's postmarked the day before you were arrested.


Kate never came to get it?

The pretty girl with the dark hair. Yeah.

She did. Almost five years ago now.

But she didn't take it?

She changed her mind.

Said she wanted you to have it.

What about my mom?

Did you ever --


I haven't seen or heard from her -- or your father --

It's been years.

I have to admit I'm curious.

What is in there that's so special?

Something I took trying to get back a life I lost, and it's been chasing me ever since.

Better not let it catch you.

Listen -- coming here, I'm sorry.

The FBI is gonna show up. They'll ask questions.

This island was getting a little small for me anyway.

[ Chuckles ] Now, go.

Thank you.

For everything.

Do I want to know what's in there?

Plausible deniability.

Come on, let's catch that tram.

My car's on the other side.

[ Clears throat ]

Who is E. Parker?

I've never told anyone this -- not even Moz.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

You gonna get that?

[ Beep ]

Diana: Peter, it's Diana.


I'm with Kramer.

He knows Caffrey's on Roosevelt Island.

Where are you?

We're at the tram terminal, Manhattan side.

Damn it.

What's going on?

You're with Caffrey.

Yeah. And we're headed right to you.

Let me first say that Agent Burke and I have been married for 12 years.

It's a partnership that's built on respect, admiration, and trust.

And how is this relevant?

Peter's relationship with Neal is based on the same elements.

Your husband trusts Neal?

He does. When it counts.

When it counts?

[ Chuckles ] Well, Neal was a con man.

I don't know if you'd want him dating your sister.

Can I take that back?


Listen -- Peter and Neal together, they argue and bicker.

But in the end -- when it counts --

Peter puts up with Neal because he's worth it.

Should Mr. Caffrey's sentence be commuted?


[ Indistinct shouting ]

This is not good.

No, we ride this out, and you're put away for 20 years.

Well, maybe there's another way.


No. Forget that.

You'll never survive the fall.

I'm not gonna to jump.

Then what the hell are you planning?

Help me out and I'll tell you.

No, tell me, then I'll help you out.

You first.

[ Exhales sharply ]


[ Grunts ]

Thank you.


And I'm doubling back toward Roosevelt Island.

Wish me luck.

What? No. Neal, that's crazy.

Damn it, get back in here!


You'll never make it!




[ Cellphone ringing ]

What's up, Moz?

Neal, you got a second?

I do now.

It sounds windy where you are.

Yeah. What is it?

Sara and I have a plan.

Are you still on Roosevelt Island?

I will be soon.

I've carved out an escape route.

Meet me at the traffic circle where Road 5 and East Road connect.

I'm on my way.

You gonna tell me what happened up there?

I tracked Neal to the island.

I was bringing him back --

Then where is he?

He'd be here with me now if you hadn't thrown a dozen g*ns at his face.

This is my fault?

You box him in, he's gonna run.

You have no idea how to handle him.

I do.

[ Chuckles ] Clearly.

Tell me, Pete.

Neal have the painting on him?

Not that I saw.

Are you handling him or becoming him?

Sir. The eastbound tram is approaching the island.

Maintain pursuit on Caffrey. I'm heading downtown.

[ Car door closes ]

Neal's got under an hour to meet Sara Ellis.

If he makes it, I'll be waiting for him.

[ Tires screech ]

Man: Right now.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Woman: Coming in now. Mom, look at that.


Moz, start the engine!

[ Engine turns over ]

[ Sirens wailing ]

[ Tires screech ]

[ Wailing continues ]

Well, Caffrey understands people.

You need space, he keeps to himself.

You need to talk, he listens.

You need a beer, he'll pour.

[ Chuckles ] Although he'll let you know he's slumming it.

Do you support his commutation?

He's damn good at what he does, and I consider him a friend.

But that doesn't change the fact that he's a convicted bond forger and prison escapee.

I think he should finish out his two years with the bureau and be grateful... that he's got the best damn deal I've ever seen.

Okay, Sara's waiting for you at Sterling Bosch.

If you can make the hand-off in time, you're golden.


Well, the odds of you making it are --

I know, Moz.

But I don't have a choice. Yes.

You do.

[ Indistinct radio chatter ]

What's Lolana doing here?

Well, during our brief alienation -- before the whole Keller fiasco...

...I moved your portion of the treasure out of the country, should you ever care to claim it.

You saved my half?

Well, a little less than half.

I was angry -- sue me.

It's still worth more than either of us could ever spend in a lifetime.

We could run. Right now.

Never look back.

I don't want to run anymore, Moz.

Dispatcher: All units, be on the lookout for stolen ambulance number 313.

That's us. So much for not running.

I have to finish this.

I somehow knew you were gonna say that.

But for Lolana's sake, I had to give it a try.


I'll lead the federal bloodhounds on a chase of the wild-goose variety.

Thanks, Moz.


If I don't make it, you and Lolana will need that to get to the island without me.

You'll make it.

[ Slaps door lightly ]

[ Engine turns over ]

[ Cellphone rings ] Hey, Sara.

Where are you?

A few blocks away.

Listen -- meet me in the lobby. It's gonna be close.

Neal, I --

[ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone rings ]

[ Sighs ]


Sara, have you heard from Neal?

He's got the painting, but he's not gonna get past Kramer.

He may not have to.

Get us a meeting with your boss in the next five minutes.

I'll try. Don't try. Do it.

[ Beep ]

I have eyes on Caffrey.

Not good.

Heading east on Pearl.

Oh, I'm gonna regret this.

[ Beeping ]

What?! Hey! Hey! You got to move that thing!

No can do, ma'am.

[ Tires screeching ]

Whoa! What are you doing?!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey!

[ Tires screech ] Neal!

Get in!

[ Tires screech ]

Woman: Agent Kramer, we lost Caffrey.

Kramer: All units fall back to Sterling Bosch.

Form a perimeter around the building.

[ Tires screech ]

Thank you. Good luck, Caffrey.

Your proposal...

It all seems highly irregular.

Yes, Mr. Bosch, but you can admit that irregularity has worked very well for me in the past.

And I'm offering you an opportunity to make $15 million in five minutes.

Agent Burke, you can assure me this is all legal?

I wouldn't be here if it weren't.

What do I have to do?

Just sign some start paperwork, sir.

I'd say this moment was inevitable, wouldn't you, Neal?

I knew you could be reasonable.

I think you might take a real shine to D.C. after all.

Don't count on it.

Ah, you do the honors, Pete.

I should have listened to you. I played right into his hands.

It's not over yet.

Raphael's Saint George and the Dragon.

A seminal work.

Sara: Excuse me.

That painting is property of Sterling Bosch Insurance.

[ Chuckles ]

Valiant effort, Ms. Ellis.

This is evidence in a criminal investigation.

Investigation into what?

Class "B" possession of stolen property.

And you are?

Winston Bosch. This young lady works for me.

I don't see anyone here with stolen property.

This painting --

Belongs to Sterling Bosch.

We hired Mr. Caffrey to authenticate it for us.

The hell you did.

Yes. I did. Here.

Mr. Caffrey is quite the art expert.

He's even worked for the FBI as an authenticator.

I can attest to that.

And if he's good enough for you, he's good enough for me.

You're part of this?

Well, Mr. Caffrey, what's your professional assessment of this piece?

Oh, that is definitely the real Raphael.

I'd stake my reputation on it.


And for your services -- $1,200.

Sorry. Neal's not allowed to accept payment while he works for us. Oh?

Even better.

See you around, Caffrey. See you around.

[ Sighs ] Why don't you head home?

Get some rest. Got a big day tomorrow.

You gonna be okay?

I'll be fine. Go.

You went behind my back, conspired to obstruct justice.

I could say you did the same.

Wake up, Petey! Open your eyes!

You're not his partner. You're his mark!

This boy's run such a good confidence game, he's got you thinking that you've come out ahead in all this.

When did you stop putting faith in people?

When they stopped deserving it.


This isn't over yet, Pete.

Not by a long sh*t.

Mr. Caffrey, do you deserve to be free?

That's not for me to decide.

I won't sit here and give you some monologue about how reformed I am.

Actions speak louder than words, and, hopefully, my actions while in service to the FBI say more than I can.

And what would you do with your freedom?

Well, I can tell you one thing.

I won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

You won't?


I'm happy here.

You know, someone once told me my life is a dream with an anklet attached.

If I wake up tomorrow and that anklet is still on --

I have a good job, a wonderful home... a partner and a best friend.

A family.

But to wake up and answer only to myself...

...that would mean everything.

We have one more interview to conduct before we make our decision.

You'll have an answer here today by 5:00 P.M.

Thank you.


How'd it go?

As well as it could go, I think.

You know what the nice thing is?


It doesn't matter.

What do you mean?

Well, you're gonna go in there and say your piece, and the board's gonna make their decision.

But with or without my anklet, come Monday morning, I'm gonna step off that elevator on the 21st floor and go to work.

You once told me you never lied to me and you never will.

So I need to know something.

The first time Kramer and I went after you for the Degas, how'd you switch the paintings?

I snuck up to the penthouse, pulled the swap, then base-jumped off the building and landed on Wall Street.

[ Chuckles ]

Fine. Don't tell me.

I got to go in.

That person you saw on Roosevelt Island -- who was it?

When this is over...

I'll tell you everything.

See you soon.

They're ready for you now, Agent Burke.

Thanks, Henry.

What is this?

These marshals are here to take Neal Caffrey into custody when he returns.

For what?

If you had only listened to me.

For what? Public endangerment.

I've got a dozen eyewitnesses who saw Caffrey hop that tram.

Combine that with evading arrest, obstruction of justice.

Hell, I may even throw in a jaywalking charge for good measure.

We're not in the revenge business.

Neal pissed you off, and now you want to hurt him.

Just control him.

Neal's got a lot of skeletons.

I'll pick one, slap that anklet on him, and he'll work for me in D.C. permanently.

You understand this is best for everyone, don't you?

Don't you?

I have a statement to make.

State your name and relationship to Neal Caffrey for the record, please.

Special Agent Peter Burke.

I've been Neal Caffrey's handler at the Federal Bureau of Investigation since his release into our custody.

You caught him?


And you should know, the last time I caught him, he was sitting alone in an empty apartment.

He had nothing. No one.

And now?

He has a life. A real life here.

One that keeps him grounded and decent.

As you've heard, there are many people who care about Neal, people who see him as more than just a criminal.

He's frustrating, I'll admit.

He drives me crazy on his best days.

I don't always have to know where Neal is or what he's up to.

But I do know that he has a good heart and a set of principles...

[ Beeping ]

...that weren't there six years ago when he was just another case file that got dropped on my desk.

Do you think Mr. Caffrey is reformed?

As long as he's on that anklet, we'll never know.

We can sit here until kingdom come and debate over who is Neal Caffrey.

But as long as we keep him tethered, as long as we treat him like a criminal, he'll always think that he is one.

Whether Neal is a citizen, a C.I., or a thief is a decision that needs to be put in his hands.

[ Cellphone rings ] Agent Burke...


...Should Neal Caffrey's sentence be commuted?


I'm saying Neal should be free.

I'm sorry -- this couldn't wait.

Peter Caffrey's cut his anklet.

Neal's gone.