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04x04 - Welcome to the Porch Pirate

Posted: 02/13/24 19:32
by bunniefuu
I gotta say I'm pretty excited

about Gemma and Dave
having a baby.

Friends' babies are like
rental cars.

You treat it like it's yours
until the gas light come on,

and then you take it back.

Yeah. And since we're
not grandparents,

guess we have to lavish love
on other people's babies.

Hey, Ma, can you, uh,

hold the guilt
and pass the creamer?

Alexa, add Baby No Cry mobile
to my shopping list, please.

I've added Baby No Cry mobile
to your shopping list.

Well, Uncle Calvin is
sending over

the perfect baby present.

As you both know, I have a gift
for givin' gifts.


What about the hockey equipment
you got me when I was 12?

I was trying to make you
the Tiger Woods of hockey.

But 14 little stitches
and you quit.

And if you think that's bad,

he tried to give me that hockey
equipment for my birthday.


So I guess nobody in this house
wants a gold medal.

Hello, family.

How y'all doing?

Me, you ask?

I am doing great.
I have a date tonight

with a verified model
from Instagram.


What are y'all staring at?

No, I'm just trying
to figure out

who your friend is.

My what?

That little dude
that's on your face.

No, no, no, no, Dad,
stay back.

I've seen this movie before.

That thing is gonna
bust out of his face

and take over the world.

Y'all are not funny, okay.
This is just a little pimple.

Look, don't hate
because I have a date.

Well, I hope you got
a table for three.

It is not that noticeable.
Is it?

It look like you got
another nose, man.

Stop exaggerating, Marty.

Damn, that thing is as big
as one of these muffins.

♪ Welcome to the block,
welcome to the neighborhood ♪

♪ Welcome to the hood. ♪

How you feeling?


Are you just saying
you're fine

because you want me
to be fine?

Because it's-it's...

It's-it's totally okay
if you're not fine.

Dave, I'm the same fine I was

when you asked me
at the doctor's office,

and in the car,
and on the porch.

Sorry. I'm just...

I'm worried about you.

I don't know how
we're gonna tell people

that we lost the baby.

It was just supposed to be
a ten-week routine checkup.

Yeah. Everything was
moving along nice and happy,

and then all of a sudden,
life gives you

a swift kick in the puckus.

I think you meant "tuckus."

But, you know,
puckus works, too.

You know, my mom will say
this was God's will.

Your mother was
banned from church

for skinny-dipping
in the baptismal pool.

I was just so shocked
when there wasn't a heartbeat.

Apparently this is
really common.

I guess sometimes
it's just not meant to be.

Yeah, and... I know, but...

this is also one of

the hardest things
we'll ever have to deal with.

I know,
but we'll get through it

if we keep busy
and we stay strong.

I know what we can do.

Let's repaint
the living room.

We'll pick a color that's
bright and cheerful.

Do you really think that
that's the best way

for us to approach this?

Yes. It'll help us set

a positive example for Grover
on how to handle grief.

Okay. All right, um...


Okay, I'm gonna, uh,

I'm gonna go buy some paint.
What color should I get?

Pick any color, as long as it
comes with a bottle of wine.

Hey, Devona.


I'm making
an Alavay Makeup delivery.

Got some goodies
your mother ordered.

Oh, cool. She's home.


She can wait.

I see we have a breaking
news story on your face.

I've got a product

that will cover
that right up.

Sorry, Devona, but I am not

a makeup kind of dude,
all right?

Oh, no worries. I've got
a concealer so good

no one will ever even
know you're wearing it.

(laughs) You're right,
'cause I'm not.

Okay, but...

it's only gonna get bigger.

Judging from the size
and shadow,

it's gonna blow
in about two hours.

Call me.

Oh, whoa, 7-Up cake,

peach cobbler, bread pudding.

What do you need me to fix?

Oh, baby back ribs.
Fried snapper.

This can't be fixed.

What do you need me to buy?

Well, the food is for
Dave and Gemma,

and, um,
I've got some bad news.

They lost the baby.



Oh, no, Mama.
That's terrible.

It is.

You okay, hon?

Yeah. Just feeling bad
for Gemma and Dave.

I know.

Whoa, whoa, Ma,

don't you think you're
going a little overboard?

This is a lot of food.

I know, but food is
my love language.

Oh, Mommy, you are
the sweetest,

kindest woman I know.

Yes, you can have a piece.

Okay, thanks, 'cause eating
is my love language.

I'm sure this is stirring up
some sad memories,

and I know you don't like
going there.

Yeah, I-I don't.

So can we not, babe? You know.

Besides, that was
a long time ago.


Oh, damn.


I just remembered I sent
Gemma and Dave that baby gift.

It's supposed to arrive

Oh, well, you were just
trying to do something nice.

How could you have known?

Well, I don't want to
make them feel any worse.

I gotta grab that package
before they see it.

You're a good friend.

You want to come with me
to drop this stuff off?

Uh, no. You know,
I'm still dirty from work,

and they probably
don't want to deal

with a lot of people
right now.

You know, just tell 'em
I send my love, okay?

Will do.



This right here
has got to stay

just between the two of us.

Don't worry, I take
artist-client confidentiality

very serious.

All right, good, because
none of the guys I know

wear makeup.

You mean none
that you know of.

Wait. Really? Who?

Is it Trey?
I knew it.

I knew he wore mascara.

That boy got eyelashes
like a horse.

The men's makeup market
is blowing up.

Even Alex Rodriguez
uses it.

Wait, A-Rod wears makeup?

Mm-hmm. He's even got
his own line.

There is nothing wrong
with a man

wanting to look his best.

Oh, damn.

You made it disappear.

Can you do that
with my student loans?

If I could,
I'd start with mine.


Okay, so I'll drop your
products off tomorrow.

Meantime, have fun
on your date

with the Instagram model.

Oh, I will.

I may not be A-Rod,
but tonight,

I see a home run
in my future.

(door lock opening)

Oh, crap, that's Marty.
Uh, close this.

(both laugh)

Hey, Devona.
What are you doing here?

Oh, she was just, um...

Just showing Malcolm
some products I think

your mother would love
for her birthday.

Right. Right.

'Cause you know Mama.
Mama loves all that

girly makeup stuff.

Cool. I'll split it with you.

All right.

Okay, perfect, then.

Malcolm, I'll talk
to you soon.

All right.

Oh, hey, man,

did you hear Gemma
and Dave's bad news?

Oh, yeah, yeah.
Mom told me.

Maybe we should get them
some flowers and-and a card.

Yeah. I just wish there was
something more we could do.

All we can do is just
be there for 'em

and keep them in prayer.

Yeah, speaking of prayer,

how did you get rid
of that zit so fast?

I don't know.

I guess God
just likes me being pretty.

(knock on door)

Oh, hey, Tina.


I brought you a little
something to eat.

How you feeling?

Okay. Just keeping
busy, you know.

Painting the walls,
painting the door.

And evidently
painting Grover.

Uh, yeah. I guess
I'm a little distracted.

Well, I just wanted to
drop off a few meals,

just in case you didn't
feel like cooking.

Well, thanks, Tina.

This should, uh,
carry us through winter.

Gemma, I know I made
too much food,

and I know there is nothing that
I can say to ease your pain.

But I...

I lost a baby between
Malcolm and Marty,

and it is devastating.

But you still have to...

Move on. I know.

That's what I'm
trying to do.

Well, I was gonna say

you still have to take
the time to grieve.


I'm just trying to stay
in a positive space.

Good. Good, good, good.

How you doing, Grover?

I'm sad about the baby.

I wanted to be a big brother.

Oh, honey,
of course you did.

Grover, I know
what'll cheer you up.

You and I are going
to the arcade.

I'm in the mood for
a Ms. Pac-Man rematch.

Okay, I'll play some
old people games.

I'm gonna pretend
I didn't hear that.

Dave, I'm, uh,
worried about Gemma.

She seems a little

I've tried to talk to her,

but she doesn't want
to dwell on the loss.

Yeah, well,
I'm sure she's coping

the best way she can.

Losing a baby...

is heartbreaking.

Unfortunately, there's
no amount of paint

that's gonna cover up
her pain.

Well, how about you?
How you feeling?

That was your baby, too.

I know it was, Tina.

Thank you for being here.

You're welcome.

Damn it, this ain't it.

"Brooks Brothers"?

Yeah, this ain't for
the real brothers.

Oh, hey, Calvin.

Oh, hey.

These, uh...
these are for you.

Ooh, my camo Crocs.

It confuses the insects.

So, uh, where's your usual

too-short shorts?

Oh, I don't know.

Too depressed
to run sexy.

Yeah, yeah, I get it.

Listen, did Tina tell you that
I sent my love? Because I did.

Yeah, she did, and I really
appreciate your support.

She also mentioned you guys
had a miscarriage.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.
That was a long time ago.

You know what, I'm gonna
let you get to your run.

'Cause you know,
times like these,

exercise is very important.

Matter of fact,
I'm gonna jog home.

Okay? All right.
Bye, Dave.

Mama, your favorite
son is here.

Hey, Malcolm.

Ooh, your pimple's not
joining us for dinner?

I set a place at the table
for it and everything.

Well, that zit is gone, and
thanks to these smooth cheeks,

my date last night was amazing.

'Cause forget Instagram,
she followed me

straight back to my...

to my church meeting, Mama.

Yeah, don't bring God
into your ratchetness.


What, Ma?

I don't know, you're looking
especially handsome today.

Oh, yeah?


Oh, yeah.

You do look good.

You losing some weight?

Uh, yeah, you know,
I'm just drinking water,

eating clean, working out,
doing me.

Oh, good, you intercepted
the baby gift.

Oh, no, not yet.

I just saw Devona,
your makeup lady,

dropping your makeup at Malcolm
and Marty's by mistake.

I didn't order any makeup.

You know what, Mom, let me
go ahead and grab this.

God knows what else that lady
is hiding on my porch.

Uh-uh, there might be
some free samples

in here or something.

Strong enough for a woman,

but weak enough for a man."

Hmm. Not any men
that I know, all right.

We don't need these kind
of samples in this house.

Wait, wait, wait.
Stop, stop. It's for me.

All right, you know what
I was dealing with.

I have a pimple the size
of Kilimanjaro on my face.

I had to do something.

Oh, so that's why
you been looking

extra Denzel.

You ain't drinking no water.

Look, it's... it's not
a big deal, okay?

It's just a little
cover-up for men.

Oh, it's okay, honey,
there's nothing wrong with

a little glow-up to make you
look and feel your best.

Thank you, Ma.

Hey, man, look,
I'm with Mom, okay.

Do what makes you feel good.

with this flawless skin,

I don't ever need
to wear makeup.

My dermatologist says I have
the pores of a six-year-old.

What in the RuPaul is
going on in here?

All right, look, look, Pop,

at first it did
feel weird, right?

But then I thought why
shouldn't I do something

if it makes me feel better?

I'm still me, I'm just
a little bit smoother.

Son, men aren't supposed
to be smooth.

Supposed to be rough and bumpy.

That's what makes us men.

Pop, those are outdated
gender roles, okay?

Look, even A-Rod has
a makeup line.

Well, if you hit
that many home runs,

sure, you could wear
a little mascara.

I don't use mascara, Pop.

It's concealer.

Well, it's
a slippery slope, son.

I mean, today it's concealer,

tomorrow it's
a Brazilian butt lift.

I'm telling you.

(Alexa chimes)

Hold on.

She's trying to say

Alexa, what are
my notifications?

Your package has been delivered.

Oh, damn, I gotta go.

Did she tell you
the name of the shade

of that concealer
she used on you?

Oh, come on, Ma.


I'm just mad that you
look prettier than me.

Hey, Gemma, look,
I'm sorry.

I, uh... I sent that
before I...

Oh, no, no, no.
It's-it's all good.

I'm-I'm-- I just need to
get back to my painting.

I'm fine. It's fine.


No, no, no.
I just...

The color's all wrong,

and it's taking longer
than I thought.

And I just--
I need to get it right.

(crying, mumbling)
I need to get it right.

Sorry, Calvin.

Don't be.

All right? What you're
going through is awful.

I just don't want
to feel this.

It makes it real.

My baby's gone.

Ugh. I just want to be numb.

I-I know that you're afraid

that if you--
if you let the hurt in,

it'll just swallow you up.

I mean, that's how I felt
when Tina and I...

lost our little girl.

But, uh, you know,

the more I tried to...
avoid the pain,

the more it lingered.

And I just don't
want that for you.

It just feels like

I'm never gonna
be okay again.

Did it ever go away?

I thought it did,
I mean, but...

when this thing
happened to you guys,

it all came rushing back.

And I didn't want
to talk about it either.

And now that I'm here,
sharing this moment with you,

I realize I needed
to hear these words myself.


You're gonna get
through this, Gemma.


I promise, sweetheart.

I got you.

So it's okay to talk
about what happened now?

Yeah, of course, sweetie.

I'm sorry I didn't let you
talk about your feelings.

But that's why
we're planting this tree,

so that we can always
remember the baby.

I'm still sad, though.

We all are, buddy,
but you know, it's okay.

We're a family, and we'll
always be there for each other.

Even in the toughest times.

The Butlers will always
be there for you guys, too.


Thanks for coming, guys.

Hey, honey.

Of course, Dave.

You okay?


Hey, Tina, I hope I'm not
putting you on the spot, but...

would you sing something?

Oh. (chuckles)
Of course I will.

Um, what should I sing?

You know what, Ma?
How about "Gone Too Soon"?

Oh, that's
a beautiful idea, son.

♪ Like a comet ♪

♪ Blazing in the evening sky ♪

♪ Gone too soon ♪

♪ Like a rainbow ♪

♪ Fading in the twinkling
of an eye ♪

♪ Gone too soon ♪

♪ Shiny and sparkly ♪

♪ And splendidly bright ♪

♪ Here one day ♪

♪ Gone one night ♪

♪ Like a sunset ♪

♪ Fading with the rising ♪

♪ Of the moon ♪

♪ Gone too soon ♪

♪ Gone too soon. ♪

♪ Like a comet... ♪

CALVIN: Okay...


No, David!

(indistinct chatter)


...did you move my skin toner?

Oh, it's in the upper right


You know,

you've got some nerve
teasing Malcolm

when you use cosmetics, too.

Oh, well, hold on now.

Foundation and mascara,
that's makeup.

My stuff is toiletries.

Hardcore, manly toiletries.

Looking for your
beard dye, Idris?

Mind your business, Tina.