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01x17 - Love Sick

Posted: 04/15/12 15:48
by bunniefuu
Never lose this.

Guard it with your life.

[Car lock beeps]

My apologies, sir.

I was told, "use force if necessary."

Knowing you as I do, I found it necessary.

Good to see you too, Woolsey.

Your cousin would like to see you.

He's here?

Yes sir.

And waiting.

Must be important then.

Afraid so, sir.

And I'm afraid you'll have to drive.

Better than having to die, I suppose.

Just between us, sir, I wouldn't rule that out.


[Cell phone rings]


Hey, I'm sorry. Am I late?

You will be if you don't get your butt home.

We have reservations.

My butt is on its way.

Okay. See you soon.

[Speaks German]

Salut mon cousin, ça va ?

I was doing just fine...

Till I had a g*n pressed against my neck, by a man I've known for nearly 20 years.

It's nothing personal, sir.

I know, Woolsey, but I'm taking it that way.

No hard feelings, sir. Your privilege.

Sorry for the blunt force, Sean.

Couldn't take the chance that you might refuse the invitation.

My time is very limited.

What do you want?

It's not just me, cousin.

It's the family. We're very concerned.

Things are not moving the way that they should be.

So the choices are, give us the key or we will take the Grimm and find it ourselves.

We're tired of waiting.

What do you think I've been doing all this time?

Playing croquet?

Some of us actually put some thought into what we do before we do it.

No one is interested in excuses anymore.

We want answers, cousin.

We want action.

All right.


My answer is no, by the way.

You may wanna relay that to the family.

I think the message is clear, sir.

If I tell them, they'll k*ll me.

You got a point there, Woolsey.

Sorry, it's nothing personal.

I know, sir.

But I'm taking it that way.

Your privilege.


I can't believe he didn't say anything.

Don't you guys ever talk about anything but work?

Yeah, sure we do.

You know, he lost $80 on the blazers game last week.

That got very emotional.

He didn't even mention her name?

Not to me.

Well, you're the one who set this up.

He didn't say anything to you either?

I didn't set it up. He set it up.

And he's very excited.

No, he didn't say anything.

Well, you'd think he'd at least mention the money he lost.


Hey, guys.

Nick, I think you remember Adalind.


Nice to see you again.

And this, is the lovely Juliette.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

You too.

Excuse me.

I'm gonna grab our table.

Hank tells me that you're a veterinarian.


I have an Egyptian Mau cat.

It's just my best friend.

Wow, we really don't see those very often.

Yeah, maybe that's 'cause they're so dangerous.

They are descended from wild African cats.

Good job. Very ancient breed.

I've only seen one in my practice.

They have a really cool mark on their forehead, like a little scarab beetle.

Do they have a little mark underneath their tongue?

I've never looked.

That's a weird question.

Hey, guys. Got our table.

You guys ready to have a good time?



[Caroor closes]

I was afraid you weren't coming.

I was held up.

Everything okay?


You have the smell of v*olence.

And you have a problem with that?

I never have.

I started in criminal law.

Thought I'd be the next Clarence Darrow.

But wouldn't you know it?

I ended up spending all my time with criminals.

So I switched to contract law.

Still criminals, but they dress better.

And they pay better.


Must have been pretty tough at the law firm.

I suppose you had to hire some new lawyers.

I'm still getting over that loss.

What loss?

I'm feeling a little left out.

Two of the lawyers from her firm were m*rder*d.

Oh, Nick told me a little bit about that.

I'm sorry.

You were really upset about that case.

Yeah, I still am.

[Cell phone rings]

I'm sorry.

Oh, you know, this is the office.

I have to take this.

Could you order me another drink?

Of course I can.

Thank you. Hello?

I could use one myself.

She seems nice.

Mm, she is.

Thing about her is she's genuine.

Grew up with her grandparents on a farm in Iowa.

Put herself through law school.

That sounds a little too good to be true.

Hey, I put myself through vet school.

Could you order me another drink too?

I gotta use the restroom.

Sorry, Nick seems a little edgy tonight.

Yeah, he does.

I think you guys have been working a little too hard.

So how long has this being going on between you and Miss Adalind?

Not that long.

It's the weirdest thing.

It's like one day I woke up, and I couldn't stop thinking about her.

Yeah, I know how that goes.

Yes. Okay.

I... can do the deposition between 3:00 and 5:00 tomorrow.

Just let me know what you...

What the hell do you think you're doing?

Falling in love.

I didn't know that was against the law.

All right, I'm gonna say this once.

You stay out of his life.



I hope you're listening.

Did it ever occur to you that this is exactly what it looks like?


Never. You're a liar.

Because I'm not telling him everything?

I guess you speak from experience.

I'm not gonna let this happen.

Try and stop it.

Maybe I should scream.

Man, can't believe it.

We got a damn call.

Got two dead bodies.


I'm taking Juliette home first.

Hey, man.

What's the deal?

Look, it's just something going on between me and Juliette.

And I don't really want to get into it.

Okay, I get it.

I'll take care of things till you get there.

If Adalind does this, my debt is paid?


And if she doesn't?

Just kidding.

But I'm disappointed.

About what?

You used to be a lot more fun.

I could still be fun if I want to.

All right, now there's too much riding on this.

I need you to make sure this happens the way it has to.

Well, it's a good thing you came to a pro.

Sometimes Adalind has a mind of her own.

I don't want any mistakes on this, Catherine.

You may wanna spend a little less time gazing at that mirror, mirror on the wall.

I'll dagger, dagger in my heart.

What happens when you find the key?

Well, those who help will be remembered and rewarded.

Those who don't will be forgotten.

[Police radio chatter]

Two dead bodies.

Two g*ns. One Mercedes.



You just ate your chapstick.

No, I didn't.

I saw you.

That's crazy, why would I do that?

Okay, so the older guy's a Brit, Thomas Woolsey.

And the other guy is Anton Krug.

He's Swiss.

They both have g*ns in their hands, so a simple-minded sergeant would surmise they shot each other.

Fortunately, that's not my job.

I'm gonna run prints.

What do you think?

I don't know. I just got here.

About Adalind.

You know, I gotta be honest with you, Hank.

I don't see this one working out.

What are you talking about?

Look, I know you're afraid I might take advantage of her because we saved her life, but it's not like that.

Well, what if she takes advantage of you?

Works for me.

Look, Hank, we're cops.

We can't do this. We've gotta keep it separate.

On the other hand, life is short, buddy.

And I'm not getting married tomorrow.

Just get to know her.

You might like her.

Hey, got a cell phone.

Somebody bring me a baggie.


Making any progress on the double homicide?

Not much.

We've got two foreigners, one Swiss, one British, who decided to sh**t each other in Portland.

According to the rental agreement found in the Mercedes, it was rented to Anton Krug, but the keys were found in Woolsey's pocket.

Right, so they either knew each other, or one was trying to steal the car from the other?

Well, they had to have known each other.

According to the airlines, they both flew in together today.

And there was only one car, so obviously they drove together.

Uh-huh. Well, makes sense.

Well, unless there was a second car, and somebody drove away.

What are you saying, a third man?

You got any evidence of this?

Not yet.

Could have been a business dispute that got out of hand.

Can you connect them to anybody here?

We did find this cell phone underneath the car.

We think it must have fallen out of Anton's pocket when he hit the ground.

You, uh, access that yet?

We haven't been able to turn it on.

We think it broke when it hit the ground.

Lab will be able to get that information.

Good, good.

Keep me advised.

Gentlemen, and you two as well.

Waits for laugh, doesn't get it, all right.

According to the airline records, which I just received and happened to peruse while in the restroom, both of your victims declared the g*ns they used to sh**t each other when they checked in for their flight from Zurich.

So my guess is, the two g*ns knew each other.

Waits for laugh again.

Taps on fake microphone.

Is this thing even on? Hello?

Oh, man, it must be late.

Look, let's pick this up tomorrow.

I'm beat.

Plus, I'm pissed I missed my dinner with Adalind.

Hey, don't worry, I'll take that phone down to evidence.

Ah, yeah, thanks.

See you manana.

Hey, you okay?


Well, no.

I've been having some stomach problems lately.

Well, maybe it's something you ate?


No, I've been eating pretty good lately.

Although I have gained some weight.


Hey, Nick, you know what?


I think I'm gonna pass out.



Somebody call a medic.

What happened? Get his head up.

Medic! Please!

Wu, can you hear me?

Okay. It's gonna be okay.



Hello, precious.

I hope you don't mind, I let myself in.

You're lucky I didn't rip your throat out.

As if you could have.

I heard you got yourself a new beau.

It's not like that.

I'm working.

Of course you are.

The captain?


Then you better make sure that everything goes the way he wants.

I am, mom.

You still love him, don't you?

What difference does that make?

I taught you well.

There's one more thing.

My new beau is the partner of the Grimm.

Then this is about more than just the partner.

This is about getting the key.

You're really going all the way on this one.

All I know is this is gonna get ugly.

Don't worry.

You do ugly so well.

[Cell phone rings]

Just a second.

It's him.

Well, what did you expect?

Go ahead, answer it.

Put on a smile.

They can hear it in your voice.

Hank, hi.

Adalind, sorry we had to duck away.

We had a double homicide.

Anyway, you don't want to hear about that.

I was on my way home and thought I might stop by for a few minutes.

I'd love that, Hank.

Oh, great.

But my mom's here, and we haven't seen each other in a while.

Maybe some other time?


I understand.

You know, I like that Juliette.

I hope we can finish that dinner sometime.

Me too. I'll call you tomorrow.

Don't forget. Bye.

There's an eating disorder called pica.

It usually involves consuming non-edible substances.

Dirt, coins, and other small objects.

We discovered some gastrointestinal obstruction.

Fortunately, there was no tearing of the stomach.

And this is what we got out of him.

He ate all that?

Well, now you know why he wasn't feeling so good.

Why would he do this?

Lots of reasons.

You're in a very stressful job.

That could be enough.

We'll keep him overnight.

He should be good to go home tomorrow, but he's gotta get some help.

You should have k*lled her when you had the chance.

You're telling me.

So just warn him off her, dude.

Yeah, well, I've tried.

He won't listen to anything I have to say about her.

You know, plus, how do you tell your partner he's dating a witch?

You mean so he doesn't hate you?

Not easy.

But this is not normal.

You don't date a Hexenbiest lightly.

And you break up with one at your own peril.

Could she have done something to him?

Hell yeah.

That's what they do.

Looks like somebody took a bite out of the wrong apple, dude.

Classic witch's brew.

Mojo, Juju, Hocus-Pocus, Booga Booga, whatever you want to call it.

They got some pretty potent concoctions that can seriously mess with your brain chemistry.

That would explain it.

Rosalee would know about this.

I could call her.

Oh, she's probably asleep by now.

Not that that ever bothered you.

Call her.

It's gotta be a potion of some kind.

How else would a human fall in love with a Hexenbiest?

They're not exactly the lovable type.

Kind of hot though.

I mean, if you go for that obviously hot thing.

'Cause I don't.

Who's the Hexenbiest?

Adalind Schade.

How long ago did this happen?

I'm guessing a couple of weeks.

About the time Freddie was k*lled.

Let me check his sales books, see if she's been here. You guys keep looking.

How many of these Zaubertrank are there?

"Zaubertrank"means "potion."


Wouldn't it just be easier to say "potion"?


Then why don't you just say that?

Because it's so much more than that.

[Speaks German]

Hey, I've got something.

A shopping list somebody wrote from the day my brother died.

"Couer diable, rot inguen, and Essigblasse. These are three of the ingredients of a really dangerous recipe."

How dangerous?

"From deeply in love to deeply dead."

Looks like the Hexenbiest that tried to k*ll your Aunt has set her fangs on your partner now.

Well, how do we cure that?

I'm not sure we can. It's...

Depends on how far along the emotional and physical relationship has gone.

Too far and he's...



Okay, well, we have to do something.

There might be an antidote, but it would take me a while to find it.

First I have to find out which Zaubertrank uses this recipe.


It would help if I knew what I was looking for.

Any recipe with those ingredients.

There's, like, a thousand recipes in here.

Remember the cop who got poisoned?

Boil dude?

Yeah. Never forgetting that.

Remember, I was saying, that it's like the boomerang effect that happens when someone ingests a potion meant for someone else?

And you think that someone else was Hank.

Makes sense, right?

Does anything make sense with a Zaubertrank?

Real love is hard to find.

Don't I know it.

How much longer do I have to keep them on?

I wear them for a half hour every night.

It hurts.

Beauty is never without pain.

You should be used to that by now.
[Cell phone rings]


Time to set things in motion.


Yes, now.

He wants it to happen now.

Well, all I can say is this detective is one lucky guy.

You're going to be the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.

Hey. Morning.

You forgot to take the cell phone down to evidence last night.

I dropped it this morning.

Sorry, I got distracted when Wu passed out.

Yeah, I heard about that.

How's he doing?


How are you?

Not so good.

Why? What's up?


Come again?

I should have sent flowers.

I don't know what you're talking about.

At dinner the other night, when we got called away, I should have sent Adalind some flowers.

Don't you think?

Hank, don't you see what's going on here?

[Cell phone rings]

She's calling.

Hey, baby, how you doing?


What's wrong?

I just miss you.

I miss you too.

Maybe you'd like to come over to my place tonight.

I'd love that.

What do you want me to bring?

Just yourself.

Are you with your partner?

Yeah, he's sitting right here.

Good. Tell him I say hi.

She says hi.

Let me say hi.

Adalind, sorry about the other night.

How are you?

I'm fine, Nick.

How are you?

So what are you cooking for dinner tonight?

It's a surprise.

And what have you done to my partner?

You've really got him under a spell.

That's your surprise.

Come on, phone back, my turn.

I'll see you tonight.

Can't wait.

Very good, Adalind.

You are incredibly powerful.

She's cooking dinner for me tonight.

That's a good sign, don't you think?

Well, that really depends on what she's cooking.

Look, Hank, I know you probably don't want to hear this...

We've finished with the cell phone.

It's definitely busted, but I thought I should bring it over personally.


Nothing on it.

SIM card's empty. Brand-new.

Never been used.

Well, it's not a new phone, why is there a new card?

I don't know.

Maybe the old one was damaged.

Anyway, that's all we got.

Old phone. New SIM card.

We have no contacts in Portland or anywhere else.

Is this seeming as strange to you as it is to me?


Then something is not right.

But I can make it up to her.

I'll take her flowers tonight.


Two dozen.


I found it.

I found it.

Monroe, wake up.

Where am I?

La mort pour l'amour.

"Death for love."

[Knock at door]

Captain, you got a minute?

Yeah, of course.

There's something that's bothering me about this sh**ting.

You find something out?

Ah, that's just it.

It just... It seems too clean.

We sent the phone down to the lab.

But it's an old phone, got a brand-new SIM card.

Not a single phone call on it.

That is odd.

What are you thinking?

You know, this is just an instinct, but I think there was a third man.

He drove a separate car.

I think he could have shot both men.

I think he took Anton's g*n, put it in his hand.

Shot the g*n again, putting powder burns on Anton.

And then took Anton's phone, replaced the SIM card, and tossed it under the car.

Preventing us from getting any of Anton's contacts, which might connect us to this third man.


Any idea how to find out who he is?

I'm working on it, but...

You know, I'm feel like I'm getting really close.

Look, Nick, you're a great detective.

And this a very good theory, but the families of the victims are already en route to claim the bodies.

Turns out, the two men have very strong political connections back in Europe.

And their families have no intention of letting us get involved in their affairs.

Well, even if that means a m*rder*r goes free?

I don't like it any more than you do.

But sometimes the bigger picture is complicated by things beyond our control.

[Cell phone rings]


Hey, man, I'm with Rosalee.

You might want to get over here, 'cause if Hank's taken what we think he's taken, he is knockin' on heaven's door.

They're all part of an obsession formula.

The heart-sucking, brain-mashing Zaubertrank we were talking about.

This spell is designed to cause obsessive behavior.

The obsession becomes so great that the brain overloads, and the body literally shuts down.

It could explain what happened to your...

Sergeant Wu.


His fever and lesions suggest that he got some of the Zaubertrank meant for Hank.


This is what I think they took.

Well, I thought you cured Wu.

I just treated his symptoms.

Could it explain eating coins, paper clips, buttons?

Unfortunately, yes.

How do we stop this?

There's an antidote.

And if this works on Wu, could it cure Hank?

It should.

Yeah, no, it should. I have all the ingredients.

I just have to mix it.

All right, let's do it.


Hey, look at that. Multiple uses.

How do we get it in him?

With a nasuflamme.

You put these prongs into the victim's nostril, and push down on the plunger.

You know, I don't know Hank all that well, but how the hell are you gonna convince him this is something that's good for him?

Let's just see if it works first.

[Knock at door]

Hey, Wu, it's Nick.

Nick? Is that you?

Yeah, open up the door, man.

Uh, I can't right now.

I'm in the middle of dinner.

What are you eating?




Oh, my God.

My God. Get him on the couch.

I hope we're not too late.

[Coughing, gasping]

Okay, hold him down. Hold him down.

Oh, God. Here we go again.

Pull his head back.


[Device hisses]

Is that supposed to happen?

I hope so.

How long is it supposed to last?

I don't know.

Well, how do we know if he's cured?



Where'd you guys come from?

Is this a dream?

Why am I in my underwear?

Uh, so embarrassing.

Excuse me.

I think it worked.

Yeah, and fast.

Time to get it to Hank.

[Cell phone rings]

Nick, what's up?


Hey, where are you, man?

Hey, if it's a body somewhere, it's gotta wait.

I'm at Adalind's.

No, uh, Hank, listen to me. I gotta talk to you, okay?

In the morning, man.

I've got big plans tonight, and I'm keeping them.

Over and out.

I'm signing off.

Where is he?



[Doorbell rings]

What if they're, like, in the middle of... you know?

I mean, this could get kind of awkward.

And Hank is one thing, but the Hexenbiest, you don't want to get them riled up, man.

It could get ugly, fast.

I'm bringing her down.

Look, I'm not saying I'm against it, but you know, that's gonna be a pretty hard thing for a cop to explain.

You know, dead body and all.

And what about your partner, dude?

What's he gonna think when you g*n down the woman he's in love with?

Do you have any better ideas? I'm listening.

Well, if you'd let me think for a second.

No, I don't.


Hank, it's Nick!

Are we too late?

He's still alive.

But why is he unconscious?

Oh, my God.

She altered the Zaubertrank.

Hank is still alive, but the antidote, it's useless now.

But it worked on Wu.

He didn't have sex with her.

Oh, God.

That always complicates things, doesn't it?

Hey, come on, Hank.

Wake up, man.

Nick, Nick.

It's not gonna work.

He can't... It's like he's in a coma.

But it's not physical, it's mental.

It's like his brain is locked.

Well, there's gotta be a way to fix this.

Possibly, if she used her own blood.

What difference does that make?

The only way you can break a blood Zaubertrank is by k*lling the Hexenbiest whose blood is in it.

[Cell phone rings]

Well, I won't have a problem with that.


Hello, Nick.


I just wanted to invite you over to my place for a little dessert.

I'm already there.

Then you found Hank. Good.

Still sleeping peacefully, I hope.

Where are you?

This is the way it's gonna go, Nick.

Hank will be dead by morning, unless I get the key your Aunt gave you.

So you'd better bring that key to the Bremen ruins as soon as you can.

I've got a very busy schedule, and I can't wait all night.

It's really very easy, Nick.

The key or Hank.

She's in forest park.

Nick, you can't k*ll her.

Oh, yeah, I can.

No, it's not like that.

If you sh**t her, she'll be dead, but that won't bring your partner back.

The only way you can break the hold she has on Hank is with the blood of a Grimm.

With your blood.

I hope you brought the key, Nick.

Hank doesn't have much more time.


I would have thought he meant more to you than that.

He does.

You don't believe me, do you?

Too bad.

He's gonna die.

How are you gonna explain a dead cop in your bed?

His heart gave out.


See, at the funeral, Nick, I'll be sure to cry.


I think it's time we settle our differences...



[Both grunting]

He's gotta be with her by now.


I should have gone with him.

No, you shouldn't have.

He had to do this alone.

I mean, how do we know when it's over?

If Hank wakes up, then she's dead.

And if Hank doesn't wake up?

I should have gone with him.

[Both grunting]


[Muffled groaning]


What have you done?

[Gasps, whimpers]




What have you done?

You k*lled me.

You don't look so dead.

I'm nothing now.

I don't have any powers.

You've taken everything.

I'm just like everybody else.

I am nothing.


[Cell phone rings]


Hey, Nick.

You're okay, right?


Hank's okay too.

He woke up. He seems fine.


But there's a problem.

He's kind of wondering what we're all doing in Adalind's bedroom, so, uh...

What do you want me to tell him?


What happened?

Oh, my God. He got to you.

How did he get his blood into you?

I bit him.

I didn't mean...

You know what getting that key would have meant for us.

I wasn't doing it for us.

I was doing for...


You lost more than just the key.

The Grimm knew.

How did he know?

Because he's smarter than you.

And he's proved that he's more valuable than I anticipated.

I underestimated him.

Not my mistake.

I was trusting...

An amateur.

I had such high hopes for you, honey.

What are you gonna do to me?

That's not already been done?

You're useless now.

Just another pretty girl.

[Train horn blows]