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18x06 - Secrets Of The Star Ancestors

Posted: 02/16/24 11:56
by bunniefuu
For centuries,
Native Americans have kept alive

some of the oldest traditions
on Earth.

Through oral history
and sacred sites,

the story is told to Indigenous
people for thousands of years.

Their incredible
history is carved into the landscape.

This is sensational.
Look at that guy right there.

They represent those gods
that came to Earth.

And their sacred
rituals display a reverence for the land

and for the ancestors
from the stars.

They're the keepers of the upper
world, which means space.

We don't use the word "gods."

We use the word "creator."

Do the stories
of America's Indigenous people

reveal a long history of contact
with otherworldly visitors?

All Native
American tribes have oral histories

that people came from the stars
to visit them.

I know they're out there.

There is a doorway

in the universe.

Beyond it is
the promise of truth.

It demands
we question everything

we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is
right before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.

Collinsville, Illinois.

15 miles east of St. Louis.

Towering over the flat
local terrain is Monks Mound,

the remains
of a massive earthen pyramid.

Built more than 1,000 years ago,
it was the centerpiece

of the ancient Native American
city of Cahokia.

Monks Mound
is the largest building

of the ancient North America
north of Mexico.

It was called that

because Trappist French monks
lived nearby it.

It stands 100 feet tall today.

It was probably taller
in its heyday.

It comprises of about 22 million
cubic feet of dirt,

which was millions and millions

of buckets of dirt
brought one at a time.

Its circumference
on the bottom is larger

than the Temple of the Sun
just north of Mexico City.

Monks Mound and
other ancient ruins across the Americas

offer clues about
how Native people once lived

in vast, thriving communities.

Yet very little is known
about the inhabitants of Cahokia

and many Native cultures

since most of their history
and traditions

were passed down orally rather
than through written records.

The Native Americans
traditionally use

a oral tradition.

Everything is spoken.

The oral traditions actually
go back thousands of years.

It's just the way it was.

And we've maintained
that tradition even to this day.

It is unknown
what the Native Americans

who inhabited Cahokia
called themselves.

Anthropologists refer to them
as the Mississippians,

a name used to describe
a wide variety of Native peoples

that lived east of the
Mississippi in North America.

And although much about Cahokia
remains a mystery,

what is known is that it thrived

centuries before Europeans ever
stepped foot in the Americas,

as did countless other cities.

Around 1050,

the city swells
to a population of 15,000,

and including the satellite
communities around it,

almost 30,000.

There were a number
of these cities

all around the eastern part
of what's now the United States.

The general picture of Native
America before European contact

is that it's some sort
of just nomadic life,

that they were living
in small bands and camps.

The truth is that there were
thousands of people

living in the same place,

very much the way
the Europeans were.

Across North America,

vast differences existed
between the Native peoples

in terms of language, customs
and cultural practices.

Yet many tribes
shared the tradition

of worshipping a powerful being
known as the Bird Man.

When excavations were performed
at Cahokia in the 20th century,

this motif was found
to be abundant.

The most remarkable example

was connected to the burial
of a man believed to have been

an early Cahokian ruler.

His body had been placed
on an elevated platform

covered by a bed of more than
20,000 marine shell disc beads

arranged in the shape
of a falcon,

with the bird's head
appearing beneath

and beside the man's head

and its wings and tail
beneath his arms and legs.

The Bird Man of Cahokia
is a burial

that was found under a mound
in the center of the city.

And it's called the Bird Man

because there's
this arrangement of shells

that appear to be
in the shape of a bird.

And it makes sense because
we know that the Mississippians

had a supernatural being
who may or may not be a god.

But he's
a very powerful creature

that lives up in the sky.

We see depictions
on also stone tablets.

Native people believed
in the power deity called the Bird Man.

There are a number
of depictions in the remains

of these cultures
of this powerful creature

who could fly and could move
among the different realms

and was essentially the ruling,
uh, god of this reality.

Various descriptions of the Bird Man

can be found
from one tradition to the next,

and some also feature
a similar celestial being

called the thunderbird.

The thunderbird, uh, in Zuni

is described as a being
that came from the sky

that could create lightning.

It could create a lot of noise.

And it was represented

as a being with wings
made out of knives.

Now, the thunderbird
could have been a vehicle.

But way back then, the Indians
had no other reference.

- So they just said...
- it is a bird.

One could argue
that this is a representation

of misunderstood technology

that could illustrate
some type of a flying craft.

Because if you don't have
the terminology for a plane,

well, of course
you're gonna call it a bird.

I mean, pilots even today
call their planes birds.

The Mound Builders,
I believe, were those Indian tribes

that had contact
with the extraterrestrials,

the teachers.

The star ancestors taught
the American Indians

about where they came from,

their different star system,

and how they're supposed
to carry out their rituals,

by referring
to their star system,

whether it be Pleiades,

whether it be the Milky Way,

whether it be the Big Dipper.

We don't use the word "gods."

We use the word "creator."

He who has no name
and has all the names.

He's the eye
that oversees everybody.

The creation
story, if you understand it correctly,

we are all from the cosmos.

Our ancestors
were extraterrestrial.

The story is told
to Indigenous people

for thousands of years

through oral history

and through
the petroglyphs and pictographs

and the sacred sites
that continue to be part

of our Native
cultural traditions.

In talking about star people,

all Native American tribes
have these, uh, traditional

oral histories that people came
from the stars to visit them.

And it's universal,
all across the United States,

that these gods,
as we call them today,

came to Earth and visited
to provide knowledge.

The Cherokee talked about,
uh, the star seeds

and the people coming
from the sky.

The Zunis and the Hopis talk
about the star people coming,

and the Mississippi mound people
had the Bird Man culture.

So, here we have these cultures,

and their legends
and lores are about

star ancestors coming down,

giving them information, showing
them science and medicine.

Native American
people have been very clear

when they speak of celestial
beings that imparted knowledge.

And if you compare that
to the ancient astronaut theory,

that's exactly what
it talks about,

that the knowledge was imparted
by beings who visited us.

Could the stories
of the Bird Men and star people

provide an oral history
of alien visitation

among early
Native American tribes?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and propose that, while
the Indigenous communities

kept no written records,

a historical account
of exactly what they encountered

can be found
carved into the landscape

at an ancient petroglyph site
in Arizona.

In the American Southwest

is a region
known as the Four Corners,

where the boundaries
of Arizona, New Mexico,

Colorado and Utah meet.

Most of this region belongs

to semiautonomous
Native American nations,

including the Navajo,

Hopi, Zuni,

Ute and dozens of other
Native American peoples.

They are all thought
to be descendants

of people frequently called the
Ancestral Pueblo, or Anasazi.

The Anasazi, or the old ones,

as we like to refer to them,

were here
in the Four Corners region,

uh, for thousands of years.

And they suddenly, around
1070 AD, just up and disappear.

Their cities are abandoned,

their structures, everything.

Pottery is left.

They don't know what
happened to them.

Archaeological evidence
shows that, between 1275 and 1300 AD,

the Pueblo people
stopped building entirely

and the land was left empty.

They were
a people that inhabited

this Four Corners region
for thousands of years.

It's still a mystery today,

and it's one
of the big mysteries

in the American Southwest.

Similar to the
Mississippian tribes to the east,

the Pueblo nations

also described contact
with visitors from the stars

and performed rituals

to connect with sky beings
called the kachina.

There were objects...
We call them dolls...

But they were sacred objects
that would be similar

to the costumes worn by
the dancers and imagined to be

the appearance
of these celestial beings.

If you look at the kachinas,

there are
so many different types...

Different headdresses,
different feathers on them,

different ways of painting them

to distinguish them
one from another.

And that tells me

that there were a lot
of different types of beings

that were interacting
with early Natives,

much more than we even,
uh, think.

The kachinas
were their first teachers,

the ones
that imparted the knowledge.

The Hopi are very clear
in suggesting

that the kachinas
were physical beings.

The kachina is a representation

of the actual gods that used to
come into the villages eons ago.

Some of them are warriors.

Most of them
are priesthood-type kachinas,

and they come
from different parts...

In my opinion,
different parts of the universe.

But they actually have
certain places on this planet

that they call it home.

Ours is west of here,

and of course
a lot of other pueblos

have their own specific place.

And even to this day,
some of them are here.

The story of strange
humanoid beings assisting Native peoples

has been recounted for centuries
among the Pueblo nations.

Not only is it a central part
of their oral traditions,

these encounters
were so significant

they were carved in stone.

I believe that these
visitations have been documented

in pictographs and petroglyphs.

They're not art, actually,
for art's sake.

The petroglyphs
have been done this way

for basically thousands
of years.

Do petroglyphs
found throughout North America

tell a story of ancient
extraterrestrial contact?

In July 2021,

ancient astronaut theorists
Giorgio Tsoukalos

and William Henry traveled

to Rock Art Ranch
in Winslow, Arizona,

to investigate one
of North America's

most extensive collections
of petroglyphs.

Joining them is esteemed
Navajo Tribal Ranger Jon Dover.

It's so great to meet you
because 31 years,

you've been a Tribal Navajo
Ranger, is that correct?

Yes, uh, I started in 1980,

uh, to 2011.

And, uh, worked,
uh, most of, uh,

- the reservation up there, 27,000 square miles.
- Wow.

This ranch is very unique

because there is
so much archaeology here.

Well, we're sure excited to be
here to get eyes on it with you.

- Okay, well, let's go take a look.
- All right.

Rock Art Ranch's
5,000 acres are home to nearly

3,000 ancient petroglyphs,
and on nearly every panel

are figures that the Navajo
identify as star people.

This is sensational.

Look at that guy right there.

- They call that the birthing mother, right?
- That's right.

Very fascinating
because I'm looking at that

and immediately
my mind goes around the world.


- This is a depiction of a mother goddess.
- Yep.

It's like
those big giant statues

- that were found over in Europe...
- Right.

But it also reminds me
of Dogu statues of Japan.

- Yeah.
- And also, the Wandjinas.

- Right.
- Very similar.

In the Northwest
Kimberly region of Australia,

ancient cave art depicts
beings called the Wandjina,

the sky heroes of one
of Australia's Indigenous clans.

The stories behind
the Wandjinas goes

that they descended from the sky

and gave knowledge

and jumpstarted civilization
in Australia

thousands and thousands
of years ago.

And the Wandjinas are incredible

because they have
these gigantic heads

and these long bodies

and these arms.

It seems as if they're inside

some sort of a pressurized suit.

There are similar figures
all around the world...

Big bulbous heads, big bodies

floating up in the sky.

In Japan we have
the same things,

in Africa...

in Europe...

in North and South America.

So my suggestion is
that the extraterrestrials

that came to Earth thousands
and thousands of years ago

didn't just visit Australia.

They visited each
and every continent on Earth.

And that is why we have
the similar motifs.

Look at the concentric rings
up there.

That's the portal symbol.
There's two of them.

And there's guys
around the portal,

- on the lower one. Yeah.
- Interesting, yeah.

Tell me, Jon,
petroglyphs are regarded

as picture books
that tell a story all at once.

That's right, and also en-en...

- enmeshed in all this are religious symbols.
- Mm-hmm.

Things that tell you something
about how they worshipped.

- Pictures of gods.
- Mm-hmm.

And when you say

- "gods..."
- Gods, right.

What, in your culture...

- what does that mean?
- It could be anything from

somebody coming to them

and meeting with them
and imparting knowledge.

And in the case of the Navajo,

that's what
the Yeibichai represent.

In the case of the Hopis, the
kachinas represent those gods...

- Right.
- That came to Earth

to give them knowledge.

And could one make the argument
that these may have been

visitations by flesh-and-blood

- in ancient times?
- Oh, definitely.

From what we understand,
there's many different

races of alien

that are coming
to-to this world.

- That's amazing.
- In the case of some tribes

down in Southern Arizona,
you even have

a mountain range called
the Estrella Mountains.

In the language of the people
in that area, "Estrella"

means "stargate."

Estrella... star people.

Am I correct to assume that this
is only the tip of the iceberg,

and that there are so many more

panels like this that the world
doesn't even know about?

On the Navajo reservation alone,

there are 300,000 sites
that are recorded.

I mean, we're talking
at least 4000 BC,

- right?
- That's right.

Well, this is great, but I'm
just looking on the other side,

and there is more.
I mean, there's more everywhere.

So let's go check out
the other ones,

- as well.
- Sure thing.

Giorgio Tsoukalos
and William Henry

have been granted special access

to Rock Art Ranch
in Winslow, Arizona,

where Navajo Tribal elder
Jon Dover is guiding them

through the ancient
petroglyph panels.

- Wow.
- Look at this.

I mean, look at the hollow
body with the star inside.

- Mm-hmm.
- One hand pointing to the sky,

the other down to Earth.

And just beneath that,

look at... that is a Grey alien.

triangular head, very strange.

That is a... Yeah, it is.

You have all kinds

of different types of figures,

- different representations of gods.
- Right.

I mean, what we have to fill in
with our imagination

is that these beings
off the wall, 3D,

- walking amongst the people.
- Yeah.

- They're interacting with these beings.
- Right.

We don't know
if it's the same time.

- Right.
- Or could be different times.

That's mind-blowing.

I'm so intrigued by
that double helix up there, too,

beside the trapezoidal figure.

- I mean...
- Mm-hmm, as if to indicate,

because of the creature
on the left, DNA,

- you know, had something to do with this.
- Right.

- That's right.
- Giorgio, uh, when you see

- the guy with the trapezoidal body...
- Mm-hmm.

And you see
the curvy lines on the body,

- that always symbolizes, like, vibration.
- Okay.

The-the Anunnaki wore cloaks
that had those kind of

- curvy lines all over.
- Right.

And so here we have a clear,
clear symbolic connection

with-with the Anunnaki
on this figure.

The Anunnaki were powerful
deities worshipped more than

5,000 years ago by the ancient
Sumerians who inhabited

Mesopotamia, an area
that is now modern-day Iraq.

According to the Sumerian
writings, the Anunnaki

descended upon a mountain,
shining like the sun,

and shared profound wisdom
with the human race.

Look at all the different types

of beings here, and then
all the way across there,

y-you've still got
even more variety.

I mean, this is almost
like a meeting place

of all these different worlds
and different beings.

So, you know, you have giants,
you have little people.

And the giants and the little
people are talked about

in the other world
that they came from

before they came to this world.

So, and this is the same
with Sego Canyon up in Utah.

You have these massive,

massive carvings
and petroglyphs.

So the fact that we have these
virtually identical motifs,

to me, suggests they were all
taught by the same teachers.

And the guy here with the horns,

which could be rays,
right next to the Grey alien.

He's got horns or rays
coming off of his head.

- We see that at Valcamonica in Italy.
- Yes, you do.

You see it all kinds
of different places, but then

pointing to the idea
these could be luminous

or radiant beings
that they're portraying.

And seeing creatures here

- having, for example, three fingers...
- Mm-hmm.

You know, as far as I know, uh,
except for a couple of reptiles,

there aren't
any three-fingered creatures.

- Yeah.
- You know? So, and especially nothing humanoid.

- Right.
- So, again, our ancestors

had impeccable powers
of observation.

That's all they did all day.

They, they observed.

And so your estimation then,

is that this was not
a bunch of kids,

you know, on a Saturday night
not knowing what to do.

Absolutely not.

These were people that came
here with a purpose...

- Mm-hmm.
- And the purpose was to put

their history on the wall

showing where they came from,
where they were going.

Jon, this is incredible,

and what I love the most
is the access.

I mean, I've never been
face-to-face like this.

There's a lot of places
nobody's allowed to go

except for archaeologists,
medicine men,

- and Rangers.
- It's spectacular. It's one thing to see

images in a book
or on a... online,

but to-to come face-to-face
with it, feel the energy,

see it, spectacular.

I came away with this deep sense

that this is meant for us
to discover

throughout the ages, that it was
super important to the ancients

to record this information,

to tell us
that these beings were here.

They had a hand in our evolution

and they're probably
still visiting us today.

What I think is
important in this whole thing is that

Jon said these are our stories
of the star people.

And when First Nation
cultures say

that someone visited from
the sky and imparted knowledge,

I think it's time
that we start to listen.

Do the petroglyphs
at Rock Art Ranch provide

an historical record
of extraterrestrial visitation

in North America?

And if so, why does there
seem to be such a strong

between Native Americans

and otherworldly beings?

Perhaps further clues can
be found within oral traditions

that describe strange beings
known as...

the ant men.

In the desolate high
desert of the American Southwest

stand the ruins of the most
important ceremonial site

of the ancient Pueblo people.

Constructed around 900 AD,

the central feature
of this vast complex

is the Great Kiva.

A kiva is basically,

um, a Native American version
of a church.

It is a circular structure.

Chaco Canyon has

an absolutely giant one
that's located there.

When you enter one you're
literally entering another world

to commune
with the gods from before.

In ancient Pueblo culture,

every place you went had
a small kiva of some kind.

But they would get together

maybe eight or nine
different kivas,

small ones,
into a larger great kiva,

and the great kivas were huge.

When the Spanish came in
in the 1600s,

they took their church
and interposed it

on top of the kiva.

So everywhere
in these Hopi villages,

in the Pueblo villages
that you see a Catholic church,

it's usually
on the high point of land

where the kiva was destroyed
and the church

was built over the top of it.

Every kiva
includes a feature called a sipapu.

In some kivas,
the sipapu is a small hole

in the subterranean wall.

In kivas that are enclosed,

it is often represented
by a hole in the roof.

In both cases, it is the most
important part of the structure,

symbolizing the entrance
to a subterranean world.

All of the Pueblos share a story

in which humankind
began under the earth.

And we slowly,
over generations, crawled up

and out of a hole called sipapu.

And the kivas have this little
hole in it symbolizing that.

The descendants
of the Ancestral Pueblo

share the belief
that Earth was populated

three separate times
before the era of modern humans,

with each previous age

in a devastating cataclysm.

The Pueblo Indians believe that

there in fact were three worlds,
or epochs, before ours.

And they were all destroyed.

The first by fire,
the second by ice,

and the third by water.

In each instance,
they tell us that it was due

to mistreatment of the Earth,
and so that tells us

that there could have been
previous examples of humanity

that were destroyed
who knows how long ago.

We're living
now in the fourth world.

And the Zunis and Hopis believe

our fourth world will also end
in a cataclysm.

Their prophecy
says that there would be a,

a gourd of ashes
that would come from the sky.

That's interpreted
as nuclear warfare.

The Hopi suggest
that there were previous worlds

or civilizations before,
and this is interesting because

there are other cultures,
ancient cultures,

around the world,
who speak of similar stories.

The Kabbalah
teaches that there were previous

advanced human civilizations.

A number of them.

The Hindus teach
about the Yugas,

where civilization advances

to a very high place and then
descends and then re-ascends.

It, too, is divided
into four different ages.

So all of these traditions
corresponds directly

with what the Native American
tradition is teaching.

Could the
Native American tradition

describing previous ages
of humankind be true?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest that these stories

also contain evidence of
extraterrestrial intervention.

The Hopis of Northern Arizona
have a very curious myth

of surviving
the third of the cataclysms

by going underground and living
with what they call the ant men.

The stories the Hopi tell
us that the ant people rescued them

from cataclysm by taking them
underground, literally,

and helping the Hopi
to survive underground,

and then once it was safe
to return to the surface

of the Earth, the Hopi were
taken up through the sipapu

by the ant people
and repopulated the Earth.

But in all instances,
the ant people are described

as having a special
relationship with the Hopi,

and also of having a connection
with the star realms.

Despite their name,
ant men are described not as insects

but rather
as small humanoid figures.

The reason they call
these creatures "ant men"

is that they lived
under the earth,

and they would emerge much like
ants crawling out of a hive.

So they called them ant men,
but what they were,

were extraterrestrials.

They were entering
our world through the portal.

The ant men
were underground dwellers who

had a high technology
and looked very similar

apparently to what
we would call Grey aliens.

So this is something
of a mystery,

of-of who these ant men were.

Many Hopis and the Zunis
have similar belief that,

yes, the ant men
were extraterrestrials.

There were beings that are

of extraterrestrial origin

that were...
were part of that whole

emergence mythology.

The entrance
to the fourth world.

Could it be
that the story of the ant men

is a genuine account

of extraterrestrials
helping humanity survive

a global cataclysm?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest further clues
can be found

by comparing
the Native American traditions

to accounts
of a legendary lost continent

called Atlantis.

In his famous
dialogues, Timaeus and Critias,

the Greek philosopher
Plato writes

about a lost continent

that existed 9,000 years
before his time

and was home to
a highly advanced civilization.

Called Atlantis, it was founded
by the Greek god Poseidon,

and the inhabitants possessed
sophisticated technology.

But Atlantis was ultimately

by a terrible cataclysm, and
according to some researchers,

the story of its destruction
is strikingly similar

to Native American traditions
detailing the end

of the third world.

The Hopi and other
Pueblo Indians tell us

that their devastating cataclysm

was due to human greed
and wandering away

from the-the spiritual truths
of our creator.

What's interesting
about this is that this idea

is echoed in Plato's story
of the destruction of Atlantis.

The Atlanteans were
also created by gods.

As soon as humanity
wandered off into materialism,

that's when Atlantis was
destroyed by water.

A perfect correspondence
with what the Hopi said

happened at the end
of the third world.

Could there be a connection

between the ancient Greek tale
of Atlantis

and Native American
origin stories?

Ancient astronaut theorists

another story told
by early Native Americans

bears striking similarities
to Atlantis...

The legend of the lost city
of Aztlán, which appears

in the traditions of the Aztecs

and numerous
Native American groups

throughout the Southwest.

Of the Hopis, so we have
all these oral histories also...

There's debate among scholars
as to exactly

what Aztlán looked like.

And we know that the Aztecs say

that their capital
of Tenochtitlán

was made in the image of Aztlán.

And from that capital,

we get a backwards projection
that their origin place

is an island
surrounded by water.

They actually built
Tenochtitlán up

into the lake
and put causeways out

so that it looks
very much like Atlantis.

According to the Aztecs,

the god Huitzilopochtli
was the founder of Tenochtitlán,

which as far
as ancient astronaut theorists

are concerned, provides yet
another intriguing connection

to Plato's
description of Atlantis.

Tenochtitlán was
a place made artificially.

Compare it to Atlantis.

In both cases,
a god was the ruler of it.

In Atlantis, we have Poseidon.

Now, Poseidon was
an extraterrestrial.

Not everyone should
have access to Atlantis.

The same thing
in Aztlán or Tenochtitlán.

They wanted to be separated.

They had a certain technology
there which was

a hidden technology, and it was
not for the general public.

See, it's the same thing.

The fact that we have stories

that are not just similar
but identical

leads me to think that perhaps

these ancient cultures
were visited

by the same extraterrestrials.

While mainstream academics

consider the stories
of these lost civilizations

and their destruction
to be mythological,

the recent discovery
of vast sunken landmasses

such as Doggerland,

located just east
of the British Isles in 2012,

and Zealandia,
found near New Zealand in 2017,

may offer proof
that a catastrophic water event

did, in fact,
change the face of the Earth.

So here
we have authentic legends

of lost lands that were
destroyed in cataclysms.

Mainstream historians,
you know, still

pretty much reject this,
feel that it's all myths.

But it would seem
really that all kinds

of civilizations could have
come and gone on our planet.

We know that there are over 200

known submerged cities
in the Mediterranean.

There's just so much
on our planet

that we have yet to find out.

In the Native
American Indigenous teaching,

there are cycles
of destruction and rebirth.

The interesting part is that
this is parallel

to other great world teachings.

In the story of Noah,

the sons of God came down
to Earth.

And they were teaching
the humans evil ways,

and God decided to intervene

and brought this great flood.

In the story of Gilgamesh,
the Sumerian legend,

the council of gods
brought the flood.

The Inca god Viracocha created
the great flood.

So all of these traditions

correspond directly with
the Hopi four worlds tradition

about previous civilizations

destroyed by the gods.

The story is always the same.

This speaks to the idea

of extraterrestrial intervention
in human affairs.

I believe there
are ancient civilizations

that some people
refuse to write about.

But ancient civilizations are

coming to surface
because the time has come

to tell the truth
about human origin.

Could it be
that Native American stories

of star people
and of lost civilizations

so closely resembles
other ancient traditions

from around the globe
because they all encountered

the same otherworldly visitors?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes, and suggest

the Native Americans'
knowledge of star people

comes not only
from the distant past

but from
the extraterrestrial activity

that occurs over
Native lands even today.

According to
Zuni elder Clifford Mahooty,

above this steep mesa
on the Zuni Reservation,

strange lights are seen
in the sky nearly every night.

The UFO activity here
is very, very,

uh, prevalent because

of the religious system

that we practice every day.

So all around
the whole Zuni reservation

you can look up
in the sky and they're up there.

And they're not stars.
They're not planets.

There's a lot of our people

that, here in Zuni,
have seen them.

When you talk
to many Native Americans,

they'll tell you
that UFO sightings are common

on their Native lands.

And you have to ask,
why is that?

Is it because they have had
these traditions

of the star people
and the star ancestors?

Maybe places like the Zuni
territory and Hopi mesas

have been visited
for thousands of years.

Today, more UFO incidents

are being reported and captured
on camera than ever before.

But while this recent activity

has captured
the public's imagination

and inspired
sensational headlines,

for many Native Americans, it
is nothing out of the ordinary.

In my time working
as a Navajo Ranger,

we had incidences of, uh, UFOs

coming and going all the time.

When we talk to people,
they tell us,

"Oh, yeah,
they're here all the time."

So they just accept it.

And as such, with the knowledge

that I have
and the experiences I've had,

I know they're out there...
I've seen them

numerous, numerous times.

And, uh, it's
just a fact of life.

We must reestablish

the connection
between our star ancestors

by educating and creating
an awareness among the,

the humans on Earth.

We have to establish

an urgency
protecting the sacred sites

and telling the story
of what they mean.

This is the history
of the world.

We are star beings.

As far as being
connected with the star elders,

they gave us
this knowledge, and ours

is a direct relationship
with the...

throughout the universe.

Could contact with star people

as described
in the ancient sacred traditions

still be happening in Native
American communities today?

And if so,
might it be the beginning

of the next Earth cycle?

And a profound new chapter
in the human story?

Perhaps as we learn the truth

about the mysterious objects
in the sky,

we will discover
that the star ancestors

are not merely ancient
figures carved on rocks

but an extraterrestrial presence

that has
been guiding us all along.