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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 02/16/24 12:39
by bunniefuu
children drink in 30 seconds

experimental how many men will it take

to sink this four seater boat



experimental welcome to experimental

aand new knockout competition to find

the country's sharpest science shars two

teams are b*ating their brains out today

the red team are from ABY School in

Darlington please welcome Chloe Susie

Andrew the green team are from ber

School in Nottingham please welcome

aminaa Jack Rak those are the

teams now you do not have to be a rocket

scientist to understand the rules we

will show both teams the beginning of an

experiment then using sense science and

and smarts they have to predict the

outcome they'll be given all the

appropriate experimental apparatus and

they will receive advice from our

science analysis Matrix Sam as I like to

call her hey baby any advice if it's

green it's biology if it stinks it's

chemistry if it has numbers it's math if

it doesn't work it's

technology I love it when you talk

science but on with the first experiment

now outside this research lab is a

testing ground and our chief

experimentor is Holly

Willoughby welcome to the experimental

testing ground 55 Acres of Frontline

science over the coming series you will

be witness to crashes bashes Thrills

spills and all manner of amazing stunts

but our first experiment involves this

giant party popper like the real thing

it has a massive colored streamers and a

cardboard lid but whereas your

traditional Party Poppers have about 10

Mig of friction sensitive expl*sives in

them now that's that's about enough to

cover a pin

head see not very much this little baby

has enough expl*sives to blow a hole in

a brick wall but your challenge is to

work out how high this giant party Poppa

will throw its lid and

streamers mhm so there you go that is

the test how high will the party popper

blow its lid your experimental test time


now so Sam tell me what advice will both

our teams need exp if in Holly's popper

has about 3,000 times more energy than a

real popper mhm but the Len streamers

are about 3,000 times heavier cheers Sam

the teams are starting their experiment

by measuring how high a normal party

Poppa can throw its lid my analysis

suggests Holly's popper is 25 times more

Dynamic than the team's

popper exp to remember that


so it's


about have to do to do

that I just quick what was


okay teams your time is up I need your

predictions now 18 m 13.65 m let's see

how our team's Theory ties in with


Holly okay Otis the party Poppa is now

primed and loaded and the whole area has

been cleared for safety reasons but here

to commence ignition is our technician

Herby Herby what are you doing you know

that it's very very dangerous we've got

expl*sives here now can you get back so

we can start ignition

please believe that right Herby are you

ready I said are you ready HBY okay in

five 4 3 2 one


okay Otis the party popper blew its lid


M the Reds were 98% accurate with their

prediction the greens were 78% accurate

with theirs and those are the scores

after the first


round and next experiment takes place

right here in the research lab we have a

giant glass marked off in liters with 20

straws it contains 22 L of squash all

our teams have to do is predict how much

squash 20 of our observation team can

drink in 30 seconds they have their very

own squash some beakers straws a

measuring jug and a stopwatch teams your

time starts

now what do the guys need to look out

for him this is a difficult experiment

to calculate the teams can measure how

much one person can drink in 30 seconds

but will all 20 members of the

observational team behave the


same the teams are measuring how much

squash a single person can drink in 30

seconds multiply the result by 20 and

they should have the


answer you're


H converted to later


by okay teams your time's up captains

your predictions please 4.76 l 10.20 l

so let's see how our team's Theory ties

into the facts observation team there

are 20 of you you each have a straw and

30 seconds to drink as much as you like




now three liters gone and they're

halfway through their

time 10 seconds left 7


3 two one stop drinking please stop

drinking right now okay you guys have

drunk 4


lers the Reds were 81% correct with

their prediction so they are now on 179

points the greens unfortunately were so

Way Off the Mark they didn't score so

their score is still


78 so with red team in the lead at the

moment we head back outside to our

testing ground for our next stunt Holly

the recommended number of passengers for

this little dinghy is four adults any

more than that and you run the risk of

it sinking the question facing our team

is just how many members of the

grasshopper rugby team will it take

before the dingy actually does sink

that's your challenge teams how many men

will it take to sink the boat your time

starts now to help with their estimate

the teams are sinking in lab dishes by

placing measured weights inside them

okay now

Sam men versus tiny weight I mean how

are they going to Fig this one when you

next climb into a bath notice how the

water level rises as you displace it the

boat will float until the weight of the

men and the boat itself exceeds the

weight of the water they are displacing

10 should we try that again that's



each of your men in this instant weights

you have will weigh between 90 and0 G


okay that's

n that's


one one on one side one on the other

side that's three

okay teams your time's up your

predictions please how many men 10 men

six men well let's see how your theory

ties into the facts back out to

Holly to help Herby and I with this

experiment we've been joined by 14 rugby

players from the Grasshoppers Rugby Club

West London we've also been joined by

Kieran who's a lifeguard now that's just

in case anything goes wrong but putting

all thoughts and feelings of personal

safety aside these boys will be climbing

into this dingy until it sinks now to

ensure that it does sink instead of

tipping we've fitted an anti- roll bar

okay boys in you get


2 3


5 6 7






okay I as you can see behind me it took

10 men to climb in the boat before it

began to sink now it's completely

completely Su the red team were 100%

accurate with their prediction bringing

their total to 279 the green were 60%

accurate bringing their total to


138 so that means with a winning score

of 279 points Abby School in Darlington

top our


leaderboard at the end of the series the

top two teams on our leaderboard will

battle it out in a grand final but right

now the red team has an opportunity to

increase their top score by predicting

the outcome of our fourth and final

stunt The Fabulous Furniture fingon we


go our final game gives our winning team

the opportunity to score some extra

points by simply guessing how far this

massive niton cannon from Fling

Furniture now as you can see we've got

quite an array of furniture back here

ranging from your traditional dining

table to that piano over there but the

choice of what gets flung first gives to

you our observational team okay

observation team what gets flung first



now right while her's loading the toilet

onto the furniture flinger I'd like to

take the opportunity to introduce you to

the third member of our team his name is

Gerald and he's a crash this dummy now

Gerald you know this problem that

happens when you get scared well well uh

I thought at least you'd be in the right

place this time

eh so it's simple guys how far will the

ram throw the toilet you have 10 seconds

starting now here's an extra bit of

information the package will weigh 47.5

kilos earlier today 40 kilos was sent

just over 28 M time is up may I have

your prediction please 24 M 24 M huh

let's see how their Theory ties into

fact Holly the toilet is now loaded

Gerald is in position and the whole area

has been cleared for safety reasons so

Herby let her




right the official distance the toilet

has been flung is 24 and2

M the red team were 98% accurate with

their prediction bringing their total to


points but will they still be there next

time make sure you join us when two more

teams will be taking a sideways look at

science with a double barreled rocket a

team of water-lifting weightlifters and

elastic powered stunt men see you next



let's go go go if we set your mates up

like this this or this what do you

reckon that do next will they cr*ck up

or just three

CS or W well my friend if this lock

could sus it out what do we think guys

they'll win some k*ller Diller prizes


gorgeous St outs back and the hits have

got bigger better and darned right

dillier Fridays at 5:15 on the cbdc

Chann steady on

