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21x08 - One Day - Part 2

Posted: 02/16/24 17:10
by bunniefuu
The first thought I had was terrorism.

Everyone's first thought.

31 possible targets for her to hit and she kills exactly none.

That's almost 20 times the safe amount.

It's a su1c1de dose.


I hate her.

I hate Mum.

I found this on a counter in his room.

He takes the powder out of the capsule and puts it in his mother's tea? Kevin McDowd, I'm arresting you on suspicion of murdering Jacqueline McDowd.

What's going on, Tillie? Don't touch him! We're going.


You're gonna have to let her go, Kevin.

No! Leave us alone, please! Kevin!

The deceased is a white male, 22 years old.

Body length, 5 foot 11.

Medium build.

The scalp is intact, hair blond and in full distribution.

There is an entry g*nsh*t wound in the left pectoral region of the chest, and an exit wound is between the spine and right scapula.

The entry wound is medial and superior to the left nipple.

The entry wound, including the abrasion collar, is 1.

1cm in diameter.

No soot deposition or gunpowder stippling is on the skin or in the soft tissues around this wound.

Did he do anything to you? He loved me.

Take her to the sexual as*ault referral centre.

Get a r*pe kit done.

The direction of the wound path with respect to the standard anatomic position is left to right, front to back, and slightly upward.

Serena, let's get you undressed and we'll do a vaginal swab.

He wouldn't hurt me.

He was my friend.

The Police want to make sure they do the best thing for you.

I think I decide what the best thing for me is.

The wound track through the heart begins as a circular defect on the anterior aspect of the right ventricular outflow tract and passes through the posterior portion of the atrial septum, and exits the heart at the origin of the right inferior pulmonary vein.

Is she OK? Serena? Yeah.

She's being examined.

How old is she? 29.

Are her parents alive? No, I don't think so.


Serena is a lovely name.

How could she be OK? Stupid question.

If you weren't disturbed by seeing someone sh*t dead in front of you, I'd put you down as a psychopath.

Well When I watch her working, I feel moved, to see something miraculous reduced to weights and measures, chemicals.

We're so much more than the sum of our parts.

But I look at him .


I feel nothing.

So what am I? Rose Blakefield, the lady who runs things here, she tells me that you don't like to leave the building.

That you're frightened to go outside.

Is that true? Did you consent to go with him? You can answer honestly.

Nothing's going to happen to you.

Was Kevin violent toward you? Hm? Did he thr*aten you? Were you scared of him? You don't have to be scared of him any more.

Did the Police use a Taser on Kevin before he was sh*t? No.

I think they felt the thr*at he posed was No, no, no.

I'm not making a value judgment on whether they should have sh*t him or not, it's what it looks like.

Do you think those were caused by a Taser? Hmm.

The skin hasn't been punctured.

There are several of them.

Some of them have faded, through, so presumably older.

Wonder what could have caused them? I'll mention them in my full report.


The camera doesn't run all the time.

It may have a motion or light sensor.

But I can access the last 12 hours that it recorded.

After that, it may be encrypted or kept on Jacqueline McDowd's cloud account.

Why would she set up a camera in Kevin's room? Hard to know.

It's difficult to see.

What is that? Exactly what you think it is.

Can you look at something for me? Thanks.

You see those two dots? Mm-hm.

There are several pairs of them, some more faded than others.

Was there any Taser confetti found at the scene? No.

Not a Taser.

The pattern's regular.

And probe marks are broader.

Burnt skin.

A cattle prod doesn't delivery enough current to burn.

It's a stun g*n.

But they're illegal in Britain.

So is marijuana.

Do you know how far apart the dots are? 3.


That's an odd number.

Um, 1.

25 inches.

American import.

To burn the skin, you'd need a powerful charge, over 1 microcoulombs.

Three different models for sale on the internet in the US.

I can count nine different pairs of dots.

Shocked nine times? Abuse? t*rture? Shhh.

We're friends, aren't we, Serena? Hmm? Yeah? And friends look after each other, don't they? Yes.

I've got some medication for you.

Good girl.

Such a good girl.

Traces of semen were found on her body and underwear.

Has Serena said anything? No.

Wouldn't say a word.

Elective mutism, result of trauma.

We'll have the Sexual as*ault Referral Clinic send you the samples so you can run DNA.

You've got Kevin McDowd's DNA? We're expecting it soon.

Well, if you can let me have it back, we'll get them both over to the IPCC.

That just about wraps up both investigations - Mrs McDowd and her son.

Button, you have anything? No.

Then we're done.

Thank you.

I'll see you out.

She did say something.

She said, "He loved me.

" Button? 'I'm not always going to be here for you, Clarissa, 'you know that, don't you? 'But you're going to find someone to love you.

'And when you find them, ' hang on to them.

Never let them go.

Sounds a bit creepy doesn't it? You'll find someone.

Love you.

Love you too.


Good night, Mum.

Dr Chamberlain.


Bill Gardiner, Crown Prosecution Service.


I asked him to join us.


Looked like a routine postmortem - Noreen Fielden, 66, living with dementia but in otherwise good health.

If you overlook the fact that she's dead.

Well, actually, that's the point.

She was in good health for her age.

How did she die? A lethal concentration of barbiturates causes respiratory paralysis, the anti-emetics prevent vomiting, after that the heart stops.

Can someone with dementia take their own life? Can they have intention? Why not? They intend to open a door, they open it - intention fulfilled.

Do they know why they're opening it? Ah.

Intention and cognition are two different things.

They are culpable for the act.

How can they be if they're incapable of knowing cause and effect? Look, there is no way someone profoundly affected by dementia could possible know what the combination of those two dr*gs would do to them.

They'd have to be assisted in the acquisition of the dr*gs, quite probably in the ingestion of them.

Was dementia established and recorded in medical records before her death? Well before.

Three years.

Has the Coroner not opined? This hasn't gone to the Coroner yet, I wanted to speak to you first.

Legal responsibility had passed to the children? Yes, both obligation and benefit.


Loving family? Didn't want their mother to suffer? Was she suffering? From the dementia, yeah.

But not from any other obvious physical ailment.

How would the dr*gs be obtained? Not sure.

She'd need a prescription.

Did she die at home? No.

Where did she die? At Pleasant Manor.

It's a care home.

I was alerted that she wasn't answering, so I came to check.

She wasn't breathing.

I tried to revive her.

I called the Police, 999.

That's it, really.

Presumably there's a written report of the incident.

Of course.

Did she have friends? Are you joking me? Her memory was almost gone.

I mean, she remembered some thing, sometimes strange things, but most of the time, I don't think she knew who she was.

Her boys were good.

They'd always come and visit.

A real credit to her.

How often does a doctor visit? We use a service to organise all caring and medical staff.

Locum GP's available to anyone that needs him.

Stops in every month or so as required.

Do you have his name? Albert Kahari.

Normally, he would have been here at Pleasant Manor, but he had a family commitment.

Where can I find him? Singen, Germany.

Not sure when he's next over.

And this was her room.


This Kahari, he does all your prescriptions, yeah? Yes.

Which chemist do you use? The local one, Young's, they deliver.

What do you do if you need a GP and he's not around.




We don't have any record of ever dispensing those dr*gs.

Doctor's name? Dr Albert Kahari.

I've got many prescriptions written by Dr Kahari, but none for the two dr*gs you're looking for.


Thank you.

Thank you.

- We have to go.

- No, Kevin.

I don't want to leave.

Just We HAVE to! Please, don't do this to me.

I'm sorry.

But we have to What the hell's going on? I got a call from the Police.

You're accusing us of k*lling our mother? Oh, I can see you're upset, Mr Fielden You're goddamned right I'm upset.

We have a duty to protect your mother.

From us? Well You want to protect her from us? The people who loved her the most? Mr Fielden Ah! You think we k*lled her? Hey! What are you doing? We didn't k*ll my mother.

You all right? Yeah.

Ooh, think so.

I had him.


I could see that.


Thomas? What happened to you? Nothing.

It's fine.

Thomas! Sit down.

Broken wrist, broken fingers.

They Kevin's? Yes.

What do you think? Accidental? Perhaps.

The breaks have healed but not properly set.

No doctor in the UK would have left the bones like this.

HE WINCES Sorry Overseas? I guess so.

Hold this.


Breaks in the metacarpals in both hands.

Hamate is broken here.

Capitate on this hand.

It looks as though they might have forced the fingers back until they broke at the joint.

Could be self harm? Maybe.

You think someone did this intentionally? That's where I got to.

Are you feeling very manly now? Oh, exceptionally.

What are you doing? Being confused.

First time for everything.

Hunter says Kevin kidnapped and r*ped her.


Serena said he loved her.

Maybe she misunderstands what love is.

Why? Because she's disabled? No, because lots of people do.

Why is the spy camera footage on Jacquelyn McDowd's computer, when the camera's in Serena Prentice's room? This her room, is it? Yeah.

So you think that's the camera? I don't know how those breaks would have happened.

You know, many of our residents come from backgrounds where there's deprivation or v*olence.


Mrs McDowd couldn't look after her son.

She was quite difficult herself.

You think she might have actually harmed her own boy? No, I'm not saying that.

I'm not saying anything.



I can see that.

Do you have a list of all the carers that have worked here over the past six months? I'm not at liberty to give that information out.

Really? Why not? I just don't feel at liberty.

And how can I change your mind? You can't, I'm afraid.

Hey! No! Put it back.

It's not yours.

I'm sorry.

I need to look at it.

It was a gift to me.

Serena? You're supposed to stay in the sitting room.

Come on.

He's stealing from me.

I need to borrow it.

I'll bring it back.

I don't want him to take it.

I'll get it back to you as soon as possible.

He gave it to me.

My friend.

My Kevin.

We were going to live together.

He had a house, and we were going to live in it.

Serena, I think it's time for your medication.

Serena, I know this means a lot to you.

I give you my word, I'll bring it back.

OK? It'll help us find out what happened to Kevin.

Can I borrow it? Thank you.

There we go.

All right? You take your pills for me now sweetheart, OK? Good girl.

You knew.

What did I know? You knew.

Take your pills, Serena.

Thank you.

I'll pull his NHS records.

See who looked after him and where.

What did you get? An aardvark.

Camera, transmitter and sensor.

Memory card.

Presumably that's what the app's accessing from Jacqueline's computer.

Can you get into it? We'll leave it here, yeah? Kevin's Mother.

Don't touch it! Leave it! It's strange looking.

It's not as strange as you.

Stop it! Just leave it.

Cup of tea, Jacqueline? Yeah, thanks.

You're strange looking.

I like you.


Ugh! Get off me.

Got off me! Please, get off me! Give me the thing! Give me the thing! Nikki! What is it? Your two dots.

Stun g*n? He convulses.

Do we actually see the g*n at any point? No.

You can see the result.

Have you got the extra for room 19? Yeah, extra one.


That's the pills for room 19 done.

Can you get me a couple of captopril? Captopril.



They're there on the left.

Two? Yeah.

All right.

I'll do room 4.

You take those to Mr Smallsby, OK? Thanks.

Serena? It's time for bed.

I'll bring you your medication.

Thank you.

Get to your room, no silly business.


No silly business.

Kevin McDowd had injuries that appear to be historic and suggest some sort of abuse.

We have a list of the people that have worked at Kingscote Bows over the past six months.

I believe that these two dots Stop.

That's why we're here? Historic injuries to a dead r*pist with mental problems who was sh*t by the Police during a kidnapping? Luckily, you're not jumping to conclusions.

We're concerned that it may indicate systemic abuse within the assisted living residence.

Kevin's injuries, fractures, burns on the skin Kevin McDowd's GP confirmed that although he referred him to the fracture clinic at the hospital, he wasn't seen because he displayed violent behaviour.

Have you got the name of the doctor? Yeah, Albert Kahari.

Kahari? You know him? Of him.

We've got video of Kevin being subdued by a stun g*n.

Screaming in pain.

And you know that because? We can hear him.

Oh, you can hear him? Yes.

In his room? Mm-hm.

Were there signs letting people know they were being filmed? No.

But there was sound? Yes.

If there was sound, it's inadmissible in court unless procedures have been followed.

A crime is being committed! The crime that I'm certain is being committed is the secret filming of individuals who have an expectation of privacy.

Can you see the person who's using the g*n? Their back.

Do you see him apply the g*n? No, it's obscured.

Then we don't have a case.

Do you see the g*n in their hand, even for a frame? It's obscured, Button.

I don't know what's happening in those images and neither do you.

You found the camera in Serena's room and you took it? Yes.

Did you have a warrant? She gave me permission to take it.

Anyone there when she gave it? No.

Then you interfered with my investigation.

Come on, I thought I was helping.

Look, I understand that you all feel somehow culpable for what was a tragic situation.

I wish the boy wasn't dead, I really do, but wishing is a waste of time.

We knew the boy was violent, we believed the woman to be in danger, we took a decision that we'll all have to live with.

Now, we have a theory about who k*lled Kevin's Mother.

Evidence that goes to that is worthwhile, anything else is a side show.

It's a distraction.

Dr Alexander? No coffee for me, thanks.

If we find the stun g*n in the residential home, it will go a long way to making our case.

There's no evidence that links the stun g*n to the home.

We can't just turn up at Kingscote and start searching.

I can.

Hunter? I believe a crime has been committed.

I'm a Sergeant in the Greater London Police and I'm the Road Policing Senior Investigating Officer.

I serve the Queen in the Office of Constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality.

I believe it may assist my investigation.

All right? Anything? No, nothing.

Do you mind opening up? You can't go in there.

I think I can.

Open up, please.

It's just medications and supplies in there.


They know something.

Police have been back, they're asking questions.

They searched the cage.

For what? You know.

Did they find it? Well, maybe they don't want to find anything.

In the end, nobody cares.

Compassion runs out.

It's a job nobody wants.

We've met and discussed this internally and, the bottom line is, we don't think Noreen Fielden's case has legs.

She was given a lethal cocktail.

We can't prove she was given it and we don't know where it came from.

But you agree a crime may have been committed? This is a grieving family.

Am I going to accuse them of giving their mother a lethal cocktail of dr*gs with absolutely no evidence behind the accusation? I'm not.

Someone gave her the dr*gs.

Most likely, yes.

The justice system is a blunt tool.

We have to think of the whole family.

Right, and who's thinking about Noreen Fielden? We all have, Dr Chamberlain.

No-one wants to imagine being in her shoes.

Living death, isn't it? If that's your existence, what's the point of being alive? Hang on, you're You're not seriously suggesting you can make that judgment? It's the sort of judgment doctors make all the time, isn't it? The NHS makes.

Rationalise resources.

Who's worth saving.

We have to take a view, based on what we know, whether it's in the public interest.

I don't think it is.

This is what it is.

A casual decision based on someone's utility.

Two dr*gs and they're gone.

No more cost, no more burden, erased.

Not in the public interest.

You all right? Why should he be all right? Go for it, Thomas.

I'm with you, 100%.

Someone else's judgment on whether your life has any value? You have my permission to be furious.

Have another go on me.

Thomas? The DNA doesn't match.

What you talking about? The semen found on Serena's clothing and on her swab - not Kevin.

Not a r*pist.

He loved her.

Is there any indication who? No.

It was run through the Police database, no match.

The Police need to talk to Serena.

Do you want to come? She's not been taking her pills It's dry in there.

It hasn't been used for a while.

I've got the linen for downstairs, but they're going to have to come back Have you seen Serena Prentice? Oh, no.

Well, where is she? I don't know.

Why don't you know? Isn't it your job to know? I know.

Where's your colleague, Connor? Flannery? He's working elsewhere at the moment.

Where? You're scaring some of the residents.

Oh, we're scaring them? I need to ask you to leave.

I know how you treat residents here.

I've seen it.

What do you mean, "You've seen it"? What are you suggesting? Ask Tillie.

Where is she, Tillie? What have you done with her? I don't know.

If you'll excuse me, I need to begin the missing resident protocol.

Once we've searched the building and the grounds, I'll make a full report to the Police.

I am the Police, Ms Blakefield.

I'll be requesting that Kingscote Bows be closed until the safety of the residents be guaranteed.

What did he see, Tillie? Nothing.

He didn't see anything.

Serena is gone.

She's not here, she's gone.

What have you done? What do you mean she's gone? It doesn't make any sense to me.

Rose is asking questions as well.

Questions about what? Listen, I don't want any part of this.

Tillie, you need to take a deep breath and No.

Our priority must be to find her.

We need to review the evidence we've collected for leads.

Now, maybe she had another boyfriend? None of us are privy to her private life.

Come on, it was r*pe and Kevin McDowd was not the r*pist.

We can only operate on what we know and I appreciate that the evidence is now taking us in a different direction.

The boy is dead! There was a perceived thr*at.

It was real, the Officer did his job, end of.

Now, until Serena Prentice answers our questions, we won't know what happened, will we? A woman with agoraphobia, willingly leaves the building and that doesn't worry you? Of course it worries me, and we'll get the appropriate amount of resources on this.

We're looking for her.

Now, she hasn't helped herself on this, and we're not going to rush to judgment.

You were wrong about Kevin.


We rushed on that.

A lot of people were wrong about Kevin.

But then Kevin never made it easy for people to be right about him.

Dr Kahari.

Both residences - Kingscote Bows and Pleasant Manor.

It could be a coincidence.

It doesn't automatically make him Harold Shipman.

He's a locum.

He only visits once a month.

He saw Noreen Fielden 28 days ago.

Yeah, and? Yeah, and that helps us.

Do what? Look for a pattern.

In death notices, they increase around his visits.

In room turnover, Pleasant Manor turns over three times as many rooms in the seven days during and after his visits.

There can be correlation without causation.

Yeah, of course.

Go home, get some sleep.


I'm staying.

Max is still away.

I like working.


Well, don't burn yourself out.

Don't be paternal.

Can't help it.

Jack? Yes.

I don't think Detective Inspector Hunter is showing enough concern.

Do you? He could show more.

He's just trying to justify the choices he made and the actions he took.

We all acted on what we knew.

You're the only one I can say this to, you understand, right? Mm-hm.

There is a sacredness in this I get it.

So do you believe it's because Kevin was disabled, Noreen Fielden was disabled, Serena is disabled? That he thinks they're all I don't know, "less"? If he does, he doesn't know he does.

That may be worse.


He should be looking at Dr Kahari.

Because he works there? Do we have any other evidence? Not yet.

Do you think we need some? So do I.

Let's figure that out tomorrow, yeah? I'm tired.

I'll see you in the morning, yeah? Night.


What about red? I chose that dress.

Sorry? Sorry, that was that lady's dress.

I chose that dress.

It was just lying there.

I chose that dress.

What do you need it for? The lady was just It's not going to make a difference, is it? What did you say? How dare you? Give me that dress.

Sorry, excuse me She was just about to buy it.

Give her the dress back.

Could you take your little hands off! Will you just take me through slowly and calmly It's always your fight.


Never forget that.

Hey, would you like to see room eight? Yeah.

It's a nice room.

Plenty of space for all your gear.

The last resident just passed away, so luckily for you this room's available for a few days.

Here we are.

It's quite pleasant.

A bit pricier than most, but I think it's worth it.


Connor, meet Clarissa.

She's going to be joining our community for a little while.

Respite care.

Life's got a bit too much for her, hasn't it, Clarissa? Yeah.

Needs a break, needs a rest.

Yeah, a restful break.

This is Connor Flannery.

He's much-loved by everyone here.

Hello? Nice to meet you.

Well, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other.

Is it Serena? One of the carers.

Tillie Maddox.

Cause of death? Nothing conclusive yet.

Any news on Serena? No.

This was meant to keep your residents safe? Who ever put this system in should be fired.

Hi, Clarissa.


Do you need anything? No, I'm good.


If I wanted to see the doctor Doctor Kahari? Yeah.

How do I go about doing it? I can let him know that you want to see him.

Is he a good doctor? He seems to be good.

I've never been his patient, but he's attentive.

Is he here every day? Usually here for a couple of days every month, but you can contact him via e-mail if you need a prescription.

So I could get pain K*llers from him? Do you have pain, Clarissa? Sometimes.

Well, if you have pain, I can help you, too.

Thank you.


There's another.

Right, let's turn her.

Multiple use of a stun g*n.



One and a quarter inches.

Could the stun g*n have actually k*lled her? The stun g*n causes cardiac arrhythmia.

Which leads to ventricular fibrillation.

Which results in cardiac arrest.


What car? My car.

Your car's at our house now, don't you remember? The doctor said you're not allowed to drive it Why? .


so you said we could give it to George.

Why are you stealing? Hello.

Hi! Are you going to die soon? I don't think so.

Why is she stealing my car? I'm not stealing your car.

You're stealing.

Why are you stealing from me? Mum, calm down.

Sh-sh-sh-she's a thief.

Mum! She's the thief! Oh, Mum She's Nurse! I want my car! I want my car! Mum, please, don't.


Dorothy, darling.

Where's the car? Let's go back to your room for a minute.

Is the car there? She's a thief! She's a thief! Dorothy, come on.

Let's just go back to your room.

My car! My name is William.

Hi, William.

I'm Clarissa.

Do you like me? Every time it's something else.

She doesn't know who we are.

Thank you.

It's too hard.

I can't do it any more Thomas? Did Clarissa call in sick? She never calls in sick.

No, she doesn't.

It's OK.

You're safe.

You're safe.

Dr Kahari? Yes? Can I help you? I was wondering if I could make an appointment to see you? Yes, of course.

Speak to Mr Flannery and he'll put you in the diary.

Thank you.

You're new, aren't you? Yes.

Well Nice to meet you.


Thank you.

Clarissa, checking up on you.

Where are you? Need you here at the lab.

Call me back, please.


Mr Flannery? Call me Connor.

Connor, I'd like to make an appointment with the doctor.

Uh, he's only here one more day on this visit.

I'll see if he has time for you.

Thank you.

Have you worked here a long time? On and off.

Did you know Noreen Fielden? No.

I don't think so.

Why are you asking? Well, I heard Dr Kahari was looking after her.

She was perfectly well and then one day she d*ed.

Yes, that happens to quite a few people, doesn't it? Yeah, I suppose it does.

Who told you she was perfectly well? One of the other residents.

Hmm, not a doctor? No.

Which resident? I don't know their name.

Of course, you're new.


Well, what did they look like? Man or a woman? I'm sure they didn't mean anything by it.

It worried you.

Who was it? I'm feeling a bit tired.

I'm going to have a rest.

Of course.

Where are you from, Clarissa? What are you doing in my room? I just wanted to make sure you're OK.

I'm fine.

Clarissa? Are you there? Hello? Clarissa? You have friends? It's probably PPI.

Now, I don't want you to be lonely, but you have to be more considerate.


These things No.

What are you doing? These things disturb other residents when they're trying to rest.

Clarissa? You're scaring me now.

Come on.

Call me back.

Hi, this is Max.

Leave me a message.

Max? It's Jack.

I'm trying to reach Clarissa.

I can't seem to find her.

I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

Call me back.


Yes, that's her.

Hello, Clarissa.

I understand that you wanted to see me.

I'm a good doctor, you know.

I heard you were asking.

Uh Now, what do you want to see me about? Uh, just medication.

I'll have to look at your NHS records and we can discuss what you need.

You were asking about Noreen Fielden? Yeah.

We can discuss that too.


I don't know where she is.

She's not at home.

She called but didn't speak.

I called back she didn't answer.

Did she say anything last time you saw her? Yeah, many things.

She was disappointed in Hunter and suspicious about Kahari.

Kahari? Do we know where he is? No.

But I might be able to find out.

I'm trying to find the whereabouts or Dr Kahari, he's not with you at the moment by any chance? He is, shall I get him for you? No, no, don't disturb him.

I'll I'll call back later.

OK, thank you.

Thank you, bye.


He's at Pleasant Manor.

She's not gone to Pleasant Manor.

She's gone to Pleasant Manor.

To find out what happened to Noreen Fielden.

What the hell is she playing at? I'll call the Police.

Where are you going? I thought I might want to change rooms.

The guy next to mine makes a lot of noise.

What's that in your hand? Nothing.

Nothing! Get Don't touch me! Get off me! Leave me alone! Come on, Clarissa.

Let's get you back to your room, shall we? Leave me alone! Help me! Leave me alone! It's all in hand, nurse, thank you.

Help me, please.

Come on.

Please, help me! Please! We're all trying our best to look after you.

Help me! Where are you taking me? Where? Wait, what are you doing? You k*lled them! Tell me what the point of them is.

You k*lled those people.

Help! They take up resources.

They contribute nothing.

They don't even know who or where they are half the time.

Even the relatives don't want them.

Help! Help! They're a condemned building, aren't they? Rotting from the inside.

What is the point of you? Get away from her! Clarissa! Get away from her.

Connor Flannery, you're under arrest.

You do not have to say anything Come on, I've got you.

It's OK.

It's OK.

You're now going to be taken to the station.

My colleague will take it from here.


That's what Kahari and Flannery charged them to let their mother slip away.

Easy maths.

And what about Jacquelyn McDowd? Well, she was going to blow the whistle on them for hurting her son, so he drugged her and let her k*ll herself in the car.


We believe that you conspired to m*rder you mother, Noreen Fielden.

That isn't true.

It's ridiculous! We have evidence to suggest that Andrew Fielden paid $4,000 to Connor Flannery to have dr*gs administered to your mother which would k*ll her.

This is insane.

Andy? You do not have to say anything Andy!? Be quiet, Edward.

She didn't even know who we were.

What were we meant to do? Everything she'd saved was gone.

There'd be nothing left.

The scene of Tillie Maddox's body.

There are two footprints.

One not bearing weight completely.

It's worn on the front of the shoe.

Presumably where the foot's being dragged.

See the sole is being pulled apart on the left foot.

What foot does Serena drag? Serena's not missing.

She's hiding.


It's me, Clarissa.

Of course it is.

I brought you these.

How are you? I'm fine.

How lovely to see you too.

It's lovely to see you, too.

Clarissa, did you say your name is? Yeah.

I have a daughter named Clarissa.

A beautiful daughter.

I love you, Mum.