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22x02 - Two Spirits - Part 2

Posted: 02/16/24 17:13
by bunniefuu
Somebody's just called from a phone box on Regent Street.

They said they're going to cut somebody's throat.

He's had extensive surgery to his upper chest, likely double mastectomy.

He's transgender? We need to talk.

How are we ever going to sort this out - if we don't sit down and speak? - I can't even look at you.

- None of us could think of anyone better than you.

- And the job is? Head of Faculty.

So, the helpline is solely for trans people, is it? People wanting to change their gender identity, their friends and family.

There's blood in my daughter's bathroom.

No body? So where is she? Now, we may have another victim.

Not trans this time, but she was coming out of Transaction.

So you may have a witness? Fingerprint from the Williams' window is a match with a guy called Toby Logan.

Police! Stop! The print on the pendant Evie was wearing is a match with this guy, Nick Marlow.

Hey, hey, hey, whoa, whoa! I've not done anything! - So, where is Evie now? - How would I know that? - And where is she? - I don't know.

- Where is she? - I don't know.

Right, so there's nothing to hold him on, then.

Let's bail Marlow.

Rico Abbey is unsteady on his feet, plus he vomited.

Maybe it wasn't just alcohol that caused Rico problems.

Rico Abbey had a significant quantity - of GHB in his system.

- OK.

We've also found it on an item of clothing that Marlow was wearing when he was arrested.

Where's Marlow? Has he been released yet? Yeah, like you said, a couple of hours ago.


Shit! Shit! I know what it's like to be you.

I really hurt someone that I loved.

You know that.


What have we got? Well, some obvious similarities.

Like Rico, I think the whole thing took place inside a cubicle.

He's got blunt-force trauma to his forehead and to the back of his head, probably from where the cubicle door was smashed in.

And a single s*ab wound to his carotid artery.

He'd have bled out in minutes.

You got anything? It's a bar toilet, so there's multiple prints all over the place.

I'll run them through the database for you.

There's mud on the floor.

Possibly the same boot that kicked the door in.

OK, say it is.

Can we trace where that's come from? - Where they've been? - I'll narrow it down for you.

Rules out Marlow and Logan, anyway.

They were both in custody, weren't they? Not Marlow.


We, um We let him go.

- Right.

- OK.

I want to show you all this.

- Carey? - Yep.


There's Stein.

Now, he meets with a group of people, trans and otherwise.


- That's Marlow? - Yeah.

Then Marlow heads out in the direction of the toilets.

- The ladies or the gents? - And there's Stein.

Have you picked up Marlow again? I phoned his wife last night, but she hadn't seen him, and he didn't sign back into his barracks.

So, he's missing? - What about Toby Logan? - He's come clean.

Says he's worshipped Evie Williams from afar, hence the theft from her office and the attempted break-in.

Excuse me.


Not covering himself in glory, is he? - Have you got that? - Yes, ma'am.

The Chief Super? What did you tell her? That by the time the Lyell gave us what they'd got, we'd let Marlow go.

Now David Stein's dead because of them.

Really? My job's on the .


line here.

- I'm heading back to the Lyell.

- OK, thanks.

- See you.

- Yeah.

Everybody who's anybody knows David Stein.

Do me a favour, will you? Get Thomas Chamberlain out of here and down the station.

I need a distraction.

Uh It's a s*ab wound this time rather than a slash-type wound.

Centred 7cm below and 4cm in front of the right external auditory meatus.

Perhaps aiming to sever the right carotid artery.

Could it be the same knife as Rico? Potentially.

Similar ragged edges.

So possibly serrations on one side of the blade.

But there's heavy bruising this time to the edge of the wound, suggesting that the knife hilt impacted with the skin.

Anything specific? Nothing that I can see externally, but I'll swab for DNA transfer.

This doesn't quite hang together, does it? Similarity is Transaction, vomit, the serrated blade.

But all different MOs.

And why take Evie Williams but leave the others in situ? Yeah, thanks for coming down.

All it is -- I just need to clear up a couple of things from last night.

Just through here.

- Do you want a coffee? - No, no.

I'm fine, thanks.

- I've got to get back to the Lyell.

- OK.

Please All right, let's crack on.

So, the postmortem on Rico Abbey.

- You performed that alone, didn't you? - Yeah.

What is it you wanted to know? Oh! Why wasn't the GHB found at the first screening? Well, we test for a range of dr*gs -- amphetamines, tryptamines, cathinones -- but GHB, that's not included in any routine tox screening.

So, why did you, then? - Test for it? - We'd found alcohol in his system, as you know, but you hadn't requested any further tests, and I've actually been asked by the Home Office not to pursue anything that isn't clearly indicated.

As it happens, in this case, I ignored that.

I had, like, a theory about the GHB and I wanted to pursue it.

So, both Rico Abbey and David Stein - had GHB in their systems above the normal level? - Yeah.

Why didn't you just tell me as soon as you suspected GHB? Wait a second.

I followed procedure.

I didn't give you a hypothesis, that's not my job.

I gave you fact.

Yeah, yeah.

I'm just trying to get my head round it, that's all.

That's all I'm trying to do.

Yeah? The Williamses are here.

- Did you ask them to come in? - Yeah.

- I'm heading out now.

Yeah? - All right.

That's good.

Don't let me take up any more of your time.


Why didn't you do your job? Mrs Williams, Mr Williams.

Come on in.

Good to see you.

Hello? Hi.

DI Carey Murphy.

- Is something wrong? - Can I come in? Nikki? - What did Cramer want? - He wants a scapegoat.

Are we in trouble? Ah, forget it.

It's been dealt with.

What have you got? Well, there is bruising around David Stein's wound, so it looks like the hilt of the knife connected hard with the skin.


Enough to be able to ID the kind of knife used? No.

I've looked at Rico Abbey again, hoping that his wound might give us more, but there's no hilt bruising there.

What about Beth Roscoe? - Nothing that we can see from the photos taken at the hospital.

- OK.

Well, I'm on my way.

I'll be with you shortly, yeah? There's no v*olence in him.

I've never seen him lose his temper.

Really? - Doesn't everyone sometimes? - I don't mean Yes, of course, frustration with the kids, or whatever, but never physically.

- Never v*olence against you? - Never.

Most of his .


frustrations have been directed at himself, especially in the last few months, since he left us.

So, he's been angry with himself? Yes.

How are you feeling now? I don't know.


I suppose I'm numb.

Does he still want a relationship with you? - Is that something he's said that he wants? - Of a kind.

What about you? What do you want? I want my husband back.

What's he like with other transgender people? I thought I explained.

You don't really get this, do you? I don't know any transgender people.

- He's hidden this all our married life.

- Right.

So, you .


you kind of never knew him.

Oh, I knew him.

What he showed me.

I knew part of him.

But the man I married and .


who he is now .


are completely different people.

And yet you're sure that he could never be violent? Did he do this? Did he k*ll this person? No charges have been brought yet.

That's not what I asked.

Well, right now, I just need to speak to him.

So - What have you got? - Yeah, we got him, guv.

He's just turned his phone on.

- Murphy.

- Marlow's turned his mobile on.

We've got his location.

We think he's on his way to Amy's.

If that's Nick, don't answer it.

Where are the kids? - School and nursery.

- Right, can you check that all the doors are locked, please? Wait, what's happening? - What are you doing here? - Murphy, what's happening? - What's going on? - Go on upstairs.

Go on.

What are you doing here? Get upstairs! - What are you doing here? - Can you hear that? Can you hear him? Yeah.

Yeah, I can hear him.

- How long till back-up gets here? - Amy - How long? - Amy - Two minutes.

- It's on the way.

We need to talk.

I need to speak to you.

Will you talk to me? That's why I'm here -- just to talk.

What about? About Amy.

Where's she going? Where are you going? Listen, I can help you.

I can help you find a way through all of this.

Both of you.

Why would you do that? Stay there, it's all right.

Where have you been? We've been looking all over for you.


All night? Doing what? Walking.


Amy said you phoned her, and that's why she called me.

She was just She was worried about you.

Worried? Why? This This is still my house.

- They're still my kids.

- Yeah.

- No-one is saying any different.

- No-one.

Down on the floor! - No! - What's he doing? What's he doing? - Get him to put that down.

- Put it down.

Put it down! Keep it down.

All right? And I do need to ask you this, and I'm I'm sorry .


but have you got a w*apon on you? - What? No, no.

No, of course no.

- All right.

All right.

I'm just going to come and pat you down.

Is that all right? Yeah, OK.

All right? Oh, Ames - All right.

Cuff him.

- Up against the wall, please.

- I just need to talk.

- Hands behind your back.

Cramer says I should have called him earlier.

According to him, if I'd done my job properly, I would have made the GHB connection immediately after Rico Abbey's death, therefore.

- David Stein would still be alive? - Exactly.


I could have called him, any of us could have called him, to say we were running tests.

You didn't need to.

None of us needed to.

- Nobody's done anything wrong here.

- That's not the issue here.

The issue is whether Cramer can get himself out of the firing line by putting me in it.

Cramer got information as soon as we had substantiated your theory.


Who's that? It's for me.

Union rep.

I've got to go back down the station.

I can't see there's any case to answer here.

You had the findings as soon as they were known.

What else was Professor Chamberlain supposed to do? Let me show you this.

This was recorded yesterday.

Do you remember? Yeah.

What of it? There's no sound, unfortunately, but can you remember what it was we were talking about? - Why is this relevant? - Humour me.

Dr Alexander asked DI Murphy if she thinks Marlow's guilty.

She said, "Depends if his story checks out.

" And you, "If her story checks out, which, let's face it, it might well do, "let's get onto it.

" You've lost me.

What's that supposed to prove? It's an indication as to where Professor Chamberlain was in terms of his own attitude towards the suspect.

He'd already decided that Nick Marlow was innocent, hence the lack of urgency in pursuing evidence - which might well have implicated him.

- That's absurd.

- Is it? He still hasn't adequately explained why he didn't immediately inform me of the GHB test.

- How many more times? I've explained.

- This won't stand up.

I've got a duty of care here.

And if there's been a mistake, then it's my role as SIO to interrogate why.

Oh, for God's sake, you already know why! YOU bailed Marlow.

You didn't just let her go, you bailed her, therefore it follows she was still a suspect, a suspect you released to k*ll again -- potentially -- despite the fact you still had 18 hours to run on the clock.

To keep Marlow under lock and key, all you had to do was what? Hmm? Precisely nothing.

So, why are we wasting time with this when Evie Williams is still missing? - You're piling mistake on mistake.

It's shameful! - Wow.

I'm sorry that I've had to do this.

What you talking about? Do what? I have no choice but to follow regulations and make a formal complaint to the Home Office.

"No choice"?! They'll be looking into the conduct of everyone at the Lyell, with the Detective Chief Superintendent's backing, - and the Williamses, too.

- Getting all our ducks in line, are we? - All right.

- Distracting attention from the mess you made? - Thomas Well, it's out of all of our hands now, isn't it? Other processes have been set in motion.

Take a look at my mobile and my laptop.

There's messages on there from these people that I've supposedly hurt.

Why would I do that to people that have helped me? So, it's just a coincidence that you were in the bar when David Stein was, was it? No.

No, a friend of mine, Kelly Hayes, invited me along with some people from Transaction.

They were worried that you weren't doing everything you could to try and find Evie.

David Stein said that he would lobby some people in authority, try and get things moving.

It's what he does.

So, he arranged to meet you and other people there.

Why? For information.

Who saw Evie last, what was she doing -- that kind of thing.

And then he was going to tell us exactly what it was he could do.

What did you have against him, Nick? - Did he do something to you? - No.

- So what, then? He supported me emotionally.

He was a friend.

- And Rico.

He supported you at Transaction? - Yes.

- And Evie? Yeah, of course.

So that's what this is all about.

Are you at w*r with yourself, Nick? Is that it? Over your gender? So, all these people that have helped you, did they then become your enemy? I'll ask you again.

Where is Evie Williams? I don't know.

- Hiya.

- Hiya.

I saw a missed call.

Are you OK? - Yeah.


- Really? I heard about the wonderful DCI Cramer.


Pathology's a small world, and the police have started leaking it.

So, how can I help? - That job we talked about.

Is, erm - Is it still on the table? - Yeah.

- Very much so.

Of course, all these shenanigans might make negotiating a massive salary slightly more challenging, but, hey, come across to the light side.

Is that why you called -- to check out the lay of the land? Yeah.

Kind of.


Well, then? What would our next step be? DPS is happy.

We've got enough.

So, now let's charge him -- who knows, maybe he'll open up a bit? And in the meantime? Are you going to continue to pursue Professor Chamberlain? Pursue, as in? This is not the way to do this, Martin.

We both know you're desperate to get ahead, you're so desperate you'll step on anyone's head to get there.

You messed up this time.


OK, guys, listen up.

I'm afraid the situation has escalated somewhat.

As you know, the Home Office are investigating me.

Now they're threatening to investigate the Lyell, as an institution.

- Meaning what, exactly? - Meaning they're talking about examining what role everyone here played in all of this.

What began with Cramer's accusations against me could now undermine the whole lab.

- Aren't you running away with this? - No, I'm not, Jack.

I think you know it.

If they come after the Lyell, they'll mothball us.

The investigation could take months, and we can't survive that -- it'll shut us down.

Can't we talk to Cramer? Get him to withdraw? Cramer doesn't give a damn about the Lyell.

No, what I need to do is .


I need to refocus this back onto myself.

I need to put distance between myself and the rest of you.

So, I've spoken to Susie Merrick and accepted I've the university job.

- You what? - What university job? Head of Medicine at UCL.

- They offered it me a few days ago.

- You knew this, Nikki? Wait.

I mentioned this to Nikki in passing.

I said I was flattered, but I wasn't even considering taking it.

There was nothing to tell you and Jack, I swear.

But now Well, things have changed somewhat.

Maybe it serves a purpose.

- There has to be another way.

- There isn't.

I've been through it, over and over.

We won't survive an investigation.

Imagine being a woman .


and you know exactly who you are but you're in a man's body.

And no matter what you tell people about how you feel inside, all that matters to them is what they can see on the outside.

Being truthful to who you are, to who you know who you're supposed to be, and having the honesty and the self-respect to live life openly, to participate in society equally -- that's so precious.

And if that's not there any more, that being equal, if it's been taken away from you because of your transgender status, then you know how it feels to be a second-class citizen, to be treated like somebody who's not worth what other people are.

Equal opportunities, regardless of your race, your gender, your sexuality -- that isn't like a gift that's ours to bestow onto others.

Living life in your own flesh, it should be a basic human right .


because our identity is fundamental to us.


What can I do for you? I didn't hide anything.

He said he wasn't going to take it.

Really? What gets me is that - Cramer doesn't have a leg to stand on.

- Jack! - That's not the point.

- Isn't it? - Thomas is right.

We don't stand a chance of surviving an investigation.

They'll stop us working, and we'll go under.

What are you lot up to? Listen, whatever's going on internally, we still have a missing woman out there, and I've had Carey Murphy on the phone asking me for an update.

We need to get our heads together, we need to get back to the evidence.

- We still have a chance to find Evie alive.

- OK.

Can I ask you something? Sure.

Is this a way out for you? An excuse to walk away from all the politics? No.

I was brought here to handle the politics, Nikki, and that's exactly what I'm doing.

- Right, what have we got? - From the soil sample we've got fly ash, soot and red-brick fragments.

All suggesting an inner-city location, possibly industrial.

And this is the mud from the David Stein crime scene? Yes, that's right.

We've also got metal flakes composed of iron and lead.

What about the soil itself? The soil texture is clay loam, primarily.


These marked areas all conform to soils with clay, iron and lead content in roughly the right quantities.


Where were the bodies found? These markers here.

Can we narrow it down any further? Hopefully, the plant DNA results will help us do just that.


Do you think Nikki will want Thomas's job? She's always said not.

I'll do it.

We'll both do it! No, just me.

Yeah This is mostly anthropogenic materials.

I'm just hoping this vegetable matter will get us more.

We just need to extract some plant DNA.

Pop it in the oven? Thank you.

What have we got, then? Results are in.

It's a variety of wheat.

Mm-hm? You know, wheat flowers contain both male and female parts.

As do we, in utero.

The potential to be either.

Or both.


Or both.

Well, let's narrow it down.

600 hundred possible matches.

DNA results on the plant material.

- It's grain -- something called - Hard white wheat.

- Right.

- We don't grow it in this country.

- It's predominantly American.

- What's it doing here? We import it for processed foods.

There's somewhere I was looking at Yeah, the soil conforms to the geochemical profile you mentioned.

This place.

Empty now.

They used to make breakfast cereals there.

Worth a pop? Yeah.

I'll call Murphy.

All right, this place has been shut for years, so it's going to be a case of covering it floor by floor.

And, no, we haven't had a chance to map it.

- Yes, ma'am.

- Why would Evie be dumped here? The other bodies were left where they were att*cked.

I know.

Let's hope it's because she's not dead yet.

With me, please.


We're looking for areas where there might have been grain spillage.

As fast as we can.

You guys take the first two floors, you're in the basement.

Thomas and Jack are with me.

Murphy Is that thing safe? Let's live a little.

Evie? It's the police, Evie! Evie? Evie? Evie! Evie! Evie! Evie! So, your DCI didn't even dare show his face? I can't get involved in this.

- What, you're just going to sit on the fence? - You don't know.

What I do know is that he's a lying bastard with no integrity.

Evie! What is it I don't know? What don't I know, Murphy? Look, everyone treads really carefully around him.

He's got the ear of some very senior people.

Anything? Nah, nothing.

Thomas? Murphy? Evie! Evie? It's everywhere.

- There's something there! - Hmm? - Jack! - What? - Jack! - Is she there? Evie? Shh Evie! Yeah, hello.


Fanshawe Way.



It's a derelict cereal factory.

Yep, hurry, please.

Can we get in to preserve the evidence? They'll let you know when.

Can I at least bag her clothes? Thanks.

If you follow me, you should be able to see her.

We found her.

Hmm? We found her, didn't we? You found her.

Kind of puts everything into perspective.

It does.

The Williamses have given consent and they're letting you in.

- She's been sedated.

- Great.

Thank you.

Massive bruising to the left side of the face, lower jaw.

Particularly around the eye.

Only one apparent wound -- again ragged at the edges.

Fanning out at the margin.

Knife just missed the artery.

She's lucky to be alive.

It's a similar patterning to the bruising around David Stein's s*ab wound.

Thank you.

This is the bruising we found around Evie Williams' wound.

- And this is David Stein's.

- Yep.

So, if the bruising around both these wounds was made by the hilt, are we looking at the same knife here? Well, we could be, but we don't have enough detail to identify the kind of knife used.

- And there's no equivalent on Rico Abbey.

- No.

What about Beth Roscoe? After she was att*cked, the police took these photos.

What? Within hours, yeah? Any bruising wouldn't have emerged, would it? Not by then.

Let's ask her to come in.

Have a look at those wounds.

See if they can tell us anything else.

How are you feeling? OK.

At least, I think I am.

This is Thomas.

- Hiya.

- Hey.

So, we're hoping to identify the kind of w*apon that your attacker used, and to do that, we need to look at your wounds again.

- Right.

- Would that be OK? Yeah, yeah, of course.

- Can I take your coat? - Yeah.

Have a seat.

- Say if anything hurts, won't you? - OK.

That's it.

- Sorry.

- It's OK.

- OK.

- Healing well.

We'll do this as quickly as we can now.

- Turn your arm for me? - Yep.

And relax.

Now then, this one? - Can you bend your arm? - Uh, yeah.

That's it.

- You OK? - Yeah, I just It's just all coming back a little.

Can I can I just get a moment, please? Yeah, I'll get these up in the viewing gallery.


I'll get you a glass of water, yeah? Yeah, thanks.

There's no bruising round Beth's wounds.

They aren't deep enough.

The hilt didn't touch the skin.

Really? Nothing? OK, let's go back.

First crime scene.

Rico Abbey -- throat cut.

- Second? - David Stein.

David Stein -- stabbed in the neck.

- Third? - Evie Williams.

Evie Williams -- also stabbed.

But not fatally.

You know the only place we did find bruising on Beth Roscoe .


was here.

- On the side of her hand.

- A defence wound? Maybe.

Could it? Could she have been holding the knife when all the others were att*cked? We have no evidence to support this.

Why would she come forward and say that she'd been att*cked? Maybe she was injured during the attack on Evie.

Could she have injured herself - and come forward claiming to be a victim? - Yeah.

And given us the e-fit of Marlow to get herself off the hook.

But why, though? What's her motive? We need to be scrupulous here.

It makes no sense.

It does in terms of the pathology.

The GHB.

Why dose your victims with a sedative? Because you're weaker than them.

You need to undermine their resistance.

Is this enough evidence? Uh She's gone.

Call Murphy.

Tell me about Beth Roscoe.

Miss Roscoe? Hello? Are you in there? Cheers, thank you.

I know you had contact with her through Transaction.


I'm just trying to help you out here.

And I need you to help me.

I've I've met her a few times.

Never alone.

So, you weren't intimate with her? What gives you that idea? She was listed as the sole occupant of the apartment, but there seems to be evidence of a man living there and all.

You think that that's me? You know where I live.

All right, so if it's not you, then who? Someone who doesn't exist any more.

A ghost that she couldn't let go of.

Does this ghost have a name? She's got two.


Yeah? Chris Hayes .


and then Kelly Hayes after her transition.

I only got to know Beth in the last few months.

I only saw her and Kelly together once, that was that time at Transaction.

Everything else I know is what Kelly's told me.


They had been going out for a few years .


before she transitioned.

A bit like me and Amy.

Except that they didn't have kids.

They partied quite hard.

What do you mean, partied hard? Pills, coke, that sort of stuff? Yeah, sure.

Anything harder? She was worried about her getting into GHB too much.

Murphy! She took quite a bit of a dive after they split.

Got something for you.

GHB? Tell me about her reaction to Kelly's transition.

Like I said, it broke her.

- Beth was angry? - Yeah.

- At Kelly? - Of course.

And the others.

Others like? Anyone that helped her transition.



Beth's not at work.

- She's been tracking her.

- What? Where's Kelly? Do we know where she is? So volunteers from Transaction, for instance? Yeah.

Give me some names.

Rico Abbey? Yeah.

Yeah, Rico, yeah.

David Stein? Yeah.

Evie? Where are you going with this? Everyone was part of the conspiracy, according to Beth.

They were polluting Chris's mind, taking her man away from her.

DI Murphy.

Where's Kelly Hayes? Is she here? - And destroying her life? - Yeah.

Evie was trying to build bridges, was trying to help her move on, but Beth wouldn't leave it alone.

It's like she was she was possessed.

The injustice.

Kelly said that she kept saying this thing -- "the injustice".

Anybody seen Kelly Hayes? - She was obsessive, then, would you say? - Absolutely.

And very angry.


Vengeful? You've made a huge mistake.

- Murphy? - Yeah.

I think she's got Kelly Hayes.

Beth Roscoe, I think she's got her.

- Hang on a second.

What? - She's on the phone.

- What? Beth Roscoe.

We've got her on the phone.

I'm going to have to go, guv.


Get a tracer on this call, this phone.

Beth, this is DI Murphy.

We've met before.

Is Kelly with you? Beth? I didn't ring to speak to you.

It's a helpline.

I wanted help.


You can talk to me.

You know what they did now, don't you? Tell me.

They made it OK for him to not be a man.


You know, Kelly, she still wants to be close to you, though.

I don't give a shit about Kelly.

I want Chris.

If I can't have Chris Is she there? Is she with you, Beth? You know, I've been trying to get my head around it, too.

You must've talked to Chris about it.

Of course I've talked to Chris.

Yeah, I've talked to Chris.

- What did he say? - He said he didn't know who he was.

- That I couldn't make him happy.

- Yeah, that must've hurt.

He was sick.

He needed help.

Everybody who he turned to.




they told him he was OK, that he wasn't sick.

They told him to destroy the man he was and to let go of what we had.

All right.

Just keep calm, all right? Don't do anything stupid.

Listen Listen to me.

Is she there with you? Is Kelly there? I I I'm trying to get how you feel.

I want to understand.

It's not complicated.

He was sick.

He needed help.

He needed help, not encouragement.


Just Listen to me for one minute, Beth, all right? You called Transaction Is there something you wanted to say? You said you needed help.

Is that right? Are you being honest with me? Yeah.


Chris always knew who she was.

You know that, don't you? Deep down.

I know that I loved him.

Check in there.

In a way that you could never understand.

Beth? Beth! Beth, look at me.

My name's Trish, I'm here to help you.

Everything's going to be OK.

We can talk about whatever's troubling you and get you help.

We got her.

We got her.


You all right? Yeah.

- Thanks for taking the time to come down.

- No trouble.

I hear that Cramer's no longer involved.

It's his turn to be investigated.

Anything to do with you? When are they letting you out? Shortly.

They keep saying shortly.

Red tape.

I just wanted to say thank you face to face.

It's OK.

The police would've got there anyway.

Do you think? How many miscarriages of justice are there, do you reckon? You're self-effacing, but you have to accept that she's in custody and I'm about not to be -- it's down to you.

Nah, it's a team effort.

It's always a team effort.

A team that's lead by you.

And from where I'm sitting, that's a .


that's a pretty good team.

This is a surprise.

I thought I should let you know that I've withdrawn the complaints against yourself and the Lyell.

I've explained to the Home Office that, on closer consideration, there was no intention on your part to obstruct the investigation.

This wasn't personal.

Not personal? You made this personal the moment you came after me and my team.

So, just remember, this has got nothing to do with me or the Lyell or DI Murphy or anyone else -- this begins and ends with you.

Now then, don't let me take up any more of your time.

- Hello.


- Oh, hello.

Could I speak to Dr Susie Merrick, please? - Who's calling? - Professor Thomas Chamberlain.

- I'll just put you through.

- Thank you.

Hi, Tom.

Susie, hi.

Uh, I thought I ought to let you know .


I've had a change of heart.

You're not saying you think that spice should be made legal? Since it was criminalised, it became much more dangerous.

People take this to forget who they are.

You got anything to help me take the edge off? I don't want you to forget who you are.

- I will not allow you to harm them.

- Get off me, bro! It's an extremely toxic opioid.

You didn't want to tell him his student was a drug dealer? It's what we think, it's not what we know.

I don't want to leap to conclusions.

- Want to go somewhere dark? - Jog on.

Ow! Help find the people who sell the crystal meth, - help find the people who sell the spice.

- Something's not right.

I'm looking at it, can't see it.

Something's not right.

- So, we can't trace the maker? - It's very difficult.

Well, aren't you in the business of very difficult?