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22x09 - Betrayal - Part 1

Posted: 02/16/24 17:15
by bunniefuu
I wonder, Dr Alexander, would you be so kind as to read the highlighted section of your postmortem report concerning the tragic death of PC Steven Francis? To the naked eye, the mitral valve looked abnormally loose.

Microscopic examination revealed it was gelatinous.

What was the date you performed PC Francis's postmortem? Um The 14th of May.

A Monday morning.

9am sharp.


Can you remember where you were the weekend directly before the 14th of May? Sorry? Let me jog your memory.

Social media accounts suggest you were in America.

Is that right? I I don't know.


I understand you regularly hop between continents.

That has no bearing I once came back on the red eye and it took me days to recover.

I don't know how you do it regularly Mrs Morrison, have you a question for the witness? My lord.

I wonder, if you would be so kind as to read the highlighted section of Professor Long's postmortem on Police Constable Francis? "The heart showed no abnormality and there is no pathological "disease that would cause or contribute to death.

" Your postmortem states that the heart was diseased, which, in your expert opinion, would suggest that the police officer died as a result of a previously undetected heart condition, whereas Professor Long's postmortem states it was a healthy heart, thereby confirming what I suggest is the truth, namely, that young PC Steven Francis died as the result of the brutal and vicious as*ault he sustained at the hands of the two defendants.

Mrs Morrison, that's just comment.

Shall we save these speeches until the end? A question for the witness, please.

If I may, My Lord, exhibit 12B.

The photographs from Professor Long's examination of PC Francis's heart.

Dr Alexander, these photographs of the mitral valve - in your professional opinion; are they indicative of a healthy heart or not? Doctor? Yes? No? From these photographs I would have to concur with Professor Long, but if you look at the photographs So these photographs confirm PC Steven Francis had a healthy heart.

These photographs do confirm a healthy heart.

But if you look at the photographs that I took No more questions.

How the hell did you get those results? I could ask you the same question.

And why was I only shown your report an hour before? That I can't answer.

I sent my report in to the police over a week ago.

And they withheld it? If you'd had my report for over a month, Nikki, it would have made little difference.

You made a mistake - it happens to the best of us.

I didn't make a mistake.

You've just said as much in open court - you were wrong, simple as that.


How are you doing this morning? Can you tell me how so many journalists have got hold of my number? What time are you going in to the Lyell? I didn't make a mistake.

I know.

I know you didn't.

Have you spoken to Amanda Long? No.

Not yet.

Why? Apparently her report was accidentally sent late by the police, who say there was some mysterious administrative cock-up.

Nikki, this is not a conspiracy.

I know my findings weren't popular with the police officer's family and with the police, but It's not our job to be popular.

I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation and I intend to find out exactly what it is.

I was just ringing to see how you were.

That's all.

I'm fine, Thomas.


Look, I'd better get started here.

I'll see you later.


Cheers, bye.

Is Jack here? Jack, er, yeah.

He's over by the other car.

Maybe she did make a mistake.

I was part of that investigation.

Does that mean you made a mistake, too? Look, there's no doubting that the policeman was att*cked, there's no doubt he received a number of blows to the back of his head and face and one to his lower abdomen, but not enough to k*ll him.

Had Nikki just come back from America? That's completely irrelevant.

Is it? The prosecution barrister only said that to make Nikki look "So to confirm, Dr Alexander, after flying for eight hours "through the night, you came straight to the Lyell, where" Where she did her job to the same exacting standards and professionalism that Where are you going, Max? Bins.

It's rubbish day.

Yes, it is.

Of all the crime scenes in all the world Detective Constable Vail - I thought you were moving on.

So did I.

You invited me to your leaving party.

What happened? Events.

Canal tour's this way.


You think this one's suspicious, too? I think everything and everyone is suspicious, Jack.

You know me.

Glad to hear it.

We've had a number of serious incidents down here.

If this was g*ng-related we need to know about it, before it kicks off.



A couple of rowers from the club down the way saw the body floating out there.

What do you make of those bruises? The ones round his neck? Could he have got them whilst he was in the water? A boat hitting him, maybe? Possible.

They look older than that, though.

More here, look.

Are they needle marks? Possibly.

They do look more recent.

You see his hand? Maybe he was holding on to something.

Experienced a heart attack? He's only wearing half a wet suit.

If he went in the water, what is it? A few degrees above freezing If he was out there canoeing or windsurfing - a lot of people tend to only wear their bottoms.

We'll get him back to the Lyell.

Take a closer look.

Isn't your partner into that sort of stuff? Sorry, I've forgotten her name.


Yeah, she did a lot of wind surfing - Newquay, Spain, Hawaii.

It's why we were moving away, so she could compete.

She got caught by this big wave in the summer and she didn't Not waving, but drowning.

I'm so sorry.

Just when you thought it was safe, eh? Events.


23 on his watch.

Time of death?Could be.

It might not have been working when he went in.

What time did the rowers find him? About 6.

30 this morning.

So what? Two hours? Yeah.

Given the waterlogging on his hands and the temperature of the water, two hours seems about right.

Oh, shit.

What time do you call this? I got waylaid by the reporters outside.

And what did you tell them, may I ask? Nothing.


I simply reiterated what I'd said in court, that I hadn't made a mistake.

That's not really talking to them or telling them anything.

It's also exactly what I told them.

Do you think there'll be an inquiry? Given the "enormous chasm" in opinions Who said that? The taxi driver had his radio on.

Good morning.



A body's on its way in - a drowned man.

Jack wonders if you could take a look, as soon as possible? Yeah.

Are you observing on this one? If that's OK.

Best way to learn.

Can you prep the postmortem room, please? Yeah, of course.


246 new e-mails?! 247, 48 Making mistakes can make you popular - who knew? Too soon.

I didn't think you'd come.

I didn't think I had a choice.

This is serious, Thomas.

I'm not denying that.

Nikki has got it wrong Wait, wait, wait.

In your opinion she's made a mistake.

It's not just an opinion - have you read my report? Yeah.

I've also read Nikki's report.

Nikki is a brilliant pathologist, I don't doubt that for one moment - but what worries me, and should worry you, is that when you make a mistake I don't believe she has.

What? You don't believe your own eyes? I've submitted a report to the coroner for a third postmortem.

I recommend that you do it, too.

I couldn't do that.

You're worried about upsetting Nikki.

No, no, it's not that.

If you agreed to do another PM, it would mean you didn't believe her.

That's not how Nikki operates.

Thomas, your loyalty, it's very touching.

I would expect nothing less.

But it's not just that Nikki has made a mistake Something we all do.


You made the right decision.



If that were true, why do I miss you so much? Why do I always find myself thinking of us? I don't even have a photo of you.


We talked this through.

We agreed it was for the best, your marriage was more important - it is more important.

I'm admitting to making a mistake, Thomas and that's exactly what Nikki needs to do.

This is the body of a well nourished male.

I'll provide the height and weight in due course.

There's a band of reddening on the outer aspect of both lower forearms.

Possibly some form of restraint.

of intravenous injections in both arms but these look relatively recent and the veins look healthy.

There are a number of other puncture marks on the hands.

None in the groin area but there are some on the feet.

They're not normal for puncture sites? Exactly.

And there's no evidence of track marks.

There's some sort of white substance adherent to the hair on the right hallux.

Looks like wax.

Then there's this mark on his forehead.

Looks like some kind of pigment to me.

Could be a tilaka.

Hindu mark worn on the forehead like a bindi.

Whatever it was, it stayed on while he was in the water.

How you getting on? Jack wants to know.

As if I'd care about how you were feeling after your very public fall from grace.

If there's nothing on finger prints or the DNA Database, this might help identify him.

What is it? Cochlear hearing device.

He wasn't poor, then.

They cost over £50,000.

We've got a serial number.

Might give us something, where it was fitted.

They're guaranteed for life, I think.

At that price.

Then if something goes wrong they can easily be tracked.

Anything else I can tell Jack? All I can tell him right now is that lividity suggests the body had been on its back for some time before it entered the water.

I shall report that to Mr Hodgson directly.

How did he get out there? If he was already dead when you put him in the water, normally he'd just sink, but air trapped in his wet suit kept him afloat.

Now, there's not much current to drift out there so chances are he'd just stay at the side and not drift away somewhere.

Which suggests he was on a boat or a raft of some kind? Yeah.

But was the body on a boat that was passing or was it launched from the side on something? There's froth in the airways.

It's consistent with drowning.

Unless there was some other cause.

Not what you were expecting? I'll take some bone samples in a minute for a diatom test to see if he had an active circulation when he went in the water.

Will that determine if he was dead before he was put in? Should do.

We'll decalcify and send them for testing.

It looks like he drowned, but not where they found him.

I need to update Jack.

I don't know how long, but given Dr Alexander's done the postmortem, chances are, not very.

Jack, this is DI Briggs.

From the Lyell, am I right? That's right.

I can guess what's coming.

I bet you can.

"I thought Dr Alexander was on our side.

" I'm not an idiot, I know it doesn't work that way, Jack - we've all got to be objective - say what you see without fear or favour.

All right, then.

But if those two shits get off because of Dame bloody Alexander's evidence - she will not be a popular lady.

So you only arrest someone if it makes you look good? Very funny.

Just saying what I see.

We've got something.

At least someone's getting on with the job.

Well, yes.

Let me spell that out for you.

Have you got a pen and a piece of paper? N-O C-O-M-M-E-N-T.

Press? Yeah.

Looking for Nikki.

She still here? Finishing a PM on a drowned man.

I know how he feels.



How's it going? People keep asking me that - it's good to be working.

Um, you and I should have a quick talk, when you have a minute.


My father used to sound like that when he was disappointed in me.

"Nix, you and I need to talk.

" Right, well, I'm all done here.



I'll write up my report and take you through it later if you like.

Oh, great.


No phone so far.

A bag, towel and strewn clothes.

I know what the postmortem has suggested - hear me out - but this looks like a guy got changed, went for a swim and then died.

Call me old-fashioned but if that's what it looks like, then maybe, just maybe that's exactly what it is.

But we know the man was dead before.

Yeah, and maybe he was.

So how did he die? Did he get? He gets in a canoe or whatever he gets into - and something happens - I don't know, an undetected heart condition maybe - he dies in the canoe, in the dark, no lights, and a bigger boat comes along and knocks him into the water.

If this is about Dr Alexander Don't kid yourself.

This is about what I'm looking at and it's also about resources.

Oh, come on, if this was an accident or a su1c1de, that has huge implications for this man's family.

But that's one, maybe two, family liaison officers.

If this is a m*rder enquiry "Kalan Dhanna.

Pujari Pharmaceuticals.

" Might save you some money, Detective Inspector.

It's about quarter of a mile that way.

Jack? Come on, Lyell man.

Say what you see.

I'm all ears.

If he was dead when he went in the water could all this be staged? I'm going to need a little more than a vague hunch that this was all some kind of set-up.

Make some enquires, talk to his manager, his colleagues See what you can find and let's see where this goes.

It's been real.

Oh, yeah.

I wouldn't go in there.

Why not? Who's he in there with? PC Steven Francis's parents.

Why are they talking to him? I did They didn't want to talk to you, not directly.

Tell Thomas I'll come in early tomorrow.

I'll get him to call you.

I'm turning off my phone.

HeyDon't ask me.

I wouldn't dream of it.

Thank you.


Don't ask her what? How she is.


How is she?Not good.

One tea light.

Found in an upturned canoe.

Don't touch.

That might explain the wax Nikki found on the body.

Hopefully get some prints off this.

The Lyell, Clarissa Mullery speaking, how can I help? Now let me spell that out for you.

N-O C-O-M-M-E-N-T Welcome to Pujari Pharmaceuticals.

Let me show you through to the lab.

I'm Detective Constable Vail.

I want to ask you a few questions about your colleague, Kalan Dhanna.

Can you confirm your full name, please? Jenna Hong.

Richard Austin.

Jacob Nduka.

And how long have you worked at Pujari Pharmaceuticals? Four years in April.

About five years.

Three and a half years.

How did you know Kalan? We worked together on a number of projects.

Everyone said he was clever, but I saw how hard he worked.

I thought I was obsessed, but Kalan I can't believe he's dead.

I can't believe he's dead.

Are you sure it's him? Was he happy working here? He loved his work.

He was working on a new drug.

It had the potential to change the lives of millions He was so passionate about saving lives.

I can't think of anyone who didn't like him.

He was always, always smiling.

Everyone loved Kalan.

Always smiling.

The last time that I saw him was it was over the weekend.

It was in the afternoon, I think.


Do you know if Kalan was religious at all? He used to say that his gifts, his ability as a chemist - were given to him by God.

I was jealous of that.

His faith.

For a scientist, he was very spiritual.

Nikki? Hi.

Have a seat.

I fully support you and your findings, but I've spoken to Amanda Long And did you tell her the same thing? That you fully support her and her findings? This is not easy for me, Nikki.

You weren't in that court giving evidence - being mugged by a barrister who took such delight in Two men are about to be convicted of the m*rder of a police officer.

But the evidence clearly suggests that would be a miscarriage of justice - manslaughter, yes, but Which is why, reluctantly, I've agreed to do a third postmortem.

If PC Francis didn't die of the undetected heart condition, what's Professor Long's theory? He may well have died, as the police believe as a result of the beatings he received Oh, not "soft tissue injury"! Controversial, I know, but it is still an official cause of death.

Usually declared when there is no obvious cause, but there is an obvious cause.

Professor Long has looked at the heart and clearly failed to see what I blatantly saw was there.

I know why you might feel undermined by thisUndermined? But that's not my intention.

I have every faith in you and in your work.


So do I.

Nikki So, Thomas is doing a third postmortem.

How did you guess? He's doing all he can to protect you.

I don't need protecting.

I've done nothing wrong.

What did I miss? Any luck with Kalan Dhanna's phone? The network provider is getting back to me.

And the fingerprints on the tea light? Nothing back yet.

Did we get the results back on the pigment? It turns out it's lipstick.

I'm waiting on DNA from it.

Candle wax and lipstick - that's some kind of send-off.

I do have the tox report.


That's a popular party drug.

And it's a popular research drug.

Mainly because it's so versatile.

Traces of formaldehyde were also found in his system.


What was he doing, embalming himself? Is that what k*lled him? It's pretty toxic stuff.

Vecuronium bromide.

Michael Jackson's last hit.

No, that's Propofol.

Vecuronium bromide is what anaesthetists use to paralyse people.

I gave up chemistry to do biology.

You did biology? In the broadest sense.

Without ventilation that would have k*lled him.

It would have caused respiratory depression and pulmonary oedema.

It's also been to known to be used in euthanasia and as a means of su1c1de.


How does that fit in with his work? I think you should go and speak to the CEO, Arthur Pujari.

Oh, do you? That's not my call.

When you go, you need to take me with you.

Is that so? I'd like to shake his hand again.

I saw him give a talk at the end of last year.

He was just brilliant - one of these people who makes you think anything is possible.

I had a teacher like that at school.

He was like, "Boys, you can either do metalwork or woodwork.

" What an inspiration.

Is she OK? I heard that, and no, I'm not.

I'm not saying I'm a genius, but a lot of other people are saying that.

My friends keep telling me that we're close to the Holy Grail of anaesthesia.

We've perfected the antagonism of the Dictating his thesis on his birthday! We're closer and closer to a non-addictive pain k*ller and an end to psychosomatic side effects I told you to delete all that.

Look at him.

He was so happy.

Where's Jacob? What happened that night? I told you.

What is wrong with you? Jacob wanted to give Kalan a proper send-off.

It's the least he deserved.

Do you think the police will come back for more? No.

Why did Kalan die? I don't know.

Was it my fault? I gave him the dr*gs.

His chest was convulsing.



We can't just carry on as if nothing has happened.

How's it going? All smoke and mirrors if you ask me.

I interviewed some of Kalan Dhanna's friends and colleagues at Pujari Pharmaceuticals.

Oh, right? You know, when I interview someone who is innocent, they make mistakes, they contradict themselves, they can't remember something and then they do.

It's normal, but this clever lot, no mistakes.

Word perfect.

What does DI Briggs say? She doesn't say anything, because I've got nothing really to tell her.

That's why I'm here, begging bowl at the ready.

According to Clarissa the lipstick on Kalan's forehead has someone's DNA on it but they're not on the database.

Let's try and get Kalan's friends to give us a sample of their DNA - to help with the investigation.

Good luck with that.

What? You wouldn't do that? And trust you lot to look after it? Don't touch that.

Or you lot.

Pretty cool, right? Put it back.

Kalan's phone is still active, so all you have to do is track it down.

And slightly less straightforward, the tox report.

Vecuronium You wait till you hear what it does to you.

Why don't we talk about this on the way? Going somewhere?Yes, we are.

The gloves are out.

Mr Pujari? Vail or Hodgson? DC Vail.

Jack Hodgson.


I'd shake your hands but, erm You've come about Kalan Dhanna.


Is there somewhere we can talk? That's a shame.

He was a very fine scientist - very fine brain - rare gift.

You didn't know him personally? I employ some 2,000 people around the world.

I try to take an interest in them, you know, who's doing what, what makes them tick, but We'll talk in the house.

The tree stump I've just pulled out, a couple of months ago, fine and healthy but then, just one day, gave up.

We tried everything - feeding, pollarding, we even had some chaps up from Kew.

I've got all these laboratories around the world, employ some of the finest minds but I can't save an old tree.

Right, where shall we go? Excuse me, I'm just going to get my stuff.


Ah, in here.

It's not where I thought, but it'll do.

Now, what I was told Kalan came from a small village in India.

It used to take him over three hours to get into Mumbai and then another three hours just to get home, you know, fighting for a place on one of those packed commuter trains.

Then he got a scholarship to Cambridge.

People like Kalan are born, not made.

You know Kalan was found in a canal not far from your London base.

From what we understand he was working on a new drug, but your lab manager was not keen to share much more.

I should hope not.

It's all about money and how much a new drug is worth.

I'll find out what he was working on for you.

Thank you.

I hear some of your research scientists live near here?Mm.

London prices are ridiculous, so I built a few houses on the neighbouring land.

And that's where Kalan was living.

Well, as I told you, I have little or no day-to-day running of the business.

Which suits me fine.

Do you play? Er, no.


Neither do I.

Looks good, though.

Sir? Sorry, I'm going to have to go.

Would you mind if we had a look around? What, this house? No, the one where Kalan was living with some of his colleagues.

Can I stop you? Would you want to? No, course not.

Anything to help.

Binni will introduce you to someone who'll show you where it is and walk you round.

Please do come in.

Kalan's bedroom is upstairs.

So What are you looking for, exactly? Do you know if Kalan took recreational dr*gs of any kind? Cocaine, ketamine, opioids? Oh No, I don't think so.

Was he perhaps working with these dr*gs? I don't know.

I thought you two worked together.

We have done, but recently he's been following up his own research.

Officially or something else? He never said.

We're all encouraged to explore and research wherever the work takes us.

But, in the end, results matter.

They did to Kalan.

Everyone's chasing the next big thing.

And was Kalan being chased? Kalan was a great guy.

Very loyal, very honest Except he may have been sharing his ideas with other companies? No.

It was the pressure he was under - everyone expected so much of him and he expected so much more of himself.

Do you think Kalan could have taken his own life? I hope not.

I'll be downstairs if you need anything more.

Is Jenna Hong around? No.

She's not here right now.

What do you think? More smoke and mirrors? He sounded convincing.

Maybe the DI's right.

It's exactly what it looks like.

All done?Yeah.

Can I ask - your researchers - how much is expected of them? If, as I suspect, you believe Kalan took his own life, I would hope we did everything we possibly could to help him.

We try and take care of everyone we employ.

I mean, we want them to explore and develop new dr*gs, new ideas which we can follow up.

As far as I understand, Kalan was working on a non-addictive painkiller, which would have changed the lives of millions of people.

And what dr*gs would he have been working with? I'm not sure, exactly, but I understand he was working with ketamine, which is hugely versatile.

And would he have been taking that drug himself? I wouldn't have thought so.

It was in the early stages.

Why? Did you find ketamine in his body? That's not something I can divulge at the moment.

I'm sure you know - su1c1de is one of the highest causes of death amongst young men in the western world.

Has his family been informed? Yes.

Well, if there's anything I, or my company, can do to help Thanks very much, Mr Pujari, we'll be in touch.

I hope not! No, just joking.

You and Mr Hodgson are welcome any time.

Open house.


I know the last couple of days has not been easy Is Nikki not coming? She's gone home.

You sent her home? No, no, of course not.

Thomas is doing a PM on PC Steven Francis.

Nikki thought it best to go home.

All right.

Yeah, she also needs time to prepare for the courtroom appeal.

Which is all she needs.

Another day in court.

Look, I have every faith in Nikki.

You know that.

We both believe in the science, but as a precaution I've asked Professor Long to review all the procedures at Chesham I bet she loved that.

and I promised that we would do the same here.

What? Whatever happens with this third postmortem, an investigation's almost certainly on the cards.

Come on, Jack.

We need to be prepared.




I've been told that formaldehyde has been found in Kalan's body.

Why would any of us inject ourselves with formaldehyde? Hmm.

The Lyell's in all sorts of trouble over conflicting PMs and dubious tox reports.

You think Kalan's body was contaminated? I think science is a wonderful thing.

How close are you? We're ready for the next stage.

One more trial.

Just to be sure.

Who should go next? Your choice.

Breathing is stable.

Commencing the pain testing.

We need to stop the infusion.

He needs ventilation.

What are you watching it for? We all saw him die.

Why? We were comparing the effects of the trial drug with the placebo and the standard drug.

Why, after all this time, has Kalan's body reacted like that? It's like his whole body was suddenly paralysed.

You can look at the videos, the data But it doesn't change anything.

We need to continue with the receptive tests.

What if one of us reacts like Kalan did? Are you willing to risk your life? We all agreed.

Speed up this process, to get this drug to market, we'd test on ourselves.

I didn't agree to die.

And neither did Kalan.

What choice do we have, Jacob? If we go to the police and tell them the truth, we'll be charged with m*rder.

And if we don't keep going, you know what will happen.

So, Caucasian.


Aged 23.

This is the third postmortem after conflicting reports from Dr Long at Chesham and Dr Alexander at the Lyell.

There's disagreement among pathologists about whether conducting a second or third postmortem on the body is helpful at all due to the natural decomposition Bear in mind that such an exercise is only as good as the photographs that were taken.

So if an injury or finding was not seen and therefore not photographed The original examination found every single relevant injury or finding.

I strongly believe it's useful to re-examine the body, even if it's only to satisfy my own peace of mind.

14th May, 2018, 9am.

This is the body of Steven Francis.

Caucasian male, aged 23.


7 kilos, 173 centimetres.

There are abrasions and bruises to the face, neck, and side of the head.

Looking at PC Francis now and photographic evidence from when he first came in, I can see obvious signs of facial trauma, effemetus abrasions and bruises to the face side of the head.

His nose appears to be fractured.

There is some bruising and cuts to the hands and arms suggesting that he was trying to defend himself.

Further bruising to the chest, to the lower abdomen.

And what looks like significant blunt trauma to the left costal margin and lower ribs, laterally.

Evidence of fracture on palpation.

All of that's pretty much as expected.

Better bring me the heart.

On first examination the valve looks gelatinous.


Possible Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome.

We'll need to send some histology.

Well? There's no sign of disease.

Professor Long's report is right.

You're sure?I wish I weren't.

There must be some other explanation.


Nikki got it wrong.



Nikki, Nikki, hi.

Would it be possible for you to come in to the Lyell? What did you find? I think we should talk about it face-to-face, don't you? No.

Tell me.

Perhaps I could come over to you? You didn't find anything.


No, we didn't.

I thought maybe we could look at it together.


I clearly made a mistake.

Well It's the only conclusion there is, Thomas.

Jack and Clarissa have gone through all the procedures here and they've done the same at Chesham, so so, yeah, the implication is Thank you for phoning, Thomas.

Let me have some time, OK? Yes, of course.

The trial reconvenes on Monday.

Nikki? We've started the infusion.

Breathing is stable.

Commencing the pain testing.

No response.

Anything? What's happening? Why's he so tachycardic? Richard? Richard? We need to stop the infusion.


15 milligrams per kilogram as usual.

I'm stopping this.

Have you added another drug to the testing protocol? If that happened, it's got nothing to do with me.

Richard? Richard? Richard? These trials we've been doing are secrets, yes? What exactly are we testing here? I thought it was a non-addictive pain k*ller.

Why's it causing these convulsions? Is this what k*lled Kalan? Tell me.

Tell me or I go to the police.

What are you doing? Sorry to drag you in at a weekend.

Look, I need you to be an impartial witness.

Don't ask.

I just want you to record everything that I'm about to do.


Thank you.

Don't look so worried.

This is all my responsibility.

Right, see this? This is the body of PC Steven Francis.

Evidence number LY-SF-63418.


I'm removing a hair sample from the body.

Isn't that tampering with evidence? No.

I need to prove something.

And this is the heart belonging to PC Steven Francis, evidence number: LY-SF-63418.


I did not make a mistake.

Is that a su1c1de note? Even if it is a su1c1de note, that doesn't mean it's a su1c1de.

Do you agree this was a deliberate act? An act of sabotage? As Miss World says, "All I want is world peace and global access to free health care.

" What are these brilliant young men doing? Putting all this shit into their bodies.

I wanted to tell the truth but Pujari wouldn't let me.

Does Jenna know all this? The less people who know the better.

If the Lyell's at fault I'll be the first to take full responsibility.

Yeah, cos you're so bloody good at that, aren't you? Amanda, we have to keep our personal relationship out of this.

Course, we must.

Must be professional, above all else.

This whole thing has been staged.

Are you going to behave yourself? What do you think? So, we need more? When have we ever needed less? This is out of control.

What do you think that means? I'm not sure.
