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07x10 - A Long Time in the Making

Posted: 02/16/24 20:10
by bunniefuu
[all] Whoa!

[Jazz Jennings] Previously on I Am Jazz ...

I still haven't heard back from Harvard about my readmittance,

so this is an opportunity for me to release all of this,

ugh, anxiety and energy of waiting.

-[Hope] Hey. -[Sander Jennings] What's up?

-How are you? -How are you?

[Sander] It's my first formal date with a trans woman.

And Hope and I are gelling really well.

It's not every day that you meet someone

that you connect with and can kinda emotionally open up to.

There's chemistry there.

[Jazz] Harvard says I need to transition from my current doctors

to a new set of therapists, psychiatrists and case manager.

They have an Ad board meeting coming up in a week,

and during that meeting,

they will decide if I'm able to attend this year or not.

I would be devastated if I missed the opportunity to go to school.

-Wait, Mom, lemme get a video. -Sander, you're k*lling us, buddy.

Wait, don't do that yet.

We're making these tie-die dresses

to try and sell and raise money.

[Jazz] Let Sander film what he wants to film.

Sander is filming everything, which can be annoying.

We wanted to help as much as we can, you guys.

All right. I'm really curious how this one looks.

[Sander] These dresses aren't going to sell themselves.

I wanna get a shot of all the dresses on the fence.

[Jazz] Sander, you're interrupting the process.

We're making a promo video, Jazz!

[Sander] I'm going out of my way, giving out my time,

and I shouldn't be put down for it.

I don't think my family appreciates the work that I do,

and it hurts.

-[knocking at door] -[Jeanette Jennings] One second!

-What up? I'm packing. -Me, too.

What do we need to wear? Like, what do we need to bring?

Well, bring a suit

and then some, like, daytime, outdoorsy, fun things.

I don't own suits anymore. This is my suit.

-That's a joke. -Nah, I have a suit.

Come on, now. I know how to look snazzy.

[Jeanette] There is a new exhibit at the Smithsonian, in Washington, DC,

and it's called Girlhood [It's Complicated],

and they are featuring a special girl named Jazz Jennings.

What better way to have a family trip than to go to Washington, DC,

see the sights and go to the Smithsonian?

'Cause who knows when we'll be together again?

Tell me, how is it going with the dresses?

Are any of them selling? Any interest?

What are we doing with that?

We haven't done anything. [scoffing]

Okay. So why is that?

-Because... -What do we need to do?

I don't know, I felt like Jazz was kind of rude while we were making them.

I didn't even make them that much. I was busy trying to create promos.

-Right. -And ideas for selling them.

-Yeah. -And then she was just harping on me being like,

get out of the way, you're in the way, you only care about making videos.

I didn't even see her say... hear her say that.

She was. She did it both days.

She's putting me down during it, and I'm just... I couldn't... I can't...

I'm not gonna go out of my way to edit this video

or tell Jazz, hey, we need to actually sell it.

So she hurt your feelings.

It's more like she makes me feel unappreciated.

I'm putting in my time and effort.

And I feel like it's just going unnoticed.

It's like, if you value me, show it, and I'mma get things done.

But right now, I'm kinda just like,

ticked off by the way Jazz was treating me.

I know you're feeling underappreciated.

There's a miscommunication between the two of you.

But it's a miscommunication I think everyone has. It's not just Jazz.

Sometimes it's Griffen. Sometimes it's Dad.

Yeah. Everybody finds that sometimes, like,

no offense, but like, annoying that you're always filming.

It's just hard to feel really confident in my career,

and sometimes I'm just not sure if Griffen, Jazz and Dad

-They're all proud of you. -take me seriously or are proud of me, because

sometimes I feel like they think I'm a joke.

And maybe it's because I'm hearing it from people on social media,

who are saying, like, "What do you do, Sander?"

[Jeanette] Sander's feelings get hurt easily,

and the family needs to understand

that this is Sander's world and this is what he does.

And we shouldn't have to walk on eggshells,

but maybe at times, we should.

You're living your best life.

You're enjoying what you do.

You're making money at it.

And your family should support you,

and if you feel they're not supporting you or appreciating you in any way,

-you need to... -It's not even about support and appreciation.

-It's more that like... it's... -It is. It is, though.

It's validation.

Okay. It's that as well. But, um, you need to talk to them.

Talking to me is not gonna do anything,

'cause I'm not gonna talk to them about this.

You need to talk to them.

[Sander] I got my Masters in Digital Strategy from the University of Florida,

and that's what I do on a daily.

But a lot of people don't know what digital marketing is,

and my family sometimes can't put me in the same field

as Griffen being in law school and Ari going to get her PhD.

And I care so much about what my family thinks about me,

so if they aren't proud of me,

then I'm not proud of myself.

[Jazz] Whoo.

[gasps] Air conditioning.

[gasps] It's mi padre.

-Hey, Jazz. -Hello.

How you doing today?

Good. Just came back from group therapy.

It went well.

-Yeah? -Yeah.

We were talking about establishing relationships

and how to let go of destructive relationships.

In the past, I was resistant towards therapy.

However, I've definitely opened myself up more

and realized that, you know, I need this.

This is really important for my mental health.

And I'm in a much better place now than I was two years ago.

Anything else going on?

I did have one thing. Where's Mom, though?

I need Mom here.

Mom's upstairs.

[Jazz] Do you wanna go upstairs?

You wanna give me a hint what it's about?

It's an e-mail that I got from Harvard.

Oh. Yeah, we should share that with Mom.

-Let's go. -Yeah, we gotta tell Mom.

[Jazz] Harvard gave us one week to establish a whole new clinical team,

and so over the past week,

my mom and I have made some calls, contacted the right people,

and we finally have a new clinical team in place

should I get readmitted to Harvard.

Jazz says she had a, uh, e-mail or something from Harvard.

Yeah, so I got an e-mail from Harvard.

Wait. Is this good?

Uh, one of the administrators at Harvard said,

"Hi, Jazz, just letting you know that I plan to present your petition tomorrow.

"I can let you know right after what the board decides."

[Jeanette] Ohh.

Tomorrow, they're gonna decide if I'm going to Harvard or not.

This is like the defining moment in your life.

-Yeah. -I can't.

-I mean, it's hard because... -Oh, my God, my stomach.

We're not even the ones who make the decision.

We have to leave it up into the hands of these people we don't even know.

[Jeanette] Jazz deserves this. It is our time to celebrate.

It has been a rough two years.

I really am crossing my fingers

that it's gonna be a positive outcome, but...

-How do you feel about this? I'm nervous. -[laughing]

[Jazz] I'm nervous, too.

-This is one of the most nerve-wracking things ever. -All right.

-Ever. -All right, I'm gonna go pack.

To ever, ever happen.

-All right, Jazz. -Bye.

I... I... it's like I feel it in my heart.

I feel it in my gut. And my head is starting to go boom.

Like, the sooner I go to sleep, the better.

[Jazz] I got my productivity requirement by interning with Dr. Gallagher.

I got my signed therapist letter,

and I've got my clinical team set up at Cambridge.

I know that I've done everything I could

to prepare myself for this next step,

but my fate rests in their hands.


♪ Don't matter how far away it seems♪

♪ I know I can have my wildest dream♪

♪ Even when I'm feeling so alone♪

♪ I can make it happen on my own♪

-[Jeanette] As you lay here in my bed, Jazz Jennings... -Tell me.

[Jeanette] Explain to me... Yes, I... [coughing] Excuse me.

Explain to me what's happening right now?

I am about to check my e-mails

to see if I got a message from Harvard about my enrollment.

Let's see.

No message. [fake crying]

How often have you been checking your messages?

I've been checking every single minute.

-[laughing] It literally... -For the last how long?

For the past like, three hours every minute, I've been checking.

[Jeanette] We are absolutely at this point neurotic.

Yeah. We're lying in bed waiting for this e-mail to come.

I keep refreshing it over and over again, and it's still not coming.

[Jeanette] To get a no from Harvard,

like, Jazz is not ready, come back next year,

would be utter devastation, 'cause there's no plan B.


Nothing. [sighs]

-[sighs] -Check again? Check again.

[laughing] Gonna check again.

It's loading.

Okay, so I just got an e-mail from Harvard.

Gonna find out what it is.


-Good news! -[Jeanette] What does it say?

"Hi, Jazz, I know you were waiting for the message

"so I wanted to let you know as soon as I did.

"You are approved to return. Welcome to Harvard again!

"For the upcoming academic year, I will not be your resident dean.

"You have been assigned to [bleep]."

That doesn't matter. Well, [shrieks happily]

Yes. I am readmitted to Harvard.

I am so, so excited to be able

to have this opportunity to go to one of the top institutions in the world,

and this is the next step.

[Jeanette] Jazz, I'm so proud of you.

Harvard student.

-You're gonna be... -Now I have to be...

Now I have to become a Harvard graduate. I just have to graduate.

-[laughing] -Let's not even think.

Let's go semester by semester.

-Okay, we'll see. -You're gonna get there,

but we're not even thinking that far.

Let's just get you up there first without having to bring you back.

-Okay. -Mmm-hmm.

Mom, how about I call Dad right now?

-[phone rings] -Okay.

She's going to Harvard!

Hello, it's Jazz.

[Greg Jennings] What do you got? What do you got?

I'm sure by the sound of my voice you could tell

that I got accepted to Harvard!

I mean, I was already accepted but I got approved!

-The... - You're awesome.

-I got approved. - That's fantastic news.

Finally got approved.

But of course you did. You deserve it. You worked so hard.

-I did. - I'm so proud of ya.

Yes, thank you.

You made a very smart baby, there.

-You did a good job. -[laughing]

I think we had a collective, uh...

Yeah, I... I guess I had something to do with it.

-Yeah, tell the boys. - You sound like you just kind of accepted it.

-I hear... I hear... -She's in!

It definitely feels like I got accepted...

-[Sander] What happened? -She's in! She did. She did it!

I did it. I'm going to Harvard.

-Can I get a knuckle touch? -Knuckle touch?

-Knuckle touch. -Knuckle touch.

-Knuckle touch. -I'm so happy.


All right, now... now we're gonna text Ari.

-[Jazz] We've gotta text Ari. -[Jeanette] I gotta text Grandma and Grandpa.

[Jeanette] Celebration!

Now that I've heard back from Harvard,

I get to go to DC and just enjoy this vacation.

It's like, yes.

I'm ready for the next chapter of my life to begin, and I am pumped.

I'm so proud of you, Jazz. I love you so much

and this is the beginning of a great chapter of your life.

-I'm talking about my-- -[Jeanette] Ta-dah!

-Hello. What's up? -Hey.

[Hope] I think that Sander is an amazing guy,

but I'm not sure how Sander feels about me.

I love that we're able to have like,

these real conversations about, like, feelings

without you pushing away.

[voice over PA] Boarding rows one and two.

-They're boarding now. - Boarding rows one and two.

So one day, my mom got an e-mail from the Smithsonian

saying that they wanna feature one of my mermaid tails in one of their exhibits.

Right now I am making a silicone mermaid tail, and I'm airbrushing.

The second we heard that, we're like, holy crap.

Like, this is a huge deal.

The Smithsonian is one of the most famous museums out there.

So instantly, I felt honored and I was like, yes, of course we have to do this.

[upbeat music playing]

[all] We're in Washington, DC!


[Sander] Great.

[Sander] Whoo, it's hot but at least there's some cool things to see.

[Jeanette] Well, it's supposed to be about degrees today here in Washington, DC.

There is a bleepin' heat wave going on. [laughing]

Like, it couldn't be any hotter.

Wait, so where's the Lincoln Mon... Monument?

I wanna go see Abraham Lincoln.

[Sander] We're out here at the Lincoln Memorial.

[Sander] Beautiful! Whee!

My mom always loved taking videos,

and I really found that passion in college to do the same.

Because it allows those memories to continue to exist in a virtual form.

Everyone just scream and jump in the air in the back of the video.

Jazz, don't turn away. [speaking gibberish] Ahh!

I'm filming my family while we do all this stuff

because when we get back,

Griffen's gonna head back to school,

Ari's moving out,

and Jazz is going soon, too.

So things are gonna change.

[Jeanette] There's the White House.

[Sander in a squeaky voice] Look, Mom, it's the White House.

-[Sander] Dude. -[Greg] Doesn't your friend live here? Hope?

[Sander] Yeah, Hope does live here.

-[Jeanette] Wow. -She's here. I talked to her. I've hit her up.

Uh, I think we're gonna do something or I don't even know.

[Jeanette] Yeah, you should. I like Hope a lot.

[Sander] It's been a while since I last seen Hope, because she now lives in DC.

So we haven't hung out for a while,

but we've continued communication.

And so now I'm in DC.

And I'm excited to reconnect with her in person.

[Greg] Hit the button. Go. We got it.

[Jeanette] Go. Go. Let's go. Before we all melt.

[Jeanette] Who's excited?

-[Jazz] Whoo-hoo. -[Jeanette] Yeah.

Now, we're on to do something a little more adventurous,

something more in the woods.

We're gonna all use our wilderness acumen to have some fun.

We're going ziplining. It's like a...

-[Greg grunts] -[Jeanette] Oh, my God.

[Jeanette] I'm ziplining last.

-[Greg] Everybody good? -[Jazz] Yeah, I'm excited for this.

[Jeanette] It's definitely out of my wheelhouse for sure.

I have a fear of vomiting, and I don't want to vomit like in the air.

You're gonna be okay.

[Jeanette] When it comes to my kids, I will do anything, including ziplining.

And even though I'm not looking forward to it,

I think it's a great way for us all to be together

'cause these are our last days together as a family unit for a long time.

-[Greg] Zip-a-dee-doo-dah. -[Sander] All right, let's go.

[Jeanette] All right, let's do the darn thing.

[Jazz] Let's hope we don't throw up.

Listen to Jazz. She's like, "I hope we don't throw up."

[man] Good morning, everybody. Good morning.

Come on over here. Let's get you guys harnessed up.

[Jazz] Okay, I think I need the largest harness.

-We're all gonna get the same size. -Oh, okay, okay.

Where is the bunnies? There's the bunny holes.

[Jeanette] The whole family's gone ziplining before.

And I just stayed down and held everybody's wallets and, uh, sunglasses.

Right there is the staircase. Clip on the bottom, head up, and start your course.

[Jeanette] But, you know what, I'm gonna do it.

[Greg] You're gonna climb. You're gonna zipline.

[Jeanette] I'm gonna climb. I'm gonna balance. I'm gonna zip.

-Can't wait to see. -Anything you want me to do. I'm gonna do it, anything.

I'm game.

I'm not going on that, am I?

[Griffen Jennings] Oh, yeah.

[Greg] What are we doing?

All right, so what you're gonna do is you're gonna clip in here first,

using our little Tweezle right there.

And then you're next... You'll transfer to this one right here

that'll take you across the bridge.

[Ari Jennings] Okay, so...

-You know how to use it now? -Sort of.

One of them clicked. One of them didn't click.

Ya had to make sure the one was in front of the other

and kind of like clickety d*ck along.

Clickety d*ck along. [laughs]

[Ari] Whee!

-[Griffen] Yeah. -[Jeanette] Go, Ari!

[Ari] Whoo!

[Jeanette] That's a long one.

[grunts] Whoo!

[Griffen] Enjoy.

[Jeanette] Yay!

[Ari] Go, Griffen, go!

[Jeanette] Go fast.

[Ari] Whoo!

Whoo, whoo, whoo! Raise the roof!

Oh, no! I'm coming in sideways.

Oh, [chuckles] boom!

-[Jazz] All right, Mom, your turn. -[Jeanette] I'm not ready.

This slot's supposed to be here?

Is it supposed to go on here?

You got it, out of your comfort zone.

[Jeanette] It's just stopping.

I'm thinking Jeanette's never ziplined.

This is kinda what she's here for. This is her moment to shine.

-You've got this. One, two! -[Jeanette] Don't count!

-One, two! -[Jeanette] No counting!

-Jump! -[Greg] Whee!

-Whoo! -[Greg laughs]

At the stop! I'm backed in!

Oh, my God! I knew it was gonna happen.

-[Greg] Whee! -How do I get back? [chuckles]

[Ari] Turn around.

[woman] You're gonna grab onto that cable overhead

-and pull yourself backwards. -Okay.

[Sander] Mom, try to look down this way. Let me see your face.

I'm not looking anywhere.

Mom, that is not the way to do the zipline!

Ya zip. Ya stop. You repeat.

Ya don't zip, and then zip back.

[Griffen] Jazz, show Mom how it's done, all right?


It's fast. Whoo!

I'm just glad with this harness that I don't have a penis anymore.


I got you. Look at that.

You're a natural.

Yeah, B.

-[Greg] Ready? -[Jazz] Come on, Dad, go!

-[Jeanette] Are you ready? -[Greg] Ah. [chuckles]


[Greg] Uh-oh.

[Greg] I thought I was gonna knock this tree down.

[Griffen] Everyone made it through every obstacle, and no one got hurt.

We got the entire family together

to do something fun and adventurous and different.

Three, two, one!


[all exclaim]

[Sander] That was crazy.

[Jazz] That was tiring. I'm hot and sweaty.

-[Jazz] This was fun. I really enjoyed it. -[Greg] Hold on a second.

Jazz, your door is open.

-It is? -Yeah.

-Oh, my God. You scared me. -[Greg] Okay.

Glad we didn't lose ya, Jazz!

-Jazz, just like opens the-- -[Ari] She just freaking opens it.

My heart just dropped into my vag*na.


Under all this, this girl's on edge.

This girl's on edge!

[Greg] Oh, I got an idea. Let's play the mood game.

What would you say is your mood?

[Sander] Just think everybody's on edge.

We all have different things going on.

I might be starting this new job that I'm trying to figure out right now

on top of the few jobs that I've already had.

That's the difference I think between what you do,

and what me, Jazz, and Ari are about to get ourselves into with school.

Uh, all of our things are kind of less flexible

as in we have set class times to go to,

set assignments to complete,

uh, set teachers, set people that are gonna be in our classes.

You, you're in a social media world where there's no set anything.

But it's not a social media. It's a marketing world.

A marketing of social medias.

[Sander] Not exactly.

Some of my consulting doesn't relate that much to social media.

Some of it relates to email marketing.

It's just hard 'cause I feel like almost everything you do

there's some aspect of your work that trickles into it.

It's never just like... I don't know if you know truly how to separate the two.

Like, it bleeds in no matter what.

I think you need to figure that out a little more.

Even when you're just like having family time,

you're still floating that camera in our faces.

[Sander] Lately, I've had a lot of built up frustration, doubt, and emotion

surrounding my family and how they look at my work.

I try to ignore the comments.

But sometimes they get to me.

[Mireya Loza] You all now get to see Girlhood [It's Complicated].

[Jazz] Mmm-hmm. It looks so cool.

It is so crazy to be a part of an exhibit featuring all of these wonderful women

who have changed history.

It just makes me really emotional.

-[Jazz] Oh. -I'm so proud of you.

♪ People look down on me but I just see victory ♪

-Look! -[Jazz] Look, Girlhood [It's Complicated]!

[Ari] It's all over the museum.

[Jazz] Oh, my God, this whole museum.

-[Ari] This is a big deal, Jazz. -[Jazz] This is huge!

[Jeanette] Knowing that Jazz is being highlighted in the Smithsonian...

I mean, how surreal, like, hello.

Am I living? Am I breathing? Did this happen? Is it a dream?

-I could spend a whole day here. -Hello.

-Hello. How are you? -[Greg] Hello.

Great. Welcome to the National Museum of American History.

This is a long time coming.

-Yes. -Yes.

You all now get to see Girlhood [It's Complicated] the exhibition.

I'm just ecstatic. I'm so, so excited to see

what the exhibit is gonna look like.

I just feel so honored and blessed.

[Mireya] What we really wanted to do

is basically have a fresh, new take on women's history.

And so the very first section is this one.

I don't know if you recognize Naomi Wadler from March for Our Lives.

Of course.

And we thought it was really important to feature contemporary girls

alongside important historical figures.

[Mireya] This is actually one of my favorites pieces.

This is about Minnijean Brown's life

and her efforts to desegregate a school in Little Rock, Arkansas.

[Mireya] Yeah.

[Jeanette] The exhibit is incredible.

Every single item that is in a museum has a story behind it.

And a lot of work went into it.

Just reading what was on the walls,

seeing how far our country has gone

and how far it still has to go was really profound for me.

Here's where you're gonna have a really great surprise,

-which you came to see right around the corner. -Mmm-hmm. Okay.

Okay, let's check it out.

It's gonna be really surreal to see myself in the Smithsonian.

I have high hopes for the exhibit.

But I still don't know exactly what it's gonna look like.

So I'm really looking forward to seeing it.

Come onto the next section, which you came to see.

-A Girl's Life. -Oh, my God!

[Jazz] There it is.

That's the tail.

It looks so cool.

[Jazz] I love all the pictures.

This is like... You could see exactly how I designed it based off of this picture.

It is so crazy to be a part of an exhibit featuring all of these wonderful women,

these wonderful girls who have changed history.

To be featured as one of those people,

it is flattery to the greatest extent.

-You made that. -I made that, at years old too.

[Jazz] I've always been into mermaids.

When I was a kid, I had mermaid Barbie dolls.

I made mermaid tails, from fabric tails to silicone mermaid tails.

It's really fascinating

because a lot of other trans people are interested in mermaids.

And it's cool 'cause they have no genitalia.

They just have this long beautiful tail.

So mermaids are kind of gender-less, sex-less.

And it's really, really interesting

how there is that sort of natural gravitation for a lot of trans people.

I don't know how you actually swam in this 'cause it's so heavy.

[Jazz] It is really heavy out of the water,

but once you get in the water, it's more buoyant.

-[Mireya] You were such a little girl. -[Jazz] I know. I was tiny.

She made numerous of these. This isn't the only one.

I made a couple. I made like six or seven.

It's an unbelievable honor to know and see my sister is in the Smithsonian.

And I'm at a loss of words for how my little sister has changed the world

and how she's being recognized and honored for it.

[Sander] I think, the descriptions is the most powerful part of it all.

"By embracing themselves, girls break barriers every day

"to change our culture's definitions of girlhood.

"For many, these rules just don't fit.

"Jazz Jennings is one of those girls.

"She shares her girlhood with millions of Americans

"and reminds us that girls can be assigned male at birth

"and that girlhood comes in many forms."

High-five for that. That's amazing!

The museum did a really great job

-of capturing the spirit of what Jazz represents. -Mmm-hmm.

[Sander] Oh, there's two sides.

Oh, my goodness! There's so much stuff.

[Sander] Ooh, all your art.

[Greg] I think a lot of people see her as a symbol of great hope,

and forward thinking, and progress, and equality.

Jazz definitely has made a mark on history.

[Jeanette] As your parents, we are just... I know I can... I'm speechless.

It just make me really emotional.

-[Jazz] Oh. -I'm so proud of you.

[Ari] She's crying.

I am filled with so much joy and pride. I'm bursting.

I've been waiting for years to see this.

I mean, my kid is in a museum.

-That's big stuff. -Yeah.

That's really, ya know, uh, proud moment

-for parents definitely. -Mmm-hmm.

-[Mireya] Say girlhood! -[everyone] Girlhood!

-Hey. -Hello. What's up?

How are you?

It's been a while since I last seen Hope.

And I feel like she could really empathize and understand

some of my frustrations related towards my family

and how they look at my career.

They think my work is a joke.

[Sander knocks on door] Room service.

-Hey. -Hello. What's up?

How are you?

-Shoes? -So take your shoes off.

You can, like, leave them right here.

Up until now, Sander and I have been navigating as friends

who have some sort of interest,

but we're not really sure where we were going.

I feel like there are a bunch of things up in the air right now as far as him and I.

I really want some clarity.

Pasta is my favorite thing to make.

Shrimp is one of my favorite things.

And Italian food is, like, my jam.

Salmon's been my new thing.

Salmon has been a vibe,

but only when I'm, like, looking to fit into a dress or something.

So for my birthday last week, I was, like--

-Oh, you were slaying all week on your birthday week. -I tried.

-You were going off. -Ya know.

I tried. I did a little Barbie extravaganza.

Fun fact, most people don't know

I don't like pink. [chuckles]

So my birthday decision to, like, have it be this Barbie extravaganza was that,

um, I wanted to challenge myself to do something

that I thought was really...

-Against what you normally do. -Against what I normally do.

I took a lot of time to really think about

what I wanted to do moving forward

and, like, going into -something.

[chuckles] Um, and I don't know,

it was a really eye-opening experience,

which kinda brings me to you and Griff were having a bit of a little...

I don't think it's just me and Griffen.

I think in general right now

everyone makes me feel like all I'm doing is making videos, and that's my career.

And, like, that isn't my career.

And it's, like, I know it's not a law job.

My work is real.

And I'm not getting the validation from the people I love most.

And if they can't validate me, then, like, it hurts sometimes.

As a person who struggles with the idea of validation,

I can tell you that you're gonna have to figure out a way

to validate yourself.

It's nice to want those things from your family.

But it's also one of those things where you can't expect

other people to hold your happiness for you.

There's gonna have to come a time where you really sit with yourself and ask,

"How can I, right, be a better person

in order for other people to understand these things?"

I need to because

they think my work is a joke.

But the general, like, thing is

I'm doing everything

that makes me me.

So, like, even when sometimes I seem like I might not be that happy

or, like, I feel like I'm overworking myself

I love it at the same time.

I used to be an athlete. I don't have sports anymore. So I'm competing verse myself

in different ways.

But at the end of the day, I am proud of who I am.

This is some built up emotions. But, like...

Oh, good.

Come here, and bring it in.

[Sander] Something struck a nerve in this conversation with Hope.

That really brought out those emotions.

Maybe it's not my family and maybe it's just my ego

telling me that I need this validation.

Hope does know the work that I'm doing,

and she reminds me to be proud of myself.

Food is always a good helper for these things.

-And, right on time-- -Is it ready?

[Hope] It is ready.

-[Hope] So, let us eat. -Let's eat.

[Hope] Sander getting emotional made me feel like I was

like I was a part of his safe space.

Sander makes me feel confused and giddy all at the same time.

I really appreciate his presence,

but I'm not sure how Sander feels about me.

-It's better than my pasta parties. -[Hope laughs]

It is good.

I really appreciate, though, the kind of advice you're giving me.

As you can tell, I'm...

It's not, it's just like...

My whole family's going different directions.

And I'm going a different direction

and I'm really proud of the direction I'm going in.

I'm still a little...

a little bit younger and still maturing in different ways.

-But meeting people like you helps me mature. -Uh, definitely.

I love that we're able to have, like, these real conversations

about, like, feelings without you making me feel guilty

for, like, having them, or, like, without you pushing away

because of them.

Well, I value our friendship so much, but I don't want to...

I don't ever want to, like, lead anyone on.

I just want to be on that level that I think we both are kind of on

and just, like, go with the flow like we have

and have these deep conversations

and have fun and that's what we've done.

After this conversation with Hope,

this friendship that we've kind of created isn't gonna really

turn into anything more.

But I've learned that I'm going to treat anyone that I date,

whether they're trans or not, in the same way and I'm going to be proud of it.

Hope and I have this bond and connection

that is really unlike any other friendship I've ever had.

I hope that you do take some of the experiences that we've had

over these past few months and hopefully it helps you as well to kind of grow.

Because I know for sure I'm gonna be growing.

I think that Sander is an amazing guy

and the fact that he's willing to just be upfront about what he doesn't wanna do

gives me space to decide how I want to navigate him as a person in my life.

And I think that we both can agree that friendship is the best road.


-Cheers. -Yes.

[slow instrumental music playing]

[bell dinging]

[Jeanette] I've never done this.

-These beats walking. -Absolutely.

[driver] Way better than walking.

[Jeanette] Oh, that breeze.

-[Greg] It feels good. -[Jeanette] Amazing.

-[Greg] You ever do newlyweds? -All the time.

-[Greg] Oh, yeah? -[driver] Oh, yeah.

We just celebrated our th--

-[Jeanette] No, th! -th.

-We just celebrated our th-- -He's been married to me for so long,

he forgets how long.

-I did not forget, I just misspoke. -Oh, okay.


-[Greg] Thanks. -That's awesome.

Empty-nesting is in our near future.

I'm excited to be alone with you again.

-Are you excited to be alone with me again? -I'm excited.

I don't know what that's like. We've never had that.

Not for any duration of time.

Excuse me, but we were together for several years before our marriage.

-I'm talking about since the kids-- -He doesn't remember.

Ari's almost .

-It's been a long time since we've rock and rolled. -Yeah.

[Jeanette laughs]

[Greg] Is that the restaurant there? Yeah, there's Hank.

-Hank's Cocktail Bar. Oyster bar. -[Jeanette] Perfect, totally.

[driver] All right, guys.

[Jeanette] Oh, we have to end our journey together.

[Greg] This is nice to get a little free time.

-[Jeanette] Yes. -[Greg] With you.

[indistinct conversation]

[Greg] Oh, yeah.

-Gonna get some seafood. -Should I hide the phone away from...

the annoying ones?

-All right. -What are you talking about, "the annoying ones"?

I love them, but sometimes, like when I say, "Don't text me,"

that's when they text the most.

So, I just--

-I told them we're off-limits for the next-- -I saw.

[Greg] Hour and a half or two.

I told them to leave us alone.

I feel like it's a kind of a calm before the storm.

-Before everybody heads off. -[Jeanette] Don't call it a storm.

I want to spend, like, a lot of our weekends traveling to visit our children.

That doesn't sound like empty-nesting.

That sounds like flying to where your kids flew off to.

-That looks yummy. -Your Ruby Red Spritz.

-Thank you. -You're welcome.

I want to actually use the nest

and actually enjoy it a little bit.

That's why you have Monday through Thursday.

[Greg chuckles]

Here's to us

and the next chapter in our lives as we have an empty nest.

And now you can do the kid part.

And, um, cheers to their futures. They're all bright.

-Success to all the kids. We love it. -[Jeanette] Yes.

[Greg] But how about the last kid of the equation.

I haven't had time to digest it because we didn't know for sure.

Now, I'm processing it.

I'm like, she is leaving and she's such a huge part of my life.

I've been the mom-ager for her for a long time.

You know, she's right outside our door every day, every morning.


Um, I get choked up about this.

Something tells me Jeanette's gonna be visiting Jazz pretty frequently.

I can tell you one thing: I'm not going in her bedroom.

Not doing that.

That will remind me of her, so I just will keep the door closed.

-You need help? -Nope.

Got this. I'm just gonna move my hair. Anyway...

I really am very conflicted about Jazz.

Like I want her to go to Harvard. Like, I want that for her.

But I am absolutely nervous because I don't know how prepared she is.

Yeah, but the idea is to step back

and let her integrate into the student body.

I mean, she's years old.

I just want to know that things are going well for her.

-[Greg] That's not what I'm talking about, though. -Even socially.

Like, if she has a hard time making friends.

-That's not what I'm talking about. -What do you mean?

I'm talking about you.

[spoon clinks] Yeah.

You have a co-dependency.

I mean, if she didn't need all the help and I was, like, hovering,

but she needed a lot of help.

I'm fine. Like, breaking free from her, I'm fine. I'm just worried about her.

But I really want her to have her own experience.

To go to college, and to be independent.

And not for us to be involved in that process.

I'm not going to tell her what to do,

but I do want to make her life as easy as possible.

Like, they have, like, a laundry service there.

I want to challenge you on this for a second.

When you were in college, did you have a laundry service?

Absolutely not.

-Did you have to do your own laundry? -[Jeanette] Yeah.

So, why should it be any different?

Because she has had all these issues.

And what if she says, "I got this, Mom"?

"I'm around a bunch of people, I'm meeting new people, but I don't want you hovering."

-What will you do? -I'll leave.

If I believe her and I see.

Because sometimes she'll be like, yeah, I got this, and then she really doesn't.

Yeah, but you're not gonna know that for sure until she just has

the opportunity to spread her wings.

What's the one thing your parents said to you when you got in the car

to drive up to school?

-Just don't fail out. -So...

Jazz doesn't care about her health as much as I care about her health.

So, I don't, maybe a little bit of co-dependency there,

but I just don't see it as that relationship.

I could do without some of the stuff of having to take care of her,

but she's not quite there herself.

Yeah, there's some fine-tuning that definitely has to occur,

but I think that she needs to write her own story.

You all throw shade when you don't understand exactly what my work is.

But I do think that you do push boundaries.

You're shoving a camera in my face and I don't really want

a camera in my face all the time.

[Griffen] I might need more alcohol.

Wait, Griffen, you haven't finished your drink yet?

Don't like it too strong?

[Griffen] No, I'm just not really in a drinking mood.

[Jazz] This is the last supper.

Everything's about to change for everyone in our family.

You know, my parents are going to be empty nesters.

All of the kids are going separate ways.

It's the next step for everyone in the family.

-[server] All right, here we go. -[all] Thank you.

-Here's water and napkins. Enjoy. -[Jeanette] Thanks so much.

Well, it's been really nice to be with all you guys.

I don't know when we're all going to be together as a family, as six again.

It might be a while.

It's time that I get my emotions off my chest and let my family know

how I'm feeling about me and my work.

So, yesterday I had a really deep conversation with Hope.


And for a long time, I feel like I've been seeking validation from each of you.

And maybe it's because I get a lot of mean comments online.

Maybe it's because sometimes you all throw shade when you don't understand

exactly what my work is.

My work is so much more than just, like, me creating content.

I just am so passionate about what I do and I'm working so hard.

But I do think sometimes you do push boundaries.

There's often times when you're shoving a camera in my face

and I don't really want a camera in my face sometimes.

It has definitely become a bit intrusive having a phone around

every time I'm hanging out with Sander.

It doesn't allow us to connect as deep and to talk about more personal things

because there's a camera on me.

-And that has definitely-- -No, but that's not true either.

Because a lot of time it's just work.

-It's not all about videos still. -You're still on the phone.

Yeah, I'm still on my phone, but you're making it still about videos.

-This-- -Honestly, videos take very little of my time.

Think about this. Type, type, type.

Think about this. Video, video, video.

Either way, you're not focused on who's in front of you.

Sometimes, we just want to hang out with you and, like, don't want you

to be on your phone when we're hanging out.

And like, it just has to do with, like, I want you present with me.

[Sander] I understand that.

I'm not perfect and it's me not respecting all of you all and I am sorry for that.

You're one of the hardest workers I've ever met in my life.

And you're making something happen on your own.

You don't have a boss telling you to do stuff. You are your own boss.

Every one of us is proud of you

and I admire what you're doing.

You've come so far.

I remember the first time you introduced the idea to me

that you wanted to be, like, an ally and that you wanted

to create your brand about being an ally

so that you can change the world and look at you now.

It's just really, really amazing to watch.

Well, I was inspired by all of you in different ways.

After talking to everyone, I know my family's proud of me,

even if they sometimes question it and don't understand it.

This is the final Jennings togetherness...

-[Ari] For now. -Moment in time.

I'm happy that everybody's doing well,

but I am sad that this is the last time I'm gonna see all your faces together.

Not last, come on. No, we ain't falling off the face of the earth.

[Ari] Time's gonna fly. We'll see each other again real soon.

Things are changing.

-[Jazz] I promised not to cry. -It's never gonna be the same again.

-[Jazz] I feel her tears. -You're leaving me.

I'm leaving you.

[Greg] It's gonna be awfully quiet.

And we're gonna be empty nesters, there's no doubt,

and, um, this is our last hurrah.

So, Sander, this may be the last time to get a family TikTok in.

-[Ari] I'm gonna find the time to do it. -Sander's face is all, who?

No, no, seriously, like, when are we gonna, you know?

Yeah, everyone get on up.

It is pretty nice that they all wanted to make one final video

before we all go on our separate ways.

[Sander] So, get close together.

-Something cute, where each person-- -It's cute.

-[Sander] You are a master, man. -Each person--

-You are a master. -Can slide in like this--

-I hope somebody's getting this. -Okay.

I know it's kind of corny, but, like, we have a lot of love in our family.

And there's not too much dysfunction.

I think in a lot of families there's dysfunction and, um,

you know, we have our ups and downs, but we stick together.

The edit is gonna come where it's, like, [mimics camera shutter clicks]

-Okay. -So, we need to keep our feet in the same spot.

It's just a strong bond between the six of us.

[both speaking in unison]

[Ari speaking]

[both speaking in unison]

[Jazz speaking]

[all in unison]

I'm going to Harvard in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

I'm going to Gainesville, Florida.

I'm going wherever life takes me.

I'm going to Fayetteville, Arkansas.

We're finally empty nesters.

[Sander speaking]

[all in unison]

That's our story.

The power of our story's awesome.

So, we should be proud of it.

-[Sander] We did it! -We did it, fam.

Our last fam TikTok for a while.

I think we have some flights to catch.

-Let's get out of here. -[Jazz] Let's head back home to Florida!

[Raymond Braun] Hello.

I hear a voice!

[Jazz] Next time onI Am Jazz .

-[Jazz] Hi. Oh, my God. -[Raymond] Oh, it's so good to see you.

[Jazz] Raymond is a family friend who's been a brother to me.

It's Rainbow Raymond. Oh, my God. Hello, my old friend.

I worry a lot about Jazz going off to college.

So, I think Raymond is the perfect person to talk to her

because he can see through Jazz.

I do want to make working out an addiction almost

and I'm gonna need to study a lot.

That's like changing so many parts of your life all at once.

I don't know that she realizes the gravity of how much things are going to change

and how different it is to live on her own.

-How's it going? -What's up?

I just want to bridge the gap between my friends and my other friends.

Yeah, I want to have biological kids with somebody.

If the trans woman didn't tell you that she was trans

and then you dated for, like, six years, and she was like,

hey I'm trans, I can't have kids that would be easier for you

than if she was just open on the first date?

That'd be worse because then they're a liar for six years.

A liar? Do you ask everybody about their criminal record when you get with them?

Whoa, whoa, everyone, let's take a step back in this conversation.

What do you think? Is she ready for school? Like, what are your thoughts?

-Be honest. -My honest answer, Jen, is I don't know.

-[Jeanette] You don't know. -I don't know. I'm worried.