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15x02 - The Relics of Roswell

Posted: 02/17/24 17:50
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: A fiery object crashes into the Earth and ignites the modern UFO era.

It would become the absolute touchstone event and the bestknown event in the world connecting our reality to the E.



NARRATOR: For more than seven decades, the Army has denied what it initially reported that it had recovered a flying disc.

But could evidence of such an event still exist? (beeping) Oh, my God.

There is something there, and we need to dig it up.

NARRATOR: Are there remnants of alien technology scattered in the New Mexico desert? LINDA MOULTON HOWE: I think he's holding something made by another intelligence.

I have never, ever seen anything like this.

NARRATOR: And could materials already recovered soon reveal the truth about an extraterrestrial presence on Earth? There's something big going on here.

I'm getting chills because we've got some elements that are showing up they shouldn't be there.


TSOUKALOS: If the evidence has not yet been uncovered, that does not mean the evidence is not there.

NARRATOR: There is a doorway in the universe.

Beyond it is the promise of truth.

It demands we question everything we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is right before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.

NARRATOR: Los Angeles, California.

October 2019.

Ancient astronaut theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos Hey, Linda.

is meeting up with investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe at a secure storage facility.

All right, let's do it.

Let's go.

NARRATOR: For more than two decades, Linda has been in possession of highly unusual metal fragments given to her by someone who claims they were extracted from an extraterrestrial craft.

Man, this is some door.

(beep) (Tsoukalos chuckles) Okay.

Well, over the years, I've learned that this is really pretty valuable.


And that I better keep it in something like a safety deposit box.


NARRATOR: In recent months, the United States Army has taken an interest in doing its own examination of these materials.

Linda is eager to show Giorgio just what it is that has caught the Army's attention.

Here is where the magic bismuth magnesium zinc resides.

There it is, inside the magic box.


Here, I'll take it over here and show it to you.

I have found, since having this in 1996 and evolving with research, that it has become now so valuable.

What am I looking at, Linda? What is this? Well, here is You see all these layers? Yeah.

When you go to a scanning electron microscope Huh.

and you see that the black, the black side it's pure bismuth, and it's one to four microns, which is about half the size of a blood cell, and then it's alternating just like a torte cake.


And the top silver that's the magnesiumzinc alloy.


So, layer by layer by layer in microns.

TSOUKALOS: It's almost as if it's reflective, too.

HOWE: Yes, and when you get it in the sun, it looks like a snowfield.

And that's the magnesium zinc.

NARRATOR: In addition to this layered material, Linda also has an unusual piece of aluminum.

HOWE: As I understand from a physicist, it is this pure aluminum, 99.

5% pure aluminum.

TSOUKALOS: As far as I know, we can't produce 99 point I mean, this is incredibly pure.

So where were these pieces allegedly found? HOWE: These came out of White Sands in New Mexico, outside of Roswell.

Is there a connection to Roswell with this piece? NARRATOR: In July of 1947, an unidentified flying object crashed to Earth in the desert just outside Roswell, New Mexico.

It is today the most famous UFO event on record, in part because it was the Army itself that reported the craft as a flying disc.

BILL BIRNES: July 8 and 9, the newspaper headlines "Army Captures Flying Disc Outside of Roswell.

" How did the newspaper get that story? Walter Haut.

He was the official public information officer at the Roswell 509th, who gave the story to the newspaper.

NARRATOR: But the military quickly walked back its story.

Within days, the mysterious Roswell UFO was given an earthly origin, when the government claimed that the downed craft was merely a weather balloon.

They changed it and said it was a weather balloon and everything else.

They said they took it to WrightPatterson Air Force Base in Ohio.

RICHARD DOLAN: When you really think about this, why on earth would anyone send any kind of weather balloon to Wright Field for technical analysis? None of it makes any sense whatsoever, unless that material was much more exotic and much more scientifically interesting than just a mere balloon.

DAVID CHILDRESS: When you look at the whole Roswell incident, it seems to be a recovery that was very much a scrambled ad hoc thing.

And, in fact, witnesses had been to the crash site before the military got there.

So in the chaos of trying to clean up this crash site, you have to wonder that whether they would really get it all.

Where would this material actually go? And would they have left some of it behind, just by accident? NARRATOR: In April 2011, the FBI released thousands of files as part of its online FBI vault, including a 1950 briefing to FBI Director J.

Edgar Hoover regarding informant information about three flying saucers that were recovered in New Mexico.

Many researchers believe this corroborates longstanding rumors that the Roswell incident involved not one but three crashed UFOs.

And there were numerous other incidents reported during that time period in the area of Roswell and White Sands Proving Ground that remain mostly unknown.

You look at where the world today, when they think of a UFO crash, they think of Roswell.


Certainly there have been crashes in New Mexico outside of Roswell.

We know that there were a lot of UFO crashes going from the '40 like, '47, '48, '49, and so forth.

How did you come into possession of these pieces? Well, I'll never forget the day that Art Bell called me, and he said, "Linda, I received a box with a letter, and there's some metal pieces in here.

" He said, "I think they're aluminum, but I want you to start investigating.

" That would have been in 1996, that spring.

NARRATOR: Art Bell was the founder and original host of the longrunning, paranormalthemed radio program Coast to Coast AM.

In 1996, he and Linda began to receive shipments in the mail of small metallic fragments.

We started getting two shipments coming from a man who identified himself in a series of five typed letters.

And he said he was an Army sergeant, that his grandfather had died in 1974, and had left a box that had a diary and metals.

And the Army sergeant said, "I want you to have this and see what you can find out.

" NARRATOR: The letters detail how the grandfather extracted the metallic items from a wedgeshaped craft while working as a member of a recovery crew between Roswell and White Sands Proving Ground in 1948.

Art Bell turned over these mysterious fragments and letters to Linda Moulton Howe for further study.

In June of 1996, Linda commissioned university researchers to use a scanning electron microscope and a technique known as "Xray fluorescence spectrometry" to analyze the samples.

The analysis revealed alternating microscopic layers of the metals bismuth, magnesium and zinc only microns thick, a combination that baffles exotic metal experts.

GEORGE KNAPP: I think we've got technology that we didn't make.

A lot of people have come forward with bits and pieces of the same tale.

We are presently analyzing metamaterials that we did not make, that's created in a way that is beyond our technology.

TSOUKALOS: Are there more pieces of these items? Well, for the last, uh, 15 years, I had a combination of another piece of the bismuth magnesium zinc and another smaller piece of the aluminum.

So, the pair that I had before is now involved with military testing.

NARRATOR: In 2019, Linda handed over additional samples of the exotic metals for examination by the United States Army.

As far as Linda is concerned, even though the fragments were allegedly taken from a craft that was in the Army's possession in 1948, there are likely only a handful of people who are aware of its existence.

She is hopeful that the examination of her materials will prove that they were not manufactured on Earth, and perhaps those who know what really happened at Roswell will finally reveal both the truth and what they recovered to the public.

Do you have any new leads that maybe happened recently of someone that has found other material? Well, there is a geologist down in Roswell, and he has sent me emails saying that he's got exotic metals and all of these materials.

And I think we could go down there, see what he has found so far, and maybe go out with him and explore ourselves.


Let's go.

NARRATOR: If multiple flying discs crashed in the New Mexico desert in 1947, was all the debris recovered long ago? Or could there be remnants that were spirited away by curious locals and military personnel, and some still lying out in the open, waiting to be found? NARRATOR: Roswell, New Mexico.

July 1947.

NARRATOR: Major Jesse Marcel, the head intelligence officer at Roswell Army Air Field, travels to Fort Worth, Texas, with the debris recovered from the Roswell crash site.

He and Brigadier General Roger Ramey, head of the Eighth Air Force, are scheduled to present their findings to the media.

BIRNES: Jesse Marcel flies to Fort Worth, the headquarters of the Eighth Air Force, and he's set up to tell the whole world about the crash of a flying saucer at Roswell, except Roger Ramey says to Jesse Marcel, "Could you just go in the map room for a second? I want to arrange some stuff out here.

" The story from Jesse Marcel and from the photographer is that the real wreckage had been spirited away.

"Hold up something.

"Get some Reynolds Wrap out offoff the fish in your freezer and hold it up and say that's what you found, not a disc," which is exactly what they did.

And the reporters basically just turned around, went home.

NARRATOR: For UFO researchers, evidence that the actual wreckage from Roswell was indeed replaced with a weather balloon can be found within the notorious photograph, along with clues as to what was being hidden from the public.

When General Roger Ramey was, uh, posing for photographs with Jesse Marcel, in the aftermath of all this, you can see him very clearly holding a piece of paper.

POPE: General Ramey had a document in his hands, the socalled Ramey Memo.

Modern forensic document analysis and photographic enhancement has enabled some researchers to zoom in on this and to clarify at least some portions of the text.

What it tells us is astounding.

Some of the phrases in the memo are "victims of the wreck" and "disc which we will ship.

" So, clearly, if the official story is true, well, this makes no sense.

No, clearly, something more than just a weather balloon was involved here, and the memo might just be the smoking g*n.

NARRATOR: As far as Roswell researchers are concerned, the memo points to a coverup, with the downed UFO and its extraterrestrial crew being shipped from the base and locked away from the public eye.

But if true, might there be fragments of evidence from the crash that were small enough to slip through the cracks? The question is always, well, where is the evidence, where is the evidence? Well, if the evidence has not yet been uncovered or dug out of the ground, that does not mean the evidence is not there.

NARRATOR: Central New Mexico.

October 19, 2019.

Investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe has invited ancient astronaut theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos to join her on a trip to a spot in the desert just outside Roswell, very near what is known as the "skip site.

" According to eyewitnesses, one of the three UFOs seen in the sky in July 1947 first crashed to Earth near this location, then was propelled back into the air, skipping like a stone in a pond before finally coming to rest.

Linda was contacted by geologist Frank Kimbler, who wants to show her mysterious metal fragments that he found here and search the area for more.

TSOUKALOS: Linda, this is so exciting.

I have not been here in a couple of years.

So, I'm really looking forward tto meeting Frank.


Well, I'm glad that we've got a geologist who's helping, because the geologist looks at land and says if there is debris, there's going to be some kind of a drift with the land.

And, just from what I know, he has studied some areas meticulously.


NARRATOR: Giorgio and Linda arrive at the skip site and meet Frank Kimbler, a local geologist and professor of Earth science.

How are you? Good to see you.

Nice to meet you.

How are you? All right.

Frank, it is Linda.



You and I have been chasing these artifacts from UFOs Chasing the metals for so many years.

looking for, looking for parts.

Yes! It's great.

NARRATOR: Professor Kimbler has spent nearly a decade searching areas beneath the purported trajectory of the Roswell craft with infrared technology and metal detectors.

KIMBLER: When an object crashes, they're gonna scatter a variety of materials around.

Knobs, control devices, plastic, wires, whatever.

If it's coming apart, it's gonna leave those pieces behind.

And those are the kinds of pieces that I want to find and have found some of.

NARRATOR: Since 2011, Professor Kimbler has uncovered more than a dozen metal fragments that he has subjected to scientific testing and found to be highly unique.

That's what We want to go out there and see where you've been getting this.

TSOUKALOS: Yeah, I can't wait.


Yeah? What's inside the case? Oh, this, this is the magic right here.

This is some of the material that I have found out here, uh, using a metal detector.

Uh TSOUKALOS: Interesting.

KIMBLER: This stuff is, is very interesting.

It's all twisted and mangled up.

Something that you would expect to happen from a, uh, aa crash is to have metal that'sthat's compact and twisted.

When Professor Kimbler laid out his box of his pieces of metal, the first thing that struck me is these were tiny, tiny, tiny fragments.

Could they possibly be from wreckage? These pieces are small, uh, which is things that the government would have missed.

Uh, yeah.

They wouldn't have been able to find it.

And here's my magic.

Let's get a comparison here.

KIMBLER: Oh, look at that.

This HOWE: Look at it's like a snowfield.

After all these years, the all of the pieces, they look absolutely pristine.

That's the magnesium zinc side.

KIMBLER: This has got layers to it, and that's amazing.

That's But I bet you've never seen anything like this.


Being an Earth scientist, being a geologist, I've seen lots of all kinds of materials that are out there.

I have never, ever seen anything like this.

This fragment that Linda is showing me, it that stuff is absolutely amazing.

I've never seen anything like it before in my life.

And what's interesting about it is that it has some layers, some banding on it.

And that banding is very similar to some of the banding that I found in photomicrographs of the material that I have from out here.

I think, as Giorgio is holding this, he's holding something made by another intelligence from some place we don't understand.

And this is truly extraterrestrial.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that Giorgio is holding an actual fragment of an extraterrestrial craft? And if so, could even more incredible artifacts still remain in the desert outside Roswell? NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos and investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe are in an area outside Roswell, New Mexico with geologist Frank Kimbler.

I've got one of the, uh, the infrared pictures right here, that actually is, it's kind of contrastenhanced.

NARRATOR: As far as Professor Kimbler is concerned, if one or more extraterrestrial crafts really did crash in the desert, the best place to find more debris is right here.

Right now we are roughly about maybe two, two and a half miles from where the object skipped down, according to eyewitness accounts.

This is actually the disturbed area right here, which is right where we're going.

And it's right where the eyewitness account basically says that the craft left a furrow.

So you can tell that something went on.

It even looks like there's a little a gouge mark that was left by the craft as it came in.

NARRATOR: The disturbed area that Professor Kimbler identified has become known as the "gouge.

" In 2002, an archaeological dig was conducted in this area by the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, to search for topographical evidence of a UFO crash.

KIMBLER: They found a Vshaped gouge that seemed to indicate that something came down and skated across the ground, like a typical aircraft crashing into the ground, leaving aa big furrow there.

NARRATOR: Author Donald Schmitt, an advisor to the International UFO Museum & Research Center board of directors, took part in the excavation.

DONALD SCHMITT: We flagged that area, did electromagnetic sensory testing of the sites to sift through possible samples from the crash.

All in an attempt to find a piece of that missing evidence that would demonstrate once and for all that this was something extraordinary.

NARRATOR: The dig collected countless soil samples from in and around the gouge.

But curiously, access to this wealth of potential evidence has been restricted by the Bureau of Land Management ever since.

KIMBLER: There's 600 pounds of stuff stored in a vault in the Maxwell Museum at the University of New Mexico that nobody has looked at, and it needs to be looked at.

NARRATOR: Demands by UFO researchers to be given access to the contents of the 2002 dig have fallen on deaf ears.

In the nearly two decades since, the Vshaped gouge has been filled in with sediment, but many believe that if there is more debris still to be found, it is most likely to be found here.

We need to get going, and we need to get out there so you guys can experience finding some of this stuff, which is amazing.

TSOUKALOS: All right.

Let's go explore.

HOWE: So, where do you think's best here now? KIMBLER: We're in the perfect spot.

And we're gonna cover this whole thing right here.

NARRATOR: Uncovering bits of debris in this vast desert is a daunting task, but after nearly a decade spent combing the entire area, Professor Kimbler has pinpointed certain hot spots.

Some of the artifacts he brought with him today were discovered in this very location just within the past month.

So, just above the area of the ground, we're gonna sweep back and forth like this.

We're gonna cover this side to side, back and forth, little by little.

I've been out here six or seven or eight hours at a whack swinging this thing till my arms break off.

We can, uh, cut across this way.

HOWE: You're waiting for that beep.

We're looking off inin this general direction out here.

The craft basically either had some kind of mechanical failure or something blew up.

NARRATOR: Professor Kimbler scans the area along the gouge, meticulously covering every inch.

After nearly two hours, he has not detected any metal objects.

Giorgio, my arm is about to break off, and I'm kind of hoping that you just might have a little bit better luck than me doing this.


Let's see.

You saw what I was doing, it's already fired up.



And I'm gonna let you swing this.

And we can just Let's see if it's working.

(beeping) There you go, it's working perfect.




Maybe you'll be able to to get the magic flowing on this.


I think we need to head up right over here because this is right at the base of the hill and there's a bunch of disturbed rocks.

Might be a good place to, uh, to capture material that has run off.


(beeping) It's also Oh! NARRATOR: Within just a few minutes of taking over the metal detecting, Giorgio gets a hit.

KIMBLER: I heard something.


(beeping) There is something.

KIMBLER: Oh, my God.

(beeping continues) KIMBLER: There is something there and we need to dig it up.

Let me help you find it.


It's right here somewhere.

We'll find it.

It's right here.

We will find it.

(beeping) KIMBLER: You're on top of it.

You're right there.

Right there.

(beeping) See if it's there.

It's in my hand.


Now comes the hard part.

It's aa piece of wire.

(Tsoukalos and Howe laughing) All right.


A tiny little piece of wire.

Little wire.

KIMBLER: We're gonna keep it.

We're gonna take it and have it analyzed because maybe it's got something in it that's weird.

Let's still investigate this.

KIMBLER: We need to take it andand have it tested.

NARRATOR: Giorgio hands off the metal detector to Linda, who continues along the gouge.

Just a few feet from where Giorgio detected a piece of wire (beeping) Oh.

they get another hit.

(beeping) All right.


Pick up your, uh, your bracelet, too.

I tell you what, let's, um, dump it, dump it into this hand, right here.

There we go.

It's another piece of wire.

TSOUKALOS: This is strangelooking, though.

Why is it so twisted and mangled? I have no idea.

TSOUKALOS: You said that if there was debris, this would be one of the places because of the geographic, uh terrain right here.

It's, it's runoff, and this is what I've used time and time again to find stuff.

NARRATOR: As far as Giorgio and Linda are concerned, any metal objects found in the socalled "gouge" area are worth examining.

Is it possible that these bits of wire represent debris from the 1947 crash that was overlooked by the military? NARRATOR: Sergeant Melvin E.

Brown, who served in the 509th Atomic b*mb Squadron for the U.


Army Air Force, lies on his deathbed at a local hospital.

With his dying words, Brown reveals to his family a secret that he has kept hidden for nearly 40 years a secret about what he saw in 1947 when he was stationed in Roswell, New Mexico.

Sergeant Melvin Brown is another key player in all of this.

He was rounded up by higher command in the aftermath of the crash.

He was essentially put on guard duty.

And, intriguingly, there were some low flatbed lorries with tarpaulins over them.

SCHMITT: The first opportunity he got, he peeked inside the back of the truck.

And there, under a canvas tarp, were two of the bodies from the crash site.

When he was on his deathbed, he brought up Roswell.

Days before he passed away, he talked about, "It was not a weather balloon.

It wasn't from here.

And I saw two of the bodies, and they were not human.

" POPE: Deathbed testimony is a critical part of the Roswell story.

There are several.

There are many reasons why some of the witnesses stayed quiet for so long: fear, threats.

All of this plays a part.

NARRATOR: Many UFO researchers believe that, much like these deathbed testimonies, it is only a matter of time before physical evidence of a crashed extraterrestrial craft finally surfaces.

And some even suggest that such evidence has already been recovered.

HOWE: Here it is, right here.

NARRATOR: One day after uncovering wires near the Roswell skip site, Giorgio Tsoukalos and Linda Moulton Howe have traveled to Theta Plate Lab, where they are met by owner Aaron Velasquez.


It's good to finally meet you.



NARRATOR: Geologist Frank Kimbler arrived earlier with the metal fragments he has collected over the past eight years in and around the Roswell crash site.

Hey, Frank.

Good to see you again.

It's good to see you guys.

We'rewe're good.

Good to see you again.

Ready for some testing? We're ready for some testing.

This is the exciting part.


I've been waiting for this.

NARRATOR: Professor Kimbler's fragments will be scientifically tested, along with the wires they found in the desert just yesterday to determine their elemental makeup.

VELASQUEZ: So, we're gonna use this machine.

It's an Xray florescence machine.

It can do materials identification, so we're gonna hit it with an Xray beam and it'll tell us what it can tell us.

So, it has the ability to show us the elements that are in this within a certain range, is that right? VELASQUEZ: Correct, correct.


Okay, here we go.

So, we're seeing a big peak here.

This is iron.

All right.

What else seems like a match? Well Selenium.

KIMBLER: What in the world? Yeah, thatthat is exactly my reaction.


What is selenium doing with that? KIMBLER: I know that selenium is used in the electronics industry for semiconductors.

Let's go ahead and, uh, take a look at the second wire, please.

That there is selenium.

This is selenium.

Still? VELASQUEZ: Yeah.

NARRATOR: The makeup of the second wire fragment appears to be nearly identical to the first.

Might the presence of selenium, a semiconductor, indicate that they were part of an electronic device? KIMBLER: This one.


NARRATOR: Frank has also brought with him a number of metal pieces that he has gathered in the same area over the years, and has yet to test.

So, it looks like it's a match for iron.

But I'm curious about that little shoulder.



Copper So, I mean, it's deadon copper match.

KIMBLER: So, we know we've got some copper in there.


And then this stuff over here I'd call it a good match for zirconium.

KIMBLER: For zirconium? Wow.


That would be unusual.

VELASQUEZ: This is a good match for molybdenum.

KIMBLER: So, now we've got not only zirconium in there, but we have molybdenum.

And those are considered impurities, Giorgio, but they shouldn't be there.

But what does that mean when you say it shouldn't be there? KIMBLER: Because that's unusual for any alloys that I've looked at previously.

It's part of our hightech industry.

VELASQUEZ: It's weird for me, too.

So, you'd see molybdenum in a stainless steel, but not an iron copper alloy.



KIMBLER: I agree with that.


I like it.

And zirconium has been found in some cases where material has been tested and it was somehow related to a crash.

I've run across that myself.


NARRATOR: In 2009, a Freedom of Information Act request brought to light a research study conducted at WrightPatterson Air Force Base in 1949, the site in Ohio where the wreckage from Roswell was taken.

According to released documents, metallurgists discovered zirconium while examining pieces of strange metal recovered in the New Mexico desert.

Is this a piece that you found where we were walking around? Absolutely.

In fact, if we could bring the picture back up, there's an interesting little part on this because this is one that I talked about before that has expl*sive cratering on it because it went through an expl*si*n, and I can show that and prove it on that piece.

So, do you need me to scan around? Right See that right there? VELASQUEZ: That pit? KIMBLER: That pit right there is an expl*sive crater.

NARRATOR expl*sive cratering? Could this curious feature indicate that the metal fragments Frank found, in separate locations near Roswell, came from exploded objects? Perhaps even one or more extraterrestrial crafts? As the team tests the rest of the metal fragments, they are surprised to discover that nearly all of them seem to have the same elemental makeup.

There's definitely a similarity.

I mean, it looks like it's the same material.

It's just in different proportions.

(clicks tongue) Boy.

VELASQUEZ: So, it could be the same stuff.

KIMBLER: I think we have the proof.

HOWE: Yeah.

KIMBLER: We just need to get more testing done.

I can't wait to learn what we'll find out next.

NARRATOR: The battery of tests being performed by the U.


Army on Linda's layered metal fragments could take months or even years.

In the meantime, the material collected from the Roswell skip site has been sent to another lab for further analysis.

But curiously, one element that has already been detected in Professor Kimbler's materials has also been found in another metal fragment suspected to be debris from a UFO, and from a location on the other side of the world.

NARRATOR: The Roswell incident remains the most wellknown UFO event in history, but there have been reports of numerous other UFO crashes all over the world, as well as the recovery of strange metal debris.

In 1991, geologists searching for gold deposits in Russia's Ural Mountains made a highly unexpected discovery.

At depths of over 30 feet, they found a scattering of tiny metal coils and springs.

CHILDRESS: Russian scientists are finding these tiny nanoparticles.

They found thousands of these things.

They have to look at them through microscopes.

They'rethey're Some of them are just one tenthousandth of an inch, you know, in size.

There are all kinds of spirals and tiny machined bits.

When they look at it, they seem to be exactly like the kind of tiny nanoparticles and machine bits that we are creating today.

What you see under the electron microscope is mindboggling because you see spirals.

You see definitely something where the scientists who investigated this came to the conclusion that these items are artificially made out of tungsten and molybdenum.

And so that right there is incredibly interesting because that was found exactly at the skip site.

NARRATOR: Molybdenum is the same material detected in the metal fragments that Frank Kimbler found in the desert outside Roswell.

It is a superstrong element commonly used in NASA spacecraft.

YURI KARASH: These microscopic spirals were made of wolfram and molybdenum.

The melting temperature for wolfram is above 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and for molybdenum is about 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

TRAVIS TAYLOR: Some, uh, version of NASA from some other star system could send a probe here to Earth, and it could fail, uh, and crash into Earth, andand we would look at it and think, "Wow, where did this come from?" Maybe one day, we might be creating our own Roswell when we send our first probe to the nearest star.

NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut theorists point out that dozens of visitors to the Ural Mountains have reported encounters with strange, cigarshaped craft trailing fire across the sky.

Could this be the Russian Roswell? Indeed, people living in the Ural Mountains, maybe more often than, uh, people living in other parts of Russia, witness some strange phenomena in the air and on the ground.

PAUL STONEHILL: Ural Mountains are a very interesting space in the paranormal history of Russia.

And I've studied a lot because there have always been incredible UFO sightings in the Ural Mountains.

There are stories of civilizations that have disappeared or went under the ground.

Uh, the socalled, uh, dwarf people in the Ural Mountains.

NARRATOR: If the nanoparticles discovered in the Ural Mountains are debris from a crashed alien craft, they bring up another intriguing possibility, because based on how deep below the earth they were found, they could have been deposited there thousands of years ago.

There's thinking that these things must be over 50,000 years old.

So, is this also a debris field from a crashed extraterrestrial craft in the Ural Mountains? There could be crash sites all over the world that are hundreds of thousands of years old, right up to modern times.

NARRATOR: Rumors abound that there are facilities located all over the world holding the remnants of crashed extraterrestrial craft, like in the remote hills of China, at Pine Gap in Australia, and Rudloe Manor in England.

TSOUKALOS: Who knows if over the chronology of the history of planet Earth there were more craft, just like at Roswell, that crashed? NARRATOR: Is it possible that Roswell is just one of many locations on planet Earth where debris from crashed extraterrestrial craft can be found? Perhaps further testing that was conducted on the metal fragments unearthed near the Roswell skip site will reveal indisputable evidence of alien visitation.

NARRATOR: Giorgio Tsoukalos meets Linda Moulton Howe at her home two weeks after sending out the materials collected at the Roswell crash site to a laboratory in Dallas, Texas, for further testing.

Aaron Velasquez, who performed the initial testing, has received and analyzed the data.

Hi, Aaron.

Good to see you again.

How are you? Nice to see you guys.

I've been well.

We're sitting here on pins and needles.

So, what can you show us? So, we found that, of the samples of Frank's material, three of them, while they look like the rest, have a very, very high concentration of carbon in them.

Much more than the aluminum, despite what they look like.

There's been some supposition that that could be from high heat.

So that was odd.

But odder still is we had one sample of the five which had indium, which is a very rare element.

So it's not the sort of thing that you would get by accident, guaranteed.

So are we talking about something that's really strange here? Yes.


Well, uh, what about those wires that we found? Yeah.

So, that is also odd.

So, the elements that we found with the wire were all explainable, except it, too, had indium in it.

What about evidence of impact and heat? Yes, that's another thing that we noted.

It was very obvious under the scanning electron microscope that these had been subjected to very, very high heat.

They were melted.

There was also some shearing apparent.

So, these were, these were cut or sliced by by some action as well over the years, oror at an impact.

That'sthat's incredible.

Yes, it's very interesting.

NARRATOR: For Giorgio and Linda, the results are nothing less than astonishing.

Multiple tests have now confirmed that the materials recovered at the Roswell skip site are of a highly unusual nature, and show evidence of having been subjected to an expl*si*n.

Might the strange layered material being examined by the U.


Army prove to be even more extraordinary? HOWE: In the bismuth, magnesium, zinc, we're dealing with technologies that astound people who are in exotic metals because they couldn't make the bismuth, magnesium, zinc, and a physicist tells me this is the key.

This is the crux of how this kind of technology makes possible the unidentified flying objects move in such astounding ways.

MAN: Whoa! And in this whole issue of finding more materials from UFOs, I'm still on the trail.

TSOUKALOS: Oftentimes, I'm told that to suggest that a UFO, an extraterrestrial craft, crashed at Roswell is nonsensical because extraterrestrials can fly across the galaxy, and then they crash on Earth? Well, yeah.

You know why? 'Cause it's technology, and technology fails.

I think that there may be more material there to be found.

NARRATOR: Is physical evidence of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth right beneath our feet? Could there be debris from crashed alien craft not only in the New Mexico desert but all across the world? Perhaps the materials that have already been recovered will soon provide the ultimate proof that we are not alone in the universe, or even on our own planet.