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19x19 - The Top Ten Mysteries of the Deep

Posted: 02/17/24 18:44
by bunniefuu
Sunken continents

said to have once been home

to advanced civilizations.

An ancient shipwreck

containing what might be

evidence of Atlantis.

And unidentified

submersible objects

moving through our oceans.

For more than a decade,

Ancient Aliens

has traveled the globe

to investigate

some of the most

puzzling discoveries

made in the depths

of our oceans.

Now we're exploring

the top ten

mysteries of the deep

that just may hold the proof

that Earth has been visited

by extraterrestrials.

The ocean is the most

mysterious place on Earth.

It covers 70% of our planet,

but less than 10% of it

has been explored.

In fact, we know more

about the surface of Mars

than we do about

the bottom of our own oceans.

But what we have

discovered in the depths

is a treasure trove of evidence

for the ancient

astronaut theory.

Like an incredible

underwater formation

that was found off the coast

of Japan in the 1980s.

Number ten on our countdown

of the top ten mysteries

of the deep:

The Yonaguni Monument.

In the Pacific Ocean,

at the westernmost tip

of the Japanese archipelago,

lies the small

island of Yonaguni.

In 1987, in nearby waters,

dive tour operator

Kihachiro Aratake

made a shocking discovery.

He found a massive complex

of stone formations

that lay hidden a mere 60 feet

beneath the ocean's surface.

It's an absolutely

incredible structure.

It looks like a giant staircase.

There are steps

in the bedrock with terraces.

The symmetry and the regularity

that people see on it

just makes

a astounding impression.

It looks like a huge,

multifaceted pyramid platform

that stretches over a huge area

with all these details

carved into it.

There's areas where monoliths

were said to have been standing.

There's even dolmens,

or large slabs like lintels

covering areas and creating

doorways and other features.

Although some

researchers suggest

that the so-called

Yonaguni Monument

is simply a rock formation,

many experts, including

Japanese archeologist

Masaaki Kimura,

have come to believe

it is an artificial structure

that was built

in the distant past.

There are several reasons why

I think this is not

a natural formation.

A number of tools and

numerous engraved stones

were found at the site.

Because of these things,

there is no doubt to me

that this was made artificially.

There are all these different

cuts that seem to be

of artificial origin

and not of a natural origin

because it's too precise.

Was Yonaguni artificially

altered at a time

when the water levels

of the oceans were lower?

We know that this happened

at some point

during the last ice age,

which was 14,000 years ago.

Could this massive

underwater structure

really be the remnants

of an advanced civilization

that existed here on Earth

more than 10,000 years ago?

And if so, who built it?

The Yonaguni Monument is

particularly interesting

because some of

the reports suggest that

this was built 20,000 years ago.

So the question is

how was it built

with this limited ability

of these people

that were known to have

exist in that time?

If they had

extraterrestrial help,

it would solve a lot of problems

in trying to understand

how a civilization

could mount

such a daunting enterprise

without what we see are

the necessary skills to do so.

Was Yonaguni built

thousands of years ago

with the help of

extraterrestrial beings?

Perhaps clues about

its construction

can be found in the mythology

of Japan's royal family.

It was said in ancient Japan,

that the dragon god lived

at the bottom of the ocean.

His daughter had a daughter,

and her child was Jimmu,

the first emperor of Japan.

To be descended from a dragon

is to be from the divine

dimension of nature,

but also from the stars.

When these underwater structures

of Yonaguni were found,

the Japanese became thrilled.

They believed that evidence

for extraterrestrials

was right there

in southern Japan.

To me, the Yonaguni Monument

presents clear evidence

that an advanced society

existed on Earth

long before our earliest

recorded history.

And, in fact,

numerous ancient cultures

around the world tell similar

stories of lost civilizations,

including one that ended up

submerged beneath the sea.

Number nine on our countdown

of the top ten

mysteries of the deep:

The Lost Continent of Mu.

The Pacific Ocean.

This body of water

is the largest on Earth,

covering more than

63 million square miles.

Curiously, many ancient peoples

living throughout

this vast expanse

share the same story

of a long-lost

sunken civilization

often referred

to as Lemuria, or Mu.

Mu was this huge continent

that supposedly existed

from Hawaii in the north,

down to Easter Island

in the southeast,

right the way across

to Micronesia in the west.

It thrived perhaps

50,000 years ago,

and was sunk beneath the waves,

possibly at the end

of the last ice age.

Among the many legends

expressed by Polynesians

and native Hawaiians,

one is that

the lost continent of Mu

was home to visitors

from the Pleiades.

We have all kind of

connection with the Pleiades,

but we call it,

uh, ka po'e o ka lani,

"the people of the heaven."

The Hawaiians believed

that the Hawaiian Islands

were originally part of Mu,

and the belief

is that the Pleiadeans

were the original

settlers of Mu.

While most mainstream scholars

dismiss the stories of Mu

as being little more

than a fanciful myth,

ancient astronaut theorists

claim that remnants of Mu

can still be found today

in the mysterious

ruins of Nan Madol.

Nan Madol is a huge basalt city

that sits on the edge

of the island of Pohnpei

in Micronesia

in the Pacific Ocean.

It's made up of

hundreds of thousands,

potentially millions,

of these huge basalt columns,

and much of the site

is still submerged in the water,

suggesting it must

have been built

many thousands of years ago.

Some people actually suggested

that maybe Nan Madol

was the last remnant of Mu

that was still above water,

and it was simply indicative

of what had sunk

beneath the waves

from this advanced civilization.

Could it be that

the structures on Nan Madol

are ruins of an ancient

extraterrestrial civilization

known as Mu?

According to Rufino Mauricio,

the Director of the Federal

States of Micronesia

Office of National Archives,

it's a distinct possibility.

Legends of lost civilizations

and sunken cities

can be found in cultures

all around the world.

But one has captured

the public's imagination

more than any other.

And some believe

we may have found

evidence of its existence

in the Bermuda Triangle.

Number eight on our top ten

mysteries of the deep:


For over 2,000 years,

the lost continent of Atlantis

has sparked the imaginations

of historians and explorers.

The first reference

of Atlantis that we have

is in Plato's dialogues

by Timaeus and Critias.

In the very end of Timaeus,

it talks about

this mythical place

called Atlantis

from where any and all

knowledge of the world came.

And so, some people

have suggested

that the first civilization on

Earth may have been Atlantean.

According to legend,

Atlantis was founded

by the god Poseidon.

He fell in love with

a human woman named Cleito,

and they had five sets of twins.

And these twins went on

to be the founders of Atlantis.

Atlantis is thought to be

a great civilization

of high culture

and technological achievement.

They had robotics at

a very advanced level.

The power of levitation,

which is how

they built

their glorious cities.

They had achieved things

that we still

are not able to do.

According to Plato,

Atlantis was destroyed

in a single night

by a cataclysmic flood,

which some identify

as the Great Flood

described in the Bible.

But where the famous city

was located remains a mystery.

Atlantis was allegedly

this land mass that existed

beyond the Pillars of Hercules,

which is today's

Strait of Gibraltar,

and to this day,

if Atlantis existed,

we have no idea

where exactly Atlantis was.

While most mainstream historians

dismiss the story

of the sunken civilization

of Atlantis as a myth,

ancient astronaut theorists

believe it really existed.

And as evidence, they point

to a remarkable discovery

made off the coast of Cuba.

Canadian explorer

Paulina Zelitsky and her team

are conducting an oceanic

survey off the coast

when they detect

curious formations

more than 2,000 feet underwater.

I was in control room

on board of the ship.

There suddenly appeared

a very large, very dark images

of, uh, perfect

geographical shapes.

They found, when

they were taking images,

some kind of

pyramidical structure

and other structures.

There were circular areas,

there was what appeared to be

some kind of city

built down there.

It was about two square

kilometers in size.

And so, this is something

quite astonishing

if this is, you know, a reality.

And almost certainly,

this dates back

several thousand years,

and arguably even earlier,

and is part of

a lost civilization.

Is it possible

that the underwater ruins

off the coast of Cuba are

the actual remains of Atlantis?

Ancient astronaut

theorists say yes,

and as further evidence,

they point to their location

near the Bermuda Triangle,

a region notorious

for mysterious lights,

strange disappearances

and unexplained phenomena.

It's speculated

that in Atlantis,

they were creating huge pyramids

and energy devices.

The idea is that there is

still one of these pyramids,

and it's active beneath

the Bermuda Triangle

on the ocean floor,

and it's creating

these anomalies

that are sometimes seen there

at the Bermuda Triangle.

If you are a researcher

into Atlantis,

this is exactly

the kind of discovery

that you are looking for.

Some kind of pyramid

that's underwater.

And in fact, this may well be,

really, the evidence

for Atlantis that we need.

Did Atlantis really exist?

Recently, a mysterious

metal alloy was recovered

from the depths of the ocean

that may offer further evidence.

Number seven on our countdown:


Sicily. 2015.

Archaeologist Sebastiano Tusa

excavates a shipwreck

less than a mile off the coast,

which has remained undisturbed

for more than 2,600 years.

His team dredges up

an ancient payload

of 39 metal ingots.

Spectrographic analysis

of the recovered alloy

reveals the compound

is unlike anything

ever found in the ancient

or modern world.

The interesting part about this

is the composition

of the ingots that they found.

The metal is 80% copper,

and 20% zinc.

There was other things

found in it,

but that's the majority

of the composition.

What's interesting about this

is that zinc doesn't

naturally occur.

We didn't have zinc until

about a thousand years ago,

and this is 2,600 years old.

How is it possible

that such an advanced alloy

was produced

thousands of years ago,

centuries before man had

the technology to create it?

After conducting an analysis,

scientists believe

the mysterious alloy

is orichalcum,

a metal associated

with the legendary

continent of Atlantis.

According to Plato,

orichalcum was

an orangish gold-type metal

that was used in Atlantis.

It's thought that orichalcum

was some kind of

alloy of copper and gold,

and the walls of Atlantis

were wallpapered,


with this reddish-gold metal.

According to Plato,

this metal was given

to the people of Atlantis

by the Greek god Cadmus.

The actual discovery

of the orichalcum metal

lends credence

to the idea that Cadmus

did exist at one time,

passing this knowledge

to humanity.

And Atlantis could be

an actual physical location,

possibly harnessing and

utilizing other advanced metals.

The reason why this ties in to

the ancient astronaut theory

is based on an idea

that the ancient gods of Greece

were visiting extraterrestrials.

Could this mysterious metal,

found deep beneath

the ocean's surface,

be proof that humans

lived side by side

with otherworldly beings

thousands of years ago?

Ancient astronaut

theorists say yes,

and suggest that

further evidence

of extraterrestrial contact

can be found submerged

in the waters

off the coast of India.

India is a treasure trove

for the ancient

astronaut theory.

Its mythology is chock-full

of stories of flying chariots

and god-like beings

descending from the sky.

And every so often,

the ocean offers us evidence

that these stories

could be true.

At number six on our list

of the top ten mysteries

of the deep:

The Lost Pagodas

of Mahabalipuram.

Mahabalipuram, India.

On December 26, 2004,

a powerful tsunami

caused the water levels

in the city's harbor to drop.

As the waters receded,

residents noticed

something astonishing

emerging from the sea:

the ruins of several

ancient buildings.

The ocean receded

about 500 or so meters,

and people that were there,

they said they saw walls,

they saw structures

that they'd never seen before

'cause now the water was gone.

For the more than

one billion Hindus

around the world,

the discovery of

these underwater ruins

was remarkable because

they may provide evidence

that a sensational story

contained in ancient sacred

texts called the Puranas

is not mythological

but historical.

According to the story,

thousands of years ago,

seven pagodas stood

at Mahabalipuram,

but six of them became

submerged beneath the sea

after the city

was att*cked by a god

who came down from the sky.

The legend at Mahabalipuram

says that the god Indra

became jealous

of the special treatment of the

other gods depicted at the site.

And that he then sent

a flood against the city.

Hindu mythology

really reads like

the wildest

science fiction of today.

It's filled with

all kinds of magic stones,

flying spaceships.

In fact, ancient India,

their entire pantheon

of gods is based

exclusively on a cosmic origin,

that they arrived

from deep space.

For centuries,

many Hindus believed

that the Shore Temple

at Mahabalipuram

represented the one surviving

pagoda from Indra's attack.

Could the structures

that were revealed

by the receding

ocean levels in 2004

be the remnants

of the other six pagodas,

proving that

the incredible story is true?

At Mahabalipuram, you have

evidence that the legends

are really correct

about this place.

That it's far more ancient

than archeologists assumed.

And it would seem

to be an indication

that this was a real event,

one that perhaps

included extraterrestrials.

If you leave Mahabalipuram

and travel

1,000 miles northwest,

you will find

another mysterious site

off the coast of India.

20 feet beneath the waves

are the ruins of an ancient city

that some believe was the home

of an extraterrestrial being.

Number five on our list:

The Sunken City of Dwarka.

Dwarka, northwest India.

April 1983.

Marine archeologist Dr. S.R. Rao

begins a seven-year

underwater exploration

just off the coast

of this ancient fishing town,

and what he finds is stunning.

Submerged 20 feet beneath

the surface of the ocean,

he finds sandstone walls,

cobblestone streets,

and further evidence

of a prosperous ancient city

that sank into the sea.

At Dwarka, what has been

found so far under the ocean

is incredibly tantalizing.

For instance,

there's this huge wall,

estimated about 580 meters long.

Pottery has been found,

anchors have been found,

so this seems to have been

a maritime city.

The remains that have been

discovered beneath the waters

have been radiocarbon dated

to at least 9,500 years.

So, this was

many thousands of years

older than that of Sumeria,

Egypt and China.

So, what exactly was going on

in India at this time?

For centuries,

the modern-day city of Dwarka

was thought by many Hindus

to be the Dwarka

described in the Mahabharata

as the ancient kingdom

of the god Krishna.

According to the text,

during the Kurukshetra w*r,

a rival to Krishna, Lord Salva,

att*cked Dwarka

from a flying chariot.

He actually,

uh, flew over Dwarka,

using his chariot,

and he started bombarding

the city of Dwarka,

throwing down

all kinds of weapons.

Shortly after the great w*r,

Krishna is k*lled.

And the city,

this magnificent city

built on land that

came out of the sea,

sank back into the ocean again.

It only existed during the time

that Krishna lived there.

Is it possible

that the pre-Vedic

cultures of India

really did have high technology?

And I think, from

the ancient accounts

and what's now been

discovered at Dwarka,

the answer has to be yes.

The discoveries at

Dwarka and Mahabalipuram

provide sensational evidence

that ancient Hindu stories

of advanced technology

are not works of fiction.

And there is yet another

incredible underwater structure

located between

India and Sri Lanka

that may offer further proof.

Number four on our list:

Rama's Bridge.

Just off the southeastern

tip of India lies Sri Lanka.

This island nation has been

an important trading hub

for thousands of years,

but it is nearly impossible

for ships to pass between

Sri Lanka and India

due to a more than 30-mile-long

underwater barrier

that links the two landmasses.

If you look at satellite

imagery, you can see

that there seems to be some

sort of a connector, a road.

This is referred to

as Rama's Bridge.

The mainstream viewpoint

is that Rama's Bridge

is a chain of natural

limestone shoals.

But millions of Hindus

believe the barrier is,

in fact, an ancient bridge,

one that was built by the god

for whom it is named.

Rama is a major Hindu deity,

considered by some

to be the supreme being.

According to the ancient

Sanskrit text the Ramayana,

Rama's wife was kidnapped and

taken to the kingdom of Lanka.

To rescue her, Rama used

magical construction techniques

to build a bridge to Lanka.

Some of the interesting details

of the building of Rama's Bridge

is that they were writing

Rama's name on these stones

and that would magically

levitate the stones.

And some of these

were very big stones, too.

According to the mythology,

you know, Rama lived

around 6,000 years ago,

and there is interesting fact

that some geologists

carbon-date the material

on the bottom

approximately dating

around the same time.

So that kind of corroborates

whether or not

this story is connected

to the mythology

because the age of Rama

is around that period.

In 2018, government

officials in India

voted against plans

to cut a shipping lane

through the middle

of the barrier,

showing their support

for the notion

that the underwater structure

known as Rama's Bridge

was, in fact,

built by the Hindu deity.

Rama's Bridge

to Sri Lanka is real.

And you have to ask

yourself, was it built

artificially by levitating

stones and putting them there?

That's what

the Ramayana tells us.

Some of the mysteries

we've investigated

on Ancient Aliens

are so baffling,

we can only guess at

what might explain them.

And perhaps one of

the most mystifying

lies on the islands of Malta.

Number three on our countdown

of the top ten

mysteries of the deep:

The Malta Cart Ruts.

In the middle of

the Mediterranean Sea,

just south of Sicily,

lies the Republic of Malta.

This tiny island nation

boasts some of the most

impressive megalithic structures

on the planet.

And crisscrossing the islands

is something even

more mysterious:

a complex network of grooves

carved into the bedrock

known simply as the "cart ruts."

Something that Malta

is very well known for


besides the megalithic temples,

are the cart ruts.

These are ruts literally

in the limestone rock.

If you have grooves

that were created by some sort

of a transportation device,

well, it had to have been

pulled by something,

so where are the footprints?

There are no footprints.

How and why the cart ruts

were formed remains a mystery,

but their existence

poses a profound possibility,

because some believe

they may reveal that there

was human activity on Malta

many thousands of years before

what has been suggested

by mainstream archaeology.

We have cart ruts

that go into

the Mediterranean Sea.

And then they also

come out on the other side.

How is this possible?

Some of the cart ruts

that extend from dry land

down into the sea

have reportedly been found

at depths

of as much as 140 feet.

This presents a critical clue

as to just how long ago

they must have been created.

I suspect that some of these

cart ruts are really ancient,

and when I say "really ancient,"

that is going back

to before the end

of the last ice age.

So, approximately,

uh, 12,000 years or so,

the ice age ended, we know.

Some of these cart ruts

going into the water,

that would've been dry land

when sea levels were much lower.

If you propose the idea

that 12,000 years ago,

which is a fact, the worldwide

water levels were lower,

then all of a sudden,

these cart ruts

that go into the Mediterranean

Sea make sense.

The fact that

these cart ruts exist,

to me, illustrates that

an advanced civilization

must have existed at that time.

If the cart ruts are

more than 12,000 years old,

as some researchers suggest,

who would have been

around to create them?

It's a question

that continues to baffle

mainstream archaeologists.

But according

to local traditions,

the megalithic

structures on Malta

were built by

a race of giant beings

who came to Earth

from the stars.

We have to be open

to the possibility

that whoever built these

were not, in fact, human beings,

but were perhaps

a separate race,

and their existence

and even their origins,

is completely

shrouded in mystery.

Are the so-called "cart ruts,"

that not only crisscross Malta

but extend deep into

the Mediterranean Sea,

evidence of advanced,

otherworldly visitors?

For ancient astronaut theorists,

the answer is a resounding yes.

And they suggest

that the waters of our oceans

not only contain evidence

of extraterrestrial visitation

in the distant past,

but they are the location

of encounters

that are happening

to this very day.

Most people assume that UFOs

are only seen up in the sky.

But what if I told you

that some of the most

widely reported sightings

involve mysterious craft

flying in and out of our oceans?

Number two on our countdown

of the top ten mysteries

of the deep:


Submersible Objects.

Hitachi Province, Japan.

Local fishermen are astonished

when a mysterious metal craft

washes ashore that is unlike

anything they have ever seen.

This craft was likened

to the shape of

a Japanese incense burner.

It is almost literally

a flying disk, a flying saucer.

On the outside of this craft

were multiple

small metal plates,

not too dissimilar

to heat-resistant tiles

that you'd find, say,

on a space shuttle.

A hatch opened,

and a young woman

came out of the craft

dressed in clothes that

had never been seen before,

and speaking a language

that nobody understood

in the slightest.

The story of the strange craft

appears in three

different Japanese texts.

Even today, modern historians

struggle to understand

what this means.

Another famous incident

involving a strange craft

emerging from underwater

occurred in

Yunnan Province, China,

on October 24, 1991.

A local man was fishing

on Fuxian Lake

on a clear and tranquil day

when a large disc suddenly

flew out of the water.

This strange craft

actually emerged from

the waters of the lake.

He described it

as a shining disc.

This UFO was so close

and so powerful

that it actually

tossed the boat around.

And then, rapidly, this craft

just disappeared

up into the sky.

Navy personnel

aboard the USS Omaha

capture footage

of a mysterious round object

flying into the ocean.

Night footage

actually shows a craft

that is spherical and

it's flying through the air

and then suddenly

it flies into the water

without making a splash.

Japan. China.

San Diego.

These are just three

out of hundreds of reports

of what are known as "USOs."

A USO is an "unidentified

submerged object."

It's the same thing as a UFO,

except this one's in the water,

and a UFO is a flying object.

You see them off

the coast of California,

you see them a lot

in the Gulf of Mexico.

Spend some time on

the Florida Gulf Coast,

you will see a USO.

These objects are flying along,

uh, through the atmosphere,

and then suddenly,

they go into the ocean.

No splash, no wake, nothing.

They just go

right into the water

and then come out of the water

in many cases, and fly away.

Now, one such never

came out of the water,

and a submarine was actually

dispatched to look for a craft

that may have crashed,

but never found anything.

The stresses and strains

by flying through

the atmosphere,

in outer space and then

plunging into the oceans

would be enough to rupture

any of our known aircraft.

For ancient astronaut theorists,

perhaps the most

compelling story

of an extraterrestrial

presence in Earth's oceans

can be found in an account

from 1492,

recorded by

Christopher Columbus.

There's a famous story

about Christopher Columbus

and he wrote this

in his journals

that as he was moving

west across the Atlantic,

towards the Caribbean,

in his first voyage,

he saw a light out

in the ocean to the west,

hovering over the water.

And this light then

descended into the water.

So, he's perhaps one of

the first witnesses to describe

a trans-medium craft like this,

which could hover,

uh, above the water

and then disappear

into it like a submarine.

Stories of undersea objects,

glowing objects

that fly out of the water,

have been around

for well over

thousands of years.

Are these machines

that the extraterrestrials

have under the water?

There is only one mystery

left on our countdown,

and you don't want to miss it

because what was discovered

just may be evidence of

an underwater alien base.

On Ancient Aliens,

we've investigated

the ocean's biggest mysteries

for evidence of extraterrestrial

contact in the distant past.

But recent satellite images

may suggest that

otherworldly beings

are inhabiting our oceans today.

Number one on our list

of the top ten

mysteries of the deep:

Underwater Alien Bases.

With almost

200 miles of coastline,

this picturesque region

is famous for its beaches,

surfing and abundant sea life.

It is also a hotspot

for sightings of mysterious

lights in the water.

Folks have seen lights

in the water outside Point Dume

off the Malibu coast.

There is this

very strange 911 call

from an observer

near Point Dume,

saying he saw a light

coming out of the water

and calling it into

the sheriff's station.

One theory about this

trans-medium travel

and these USOs

is that what we're seeing

is evidence of underwater bases.

They're operating here,

but under the oceans,

right under our noses.

While the idea of

underwater alien bases

in Earth's oceans may

sound like science fiction,

in 2014, satellite imagery

revealed a very curious

formation on the seabed

six miles off

the coast of Malibu.

The satellite photos

show what seems to be

an oval, flat-topped structure

that's got legs coming

down that are holding it up.

It's about

2,000 feet underwater.

A lot of people got

very excited by this discovery.

It's really quite striking,

and it really does

look artificial.

And it makes you

wonder, is this,

as some believe,

an extraterrestrial base?

Is there a connection

between the strange lights

seen in the waters off

the coast of Southern California

and the mysterious

undersea structure

captured in the satellite image?

For some scientists,

it's a distinct possibility.

If all these objects

are buzzing our aircraft,

they must have

a base of operations.

But you see, if they have

a base of operations

that's easily detected

by us humans,

it would sort of defeat

the purpose of observing us.

So, perhaps there's

an underwater base

that is away from

prying eyes of humans

so that we don't

interfere with their plans.

That cannot be ruled out.

While the formation

discovered deep in the ocean

off the coast of Malibu

is highly unusual,

it is not entirely unique.

Across the globe,

mysterious anomalies

have been detected on the seabed

that some suggest are

underwater alien structures.

The under ocean

geological survey

determined that there were

dome-like structures

between Cuba and

the coast of Florida.

Was that a USO base?

Because underwater,

underneath our oceans,

best place,

the very best place

to conceal yourself.

Absolutely anything

could be hiding within

the oceans themself.

And the depths of them

could hide vehicles,

could even hide bases,

uh, for hundreds,

if not thousands of years.

We would not be aware

of their presence.

The oceans have everything

that the crew of a ship

would need to survive.

It's got plants and animals

that can be harvested for food.

There's minerals and salt

that can be taken

from the water.

You can even

separate the hydrogen

from the oxygen in the water

to create fuels

and-and air to breathe.

Everything that is

necessary for life

can be found in the oceans,

and it may be that

if extraterrestrials

are in our oceans,

they're not just hiding there,

this may be

their preferred environment.

The idea that alien

bases might be hidden

on the ocean floor

is incredibly thrilling.

But while much of

the ocean's depths

remain impossible to explore,

ancient astronaut

theorists believe

that the deeper we go,

the closer

we'll get to the truth

about mankind's

extraterrestrial past.