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Tiger Stripes (2023)

Posted: 02/18/24 07:22
by bunniefuu
Okay, shall I start?

One, two, three.

Start again.

What are you doing here?

This is the seniors' toilet.

Where did you get that?

Wanna see?

Do you wanna try?

Do you think it'll fit me?

No. But it'll fit me.

Do you wanna try?

Here, try!


It's hard to undo.


Let go, I'll do it.


Don't film me!

It fits.

I want to try next.

Open this door.

Open the door

or I'll call the disciplinary teacher.

Miss, the door's stuck.

Maybe you can help push it open.

I'll count to three.





What are you doing?

What kind of person

would think that's fun?

The toilets are communal areas,

not your own private space.

Pull your sleeve back down!

Here is someone

who has no respect for her school,

nor any consideration for her peers.

Who wants to join her?

Come on!

Come up on the stage now!

Why can't you seniors

set a good example for the juniors?

Most of you will amount to nothing

if you carry on with this attitude.

Your final exams are only

a few months away.

And answer me this.

Why do only Chinese students

get the top grades every year?

Where are the Malay students?

Always causing trouble,

and ending up here on stage.

Bye, sir!

Give me a sticker.

Boring. They're all just stars.

-I'll stick it on your face!

-Not a blue one.

Stick it on Farah's face.


Stick it properly.

Zaf, your uniform is so pretty.

-Stick one there.


My bag, you guys!

Did you stick it on my back?


-You did.

-No, we didn't.

It's pretty, honestly.


Hey, it's cute.

No! Don't do that!

k*ll it.


Just let the poor thing go.

Okay, let's play a game.

Whoever gets the wettest

will be cursed to eat live frogs

for ever and ever.


-I don't want to.

One, two, three!

It's cold!

Serves you right!

You're always showing off.

Now look who has to eat live frogs.

When do I show off?

Why are you still wearing that?

I could have got caught today.

I've already said I'm sorry.

Only sluts wear that sort.

Why did you even get it?




Fine, I'll take it off.

Peace be upon you.

And upon you.

Peace be upon you.

And upon you.

Did you walk home like that?

My uniform got wet.

Where? Show me.

This is soaking wet!

If people get caught in the rain,

do they strip down?

Do they get naked like you?

Maybe they should. Like this.

Stop it!

Stop it!

That hurts, Mom!

You stubborn thing!

You have no shame!


Let everyone see you!

You bring shame on our family!


What is it?

You're dirty now.

We're safe.

It's come out.

-Did you see that?

-It roared.


That's dangerous.

Hey, I was watching that.

They're gonna k*ll it.

Hey, Zaffan. Are you having a dump?

Do you want us to wait for you?

No, I'm coming out.

That's cool.

Let's go.



Hurry, come on in.

Let's think of names for our club.

Come in, then.

I don't have to.


Get in. We're about to start.

Peace be upon you, class.

We promised that we'd share everything.

You can't keep secrets to yourself.


Farah, give it back!

No. First you tell us everything.


Are you okay?

It's not like we don't know.

Everyone's talking about it.

The whole school's saying

you got your period.

But I get to skip prayers now,

and you guys don't.


It's gross, though.

Why aren't you eating?

I'm not hungry.

My mom said you can choke and die

doing that.

Listen to this.

"In particular, one student had it worse.

Ina was too careless

in washing out her period pads.

One night, she apparently went crazy

and began laughing hysterically.

Not only that, she also threatened

to run into the jungle alone at night."

That's bullshit!

-I'm only reading what it says.

-Let me see.

"Ina became more rebellious

to her parents and teachers.

Eventually, she disappeared one evening,

never to be seen again.

There are many witnesses

who claim to have seen her in the jungle."

You should be careful.

I don't want to be the first.

Does it hurt?

I don't know.

My sister always gets cramps.

And sometimes walks with her legs spread.

No, it's the cleaning that's a pain.

Then remembering to change your pad.

One time,

my sister got blood on the sofa

when we were watching TV.

Her blood was dripping everywhere.

The smell was rotten,

like the fish market.

My dad was so mad at her. It's gross!

You know, you'd better take care

when cleaning yourself.

It says here that if you don't wash

the blood off your pad properly,

demons will lick that blood

and follow you around.

I don't want it to happen to me.


You can set it for two people.


I want a phone too.

This phone is for all club members to use.

Let's go.


Let's just go.

It's nothing. Probably just the wind.

Or maybe

it's Ina.

Could you please not say her name?


You're scared.

Yeah, you're scared!

I'm not!


-We'll sacrifice you to Ina.

-Get off!

-Hold her legs, Mariam.


Ina's going to eat you.

Don't you dare do that to me again!


What did you say?




What is it?

Sorry, miss.

Can you pay attention during class?

Pay attention to the verb.


It can wait, Zaffan.

Got it?

Please, miss.

-I need to go to the toilet.

-There's only ten minutes left.

Who can tell me?

Why didn't you tell me earlier?

This is really embarrassing.

You're not a kid any more.

How can you still wet yourself?

You should just go home.

She's so gross.

How embarrassing, pissing herself!

Why's she been so weird lately?

I mean, who pisses themselves?

It was disgusting and the smell!

I don't think she even showers now.

The other day I thought I smelled

something dead. It was just her!

Maybe we should tell her.

What for?

She has a nose.

She should be able to smell herself.

I just don't want to sit next to her.

I need to breathe.

Of course. Nobody wants

to sit next to her anymore.

You'd die from lack of oxygen!

Have you heard

of that TikTok gwiyomi dance?

-Yeah. Norzamrio, right?



Over here, Farah.

Hey, Mariam.

Can we walk home together today?

I don't think so.



I can wait until you guys finish.

Farah says we can't.

There are more and more pests lately.

Remember when you used

to help me clean my g*n?

Dad, I want to join the cadets.

Can we go and buy the uniform later today?

Is it a school program?

Yeah. If you're active

in a co-curricular subject,

you have a better chance of getting

a scholarship for boarding school.

Let me talk to your mother about it.


where are you going?

Can I come?

Nice try, but you're not skipping school.

One, two, three, four one group.

One, two, three, four next group.

One, two, three, four five.

Five in that group.

Okay, start putting up your tents.

And remember,

organization and teamwork are important.

Let's see which group finishes first.

Faster, faster!

Drink up.

If you don't finish it, we'll throw

all your stuff into the river.

Let's see who can hold their pee

until tomorrow morning.

Don't look up.

Something is watching you from the trees.

So don't look up.

Farah, she's looking up.

I said don't look up!

I can't sleep here.

When she went to pee,

she said she saw someone looking down

from that tree.

Why was she so stupid to go alone?

What if I need to pee later?

Hold it in until morning.


There were strange noises.

-Did anyone else hear them?

-What noises?

Okay, enough!

Let's all pray together.

Whoever's awake get up now.

It's all because of her.

Girls shouldn't camp in the jungle

when they're on their period.

It's disgusting.

They should check all the girls

before they allow them on these trips.

I'm not on my period anymore.

That thing came last night

because it could smell her.


Gather round!

We have to pack up quickly.

The bus leaves in an hour.

Corporal Farah, a head count.



Not thirteen?

Has anyone seen Liyana?

Who's seen Liyana this morning?

Juniors? You were in the same tent as her.

Girls, please. Has anyone seen Liyana?


I don't want to spend another minute

in this place.

Where's your partner?

Who cares?

Cadets, make sure

you stick with your partner!


Who's there?

Miss, I've found her!

Come quick!

Are you okay?

Why did you leave camp?

You're not supposed

to wander around alone. It's not safe.

The lady said that the seniors

wouldn't be able to bully me up here.

What lady?

Over here!

She's up there.

Zaffan found her.


How did you get up there?

Don't try to climb down.

We'll go for help.

I can go.

I can get the campsite manager.

You and you, go with her.

The youth cadets

successfully completed

the recent weekend camp session.

I want to commend all of the cadets

for their achievements working as a team.

I'd also like

to give a special commendation

to our newest cadet member.

Not only did she pass

all the required modules,

she also showed

natural leadership and bravery,

which should set an example for others.

Please put your hands together

for Nur Zaffan binti Azman.

Congratulations, Zaffan!

Students, you are only a few months away

from your final exams.

Those who are at the top now

will likely succeed,

while those who are at the bottom

I'm not sure what'll happen to them.

Once again, I'll read out

the names of those at the top.

First, Chiew Xin Yee.

Second, Priya Nadesan.

Her name again!

Third, Nur Zaffan binti Azman.


Farah binti Muhamad Zaid.

And fifth, Lim Khai Sim.

Congratulations to you all!

And good luck to our school

First you join the cadets,

and now you want to be a prefect?

I don't want to be a prefect.

Why do you keep copying me?

Can't you leave us alone?

Why would I want to copy you?

I got third place. You got fourth.

I can't do it.

Here, empty it out.

What's wrong with you?

-Why are you wearing them?

-Why can't I?

Don't be awkward.

We're at home, take them off.

I don't want to!

-Stop it, Mom!

-What's got into you?

Zaf! Come here!

Go, then! Don't bother coming back!

I hate them all!

Come out.

She's in there.

Go on.


We want to check you weren't

on your period at prayers today.

If you're not hiding anything,

you can just show us, right?

Come out!

Don't touch me!

Shut up!

Keep still!

I said keep still!

Is this for real?

Guys, look at this.


Farah, look at this.

Puteri, hold her legs down.

You're a slut.

You'll be pregnant in no time.

You can be our human sacrifice.

Keep still!

You know what? Your smell makes me sick.

Every time I see you I want to vomit.

Get away from me!

What's happened to you?

Miss, she won't stop shaking. Help!

What happened here?

Get her away from me!

She's sick!

Take me home!

I need to clean my whole body.

Call the medical center.

Sir, where are you taking her?

Call the medical center now!

Who has a phone?

Doesn't anyone have a phone?

What's going on?

Get up!

Have you seen Farah?


as I was saying,

I have someone very important here

to talk to you.

Let's all listen carefully

to what he has to say to us today.


Peace be upon you.

I didn't hear you answer my greeting?

On the count of three,

I want everyone to say:

"Good Morning, Dr. Rahim."

One, two, three!

Good morning, Dr. Rahim.

I know it's a pain,

sitting there in the hot sun.

Look over there.

I think that even your teachers

are bored!

So trust me when I say

that I'm not here to waste your time.

But you all need to understand

the reason I'm here.

I'm here to talk about something very



Good morning, sir.

Good morning. Be seated.

I will take the attendance

before we start class.

When I call your name,

please raise your hand.



Apparently, Miss Azizah was affected too.

Who were the other girls there?

They've locked all the toilets

and classrooms on the top floor.

Can the thing still be there?

I don't know.

It seems that none of them

remember anything.


Eliza is present.

Why are you late?

Hurry up!

What's your name?

I'm talking to you.

-What's her name?



Is Eliza present? Oh, yes.



Zaffan is present.

All right.

As you all know,

I'm replacing Miss Azizah today.


Meet me at the disciplinary office

after class.


Right, open your textbooks to chapter six.

Troops, line up!

Troops, straighten your lines.

Face forward.

At ease.

Stand easy.

Good morning, students.

Good morning, miss.

I'll now hand over

to our troop leader, Izza,

to do today's marching practice.


Go on, Izza.

Troops, left turn.

Check one, two.

Troops, from the left, forward march.

Left, right, left.

Left, right, left.


Check one, two.

Troops, from the left, forward march.

Left, right, left


Check one, two.


Move out of the way.

Tell it to go away!

Bring me my kit!

There's a black shadow!

I saw it!

They've all been affected

by the presence of something dark.

Very dark.

Dr. Rahim will try his best

to drive the evil presence far away.

You're lucky.

The presence is still weak here.

The presence is still weak.

Once we find the source

we can banish it.

Come out!

I know you're there.

Come out!

You should leave!


Don't come near me!

Where are you?

Come out!

I know you're there.

I saw you when you were in the water.

Come out!

I don't want to go back to school.

Neither do I.

Don't film me.

I'm not, I'm just checking something.

You're filming, I can see.


Let's live here forever.

Yes, let's!

We'll build a treehouse.

I'm serious.

I'm serious too.

This place,

right here.

No one can find us.



-What are you playing with?

-A rock.

A rock? And now you're gonna throw it?

I'm not going back to school.

Stop this nonsense.

Let go!

Get out!

Don't touch me!

Get out!

Get out!

Don't touch me!

Get out!

You have to promise me

that she won't get hurt.

You're all welcome at my treatment center.

If you need any assistance,



my doors are always open.

Please feel free to contact me.

You can WhatsApp me,

DM me on IG, or Facebook.

My Facebook page

has plenty of testimonies.

Have a look. Share it, like it.

It's strong here.

I feel a strong presence.

Mr. Azman.


Please sit closer.

That's fine.

Those at the back can move in closer.

And those who are afraid,

you can watch with your eyes closed.

No siblings?


What about her friends?

I don't want to.

I don't want to sit next to her.

Look at your friend.

She's suffering.

Don't you want to help her?

Don't you want to see her better?


Don't you want to see her better?

I do.

Hold her tight.

She'll struggle and ask to be let go.

She'll howl, beg and cry for help.

But you have to remember that this

this girl in front of you here

is no longer your daughter.

We'll start now.

You can use your phones.

You can film it on your phones.

Remember to tag Dr. Rahim.

Okay, we'll start.

If you don't want to feel any more pain

reveal yourself.

Come out.

Come out.

It seems it doesn't want to cooperate.

Give me my kit.

Ladies and gentlemen

This product

never disappoints.

Hold her mouth open.

Open it.

Just a bit.

Keep patting. It wants to come out.

Let me go.

Where do you want to go?

If I let you go, where will you go?

If I set you free,

you have to promise me

you'll never come back.

Can you?

You'll leave here


How about that?

Do you understand what I'm saying?

If I let you go, you have to promise

you'll never return.

Do you understand?

Do you understand?

It's stubborn.

It's really stubborn.

Let me go!

You see that?


Come out and reveal yourself.

I want to see your face.

Come out now.

It hurts, right?


Don't touch me!

You feel that?

Come out now.

What exactly is it that you want?

What do you want?

Come out.

Reveal yourself.

Come out.

She doesn't want anything!

Just let her go!

Be quiet! Be quiet!

-This looks fake.

-Be quiet!

This guy's a fraud.

Would someone like to take my place?

Go right ahead.


What's with this water nonsense?


Stop it! Tell him to leave!

Come out and reveal yourself!

Come out now!

I'll k*ll it!

Stop it!

Hold her down.

We have to b*at her

until it reveals its true self.

Here, hit her.

Hold her down.

Hit her!

Go on, hit her!

Grab her.


Don't let that animal get away!

Catch it.

Can you grab your daughter?

Go on.

Grab her!


I would like

to wish all our seniors good luck

as they begin their final-year exams.

I hope you have all worked hard.

For those who are still not ready,

l guess it's too late now.

One more thing,

because I've had to remind you all

too many times

please pay close attention

to the new curfew.

All students are to be accompanied

by a parent or guardian

when travelling to and from school.

I don't want to see anyone

wandering off home alone.

Do you understand?

I'm going to find her.

She's gone, Farah.

What are you wearing?



Let me just sit out here.

Maybe she'll come back.

I want to wait for her.

Show me your uwu!

Where are you?

I've found you!

I know I've found you!

I know you're there!

Mariam, stop!

Wait for me!


Stop it!

It's okay, Farah, I'm fine.

It's okay, Farah.

Okay, ready?

One, two,
