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01x09 - Speechless In Animalia

Posted: 02/18/24 09:45
by bunniefuu

in the kingdom of Animalia on a rock

whose name is unpronounceable their

lives one who is ever alert who is

always ready to face danger which is a

good thing because danger he rocks here

there and everywhere

looking like the lurker that she is and

in these troubled times the voices cry

hello for a hero to come to the rescue

so this is the story of just such a hero

who sprang to real life life leanness

and made all the bad things run away

like a little baby scaredy cats that

they are but first we must begin at the

beginning so let us begin with the fair

damsel in distress well she's not

exactly in distress she in this pants

and shirt her name as lovely as her head

is Zoey

oh no I'm so frightened

knock it off Alex how'd you know it was


who else is bouncing all over an Amelia

through those portals give me a break

but admit it for a second that I scared

you just a little right oh yeah

terrifying eyeball staring out of some

weirdo tunnel give it a rest ah

you're no fun maybe I'll go spook the

boo-boo there's a good use of your time

oh and you hey I'm almost at the lair of

the fire king Wow don't let me interrupt

later gotcha


Alex I told you to quit it quit what

home brother

ho sister


this way


trouble I am thinking maybe yes


fear not fair Zoey for I should save you

from the reason of your ear piercing

screams I work better when I have an

audience very well I shall face the

evilness without benefit of applause oh

hello how are you nice to see you

lurking about



dico really works for me

thanks a lot Iggy you're so welcome for

running away faster than we could know I

was simply and rapidly leading the way

to a Knothole of hiding right Zoey you

know that my life is dedicated to

protecting you yeah at a safe distance

where it's safety first but look I am

now reading for your protection the

virtual owners manual for being daring

Don Quixote by Miguel Cervantes oh I see

now when something bad comes along you

can throw a book at it no as your night

I am honing my skills to rescue you oh


Iggy what can you do you're the size of

a boot I will prove my bravery to her

maybe in a week or two

fear has gripped Animalia and for good

reason it seems the eyes are on us

according to eyewitnesses we are being


I urge everyone to remain calm that

didn't work out so well this is a

problem a big problem a big scary

problem fear not I will protect you

yeah writing Schuster forces are out

there friends you must be prepared for

what thieves who pull the wool over your

eyes and the carpet under your feet pick

pockets you pick your pocket what I

don't have any pockets because they were

picked what can we do sign up for my new

bodyguard buddies 24 hours a day well

watch over you

laughter where we were your personal

safety crew what's it cost just sign

here here and here when will this

service start as soon as you check

clears buh-bye now Haley and Harbin

aren't going to protect anyone are they

sure they're going to protect me from

being poor


and so as fear spread throughout the

land from elephant - Rhino - zebra -


- stink bug the time had come for a hero

to answer the call of destiny I am just

such a hero

the lizard descendant of Don Quixote I

am Don iguana the Avenger of the night


in the darkest hour when the moon she is

nigh when I ball swimming the pools of

sleepy juices evilness hides in the

shadows that are also available

a fearless figure steers through the

night protecting the innocent person in

the palace and making the world safe for

all who are us he is a Don iguana

the Avenger of Animalia or did I already

say that whatever





the enemy has been vanquished me my very

own personal hero and he's a cutie


enough with all the hoodie hooding

already thank you

there's a new hero in town a dashing

figure being called the venture has

arrived on the scene and come to the

rescue of all fear filled and a millions

hey save me somebody tacker can you

describe the attacker in a word leafy

well if this guy's the real thing maybe

you could take hero lessons from him egg

laughs dear Zoey dome a heart she be

breaking nice Zoey you hurt his feelings

I didn't mean it I was just kidding

okay okay I'll apologize piggy piggy


would it mean you're canceling who needs

bodyguard buddies when the venture is


let's fly-by-night charlatan he can't be

everywhere at once that's not what I

hear he's the watchdog for the weak the

protector of the peaceful the guardian

of the good and he's the end of my

profits I'm not gonna let that do-gooder

put me out of business

whoa Harry start your engines and so as

night falls like a to scoop ice cream

cone going whoopsy on the floor the

Avenger returns again to protect

Animalia and to do brave rescue II

thingies I'm getting tuckered out I mean

need to take the night off

oh excuse me very much II is that you

know it is I the Avenger what makes you

say I am this eve which you speak you

sound just like him oh all right

she wins yes it's me so you're the

Avenger hasslein cool costume - you like

the mask all over then allow me to show

you more

welcome to the iguana cage it's a rock

I'm on a budget here is where I plan my

exploits and write of my adventures and

here is what I have learned how to

become a great night oh when do you


who can sleep when there are creeps

creeping through the creepiness you must

be exhausted you don't want to know

fatigue like you cannot believe what

this book Don Quixote my hero is writing

all manner of wrongs winning eternal

renown and everlasting Fame he's dream

is my dream big how come this dumb guys

attacking a windmill he thought the

windmill was a giant dragon meat it

could happen to anybody

no it couldn't but it could happen to

you if you don't relax yeah yeah sure

whatever so you want to be my sidekick

oh yeah absolutely but I want a cool

name like wonder ape your new name would

have to wait destiny calls



come out of your picking place you

spooky eyeballs and face me face to face



go ahead and burn like the scaredy

eyeballs that you are but you cannot

hide from the watchful eye of the

Avenger well there I was surrounded by

big scary eyeballs oh staring and

glaring and whatnot and alone came the

vendor to rescue me from sir

Wow that guy really is a hero oh you

seem son

maybe hiss oh definitely I've seen those

eyeballs creepy and as Animalia buzzes

about his mysterious new hero we offer

this musical salute




I think the Venge amay have a fan

I think the Avenger maybe hit one final

note the vendor is no longer alone on

his daring exploits he was being joined

by a partner who's known simply as the

green glop I want a new name you were

supposed to skip the fur off everyone to

drum up business what happened there

were technical difficulties beyond our

control meaning we have no idea what

that means

no we just fought it sounded good if

those eyeball masks would scare anyone


it's time to go bigger with what bigger

and spookier fake eyeballs and if that

vendor runt shows up this time I want

you to scare him into next year got it

gory tired huh I haven't had much sleep

lately late nights

Iggy there's something I've got to tell

you I am all ears though you cannot see

them I'm sorry I made that wisecrack

about you taking hero lessons I was

kidding but I think I may have hurt your

feelings forgive me

of course Zoe and now there is something

I must tell you but you must promise to

tell no one okay okay what is it I am

devendra what the daring hero we're

saving everybody and everything and so

forth that's me oh you don't have to

make stuff up to impress me I like you

just the way you are what this hero

business is not all it's cracked up to


I still want a new name I need a good

night's sleep that's Zoey in trouble is

now our narrow dude this sounds like a

job for venom I'll ask there is no rest

for the duels of goods at any time games

you can pop up and spin around and we'll

be talking about I really need to take a


I've been up all week hey you can't do

this vendor thing every night it'll wear

you down if you don't sleep your mind

will start playing tricks on you

you may be right I gotta go

duty calls

okay this is officially my least

favorite place in Animalia peanut for

your screams have been heard by Don

iguana aka the Avenger a be assisted by

my loyal sidekick the green globe

definite name change on the way I was

like what did scared shiet

I was no doubt attached to giant heads

and giant bodies which means I believe

we're dealing with giants the smart

thing to do is run away but after

reading Don Quixote every night and

being punchy from tiredness I choose

another option

I've got a giant close anyone would harm

the perfect stupid of niceness taste my


did you escape after them you cannot

escape the Justice of Avenger large

giant so the eyeballs were faked out all

along but who would have tyrannical


you don't want suit back

you shall not do harm to my Stefan he's

gone totally Quixote hey that's that boo

he keeps reading forgot the goofy night

we'd better figure out how to stop him

before he gets hurt Giants it's all in

your head she is not a giant exactly

she's a fire-breathing dragon


let me get this straight

you were overpowered by a three-foot

long iguana he was a Frank possessed he

was unfinished with this I'm gonna turn

that iguana and dog Wacha moley



I'm gonna crush you like a bug Don

Quixote eventually became so carried

away with being a knight that he lost it

still rebelling windmills thinking they

were giants so if he's acting like his

hero he needs to pull out now




now in smashing my sweet dinger Thank

You Donny Guana I'm grateful big you've

got to snap out of this Don Quixote

fantasy yeah Quixote is not real he's a

fictional character it flipped his wig

remember the windmills egg hmm

Quixote thought they were Giants

oh not giant

not giant I wanted to be a knight for

you Zoey and your brave knight EGH but

don't do it for me you're funny

smart brave the coolest lizard I know

and you're one of the best friends I've

ever had so you don't have to fight real

or imaginary Giants for my sake I like

you just the way you are

Zoey your words make me feel as tall as

the mountains that touch the sky and so

our story comes to a close the green

creature remained under the spell of the

handsome hero that cutie behind the

vengers mask the spooky eyeballs it was

the work of the striping one who was

trying to frighten us all and wound up

getting frightened himself


oh I got him could and wildest adventure

ends never forget should Animalia ever

need a bearing hero to fight for us


i tonig wanna the avenger eggy i am

available but not tonight tonight i'm

doing some heavy snows in buenos noches


