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02x02 - Whistling in the Dark

Posted: 02/18/24 09:54
by bunniefuu

Livingston sometimes it seems like

nothing we do helps the core stay

positive reading the cores just going

through a phase it'll pass

we just need to keep trying and hoping

for good things to happen then I'll keep

wishing and hoping

that was nor on my wish list

d course board she ended not far from


follow me then hatchery I follow you hmm

no sign of the Whistler for the course

for over here someone got to it before

we did not good bad very bad

if you turn if not nice we find

ourselves in a no-win lose-lose

situation of much stinkiness

what's another gloom and doom chair look

on the bright side maybe Livingstone

founder nope not me actually three

course bore blasted off into the night I

don't know if the cores going to recover

from this one not good bad very bad

I go in me to quit you never quit what's

going on I don't know maybe the missing

calls for is something to do with the

way we're feeling which is sad like we

have no hope for good things to happen

in the future you can't give up hope so

he's right we've got to fight this no

matter how hopeless we feel let's find

those missing core school by the way

Livingston weird some weird whistling

out there really what if it sound like

it was and and huh the last part was put

in by me to lighten up this moment since

everyone is acting all bummed out did it


oh great now I am bummed out even more

come on


who are the pancake specials we've got

six pancake specials on the breakfast

menu which one Oh eat drink and be merry

for tomorrow with looking iffy coming

right up

whoa it's time we should split up find

the course pour faster

okay let's search near the swamp girl

we'll look

I know it's time so I'm for what love to

carry out their rubbish remember a year

and a half ago I told you we were going

to have a baby is early looking forward

to it

can't wait to be Papa runo let me know

when it's time like it's time 18 months

have passed the baby is due today time

today today is due the baby today it's

time hey come on we've got to find the

course pool after we eat it's

five-eighths time l DS gonna have a baby

give her air everyone lay back you might

give up a chair sit down Mac right you

better same order you should lie down

good city is good give ever kid

tells Alice

Xabi we need more water b*at b*at tails

and layin lots of whole water whatever

you do stay calm nobody panic

stake out the proud papa

ah God he had another reason to be down

in a dumpster

oh come on keep looking we'll find it

Oh Cervantes what came over me

it's a weird sad feeling must be due to

the missing core spawn it makes you cry

if it happens again Alex I am begging

you hide me in a melon and throw away

the shoe what I don't know I'm just

making stuff up yeah property

trespassers allegro we're trying to find

a cause for did you see it you mean one

of them sparkly doohickeys it drops out

of the sky pops into the mud takes root

and grows all pretty laughs right before

your very eyes

yeah never heard of it it was right here

then some hooligan trespassers like you

two up and stole it now put in for some

of my other valuable junk goes missing

and I start whipping up some trespassers

to trap my fellow anime lian's

some not so bad news oh no and el knee

are about to have a baby

so cheer up hmm this is good the young

ones represent the future of Animalia

thank you all for sharing this moment

with us becoming a mother is a joyful

life changing experience and I am so

grateful and so happy oh no it was here

but somebody got to it before we did

again but who did you hear that or fresh

tracks leading straight into that stone

wall you think this Whistler can walk

through walls or walk through a portal


wish Alex were here he could probably

spot it look out the Blues feel better

yeah that's okay you keep it huh let's

keep looking drat we got us some

business to hash out fuchsia allegra and

i need to discuss this matter in private

why don't you run out and buy a gift for

el knee and her nose baby take your time

spend as much as you want a gift from

Theo Gannicus spend as much as you want

this has one written all over it he

up to the no good I hear tail on the

underground grapevine that y'all paid

good mama Leone's for one of these here

sparkly you hear tell correctly what do

you want this shiny spot for any Hey oh

it's not for me

I'm representing a third-party client in

this offer he's uh shall we say a

collector how much she gonna pay for it

let's make a deal

shall we we found where the cost ball

landed but your course bore

Wow yes according to my research the red

centre indicates a loss of positive

energy about the future just as we

feeling worried about the future so is

the core proof positive that the missing

course book contained the seeds of Hope

which play a big role in anime Leah's


let's check the catacombs maybe there's

a clue in an Amelia's past about what

the seeds of hope mean to the future ah

the Whistler coming from here in the


breathe inhale need and let it out

slowly it is only who is teach a feeling

ill knees doing a little breathing

exercise I taught her to use when the

baby arrives breathe in and release

sorry for the interruption

your turn or no breathing hmm

and really release or no release comest

father I've ever seen

a tree has seeds seeds of hope he's my

family tree look penny baby me and my


my ancestors Haga boo boo you coming

what would you say if I told you I heard

the voices of my ancestors what'd they

say if you ask us we will guide I'd say

listen to them my grandma says our

ancestors are never really gone if

they're not forgotten

you're holding a compass that would have

been my second guess wait a sec I've

seen one of these before


a super portal there's one in the

library the room of legends hope springs

eternal in the heart in the mind bit of

all hope is lost the seeds you must find

the room of Legends has clues to use by

the midnight hour when all the seeds

you'll lose and the core will lose its

power uh-oh


nice work now I have all three course

for what are you gonna do with him

wheeze I mean what good are they except

in the core where they belong I rather

kiss I am I paying you adequately enough

to buy your silence and loyalty sure

then don't ask so many questions

answer him what are you going to do with

the car spa you let yourself be followed

what are you thinking uh future how dare

you allow yourself to follow me what are

you doing dealing with this cleaner

future stay calm healing and selling

Kasbah you're in way over your head here

and I am Telling livingstone she speaks

to a living soul about any of this it's

your hide

now stop her


Alex Zoey try to find that room of

Legends I need to keep working on the

core better read this Livingston the

core will lose its power I will not give

up and the cores not giving up either do

boo boo Giggy while Alex and Zoey search

for the room of Legends do whatever you

can to track down those missing calls

for gotcha big Earl we only have to myth

like so hurry I know

hey Ana how's it going bit over whelming

night being a popper diaper-changing

lullabies singing first steps first

words kindergarten grade school

read/write multiplication oh no wait

what 7 times 8 oh no I forgot no worries

hon we're in this together

wait there are symbols here come on


the legend room has clues to use by the

midnight hour what about this that's

just a rock suey

fuchsia let me explain what's to explain

you ends that creepy thing are up in Zak

cahoots and I'm telling living style

won't let you try and stop me

listen this course bought deals with

major Millions and I'm cutting you in on

it a 50-50 split I have put up with your

dirty deals for a long time to Atticus

why because I hoped you would change

well guess what you never did and now I

don't hope anymore and you can keep my

split I quit No


mmm these are the tracks of an iguana

eating monster

I suggest we evacuate the area


boo boo my ancestors said to look here

for the portal few spot on

so he was right how ancestors are never

really gone if they're not forgotten

lost in the portals I gotta read this


The Legend of Sleepy Hollow desta from

our world in here too this must be some

sort of special room like a room of



whoa whoa another portal

good I Spy sketch boy


we've got to get out of here but we

don't know where this one leads

we don't know who's whistling either Oh

what library oh okay so it's almost

midnight but we've got to get back to

Animalia but we can't because we're

stuck in the metro library could it get

any worse uh-huh

we forgot the box


Steve focused babies on the way El Nino

to your breathing exercise hate to admit

it but if anything's hopeless it's this

there's no way back to the room of

Legends quit being a quitter I'm just

saying how do we end up stuck in the

metro library just when Animalia needs

us most got an idea come on


Alex zone how man help you here

he sounds just like Livingston time's

a-wasting I'm a very busy librarian

right um we'll make this quick do you

have any books about a place called the

room of legends yes the room of legends

in the fantasy section didn't think

they'd have a book here about a room

that's there did you

no but I'm glad you did got it I know

the box it was right here

step aside you're Anika's but until you

promise you won't tell anyone anything

about what you saw tonight oh it's

hopeless I give up you win I do I

wouldn't yes why don't we be friends

again I would like that very much

oh I'm sure you would bonsoir


I don't think the core can withstand

much more of this look this is all you

found well not exactly

we found a bunch of stuff but I think

that Whistler pinched it off that's it

the answers are there but we didn't find

this in the room of Legends

it's from the Metro library I know but

don't you see how walls are connected

the room of Legends is the nexus between

our world and yours that's why you ended

up there to find this book something in

that book has got to be the answer

is the baby here yet soon I think you'll

be able to call yourself Papa rights

around midnight

oh cool Moselle Papa in matter of





you are right your boo-boo the wizard

took him now we're gonna take him back

I'm begging you please

if you tell Livingston it's my hide so

that creep threatened you I don't want

to lose my hide I needed to hang my fur

on and I have to tell Livingston it's

the only way to save you sorry goo boo

boo hi zoo Casper

yeah I found him on a pile of junk in

the tunnels just in time too we are the

chubby heroes yes


with these hope for the future will be

restored and the call will not lose its


I heard that creep he had all three

gospel why did he give them up maybe

didn't elect them anymore after paying

massive memory and fuzzy who can explain

the fickle lifestyles of the rich and

infamous unless those answer real gospel

they are not the real gospel I don't

know he wouldn't tell me what he was

gonna do with them do you realize what

you have done


let go of me now I'm afraid I can't

allow that who's healthy again

something's wrong where did you find the

cause boy in the tunnels

we followed the track tracks show me

look those looks just like TC who the

animal I helped inside the tunnels

remember he was stuck there I've always

wondered what happened to him he's a

ferret or something he's a weasel what

did you say he called himself TC his

initials PC stands for the creeper look


doc and I let him out of the tunnels the

calls been poisoned those course ball

were tampered with by the creeper by the

creeper it's over it Scorpius it's not

over and it's not hopeless

there's a whole chapter on the core in


I didn't read all of it but this part

talks about something called the

Supersport the soup was poor I've heard

of it

I thought it was just a myth the

Supersport is an ancient Spore that can

cure the core it can help think the core

and Animalia like new again

we've got to find it here take a look

no we did find it in the room of Legends

it was in the box we have it I thought

it was just some old rock I put it in

the box

we heard whistling so we hid in the

metro library when we got back the box

was gone he must have taken it

Oh fuchsia what have I done


so what's the deal here am I your

captain or what not anymore you're free

to go mom well then au revoir bon voyage

and good latents um ever think of

cleaning this dumper neatness is not one

of my strong suits

I really should hire someone to bring

order to my chaos someone like you

perhaps I don't work for evil clips and

no you work for tyrannical not anymore

I'll triple whatever he was paying you

will you put that in the writing I'll go

draw out the paperwork

stay strong fuchsia keep your friends

close but your enemies

if the creeper has it does he even know

what it is does he realize the

Supersport maybe anime leas last hope

this is the darkest day of our lives

this the day I've been waiting for the

future is mine and there is no one who

can stop me this is the happiest day of

my life


new life brings new hope

